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War hammer

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The War hammer is a one-handed blunt weapon similar to a crowbill, with the addition of a hammer end on the opposite side of a spike set at a right angle to a long haft. War hammers are designed to either crush or puncture an opponent.

Alternate Names

  • fang
  • hammerbeak
  • hoolurge
  • horseman's hammer
  • skull-crusher
  • taavish

Game Mechanics

Weapon AG Cloth Leather Scale Chain Plate RT Min RT Damage Type STR/DU
AsG 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
War hammer DF .410 .290 .250 .275 .200 4 4 Puncture/Crush 60/155
AvD 25 30 29 28 27 32 30 28 26 41 37 33 29 37 31 25 19

The standard war hammer has a weight of 7 lbs.

Note: To edit this table go to Template:Weapon table war hammer

Related Articles

  • Forging - Player forged weapons gain a 2%, 4%, or 6% bonus to the DF and a +1, +2 or +3 AvD, depending on the quality.
  • Blunt Weapons - This skill is required to wield a war hammer effectively.
