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Wehnimer's Landing Mayor Announce Protection of Shrines From Blameless

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Announcement by Mayor Puptilian

23 Charlatos 5116

Puptilian says, "Well I kept the lot of you long enough and if someone is late I gave them enough time."

Puptilian says, "As many probably know by now, we found out that Prelate Chaston and his Blameless have attacked again."

Puptilian says, "If you do not know yet, they attacked the Order that our Falvicar and Mohgran belong to claiming that their order is corrupt."

Puptilian says, "Look to the ronanites if you want details but I am going to continue on."

Puptilian says, "We have many religions here in the Landing."

Puptilian says, "We have many shrines to both Liabo and Lornon."

Puptilian says, "We already have Imaera and some of her followers attacked here. The Blades and their fellowship have been attacked."

Puptilian says, "And we know that Prelate and most likely his Blameless will be coming in the near future back to our part of the world.

Puptilian says, "This is a town that allows all to worship as they wish as long as that worship does not break any of the laws of this town."

Puptilian says, "I hold to my word that all are welcome and all can worship without prosecustion as long as they do not break the laws of this town."

Speaking to Puptilian, Chalica says, "My main worry there is that laws can change rapidly to make worshiping a crime. Then.. well..."

Puptilian says, "I annouce that the town and the town militia will extend our protection to the shrines in the area and the people that worship there. I will send a message to the various leaders letting them know that if they so wish we will extend our patrols and place what guards we can at the various srhines."
Tykeara says, "We can save placing a guard at the Koar shrine, that's probably the only safe one." Puptilian says, "This will be up to the shrines themselves to decide if they want to take this offer. I will not force this on any one group but to offer what protections we can for all to protect their freedom." Speaking to Puptilian, Ashnak asks, "Do we know that their reasons for attackin are lies? Or are we just assumin it?" Sareyna asks, "What of the temple of ivas out near vipershroud?" Speaking to Sareyna, Puptilian says, "Again that is up to their leaders to decide if they want to take the offer or not." Eshielle says, "I doubt proclaiming faith in Koar would keep you save if slaughtering you served Chaston's ends. He'd just say your faith was false or some such." Speaking to Puptilian, Eshielle says, "Better safe than sorry." Speaking to Eshielle, Tykeara says, "Could be." Speaking heartily to Puptilian, Chamorr says, "How bout a prememptive strike when them blamless shows up." Speaking to Chamorr, Tykeara says, "I like that." Some townspeople begin to chatter amongst themselves. A few begin to openly discuss the Prelate. "He is guided by the divine." One woman claims, while others around her nod in agreement. Speaking to Chamorr, Puptilian says, "That is the next part. While it does seem that there is strong reasons to believe what the Blameless are doing is against their beliefs, a sanctioned attack without proof will only bring war again to this town." Cryheart says, "The truth shall come out townfolks." Maags says, "The townspeople like parades." Speaking to some gathered townspeople, Goldstr says, "He misguided folks." Speaking to herself, Maylan says, "His influence appears to be growing." Beldannon quietly says, "And it seems war always comes to this town." Speaking quietly to some gathered townspeople, Mohrgan says, "Don't forget who it was that sent Davard to your gates. Nor who shed blood defending them." Speaking quietly to some gathered townspeople, Falvicar says, "There is nothing divine in butchering a Ronanite camp in the name of a false prophet." Someone in the crowd of people says, "The Prelate is a joke. Just another lying politician, but in a robe." Puptilian says, "I will work with what resources we have to determine the truth but at this moment I can't sanction the town to attack....for now." Speaking heartily to Puptilian, Chamorr says, "We know they attacked falvi's group." Maylan says, "That seems reasonable." Speaking to Chamorr, Puptilian says, "We know the visions, we heard the proclaimation from Chaston. I will use what I can to find the truth of the attacks for ourselves." Beldannon quietly says, "It seems we normally wait for the next attack, the next rape, the next pillage, would be nice to be ahead for once of the curve so to speak." Aurach softly says, "How many more shrines until you can sanction ..... one? three? all of them." Speaking to Puptilian, Tykeara says, "They killed that boy." Puptilian says, "I will also warn all the shrines that the Blameless are coming soon and make sure we are prepared to defend if needed." Evia says, "Many of our town have long lanquished in a hungry and disenfranchised void during our many times of trouble. To have it filled, even by something others mistrust gives them some comfort or hope...even if misguided." Speaking to Beldannon, Maylan says, "Aye, it's true." Speaking to Puptilian, Goldstr says, "Prelate's remple in da outpost. A word wid Sir Thadston may be wise." Speaking to Puptilian, Regwen says, "I'd leave that bloodstone trinket he gave ye locked up." Speaking to Regwen, Puptilian says, "Yes." Tolan says, "An enemy approches the gates with nefarious intent, and the answer is to watch and wait. Smells of weakness." Speaking to Beldannon, Eshielle says, "It's not that simple... It's never that simple. Even if we knew where he was what would we attack? And would that even solve the problem or just create greater ones? I hate waiting as much as anyone but we... sadly... need more information." Speaking to Goldstr, Puptilian says, "Remember what Sir Thadston stated. he will not have Blameless housed there." Speaking to Puptilian, Tykeara says, "We should not offer them hospitality either." Speaking to Nyatherra, Iekid says, "War good fer us , we make lots of silver during wars." Speaking quietly to Eshielle, Beldannon says, "I hate to wait, it always seems so long. True information is good to have." Aydan murmurs, "He will use the recent commune attempt as sufficient cause for action, if he has not already. If he didn't see those who were present himself, Casiphia did." Speaking to Tolan, Eshielle says, "If slaughtering an enemy spawns two then rash action will soon lead to one being overwhelmed, regardless of your strength." One of the townspeople says, "But isn't it true, two of our own defenders performed some ritual with a known Luukosian? Has it been so long since we've forgotten the chaos brought by the Dark Alliance and their minions?" Puptilian says, "Eshielle has it correct. We need more information. How many Blameless, what is their true source of power, who has their support and no." Aurach softly says, "Actually, he corrected himself. And will house them, in cells." One of the townspeople says, "Dark alli...who?" Speaking to some gathered townspeople, Regwen says, "Not true. A cleric of Koar performed the commune." Speaking to Balantine, Eshielle says, "That much has ever been true, I think." Puptilian says, "Townspeople, one thing Chaston will ignore but holds true. Koar is called Godking because he is ruler over both Liabo and Lornon. To ignore that is to ignore who Koar really is." Sareyna says, "Why then can you yourself refuse refuse entry or shelter to chaston's soulless blameless pup." Speaking to Balantine, Iekid says, "Guess all the sorcerers got to go then." Sareyna says, "'can you not refuse rather." One of the townspeople says, "The Prelate has spoken to us, brought healing to us! Most of you have just brought more war!" Speaking quietly to Iekid, Balantine says, "We nae let the demons in town, nae sacrifices either." Speaking calmly to some gathered townspeople, Mohrgan murmurs, "You would presume to lecture me on the lessons of the Wars for the Sword? I know who that Luukosian priestess is, I know better than you could imagine." Ymira asks, "The Prelate's an Empath?" Beldannon quietly says, "Why war when you can schmore." Eshielle says, "Furthermore Koar stands for the balance and cooperation that once, even for a fleeting instant, existed between all gods. To heedlessly slaughter the followers of other faiths goes against what Koar stands for." Archales asks, "If not for the wars what would chaston have healed you of?" Regwen softly says, "How quickly they forget." Maylan says, "Healing is not exactly a miracle." Sareyna says, "Why then can you yourself not refuse entry or shelter to chaston's soulless blameless pup." Metadi reminds, "He commanded Davard's army tae march upon the Landing." Sareyna says, "There." Speaking heartily to Puptilian, Chamorr says, "Comin here whackin out folks and their ways, when he comes we needs to kick him back to Talador." One of the townspeople says, "You know her because you probably keep her bed warm!" Some of the others gasp, and step away. Speaking to Puptilian, Tykeara says, "Please refuse to house them, they are tough enough to kill helpless women and children they are tough enough to set up a camp." Nyatherra softly says, "That was rude." Puptilian recites: "Everyone here fair Townspeople put their live down for your families with no wanting of payment. We all live here as one. We live, eat, bleed, and even die as one. Many here heal, many here help in trade, many here rebuild this town next to you. We are the Landing and we are one no matter who we are and where we came from in the past" Speaking darkly to some gathered townspeople, Draccor says, "At least war sorts out the weak." One of the townspeople says, "See? Even undead." Some of the townspeople snicker. Speaking to some gathered townspeople, Aydan asks, "You feel that your leaders and others have failed you, don't you? That they didn't see to your needs the way you might have wished, yes? But Chaston Griffin spoke to you, and listened when you felt that nobody else did. Am I right?" Wolfloner says, "Chaston actions and comments prior, during and after the war with Talador remains hostile toward the landings. He should not be allowed access here." Speaking to Puptilian, Aoife exclaims, "Well said, Mayor!" Evia says, "Many of our town have long lanquished in a hungry and disenfranchised void during our many times of trouble. To have it filled, even by something others mistrust gives them some comfort or hope...even if misguided." Metadi says, "The Blameless are soulless and amoral weapons in a ruthless man's hands. The world would be better rid o' their ilk." Speaking calmly to some gathered townspeople, Mohrgan seethes, "I don't even want to know who said it. Just think on your jibes the next time you cower in your homes when this town is threatened. Cowards." Cryheart says, "Would nae be the first time that desperate folks fell into a sham artist's charm." Speaking darkly to some gathered townspeople, Draccor says, "War is good for certain trade as well." Speaking wearily to Cryheart, Eshielle says, "Happens too often for my liking to be honest with you." Speaking heartily to Puptilian, Chamorr says, "Treat them just like ya would krol." Sareyna asks, "Why then can you yourself not refuse entry or shelter to chaston's soulless blameless pup?" One of the townspeople says, "The Prelate spoke to me. He wept when I told him of the loss of my child. All I hear tonight, is pandering for my vote. You speak ill of Koar's chosen, his message is light, and healing. Shame on you." The woman steps away from the crowd and walks off. Speaking to Cryheart, Maags says, "As they did with the ROoks." Eshielle says, "Any time any trouble hits this town the first people who get the wagging finger are the defenders who bled and died outside the gates to keep your homes standing." Eshielle says, "Baffling." Ymira exclaims, "Whoa!" Cryheart says, "Shame on the wolf who leads the sheep astray." Ymira says, "The Prelate talked to her." Metadi asks, "Would Koar's 'chosen' visit war upon innocents?" Speaking to Aydan, Evia says, "Well, we tried.." Tykeara says, "Shame on the sheep for following blindly." Puptilian recites: "This town wants to stand on its own and do what it has done for many of years. We do not want someone to tell us how to live, tell us how to believe, tell us how to run our lives. This is why its the Landing. Prelate Chaston in his beliefs wants to take that away from us. Koar is the light but Prelate Chaston bends it to his own will and not the will of Koar" One of the townspeople says, "I for one, think the Prelate is misguided. He is a liar, and a sham. I know Koar, and he does not speak for him." Maags says, "They say they are the chosen, Koar has not said such." Tolan says, "Even the most sinister and ill-hearted can speak kind words and wear a mask of sincerity." Beldannon quietly says, "I just like a good fight! preferably one on our own turns, but whatever needs to be done." Ymira asks, "What the! You know Koar??" Iekid says, "Koar is over rated." Tykeara says, "Koar is not the problem." Tykeara says, "The Prelate is." One of the townspeople says, "We should burn Chaston right next to the spot where we lit up Davard." Tykeara says, "I am not even against the shrine, thought he blood marble concerns me." Ymira asks, "Who is Davard?" Tykeara says, "I am against the Prelate." Beldannon quietly asks, "Why don't you try it?" Nyatherra softly says, "All about some violence now." Cryheart says, "Sir Davard of Talador." Evia says, "Oh great unifying force, where for art thou." Metadi asks, "And risk getting his ash in our lungs?" Metadi says, "Jes' cut the man's head off after a proper trial and hae done with it." Speaking lightly to Metadi, Eshielle says, "Downwind." Speaking emphatically to some gathered townspeople, Aydan says, "Maybe your leaders did fail you. Perhaps those of us who would wish to be seen as friends and allies, have failed you." He continues to direct his voice toward those who have spoken out in support of the Prelate. "No one else listened. I'm sorry. You deserved better from all of us."." Speaking to Metadi, Ashnak says, "Or before. Either works." Archales says, "Can't just go around killing people we disagree with." Speaking firmly to Ashnak, Metadi says, "After. Before invites a whole mess o' unwarranted troubles." Speaking to Aydan, Tykeara says, "Not sure where you are going with this." Speaking darkly to Archales, Draccor says, "Sounds like good business to me." Speaking to Archales, Aoife says, "And we are nothing, if not civilized." Chalica says, "Emotions are so high. We have much to learn before jumping from emotions to action." Speaking to Draccor, Archales says, "Has to make it look like an accident at the very least." Sareyna asks, "Once more i will ask .......'why then can you yourself not refuse entry or shelter to chaston's soulless blameless pup?" Archales asks, "Perhaps we should at least let them into to town long enough to rest, and give their side of the tale?" Speaking to some gathered townspeople, Aydan says, "Many of us seemed more intent on ensuring other needs were met. Food. Shelter. Protection. But you were hurting in other ways. I understand that now. It wasn't just the basic needs that you starved for. It was understanding. It was the caring voice that could tell you that there was a point to all of this. That your suffering, though terrible, was not in vain." Speaking to Puptilian, Chalica asks, "But isn't the responsibility of holy men and women to help interpet our god's will?" Speaking darkly to Iekid, Draccor says, "Would be a shame to let myself get rusty as well." One of the townspeople says, "If any of the Prelate's wooden soldiers come to town, some can sleep in my home. They'll find a crate of bricks on their head in the morning." Ymira exclaims, "Oh my god!" Speaking hastily to Kayse, Katiesa says, "Nothing." Nyatherra softly says, "They really are feisty tonight." Speaking to Kayse, Katiesa adds, "I mean, Satia." One of the townspeople says, "It is a shame the Prelate is not on the ballot this weekend, it is time for true leadership, one called by the light of Koar, to unite us all." Speaking to Sanori, Maylan says, "I'm always thirsty." Speaking to some gathered townspeople, Evia says, "Even in this moment, many mock your concerns. I am sorry." Speaking heartily to Puptilian, Chamorr says, "Stop em afore they sleeps in town." Speaking to Chalica, Puptilian says, "It is but those leaders are just like the rest of us, flawed. When one uses their position for wrong in the name of their god it does not make them right." Speaking flatly to some gathered townspeople, Kayse mutters, "You can't be serious." Speaking to some gathered townspeople, Aoife says, "Thank the Goddess he is not." Ymira says, "There's a temple of Koar around here I think. I guess they could sleep there to avoid bricks." Speaking to some gathered townspeople, Eshielle asks, "And what of your neighbors and friends? Herbalists who pray to Imaera or those on the Militia who find comfort in Ronan's blessing as they guard your homes while you sleep? Under Chaston's leadership these people of false faiths would be slaughtered. Is that the kind of leadership you really want?" One of the townspeople says, "Change is coming, the Prelate told us. It will not be easily accepted. We know this. But we are ready for the call." Beldannon quietly says, "Ahh cultists." Speaking heartily to Puptilian, Chamorr asks, "Ok, plan is to put a renta guard at a shrine that wants protection, is that it?" Cryheart says, "Slavery would be some kind of change alright." Beldannon quietly says, "We already have a group of cultists in town." Falvicar quietly says, "Chast's death is going to be the change if I see him." Speaking to some gathered townspeople, Tykeara says, "Yes, be careful what you wish for." Speaking pleadingly to some gathered townspeople, Aydan asks, "But ask yourself. You know right from wrong. I would like to think that all men and women are capable of discerning it. Is the way of Liabo that of those who would destroy their friends, their neighbors, their brothers and sisters simply on the basis of supposed evidence that has never been presented?" Speaking to Chamorr, Puptilian says, "Place guards for those that want it and to extend patrols out to the shrines."