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Wehnimer's Landing Town Hall - 2018-02-15 (log)

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Fashanos 15, 5118

by Leafiara Autumnwind of the [[::The_TownCrier|TownCrier]]


Introductions: Cruxophim, Raelee, Shinann, Subarashi, Wolfloner

[Helga's, Dining Hall]

Tinted glass oil lamps hang from iron sconces, casting a dim glow over the smoke-stained walls of the low-ceilinged room. Several tables and an oaken sideboard, bearing traces of the previous day's meals, are flanked by a long wooden bench and a few smaller chairs. A leaded glass window, its dusty panes half-covered by filmy curtains, looks out on the dark street, and a brick hearth smolders against the north wall.

Also here: Gavrien, Nakaira, Sacru, Altheren, Ysharra, Ceararose, Lord Nehor who is sitting on a wooden chair, Yukito, Avaia, Vonnor, Rhayveign, Sweetsin, Conquerer of Reim Madmountan, Magister Raelee, Roubaix who is sitting on a long wooden bench, Shinann, Lady Luxelle, Subarashi, Chaoswynd, Aurourra, Sir Cryheart, Archales, Great Lady Khylynnia, Envoy Chemaine, Lord Chamorr, Brutish, Maiden Tyrrah, Wolfloner

You recite:

"Welcome to tonight's Town Hall meeting discussing current events in the Landing! I'm Leafi, your TownCrier officer and host, and on behalf of the TownCrier, we hope to keep you informed about and engaged with events around our frontier town!"

You recite:

"We'll be accepting your questions about any and all topics related to the Landing, both verbally and by paper. You can write down your questions on the paper provided on the bench right there--"

You tap a long wooden bench.

You tap a piece of white paper on a long wooden bench.

You tap a plumed quill on a long wooden bench.

You recite:

"--so if you think of a question while we go through our introductions and recap of recent events, simply pick up a paper and quill, then WRITE MY PAPER and add your question and pass it to our moderator tonight."

You recite:

"And our moderator tonight is... Miss Luxelle, founder of the TownCrier!"

You applaud Luxelle.

Luxelle curtsies gracefully.

Shinann smiles at Luxelle.

You recite:

"You may ask a question to one, two, or three panelists of your choosing, who will be giving their introductions shortly. Panelists reserve the right to pass on answering. Also, panelists who your question was not directed to reserve the right to offer comments."

You recite:

"If your question shouldn't go to any specific panelist or you aren't sure who would be most appropriate, then simply ask without naming anyone and our panelists will decide who answers."

You recite:

"Tonight we have with us as our panel Magister Raelee from the Hall of Mages, Captain Shinann of the Landing militia, Subarashi, and Wolfloner! I'm also told that Mayor Cruxophim should be joining us later tonight. Lastly, though I am the host, you may ask me questions if you would like."

You request, "Panelists, an introduction to yourselves in that order, please?"

You smile.

You turn to face Raelee.

Raelee breathes in slightly.

Speaking to you, Raelee says, "I am precisely who you said I was."

You ask, "Short with words as ever... Shinann, then?"

You turn to face Shinann.

You flash a quick grin at Raelee.

Subarashi appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Shinann says, "Shinann Autura, one of the militia captains and a member of House Arcane."

Cryheart grins at Shinann.

Shinann grins at Cryheart.

Subarashi says, "Subarashi Corleine, former priestess and adherent of Oleani. Citizen of Solhaven."

Sweetsin asks, "Do I need to write my question down?"

Subarashi inclines her head.

Speaking to Sweetsin, you say, "You may raise your hand if you wish, but it does help us move through more quickly if you write them down."

[...but things get awkward over the next few minutes as multiple people report not being able to write on their papers, so we end up jumping to verbal questions only]

You add, "If any need help writing their questions down, please do ask."

Luxelle shifts her weight.

You tentatively say, "Maybe it's best if we stick to raising hands tonight since people are having trouble..."

You say, "So we'll do that."

You nod.

You request, "But do please have your questions prepared in advance!"

Luxelle agrees with you.

Luxelle nods at Brutish.

You apologetically say, "Very sorry about this--we will figure out what went wrong tonight."

You nod.

Luxelle blushes a nice shade of light pink.

Luxelle shifts her weight.

Luxelle sits down.

Cruxophim suddenly fades into view.

You grin at Cruxophim.

Cruxophim amicably greets, "Good evening, Landing."

Speaking brightly to Cruxophim, you ask, "Mayor! An introduction of yourself if you would?"

Speaking playfully to you, Cruxophim jests, "Do I really need one?"

Cruxophim flashes you a toothy grin.

Speaking to Cruxophim, you concede, "Only if you want."

Cruxophim amicably declares, "I'm Crux, the current Mayor of Wehnimer's Landing. I like blood wine, long walks on the black sands, and punishing those others who would destroy the Landing."

Madmountan smirks.

Cryheart smiles and nods in greeting to Cruxophim.

Cruxophim winks at Madmountan.

Cruxophim gives Cryheart a strong, encouraging smile.

Cruxophim turns toward Cryheart and renders a sharp hand salute.

Speaking quietly to Nehor, Sweetsin asks, "Did he just say he likes to be punished?"

Cryheart grins at Cruxophim.

Cryheart turns toward Cruxophim and renders a sharp hand salute.

You say, "And with our introductions concluded... let's recap the past month."

A Rone Recap

Speaking tartly to Sweetsin, Cruxophim corrects, "Punishing, not being punished."

You formally begin, "Landing news lately has revolved almost completely around one man: the vigilante who calls himself Rone."

Cruxophim amusedly admits, "Although maybe a little of that, too."

Sweetsin nods understandingly.

An aura of mischief slowly creeps into Cruxophim's mien as his lips form into a crooked smile. The smile continues to spread as it splits from ear-to-ear, rupturing his countenance into the shape of a tooth-filled lacerated grin.

Cruxophim nods to you.

You remind, "When we last discussed Rone at our Town Hall on the 25th, his most recent attack--his seventh--had been an underground assault on the Rooks using exploding prisms. His six attacks before then had been against individuals. In each case, he left the scene with magic through an ethereal mist."

Cruxophim nods grimly to you.

You add, "It's probably worth mentioning that his fifth, sixth, and seventh attacks could be considered legal since they happened outside of the gates or beneath town. Between some of his attacks being unpunishable by the law, his ability to escape, and his mask concealing his identity, one can see why it's been so difficult to take him in."

You briskly begin, "Now to what's happened -since- then..."

You ominously note, "Rone has accused the Mayor of the deaths of several citizens and travelers--and has threatened to kill Mayor Cruxophim this month along with people "of sin" who are close to him. He has seemingly marked Xorus, Deckits, and Marijka as targets."

You nod sympathetically at Cruxophim.

Cruxophim chuckles to himself.

You lightly acknowledge, "There's nothing to say exactly what sins he believes the latter three have committed."

You continue, "Naturally, many wonder what plans our town has to capture Rone."

You note, "First, the Town Council offered a five million silver bounty for taking Rone in dead or alive, which the Mayor doubled to ten million. Admittedly it's more like an incentive than a plan, but the reward does stand."

Cruxophim nods in agreement to you.

You regretfully add, "However, it hasn't worked out yet--it backfired, if anything, when a dockworker killed an innocent and dressed him up to try and claim the bounty. Rone killed the man shortly afterward and I can only hope we won't see history repeat itself."

Speaking wryly to you, Cruxophim interjects, "Well, that man was an idiot."

Cruxophim chuckles.

You flash a quick grin at Cruxophim.

You amusedly say, "No comment."

You measuredly say, "One early plan came from Stephos DeArchon. From what I understand, he asked the Mayor to release several criminals from prison in an effort to draw Rone out."

You simply state, "And Mayor Cruxophim didn't agree to the plan."

Cruxophim nods absently to you.

You carefully continue, "So then Stephos had a second plan, involving plinite and bringing two dozen hired mercenaries to the Landing. It had... mixed results four nights ago."

You explain, "Rone killed two of Stephos' mercenaries on their patrols, but afterward Stephos shattered yellow plinite that disabled magic throughout town and cut off Rone's means of escape. One mercenary successfully fired on and injured Rone and a trail of blood led to him being confronted on South Ring Road by nearly eighty adventurers."

You seriously comment, "Anti-magic goes both ways. Though Rone couldn't escape without his magic, he took a hostage who relies on -her- magic: Lady Lylia Rashere. In the chaos, with a dagger to her throat, he threw down a prism bomb and retreated, causing an explosion that killed almost three dozen people."

Cruxophim nods grimly to you.

Raelee squints.

You remark, "That left the Landing with two problems: saving the fallen and tracking down Rone and Lylia."

Luxelle turns an inquisitive ear toward you.

You report, "I myself helped with the fallen and then, when I saw we had enough other clerics, I left to search and was the first to find Rone and Lylia in the Lower Dragonsclaw."

You simply explain, "Rone had her bound with some form of magic and asked for help, setting aside his dagger and offering his wounded side--a shrewd hostage negotiation. A ranger named Stonmel also arrived and began preparing a spell, so I created a sanctuary to keep the situation under control and tended to Rone's wound."

You plainly state, "It was a success--he released Lylia afterward."

You smile.

You evenly acknowledge, "Despite this, Stonmel has asked the Mayor--and indeed Crux agreed--that I be investigated on charges of treason."

You confidently say, "There's no telling whether the court will pursue, but if they do, I'll submit to all proceedings."

You nod once.

Cruxophim nods approvingly to you.

Speaking calmly to you, Cruxophim reports, "They've been filed."

You tentatively say, "That concludes our recap, but before we go to your questions, I'd like to say one thing as a Public Relations liaison for the Mayor..."

You nod absently at Cruxophim.

Cruxophim gives you a strong, encouraging smile.

You notice Stonmel moving stealthily into the room.

You understandingly say, "I know many are frustrated with our inability to capture Rone, but I believe it's very likely there are many plans to get him that can't be discussed publicly in case he catches on. Additionally, we've now seen that he's someone who can bleed and many witnesses were able to catch glimpses of his eyes in the night as blue or perhaps gray."

You speculatively conclude, "His capture may very well be near, so I ask that you trust in our militia, town guard, Mayor, and adventurers."

You simply exclaim, "And now... may the questions begin!"

Question 1: From Chamorr, answered by Cruxophim: Demon License Fees

Luxelle says, "Chamorr has the floor for the next question."

Luxelle nods at Chamorr.

Cruxophim gives Chamorr a strong, encouraging smile.

Chamorr heartily says, "Ok."

Speaking disdainfully to Sweetsin, Nehor whispers aloud, "A strong start."

Cruxophim begins chuckling at Nehor!

Speaking to Nehor, Sweetsin says, "It isn't going to get any better on my turn."

Luxelle glances at Chamorr.

You tilt your head slightly toward Chamorr, noting the subtle changes in his muscles and breathing.

Chamorr heartily says, "Being that demons are now allowed into the Landing, why couldn't we charge a license fee for them, use the funds for infastructure."

Luxelle chuckles.

Chamorr heartily says, "Maybe get some hinges fer the gates."

Cruxophim begins chuckling at Chamorr!

Chamorr points at Cruxophim.

You turn to face Cruxophim.

Speaking amusedly to Chamorr, Cruxophim explains, "Well, the point is less regulation, not MORE... and additional taxation, which as you well know, is seldom popular."

Speaking heartily to Cruxophim, Chamorr asks, "And you care about popular?"

Speaking nonchalantly to Chamorr, Cruxophim remarks, "It is not my opinion that sorcerers who defend our town from threats foreign and domestic should be penalized for the practice of their magics. Better to encourage them to use such safely, in defense of our town."

Nehor skeptically drawls, "Demonic magics...used safely. Sure."

Speaking amusedly to Chamorr, Cruxophim reminds, "It's my job to care about what the common people want, within reason."

Cruxophim flashes a quick grin at Chamorr.

Speaking to Cruxophim, Sweetsin says, "I am about to remind you that you said that."

Cruxophim begins chuckling at Sweetsin!

Speaking sweetly to Sweetsin, Cruxophim remarks, "I'm sure you will."

Cruxophim winks at Sweetsin.

Speaking heartily to Cruxophim, Chamorr says, "I take that as a no."

You try hard not to grin.

Speaking frankly to Chamorr, Cruxophim answers, "It does not seem feasible to me, no."

Speaking diplomatically to Chamorr, Cruxophim concludes, "But interesting throught. We'd not charge warriors for bearing weapons, though."

Cruxophim flashes Chamorr a toothy grin.

Chamorr heartily says, "Well the gates been stuck open this long, a few more invasions shouldn't matter."

Cruxophim raises his voice in merry laughter.

Speaking amusedly to Chamorr, Cruxophim assures, "I'll put in a work request for that."

Cruxophim snickers.

Speaking wryly to Chamorr, Cruxophim admits, "Although Sleepy'd probably just knock it off its hinges again."

Chamorr nods at Cruxophim.

Cruxophim snickers.

Speaking to Cruxophim, Shinann says, "I will remind you."

Cruxophim gives Chamorr a firm handshake.

You glance between Cruxophim and Shinann.

Shinann grins slowly.

Cruxophim turns to face Shinann.

Chamorr and Cruxophim shake hands.

Cruxophim grins at Shinann.

Speaking amicably to Shinann, Cruxophim teases, "Like that one ship?"

Cruxophim flashes a quick grin at Shinann.

You diplomatically comment, "A good start tonight."

Shinann nods at Cruxophim.

Cruxophim raises his voice in merry laughter.

Nehor glances at you.

Nehor raises an eyebrow.

Nehor skeptically repeats, "Good?"

You grin slowly at Nehor.

Nehor looks thoughtful for a moment, then shrugs.

You nod at Cruxophim.

Question 2: From Sweetsin, answered by Cruxophim: A Blackboard

Luxelle says, "Sweetsin has the floor for the next question."

Luxelle nods at Sweetsin.

Sweetsin clears her throat.

Sweetsin stands up.

Cruxophim gives Sweetsin a strong, encouraging smile.

Sweetsin tilts her head back.

Vonnor quietly says, "If demons are terrorizing folks sorcerers shouldn't have the privilege to decide for me whether I want them around me."

Sweetsin smirks at Cruxophim.

Sweetsin stares at Vonnor.

Sweetsin glances at Cruxophim.

Vonnor blushes a nice shade of dark red.

Speaking dryly to Sweetsin, Nehor remarks, "Seems that one's named Sweetsin too."

Cruxophim calmly assures, "If demons are terrorizing anything directly, then they're in violation of peace laws regardless. Just existing is not a violation, is what this means."

Sweetsin begins chortling at Nehor.

Cruxophim chuckles.

You fold your hands.

You take a moment to observe everything you can about Sweetsin.

Cruxophim smiles at Sweetsin.

Chamorr heartily says, "A license fee could cover any mishap damages they cause."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Sweetsin says, "You already know."

Speaking amusedly to Sweetsin, Cruxophim guesses, "The board?"

Sweetsin nods at Cruxophim.

Sweetsin exclaims, "Where is my board!"

You interject, "Even if he knows the question, please repeat it aloud for the sake of our audience."

Speaking pleasantly to Sweetsin, Cruxophim informs, "Well, good news! It's been up for several days!"

Cruxophim grins at Sweetsin.

Sweetsin blinks at Cruxophim.

Speaking to Cruxophim, Sweetsin asks, "Really?"

Cruxophim recites:

"For any who did not know, there is now a blackboard OUTSIDE the Mayor's Office, in the hall up the stairs in Moot Hall, where you can write your suggestions, comments, or snide remarks"

Cruxophim snickers.

Cruxophim nods.

Sweetsin says, "I requested a board be put up in town center...."

Speaking seriously to Sweetsin, Cruxophim answers, "Truly."

Sweetsin stares at Cruxophim.

Speaking amusedly to Sweetsin, Cruxophim reminds, "That would probably not be a good place."

Cruxophim chuckles.

Speaking to Cruxophim, Sweetsin says, "If I am advertising plays and such it is too."

Speaking sagely to Sweetsin, Cruxophim reminds, "Well, it still works."

Cruxophim begins chuckling at Sweetsin!

Luxelle smiles.

Sweetsin says, "It's a start but not exactly right."

Cruxophim shakes his head at Sweetsin and clucks his tongue.

Sweetsin looks over at Luxelle and shakes her head.

Speaking wryly to Sweetsin, Cruxophim scolds, "Never happy, are ye?"

Question 3: From Khylynnia, answered by Shinann, Cruxophim, and Raelee: Undead Voting Rights

Luxelle says, "Khylynnia has the floor for the next question."

Luxelle nods at Khylynnia.

Speaking to Cruxophim, Sweetsin says, "I am always happy and you know that."

Khylynnia curtsies to Luxelle.

Khylynnia seriously says, "Many people here will find this question amusing, but I do hope it will be given the same serious consideration as all others."

Speaking dubiously to Sweetsin, Cruxophim teases, "Mm-hmmm."

Cruxophim winks at Sweetsin.

Cruxophim turns an inquisitive ear toward Khylynnia.

Speaking hopefully to Cruxophim, Nehor inquires, "Can we erase suggestions that are uncouth or the height of stupidity?"

Cruxophim gives Khylynnia a strong, encouraging smile.

Luxelle turns an inquisitive ear toward Khylynnia.

Speaking quietly to Cruxophim, Khylynnia states, "This question is mainly directed at you, Mayor."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Sweetsin says, "I have a knack for showing up in the oddest of places when needed. But that board isn't right yet so... it isn't what I wanted."

Speaking calmly to Nehor, Cruxophim explains, "Anyone can write, but only the Mayor can erase."

Nehor snaps his fingers, looking quite disappointed.

Speaking curiously to Cruxophim, Khylynnia queries, "Since there are many undead within the confines of Wehnimer's Landing, and many of them were once citizens, to include a former Mayor beneath the Moot Hall, Are these undead granted the right to vote in the upcoming elections? I ask this because Most of us have died several times and are still citizens, so will the same be accorded to those who are living impared?"

Speaking amusedly to Khylynnia, Cruxophim notes, "An interesting question."

Chamorr heartily says, "I wonder if them in Lich Landin could vote then."

Subarashi shakes her head.

You tilt your head slightly toward Cruxophim, noting the subtle changes in his muscles and breathing.

Shinann says, "I would say no. Then we would have to go to the graveyard and locate all of them with rights. Could get complicated."

Speaking amusedly to Khylynnia, Cruxophim answers, "I don't think there's any specific legislature on that one, to be honest."

You nod understandingly at Shinann.

Speaking curiously to Khylynnia, Cruxophim guesses, "Zoning laws might be the main issue I would see."

Cruxophim nods at Raelee.

Raelee says, "On this topic, I believe you would have to examine the undead in question for cognition."

Cruxophim nods absently at Raelee.

Luxelle shifts her weight.

Raelee says, "Some more advanced undead maintain sentience, others absolutely do not."

Cruxophim amusedly reminds, "True. I do believe in undead rights, generally speaking."

Plavich says, "Lich kings."

Nehor casually quips, "I think some town members should have to undergo the same examination for sentience."

Nehor examines his fingernails.

Chamorr heartily says, "Sounds like a lot of the citizens, and they all vote."

Nehor dryly mutters, "Many would, of course, fail."

Speaking to Nehor, you wonder, "Would Albanus pass?"

Cruxophim snickers at Chamorr.

Speaking doubtfully to you, Nehor says, "Liabo only knows."

You hurriedly add, "Only joking, of course."

You snicker.

Ysharra flashes a quick grin at you.

Speaking to you, Ysharra says, "No, you're not."

Cruxophim begins chuckling at Plavich!

Speaking coyly to Ysharra, you say, "Decorum."

Cruxophim starts chuckling at you!

Raelee says, "Sentient beings and unintelligent beings are categories with only a partial overlap."

You encouragingly mention, "Our queue for questions tonight is rather short still, so if you have anything, please do raise a hand. Remember, our panelists are Crux, Magister Raelee, Shinann, and Subarashi--and you may also ask me things if you would like."

Cruxophim answers, "While hardly official, I would presume that Lich's Landing has its own specter of governing regulations... pardon the pun."

Speaking slyly to you, Nehor echoes, "Anything eh?"

Nehor rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Cruxophim winks at Khylynnia.

You clarify, "Anything about the Landing."

(OOC) Shinann's player whispers to the group, "My answer was joking. I thought the question was funny."

Nehor says, "Oh."

Nehor slowly empties his lungs.

Question 4: From Brutish, answered by Cruxophim: Spanking Rone

Luxelle exclaims, "There are two questions left tonight. No, three!"

Luxelle says, "Brutish has the floor for the next question."

Luxelle nods at Brutish.

Brutish recites quietly:

"So, if we decide to excise corporeal punishment against the vagrants terrorizing our town, are we having a party to celebrate flogging the bums once we catch em?"

Cruxophim begins chuckling at Brutish!

Luxelle shifts her weight.

Brutish quietly asks, "Wut?"

Speaking quietly to Cruxophim, Ysharra says, "Nothing pardons puns."

Ysharra stares at Cruxophim.

Speaking incredulously to Brutish, Nehor marvels, "Of all the questions you could ask...of all the many different thoughts...almost infinite in chose that one?"

Brutish starts chortling.

You clarify, "Which vagrants, exactly?"

Cruxophim laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.

Brutish quietly says, "Well, der's dat Rone feller, plus the miscreants who keep lettin' Roltons in."

Speaking calmly to Ysharra, Cruxophim assures, "I do."

Cruxophim flashes Ysharra a toothy grin.

You slowly ask, "So... Rone and Sleepy?"

Brutish quietly asks, "I'd imagine once we actually caught him, we'd might wanna celebrate it?"

Ysharra looks over at Cruxophim and shakes her head.

Speaking confusedly to Brutish, Cruxophim wonders, "Are you... asking if we're going to spank... Rone?"

Speaking to Cruxophim, Ysharra says, "You can only pardon crimes of state. Puns are crimes of the heart and the very soul."

You politely say, "Trying to clarify for our panelists so they know what they're answering."

Sweetsin exlaims, "Thats what I was thinking!"

Sweetsin nods at Cruxophim.

Speaking amicably to Brutish, Cruxophim ventures, "I imagine we'll certainly celebrate, yes. I'm sure some won't."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Sweetsin says, "Thank you for not making me think I was the only one."

Brutish adopts an agreeable expression.

Brutish quietly says, "Ooooooh."

Cruxophim begins chuckling at Sweetsin!

Brutish quietly says, "PUNS."

Sweetsin says, "Not sure if that is good or not."

Sweetsin sighs.

Luxelle gazes heavenward.

Brutish quietly says, "My human is horrid, I's sorry."

Brutish quietly says, "Floggin' bums... I get it."

Brutish adopts an agreeable expression.

Luxelle touches one finger to her lips.

Luxelle whispers to the group, "Moving on?"

Cruxophim nods understandingly at Brutish.

Speaking amusedly to Brutish, Cruxophim concludes, "Spank away if you catch him, I guess."

Cruxophim flashes Brutish a toothy grin.

Luxelle agrees with Brutish.

Cruxophim nods at Luxelle.

Brutish adopts an agreeable expression.

Question 5: From Avaia, answered by Shinann, Raelee, Cruxophim, and Leafiara: Demons Getting Free

Luxelle says, "And moving to the next question..."

Luxelle says, "Avaia has the floor for the next question."

Luxelle nods at Avaia.

Avaia nods at Luxelle.

Avaia says, "For the Magister and the Guard Captain..."

Cruxophim gives Avaia a strong, encouraging smile.

Raelee raises an eyebrow.

Cruxophim folds his hands behind his back.

Avaia asks, "Given the recent Edict allowing Demons into the town, what precautions are being put in place for that time when, inevitably, the Veil thins and the Demons break free?"

Luxelle's face turns slightly pale.

Raelee glances at Shinann.

Cruxophim glances at Shinann.

Speaking to Luxelle, Avaia says, "This will happen. It is beyond doubting."

Speaking to Avaia, Shinann says, "Anything or anyone harming or killing anyone in town will be dealt with."

Speaking to Shinann, Avaia asks, "And just how, will it be dealt with? Have you considered this?"

Cruxophim nods in agreement at Shinann.

Speaking to Avaia, Shinann says, "In this case, their summoners."

Avaia looks over at Shinann and shakes her head.

Shinann says, "I am not happy with this recent decision, so that is all I can say for now."

Avaia says, "When the time comes, they will need no Summoners."

Avaia says, "They will arrive on their own."

Luxelle nods at Raelee.

Raelee says, "I do not actually have a response to this query."

Raelee says, "If the town leadership wishes to engage with the Hall for some measure of extraplanar defense, I am sure we would be willing to discuss."

Shinann says, "We have a mayor using the shadow realm for a conduit. Maybe he has more insight."

Avaia seems puzzled.

Speaking calmly to Avaia, Cruxophim reminds, "The change in law simply doesn't prohibit the summoning of demons. If a demon is handled poor and is out of control, that falls solely to the sorceror, and they would be charged as with any other crime, such as endangering public safety. One presumes they will clean up their own messes."

Avaia peers quizzically at Raelee.

Cruxophim chuckles.

Elbromo bows to Cruxophim.

Raelee says, "However, without any engagement having been made... it is not the Hall's position to interfere."

Cruxophim turns toward Elbromo and renders a sharp hand salute.

Speaking gently to Avaia, Cruxophim inquires, "Does that make sense?"

Cruxophim cocks his head at Avaia.

Avaia frowns at Cruxophim.

Monax nods to Cruxophim in greeting.

Cruxophim turns toward Monax and renders a sharp hand salute.

Speaking to Cruxophim, Avaia says, "Surely you canot believe this place..there are enough of those capable of controlling such power."

Avaia asks, "Have we forgotten the Undead War? The Ashrim?"

Luxelle closes her eyes for a moment.

Shinann says, "While I tend to agree with you, it was the town council that made the decision."

Shinann nods at Avaia.

Balantine bows to Shinann.

Speaking wryly to Avaia, Cruxophim reminds, "I don't believe it is our place to have stringent regulations. The law still serves as needed, prohibiting summoning is -- in my opinion -- unnecessarily punitive."

Shinann bows to Balantine.

Speaking calmly to Avaia, Cruxophim repeats, "I am working with the assumption that these practitioners will control their pets, much as a warrior will stay his sword while in town."

Speaking firmly to Avaia, Cruxophim explains, "If they do not, then -- same as a warrior who lashes out -- they have broken the law."

Cruxophim glances at Raelee.

Speaking to Cruxophim, Raelee says, "If I may interject."

Luxelle nods at Raelee.

Cruxophim nods at Raelee.

Balantine quietly asks, "Ye mean, ye think ye can trust a demon to behave?"

Balantine quietly says, "We can barely trust Winston."

Balantine starts chortling.

Speaking amusedly to Balantine, Cruxophim reminds, "Most only summor minor demons, at worst. I don't believe in placing unnecessary stigma on extraplanar beings that are being controlled, no."

Raelee says, "From my observation, this change in legal code is largely a formality. It does not actually change anything in terms of relative threat level."

Cruxophim points at Raelee.

Raelee says, "The only difference is that the demons were all summoned behind closed doors before. They were present. You simply did not see them."

Raelee simply states, "Now you may."

Luxelle's face turns slightly pale.

Luxelle shifts her weight.

Speaking wryly to Raelee, Cruxophim agrees, "Precisely so, anyone who wanted to someone something for malevolence would simply do so regardless."

Cruxophim nods in agreement at Raelee.

Raelee says, "One might say this actually increases security as you now have a greater potential to actually see potential threats."

Balantine quietly says, "I prefer them unseen, ye gonna scare off our visitors."

Speaking amusedly to Balantine, Cruxophim quips, "I'd rather scare off the cowards than those who are actually useful."

You neutrally comment, "I don't have much of an opinion on this, but I also don't think it is too different from rogues who work with trapped boxes in the middle of the square."

Cruxophim flashes a quick grin at Balantine.

You shrug.

Cruxophim nods to you.

Cruxophim begins chuckling at Nehor!

You evenly say, "Some have the talent and others do not. The town guard will decide, I think."

You nod.

You clarify, "If things get out of control."

Cruxophim nods firmly to you.

Chamorr heartily says, "First its ok to summon, then it'll be ok to use blood magic sacrifices, ahh they do it anyways."

Speaking amusedly to Chamorr, Cruxophim reminds, "Also remember that what Stone was summoning was far outside the caliber of anything I've seen acquaintances summon."

You note, "Actually, the Town Council -is- set to make an announcement about blood magic tonight, I believe."

Speaking dryly to Chamorr, Cruxophim reminds, "This is not a slippery slope, my friend."

Balantine quietly asks, "Point of order, if we allow demons, does that mean dragons and drakes are okay too?"

Speaking heartily to Cruxophim, Chamorr says, "Really."

Monax removes a pudgy drake baby dragon from in his leather greatcloak.

Balantine quietly asks, "Long as they behave?"

Monax rubs the belly of his drake baby dragon and it snorts a tiny puff of smoke from its nostrils.

Speaking slowly to Balantine, Cruxophim reminds, "We already allow Drakes."

Cruxophim flashes Balantine a toothy grin.

Stonmel says, "Like ta see ya keep a proper drake out."

Luxelle says, "Dragons likely are not going to stop and ask what the law is. Just saying."

Speaking heartily to Cruxophim, Chamorr says, "And you seen stones basement."

Speaking to Balantine, Raelee says, "If we have a summoner capable of bringing forth a Drake, I really doubt they would have needed to mind minor town ordinances."

Speaking calmly to Balantine, Cruxophim opines, "As long as anyone -behaves-, they should be allowed."

You flash a quick grin at Luxelle.

Cruxophim begins chuckling at Stonmel!

Cruxophim nonchalantly reminds, "We are hardly the first town to allow such."

Luxelle asks, "All right, we only have a couple more questions. Have we exhausted that subject? For now?"

Cruxophim shakes his head, clucking his tongue.

Speaking to Luxelle, you clarify, "Are questions officially closed, then?"

Question 6: From Stonmel, answered by Cruxophim: Court Hearing on Treason

Luxelle says, "Stonmel has the floor for the next question."

Luxelle nods at Stonmel.

Luxelle nods to you.

Stonmel nods.

You nod at Luxelle.

Cruxophim gives Stonmel a strong, encouraging smile.

Cruxophim turns an inquisitive ear toward Stonmel.

You take a moment to observe everything you can about Stonmel.

Stonmel says, "My question is for the mayor, and the mayor alone."

Chamorr heartily says, "Invitin a demon to dinner and exspect him to behave."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Stonmel asks, "Ignoring the arguments about validity in yours, and those others in power that favor her, have you heard anything about if the courts will hear testimony, and if so when, regarding the traitor Leafiara?"

You glance at Stonmel.

Speaking amicably to Stonmel, Cruxophim reports, "Not as of yet, no. But I am glad to hear that you acknowledge I have submitted such."

Cruxophim begins chuckling at Stonmel!

Stonmel nods at Cruxophim.

Stonmel says, "That is all."

Stonmel nods at Luxelle.

Speaking amicably to Stonmel, Cruxophim suggests, "Perhaps we can come to an amenable compromise, ultimately. I'm sure Leafiara is more than willing to pay for any perceived wrongdoing."

Speaking amusedly to Luxelle, Cruxophim notes, "Sorcery seems to be a hot topic this evening." [there was more discussion about minor demons, but my editing protocol cuts what the panelists don't directly respond to]

You nod in agreement at Cruxophim.

Stonmel says, "I will wait on the courts at this time, others have made their positions clear."

Luxelle shifts her weight.

Shinann agrees with Cruxophim.

Speaking gently to Stonmel, Cruxophim assures, "There's no cabal conspiring to keep the people down. Leafi and I are about as far apart as you can get, honestly."

Cruxophim grins wryly at Stonmel.

Speaking calmly to Stonmel, Cruxophim assures, "Trust me, I am as interested in justice being served as you."

(Leafiara briefly looks as if she's about to say something to Cruxophim with a smile, but then stops and nods.)

Nehor dryly remarks, "The people need no one to keep them down. The masses are quite content rolling in the mud like the hogs they are."

Cruxophim leans softly against you, and you note the scent of dry olibanum, vetiver, and black moss over opoponax and hints of blood clinging to him.

You wink.

Luxelle says, "All right, the last question tonight ..."

Cruxophim begins chuckling at Nehor!

Speaking to Cruxophim, Stonmel asks, "I'm trying to be respectful of the purpose of this meeting, do you want it to devolve into a rehash on the subject?"

Shinann folds her hands behind her back.

Question 7: From Chamorr, answered by Cruxophim: Rone's Bounty

Luxelle says, "Chamorr has the floor for the next question."

Speaking calmly to Stonmel, Cruxophim answers, "Of course not. I thought the matter was concluded, frankly."

Luxelle nods at Chamorr.

Cruxophim shrugs at Stonmel.

Looking incredibly smug, Nehor glances over his white cambric shirt and how it fits his physique. Afterwards, he tosses back his head and strikes a pose. He must believe he has fans in the vicinity.

Stonmel nods.

Chamorr points at Cruxophim.

Stonmel leans against an oaken sideboard.

Cruxophim gives Chamorr a strong, encouraging smile.

Chamorr heartily says, "Is that 20 million silver reward still open on Rone."

Speaking amusedly to Chamorr, Cruxophim explains, "It's 10 million, 5 offered by the Council and 5 offered by me."

Cruxophim begins chuckling at Chamorr!

Speaking wryly to Chamorr, Cruxophim suggests, "Don't listen to Hapenlok."

Cruxophim begins chuckling at Chamorr!

Speaking heartily to Cruxophim, Chamorr asks, "Only 10?"

Speaking calmly to Chamorr, Cruxophim explains, "We're working to finish the job on Rone, but if any good citizen happens to capture him -- WITH EVIDENCE -- in the meanwhile, they will certainly be rewarded once such is established."

Madmountan says, "Hell, I'll throw in 5 too."

Madmountan shrugs.

Cruxophim grins at Madmountan.

Speaking to Cruxophim, Shinann asks, "Did you get a copy of the letter I sent the council?"

Speaking heartily to Cruxophim, Chamorr says, "That wouldn't even cover me bar tab."

Cruxophim nods in agreement at Shinann.

Shinann nods.

You raise your voice at Chamorr in merry laughter.

You grin at Puptilian.

Madmountan whispers aloud, "I'm gonna pay it to myself."

Speaking amicably to Shinann, Cruxophim explains, "I will respond this evening. I understand your concerns, I'll elaborate in such."

Nehor quips, "For those of you throwing silver around, donations for my play are still open."

Nehor examines his fingernails.

Cruxophim begins chuckling at Madmountan!

Shinann nods at Cruxophim.

Cruxophim raises his voice at Chamorr in merry laughter.

Luxelle nods at Cruxophim.

Nehor seriously reminds, "A far more noble goal than...violent criminal apprehension."

Luxelle nods at Cruxophim.

You nod at Cruxophim.

Luxelle agrees with Nehor.

Cruxophim calmly reminds, "We would PREFER him alive, but of course, I would not want anyone to endanger themselves attempting to do so."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Sweetsin says, "One I would put a flyer up about on the board in town square if there was one."

Speaking amusedly to Sweetsin, Cruxophim replies, "I can take the board down again, if you'd like."

Cruxophim grins wryly at Sweetsin.

Sweetsin hangs her head and glances at Cruxophim with sad eyes.

Speaking amicably to Sweetsin, Cruxophim offers, "I'll inquire about moving it, but after the pain it was to get that work order initially, I shouldn't hold your breath."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Sweetsin says, "Funny, you said that about me even getting a board."

Speaking amusedly to Sweetsin, Cruxophim teases, "And you did get one. I'll see what I can do."

Sweetsin praises Cruxophim.

Speaking to Cruxophim, Sweetsin says, "Thank you."

Cruxophim kisses Sweetsin tenderly on the cheek.

Sweetsin nods graciously at Cruxophim.

Sweetsin grins at Cruxophim.

Speaking to Cruxophim, Sweetsin says, "Fair enough."

Reminder: The Mayoral Blackboard and the Rone Bounty

Speaking curiously to Cruxophim, you prompt, "Mayor... did you have any other announcements for us this evening?"

Cruxophim recites:

"Just a reminder, if anyone has any ANNOUCEMENTS -- such as for plays, or events, or whatnot -- or feedback, or comments, there's a new BLACKBOARD right outside my Office. Inside Moot Hall, up the stairs, and in the hall there."

You nod understandingly.

Luxelle ponders.

You brightly say, "Exactly so! In fact, right after this we'll have to announce the next Town Hall on the board."

You nod approvingly at Cruxophim.

Speaking to Cruxophim, Luxelle asks, "A concert?"

Cruxophim nods at Luxelle.

Cruxophim recites:

"As for the Bounty on Rone: Just a reminder that this is NOT an invitation to do anything stupid or lawless. We WILL verify thoroughly both the evidence provided, and the circumstances involved in said bounty. If you break the law, you will be arrested."

Cruxophim wryly mutters, "Or possibly killed."

Luxelle shifts her weight.

Luxelle frets.

Cruxophim wryly adds, "If Rone has anything to say about it."

Chamorr heartily asks, "We can't whack him?"

Stonmel says, "Unless ya are well liked."

Cruxophim shakes his head, clucking his tongue.

Speaking slowly to Chamorr, Cruxophim clarifies, "Alive is preferred, you can 'whack' him, just make damn sure it's him first."

Bonus Question: From Puptilian, answered by Cruxophim: Stephos' Antimagic Field

Speaking thoughtfully to himself, Puptilian asks, "Blocking all magic keeping clerics and empaths from saving people was dangerous to the populace. Was Stephos arrested?"

You gaze in amusement at your surroundings.

Shinann slowly empties her lungs.

Speaking heartily to Cruxophim, Chamorr says, "You kinda look like him."

Speaking dryly to Chamorr, you say, "No."

You flash a quick grin.

You glance at Cruxophim.

You chortle softly at some secret joke.

Speaking calmly to Puptilian, Cruxophim reminds, "That also lead Rone's near capture. And we have his blood, which is a huge step."

Speaking wryly to Puptilian, Cruxophim remarks, "It's not what I would have done, but..."

Cruxophim looks thoughtful for a moment, then shrugs.

Speaking to Cruxophim, Puptilian says, "Yet you just said to not break the law. I just like to see it execute equally on all people."

Puptilian shrugs.

Speaking amusedly to Puptilian, Cruxophim inquires, "Exactly what law did he break?"

You lightly comment, "Bonus questions, it seems."

Puptilian says, "Endangering the town."

Puptilian shrugs.

Cruxophim starts chuckling at you!

Luxelle shifts her weight.

Speaking slowly to Puptilian, Cruxophim ventures, "You mean endangering like the prism that Rone actually dropped, not Stephos?"

Cruxophim peers quizzically at Puptilian.

Balantine quietly asks, "Excuse me, is there time for additional questions?"

You ponder.

Speaking to Cruxophim, Puptilian says, "So it was Rone that created the anti magic? My sources tell me it was Stephos."

Cruxophim takes a slow, deep breath then pinches the bridge of his nose.

You slowly say, "There is not time officially, but if any of our panelists would like to volunteer for continued discussion, that can certainly happen off the record... as always."

You add, "But I do have a comment and will wrap up after the Mayor is done speaking on this topic."

Speaking wryly to Puptilian, Cruxophim explains, "The antimagic didn't harm anyone. The prism very much did."

Speaking to you, Puptilian says, "And excuse me as I talked out loud that started the discussion. I'll leave it for later."

Speaking wryly to Puptilian, Cruxophim opines, "Reckless and poor form, yes... he absolutely should have consulted with me, the Town Guard, and the Militia first. Illegal."

You grin at Puptilian.

Cruxophim looks thoughtful for a moment, then shrugs.

Cruxophim turns to face you.

Official Conclusion and Side Conversations

Luxelle removes a fireleaf runestaff from in her ebon jacket.

Luxelle taps the tip of her fireleaf runestaff on the ground.

You calmly say, "Excellent, we can conclude soon, but first a comment to all..."

Luxelle nods to you.

Cruxophim smiles at you.

You loudly say, "I know there were a few questions we did not get to. Our panel was rather small tonight due to time and circumstances, and our panelists do reserve the right to turn down questions if they do not feel equipped to answer them."

Cruxophim leans against the hearth, taking a momentary rest.

You simply exclaim, "However, on that note, we of the TownCrier thank everyone who did come out to our meeting tonight!"

Cruxophim applauds encouragingly.

You proudly say, "It is always our pleasure to host these Town Halls, and the next one will be held on the 25th."

Speaking amusedly to you, Cruxophim opines, "Some interesting questions tonight."

Cruxophim chuckles.

You nod at Cruxophim.

Shinann smiles at you.

Shinann smiles at Luxelle.

You announce, "The time and date will be made clear on the blackboard outside the mayor's office, as well as other places."

Cruxophim gives you a strong, encouraging smile.

You add, "And the location."

You flash a quick grin.

Speaking wryly to Puptilian, Cruxophim admits, "Trust me, I'm not pleased with Stephos' actions, either... though, they did get results."

Cruxophim looks thoughtful for a moment, then shrugs.

You conclude, "Finally... -if- any of our panelists would like to stay and discuss more, they certainly may, but that is entirely up to them."

You exclaim, "Thank you all again for coming!"

You applaud.

Luxelle beams!

Luxelle applauds.

Speaking amicably to you, Cruxophim states, "I'll hang around a bit if there are any more."

You turn to Luxelle and cheer!

You nod at Cruxophim.

You brightly say, "Excellent, we have some panelists who will stay."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Puptilian says, "Well when the next person breaks laws to get results done I assume then they will not be held to justice. I understand fully and thank you for the clarification."

Luxelle says, "I know this was earlier than we usually have them, so it was good news for some people and bad news for others. Thank you all."

Cruxophim amusedly remarks, "Sounds a little like bias for me, if it had been anyone other than Stephos, I doubt any would have complained."

You nod at Luxelle.

Lady Lylia just arrived.

You loudly request, "Are there any other questions, then, if you think our panel--at this point Crux, Magister Raelee, and Shinann--can answer?"

Speaking to Cruxophim, Thrassus says, "Indeed. I am thinking some in this town confuse dislike for illegality."

Speaking calmly to Chamorr, Cruxophim states, "I have yet to think of a law that he broke, other than very poor protocol."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Luxelle says, "It is pretty annoying when one's armor gets taken, so I do understand people being irked at the no magicky thing."

You add, "Oh, and Miss Lylia is here! She may join the panel in this aftertalk too if she would like."

You grin at Lylia.

Speaking sympathetically to Luxelle, Cruxophim agrees, "Oh, very much so. And quite dangerous for some, perhaps, but that is circumstantial."

Lylia smiles and waves at a few familiar faces in the crowd, stopping to air-kiss a couple of friends on her way through.

Speaking wryly to Luxelle, Cruxophim agrees, "Trust me, I quite loathe antimagic myself."

Lylia inclines her head.

Cruxophim kisses Lylia tenderly on the cheek.

Cruxophim recites:

"Perhaps I can fine Stephos, would that be amenable?"

Cruxophim chuckles to himself.

Cruxophim nonchalantly remarks, "Pay for that gate and all."

Cruxophim winks at Chamorr.

You nod approvingly at Cruxophim.

Chamorr heartily says, "Good idea."

Luxelle says, "As long as he does not require it to be named after him, too."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Stonmel says, "Oh, so now you'll pass mayoral judgement on someone."

Stonmel rolls his eyes.

Speaking gently to Stonmel, Cruxophim offers, "Here, let me get that chip for you."

Cruxophim dusts Stonmel off.

Cruxophim grins at Stonmel.

Stonmel glances at Cruxophim.

Luxelle stands up.

Luxelle shifts her weight.

Speaking heartily to you, Chamorr says, "Nicely done."

Speaking lightly to Chamorr, you exclaim, "I only hosted, but thank you!"

Speaking to Cruxophim, Ysharra asks, "You're going to fine him for breaking a crystal that inconvenienced people for a block or two?"

Speaking calmly to Ysharra, Cruxophim remarks, "Not unless anyone can point out any actual charges."

Cruxophim looks thoughtful for a moment, then shrugs.

You surprisedly say, "No final questions, simply discussion..."

Speaking wryly to Ysharra, Cruxophim remarks, "You'd think the former Mayor would know better."

You cheerfully say, "But so be it."

You grin.

Speaking to Cruxophim, Ysharra says, "I wouldn't, no."

Ysharra smiles at Cruxophim.

Cruxophim amicably jests, "I jest, of course."

Cruxophim chuckles.

Sweetsin says, "We are scouting places to have the play performed at."

Cruxophim nods in agreement.

Cruxophim gives Sweetsin a strong, encouraging smile.

Speaking earnestly to Luxelle, you say, "Despite a rough start, we did finish in almost exactly an hour earlier..."

Speaking optimistically to Luxelle, you say, "We're getting better at these."

Cruxophim grins at Stonmel.

Lylia regretfully says, "I wish I could have been here sooner."

You smile at Lylia.

Speaking quietly to Luxelle, Balantine says, "It is amazing how ye make order of this people, ye do much better than most."

Luxelle asks, "So there is some announcement expected tonight, too?"

Speaking sympathetically to Lylia, you say, "It's quite alright."

Speaking to Lylia, Ysharra says, "So do I."

You nod at Luxelle.

Nehor inquires, "Shall we?"

Ysharra kisses Lylia on the cheek.

Speaking to Nehor, Raelee states, "The barge."

Lylia nods at Balantine.

Speaking thoughtfully to Luxelle, you say, "The Town Council is apparently going to say more about minor demons and something about blood magic."

Lylia kisses Ysharra tenderly on the cheek.

Lylia smiles.

Cruxophim chuckles.

Luxelle shifts her weight.

Speaking curiously to Raelee, Nehor inquires, "A barge?"

Myasarie softly asks, "Blood magic?"

Myasarie shivers.

You nod at Myasarie.

Luxelle says, "I am going to excuse myself from that one."

Stonmel glances at Cruxophim.

Speaking to Raelee, Sweetsin says, "I was thinking of looking there too."

Speaking to Nehor, Raelee says, "I believe it is called the celebration barge. It has a fairly large ballroom."

Luxelle's face turns slightly pale.

Cruxophim begins chuckling at Luxelle!

Luxelle glances at Cruxophim.

Speaking tentatively to Raelee, Nehor suggests, "Mayhaps you would show me, I am unfamiliar with the town."

Speaking to Raelee, Sweetsin says, "The Iron Chalice uses it often enough to preform at."

Cruxophim looks thoughtfully at Raelee.

Raelee glances between Sweetsin and Nehor.

Speaking to Balantine, Luxelle says, "I brought my gavel and all."

Luxelle taps the tip of her fireleaf runestaff on the ground.

Cruxophim amicably states, "If you'll all pardon me a moment."

Luxelle shifts her weight.

Luxelle exclaims, "Thank you all once again for coming!"

Luxelle beams!

You nod eagerly at Luxelle.

Cruxophim grins wryly at Stonmel.

Cruxophim snaps his fingers.

Shadowy tendrils rise from the ground and wrap around Cruxophim's legs as they quickly engulf his entire body. The shadows quickly retreat back into the surroundings, leaving no trace of Cruxophim.