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Wehnimer's Landing Town Hall - 2018-04-19 (log)
Olaesta 19, 5118
by Leafiara Autumnwind of the [[::The_TownCrier|TownCrier]]
Question #1: From Goblyn, Answered By Leafiara: Who Is Larsya
[Note: As always, the room description at the beginning is a "composite shot" of everybody I spotted throughout the night and not representative of who was there at the start. In this case that's more meaningful than normal because we had a small crowd throughout.]
[Helga's, Dining Hall]
Tinted glass oil lamps hang from iron sconces, casting a dim glow over the smoke-stained walls of the low-ceilinged room. Several tables and an oaken sideboard, bearing traces of the previous day's meals, are flanked by a long wooden bench and a few smaller chairs. A leaded glass window, its dusty panes half-covered by filmy curtains, looks out on the dark street, and a brick hearth smolders against the north wall.
Also here: Elbromo, Lord Xorus, Mayor Lylia, Lord Ferrumus, Lady Stiana, Lord Gorku, Lord Lokugrio, Relic Hunter Madmountan, Stonmel, Ysharra, High Lord Talinvor, Miss Goblyn, Felita, Bernadette, Mister Pukk, Aveigh, Chaoswynd
You dust yourself off.
You glance between Aveigh and Chaoswynd.
Mister Pukk just arrived.
You note, "Here early!"
You hug Pukk, who wraps you in a warm embrace.
You hug Chaoswynd, who wraps you in a warm embrace.
Pukk hugs you, and you wrap him in a warm embrace.
Chaoswynd hugs you, and you wrap him in a warm embrace.
Chaoswynd tries to pinch you, but you see it coming and lean away just in time.
Chaoswynd smirks at you!
You snicker at Chaoswynd.
Pukk sits down on the wooden chair.
Bernadette just arrived.
You nod to Bernadette in greeting.
Bernadette smiles and nods in greeting to you.
You smile.
Bernadette bows to Chaoswynd.
Bernadette bows to Aveigh.
Chaoswynd waves to Bernadette.
Bernadette waves to Chaoswynd.
Bernadette smiles.
You greet, "Welcome, everyone. Do excuse me as I'm reciting tonight's news in my mind."
You chuckle.
Bernadette smiles.
Bernadette nods.
Pukk quietly says, "Everybody watch her spikes....Spikey...I mean Bernie can really poke ya."
You grin impishly at Pukk.
Pukk appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Bernadette grins at Pukk.
Bernadette mutters spikey.
Bernadette chuckles.
Chaoswynd's eyes take on a glassy look as he appears to fall into a vivid daydream.
Pukk quietly says, "A spike a day, keeps the rolton at bay."
Pukk nods knowingly.
Felita just arrived.
You nod to Felita in greeting.
You grin.
Felita nods to you in greeting.
Felita flutters her wings at you.
Felita smiles at you.
Speaking quietly to Bernadette, Pukk says, "You know, when I first met Leafi, she was always running away from me."
Speaking quietly to Bernadette, Pukk says, "She was shy of me back then."
You hear someone humming to herself in the shadows.
Speaking amusedly to Pukk, you say, "One of those statements is true."
You chortle.
Pukk grins.
You frankly say, "And I'm glad I didn't adopt you."
You poke Pukk in the ribs.
Pukk grins.
You snicker.
You glance upward and whistle quietly, an innocent look on your face.
Bernadette grins at Pukk.
Bernadette nods.
You mutter, "Even I can't handle -that- much mischief..."
The voice of Goblyn mischievously exclaims, "Maybe Pukk should be adopting you, Leafiara!"
Felita giggles.
You burst out in a sudden snort of laughter.
Pukk laughs!
You warmly greet, "Good evening, Miss Goblyn."
You chuckle.
Felita flutters her wings happily, bouncing in place.
The voice of Goblyn cheerfully exclaims, "Hello, Leafiara!"
Bernadette softly says, "Hello milady Goblyn."
Speaking surreptitiously to Pukk, you wonder, "How old are you, anyway, if you don't mind me asking?"
You furrow your brow, probably adding a wrinkle or two in the process.
Bernadette nods.
Pukk ponders.
The voice of Goblyn cheerfully exclaims, "And Felita, and Bernadette, and Pukk, and Aveigh, and Chaoswynd!"
You hoot.
Pukk quietly says, "I am 33 years old."
Pukk nods.
Felita flutters her wings happily, bouncing in place.
You nod understandingly at Pukk.
Goblyn squints at Pukk.
Felita says, "Hellos miss Goblyn."
Goblyn mutters young.
You chuckle.
Goblyn flashes a wide grin at Felita.
Pukk nods at Goblyn.
Felita turns to Goblyn and bows low, spreading her wings for all to see.
Felita smiles.
Goblyn skips in a circle around Felita.
Pukk quietly says, "For a human, I'm okay...I'm not ancient like Sir Shiny."
Goblyn begins chortling at Pukk.
Felita skips over to Goblyn merrily.
Speaking to Pukk, Goblyn notes, "You are still young."
Pukk grins.
Felita snaps her fingers.
Felita giggles.
Goblyn peers quizzically at Felita.
Speaking quietly to Goblyn, Pukk says, "But that gives me a excuse to be cute and act up."
Pukk appears to be trying hard not to grin.
You tickle Pukk and are rewarded with his laughter.
Goblyn can offer Pukk only a blank expression.
Felita smiles.
You sheepishly admit, "It works, too."
You chortle.
Pukk giggles.
Pukk nods to you.
Speaking amusedly to Pukk, Goblyn says, "I do think you will do this 'act up'ing even when you are not young, Pukk."
Pukk flutters his eyelashes.
You nod in agreement at Goblyn.
Pukk laughs at Goblyn!
Bernadette chuckles.
Speaking quietly to Goblyn, Pukk says, "I think you know me so well."
Pukk grins.
Goblyn cocks her head at Pukk.
Goblyn cocks her head and examines the human hand.
Felita nods.
Goblyn laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.
You rock back on your heels.
Goblyn holds up her hand and tilts it side to side in a so-so gesture.
Felita skips in a circle around Goblyn.
Pukk gasps.
Felita whistles tunelessly to herself.
(Pukk looks at his hands.)
Pukk quietly says, "Oh."
Speaking to Pukk, Goblyn says, "You are not one to keep -many- secrets. This does make it easier."
Pukk quietly says, "I thought you took my hand."
Goblyn turns to Felita and cheers!
Felita flutters her wings at Goblyn happily, bouncing in place.
Goblyn laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.
Goblyn removes a severed human hand from in her scarlet reticule.
Pukk grins at Goblyn.
Goblyn shrugs at a severed human hand. Odd.
Goblyn shrugs at Pukk.
Goblyn put a severed human hand in her scarlet reticule.
Pukk quietly says, "That is true. I'm not good at secrets."
Chaoswynd suddenly blinks and wakes up from his daydream.
Chaoswynd blinks.
Chaoswynd waves to Goblyn.
Goblyn beams at Chaoswynd and claps her hands together in delight!
Chaoswynd appears to be struggling to keep a straight face.
Pukk quietly says, "Especially that secret involving Leafi and Choas...but I'm not saying anything about that."
You flash a wide grin.
You squint at Pukk.
Chaoswynd rolls his eyes at Pukk.
Speaking to Chaoswynd, Goblyn asks, "You were having a nice dream?"
Bernadette grins.
Pukk quietly says, "No way."
Speaking carefully to Pukk, you claim, "There are almost no secrets involving us."
Goblyn peers quizzically at Pukk.
Speaking to Pukk, Goblyn asks, "There is a secret with them?"
Pukk quietly says, "You won't even hear a hint of it from me."
Speaking slowly to Goblyn, Chaoswynd says, "In... a manner of speaking."
Goblyn glances between Chaoswynd and yourself.
Speaking amusedly to you, Goblyn laughs, "Maybe the secret is the one that is not true at all!"
Speaking quietly to Goblyn, Pukk confesses, "Ok, yes! You twisted me arm and got it out of me."
You flail your arms about.
Speaking amusedly to Goblyn, Chaoswynd says, "Ignore him, he loves saying things like that to cause trouble for us."
Goblyn begins chortling at Chaoswynd.
Speaking to Goblyn, you admit, "That does sound like what Pukk would say..."
Speaking quietly to Goblyn, Pukk says, "You are good at getting me to say things."
Chaoswynd grins at Goblyn.
Speaking curiously to Chaoswynd, Goblyn asks, "What was the dreaming of?"
Goblyn blinks at Pukk.
Speaking to Goblyn, Chaoswynd says, "Oh, nothing of importance, really."
Speaking to Pukk, Goblyn says, "I have not -made- you say anything. Yet."
Goblyn wiggles her eyebrows at Pukk.
Goblyn cocks her head at Chaoswynd.
Speaking to Chaoswynd, Goblyn says, "That is still not answering what it is that you did dream of."
Speaking to Chaoswynd, Goblyn adds, "I did not ask if it was important."
Chaoswynd smiles at Goblyn.
Speaking quietly to Goblyn, Pukk says, "Leafi and Cay, Chaos, are secretly going to elope but they are denying this."
Speaking to Goblyn, Chaoswynd says, "That's true, it isn't, is it."
Bernadette grins at Pukk.
You bury your face in your hands.
Bernadette folds her hands behind her back.
Goblyn begins chortling at Pukk.
Speaking wearily to Pukk, you sigh, "He's like my big brother and we don't have that kind of relationship."
Felita giggles at Pukk.
You chortle.
Speaking to you, Goblyn whispers aloud, "This is the one I was talking about, that is not true at all!"
Goblyn flashes a wide grin at you.
You nod once at Goblyn.
You wink.
Goblyn skips in a circle around Bernadette.
Pukk grins.
Goblyn glances at Chaoswynd.
Speaking coyly to Pukk, you add, "My very much older brother."
Speaking curiously to Chaoswynd, Goblyn wonders, "You are not going to answer, are you?"
You unsuccessfully try to stifle your grin.
Bernadette skips in a circle around Goblyn.
Chaoswynd smiles at Goblyn.
Bernadette chuckles.
Bernadette smiles.
Speaking quietly to you, Pukk says, "Yes, he is quite old..."
Pukk squints at Chaoswynd.
You nod grimly at Pukk.
Pukk quietly says, "Yep."
You rub Chaoswynd tenderly.
Chaoswynd slowly empties his lungs.
Goblyn flashes Pukk a toothy grin.
Speaking to Pukk, Goblyn exclaims, "He is not very old!"
Speaking reassuringly to Chaoswynd, you exclaim, "It's alright. When we find a way to reverse Larsya's aging, maybe we can do the same for you!"
Pukk agrees with Goblyn.
Pukk touches one finger to his lips.
Bernadette smiles.
Chaoswynd can offer you only a blank expression.
Goblyn laughs at you!
You reach over and gently rest your hand on Chaoswynd's arm.
You nod firmly.
Goblyn falls to the ground laughing hysterically!
Bernadette nods to you.
Speaking quietly to Goblyn, Pukk whispers aloud, "Yes, but I will let her keep her delusions."
Goblyn giggles at you.
Bernadette smiles.
Goblyn sits up.
Speaking softly to you, Chaoswynd mutters, "...pest."
You flash a wide grin at Chaoswynd.
Speaking to you, Goblyn says, "That was very funny."
Goblyn grins at you.
Chaoswynd pinches you. Ow!
You innocently say, "Never said otherwise..."
You pinch Chaoswynd!
You beam happily at Goblyn!
Chaoswynd snickers.
Speaking to you, Goblyn asks, "Maybe he will marry Larsya then, too, yes?"
You gawk at Goblyn.
Goblyn ponders.
Speaking quietly to Goblyn, Pukk whispers aloud, "See, that is the banter of people in love."
You glance dubiously at Chaoswynd.
Pukk nods knowingly.
Chaoswynd folds his arms over his chest.
Goblyn asks, "Larysa is the girl who is... in one of the coffins, yes?"
Chaoswynd rolls his eyes.
Goblyn squints at Pukk.
You say, "She was! But she was released a year and a half ago."
You furrow your brow, probably adding a wrinkle or two in the process.
Goblyn ponders.
Chaoswynd slowly says, "I am not marrying anyone, thank you very much."
Goblyn asks, "She is very old now, though, yes?"
Goblyn says, "Maybe a little bit with the..."
Goblyn twirls her finger near the side of her head.
Chaoswynd gazes in amusement at Goblyn.
Speaking to Goblyn, Chaoswynd says, "Subtle."
You answer, "Larsya isn't aging anymore, but... yes, she doesn't have her youth anymore."
You grumble.
Goblyn laughs at Chaoswynd!
Speaking quietly to Goblyn, Pukk says, "Next, Cay is going to get a bunch of brightly colored feathers and objects and make a nest for Leafi.....oh wait....that doesn't work with people."
You give Chaoswynd a sideways glance as you point your finger at your temple and twirl it slowly.
Pukk looks lost in thought.
You point at Pukk.
Bernadette nods to you.
Chaoswynd gives you a series of teasing little prods along the spine.
Goblyn gazes in amusement at Pukk.
You try hard not to grin.
Goblyn glances between Chaoswynd and yourself.
Goblyn glances at Pukk.
No Moderator, No Panel, Just a Host and Good Company
You curiously say, "Hm. Either we didn't advertise this Town Hall well enough or people are exhausted after the one four nights ago... small crowd."
You gaze heavenward.
Pukk hums a seemingly random tune.
You suddenly note, "Even Luxie isn't here."
Speaking to Bernadette, Goblyn blurts, "You are very quiet this night!"
You chortle.
Pukk rubs his crystal amulet.
Pukk gets an odd look on his face.
[Pukk, Goblyn, Chaoswynd, and Leafi send out thoughts]
Aveigh just went south.
Bernadette softly says, "I'm trying to listen and learn."
Bernadette nods.
You grin at Bernadette.
Goblyn nods slowly at Bernadette.
Speaking quietly to you, Pukk says, "There."
You grin at Pukk.
Bernadette softly says, "Lotta stuff been goin on it's hard to keep up sometimes."
Bernadette nods at Goblyn.
Goblyn nods quickly at Bernadette!
Pukk beams!
Speaking to Bernadette, Goblyn says, "There is very much, yes."
You rock back on your heels.
Bernadette grins.
Bernadette softly says, "Aye."
Chaoswynd gazes in amusement at Pukk.
(Pukk dances lewdly for Chaoswynd as he flutters his eyes at him.)
Pukk flutters his eyelashes.
You raise your eyebrows and make a show of gazing intently at Pukk, but stop short of wasting any words.
Chaoswynd bursts out in a sudden snort of laughter at Pukk.
High Lord Talinvor's group just arrived.
Bernadette chuckles.
You notice Stonmel moving stealthily into the room.
Ysharra nods at Talinvor.
Goblyn glances at Pukk.
Goblyn covers her eyes with her hands.
Ysharra smiles at Goblyn.
Pukk beams!
Ysharra coughs.
The voice of Goblyn exasperatedly exclaims, "Pukk!"
Felita removes a silver lockpick from in her spidersilk cloak.
You say, "Suppose I'll have to... adjust the intro a bit without Luxie here."
You gaze in wonder at your surroundings.
Pukk laughs!
Talinvor grabs a flute of spiced blood wine from a small pocket inside of his silver-buckled longcoat.
Felita deftly twirls a silver lockpick between two fingers.
Pukk quietly exclaims, "I got Gobby to blush!"
You add, "Although at this point we don't have a panel either."
Goblyn grins at you.
Talinvor offers Goblyn a flute of spiced blood wine.
You scratch your head.
Goblyn beams happily at Talinvor!
Goblyn accepts Talinvor's spiced blood wine.
You rub your chin thoughtfully.
Goblyn beams happily at Ysharra!
Bernadette grins at Pukk.
Talinvor grins.
Speaking to you, Chaoswynd asks, "She won't be joining us?"
Talinvor grabs a flute of spiced blood wine from a small pocket inside of his silver-buckled longcoat.
Goblyn waves to Stonmel.
Goblyn takes a drink from her spiced blood wine.
Stonmel glances at Goblyn.
Speaking to Talinvor, Goblyn exclaims, "Thank you!"
Ysharra kisses Goblyn on the cheek.
Goblyn smirks at Stonmel.
Stonmel grunts, amused.
Speaking wryly to Goblyn, Talinvor says, "I try not to leave home without it."
Closing your eyes tightly, you concentrate on an image within your mind's eye and murmur a soft prayer to the spirits. As the last syllable falls from your lips, your green eyes fly wide open and you flick your fingers, releasing the Locate Person spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture into the air.
Awareness expands as your mind reaches out, questing for Luxelle. Images flash past your senses...
Tangled vines and creeping grasses mar the edges of an enormous, ruined city, denoting where nature has attempted to take back what is hers. Winged beasts creep within the shadows of the aging forest and shy away from the glowing windows of a small cottage that rests off the beaten path.
Slowly the images fade as the magic begins to unravel.
Luxelle must be beyond the reach of your spell.
Goblyn laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement from Talinvor.
Pukk coughs.
Bernadette nods at Stonmel.
Speaking slowly to Chaoswynd, you say, "The fact that she's in Old Ta'Faendryl would tell me... no."
Speaking to Goblyn, Ysharra says, "I was sorry to see the trees, Goblyn."
Relic Hunter Madmountan's group just arrived.
You gaze heavenward.
Speaking thoughtfully to Goblyn, Talinvor says, "Of course, we can always make due."
Speaking to Talinvor, Goblyn says, "I try not to leave home without the first part of it..."
Felita flutters her wings at Stonmel.
Chaoswynd chuckles to himself.
Talinvor removes a razor-sharp black vultite knife with a serrated spine from in his scaled leather bracer.
Ysharra nods to Madmountan in greeting.
Pukk quietly says, "Bernadette, you have a spider on your face...hold still."
Goblyn chortles softly at some secret joke.
Talinvor glances meaningfully at Ysharra.
Madmountan renders a sharp hand salute.
Bernadette and Madmountan bash their forearms in greeting.
Goblyn nods slowly at Ysharra.
You say, "Oh well! I suppose the show must go on."
You nod firmly.
Talinvor put a razor-sharp black vultite knife with a serrated spine in his scaled leather bracer.
Bernadette bows to Ysharra.
(Pukk reaches up to try to nudge the spider but finds out he is too short.)
Bernadette bows to Talinvor.
Ysharra curtsies to Bernadette.
Speaking carefully to Ysharra, Goblyn says, "I am... not happy they are as they are, but it was necessary."
You optimistically exclaim, "No moderator, no panel, just a host and good company--good enough!"
Talinvor nods to Bernadette in greeting.
Stonmel grumbles.
Bernadette nods.
Stonmel removes a flagon of Dragonsdraught ale from on a long wooden bench.
Speaking cheerfully to Ysharra, Goblyn says, "They will just be better ones next time."
Pukk grumbles.
Talinvor takes a drink from his spiced blood wine.
Pukk stands up off the wooden chair.
Speaking to Goblyn, Ysharra says, "They are unique. Their loss is keen."
Goblyn stands up.
Goblyn skips in a circle around Madmountan.
Stonmel asks, "Same ale from months back eh?"
(Pukk reaches up to try to nudge the spider but finds out he is still too short.)
Goblyn cocks her head at Ysharra.
Pukk starts jumping around like a twelve-year-old.
Stonmel shrugs.
Madmountan grins at Goblyn.
Pukk starts jumping around like a twelve-year-old.
Stonmel takes a drink from his Dragonsdraught ale.
Stonmel looks rather relaxed.
Felita flutters her wings at Stonmel.
Speaking to Ysharra, Goblyn exclaims, "It will be less keen when there are better ones!"
Goblyn waves to Lokugrio.
Felita deftly twirls a silver lockpick between two fingers.
Lokugrio smiles at Goblyn.
Stonmel glances at Felita.
Ysharra grins at Goblyn.
Speaking to Ysharra, Talinvor says, "The saplings are growing well."
Lokugrio nods respectfully at Goblyn.
You affirm, "I suppose this is as good a reason as any to scale back to two meetings a month."
You chuckle.
Speaking to Goblyn, Ysharra says, "You would know better."
Goblyn nods in agreement at Talinvor.
Madmountan agrees with you.
Bernadette nudges a small azure spider to her forehead.
Speaking curiously to Goblyn, Talinvor asks, "A different strain?"
Bernadette chuckles.
Pukk sits down on the wooden chair.
Goblyn nods slightly at Talinvor.
Speaking to Talinvor, Ysharra asks, "But why were the two of them used so?"
Ysharra looks thoughtfully at Goblyn.
Speaking to Talinvor, Goblyn says, "They are variations, by a little, yes."
You muse, "Let's just have a casual chat and enjoy one another's company, then. I'm sure people can have a good time either way."
You nod once.
Pukk quietly asks, "Strain? Like the things cooks use?"
You sit down on the long wooden bench.
You lean back.
Speaking to Talinvor, Goblyn exclaims, "I did not know which would grow best until... it was time to grow!"
Speaking to Ysharra, Talinvor says, "Just as two of the saplings have grown faster."
Speaking to Goblyn, Ysharra says, "Rangers form an attachment to trees. It's in all our stories."
Felita deftly twirls a silver lockpick between two fingers.
Ysharra nods at Goblyn.
Madmountan glances at Lokugrio.
Talinvor grins at Goblyn.
Lokugrio raises an eyebrow in Madmountan's direction.
Speaking to Goblyn, Ysharra says, "Speaking of stories."
Goblyn laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement from Pukk.
Madmountan grins.
Question #2, From Goblyn and Talinvor, Answered By Leafiara, Madmountan, Ysharra: Who Is Thrayzar
You offer, "If anyone does have questions about Thrayzar, Thadston, the Rooks, or any other thing... I'll still answer as best I know. Or we could keep talking about rumors of Cay and me. Or whatever."
You snicker to yourself.
Speaking dreamily to Ysharra, Goblyn says, "Trees are very nice for talking to."
Lokugrio pauses in a moment of thoughtful contemplation.
Speaking to Goblyn, Ysharra says, "I didn't see the one about the sorcerer and his wife on your work table."
Chaoswynd gives a sidelong glance at you.
Stonmel grunts, amused.
Lokugrio shrugs.
Goblyn raises her hand.
Speaking pragmatically to Chaoswynd, you reason, "Well, they aren't going to stop."
Goblyn exclaims, "I do have a question!"
You tilt your head slightly toward Goblyn, noting the subtle changes in her muscles and breathing.
Speaking brightly to Goblyn, you ask, "Yes?"
Chaoswynd sighs.
Goblyn asks, "Who is Thrayzar?"
You reply, "Ah! He's the marshal of our militia, who's been away for quite some time."
You nod.
Madmountan says, "He's the orc that was/is the Town Marshal."
Speaking to Ysharra, Goblyn says, "It is maybe misplaced, or someone did take it. I will have to see."
Speaking to you, Talinvor teases, "Rumors about you....if they make you blush upon the telling.."
Bernadette nods.
Ysharra nods approvingly at Goblyn.
Talinvor turns an inquisitive ear toward you.
Goblyn cocks her head at you.
Chaoswynd glances sharply at Pukk.
Pukk hums a seemingly random tune.
Speaking to you, Goblyn asks, "This is the same militia as Stormyrain and Shinann are captains in?"
Speaking to Goblyn, Ysharra says, "I'd like that, it was an intriguing moral, I felt."
Speaking to Goblyn, you continue, "Two nights ago a neckerchief from him was given to Stormy, whose loresong showed... that he was abducted by White Sparrows."
Chaoswynd tries to pinch Pukk, but he leans away just in time.
You nod at Goblyn.
Chaoswynd smirks at Pukk.
Speaking to Goblyn, you confirm, "It is indeed."
Pukk grins.
Goblyn scratches her head.
Speaking to Goblyn, you explain, "He's a rank of authority above them."
You raise your arms and place your interlocked fingers against the back of your head, then take a deep breath and slowly exhale.
Goblyn notes, "He is not a very good marshal if he is not here for this long."
You add, "Assuming he's still alive."
Lord Gorku just strode in, his group following close behind.
Speaking to Goblyn, you admit, "He definitely has been gone for a while."
Ysharra chuckles to herself.
Speaking to you, Goblyn exclaims, "And maybe even a less good one for being abducted!"
Goblyn flails her arms about.
Felita deftly twirls a silver lockpick between two fingers.
You acknowledge, "Well, he was surrounded by several attackers."
Stonmel takes a drink from his Dragonsdraught ale.
You nod at Goblyn.
Goblyn cocks her head at you.
You offhandedly greet, "Welcome, everyone, by the way. We have no moderator or panel tonight, apparently--just me."
You chuckle.
Speaking thoughtfully to Ysharra, Talinvor says, "Black Rooks, White Sparrows, Owly, shrikes and ravens. One might think the Landing was becoming an aviary."
You exclaim, "Or you can make conversation with everyone! We even have Miss Goblyn here!"
Stonmel rolls his eyes.
You turn to Goblyn and cheer!
Speaking to Talinvor, Ysharra says, "The White Sparrows are not in the Landing."
Goblyn laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement from you.
Ysharra smiles at Talinvor.
Goblyn waves to Gorku.
Goblyn waves to Stiana.
Lokugrio says, "I have seen a marshal surrounded by more than several enemies.. and this marshal walked away, over the corpses of those who once surrounded him."
Lokugrio shrugs.
Gorku waves to Goblyn.
Goblyn skips in a circle around Ferrumus.
Gorku smiles at Goblyn.
Stonmel says, "Folks say what they would about Crux, at least he could be bothered to attend meetings."
Stonmel grumbles.
Ferrumus chuckles.
Speaking to Ysharra, Talinvor asks, "No? Where then?"
Stiana waves to Goblyn.
You chortle at Stonmel.
Goblyn nods in agreement at Lokugrio.
Pukk glances at Stonmel.
Madmountan appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Speaking to Talinvor, Ysharra says, "Estoria."
Speaking to Lokugrio, Goblyn exclaims, "That is a good martial!"
Ferrumus smiles at Goblyn.
Lokugrio nods in agreement at Goblyn.
Speaking quietly to Stonmel, Pukk asks, "Okay, who are you and where is the real Stonmel?"
Goblyn flashes a wide grin at Stonmel.
Speaking to Stonmel, you concede, "To be fair, I think we maybe didn't advertise this one very well."
Pukk quietly says, "He must be a golem."
Speaking to Talinvor, Ysharra says, "The southwestern peninsula of the Empire."
Speaking to Stonmel, Goblyn exclaims, "Folks do only say nice things of him!"
Pukk quietly exclaims, "Get him!"
Goblyn beams happily at Stonmel!
Pukk points at Stonmel.
Bernadette chuckles.
You say, "Either that or people are tired after the last one was only four nights ago."
You chortle.
Talinvor acts puzzled.
Speaking to Stonmel, Goblyn adds, "Otherwise, I will maybe take out their tongues."
Stonmel glances at Pukk.
Madmountan sticks out his tongue.
Speaking curiously to Ysharra, Talinvor asks, "And they are involved how?"
Goblyn laughs at Madmountan!
Madmountan grins at Goblyn.
Felita inclines her ear, listening intently.
Speaking to Madmountan, Goblyn laughs, "Not you!"
Speaking to Talinvor, Ysharra says, "A man from Estoria arrived on a ship two nights ago."
You poke Pukk in the ribs.
Speaking to Madmountan, Goblyn exclaims, "This will just be for the fun if we are taking yours out!"
You flash a wide grin.
Madmountan cackles at Goblyn!
Speaking to Ysharra, Talinvor says, "I don't know if I heard this."
Speaking to Talinvor, Ysharra says, "He had an item from this Marshall."
Goblyn ponders.
Speaking to Talinvor, Ysharra says, "No, you'd gone to sleep."
You peer quizzically at Chaoswynd.
Bernadette nods.
You bemusedly say, "This is a strange night." [referring to an amunet conversation about Pukk trying to auction off Chaoswynd or Leafi, Leafi wanting the silvers if she's auctioned off, and Chaoswynd saying it's not auctioning if she gets the profits herself]
Chaoswynd looks over at you and shakes his head.
You snicker.
Speaking to Ysharra, Talinvor says, "Sleep is more important."
Goblyn nods slowly to you.
Pukk nods while tilting his black cavalier hat forward and giving a quick, teeth-flashing grin.
Talinvor nods sagely at Ysharra.
You gaze admiringly at Pukk.
Speaking to Talinvor, Ysharra says, "I...will not challenge that, just now."
Speaking to you, Goblyn says, "It is a strange town."
Ysharra flashes a quick grin at Talinvor.
Speaking curiously to Stiana, you ask, "Do you or your friend have any questions?"
Pukk agrees with Goblyn.
You nod eagerly at Goblyn.
Speaking lovingly to Goblyn, you agree, "It is! That's why I live here."
Talinvor winks.
Ysharra begins chuckling at Talinvor!
Stonmel takes a drink from his Dragonsdraught ale.
Goblyn laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement from you.
Talinvor looks thoughtfully at Ysharra.
Talinvor touches one finger to his lips.
Speaking quietly to you, Pukk asks, "I thought you lived here because you keep getting lost when you leave the gates?"
You peer quizzically at Pukk.
Pukk peers quizzically at you.
Pukk quietly says, "Oh wait."
Pukk quietly says, "That's Cay."
Speaking to Ysharra, Talinvor urges, "The man from Estoria and the marshal?"
Goblyn glances between Stiana and Gorku.
Pukk smiles at Chaoswynd.
Pukk grins.
You grin crookedly at Pukk.
Chaoswynd smirks at Pukk.
Speaking to Talinvor, Ysharra says, "Anyway, this Marshall, the one that was changed into an orc..."
Speaking curiously to Ysharra, Talinvor asks, "Raznel's magic?"
Bernadette nods.
You nod at Talinvor.
Lokugrio rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Stiana looks over at you and shakes her head.
You nod understandingly at Stiana.
Speaking to Talinvor, Ysharra says, "He appeared in the captain's loresong, as if he was tracking someone or something through the wilderness."
Pukk leans over and whispers, "[something...]"
Goblyn cocks her head at Lokugrio.
Speaking blithely to Stiana, you blurt, "I guess it's just as well that you have no questions since we have no panel."
You chortle.
Goblyn nods slowly at Lokugrio.
Stiana chuckles.
Lokugrio smiles.
Pukk beams!
Goblyn beams happily at Lokugrio!
Speaking curiously to Ysharra, Talinvor asks, "She changed another to a troll, neh?"
You glance at Pukk.
You glance at Stonmel.
You ponder.
Speaking to Talinvor, Ysharra says, "When he was ambushed and apprehended by the White Sparrows. A group of humans who have a vigilante group in Estoria."
Pukk quietly says, "We can put Goblyn on the panel and everybody can ask her questions."
Interlocking his fingers above his head, Chaoswynd stretches slowly, extending his spine in a satisfying stretch.
Gorku ponders.
You quietly whisper to Pukk, "[something...]"
You nod once.
Pukk beams!
Gorku shakes his head.
Gorku grins.
You gawk at Pukk.
Stonmel turns away, ignoring you.
Goblyn flashes a wide grin at Lokugrio.
Gorku shrugs.
Gorku ponders.
Lokugrio chuckles.
Gorku rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Gorku ponders.
Stonmel takes a drink from his Dragonsdraught ale.
Stonmel looks rather relaxed.
Pukk quietly says, "First would be, what color of blood is her favorite."
Gorku rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Goblyn skips in a circle around Lokugrio.
Bernadette grins.
Gorku chuckles.
Speaking to Talinvor, Ysharra says, "I've heard that, but not much- it predates my return to the Landing. I heard the troll fellow taunting people here and there."
Speaking curiously to Ysharra, Talinvor asks, "Who was ambushed? The man, or the Marshal?"
Goblyn glances at Gorku.
Lokugrio nods sagely.
Goblyn nods eagerly at Lokugrio.
You lean on Stiana, giving her a companionable grin.
Gorku glances at Goblyn.
Goblyn flashes Gorku a toothy grin.
Gorku smiles at Goblyn.
Gorku grins.
Ysharra winks at Talinvor.
Stiana smiles at you.
Gorku smiles at you.
Talinvor grumbles.
You grin at Gorku.
Goblyn sits down.
Goblyn takes a drink from her spiced blood wine.
Talinvor says, "Human marshal from Estoria is now an orc."
Talinvor peers quizzically at Ysharra.
Lokugrio sniffs.
Lokugrio shifts his eyes to Madmountan.
Speaking to Talinvor, Goblyn asks, "This is the orc that is an orc because of Raznel, yes?"
You nod in agreement.
You affirm, "He is."
Speaking apologetically to Talinvor, Goblyn says, "I was not listening, maybe you did say this already."
Speaking to Goblyn, Talinvor says, "It seems so, eii."
Goblyn ducks slightly and covers her head with her arms.
Goblyn laughs!
Goblyn nods once at Talinvor.
Ysharra looks over at Talinvor and shakes her head.
Speaking to Talinvor, Ysharra asks, "I don't think he's from Estoria, he's from here, right?"
Ysharra raises an eyebrow.
Speaking curiously to Ysharra, Talinvor says, "No idea, you brought up Estoria."
Pukk whispers something to Goblyn.
Speaking to Talinvor, Ysharra says, "That's where he's been captured, apparently."
Chaoswynd leans against the hearth, taking a momentary rest.
Ysharra nods at Talinvor.
You clarify, "Estoria is where he was abducted. He was marshal here, though."
A snow white raven circles lazily overhead.
Goblyn ponders.
Goblyn laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement from Pukk.
You ponder.
You muse, "Or... still is, perhaps."
Pukk beams happily at Goblyn!
Goblyn wiggles her nose at Pukk.
Speaking to Ysharra, Talinvor asks, "Ah, so Landing Marshall, human. Turned to orc by Raznel. Somehow ended up in Estoria and ambushed by White Sparrows?"
Pukk whispers something to Goblyn.
Pukk rubs something in a deep black leather cloak.
Talinvor rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Goblyn ponders.
Speaking to Talinvor, Ysharra says, "Yes."
Question #3, From Leafiara, Answered by Pukk and Goblyn: The Crux of a Cure
Speaking suddenly to Goblyn, you say, "Come to think of it, I do have a question for you that's more serious than Pukk's..."
Speaking to Talinvor, Ysharra says, "According to the loresong, anyway. Best as we can tell."
Speaking curiously to Goblyn, you ask, "Do you have any idea how we can help Crux fix his, er, anti-magic problem?"
Speaking amusedly to Ysharra, Talinvor says, "Which.. makes no sense."
You furrow your brow, probably adding a wrinkle or two in the process.
Bernadette nods.
Bernadette rubs her chin thoughtfully.
Pukk begins to breathe less deeply.
Speaking to Talinvor, Ysharra says, "People are wondering if he's still alive, what they want him for, if he's found the witch, and so on."
Ysharra nods at Talinvor.
Rioja just arrived.
Talinvor ponders.
Pukk quietly says, "I say, you drain all his blood out of him and clean it with some really vile stuff, then put it back in him."
Goblyn peers quizzically at you.
Speaking to Ysharra, Talinvor asks, "How many human marshals do we know from around here?"
Speaking slowly to you, Goblyn says, "I do have some ideas, yes."
Pukk quietly says, "I know that is how gnomes fix some of their things."
You beam happily at Goblyn!
Pukk nods sagely.
Gorku chuckles.
Speaking relievedly to Goblyn, you admit, "Oh, that's good to hear. Most of us have almost no idea how to pursue a cure."
You grumble.
Stiana giggles at Gorku.
Goblyn starts chortling.
Speaking to Talinvor, Ysharra says, "Madmountan's close, though not quite human."
Ysharra winks at Madmountan.
Speaking carefully to you, Goblyn says, "I will maybe try some ideas for him if it does last a good deal longer. But..."
Madmountan starts chortling.
You grin at Madmountan.
Rioja reaches over the golden brown fox's back and clasps her arms around the canine's neck in a warm embrace.
Speaking quietly to you, Pukk says, "First you must find the cure, then you have to hide and stalk it for a bit. That way, if it runs away. You can keep pursuing it."
Rioja nods to the golden brown fox.
A slight whisper of wind is the only indication that a golden brown fox has wandered off.
Gorku nods.
Talinvor says, "A blessing, that."
You squint at Pukk.
Speaking to you, Goblyn says, "I will like to see if he can be ... helping himself first."
Talinvor nods at Madmountan.
Goblyn looks at you and breaks into a cheeky grin.
Chaoswynd stares at Pukk.
Speaking to Goblyn, you relent, "Understandable. I'm sure he has ideas too."
You thoughtfully tap a finger against your lips.
Speaking to you, Goblyn says, "Also, it is interesting to watch the behavior without the magic."
Goblyn shrugs at you.
You chuckle.
Goblyn gazes in amusement at Ysharra.
Speaking to Goblyn, you admit, "Well... he does seem very different, it's true, and not as concerned as I'd probably be in his situation."
Goblyn nods slowly at Ysharra.
Goblyn waves to Rioja.
Rioja smiles at Goblyn.
Rioja nods to Goblyn in greeting.
Question #4, From Goblyn, Answered By Lokugrio, Ysharra, Talinvor, Madmountan, Leafiara: Thrayzar's Transformation
Goblyn abruptly asks, "Why did Raznel make Thrayzar an orc?"
Goblyn ponders.
Felita flutters her wings at a snow white raven.
Ysharra smiles.
Goblyn asks, "And was she still Naimorai when she did this, or she was Raznel?"
Lokugrio asks, "For amusement, perhaps?"
You admit, "I'm not especially clear on that question myself... why she did it."
Ysharra gently rubs the snow white raven on the head and neck. The raven fluffs up her feathers.
You ponder.
Goblyn grins at Lokugrio.
Gorku ponders.
Ysharra says, "I would assume she did it because it would pain him."
Goblyn curiously asks, "Thrayzar is her friend?"
Goblyn blinks at Ysharra.
Stonmel takes a drink from his Dragonsdraught ale.
Speaking to Goblyn, Talinvor says, "I suspect the creature choices have some bearing. Maybe she needed them to go somewhere, without detection."
Madmountan grins at Goblyn.
Goblyn cocks her head at Talinvor.
You rub your chin thoughtfully.
Speaking to Goblyn, Madmountan says, "Not everyone pains their friends."
Speaking to Talinvor, Goblyn says, "This is... an interesting idea."
You laugh softly, trying to hide your amusement from Madmountan.
Goblyn frowns at Madmountan.
Speaking pointedly to Madmountan, Goblyn says, "That is... not being a very nice friend, then."
Speaking to Goblyn, Talinvor asks, "Who pays attention to the lesser creatures?"
Speaking to Talinvor, Ysharra says, "Drangell did inherit a troll's regenerative properties."
Lokugrio chuckles.
Madmountan agrees with Goblyn.
Talinvor nods at Ysharra.
Goblyn nods in agreement at Talinvor.
Goblyn ponders.
Speaking quietly to Talinvor, Pukk exclaims, "That is what I have been saying! It is overdue for the kobolds to have a uprising and take over the town!"
Pukk flails his arms about.
You amusedly counter, "They already have their own town."
Talinvor adds, "Is Raznel human?"
You poke Pukk in the ribs.
Goblyn asks, "In summary: we do not know for certain why Naimora-Raznel did change Thrayzar, except maybe for less detection of him for her use.... and he is... not her friend?"
Goblyn scratches her head.
Speaking to Talinvor, Ysharra says, "Yes."
Goblyn asks, "This is correct?"
Goblyn agrees with Talinvor.
Speaking to Goblyn, you acknowledge, "Sounds right to me."
You nod.
Madmountan nods at Goblyn.
Bernadette nods.
Bernadette softly says, "Makes sense."
Bernadette nods.
You murmur, "There are always endless mysteries around here."
Goblyn grins at you.
Bernadette nods to you.
You flash a quick grin.
Bernadette mutters confusing.
Ysharra says, "He is hunting her. Shinann thinks so, anyway, and she seems like one who knows things."
Lokugrio yawns.
You nod at Ysharra.
Goblyn peers quizzically at Ysharra.
Talinvor says, "Though Dragnell was far too mouthy to hide as a troll."
Goblyn nods.
Speaking to Ysharra, you say, "Right, as you said that night--probably the doll led her to believe that."
Speaking to you, Ysharra says, "If it wasn't a trap to make him a prisoner."
Question #5, From Goblyn, Answered By Leafiara, Ysharra, Pukk, Madmountan: Thrayzar and the White Sparrows (...and Hapenlok)
Goblyn asks, "Why will the White Sparrows want to abduct him?"
Speaking to you, Ysharra says, "Wouldn't be the first time someone's used a doll to emulate the witch's presence and power."
Goblyn begins chortling at Ysharra.
Speaking to Goblyn, you sigh, "Well, Stormy's loresong revealed them saying they had 'need' of him, but to what end I can only guess."
Ysharra nods to you.
You flatly admit, "And I don't even really have a guess."
You chuckle.
Pukk quietly says, "Dolls, orcs, neckerchiefs, one eyed humans....this is all confusing."
Goblyn nods slowly to you.
Speaking to you, Ysharra says, "The White Sparrows were formed to fight against the Krolvin raids on the southern coast."
Speaking to Pukk, Stiana says, "Always is."
Bernadette softly says, "An bloody ones at that."
You nod at Ysharra.
Speaking to Pukk, Lokugrio says, "You forgot abduction prone birds."
Bernadette nods.
Speaking to you, Goblyn says, "It is a very strange... thing for them to do."
Lokugrio nods once.
Goblyn agrees with Ysharra.
Ysharra says, "I would have to assume they've got some need wrapped up with that, unless they've somehow taken up a new cause against witches or orcs."
You quip, "They should have abducted Hapenlok instead. He'd help 'em fight the krolvin alright."
Goblyn looks thoughtfully at Ysharra.
Ysharra adds, "Or marshals."
Goblyn laughs at you!
You wink at Goblyn and flash a sly grin.
Speaking to Ysharra, Talinvor says, "Perhaps human armies can't be bought, but the creatures of the lesser races are easy to stoke to battle. Orc.. Troll."
Talinvor rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Speaking curiously to you, Goblyn asks, "Why is Hapenlok not joined them already?"
Speaking abruptly to Goblyn, you say, "A very good question."
You scratch your head.
Speaking quietly to you, Pukk says, "That would be fun to see...or to hear about...Happy being abducted and turned into a lesser orc or something."
Goblyn ponders.
Speaking coyly to Pukk, you jest, "He isn't already?"
Speaking to Talinvor, Ysharra says, "I don't know. It seems a little elaborate for simple press gang operations."
Goblyn says, "If he is painting his face white, though..."
Stiana snickers.
Goblyn scratches her head.
Felita giggles.
Pukk starts chuckling at you!
Felita nods.
Goblyn nods at Ysharra.
Stiana asks, "Hap is a bit small for a lesser orc though, right?"
Ysharra nods at Goblyn.
Madmountan says, "I heard it was because he didn't wash his foothair."
Pukk nods.
Speaking to Stiana, you say, "A young one."
You snicker.
Goblyn laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement from Stiana.
Stonmel takes a drink from his Dragonsdraught ale.
Stiana chuckles.
Speaking to Madmountan, Goblyn grouses, "He does not."
Speaking thoughtfully to Ysharra, Talinvor asks, "Who is Marshal now?"
Speaking to Goblyn, Ysharra says, "I think they use preserved Krolvin skin to decorate their clothing."
Ysharra nods at Goblyn.
Ysharra shrugs at Talinvor.
Speaking to Talinvor, Ysharra says, "One assumes someone incredibly effective, since we don't know him."
Speaking to Ysharra, Goblyn says, "I think I will like them..."
Rioja closes her eyes for a moment.
Rioja just left.
Bernadette grins.
Question #6, From Talinvor, Answered By Leafiara and Pukk: Chain of Command
Talinvor asks, "Marshal is in charge of the militia, neh?"
Stiana says, "Hap the mini orc."
Speaking to Goblyn, Ysharra says, "I'd say so. You have a similar trophy habit, I feel."
You nod at Talinvor.
Ysharra nods at Goblyn.
Talinvor asks, "Isn't that Stormy right now?"
Goblyn blinks.
You say, "She's a captain."
Speaking to Ysharra, Goblyn disagrees, "It is not a trophy habit!"
Ysharra grins at Goblyn.
Speaking amusedly to Ysharra, Goblyn exclaims, "It is just efficient use of... the things around me!"
Speaking to you, Talinvor asks, "If not Stormy that leads, who does?"
You speculate, "Although if Thrayzar is missing long enough, maybe the town council will want someone else to fill the role..."
Speaking to Goblyn, Ysharra says, "You know what I've told you before."
Speaking to Ysharra, Goblyn says, "And it does look nice in some times."
Speaking to Goblyn, Ysharra says, "You hardly ever answer questions."
Goblyn ponders.
Speaking frankly to Talinvor, you confide, "Without Thrayzar--I suppose there is no leader right now."
You furrow your brow, probably adding a wrinkle or two in the process.
Speaking to Goblyn, Ysharra says, "But you'll correct me if I say something outright wrong."
Speaking curiously to you, Talinvor asks, "If Thrayzar is Marshal?"
Speaking amusedly to Ysharra, Goblyn exclaims, "Or maybe I do answer questions, but they are not the answers you do like!"
Goblyn grins impishly at Ysharra.
Ysharra grins mischievously at Goblyn.
You nod at Talinvor.
Ysharra pushes her hands down against her gown in an elegant gesture.
Gorku ponders.
Speaking to Pukk, Goblyn exclaims, "You did hear this, yes? You can be selected by the Town Council for leading the militia!"
Goblyn gives a sidelong glance at you.
Speaking to you, Talinvor says, "Thank you.. just.. twisting this around in my head to try to find the start of it."
Ysharra chuckles to herself.
Goblyn hums a seemingly random tune.
You hurriedly exclaim, "I'm only speculating!"
You flail your arms about.
Madmountan says, "Goblyn is trying her hand at jokes again."
Madmountan grins.
Speaking to you, Goblyn whispers aloud, "It will be a very fun militia with Pukk in charge of it!"
Gorku grins.
Bernadette smiles.
You grin slowly at Goblyn.
Speaking laughingly to Goblyn, Pukk says, "I don't think I would do good involves following rules..."
Bernadette grins at Goblyn.
Goblyn takes a drink from her spiced blood wine.
Pukk chuckles.
Goblyn beams happily at Madmountan!
Stiana chuckles.
Speaking mischievously to Pukk, you say, "Not if you were in charge..."
Gorku grins at Goblyn.
Madmountan grins.
Pukk quietly says, "Oh hey."
Speaking to Madmountan, Goblyn exclaims, "Maybe a joke, maybe not!"
Speaking hopefully to Pukk, you exclaim, "Then maybe I could finally join!"
Pukk quietly says, "I like that idea."
Speaking to Pukk, Ysharra asks, "Hence the funny part, no?"
Speaking helpfully to Pukk, Goblyn suggests, "Maybe you will make the rule that everyone will -break- the rules, yes?"
Speaking to Pukk, Talinvor asks, "Can we invade Jantalar?"
You nod approvingly at Goblyn.
Pukk beams!
Talinvor grins slowly at Pukk.
You gaze admiringly at Goblyn.
You fondly say, "I like where this is going."
Goblyn giggles at you.
Bernadette grins.
Goblyn laughs at Talinvor!
Pukk quietly says, "Wait...if the rule is to break the rule. Then I want to break that rule by not breaking the rules..."
Pukk flails his arms about.
Bernadette softly says, "Me too might be interesting."
Goblyn grins mischievously at Pukk.
You beam happily at Bernadette!
Bernadette nods at Pukk.
Speaking to Pukk, Goblyn exclaims, "It is a... endless circle!"
Speaking to Pukk, Ysharra says, "You're going to rip yourself in half."
Pukk flails his arms about.
Goblyn turns to Ysharra and cheers!
You snuggle against Pukk, who cradles an arm around you.
Speaking to Pukk, Goblyn requests, "You will do this when I am here, yes?"
Chaoswynd chuckles to himself.
Speaking to Pukk, Ysharra says, "I can see the first seam about to pop."
Lokugrio folds his hands behind his back.
Mayor Lylia just arrived.
Bernadette chuckles.
Goblyn takes a drink from her spiced blood wine.
Goblyn looks rather relaxed.
You wave to Lylia.
Ysharra smiles at Lylia.
Stonmel glances at Lylia.
Lylia gingerly pats her hand along the top of her head and gently smooths her waist-length hair into place.
Stonmel grunts, amused.
Ysharra kisses Lylia on the cheek.
Bernadette bows to Lylia.
Lylia kisses Ysharra tenderly on the cheek.
Goblyn grins at Lylia.
Goblyn stands up.
Lylia nods in greeting.
Chaoswynd smiles at Lylia.
Lokugrio nods respectfully at Lylia.
Goblyn hugs Lylia.
Lylia smiles at Goblyn.
Pukk quietly says, "But if I break the rule of breaking the rules, then that will be a rule too...and I will break that by breaking that rule of breaking rules.."
Speaking to Lylia, Ysharra greets, "Mayor Rashere."
Bernadette softly says, "Milady Mayor."
Lylia hugs Goblyn.
Pukk swoons.
Speaking to Pukk, you opine, "That's the beauty of it."
Stiana nods to Lylia in greeting.
Pukk groans.
Questions #7-10 Or So, From Stonmel: Answered By Lylia, Leafiara, Goblyn, Xorus: Town Corruption
Lylia says, "Do forgive me for being late. I was in the east. Trouble with ice elementals."
Bernadette nods curtly to Lylia.
(Pukk holds his head in anguish.)
Ysharra smiles quietly to herself.
Bernadette nods at Lylia.
Pukk mutters evil.
Pukk groans.
Speaking wryly to Pukk, Talinvor says, "Then Aldoria. They make excellent wine."
Goblyn snickers at Pukk.
Pukk sits up on the wooden chair.
Talinvor nods sagely at Pukk.
Speaking to Pukk, Goblyn notes, "The answer is 'yes!'."
Gorku smiles at Lylia.
Stonmel says, "Yes, more concerned with elven problems than this town's."
Stonmel rolls his eyes.
Talinvor smiles at Lylia.
You curiously say, "Ice elementals in the the east and not the north... interesting."
Goblyn takes a drink from her spiced blood wine.
Goblyn looks rather relaxed.
Lylia smiles at Talinvor.
Pukk quietly says, "I will have to think on that...I mind just shut down..."
Speaking to Lylia, Talinvor says, "Good evening, Mayor."
Pukk stares off into space.
Goblyn cocks her head at Stonmel.
Pukk looks lost in thought.
Pukk groans.
Speaking to Stonmel, Goblyn asks, "What is the problems you will like focused on?"
Stiana begins chuckling at Pukk!
Ysharra chuckles to herself.
Talinvor peers quizzically at Pukk.
Lylia smiles at Gorku.
Bernadette softly says, "Mebee they travel in the spring."
Stonmel glances at Goblyn.
Goblyn snickers at Pukk.
Speaking offhandedly to Pukk, you mention, "We have experts who can fix that."
Bernadette nods.
Pukk nods to you.
Speaking quietly to you, Pukk says, "Helga."
Goblyn raises an eyebrow in Stonmel's direction.
Speaking flatly to Pukk, you say, "No, not her."
You chuckle.
Stonmel shakes his head.
Goblyn starts chortling at you!
Felita deftly twirls a silver lockpick between two fingers.
Speaking quietly to Goblyn, Pukk whispers aloud, "I think Stonmel is a golem. He actually missed Cruxy."
Felita gazes in awe at a silver lockpick in her hand.
Goblyn laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.
Stonmel takes a drink from his Dragonsdraught ale.
Stonmel looks rather relaxed.
Talinvor turns an inquisitive ear toward Ysharra.
Stonmel grunts.
Speaking incredulously to Pukk, you whisper aloud, "That was your -first- clue?"
Speaking to Stonmel, Goblyn observes, "You will like to say there is not enough concern for the town... but then you will not say what is a concern."
Goblyn scratches her head.
Goblyn shrugs.
Elbromo just arrived.
Stonmel stares at Goblyn.
Speaking quietly to you, Pukk whispers aloud, "When he gave Cruxy credit for something."
Lylia whispers something to Goblyn.
Elbromo nods at Lylia.
Goblyn smiles at Stonmel.
Lokugrio pauses for a moment to study Stonmel, his gaze dwelling upon Stonmel's features.
Elbromo sits down.
Goblyn agrees with Lylia.
Bernadette smiles and nods in greeting to Elbromo.
Lylia smiles at Elbromo.
Lokugrio says, "His beard is concerning."
Bernadette smiles.
Lokugrio nods sagely.
Speaking to Pukk, you whisper aloud, "And you didn't think he might be a golem before then?"
You glance skeptically at Pukk.
Elbromo gives Bernadette a friendly hug.
Bernadette gives Elbromo a friendly hug.
Elbromo nods to you.
Pukk shakes his head.
You nod to Elbromo in greeting.
You grin.
You gawk at Pukk.
You glance at Stonmel.
You unsuccessfully try to stifle your grin.
Pukk appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Lylia smirks as a haughty expression flits across her face.
Ysharra gazes heavenward.
Goblyn laughs at Lylia!
Lylia winks at Goblyn.
Lylia smiles at Ysharra.
Stiana grins.
Stonmel says, "How about the fact that the mayor is more concerned with making secret deals with mass murderers, that the other person running has basically gotten away with treason due to an inept legal system, that a killer has been shown mercy at the cost of closure to the families he left fractured..."
Stonmel glances at Goblyn.
Stonmel mutters under his breath.
Lylia hides her face in her upturned palm and slowly shakes her head. After a barely audible sigh, she regards Stonmel with world-weary gaze.
Ysharra winks at Lylia.
Lylia chuckles.
You chuckle.
Felita glances up.
Speaking to Stonmel, Goblyn asks, "This mayor you speak of is... Mayor Lylia?"
Goblyn peers quizzically at Stonmel.
Speaking to Stonmel, Stiana says, "That's just normal in this town."
You curiously say, "So thirty years in prison is now mercy... I see."
Stonmel nods at Goblyn.
Speaking to Stonmel, Goblyn asks, "And who is this 'other person' that is getting away with treason?"
Goblyn scratches her head.
Stonmel glances at you.
Speaking to Stonmel, Goblyn says, "I do think that--"
Goblyn says, "Ooh."
Stonmel rolls his eyes.
Pukk stands up off the wooden chair.
Lylia says, "The 'secret deal' was an attempt to keep an innocent man from being killed, and I offered nothing in return. I merely hinted at possibilities, and Malluch Burdos offered himself up on the altar."
Lylia looks thoughtful for a moment, then shrugs.
Speaking to Stonmel, Goblyn says, "What is the secret deal that Mayor Lylia did--"
Goblyn laughs!
Pukk stands in front of you.
Lylia asks, "Was I to have let my campaign advisor die at his hands?"
Lylia raises an eyebrow.
Speaking curiously to Stonmel, Goblyn asks, "What will you have liked Mayor Lylia to do instead in this... situation?"
Pukk quietly asks, "So he could kill more?"
Stonmel says, "You could have taken the chance to end the treat to all, not just one you valued more."
Speaking to Stonmel, Goblyn asks, "You did wish her to kill him?"
Goblyn scratches her head.
Speaking coyly to Stonmel, you muse, "I helped Rone for the sake of a hostage negotiation, but I suppose we'll never know what I would have done if he'd just dropped the prism and retreated and I'd found him alone."
You flash a wide grin at Stonmel.
Gorku nods in agreement at Lylia.
Speaking to Stonmel, Lylia replies, "So, you thought I should have become 'Rone.' I see."
Lylia says, "Meting out justice without a trial."
Ysharra removes a plush Rone Wehnimer doll from in her white wolf fur cloak.
Speaking to Stonmel, Goblyn asks, "Will she not have been breaking the law then, yes?"
Talinvor grins at Ysharra.
Stonmel grunts, amused.
Talinvor grabs a small iron nail from a small pocket inside of his silver-buckled longcoat.
Gorku nods once.
Talinvor offers Ysharra a small iron nail.
Ysharra glances between Lylia and a plush Rone Wehnimer doll.
Ysharra accepts Talinvor's iron nail.
Lylia gazes in amusement at Ysharra.
Ysharra grins slowly at Talinvor.
Speaking to Ysharra, Lylia says, "It would never have worked. I look sickly in white."
Lord Xorus just arrived.
Speaking to Lylia, Ysharra says, "He's a handsome enough toy, but he lacks your fire."
Stonmel says, "As if laws have any consquences to those in power in this town."
You nod to Xorus in greeting.
Lylia smiles at Xorus.
Xorus nods in greeting.
Talinvor nods to Xorus in greeting.
Ysharra smiles at Xorus.
Bernadette nods curtly to Xorus.
Speaking to Lylia, Goblyn says, "It is okay. We are making Hapenlok paint himself white instead."
Ysharra looks thoughtfully at Xorus.
You remind, "The laws don't hold out in the forest."
Speaking to Xorus, Lylia says, "We were just speaking of you. Specifically of saving your life."
Goblyn grins at Lylia.
Goblyn beams happily at Xorus!
Lokugrio nods in agreement at Madmountan.
Speaking to Stonmel, Lylia says, "You failed to answer the question."
Speaking to Lylia, Xorus says, "A rather questionable choice of dubious consequence."
Speaking to Stonmel, Talinvor asks, "They hardly have any consequences in the Empire. Why would they here in a lowly outpost that Tamzyrr only cares about when convenient?"
Ysharra gives her Wehnimer doll a warm hug.
Lylia asks, "You would have preferred me to become 'Rone,' then, and act without due process of law?"
Ysharra put a plush Rone Wehnimer doll in her white wolf fur cloak.
Lylia leans softly against Xorus.
Ysharra offers Talinvor a small iron nail.
Talinvor accepts Ysharra's iron nail.
Talinvor tucks a small iron nail into a small pocket inside of his silver-buckled longcoat.
Speaking to Talinvor, Ysharra says, "If all you have is a hammer..."
Ysharra winks at Talinvor.
Stonmel says, "As I said, the law is meaningless in this town, it is clearly not equally applied to all."
Stonmel shrugs.
Goblyn scratches her head.
Speaking wryly to Ysharra, Talinvor says, "Can always use my boot."
Lylia says, "Which is still no answer to the question. Yes? No? These are answers."
Speaking to Stonmel, Goblyn asks, "Maybe the answer is to be making a new kind of law, instead of being... upset with Mayor Lylia -not- breaking the law in this situation, yes?"
You offhandedly mention, "Magister Raelee lost control of her magic the night we found Rone's first victim and killed about half a dozen of us and didn't get anything more than a fine."
Lylia says, "You are giving speeches, not answers."
Lylia smiles.
Speaking to Talinvor, Ysharra asks, "Meaning that instead of a nail all you see are ants?"
Gorku grins at Lylia.
Speaking to Stonmel, Stiana says, "Not entirely meaningless... you were arrested for contempt after all."
You add, "And that -was- in town."
Stiana appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Goblyn agrees with you.
Lylia says, "Which I thoroughly understand. I enjoy speeches myself. Particuarly Yshryth Silvius Faendryl's."
Lylia places a hand over her heart.
Xorus amusedly says, "That was wonderful."
Goblyn begins chortling at Stiana.
You grin at Xorus.
Talinvor grins at Ysharra.
Pukk quietly says, "Another answer is kind of, also maybe is a good answer. I use uh huh a lot too..."
Stonmel says, "I gave my answer, if you had the chance to have a little chat with the killer, then you had the chance to do something about him, what that is, mattered not. What matters is, you didn't care about the rest of the people he would kill, only the one you valued."
Ysharra smiles at Lylia.
Lylia nods at Goblyn.
Speaking to Ysharra, Talinvor says, "Depends who is worthy to hang on the wall."
Goblyn ponders.
Ysharra grins at Talinvor.
Speaking to Stonmel, Lylia replies, "Oh, wrong. I tried to kill him."
Goblyn glances at Stonmel.
Xorus chuckles.
Stonmel says, "Right."
Stiana glances between Lylia and Stonmel.
Speaking wonderingly to Stonmel, Goblyn asks, "You are always this ... grumpy?"
Stonmel glances at Goblyn.
Speaking amusedly to Goblyn, you affirm, "He is."
You snicker.
Talinvor grins at Ysharra.
Stiana nods fervently at Goblyn!
Bernadette chuckles.
Goblyn bursts out in loud, raucous laughter.
Gorku begins chuckling at Goblyn!
Speaking curiously to Stonmel, Goblyn asks, "It is not making you exhausted?"
Speaking to Goblyn, Stonmel says, "Only around corrupt folks."
You laugh with delight!
Lylia smoothly says, "You must think me far more fearsome and lethal than I truly am, Stonmel, if you believe I could have overpowered him and all his gear."
Goblyn examines Stonmel closely, sizing him up and taking note of all the details.
Lylia looks thoughtful for a moment, then shrugs.
Goblyn adopts an agreeable expression.
Lylia says, "I must come as quite a disappointment, then."
Gorku grins.
Lylia smiles quietly to herself.
Speaking in Dark Elven, Ysharra says something you don't understand.
Ysharra rocks back on her heels.
Lylia looks like she was about to say something to Ysharra, but she hesitates, obviously having changed her mind.
Speaking in lightly accented Dark Elven, Goblyn says something you don't understand.
Ysharra nods to a graceful silver verlok'asha in greeting.
Lylia chuckles.
Pukk quietly says, "I think I can speak dark elven too."
Talinvor smirks.
Pukk sticks out his tongue and lets loose with a loud, "Thbtbtbtbt" from his lips!
Pukk quietly says, "See."
Goblyn beams happily at Pukk!
You bury your face in your hands.
Pukk quietly says, "I think that meant something."
Speaking to Pukk, Goblyn exclaims, "You did just make a very nice insult, Pukk!"
Lylia just nudged Pukk.
Pukk beams!
You bemusedly say, "Oh, it meant something alright."
Speaking to a graceful silver verlok'asha, Ysharra says, "Welcome, pretty."
You snicker.
Pukk quietly exclaims, "Yay!"
Ysharra nods to the silver verlok'asha.
The verlok'asha approaches Lylia's outstretched hand, then deftly turns away at the last instant, brushing her softly with its magically suspended feathers.
Stiana giggles.
Gorku grins.
Pukk whispers something to Goblyn.
Goblyn abruptly says, "I have to be seeing to some things."
Pukk grins at Goblyn.
Speaking in Dark Elven, Lylia says something you don't understand.
Goblyn exclaims, "But it is very nice to see everyone!"
Pukk waves to Goblyn.
You give Goblyn a strong, encouraging smile.
Speaking in Dark Elven, Talinvor says something you don't understand.
Lylia kisses Goblyn on the cheek.
Bernadette smiles.
Ysharra winks at Talinvor.
You warmly agree, "Always nice to see you too!"
Stiana waves to Goblyn.
Pukk hugs Goblyn.
Speaking to Goblyn, Lylia says, "Always a delight to see you."
Bernadette bows to Goblyn.
Speaking in Faendryl to Goblyn, Xorus says something you don't understand.
Goblyn laughs!
Felita flutters her wings at Goblyn happily, bouncing in place.
Chaoswynd smiles at Goblyn.
Felita smiles.
Lylia smiles at Xorus.
Speaking in lightly accented Faendryl to Xorus, Goblyn promises something you don't understand.
Xorus nods in agreement.
Goblyn skips around in a happy little circle.
Goblyn hugs Pukk, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
Pukk recites quietly:
"Xorus and Lylia sitting in a tree..."
You gaze in wonder at your surroundings.
Pukk appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Goblyn hugs Lylia.
Talinvor grins slowly at Ysharra.
Lylia turns her head toward Pukk to favor him with a silent, withering gaze.
Ysharra begins chuckling at Talinvor!
Lylia shakes her head.
Xorus says, "K-I-L-L-I..."
You note, "I am not making a sanctuary right now."
Pukk flutters his eyelashes at Lylia.
You snicker.
Lylia grins at Xorus.
Lylia hugs Goblyn.
Speaking teasingly to Stonmel, you say, "I only do that for -other- killers, clearly."
Stonmel mutters under his breath.
Goblyn waves at you.
You wave to Goblyn.
Chaoswynd waves to Goblyn.
Goblyn giggles.
Pukk waves to Goblyn.
Pukk grins.
Gorku waves to Goblyn.
Ysharra grins at Goblyn.
Talinvor nods once.
Lylia says, "I would have saved the life of any whom I knew 'Rone' had targeted unfairly. In fact, I tried to."
Pukk quietly says, "This one target just so happened to be her belov.....I mean her advisor....Xorus."
Lylia says, "Being unable to kill him, yet unable to bargain for more than one life, I chose the one that benefitted me most. I cannot lie about that."
Pukk nods sagely.
Xorus chuckles.
Stiana nods at Gorku.
Stonmel grunts, amused.
Lylia wearily says, "Really, Pukk, I am a married woman. I value my advisor, and rightly so."
Xorus says, "You did try to make it up to Deckits later, but the unruly mob got to him."
Lylia says, "You saw how close the campaign was."
You chuckle at Xorus.
Lylia nods at Xorus.
Lylia says, "The guards who were involved have been fired, and investigations continue."
You nod approvingly at Lylia.
Stonmel rolls his eyes.
Talinvor takes a drink from his spiced blood wine.
Lylia pointedly says, "Because we should not have different laws for different people."
Lylia shifts her eyes to Stonmel.
Stonmel glances at Lylia.
You lean softly against Pukk.
Pukk quietly exclaims, "Make Landing great again!"
You groan at Pukk.
Speaking to Pukk, Lylia replies, "I believe it is already great, and can be made greater still."
You mumble, "I don't need any reminders of Hlendril..."
Lylia smiles at Pukk.
Lylia looks over at you and shakes her head.
Chaoswynd starts chortling at you!
Stonmel says, "They use their position of power to participate in murder, and they walk away with just their jobs forfeit, how... generous, to those in power."
Ysharra stretches.
Stonmel grunts, amused.
Ysharra leans back a bit and folds her arms behind her head.
Speaking seriously to you, Pukk says, "Really. They charge people different here. I didn't know. Meureii, my friend, pays more because he is not human."
Bernadette nods.
Speaking quietly to you, Pukk says, "I thought they gave me price breaks because I'm cute."
Speaking somberly to Pukk, you say, "I know that. The Mayor is working hard to change that."
Speaking to Stonmel, Talinvor says, "Seems to me, that perhaps you should stop complaining and make political power your own objective."
You stare at Pukk.
Lylia says, "You can speak to Judge Renpaw about their upcoming trials. I am not a judge."
Stiana looks thoughtfully at Talinvor.
Stonmel glances at Talinvor.
Lylia nods at Pukk.
Speaking to Pukk, Lylia says, "An appalling state of affairs."
Gorku nods.
Lylia mutters something about Stephos.
Speaking wearily to Talinvor, you say, "That's what I always tell him--that or join the militia. But he never lifts a hand for it. He's criticism without aid."
Speaking to Stonmel, Stiana says, "He has a point... you can complain about the way things are, but to enact real change, you have to take action yourself."
You nod at Stiana.
Lylia nods at Stiana.
Speaking to Stiana, Lylia says, "Precisely so."
Stonmel says, "I'm not interested in power, and last I checked, I wss free to voice my opinion, and that of others."
Speaking quietly to Stonmel, Pukk says, "And if you become Mayor, then you can gripe yourself out all the time and you will feel better."
Pukk beams happily at Stonmel!
Speaking pointedly to Stonmel, you wonder, "Are you interested in change?"
Stonmel says, "And I will not work side by side with traitors and inept fools, as you suggest."
Ysharra chuckles to herself.
Speaking to Stonmel, Talinvor says, "And it will continue to be just noise."
Stonmel glances at you.
Lylia says, "Yes, you are free to do so. Part of the Landing's enduring charm."
Speaking to Stonmel, Stiana says, "Plus honestly, change has to start somewhere, should start with yourself."
Gorku smiles.
Gorku nods in agreement.
You rebut, "And there are no traitors in the militia."
Stonmel rolls his eyes.
You add, "Now that Hap quit."
You glance upward and whistle quietly, an innocent look on your face.
Ysharra removes a slender chalice of dark blood wine from in her white wolf fur cloak.
Ysharra offers Talinvor a slender chalice of dark blood wine.
Talinvor smiles at Ysharra.
Talinvor accepts Ysharra's dark blood wine.
Talinvor nods appreciatively at Ysharra.
You add, "Even then I say it mostly in jest."
Lylia says, "Nor any traitor in this room. I always thought the accusations against you were unjust. You and I know the truth of it."
Ysharra winks at Talinvor.
Lylia nods to you.
Stiana says, "My father used to tell me that I should not complain about issues unless I can also offer up a solution along with the criticism."
Speaking to Ysharra, Talinvor says, "Sha'haisa."
You nod in agreement at Lylia.
Speaking to Lylia, you affirm, "We certainly do."
Bernadette nods at Stiana.
You admit, "But I'll never change that one's mind."
You chuckle.
Ysharra whispers something to Talinvor.
Stonmel asks, "If the facts were so clear, then why was the investigation buried?"
You squint at Pukk.
Stonmel shrugs.
Stonmel grunts, amused.
Speaking in Dark Elven, Talinvor says something you don't understand.
Pukk snickers.
Lylia flashes a quick grin.
[Irar announces a sermon over the amunet]
You curiously say, "Hrm, a sermon from the Deacon--not to change the subject, of course."
Speaking to Stonmel, you ask, "It wasn't buried. As I remember, the judge was on a trip, no?"
You cock your head.
Talinvor glances over his shoulder at Ysharra.
Speaking quietly to you, Pukk says, "I would rather watch a pot boil."
Talinvor grins.
You chortle at Pukk.
Lylia begins chuckling at Pukk!
Talinvor nods at Ysharra.
Ysharra grins at Talinvor.
Speaking softly to Ysharra, Talinvor says, "Eii."
Speaking to Pukk, Lylia says, "Everyone needs a hobby."
Stiana laughs at Pukk!
Speaking quietly to Lylia, Pukk says, "And mine is making fun of everybody."
Pukk beams!
Lylia raises her voice in merry laughter.
Gorku chuckles.
Speaking quietly to Lylia, Pukk says, "I'm rather good at it too."
Speaking to Stonmel, you suggest, "Perhaps you should bring your charges up a second time now that he's returned."
Gorku nods in agreement at Pukk.
Talinvor looks thoughtfully at a graceful silver verlok'asha.
Lylia says, "I may have noticed."
You casually say, "Since the result will be the same anyway."
Stonmel rolls his eyes.
Lylia nods to you.
Pukk appears to be trying hard not to grin.
You flash a quick grin.
Speaking to Talinvor, Ysharra asks, "There's nothing so lovely as these creatures, don't you think?"
Ysharra gazes in amusement at a graceful silver verlok'asha.
Speaking to you, Stiana asks, "You mean his getting arrested again?"
Speaking evasively to Stiana, you say, "Not what I said."
Stiana laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement from Stonmel.
You glance upward and whistle quietly, an innocent look on your face.
Lylia glances between Ysharra and a graceful silver verlok'asha.
Speaking quietly to Lylia, Pukk says, "Except for you and Xorus. I would never make fun of such deep love..."
Lylia pinches Pukk!
Speaking quietly to Lylia, Pukk says, "Like friends."
Pukk appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Speaking thoughtfully to Ysharra, Talinvor says, "I'm wondering how many feathers they can be stripped of daily, for them to still regenerate."
Felita flutters her wings happily at the verlok'asha.
Xorus smirks.
Gorku appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Lylia says, "Foolishness."
Lylia raises her voice in merry laughter.
Speaking to Talinvor, Ysharra says, "The way the light catches on them, like they're always rustling in a breeze."
Elbromo stands up.
Lylia smiles at Ysharra.
Elbromo bows.
Elbromo just went south.
Pukk quietly says, "Truth is subjective."
Speaking to Ysharra, Lylia says, "They can shed a remarkable number without becoming too sparse."
Speaking to Ysharra, Talinvor says, "They also make the dart board easier to see in all these darkened game rooms."
Talinvor grins at Ysharra.
Lylia gazes with interest at Pukk.
Talinvor touches one finger to his lips.
Ysharra chuckles.
Speaking amusedly to Ysharra, Talinvor adds, "Priorities."
You raise your arms and place your interlocked fingers against the back of your head, then take a deep breath and slowly exhale.
Speaking to Talinvor, Ysharra says, "I believe Lylia has commented they aren't much fun to find on the floor with your bare feet in the midst of the night."
Speaking to Ysharra, you say, "I remember that."
You chuckle.
The Casual Meeting
Speaking to you, Lylia says, "You know, I rather like the smaller crowd and the rather relaxed atmosphere."
Lylia nods at Ysharra.
Speaking to Ysharra, Talinvor says, "That's why they should be plucked like chickens."
Ysharra winks at you.
You nod in agreement at Lylia.
Speaking quietly to Talinvor, Pukk says, "Playing darts in the dark is fun. Especially when there are people that you want to accidentally hit with a dart in the room."
Talinvor grins at Pukk.
Stiana agrees with Lylia.
Talinvor grabs a small iron nail from a small pocket inside of his silver-buckled longcoat.
Speaking to Talinvor, Ysharra says, "You have your priorities, but I think she has her own with these creatures."
Speaking earnestly to Lylia, you muse, "Maybe we'll have to advertise less in the future and see what happens."
You chuckle.
Ysharra glances between Lylia and a graceful silver verlok'asha.
Speaking quietly to Pukk, Talinvor says, "If I want to pin someone to a dartboard, I do it with meaning."
Gorku nods slowly.
Lylia chuckles.
Talinvor glances at a small iron nail in his hand.
Pukk grins.
You say, "Or hold these meetings on Niiman more often."
Stiana grins at you.
Talinvor tucks a small iron nail into a small pocket inside of his silver-buckled longcoat.
Lylia says, "Oh, for most meetings, a more formal structure is needed."
You nod at Lylia.
Speaking quietly to you, Pukk says, "Or. Hold it at town square, right by the well."
Talinvor smirks.
You raise an eyebrow in Pukk's direction.
Stiana glances over at Pukk and winces.
Stiana says, "Count me out."
Talinvor thoughtfully adds, "So we can push Hapenlok over the rim."
Talinvor nods to you.
You suddenly exclaim, "Oh!"
Speaking to Pukk, you praise, "A perfect idea."
Speaking quietly to Talinvor, Pukk exclaims, "You read my mind!"
You snicker to yourself.
Chaoswynd stretches his arms out in front of him, attempting to loosen the tension in his neck and shoulders.
Lylia asks, "You all realize he would relish this, yes?"
Stiana chuckles.
You reason, "Compromise. We'd relish it too."
Talinvor says, "Then we shove Hlendil in."
You grin slowly.
Ysharra chuckles.
Talinvor says, "Or whatever his name is."
Talinvor waves his hand in a dismissive gesture.
Lylia chuckles.
Ysharra shrugs at Talinvor.
Stiana giggles.
Stiana says, "Hlendril."
Pukk quietly says, "We will tell him, after we push him and he is falling down, that there is a conspiracy of taking over the town back there and he is the only one who can sort it out."
Speaking to Talinvor, Ysharra says, "I assumed his name was that hissing sound he kept making at everyone."
Talinvor looks over at Pukk and shakes his head.
Ysharra sighs at Lylia.
Pukk quietly says, "We will tell him those gnomes down there are the key to the plot."
Speaking to Lylia, Ysharra says, "That."
Placing her hand over her heart, Lylia sighs dramatically.
Speaking to Pukk, you muse, "Stonmel's the one who would believe that."
Pukk quietly says, "He is short like them, so he will try his best."
You glance at Stonmel.
Lylia shifts her eyes to Ysharra.
You snicker.
Speaking to Pukk, Talinvor says, "No, that he needs three people to get to .. something or other in thyrils, because it is essential to the plot."
Ysharra chuckles.
Stonmel turns away, ignoring you.
You attempt to hum a merry little tune.
Speaking to Lylia, Ysharra says, "You're still too harmonius, even with a simple exhale."
Stonmel just went south.
Lylia asks, "As long as we are having a less than formal meeting, do we have any less than formal questions?"
Lylia folds her hands.
Speaking quietly to Talinvor, Pukk says, "Exactly, he will be down there all night."
Lylia glances south.
Pukk beams happily!
Talinvor steeples his fingers slowly as a smirk plays across his lips. His eyes narrow into mere slits as he glances around.
Lylia smirks as a haughty expression flits across her face.
Talinvor asks, "This is a bad thing?"
Speaking to Lylia, Stiana asks, "Can we tar and feather Hap again?"
Speaking to Ysharra, Lylia says, "Some things cannot be helped."
Stiana appears to be trying hard not to grin.
You glance at Stiana.
You gaze hopefully at Lylia.
Speaking to Stiana, Lylia says, "I shall save up feathers."
Lylia removes a pale yellow verlok feather from in her wrap.
You let out a cheer!
Stiana laughs!
Lylia waves a pale yellow verlok feather around.
Pukk recites quietly:
"Everybody join Leafiara!"
Pukk joins your group.
Speaking to Lylia, Ysharra says, "And your dulcet tones require no aid, anyway."
Stiana lets out a cheer!
Lylia put a pale yellow verlok feather in her wrap.
You flail your arms about.
Pukk snuggles up against you, and you cradle an arm around him in response.
Lylia joins your group.
Speaking amusedly to Pukk, you say, "I'm not going anywhere."
Pukk beams!
Pukk quietly exclaims, "It worked!"
Gorku joins your group.
Pukk quietly says, "I'm getting good at this."
You shake your head at Pukk and cluck your tongue.
Pukk quietly says, "Leafi is the Sir Shiny for tonight."
Speaking to Ysharra, Lylia says, "I am surprised I am not hoarse from trying to answer Stonmel again and again."
Gorku chuckles.
Talinvor stretches his arms out in front of him, attempting to loosen the tension in his neck and shoulders.
You grin slowly at Lylia.
Gorku grins at Lylia.
Speaking quietly to you, Pukk says, "Now, you have to walk very slow."
Gorku appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Ysharra scratches Talinvor's back.
Talinvor takes a drink from his dark blood wine.
You ponder the meaning of Pukk's existence.
You stand back up off the long wooden bench.
You take a few steps to your right.
Speaking quietly to Lylia, Pukk says, "You don't look like a horse."
Stiana says, "Leafi never does -anything- slow."
You take a few steps to your left.
Lylia gazes in amusement at Pukk.
Gorku nods in agreement at Stiana.
Speaking amusedly to Stiana, you say, "This is true."
You snicker.
Lylia quips, "Yes, but I do count by stamping my feet."
Ysharra ponders.
You raise your voice at Lylia in merry laughter.
Speaking quietly to Lylia, Pukk says, "Yes, you have some grey in your hair, but you are not a horse."
You glance at Pukk.
You feel the blood drain from your face.
Ysharra stares at Pukk.
Speaking thoughtfully to himself, Talinvor says, "And no saddle."
Lylia begins chuckling at Pukk!
Pukk appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Pukk hums a seemingly random tune.
Lylia says, "I have no idea where you see grey."
Lylia removes a thin silver mirror bordered with star rubies from in her wrap.
Speaking to Pukk, Ysharra says, "Not a drop of wisdom in your whole wiry body, Pukk."
Lylia gazes at her reflection in the silver mirror.
You repeat, "No sanctuary."
You nod once.
Gorku shakes his head.
Lylia put a thin silver mirror bordered with star rubies in her wrap.
You nod in agreement at Ysharra.
You snicker.
Talinvor gazes in wonder at his surroundings.
Lylia looks over at Talinvor and shakes her head.
Speaking to Pukk, Ysharra says, "And if you say something like that again, the blood will be the next to go."
Speaking to Lylia, Xorus asks, "So. My not being murdered is a crime against the people now?"
Ysharra flashes a quick grin at Pukk.
Pukk beams!
Pukk snuggles up to Ysharra, resting his head on her shoulder.
Speaking to Xorus, Lylia says, "Apparently so."
Pukk quietly says, "You know how to flirt with me so."
Ysharra whispers something to Xorus.
Speaking to Pukk, Ysharra says, "Watch the thorns, dear."
Xorus says, "Maybe this town is learning after all."
You chortle at Xorus.
Talinvor grins at Xorus.
Speaking quietly to Ysharra, Pukk says, "I told you, you can thorn me any time you want."
Pukk appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Ysharra glances appraisingly at Xorus.
Speaking to Xorus, Lylia asks, "I suppose this also means you should be killed for the greater good. Are you volunteering for this?"
Lylia begins chuckling at Xorus!
Speaking to Xorus, Stiana says, "Only to Stonmel."
Speaking in Dark Elven, Talinvor says something you don't understand.
Pukk quietly says, "No, if he does it now, it might be noble of him. Then certain people can't gripe."
Xorus says, "At this point the greater good deserves its punishment."
You ponder the meaning of Pukk's existence.
Speaking to Pukk, Ysharra asks, "You have a desire to be turned into lumps of mulch?"
Lylia replies, "Considering that Malluch arrogated for himself the role of 'greater good,' yes, he is getting his punishment."
Pukk casts a bemused glance at Ysharra.
Pukk grins.
Lylia adds, "Although whether it is just, I cannot say. I have my opinions on the matter."
Gorku rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Speaking quietly to you, Pukk asks, "What does that word mean? Arrogated? Does that mean he was watered?"
Gorku nods once.
Lylia begins chuckling at Pukk!
Ysharra chuckles to herself.
Stiana giggles at Pukk.
Speaking frankly to Pukk, you admit, "I have no idea. My mom -has- always told me I should have paid more attention to linguistic lessons..."
Pukk quietly asks, "What?"
You gaze heavenward.
Lylia clarifies, "He took the mantle upon himself, though it was undeserved."
You nod understandingly at Lylia.
Speaking to Pukk, Talinvor corrects, "You are thinking irrigated."
Speaking quietly to Talinvor, Pukk asks, "Isn't that what she and I said?"
Speaking simply to Pukk, Talinvor says, "No."
Pukk quietly says, "Oh."
You grin at Talinvor.
Lylia says, "Which is rather similar to 'irritated,' the feeling one gets after trying to discuss politics with Stonmel."
Speaking quietly to Lylia, Pukk says, "I call that a headache."
Speaking to Pukk, Lylia says, "We speak the same language, then."
With a wince, Lylia slowly massages her temple.
Pukk quietly says, "Oh crap."
Pukk quietly says, "I just agreed with something."
Pukk quietly exclaims, "I need to see Akrash!"
Mister Pukk just went south.
Speaking to Lylia, Talinvor says, "If you tell the dwarf to stuff his beard in his noise hole, I don't think anyone would think less of you."
You glance south.
Lylia begins chuckling at Talinvor!
Stiana laughs at Talinvor!
Ysharra removes a cup of cinnamon apple tea from in her white wolf fur cloak.
Ysharra offers Lylia a cup of cinnamon apple tea.
You notice Chaoswynd moving stealthily south.
Speaking to Talinvor, you agree, "Not even him, since his opinion can't get any lower."
Speaking helpfully to Lylia, Talinvor says, "Feel free to "Lylia that up" however you like."
Speaking to Lylia, Ysharra says, "I made this a bit ago. It has some valerian root ground under the cider."
Talinvor grins.
Lylia accepts Ysharra's cinnamon apple tea.
Lylia nods gratefully at Ysharra.
Ysharra smiles at Lylia.
Lylia takes a drink from her cinnamon apple tea.
Lylia says, "Proper cinnamon, not some coarse and vulgar cassia."
Lylia nods appreciatively at Ysharra.
Gorku grins.
Speaking wryly to you, Talinvor says, "It might not work, but it will gain Lylia kudos for the lowbrow every so often."
You grin at Talinvor.
Speaking to Lylia, Ysharra says, "It seems the proper match for the herb, hm? From South Hendor."
Speaking to Talinvor, Lylia says, "If you wish me to stifle a dwarf, you must point out which one. There are many who could do with a bit of it."
Lylia nods in agreement at Ysharra.
Lylia takes a drink from her cinnamon apple tea.
Speaking to Lylia, Ysharra says, "I could point at a lot of dwarves."
Talinvor laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.
Lylia says, "Do so from a distance. I hear some bite."
Stretching your arms out in front of you, you rotate your shoulders forward and roll your neck in an attempt to loosen the tension in your neck and shoulders.
Ysharra chuckles to herself.
Stiana giggles.
Ysharra stretches.
Gorku smiles at Lylia.
Lylia takes a drink from her cinnamon apple tea.
You say, "I should probably see to some other matters... for the sake of a friend."
Lylia bows to you.
You say, "It was good seeing everyone tonight."
You grin.
You curtsy gracefully.
Bernadette bows to you.
Lylia says, "I am sorry I was a bit late."
Ysharra smiles at you.
You push your hands down against your gown in an elegant gesture.
Ysharra curtsies to you.
You smile at Lylia.
Stiana gives you a friendly hug.
Felita curtsies to you.
You curtsy gracefully to Ysharra.
Lylia says, "Ice elementals wait for no meeting."
You give Stiana a friendly hug.
Talinvor nods respectfully.
You nod in agreement at Lylia.
Felita flutters her wings at you happily, bouncing in place.
Speaking to Lylia, Ysharra says, "Mayor Rashere."
Ysharra kisses Lylia on the cheek.
You disband your group.
Speaking to Lylia, Ysharra says, "See you soon, my friend."
You wish, "Be well, all."
Talinvor says, "Okshi'i."