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Wehnimer's Landing Town Hall - 2018-05-10 (log)

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Ivastaen 10, 5118

by Leafiara Autumnwind of the [[::The_TownCrier|TownCrier]]



[Helga's, Dining Hall]

Tinted glass oil lamps hang from iron sconces, casting a dim glow over the smoke-stained walls of the low-ceilinged room. Several tables and an oaken sideboard, bearing traces of the previous day's meals, are flanked by a long wooden bench and a few smaller chairs. A leaded glass window, its dusty panes half-covered by filmy curtains, looks out on the dark street, and a brick hearth smolders against the north wall. You also see a lop-eared pure white lioness, a striped owl, a forest fox that is sitting, a vacillating spring spirit that is flying around and an emerald-eyed bronze verlok'asha that is flying around.

Also here: Novice Danthius, Liabo Chair Aoife, Cruxophim, Dergoatean, Antoninus, Dwi, High Lord Gnaeusprimus, Lord Tesserus who is sitting, Maiden Balley, Velners who is sitting, Zeminar who is sitting, Xannorath who is sitting on a long wooden bench, Great Lord Gorku, Great Lord Ferrumus, Greganth, Alivya, Lord Chamorr, Alisaire, Rizzer, High Lord Gnaeusprimus, Ausmith, Lady Lornieh who is sitting, Magister Raelee, Lady Florania, Chaoswynd, Severine who is sitting on a long wooden bench, Lord Taelarn, Lord Xorus, Yhtrin, Dirra, Aurourra, Irar, Eiliriel, Lord Stigs who is sitting on a long wooden bench, Zosopage, Shinann, Qafziel, Lady Luxelle, Bernadette, Dralstus who is sitting on a long wooden bench, Thuunk, Mister Pukk, Lady Wintersylph, Lord Nazarr, Mayor Lylia

You note, "It seems everyone's settling in, so now is as good a time as any to begin."

You nod once.

A forest fox settles into a comfortable sitting position.

You clear your throat.

You recite:

"Good evening and welcome to tonight's Town Hall meeting discussing current events in the Landing! I'm your host, Leafiara, on behalf of the TownCrier!"

Speaking to Pukk, Irar says, "Busy man."

Speaking quietly to Irar, Pukk says, "Typical humans."

You recite:

"The TownCrier's goal, as ever, is to keep people engaged with and informed about current events around the world--and tonight, of course, we'll be focusing on the Landing."

Pukk grumbles.

Lylia folds her hands.

You recite:

"Tonight is also an Open Stage night, which means we'll be taking your questions right after a quick introduction of our panelists and an explanation of the rules."

You recite:

"Tonight we have with us as our panelists: Landing Mayor Lylia, Deacon Irar of the Church of Koar, Magister Raelee of the Hall of Mages, Captain Shinann of the Landing militia, and Mayoral Advisor Xorus!"

Lylia inclines her head.

Irar bows.

Shinann nods in greeting.

You recite:

"We also have our moderator, TownCrier founder Miss Luxelle, who will be keeping track of the question queue! To join, simply RAISE your HAND and she'll add you to the queue, give further instructions, and let you know when it's your turn."

Thuunk raises his hand.

Luxelle nods at Thuunk.

Luxelle curtsies gracefully.

You recite:

"You may ask questions to any one, two, or three of our panelists--whoever you see fit to answer them--or you may simply ask a question openly and the panel will decide among itself who answers."

You recite:

"Please note that panelists may decline to answer even if asked or may volunteer an answer even if not asked!"

Dirra smiles at Raelee.

You recite:

"And with that, the floor is open for questions!"

Raelee narrows her eyes.

Question #1: From Thuunk, Answered by Luxelle, Lylia, Xorus, Dirra, and more: Replica Armor or Real Armor

Luxelle says, "Thuunk has the floor for the next question."

Luxelle nods at Thuunk.

You add, "Yes, already."

Thuunk nods.

You take a moment to observe everything you can about Thuunk.

Lylia nods in greeting at Rizzer.

Rizzer smiles at Lylia.

Thuunk says, "I seek to attend this eve, to share a discovery."

Shinann raises an eyebrow in Thuunk's direction.

You tilt your head slightly toward Thuunk, noting the subtle changes in his muscles and breathing.

Thuunk says, "I have spoke with the Gryphons, the knights of Solhaven, and with House Aspis. All agree that I should bring this matter to a town meeting."

You cock your head at Thuunk.

Thuunk says, "The day after Rone was injured, I was exploring the tunnels under the town, and happened upon a fairly obscure location."

Thuunk says, "I found an old set of armor, an old Museum display that was in storage."

Thuunk says, "It showed indications it was the armor worn be Selantha Anodhles, first Empress of the Human Empire."

Shinann blinks.

Thuunk says, "At first I thought it was a replica."

Luxelle sits down.

Luxelle nods at Thuunk.

Thuunk says, "But then noted the other objects nearby."

Thuunk says, "They hinted of marmots, and the old smuggling tunnels of the old Abandoned Inn."

You furrow your brow, probably adding a wrinkle or two in the process.

Dirra raises her hand.

Luxelle nods at Dirra.

Thuunk says, "Since it had been a long time, I proceeded to the old Abandoned Inn to refresh my memory on what a marmot looks like."

You grin at Thuunk.

Irar snickers.

Thuunk says, "As I was checking out my suspicion, I came upon a blood trail, and became fortuitously distracted."

Thuunk says, "I followed the trail, and met with Meureii of the Gryphons, and we discussed what I had seen, and he spoke of Thrayzar."

Lylia nods at Thuunk.

Thuunk says, "As we inspected the objects in the lair, I realized we always had thought before that Thrayzar and Dragnell had come here on an Empire mission seeking a person for."

You grin at Luxelle.

Thuunk says, "Seeking a person for some reason."

Thuunk says, "And I thought to myself, humans are somewhat inclined to be secretive, and not always straightforward about their missions."

Thuunk says, "So I conjectured that perhaps they had been sent to look for something more meaningful to their history."

You give your eyebrow a little workout.

Thuunk says, "And it was here, and forgotten."

Speaking to Thuunk, Luxelle asks, "Mister Thuunk, did you have a bard sing to the armor you found?"

Thuunk says, "So, I seek to find out if it is authentic, and decide how best to return it, before it becomes a point of strife between the regions."

Shinann ponders.

Dirra raises her hand.

Luxelle nods at Dirra.

Thuunk looks over at Luxelle and shakes his head.

You rub your chin thoughtfully.

Irar squints at Thuunk.

Thuunk says, "Shirkon suggested sending a missive of inquiry to the Empire, but recommended consulting with those who might have positive interest first."

Luxelle says, "Maybe it belongs in the museum, too."

Thuunk says, "And I thought the missive should come from someone here formally."

Thuunk nods at Luxelle.

Thuunk says, "As point of history, family Anodheles had a major encounter with one known as the Ice Queen during a time called witch winter."

Xorus nods.

Thuunk says, "The armor, if it had been smuggled here, may be of interest to both sides of that past strife."

Thuunk says, "With a new self-proclaimed Ice Queen in the North, and indications of a seeking by the Empire ... it seems reasonable to consider it."

Lylia says, "When you say 'indications,' what might those be? It is challenging sometimes to trace the provenance of older items without careful records. As Lady Luxelle asked, I would like to know if a bard has been summoned to assess it more thoroughly."

Thuunk says, "The Museum holds the armor, the armor may have been a heirloom of family Andheles, or an artifact even."

Thuunk says, "My request is to have the Gryphons or the town, or Aspis as an elder house make the inquiry to the Empire."

Thuunk says, "If it helps on that, I have Spoken with the knights of Either Solhaven or Vorn Ahvis."

Thuunk says, "And all seem to concur that it should be a consensus type effort."

Thuunk bows to Lylia.

Shinann asks, "So, it is in the museum now?"

Thuunk bows to Raelee.

Thuunk nods at Shinann.

Shinann nods slowly.

Thuunk bows to Irar.

Zosopage says, "The Ice Queen has been wandering about seeking some artifact."

Irar bows to Thuunk.

Shinann looks thoughtfully at Zosopage.

Thuunk bows to Shinann.

Shinann bows to Thuunk.

Zosopage says, "I believe Enestrie went with her."

Lylia says, "If you mean Queen Daukhera, she has not ventured anywhere near the Landing, nor -- at least so far -- has she shown any inclination to do so."

Zosopage says, "Not the Landing but to Illistim."

Zosopage nods at Lylia.

Thuunk glances at Lylia.

Wintersylph softly says, "That very armor has been there in the Basement for a long, long time, I noticed it almost 10 years ago, still sits in its very place I first noticed it."

Dirra says, "May I speak on this. Raised my hand."

You curiously say, "I'd think it would have been a point of contention long ago if it were genuine armor, but I suppose looking into it further can't hurt..."

Thuunk says, "That Queen has known to have been as far as Zul Logoth."

Lylia nods at Wintersylph.

Thuunk nods at Wintersylph.

Eiliriel asks, "Is there any relevance to this armor, beyond historical interest?"

Thuunk nods to you.

Thuunk shrugs at Eiliriel.

Lylia repeats, "And she has not ventured toward the Landing. Nor is there any indication that she seeks Aurmont armor. Nor, so far, do I have any idea what the 'indications' are that this may be the Empress' armor. I am not cynical, but I am skeptical."

Thuunk exclaims, "Oh!"

Lylia says, "Draw clearer lines, please, to establish provenance."

Zosopage says, "Enestrie may know more of what she was seeking."

Dirra asks, "I am so sorry, may I speak on this?"

Thuunk says, "Next to the armor is a portrait of a marmot."

Thuunk says, "Suggesting the items there tied to the smuggling tunnels."

Lylia echoes, "A marmot."

Lylia says, "I see."

Lylia nods at Dirra.

Xorus says, "I would have to look at the armor and what is around it to surmise anything."

Luxelle nods at Xorus.

Speaking to Dirra, you say, "Yes, go ahead--the floor is open to all if they have anything to offer. It's only that we don't take a question until it's your turn."

You nod at Dirra.

Taelarn raises his hand.

Thuunk says, "Which is why I visited the old abandoned inn to remind myself what a marmot looks like."

Luxelle nods at Taelarn.

Luxelle says, "And perhaps read the Curator's notes on display."

Lylia adds, "And a bard would certainly be useful here."

Speaking to Xorus, Dirra asks, "Examined, may I respond?"

Lylia nods at Gorku.

Lylia smiles.

Gorku smiles at Lylia.

Xorus nods at Dirra.

Irar says, "We could have a bard sing to the marmots. If nothing else were learned, the creatures might enjoy the show."

You gaze in wonder at your surroundings.

Irar nods once.

Dirra glances at Luxelle.

Shinann turns an inquisitive ear toward Dirra.

Speaking to Luxelle, Dirra asks, "May I speak?"

You diplomatically say, "This topic is getting a bit exhausted--maybe we should hear out Miss Dirra and then move on."

Thuunk nods.

Luxelle says, "Dirra has the floor for the next question."

Luxelle nods at Dirra.

Shinann says, "I think she wants to speak on this."

Shinann nods at Dirra.

Taelarn nods at Luxelle.

Lylia smiles at Greganth.

Dirra says, "Sir Mires and I sought it out. We first sought out marmots finding nothing...."

Greganth whispers something to Lylia.

Dirra says, "And then we went beneath the museum, digging through crates...through piles...and we found the armor...a picture of a marmot.."

You take a moment to observe everything you can about Dirra.

Shinann looks thoughtfully at Dirra.

Thuunk nods at Dirra.

Dirra says, "It is down there, a replica."

You nod at Dirra.

Wintersylph softly says, "We, and I mean me and others including Enestrie, completed a covert commune today and Koar actually responded, The Godking gave us clues to the whereabouts and construct of the Artifact that the Queen seeks to trade for the Key, were looking for some kind of great tree that is completely encased in Ice and has roots that grow into subterrain through the ice."

Dirra says, "It is not the original."

Zosopage says, "Key, that was it."

Thuunk nods at Dirra.

Wintersylph softly says, "Not sure that is armor but might be."

Dirra says, "Seek out Sir Mires for confirmation."

Irar ponders.

You nod understandingly at Dirra.

Speaking to Wintersylph, Lylia says, "This armor has nothing to do with a tree, however."

Dirra says, "I walked every step with him."

Dirra sinks into a deep curtsy.

You nod at Dirra.

Lylia nods at Dirra.

Speaking to Dirra, you say, "Thank you for sharing that."

Speaking to Thuunk, you say, "And you as well, of course, for bringing it up."

You give Thuunk a strong, encouraging smile.

Dirra sinks into a deep curtsy.

Raelee looks over at Thuunk and shakes her head.

Lylia says, "Indeed. Thank you all for sharing this information."

Thuunk bows to you.

Lylia nods graciously.

Qafziel raises his hand.

Luxelle nods at Qafziel.

Speaking to Luxelle, you inquire, "Shall we move on?"

You grin at Luxelle.

Luxelle nods.

Question #2, From Taelarn, Answered By Lylia and Xorus: Identifying the Alchemist

Luxelle says, "Taelarn has the floor for the next question."

Luxelle nods at Taelarn.

Taelarn nods.

Thuunk bows to Lylia.

Taelarn says, "This question is directed at the Mayor, or anyone who will provide an answer."

You take a moment to observe everything you can about Taelarn.

Lylia nods at Taelarn.

Lylia amusedly says, "One hopes the mayor might have an answer. Certainly, I hope she does."

Taelarn asks, "We have been told that there is some nebulous person behind Malluch, called the Alchemist...what measures are being taken to ascertain the identity of this individual? Are we reaching out and using the powers of divination?"

Taelarn chuckles.

Shinann grins at Lylia.

Xorus nods slowly.

Lylia says, "I am glad you asked about this Alchemist."

Speaking to Lylia, Taelarn says, "I have faith in you."

Lylia nods gratefully at Taelarn.

Eiliriel gazes in amusement at Taelarn.

Taelarn peers quizzically at Eiliriel.

You nod at Xorus.

Lylia says, "We first heard of the Alchemist from Malluch Burdos himself, the erstwhile 'Rone' who now sits in our prison." >;p pulse

Lylia says, "According to him, he never met with the Alchemist directly, but was provided with some sort of drug that clouded his mind and sharpened his righteous hatred."

Taelarn nods at Lylia.

Lylia removes a white gear-covered prism from in her wrap.

Irar glances at Lylia.

Lylia says, "We believe the Alchemist may have been the one to supply him with his gauntlets, and with this, although that is speculative."

Lylia says, "For those who do not know it, this -- or one like it -- was used to kill three dozen of us the night I was abducted."

Lylia narrows her eyes.

Speaking wonderingly to Lylia, Taelarn asks, "Does that mean that he met with some other intermediary that worked for the Alchemist? And if so, what can we do to find this emissary?"

Lylia put a white gear-covered prism in her wrap.

Speaking to Taelarn, Lylia says, "He claimed that he was 'conditioned,' in his own words, by others. He did not name names. He said they spoke only Common around him."

Lylia says, "The loresong of his Jastev symbol revealed people clad in white robes with blue sashes. Possibly some sort of monastic or religious order. It is hard to say."

Lylia says, "Lord Xorus may have more to say on that matter."

Lylia turns to face Xorus.

You take a moment to observe everything you can about Xorus.

Xorus says, "The threads surrounding the Alchemist are still frayed. He is led to along one through Malluch and the Order of Voln, brought apparently to the southern coast, while the kidnappers of Thrayzar appear to be White Sparrows in that region and a sketch of an imperial battle ship with plinite and pylons but labeled A at the bottom."

Lylia removes a crisp white scroll from in her wrap.

Lylia taps a crisp white scroll, which is in her right hand.

Chamorr heartily says, "Is that prism gizmo the same one Sketch buried."

Lylia nods at Chamorr.

Lylia says, "It is."

Shinann sighs softly.

(Lylia holds her white scroll aloft, revealing its details to the assembled crowd. The scroll appears to be in pristine shape and holds the crude sketch of a large imperial ship that depicts dozens of mana pylons positioned upon it. Drawn on the scroll, within the bottom of the ship, is a large square with a scribbled mark that reads "plinite charge." Beneath the sketch of the ship is the letter "A" scribbled in the same handwriting.)

Dergoatean just arrived.

Xorus says, "What I would suggest is that Malluch was recruited by Halluckites while training at the Order of Voln at Nydds. The son of the Earl of Estoria who was murdered by Madelyne, the heir of the Hurrst family, was living under guard in Nydds during the War of Shadows."

You grin at Dergoatean.

You add Dergoatean to your group.

Dergoatean waves to you.

Zosopage says, "I wonder if that A means that there perhaps is a B ship."

Xorus says, "Those white robed figures might be from the White Fists faction of the Order of Voln or something like it."

Lylia nods at Xorus.

Dergoatean smiles at Lylia.

Lylia smiles at Dergoatean.

You ponder the meaning of Xorus's existence.

Xorus says, "Which are based in Aldora in the deep south, next to Estoria, and Allace where Thrayzar was kidnapped."

Lylia put a crisp white scroll in her wrap.

You thoughtfully tap a finger against your lips.

Shinann says, "Excuse me a moment."

Shinann just went south.

You acknowledge, "Alchemist, Aldora, Allace, Ship A, Plan A--it seems that letter could stand for any number of things."

You rub your chin thoughtfully.

Lylia smiles at Taelarn.

Xorus says, "In any event. My suspicion is that the Alchemist is high born, and perhaps has considerable influence over resources. The White Sparrows is an imperial naval branch, the pylons and plinite are Hall of Mages, the southern Order of Voln is very powerful with the Chandrennin family whose Duke is the Southern Sentinel."

You nod understandingly at Xorus.

Thuunk whispers, "A might also stand for artifact, or ... Andheles."

You nod at Thuunk.

Xorus says, "This is the general direction I would be looking on this matter."

Speaking to Xorus, Lylia says, "Thank you. It is precisely where we shall be looking."

Raelee gives a sidelong glance at Lylia.

You nod once.

Speaking to Taelarn, Lylia says, "I hope we have answered your question."

Taelarn asks, "I appreciate this information. May I ask one last thing?"

You say, "Making a lot from a little--that's the Landing way. We'll find those answers thanks to our best and brightest."

Taelarn smiles at Lylia.

You turn toward Xorus and render a sharp hand salute.

Lylia says, "Of course."

Speaking to Lylia, Taelarn says, "It has, thank you."

Lylia nods encouragingly at Taelarn.

Taelarn asks, "What can we do, as citizens, to help uncover the information we need?"

Taelarn asks, "Is there something we should be looking into?"

You fold your hands.

Lylia says, "I would recommend an attitude of watchful waiting. When we found Malluch's lair, we saw more than one pair of gauntlets. Where there were some, there may be others."

Taelarn nods at Lylia.

Lylia says, "Keep your eyes open for anything out of the ordinary."

Luxelle casually observes her surroundings.

You grin at Luxelle.

Severine raises her hand.

Luxelle nods at Severine.

Lylia says, "The prism and the scroll came from a man on an Estorian ship who was killed here. He arrived at this bar; if people had not seen, these artifacts may have been lost."

Nazarr raises his hand.

Luxelle nods at Nazarr.

You nod in agreement at Lylia.

Luxelle says, "For those who have joined us late tonight, you may raise your hand and I will put your name down on the list for questions."

Taelarn says, "Thank you again, I believe that is everything I sought."

Lylia nods respectfully at Taelarn.

Lylia says, "Thank you for asking such a timely question."

Question #3, From Qafziel, Answered By Lylia, Shinann, Leafiara, Irar: Security and Threats

Luxelle says, "Qafziel has the floor for the next question."

Luxelle nods at Qafziel.

Qafziel clears his throat.

Qafziel somberly says, "I am a new arrival to your town, and I have heard some disturbing rumors."

Raelee whispers something to Lylia.

Qafziel hesitantly says, "I understand if you do not wish to say anything, given I am not a citizen and this is an open meeting."

Speaking to Luxelle, Dergoatean says, "Still trying to figure out if I can ask a question to cause even more of a ruckus than last time."

Qafziel curiously says, "I would like to know first if the militia is hale and hearty and the town is secure."

Luxelle looks over at Dergoatean and shakes her head.

Qafziel pragmatically says, "Then I would like to know what you think the biggest threat to the town is, currently."

Lylia smiles at Qafziel.

Qafziel perplexedly says, "And how you are addressing that threat, and if it is relatively safe for me to stay here."

Qafziel murmurs, "I don't much like towns, but I am growing tired of wandering."

Luxelle shifts her weight.

Qafziel slowly empties his lungs.

You pleasantly assure, "Our visitors are important, since we rely on trade--your questions are very much welcome."

You nod at Qafziel.

Speaking in Elven to Qafziel, Yhtrin says, "A good question, cousin."

Qafziel bows to Yhtrin.

Speaking to Qafziel, Lylia says, "Understandably so. I have lived here for two decades myself. It is good to have somewhere that feels more like a home than a waypoint on a longer journey."

Shinann just arrived.

You add Shinann to your group.

Shinann says, "Sorry..."

You grin at Shinann.

You nod at Shinann.

Lylia says, "I would refer questions about the state of our preparedness to our guard captain, Shinann, although to be blunt, we are not a large nation-state but a frontier port town."

Qafziel clearly says, "It is rather different here than I am used."

Qafziel nods slowly at Lylia.

Speaking to Lylia, Dergoatean says, "Of course we are. We're a protectorate of the Empire."

Dergoatean ducks his head.

You notice Dergoatean slip into a hiding place.

Lylia says, "We constitute the largest share of the personnel defending the town. I daresay many of us are capable enough of putting down typical threats."

You flash a wide grin at Lylia.

Lylia points at Dergoatean, ruining his hiding place.

Dergoatean wails!

Lylia narrows her eyes.

Qafziel turns an inquisitive ear toward Shinann.

Lylia says, "As for our greatest threat, that is a more challenging thing to assess. Ask ten people, you will get a dozen responses."

Lylia looks thoughtful for a moment, then shrugs.

Speaking calmly to Shinann, Qafziel says, "I asked about the state and preparedness of the militia and whether or not it was hearty and hale and ready to protect the town."

Shinann says, "Well, I will say this. It is not possible to be prepared for everything that happens. That is just how life goes. However, I feel that we are as well prepared as can be."

Stormyrain just arrived.

You grin at Stormyrain.

You add Stormyrain to your group.

Dwi heartily says, "Also..pubs dat let foxes inside."

Dwi gazes in wonder at her surroundings.

Dwi grunts in annoyance, rolling her eyes.

Irar smirks at Dwi.

Lylia nods at Shinann.

Speaking clearly to Lylia, Qafziel says, "Ah, but I did not ask ten people. I asked three."

Qafziel nods at Lylia.

Lylia smiles at Qafziel.

Lylia says, "And I shall answer when the Guard Captain has spoken on preparedness."

Shinann says, "As to our largest threat. Sometimes it is the person next to you or a complete stranger in another part of the world."

Alisaire just arrived.

Lylia inclines her head.

Luxelle shifts her weight.

Lylia nods in greeting at Alisaire.

Qafziel looks thoughtfully at Shinann.

Shinann says, "That is my honest answer."

Shinann nods.

Qafziel murmurs, "Quite indirect."

You admit, "It's true. As I've said before, Malluch came to one of these very meetings once, before we'd confirmed he was Rone--one never really knows."

You chuckle.

You clarify, "Regarding who might be standing next to you."

You nod.

Shinann nods.

Lylia says, "I believe our greatest threat is a dogmatic over-reliance on the Arkati to save us. We spend too much time in prayer and too little in preparation. Recent conversations with certain religious people have convinced me that we must be alert to the next Chaston Griffin...who may be in our midst."

Xorus says, "I was polite enough to not call him out about it in public."

Chamorr glances at you.

Lylia gazes in amusement at Xorus.

Speaking to Xorus, Lylia says, "Unfailingly polite."

Speaking heartily to you, Chamorr says, "You looks kinda shifty."

Speaking mischievously to Chamorr, you tease, "It isn't just looks..."

Irar sighs.

Irar shakes his head.

Shinann says, "I am sorry if I cannot name every threat. We face many."

You nod sympathetically at Shinann.

Lylia says, "Some would say Grishom Stone also presents a significant threat. I agree that he might. But at this point, Stone is a force of nature, and we deal with those by preparing for them in general, not antagonizing and seeking to defeat them."

Shinann says, "That prism the Mayor had. The only other place I have seen one is in the hands of a Rook."

Lylia nods at Shinann.

Stormyrain folds her hands behind her back.

You interject, "A dead Rook, yes? If I remember?"

You furrow your brow, probably adding a wrinkle or two in the process.

Dwi raises her hand.

Luxelle nods at Dwi.

Qafziel ponders.

Irar sniffs.

Qafziel asks, "Do you feel your town is safe for me to stay, then?"

Qafziel raises an eyebrow.

Raelee nods.

Lylia counters, "Define 'safe.'."

Lylia smiles.

Raelee glances around the room.

Shinann agrees with Lylia.

Qafziel mutters, "They all speak like politicians."

You muse, "It's a lot safer than Icemule lately. That town is constantly attacked by the undead."

You chortle.

Lylia admits, "Mayor is a political position."

Shinann gives a sidelong glance at Qafziel.

Eiliriel asks, "You asked in a town meeting and expect answers from non-politicians?"

Lylia grins at Eiliriel.

You add, "And Solhaven has been beset by all manners of wild animals lately."

Stormyrain nods slowly at Chaoswynd.

Speaking to Qafziel, Irar says, "It is my opinion that complacent arrogance, and the assumption of one's own worthiness, wisdom, and power are our greatest enemy at this juncture."

Speaking amusedly to Qafziel, you say, "For people who thrive in the glory of combat, right now this is one of the last places you'd want to be--so it might be perfect for you."

Qafziel turns an inquisitive ear toward Irar.

Speaking to you, Dergoatean says, "I hear Zul Logoth is doing alright."

Lylia gazes with interest at Irar.

Stormyrain distractedly glances at Irar.

You cock your head at Irar.

Lylia smiles quietly to herself.

Speaking slowly to Irar, you venture, "So... Stonmel. Got it."

Shinann raises an eyebrow in Irar's direction.

You nod at Irar.

Chamorr heartily says, "If that prism is the very same one used by Murdos, how did Sketch find it."

Stormyrain hums an old Sylvan tune.

Luxelle peers quizzically at Chamorr.

Speaking to Qafziel, Irar says, "I'll leave it at that, lest I be subjected to more mockery."

Lylia says, "It is not the same. It is of the same type. The original one exploded."

Qafziel nods slowly at Irar.

Lylia nods at Chamorr.

(Luxelle glances between her list and Mister Bear's hand.)

Chamorr heartily says, "Ahh."

Chamorr sticks his tongue out at Luxelle, and lets out with a loud, "Thbtbtbtbt" from his lips!

Qafziel says, "I am finished. This time."

Qafziel ponders.

Speaking to Qafziel, Lylia says, "Thank you for your questions."

Irar bows to Qafziel.

Qafziel nods at Lylia.

Luxelle whispers to the group, "Ready for next?"

Speaking to Qafziel, Lylia says, "And welcome to Wehnimer's Landing."

Lylia smiles.

Stormyrain nods at Luxelle.

Qafziel laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.

Qafziel bows to Lylia.

Luxelle nods to you.

You nod at Luxelle.

Qafziel just went south.

Stormyrain leans against the sideboard, taking a momentary rest.

Question #4, From Severine, Answered By Lylia, Shinann, Luxelle, Xorus: Pillar of Corpses

You mention, "Before we move on, we have three more people in our question queue and don't wish to keep everyone too long tonight--"

You conclude, "So if you have any questions, raise those hands, since we'll be closing the queue shortly!"

You nod once.

Luxelle nods at Chamorr.

You nod at Luxelle.

Luxelle says, "Severine has the floor for the next question."

Luxelle nods at Severine.

Severine stands up off the long wooden bench.

You take a moment to observe everything you can about Severine.

Severine nods appreciatively at Luxelle.

Speaking softly to Lylia, Severine asks, "I was wondering if you might have an update in regard to the pillar of corpses - which appears to remain untouched - and finding those responsible?"

Lylia sets her mouth in a thin line of disapproval.

Chamorr raises his hand.

Luxelle nods at Chamorr.

You nod at Luxelle.

Lylia admits, "Not as much of an update as I would like. It is noxious to my eyes and my nose, and yet I have not given leave to remove what remains of the bodies because there may still be more to learn from it -- including who the one who assembled it is."

Lylia says, "I wish I could give you more information about it...but at this time, I simply have very little to offer."

Yhtrin asks, "Dare I ask if a bard has sung to it?"

Shinann says, "You would think someone would report missing family."

Deep in the shadows, you think you see movement: something like a thousand snakes all swarming around each other. By the time you've focused to get a closer look, they are gone.

Cruxophim suddenly fades into view.

Cruxophim twists his head slightly, cracking his neck. He looks relieved.

Luxelle nods at Yhtrin.

You grin at Cruxophim.

You add Cruxophim to your group.

Cruxophim calmly greets, "Evening, all."

Cruxophim folds his hands behind his back.

Speaking to Yhtrin, Luxelle says, "There is no song associated with the horrible thing."

Irar nods to Cruxophim in greeting.

Yhtrin nods at Luxelle.

Lylia gives Cruxophim a lingering kiss on the cheek.

Severine nods understandingly.

Cruxophim kisses Lylia tenderly on the cheek.

Severine softly says, "I see."

Cruxophim renders a sharp hand salute.

Luxelle says, "The question queue is closed."

Cruxophim leans on Yhtrin, giving him a companionable grin.

You mention, "Over the course of the night, Goat, Captain Stormyrain, and former Mayor Cruxophim have joined us in case any of our remaining audience would like to direct questions to them."

Speaking softly to Lylia, Severine says, "Thank you."

Severine sits down on the long wooden bench.

Luxelle says, "Nazarr has the floor for the next question."

Luxelle nods at Nazarr.

Cruxophim chuckles.

Speaking abruptly to Luxelle, you say, "Ah, hold on--"

Lylia clears her throat.

Lylia says, "A moment."

Speaking to Luxelle, you mention, "One more panelist wanted to speak."

You grin at Luxelle.

Luxelle says, "Panelists get exceptions."

Luxelle grins.

Luxelle blushes a nice shade of light pink.

Cruxophim chuckles.

Cruxophim turns an inquisitive ear toward Xorus.

Speaking sympathetically to Luxelle, you admit, "We're a chaotic bunch."

Speaking to Severine, Luxelle says, "I am so sorry."

Stormyrain looks thoughtfully at Shinann.

Cruxophim rubs Luxelle gently.

Shinann nods at Stormyrain.

Severine smiles at Luxelle.

Luxelle turns an inquisitive ear toward Xorus.

You take a moment to observe everything you can about Xorus.

Xorus says, "These were the white robed supporters of Malluch, who were apparently not locals at this point. The actors who were helping him frame Cruxophim last I knew are still in holding. Considering Malluch was seen in a loresong being treated with a vial in a room with white robed figures and that he trained vigorously during that period, it would stand to reason we might be able to provoke them into revealing their identity by needling them with contrary doctrine on Voln. Assuming they are not White Sparrows, for instance, which makes less sense."

Xorus says, "Knowing who they are would, of course, tell us where to give the remains."

Lylia gazes with interest at Xorus.

Lylia notes, "We have found little to suggest they are local, true enough."

You acknowledge, "It would explain the lack of missing persons reports..."

You nod at Lylia.

Speaking to Xorus, Shinann says, "There is no proof he did that. There are copycats. I reserve judgment on that one and the priest that was stitched up."

Cruxophim nonchalantly remarks, "Unless they weren't people who would be missed. But yes, that would follow as well."

Xorus nods at Shinann.

Cruxophim nods absently at Shinann.

A forest fox bares his teeth hungrily at Severine!

Severine nods understandingly to the forest fox.

Cruxophim affectionately scratches the fox's neck.

Speaking to Shinann, Xorus says, "I believe the pillar one was the copycat who mutilated the priest and acolyte."

The scent of freshly baked bread fills your senses as you prepare the Manna spell...

You gesture.

There is a bright flash and a swirled disk of blue and yellow ground cornmeal appears in the air, then falls into your right hand.

You offer your disk of ground cornmeal to Severine, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Click CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.

You nod in agreement at Xorus.

Severine smiles at you.

Severine has accepted your offer and is now holding a swirled disk of blue and yellow ground cornmeal.

Severine takes a bite of her disk of ground cornmeal.

Severine looks much more calm and refreshed.

Shinann nods at Xorus.

Severine feeds a forest fox a bite of her disk of ground cornmeal.

Speaking to Xorus, you note, "A very specific set of skills in both cases."

Shinann asks, "He freely admitted his crimes. Why would he leave that one out?"

Cruxophim nods in agreement at Shinann.

Lylia says, "Unless his mind was more clouded than he thought it to be."

Lylia looks thoughtful for a moment, then shrugs.

Xorus says, "Those were his supporters seemingly and he swore vengeance over their deaths."

Shinann says, "A possibility."

Shinann nods at Lylia.

Speaking dryly to Shinann, Cruxophim remarks, "There would be no... glory in that."

You nod at Xorus.

Xorus nods at Lylia.

Irar folds his arms over his chest.

Antoninus waves.

Lylia waves to Antoninus.

Xorus says, "It is interesting that this other copycat stopped after Malluch was apprehended, and there is a blood magic aspect to what was done to Malluch."

You ponder the meaning of Xorus's existence.

Luxelle nods to you.

Speaking to Xorus, Lylia says, "Yes. Quite interesting."

Question #5, From Nazarr, Answered By Leafiara, Xorus, Shinann, Cruxophim, Lylia, Raelee, Dergoatean: A Connection to Malluch and Raznel?

Speaking to Nazarr, Luxelle says, "Now it is really your turn."

Luxelle blushes a nice shade of light pink.

You grin at Luxelle.

You take a moment to observe everything you can about Nazarr.

Shinann folds her hands behind her back.

Nazarr says, "This is not so much a question, but if I might add something to Lord Xorus' comment--I have been trying sand divination to determine clues as to who is behind Malluch. The same description keeps coming up--a man of wealth, power and position, possibly young, possibly someone's heir. And if the foretellings are true, which I have no way of ascertaining, he is tied to Malluch --and to Raznel, as I have asked about both and received the same answers and the same description for the person supporting both. But I have no way of proving this. I merely find getting the same messages repeatedly... disconcerting."

Stormyrain folds her arms over her chest.

You furrow your brow, probably adding a wrinkle or two in the process.

Cruxophim cocks his head at Nazarr.

Stormyrain looks thoughtfully at Nazarr.

Nazarr says, "I have no proof. And no ability, so far as I know. Only that his observations and the description dovetail oddly."

Nazarr shrugs.

You heavily acknowledge, "Many did note that taking away someone's ability to use magic--like was done to Crux--has been done by Raznel before."

Cruxophim nods slowly to you.

Xorus says, "It would be interesting if Raznel was playing at the same trick of hijacking a powerful imperial with a military force of religious zealots."

You say, "Whether that's coincidence or not--I suppose we'll find out in due time."

You ponder the meaning of Xorus's existence.

Nazarr nods to you.

You grin at Xorus.

Shinann says, "All things seen might not make any sense now or ever. Or they might help us tie the thread together."

Cruxophim nods absently to you.

Shinann says, "So, I am always open to hearing about them."

Shinann nods.

You nod at Shinann.

Speaking nonchalantly to you, Cruxophim admits, "The pieces do connect, I'm just not sure how.... directly."

You nod in agreement at Cruxophim.

Nazarr nods at Cruxophim.

You muse, "Hardly ever a theory too crazy to at least consider around here."

You chuckle.

Speaking to Nazarr, Lylia says, "Thank you, Nazarr; the vision could indeed be seen to align with other indication of who the Alchemist is, or perhaps more directly, those whom he seeks to use."

Speaking mildly to Nazarr, Cruxophim inquires, "What did you see in these visions again?"

Lylia says, "Malluch Burdos was ripe to become what he was."

Cruxophim gives Nazarr a strong, encouraging smile.

Cruxophim nods absently at Lylia.

Zosopage says, "There's alot more going on and in conjunction with each other that we don't see yet."

You nod at Zosopage.

Lylia says, "The Alchemist, whomever he or she may be, chose a 'Rone' well."

Nazarr says, "If it is meaningless, no one will be happier than I. If it means something...those with more experience than I know now."

You grin at Nazarr.

Xorus dryly offers, "Grishom did seem to know how to rip that poison from Cruxophim's blood, though this Blood Star artifact of his is immensely powerful and he is one for arrogantly assuming his powers."

Cruxophim nods absently.

Speaking to Xorus, Shinann asks, "You were there?"

Shinann clears her throat.

Xorus says, "I heard about it."

Shinann says, "Ahh."

Shinann nods.

Lylia says, "He arrived at Evician's side shortly after I did."

Shinann says, "I see. Thank you. I misunderstood."

You curiously admit, "Did Raznel also use poison? I'd only heard the stories, but not the fine details."

Cruxophim chuckles.

Xorus wryly asks, "Other than epochxin?"

Speaking heartily to Lylia, Chamorr says, "Have you investigated into Stone's aapearance."

You clarify, "I mean to strip people's ability to use the mana flows."

You nod.

Speaking calmly to you, Cruxophim explains, "Raznel's was more of a curse than a poison."

You nod understandingly at Cruxophim.

You lightly say, "So maybe it truly is only coincidence. But... again, time will tell."

You nod.

Raelee says, "... at times accomplished via use of effigies."

Speaking calmly to you, Cruxophim continues, "Linked to ossuaries as -- yes, that."

Cruxophim nods at Raelee.

You glance between Cruxophim and Raelee.

You nod.

Cruxophim twists his head slightly, cracking his neck. He looks relieved.

Lylia says, "The appearance at which he healed Cruxophim and took Evician's life? Yes, it is well-documented at this point, but there are still few leads to discover here. I do not know precisely why he extended this offer to heal, nor the means by which he did it, save that it relates to this 'Blood Star' Xorus spoke of."

Stormyrain nods faintly at Shinann.

Stormyrain ponders.

Stormyrain grins crookedly at Shinann.

Speaking calmly to Lylia, Cruxophim states, "I do not know, either. This should be cause for alarm, perhaps."

Xorus says, "I do not know what he is calling it, of course, but 'Blood Star' sounds fitting."

Shinann nods at Stormyrain.

Cruxophim nods in agreement at Xorus.

Balley softly says, "Can I ask a question of you Nazarr."

You cock your head at Balley.

You glance between Balley and Nazarr.

Dergoatean says, "My past visions showed Stone under the influence of the Star of Khar'ta, also known as the Eye of Ta'Ashrim, also known as the Galestone."

Nazarr says, "Yes, of course."

Dergoatean says, "I did not see this Blood Star but I expect it's the very same."

Lylia nods at Dergoatean.

Balley softly asks, "Have your readings and such been getting stronger as of late? Do you feel and see the connections?"

Speaking amusedly to Dergoatean, Cruxophim answers, "Yes."

You ponder the meaning of Florania's existence.

Dergoatean nods at Cruxophim.

You rub your chin thoughtfully.

[whispered exchange with Florania]

Cruxophim paces to his right, moving in a circle around Balley.

Cruxophim rubs Balley tenderly.

Dergoatean says, "And in that case, it's not in his possession any more than he is in its."

Florania nods faintly to you.

Chamorr heartily says, "Thanks mayor."

Lady Florania just went south.

Lylia bows to Chamorr.

Lylia says, "I wish I had more to tell you at this point."

Stormyrain shifts her weight.

You nod at Lylia.

Nazarr says, "I can't tell. I could say what I pictured when I did the reading, but I don't know if that's imagination or something else. All I can report on is the message I keep getting."

Balley softly says, "The reason I ask is a week ago I had a very powerful vision of Raznel and her past I believe."

Speaking calmly to Dergoatean, Cruxophim states, "Time will tell, I suppose, as with all things."

Xorus nods.

Luxelle says, "We have one more question, friends."

You nod in agreement at Luxelle.

Speaking heartily to Cruxophim, Chamorr says, "You were there, what did he say, how long did he stay."

Balley softly says, "I know I keep seeing the vision of a dark mage over a cauldron repeatedly and it get stronger each day."

Cruxophim gives Luxelle a strong, encouraging smile.

Speaking to Cruxophim, Dergoatean says, "All things, with the possible exceptions of Peter and Rachel."

Lylia murmurs, "We have one more official question, I believe. Perhaps, for the sake of my scattered attention, we could wait until that is finished."

Lylia mildly says, "You would be doing me a kindness."

Lylia smiles quietly to herself.

Speaking wryly to Dergoatean, Cruxophim reminds, "Time did tell on them."

Dergoatean chuckles.

Speaking calmly to Chamorr, Cruxophim answers, "Not much, and not long... just long enough to take whatever occult thing he wanted."

Question #6, From Dwi, Answered By Dergoatean, Shinann, Cruxophim, Lylia: Rooks and Prawns

Luxelle says, "Dwi has the floor for the next question."

Luxelle nods at Dwi.

Irar waves to Chamorr.

Shinann waves to Chamorr.

You ponder the meaning of Dwi's existence.

Dwi grunts and nods.

You add, "And the last question."

Cruxophim turns toward Chamorr and renders a sharp hand salute.

You give Dwi a strong, encouraging smile.

Lord Chamorr's group just went south.

Dwi heartily asks, "Is a rook like a prawn? Like in dat game wit the knights and queens and such? Or is it different? And if so?"

You laugh softly, trying to hide your amusement.

Irar begins chuckling at Dwi!

Dergoatean looks thoughtfully at Dwi.

Cruxophim begins chuckling at Dwi!

Dwi squints.

Dwi heartily asks, "Wot?"

Dergoatean removes a smooth black witchwood mask from in his black leather backpack.

Dwi mutters something about oldsters.

Dergoatean shows Dwi his black witchwood mask.

Dergoatean puts on a smooth black witchwood mask.

Dergoatean rubs his black witchwood mask, and it morphs into the appearance of a black-feathered bird's face, complete with a gleaming grey beak. A moment later, the black witchwood mask shifts back to normal.

Lylia hides her face in her upturned palm and slowly shakes her head. After a barely audible sigh, she regards Dwi with world-weary gaze.

Dergoatean says, "That's sort of what a rook is like."

Dergoatean points at himself.

Dwi turns toward Dergoatean and renders a painful salute with her Dragonsdraught ale.

Dwi heartily says, "Tanks."

Speaking to Dergoatean, you opine, "Theirs looks nicer."

Speaking amusedly to Dergoatean, Cruxophim scolds, "Like you? Don't confuse the poor lass."

You grin crookedly at Dergoatean.

Dergoatean says, "Prawns are just shrimp."

Shinann says, "I would not say the leader or leaders are pawns."

Speaking to you, Dergoatean exclaims, "This was theirs!!"

Dwi grunts noncommittally and shrugs her shoulders.

You squint at Dergoatean.

Lylia quips, "A Rook is never a prawn, there is but one Queen on the board, and fortunately we have no bishops at all."

Dwi peers quizzically at Lylia.

Dergoatean glances at Irar.

Dergoatean says, "Now, deacons..."

Dwi raises her hand.

Speaking to Dergoatean, you say, "I remember them being more silvery, but maybe that was just how they looked in the starlight..." [OOC note: whoops, I didn't see the grey beak part in there. Guess that was a Rook mask!]

Dwi heartily asks, "Follow up?"

Lylia says, "Forgive me. A bit of a jest."

Lylia grins at Dwi.

Lylia says, "Yes."

You tilt your head slightly toward Dwi, noting the subtle changes in her muscles and breathing.

Speaking to Dergoatean, Irar says, "Oh, she'd prefer we have none of those too."

Luxelle nods at Dwi.

Dergoatean shrugs at Irar.

Speaking calmly to Dwi, Cruxophim explains, "Like Rone and his followers, their power comes in anonymity."

Speaking heartily to Lylia, Dwi asks, "Wot's a bisship?"

Dergoatean takes off a smooth black witchwood mask.

Dergoatean makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...

Dergoatean gestures at a smooth black witchwood mask.

Dergoatean put a smooth black witchwood mask in his black leather backpack.

Zosopage says, "A covert organization if you will."

Cruxophim gets a blank look on his face.

You nod at Zosopage.

Dwi mumbles something under her breath.

A forest fox scrambles back up onto his feet.

Dwi nods at Zosopage.

Dwi turns toward Zosopage and renders a painful salute with her Dragonsdraught ale.

Dwi heartily exclaims, "Tanks!"

Zosopage smiles at Dwi.

Dwi takes a drink from her Dragonsdraught ale.

Cruxophim laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.

You gaze in amusement at your surroundings.

Lylia says, "A high-placed member of a religious organization. We have deacons and priests here."

Lylia smiles at Dwi.

Stormyrain slowly empties her lungs.

Dwi heartily exclaims, "Oh!"

Cruxophim nods at Lylia.

Balley smiles at Stormyrain.

Dwi frowns at Zosopage.

Zosopage stares upward.

Dwi nods at Lylia.

Dwi heartily says, "Tanks fer reals."

Lylia inclines her head.

Lylia says, "Of course."

Dwi mutters something about oldsters.

Cruxophim hugs Dwi.

You flash a quick grin.

Dwi takes a drink from her Dragonsdraught ale.

The verlok'asha approaches Lylia's outstretched hand, then deftly turns away at the last instant, brushing her softly with its magically suspended feathers.

Lylia removes a pale blue runestone from in her wrap.

Lylia traces a finger over her blue runestone. A small spark follows the path of her finger across the runestone.

The runestone disintegrates.

Speaking heartily to Cruxophim, Dwi says, "Bath."

Dwi nods at Cruxophim.

Stormyrain gently brushes her pale silver hair away from her eyes and, with a deft twist of her wrist, tucks it back into its bindings.

Dwi whispers something to Zosopage.

Cruxophim whispers something to Dwi.

You try hard not to grin.

You snicker.

Dwi beams happily at Cruxophim!

Dwi heartily says, "Finally."

Concluding Remarks

You state, "Quite a productive discussion with many topics tonight, but it seems we've come to the end of our time!"

You clear your throat.

You recite:

"On behalf of the TownCrier, thank you all again for coming out tonight to be with us and speak with us!"

You recite:

"Our next Town Hall meeting will be on the 27th--at the same time and place as this one!"

You nod once.

Irar bows.

Cruxophim gives Dwi a strong, encouraging smile.

Balley hugs you, and you wrap her in a warm embrace.

Luxelle beams!

Irar says, "Evening, all."

You recite:

"We'll be hoping to see many of you there."

You hug Balley, who wraps you in a warm embrace.

Lylia says, "Thank you all for your questions and attention."

Lylia inclines her head.

Irar smiles at Wintersylph.

Zosopage gives you a friendly hug.

You recite:

"Until then, may you all have a good evening tonight and in the nights to come!"

You give Zosopage a friendly hug.

Luxelle exclaims, "Thank you to our panelists and to our audience. Thank you most of all the the contributors and questioners!"

Shinann says, "If anyone did not get a clear answer on anything, I am always open to talk and I am certain anyone up here is."

Cruxophim applauds warmly.

Cruxophim gives Zosopage a friendly hug.

You nod in agreement at Shinann.

Lylia nods at Shinann.

You applaud.

Cruxophim nods in agreement at Shinann.

Lylia says, "I also welcome further questions, if anyone feels his or her question was not answered fully."

You recite:

"And thank you to our panelists as well! There wouldn't be much of an event without you."

Luxelle grins at Shinann.

Bernadette bows to Lylia.

Dwi heartily says, "Umm.."

Lylia bows to Bernadette.

Dwi peers quizzically at you.

You cock your head at Dwi.

Speaking curiously to Dwi, you ask, "Hm?"

Speaking heartily to you, Dwi asks, "Wot's a panelist?"

Speaking suddenly to Dwi, you say, "Questions are closed for the evening, sorry."

Cruxophim nods.

You unsuccessfully try to stifle your grin.

Dwi sighs.

Dwi mutters something about oldsters.

Speaking calmly to you, Cruxophim offers, "I was explaining the Dying King."

Lylia grins at Eiliriel.

Speaking earnestly to Dwi, you reply, "But, seriously, they're the group of people who were answering questions."

You nod at Dwi.

Lylia nods at Luxelle.

Dwi grunts in agreement.

Cruxophim gives Balley a lingering kiss on the cheek.

Cruxophim mildly wishes, "Goodnight, all."

[whispered exchange with Luxelle]

Lylia hugs Cruxophim, who wraps her in a warm embrace.

You hug Cruxophim, stirring the scent of blood, raw meat, and pungent soil, overshadowed by the tenebrous fetor of decaying flesh from his skin, who wraps you in a warm embrace.

Cruxophim gives Lylia a friendly hug.

Speaking to Cruxophim, Zosopage says, "Rest well."

Cruxophim hugs you, and you wrap him in a warm embrace.

Luxelle beams happily at you!

Luxelle nods to you.

Cruxophim winks at Zosopage.

You nod at Luxelle.

Cruxophim kisses Alisaire tenderly on the cheek.

Cruxophim blinks.

Cruxophim smacks his lips.

Eiliriel nods in agreement at Lylia.

Cruxophim kisses Luxelle tenderly on the cheek.

Cruxophim gives Eiliriel a friendly hug.

Cruxophim snaps his fingers.

Shadowy tendrils rise from the ground and wrap around Cruxophim's legs as they quickly engulf his entire body. The shadows quickly retreat back into the surroundings, leaving no trace of Cruxophim.

Luxelle says, "Thanks ever so much for organizing and hosting, Miss Leafi."

You turn toward Luxelle and render a sharp hand salute.

Shinann smiles at you.

Speaking warmly to Luxelle, you say, "A pleasure, Miss Luxie."

Shinann smiles at Luxelle.

Severine hugs you, and you wrap her in a warm embrace.

You hug Severine, who wraps you in a warm embrace.

Speaking softly to you, Severine says, "Well done, as always."

Lylia runs her hand over the wide skirts of a starling black moire silk gown with inverted pleat accents gathered over black tulle underskirts, gently adjusting the fall of the fabric.

Luxelle stands up.

Speaking lovingly to Severine, you wish, "Good night, Sev, if that's where you're going."

You lean softly against Severine.

Speaking softly to you, Severine says, "Bandits, actually."

Lylia surveys the area.

Severine grins mischievously at you.

Lylia removes a bunch of deep purple grapes from in her wrap.

You gawk at Severine.

Speaking softly to you, Severine says, "And then sleep."

Severine nods.

Speaking brightly to Severine, you say, "Well, better yet."

Mana surges through you in a brilliant display of silvery motes which skitter across your skin as you prepare Purify Air...

You gesture at Severine.

Severine begins to breathe more deeply.

Luxelle says, "I am going to go work on a sheaf of papers with Miss Newsby."

You give Luxelle a friendly hug.

Lylia says, "No other questions, it would seem."

Severine smiles at you.

Luxelle exclaims, "You were all amazing!"

You nod eagerly at Luxelle.

Dergoatean grins.

There is a bright flash and a bacon-wrapped blood pudding donut appears in the air, then falls to the ground.

Dergoatean waves to Luxelle.

There is a bright flash and a bacon-wrapped blood pudding donut appears in the air, then falls to the ground.

There is a bright flash and a bacon-wrapped blood pudding donut appears in the air, then falls to the ground.

Dergoatean just went south.

There is a bright flash and a bacon-wrapped blood pudding donut appears in the air, then falls to the ground.

The voice of Cruxophim recites:


Lady Luxelle just went south.

(Lylia plucks a grape from its stem.)

There is a bright flash and a bacon-wrapped blood pudding donut appears in the air, then falls to the ground.

There is a bright flash and a bacon-wrapped blood pudding donut appears in the air, then falls to the ground.

Lylia says, "I enjoyed the questions."

Stormyrain glances down.

Taelarn says, "Thank you again for all the information."

There is a bright flash and a bacon-wrapped blood pudding donut appears in the air, then falls to the ground.

Lylia grins at Eiliriel.

Stormyrain wrinkles her nose.

Speaking curiously to Chaoswynd, you guess, "Going with her, I imagine?"

You turn toward Taelarn and render a sharp hand salute.

Speaking to you, Chaoswynd says, "Of course."

You nod at Chaoswynd.

Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia says something you don't understand.

Lylia gazes in amusement at Eiliriel.

Lylia takes a bite of her deep purple grapes.

Eiliriel nods in agreement at Lylia.

Severine waves.

Lylia waves to Severine.

Taelarn bows to Eiliriel.

Taelarn bows to Lylia.

A forest fox searches around nervously.

A forest fox discovers Cruxophim, who was invisible!

You wave to Severine.

You gaze in amusement at Cruxophim.

Cruxophim gazes in amusement at a forest fox.

Stormyrain stifles a yawn.

Shinann says, "I did, also. I am sorry I had to leave but am helping a lady with a difficult pregnancy."

You give Stormyrain a friendly hug.

Cruxophim bemusedly warns, "You know I've skinned people for less than that?"

Stormyrain hugs you, and you wrap her in a warm embrace.

Stormyrain smiles.

You blink at Shinann.

You nod understandingly.

You give Stormyrain a friendly hug.

You grin at Stormyrain.

Cruxophim chuckles.

Stormyrain raises her voice in rhythmic song, commanding the aid of the elements.

Stormyrain skillfully begins to weave another verse into her harmony.

Stormyrain sings a song of revelry, reminding you of days long gone. Lost in the song for a moment, your vision blurs slightly and you think you see Stormyrain raise her arm in a toast. You blink to clear your head and find that Stormyrain has vanished!

Shinann says, "It was a false alarm."

Lylia grins at Taelarn.

Cruxophim nods.

Lylia nods at Cruxophim.

Speaking to Shinann, you marvel, "Oh, -that- type of difficult..."

Lylia chuckles.

You nod at Shinann.

Shinann nods to you.

Raelee glances around the room.

Speaking in Faendryl to Taelarn, Lylia says something you don't understand.

Speaking in Faendryl, Yhtrin says something you don't understand.

Yhtrin grins.

You twist your head slightly, cracking your neck. That felt nice.

Lylia raises her voice in merry laughter.

Speaking in Faendryl to Lylia, Taelarn says something you don't understand.

Taelarn chuckles.

Shinann gazes at her surroundings.

Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia says something you don't understand.

Shinann says, "Excuse me."

Shinann just went south.

Cruxophim lifts his bone chalice in a toast and proclaims:

"Wouldst thou like to live... deliciously? Eat heartily, and put a little more meat on those bones!"

Shadowy tendrils rise from the ground and wrap around Cruxophim's legs as they quickly engulf his entire body. The shadows quickly retreat back into the surroundings, leaving no trace of Cruxophim.

You snicker.

You muse, "Suppose I'll head off myself."

You wish, "Be well, all."

You curtsy gracefully.

Lylia says, "I am living deliciously. These grapes are perfect."

Lylia bows to you.

You grin at Lylia.

You bob a quick curtsy.

Lylia suddenly snaps around, looking confused and rubbing her arm.