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Updating of this verb seems to be limited to Ebon Gate festivals.


The following example is for Ebon Gate 2023:

    FESTIVAL 1           - General Information
    FESTIVAL 2           - Contests and Games Schedule
    FESTIVAL 3           - Trick-or-Treat, Fishing, Herb Hunt and Spook Contest
    FESTIVAL 4           - Entrance Locations
    FESTIVAL 5           - Festival Passes
    FESTIVAL 6           - GHOUL Information and Schedule
    FESTIVAL 7           - Storyline Schedule

>festival 1
Journey to the Realm of Naidem, where the dead reside as they wait for the next phase of their unlife.  Wander through the twilit streets of Evermore Hollow, a town built on the memories of the dead and be sure to visit its various neighborhoods to learn more about those that live there.  Stroll through the haunting mist of Graveyard Temporalis to see what hovers in crypts and mausoleums, or play around in the Bittermere Woods where a haunted well and Herb Hunters can be found.  Dozens of shops are spread about through the town proper and its adjoining neighborhoods, though use caution (and a barrel key) when playing Trick-or-Treat in Endeltime Estates.
    * All times in Eastern. *
    Opening Night                    - September 29th, 9:00pm
    Shopping                         - September 30th, 9:00pm - October 31st, 11:59pm
    Games                            - September 29th, 9:00pm - October 31st, 11:59pm
    Storyline and Quest Opening      - September 29th         - October 6th
    Platinum's Merchant Week         - October 6th, 9:00pm    - October 13th, 8:59pm
    Prime's Merchant Week            - October 13th, 9:00pm   - October 20th, 8:59pm
    Storyline and Quest Closing      - October 22nd           - October 27th
    Special Event                    - October 27th           - October 29th
For a general listing of information, visit to see more details!
*The storyline begins on 9/30; please see FESTIVAL 7.

>festival 2
      * All times in Eastern. *
              PLATINUM                          ~*~                    PRIME
             -----------                         |                  -----------
  SUNDAY    10/1 -  4pm: Cryptic Chronicles     ~*~      FRIDAY    10/6  -  9pm: Blind Luck
  SUNDAY    10/1 -  6pm: Blind Luck              |       SATURDAY  10/7  -  2pm: Cryptic Chronicles
  MONDAY    10/2 -  9pm: Pyrestarters           ~*~      SUNDAY    10/8  -  4pm: Pyrestarters
  TUESDAY   10/3 -  9pm: Spooky Ciphers          |       MONDAY    10/9  -  9pm: Spooky Ciphers
  WEDNESDAY 10/4 -  9pm: Haunted Spirits        ~*~      TUESDAY   10/10 -  9pm: Haunted Spirits
  THURSDAY  10/5 -  9pm: Wheel of Misfortune     |       WEDNESDAY 10/11 -  9pm: Wheel of Misfortune
Participation in the Live Games requires an Ebon Gate Services Pass.

>festival 3

Trick or Treat returns to Ebon Gate.  Join other adventurers as they laugh and play the time-honored game of Trick or Treat.  Will you get a Treat?  Or will you struggle for your life as creatures trick you into giving it up?  This event requires a barrel key, which can be purchased in the SimuCoin store.
If you're looking for a relaxing pastime in Naidem, and you enjoy wielding a fishing pole, save up your soul shards, grab some bait and a pole, and go fishing!  Take a quiet ride on the Gleyminn Anni river and drift to one of four fishing holes.  Carry a sharp knife in your pack, though, because all of these fish have been gobbling up treasures!  Save up your soul shards - each catch will cost 50 soul shards.
 The Herb Hunt also returns this year.  Help a couple searching for the rare Toadshade in the Gardens of Bittermere Woods.  They are happy to take any herbs that you may find, but the best prize is the fabled Toadshade, a particularly shy plant that is rumored to be able to get up and walk around.  This event requires a key, which can be purchased in the SimuCoin store.
Do you have what it takes to scare the ghosts that haunt Evermore Hollow?  Find out by taking part in the Spook Contest!  Visit Town Hall and speak to the waifling about participation.  The contest runs the entire month and the top five winners will earn special titles!
Trick-or-Treat, Herb Hunt, and Fishing do not require an Ebon Gate Service Pass for participation.

>festival 4

    Icemule Trace             - Icemule Temple, Foyer
    River's Rest              - River's Rest, Underbridge
    Solhaven                  - Liabo Plaza
    Ta'Illistim               - Postern Gate
    Ta'Vaalor                 - Amaranth Court
    Teras Isle (Kharam-Dzu)   - Vaalin Street, Temple District
    Wehnimer's Landing        - Town Square, Southeast
    Zul Logoth                - Hall of Arches
    Four Winds Isle           - Oleander and Daisy
    Or use QUEST TRANSPORT EBON to travel there!

>festival 5

Service, Raffles, and Games Pass
This is a per-character pass that lasts for the duration of the event (through October 31).  If you plan to enter raffles and/or receive merchant services (including but not limited to GALD, unlock services, etc.) you will need to purchase a Service Pass.  Live Games and GHOUL also require this pass for participation.
[Note: Trick-or-Treat, Herb Hunt, and Fishing do not require a Service Pass.  See FESTIVAL 3 for more information on those activities.]

>festival 6

 ~*~ GHOUL ~*~
GHOUL is a traditional BINGO-style game.  Participation in GHOUL requires: (1) an Evermore Hollow Services and Games Pass; (2) an unused and valid GHOUL card for each "game".  Valid cards can ONLY be purchased* at the CURRENT year's festival, and they must remain blank until the game starts; and (3) a dauber in order to mark your GHOUL card.
The GHOUL area is located inside the crumbling stone crypt in the Graveyard Temporalis.  Valid cards and new daubers can be purchased in the Sorrowwood Crypt, Entry.  The game will be played in the Tombs.  There is a sign in the Tombs that covers all rules and gameplay.  PLEASE read the rules PRIOR to your first gameplay attempt!
                                  * All times in Eastern. *
              -------------                                     -------------
    SATURDAY   10/7 - 8pm  (Platinum)                THURSDAY  10/12 - 9pm (Prime)
    SUNDAY    10/15 - 1pm  (Platinum)                TUESDAY   10/17 - 3pm (Prime)
    TUESDAY   10/17 - 9pm  (Platinum)                SATURDAY  10/21 - 1pm (Prime)
    SUNDAY    10/29 - 3pm  (Platinum)                TUESDAY   10/24 - 9pm (Prime)
                                                     FRIDAY    10/27 - 9pm (Prime)
                                                     SUNDAY    10/29 - 8pm (Prime)
Grand Prizes: each session of GHOUL will offer 2 games with a grand prize for the first place winner of each of those particular games.  A grand prize is an item of better than off-the-shelf quality, and no two are the same.  The winner of any grand prize may opt to trade out for a general  prize (in which case, that grand prize will be slated for replay during the final GHOUL session of this year's festival).  Grand prizes are limited to one per character over the course of the festival.
General Prizes: all runner-up prizes (2nd and 3rd place), as well as any first place prizes for games that do not include a grand prize, will be as follows per game: choice of 1 Pre-written Signature Verb from a limited set list.  General prizes must be redeemed at the close of the game they were won during or they will be considered forfeit.  General prizes are only redeemable by the winning *character* and are not transferable in any way.  Options for the signature verb are listed here: [4]

> Festival 7

 Music and laughter, people dancing, a handsome lord returning to his lands.  Are those wedding bells?  Why is there screaming?  Is that... a head?  The Ebon Gate storyline starts on October 1st and continues through October 27th.  Specific events and other information will be announced as they become available.
* All times in eastern.


The following example is for Ebon Gate 2017:

    FESTIVAL 1                - General Information
    FESTIVAL 2                - Contests and Games Schedule
    FESTIVAL 3                - Deep Sea Diving and Fishing
    FESTIVAL 4                - Digging and Mini-Games
    FESTIVAL 5                - Entrance Locations
    FESTIVAL 6                - Festival Passes
    FESTIVAL 7                - GHOUL Schedule

    * All times in Eastern. *

    Opening Night and Discovery Week - October 1st, 9:00pm  - October 6th, 8:59pm
    Shopping and Games               - October 6th, 9:00pm  - October 31st, 11:59pm
    Platinum's Merchant Week         - October 13th, 9:00pm - October 20th, 8:59pm
    Prime's Merchant Week            - October 20th, 9:00pm - October 27th, 8:59pm

For a general listing of information, visit to see more details!
      * All times in Eastern. *

  SATURDAY  (the 7th and 14th)
    Salvaged from the Sea     - Platinum: 2:00pm on 10/7   ~*~  Prime: 2:00pm on 10/14
    Storytelling              - Platinum: 8:00pm on 10/7   ~*~  Prime: 8:00pm on 10/14

  SUNDAY    (the 8th and 15th)
    Sing Me an Epitaph        - Platinum: 2:00pm on 10/8   ~*~  Prime: 2:00pm on 10/15
    Costume Contest           - Platinum: 8:00pm on 10/8   ~*~  Prime: 8:00pm on 10/15

  MONDAY    (the 9th and 16th)
    Pick Your Poison          - Platinum: 9:00pm on 10/9   ~*~  Prime: 9:00pm on 10/16

  WEDNESDAY (the 11th and 18th)
    Anemone Anagrams          - Platinum: 9:00pm on 10/11  ~*~  Prime: 9:00pm on 10/18

  THURSDAY  (the 12th and 19th)
    Entrail Toss              - Platinum: 2:00pm on 10/12  ~*~  Prime: 2:00pm on 10/19
    Search and Rescue         - Platinum: 9:00pm on 10/12  ~*~  Prime: 9:00pm on 10/19

Participation in the Live Games requires a Caligos Isle Service Pass.


Dive into adventure, and search the Abandoned Waters for buried treasure!  While the search for unique artifacts is a well-known pastime, diving expeditions are new for 2017.  Will you search the shallow waters, or will you take a risk and dive to darker (and deeper) territory?  Beware...  Evil lurks at the bottom of the sea, and diving in these areas will require quick thinking (and perhaps use of some handy items) on your part!  Premium accounts have access to an exclusive area where heightened awareness could land you a secret cache!  Diver's Licenses can be purchased in the SimuCoin store.

If being a landlubber is more your style, and you enjoy wielding a fishing pole, save up your seashells, grab some bait and a pole, and go fishing in the tidal pools within the mysterious sea caverns.  Carry a sharp knife in your pack, though, because all of these fish have been gobbling up treasures lying on the bottom of the sea.  And, if you can cut out an egg, well...  Make sure you ask around before you act too hastily!  Save up your seashells - each catch will cost 25 seashells.
[Note: At this time, fishing skill does not relate to tiers of prizes.]

Deep Sea Diving and Fishing do not require the Games Pass for participation.

Dig along the black sands of the beach, and unbury long lost treasures!  NPCs available along the shore's edge will sell shovels in convenient 1-use and 20-use sizes.  Shovels will cost 2,000 and 40,000 silvers, respectively.

A few Mini-Games can be found in the sea caverns, and will require that your pockets jingle with silvers in order to play.  Mini-Games are not compatible with notes, so fill your pockets will silvers!

Both Digging and Mini-Games participation will require a Games Pass, available in the SimuCoin store.  Passes are account-wide and are good for one week's play time.

    Icemule Trace             - Icemule Temple, Foyer
    River's Rest              - River's Rest, Underbridge
    Solhaven                  - Liabo Plaza
    Ta'Illistim               - Postern Gate
    Ta'Vaalor                 - Amaranth Court
    Teras Isle (Kharam-Dzu)   - Vaalin Street, Temple District
    Wehnimer's Landing        - Town Square, Southeast
    Zul Logoth                - Hall of Arches
    Four Winds Isle           - Oleander and Daisy

Shopping Pass

This is an account-wide pass that lasts for the duration of the event (through October 31).  Purchasing shop wares on the EG grounds will require a Shopping Pass.

Service & Raffles Pass

This is a per-character pass that lasts for the duration of the event (through October 31).  If you plan to enter raffles and/or receive merchant services (including but not limited to GALD, unlock services, etc.) you will need to purchase a Service & Raffles Pass.  Live Games will also require this pass for participation.

Games Pass

This is an account-wide pass with a week duration (7 days).  Participation in Digging and/or Mini-Games (both have an additional in-game silvers cost) will require the Games Pass.  As always, AFK scripting any games on the festival grounds, including Deep Sea Diving and Fishing, can result in penalties that will prevent you from participating in these activities and will affect all characters on your account.
[Note: Deep Sea Diving and Fishing do not require the Games Pass.  See FESTIVAL 3 for more information on those activities.]
      * All times in Eastern. *

  FRIDAY (10/27)      - Platinum: 9:30pm  ~*~  Prime: 5:00pm
    Game 1   (Fluff-scripted Cloak)
    Game 2   (Custom Swear)
    Game 3   (Dhu Kitten)

  SATURDAY (10/28)    - Platinum: 5:00pm  ~*~  Prime: 9:30pm
    Game 4   (Custom Spell Prep)
    Game 5   (Goat Pin)
    Game 6   (Feature-hiding Cloak)
    Game 7   (Custom Signature Verb)

  SUNDAY (10/29)      - Platinum: 3:30pm  ~*~  Prime: 7:30pm
    Game 8   (Custom Logon/Logoff)
    Game 9   (Custom Endless Keg)
    Game 10  (Prophecy Mask)

Runner-up Prizes (when applicable) per game: choice of 2 Pre-written Signature Verbs from a limited set list.  Prizes are only redeemable by the winning *character*, and custom prizes are not transferrable in any way.

Participation in GHOUL requires: (1) a Caligos Isle Service Pass; (2) an unused and valid GHOUL card for each "game".  Valid cards can only be purchased at the current festival and denote you as the purchaser; and (3) a dauber in order to mark your GHOUL card.

The GHOUL area is located through the rusted gate on the eastern side of the High Plateau.  Valid cards and new daubers can be purchased in the Garden Courtyard.  The game will be played in the Greenhouse.  There is a sign in the Greenhouse that covers all rules and gameplay.