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Urchin guide customizations

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Urchin guide customizatons provide unique or otherwise different movement messaging when using the Urchin Guide system. As a rare service, you may have the opportunity to urchin guide messaging that is unique and custom to your character. Pre-written urchin guide customizations are available at various festivals and pay events. Urchin guide customizations are accessed via URCHIN MESSAGING. Urchin guide customizations are a delayed service when the palyer is writing their own.

As a rare service, you may have the opportunity to create a unique urchin movement mssaging restricted to you. Messaging includes:

  • First Person leaving a room and travelling to a destination
  • First Person leading a group out of a room and travelling to a destination
  • Group member being led out of the room to a destination
  • Third Person Departure Messaging for a single person
  • Third Person Departure Messaging for a group
  • Third Person Arrival Messaging for a single person
  • Third Person Arrival Messaging for a group

Because valid rooms can be inside, outside, upstairs, underground, etc., the messaging cannot reference any specific environs. You cannot mention the sky or the ground. Messaging cannot be restricted to a particular town. You cannot use any transportation such as a wagon. You may move in an ambulatory manner or a magical manner.

Examples of urchin guide customizations include the following from options available at Rumor Woods:

1P: An elven page appears and listens as you indicate your desired destination. The page nods to you and leads you expeditiously to your destination.
1P + Group: An elven page appears and listens as you indicate your desired destination. The page nods to you and leads you and your group expeditiously to your destination.
3P Follower: An elven page appears and listens as Vanah issues an instruction. The page nods to Vanah and leads your group expeditiously to your destination.
3P Arrival: Vanah arrives, guided by an elven page, who bows and takes his leave.
3P Arrival + Group: Vanah's group arrives, guided by an elven page, who bows and takes his leave.
3P Departure: An elven page appears and listens as Vanah issues an instruction. The page nods to Vanah and leads Vanah away.
3P Departure + Group: An elven page appears and listens as Vanah issues an instruction. The page nods to Vanah and leads her and her group away.

1P: You consult a map and head off, confident in your sense of direction.
1P + Group: You consult a map, then lead your group away, confident in your sense of direction.
3P Follower: Vanah consults a map, nods confidently, then leads you away.
3P Arrival: Vanah just arrived, a folded map in hand.
3P Arrival + Group: Vanah just arrived, a folded map in hand, followed closely by her group.
3P Departure: Vanah consults a map and nods confidently before departing.
3P Departure + Group: Vanah consults a map and nods confidently before leading her group away.

Additional examples of pre-written urchin guide customizations can be viewed in the character customizations category.

See Also