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Valley of Gold/Tales of the Argent Mirrors (log)
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At the Valley of Gold, several presentations were made on topics in Elven and Human culture and history. This is a log of the Elven cultural presentation centering on two Argent Mirrors, Cafainiel and Adonethwen.
[Valley of Gold, Elven Clearing] Brightly hued ribbons wind up and down the massive oak tree trunks that encircle the clearing. Some carved wooden benches are arranged about the area, their surfaces carved with a variety of blooming flowers. Colorful crystal lanterns hang from varnished poles wrapped with vibrant silk. You also see a sculpture of ocean waves and sunstone. Also here: Yakushi, Jossarian, Lady Nysali, Lady Elysia who is sitting, Land Pirate Maylan who is sitting, Lady Ardtin, High Lady Avawren, Sir Cryheart, Sweetsin, Miraia, Kalaine, Beldarran who is sitting, Artans, Raeshya, Ifanna, Etanamir, Waltari, High Lord Menos, Aendir, Lady Elaerys, Lady Enestrie who is sitting, Ondreian, Lady Ysaeril You see Lady Ardtin Greyvael Illistim the Lady Councillor of Thrones. She appears to be an Elf. She is slight in stature. She appears to be venerable. She has pale blue eyes and fair, though aged skin. She has long, fine sterling hair coiled atop her head and pinned with a glimaerstone-tipped hairpin. She has a refined, high cheekboned architecture to her face and a slender, tapered pair of pointed ears. She is in good shape. She is wearing a vaalorn latticework necklet threaded with brightly shining ultramarine glimaerstones, a cowl-neck alum velvet gown, a vaalorn mesh reticule, and a pair of pointy-toed bluish grey silk slippers. You see High Lady Rohese Bayvel-Timsh'l Illistim the Patron of the Displaced. She appears to be an Elf. She is taller than average with a slender willowy form. She appears to be of a tender age. She has silver-lashed misty grey eyes and preternaturally pale skin. She has lustrous, cool silver hair arranged into a quatrefoil design and secured by a glazed porcelain hairstick dangling blue agate chips. She has naturally glossy, rose-pink tinted lips. Her composed expression has a sense of scholarly authority despite her youthful, fey-like appearance. She has porcelain-finished ivory polish brushed onto her immaculate fingernails. She has a cascade of tiny silver stars tattooed over her right eyebrow that fades into her hairline, and an inking of a faint star constellation on her neck. She is in good shape. She is holding a sheet of creamy vellum in her left hand. She is wearing a matte gold silk drawstring reticule slung over her shoulder, a cloud agate intaglio choker, a rich agate blue samite gown with an upright goldworked portrait neckline, and a pair of ivory velvet high-heeled shoes with porcelain toes. You see Aendir Silithyr the Necromancer. He appears to be an Elf. He is tall and has a lean, rangy build. He appears to be in the bloom of youth. He has keen, silver-edged coal black eyes and fair skin. He has neck length, fine glaes-sheened hair briskly combed back from the temples with a bone white tuft at his part. He has a long face, a classical nose and angular pointed ears. He has finely sculpted and refined features, save for the jagged scar that runs from the bottom of his right ear to the base of his neck. He has a silhouette of two counter-set ebon crows inked boldly on the back of his right hand. His imposing figure is obscured by a haze of shadowy black. He is in good shape. He is wearing a ruffled plum leather cravat, a dart-waisted pewter brocade justacorps with embroidered frog closures, a silver lily boutonniere cradled by thin blade-like leaves, a spherical dark glass relic caught in a black haze, a supple dark kidskin bag, a silk-backed grey jacquard waistcoat over a wing-collared lilac satin shirt, an amethyst band choked by silvered wires, some grey-on-mauve striped suede trousers, and some ash-hued leather shoes with fused bone buckles. You see Lady Elaejia Silithyr Loenthra the Aristocrat. She appears to be an Elf. She is moderately tall. She appears to have come of age. She has subtly tilted cobalt-violet eyes and fair skin. She has very long, glossy caramel-brushed blonde hair drawn sleekly upward into a single teased and inverted braid, adorned along both sides with twinned rows of needlelike barbed onyx hairpins inlaid with flowing large yellow diamond script. She has a thin-boned, gracefully angular countenance, tapering to a softly pointed chin. She has glossy white-tipped lacquer brushed onto her squared fingernails. She is in good shape. She is wearing a honey beryl dandelion pendant, a lace-cuffed silk brocade jacket, a floor-length pale citrine marbrinus cotehardie sliced with brilliant gold and ginger striations over a lustrous sunset-hued underskirt sewn with a fall of columbine blooms, a gilt-inlay ebony signet band, and some sepia leather boots fitted with gilt toe-caps. Ardtin says, "We will begin with lady Elaejia and Lord Aendir, if you will turn your ear their way." Ardtin says, "We have had two documents sent to us, each holds the topic of a different Argent Mirror from the past." Ardtin says, "For those who do not know how our rulers are chosen." Ardtin says, "The Council of Thrones is consists of past Argent Mirrors who have moved on from their positions." Ardtin says, "When it is time to choose a new leader for our people, we are presented with candidates and decide." Ardtin says, "We have had a male Mirror in our past, but they have been mainly women." Ardtin says, "Descendent from our illustrious founder." Ardtin says, "Today we will hear from some of your peers about two of our beloved Mirrors." Ardtin says, "Lady Elaejia and Lord Aendir will speak to you of Mirror Cafainiel Illistim." Rohese gently brushes her cool silver hair away from her eyes and, with a deft twist of her wrist, tucks it back into its bindings. Rohese smiles. Rohese applauds politely. Silima applauds politely. Jossarian nods approvingly. Ysaeril applauds. Ardtin says, "And Lady Rohese will present on Mirror Adonethwen Illistim." Cryheart applauds. Silima applauds politely. Sweetsin applauds politely. Aereinessa nods approvingly. Enestrie applauds politely. Rovvigen applauds Rohese. Taraquin applauds Rohese politely. Ardtin says, "We will begin with lady Elaejia and Lord Aendir, if you will turn your ear their way." You incline your head. Aendir smiles. You set about preparing yourself to be as presentable as possible. Speaking to you, Aendir asks, "Perhaps explain why we are presenting this, dear Cousin?" You nod at Aendir. You pleasantly begin, "My dear cousin," she pauses, glancing at Aendir, "Obliges me on occasion by spending an afternoon perusing the shelves at the Library Aeis looking for horticultural books." You say, "Having come from Loenthran lands, the flora's preferred climes here occasionally escape me." You lightly continue, "Recently though, our attention was diverted by a section of new historical research, because he noticed it made mention of a former Loenthran queen." You smile at Aendir. You say, "We were quite astonished at what we found, and I do hope that you all will be as intrigued as we were." Aendir nods in agreement. Ysaeril turns an inquisitive ear toward you. Speaking curiously to Aendir, you ask, "Would you like to present the introduction?" Aendir nods to you. Ardtin walks over to the bench and settles down. Aendir removes a sheet of creamy vellum from in his dark kidskin bag. Ardtin grunts. Aendir recites: "Preface to a sampled selection from the personal papers of Cafainiel Illistim, Argent Mirror between 21,067 and 23,788 Illistim." Aendir says, "These correspondences between former Argent Mirror Cafainiel Illistim and Queen Siskania Loenthra were written shortly after the reign of Cafainiel began. The documents were discovered during a recent audit of the papers of the Council of Thrones." Aendir says, "The supposed friction between these two leaders has long been a topic of speculation, but more specific details had been obscured until now." You smile at Ardtin. Ardtin grumbles. Aendir says, "What had been known prior to the discovery of these records was only that Queen Siskania inquired with the Argent Mirror about recompense for fostering some distant Illistimi relations, and that the conversation was heated enough to lead to the eventual establishment of the Council of Thrones." Ardtin says, "Always." Aendir says, "This exchange between two rulers shines new light on the relationship between these two noble Houses at the time. Unfortunately for the modern historian, the correspondence ends quite suddenly after the final missive presented below." Aendir says, "Whether what was discovered is the full account of this exchange is unknown, but the dates coincide roughly with entries in Illistimi treasury records indicating a substantial sum being transferred to Ta Loenthra shortly after the final epistle, earmarked in trust for the famed Dawn Sea Skalds." You interject, "A famed troupe from Loenthra, a favorite of Siskania." Aendir says, "According to tradition at the time, the correspondence is written in the poetic form known as Rhyme Royal, and each head of state would have taken considerable time crafting her response to fit the strict structure while capturing the full meaning of her intent." Aendir nods in agreement to you. Aendir says, "The correspondence begins with a letter from Cafainiel Illistim to Siskania Loenthra, and alternates thereafter between the two, ending with the last known response from Siskania to Cafainiel." Aendir says, "- Compiled by Hiraani Gael Illistim, Scholar of House Illistim - 22 Oleasta in the year 5119." Rohese places a hand over her heart. Aendir tilts his head slightly, turning his attention to you. He regards you in a measured fashion, collecting his thoughts. Speaking to you, Aendir asks, "Shall we begin?" Aendir says, "Here we have the Mirror speaking first." You take a deep breath. You recite: "Our dearest Queen Siskania, bright as garnet, With crown of poesy, song and amethyst soul's shell, On even dull days, your light shines incarnate." You recite: "The work of weaving suits your soft hands not well, And whispers sly and cruel bring slight burnish, belle." Rohese bites her lip. Ysaeril gives a short little hum of surprise. You recite: "We await assured upon sincere regrets Tendered hither from thy coronet." Aendir smiles. Aendir recites: "Beloved Reflection, we bid you good word Of faith and cheer, your grace ever in view. We trust our Winter's thaw hath not been interred." Aendir recites: "With confidence you ought not misconstrue Our clear intent ne'er meant to be untrue." Aendir recites: "For as the Peacock rests ever aground, The Harpsong riseth clear and pure in sound." Avawren laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement. Rohese quietly comments, "Oh my!" You recite: "Aground you say but fail to understand, The peacock's plume looms brighter than a song." You recite: "Heard and lost with flowing time's quick sand, While beauty beheld reigns the heart lifelong." You recite: "Fleeting too, the wind of speech headstrong Storms squall'd, beating in vain a marble palace, Borne with poise, the ill tuned harp's poor coarseness." You smirk at Aendir. Aendir mutters under his breath. Aendir recites: "Feather and scroll do not withstand harsh time Iv'ry tower, silvered glass doth shatter." Ysaeril clasps her hand over her mouth. Rohese giggles to herself. Aendir recites: "Where word and song doth echo like strong twine And persist through an age, on shameful matter." Aendir recites: "One's deeds, while shelved like fine red wine Ordained to be imbibed with fame or shame. We take heed of offense, needless blame." Aendir folds his arms over his chest. You shake your head. You recite: "Indeed we see now, truest color of the harp, Affinity with Sun's fleeting offspring Hath made strings plucked ring sour, nay, e'en sharp." Rohese presses a hand to her chest, inhaling and exhaling slowly. You recite: "We pray thee soon recall thy blood, pure flowing And cleave to East more than to West's keening." You recite: "A soothing word, spoke all in softness may Bring swift end to churlish disarray" Avawren covers her mouth, then gives a small, discreet cough. Aendir laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement. Aendir recites: "Knowledge, is the key to eternity. Ware what lies hidden, pain of truth revealed, Unveiling one's false paternity." Aendir recites: "Regretful tale, so anxiously concealed. To Her clear reason, we hath appealed." Jossarian chuckles to himself. Aendir recites: "Harp, The Rose, Wyvern, and Leaf. Word could reach and flood each Fief." You smile at Aendir. Aendir says, "The correspondence either ends here, or further letters have been lost with time." Ysaeril flushes slightly, some color reaching her cheeks. Rohese softly exclaims, "Well!" Aendir says, "We thank the Mirror and her Council for allowing us to present this piece of shared history." Silima applauds politely. Ardtin says, "Hrm." Cryheart applauds. Raeshya applauds. Maylan applauds loudly. Avawren applauds politely. Aendir's bow is graceful, if perfunctory. He follows the bow with a brief nod of his head. Hands moving gracefully, you sink down in a formal curtsy. Ardtin says, "Mirror's should speak plain... Just say what you mean." Speaking softly to Aendir, Rohese exclaims, "Quite a find!" Rohese softly says, "Thank you both for sharing such an amazing insight." Ardtin says, "And listen to their elders." Ardtin grumbles. You say, "I found the double meanings to be quite fascinating, a true artform." Orelwen says, "I find it rather... fun to discourse in such a poetic manner." Ardtin says, "Excellently told though." Aendir graciously says, "Thank you." Orelwen says, "Even should words get heated, there is a slight romanticism to the words." Ardtin says, "And a treasure that should be on display in the museum." You smile at Ardtin. Silima nods in agreement at Orelwen. Speaking to Orelwen, you agree, "Just so." Ardtin says, "I will talk to them scholars to see about adding it when they finish renovating." You gaze with interest at Ardtin. Ardtin says, "If of course, they still listen to us." Ardtin stares off into space. Ardtin says, "Now." Ardtin says, "Thank you two, it was an excellent display and interesting, I am going to push those scholars to search for more." Ardtin says, "Eh." Ardtin turns to face Orelwen. Ardtin says, "Yer one of mine I think." You smile at Orelwen. Ardtin says, "I would know our look anywhere." Ardtin says, "Now." Ardtin says, "Lady Rohese." (Rohese takes a small step forward.) Rohese clears her throat. Ardtin asks, "You have some information about one of our other Mirrors?" You see Lady Orelwen Greyvael the Handmaiden to the Argent Mirror. She appears to be an Illistim Elf. She is moderately tall and has a balletic figure. She appears to be very young. She has strikingly bright amaranthine eyes and radiant gardenia-white skin. She has waist-length, thick argent white hair swept into an elegant roll atop her head. She has a slender face, a petite button nose and a small beauty mark just above her petal-shaped lips. She is in good shape. She is wearing a series of cascading filaments strung with sapphire and silver glass beads, a silvered blue cotton halter sundress with embroidered sapphire embellishments along the waterfall hemline, a simple white satin reticule, and some multi-strapped silver suede sandals lofted on cork wedge heels. Rohese nervously says, "A brief preface before I begin, if I may." Rohese clears her throat. Ardtin says, "Of course." Rohese softly begins, "Since the death of my father, I have been attempting to catalogue the Bayvel library and our family's extensive art collection." Rohese places a hand over her heart. Rohese softly says, "A part of our archive includes a selection of poetry books dating back 40,000 years, which can be attributed to Adonethwen Illistim." Rohese smiles. Aendir gazes proudly at Rohese. Rohese softly says, "Baron Dunrith Malwind may recognize one volume in particular from this collection, since it was gifted to him at the Court Session back in the year 5118 - or 54,225 as we Illistimi reckon time." Rohese smiles quietly to herself. Bristenn inclines his head. Rohese softly says, "As a result, I was approached by one of the curators of the Hanesyddol Museum recently, who had stumbled across a sheath of papers dating back to the reign of Analadhia, some 10,000 years later." Rohese softly says, "Amongst this sheath of papers was a fragment of poetry, which has since been verified by and documented by myself, and other Illistim Loremasters and scholars, as being part of Adonethwen's early work." Rohese glances at a sheet of creamy vellum in her hand. Rohese softly says, "Today, I would like to share the research paper and the actual extract of the poem with you all." Rohese smiles. Rohese softly says, "If you will allow me." Rohese clears her throat. Rovvigen softly says, "Be honored." Rohese softly says, "It's entitled, The Unfinished Lullaby." Rohese softly says, "Adonethwen, grand-daughter of Linsandrych Illistim, was born in the year 5876 and reigned as Argent Mirror in her own right for over 2500 years." Rohese softly says, "Little is known of the golden-haired elf, other than the poetry she left behind and the love she bore for her only son, Celemerun, later known as The Beautiful or The Lame." Rohese softly says, "In the year 6243, Adonethwen and her older sister, Adeliane, were sent to Ta'Loenthra to be tutored by a distant relative well versed in the arts." Rohese glances between Aendir and yourself. Rohese smiles quietly to herself. Rohese softly says, "The beauty of the lush green countryside, with its vineyards and orchards, and the marble-lined streets of the city proper inspired the young heiress to take up both the quill and paintbrush, but writing was her first love." Rohese softly says, "Summoned home, after an infectious disease broke out, her sister fell ill and eventually died in the year 6465." Rohese glances at a sheet of creamy vellum in her hand. Rohese softly says, "With her interest in the arts piqued - and anxious to accommodate the grieving sibling - her mother, Ananaon, sought out a governess within the ranks of the Illistim Loremasters and Adonethwen resumed her studies." Rohese softly says, "She learned quickly and soon became adept at music, drawing, and poetry; her particular favorite poetic form being the sestina." Rohese smiles. Ysaeril places a hand over her heart. Rohese softly says, "It is fair to say that Adonethwen did a considerable amount of reading of both the serious and popular literature of the time - her grandmother having been responsible for establishing the Library Aies." (Silima brings two fingers to her left temple as her eyes screw shut. Her breathing becoming labored.) Jossarian gives a sidelong glance at Orelwen. Rohese softly says, "She drew from the vast resources at her disposal and became a prolific writer herself." Rohese softly says, "Her early works were generally based around the frivolous pursuits of the young, those of love and friendship, and it wasn't until late into the millennia that her more meaningful poetry started to be critically acclaimed, resulting in a series of six volumes being published." Silima walks over to the bench and settles down. Rohese softly says, "The first centered on the virtues of innocence as embodied by children." Rohese places a hand over her heart. Rohese glances up. Rohese softly notes, "Hence it's relevance as a gift to his Grace, the Baron." Rohese softly says, "And the Talador situation." Rohese smiles. Rohese softly continues, "The second and third dealt more with the virtues of temperance and charity, using her own upbringing as inspiration." Rohese softly says, "Entitled Dynastic Struggles, the fourth and fifth volumes both expanded on her court experiences and centered on the virtues of justice and courtesy." Rohese softly says, "Hailed as evoking a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience, her sixth and final volume dealt with the subjects of subjugation and betrayal." Rohese bites her lip. Rohese softly says, "A recently discovered fragment of poetry can be attributed to Adonethwen. Locked away in the vaults of the Hanesyddol Museum was a sheath of papers dating back to the reign of Analadhia." Rohese smiles. Rohese softly says, "As a descendant of Celemerun's illegitimate son, Analadhia's family can be traced back to Ta'Loenthra where it is no surprise that they stowed important historical documents relating to their questionable bloodline and Illistimi society in general." Rohese softly says, "The Unfinished Lullaby, as it was later titled, references Adonethwen's baby son and has since been verified by Illistim scholars as having been penned by her hand." Rohese softly says, "Written in the classic sestina form, the poem adheres to the strictures of arbitrary order yet enhances the subject matter that it echoes." Rohese clears her throat. Rohese recites softly: "My heart doth soar o'er where you lay, As dreams carry you aloft in blissful sleep And starlight shines to lead your way, Beyond the watchful eye I keep. Soft wings of night fly where they may, And cause me not to grieve and weep." Rohese recites softly: "For all the tears that you may weep,My tender hand upon you lay And all the love that dreamers may Seek and find while they do sleep. I offer within my heart to keep To guide you on your moonlit way." Rohese recites softly: "Fear not to follow a lost star's way, As from the moon's silvered eye they weep. Whilst fallen from the night Queens' keep, They settle in the day King's arms to lay Forever in their dream-filled sleep, To wander far where e'er they may." Rohese recites softly: "My love is enduring, come what may And dreams show the soul a fairer way" Rohese softly comments, "And there it ends, sadly." Rovvigen softly says, "Beautifully written." Rohese softly says, "It was originally thought that the remaining lines and stanzas were missing, the third page having been lost through some unfortunate incident but more recent theories claim that "The Unfinished Lullaby" is simply that, unfinished, Adonethwen having set the work aside or mislaying it." Rohese softly says, "Although incomplete, it is still revered by scholars as one of the most poignant works in early elven literature and open to a wide range of interpretations." Ardtin glances at Silima. Silima glances down. Rohese softly concludes, "The document now forms part of the private Bayvel collection and can be viewed by appointment only." The long, blue samite skirts of Rohese's elegant gown puddle around her feet as she sinks into a curtsy low enough to honor royalty.