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Weaving tool
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Weaving tools are often sold at events like Ebon Gate. While the tools are not necessary to use the weaving system, they enable you to use a wider variety of materials to weave. AwlThis is a tool that can be used to change a feather into a weaving item.
You analyze your slender steel awl and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item has restrictions on changing the noun." The creator has also provided the following information: This is a tool that can be used to change a feather into a weaving item. POKE the feather with the awl. This slender steel awl may be altered with either a long or show description. The noun cannot change. The material it is made out of may be changed, but it must remain something metallic. It can also be rubbed.
LatheThis is a tool that can be used to change a gem into a bead with the weaving script attached. A lathe with unlocks has also been released, allowing one to make additional items such as: disk, nodule, bauble, orb in shapes such as: carved, silver-chased, gold-chased, rune-incised, and faceted.
Locked AnalyzeYou analyze your polished steel lathe and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item has restrictions on changing the noun." The creator has also provided the following information: This is a tool that can be used to change a gem into a bead with the weaving script attached. You can POINT the lathe at a gem to see what the result would be and CUT the gem with the lathe to make a bead. This polished steel lathe may be altered with either a long or show description. The noun cannot change. The material it is made out of may be changed, but it must remain something metallic. It can also be rubbed. Unlocked AnalyzeYou analyze your polished steel lathe and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item has restrictions on changing the noun." The creator has also provided the following information: This is a tool that can be used to change a gem into a bead with the weaving script attached. You can POINT the lathe at a gem to see what the result would be and CUT the gem with the lathe to make a bead. This lathe is unlocked and can be TURNed to add style to the beads, or FLIPped to add a bead type. It could have up to two custom styles added by a skilled merchant. An oak-hafted polished steel lathe is currently 2 of 2 tiers. This polished steel lathe may be altered with either a long or show description. The noun cannot change. The material it is made out of may be changed, but it must remain something metallic. It can also be rubbed. ScissorsThis is a tool that can be used to trim ribbons so that they can be woven.
You analyze your sterling silver scissors and sense that it may be altered with either a long or show description. Based on the design, you realize that changing the noun would be impossible. While the material it is made out of may be changed, you sense that making it anything other than metallic would be useless and would weaken the integrity of the scissors.
ShearsThis is a tool that can be used to trim pelts into a weaving item.
You analyze your oak-handled shears and sense that it may be altered with either a long or show description. Based on the design, you realize that changing the noun would be impossible. While the material it is made out of may be changed, you sense that making it anything other than metallic would be useless and would weaken the integrity of the shears.
SnipsThis is a tool that can be used to trim flowers and herbs so that they can be woven.
You analyze your slender snips and sense that it may be altered with either a long or show description. Based on the design, you realize that changing the noun would be impossible. While the material it is made out of may be changed, you sense that making it anything other than metallic would be useless and would weaken the integrity of the snips.
Weaving Tool BeltThe Weaving Tool Belt is designed to hold weaving tools only.
You analyze the leather belt and sense that there is no recorded information on that item. It may or may not be able to be worked on by a merchant alterer. You can tell that the belt is as light as it can get and that its pockets could not possibly get any deeper.
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