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Western Waterways

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The Western Waterways are the waterways to the west of Mist Harbor. The area has no official maps, nor do any maps exist on Narost or XNarost. The rooms have no Lich numbers, and the only known maps are the ones below in External Links.

The area contains a lighthouse, a secluded cove, two looters' lairs, an altar to Charl, a rookery, an obsidian mountain, a jeweled wall, a wrecked ship, a channel, and a number of coral reefs. It's ringed by sharp black rocks and cliffs known as Charl's Teeth, though as of Restday, the 7th day of Fashanos, in the year 5121, a hole has been blown in the Teeth by a krolvin so far only known as the Warlord. The exact location of the hole has yet to be pinpointed.

It is possible to sail the Western Waterways by renting a paddle boat for 500 silvers from a lanky and freckled fisherman in Western Harbor, Pier One (Lich #17591). His name is Grimerson, and his father owns the Mist Harbor fishing shop.

Each paddle boat accepts only one rider. To sail from one room to another, you must PEDAL in the desired direction three times.

Landmarks, Northern Portion

Charl's Altar

The altar is one west and five north of the room you enter when you sit down of the boat (Lich #17646, which is one square west of the one labeled "Dock").

[Western Waterway, Charl's Teeth]
One of the Teeth of Charl juts out just above the waterline, providing a shelf for an altar that rests upon it.  All around the altar are hundreds of tiny carved ships and floral memorials, tributes to loved ones lost at sea.
Obvious paths: northeast, east, south

look at shelf
Glistening obsidian with veins of charcoal provides a smooth and slick shelf for the makeshift altar that rests upon it.  Many of the carved ships and floral memorials are decayed from weather and time, and their clinging presence is poignant.

look at altar
A huge trident crafted of blued steel is affixed to the top of the altar.  Despite the constant assault of salt water and weather, the magnificent trident remains unrusted.

Secluded Cove

The Secluded Cove is one east of the altar.

[Western Waterway, Secluded Cove]
A brilliant white pavilion can be seen to the south, nestled against the equally white cliffs of the shore.  The waves have washed in and out for eons, creating a pocket-sized sandy white beach at the bottom of the cliffs.
Obvious paths: north, northeast, east, southeast, southwest, west


The Lighthouse is one north, two northeast, and one east of the Secluded Cove.

[Western Waterway, Broken Harbor]
Due to the shallow depths of the water near the tall lighthouse, schools of tiny fish can be seen darting around against the white, sandy bottom.  Clumps of kelp and sea urchins sway in the current as they cling to the dark rocks, seemingly waving to the fishes as they flit about.
Obvious paths: north, northeast, southwest, west

look at lighthouse
Rising above the ragged cliff, its peak nearly enshrouded in the gentle island mists, the lighthouse is painted a bright white that stands out against the encroaching sea with startling contrast.  Beyond its bulk can be seen the remains of an old pier and a small sand-dusted pathway that leads towards the distant town of Mist Harbor.

look at fish
The fish appears to be quite tiny, likely only a baby in terms of size.  The scales of the fish resemble sheets of glass whose surfaces are swirled with a faint, subtle sheen of metallic blues, golds, crimsons and pale greens -- their hue barely visible to the eye.  Two thin whiskers branch off from the sides of its mouth, their long, tapering length surpassing the fish's own tail.  A large sail-like dorsal fin stretches along its back in a razor-like fashion.

Turtle Whirlpool

The turtle whirlpool is one northeast of the lighthouse.

[Western Waterway, Broken Harbor]
Swirling in a whirlpool next to the rocks, a large tree trunk has become a temporary haven to several turtles.  The turtles seem placid enough despite the rapid spin, munching happily on seaweed caught in the trunk's crevices and limbs.
Obvious paths: east, southeast, southwest, west

look at whirlpool
Tiny bits of algae-plumed foam floats upon the ripples and curves of the tiny whirlpool, its center displaying a tangle of seaweed encrusted with bits of coral and barnacles.  Minute fish skeletons that are still whole despite the drastic pull of water rise briefly to the water's surface only to be sucked back under the rolling surface by the force of the current within the churning anomaly.

look at trunk
Bloated from the water and riddled with a crust of salt, the log has been completely stripped of its bark and bleached an off-white hue from its constant exposure to the elements.  Tendrils of dark green, black, and yellowish seaweed cling to its ragged edges as it swirls within a tiny whirlpool that has enough force to keep it both in place and out of reach, but not enough force to draw anything larger than the limb to it.

look at turtle
You see nothing unusual.

Small Reef

The Small Reef is one southwest of the Lighthouse.

[Western Waterway, Broken Harbor]
Cliffs rise to towering heights in the east, creating a formidable barrier to the ocean's expanse.  Fan corals and branching corals have established a small reef close to the shoreline, and foamy water washes over the living structure as it laps against the island.
Obvious paths: north, northeast, southwest, west

look reef
Spindly branches stretch outward from the main body of the coral, their pale white ends fusing together to resemble the skeletal structure of a leaf.  Tendrils of fragile polyps are extended into the dark blue water in search of the tiny particles they prefer as food, while their bases are imbedded deeply into distant seabed.

Seagull Rookery

The Rookery is one north, one northeast of the Secluded Cove and one west of the Small Reef.

[Western Waterway, Charl's Teeth]
In the nooks and crevices of a particularly high and craggy set of rocks rising proudly from the ocean's depths, seagulls have made a rookery.  Their cawing is so loud as they circle the area or land to nest that even the sound of the waves crashing against the teeth-like sentinels is drowned out.  Unfortunately, the scent of the sea is also subsumed in the ammoniac smell of guano.
Obvious paths: northeast, east, south, southwest

look at rookery
Sea grass, straw, and dried palm fronds, each bleached the same beige hue, provide a comfortable blanket for the seagulls that are nestled into their cushioned confines.  With heads tucked beneath their bills, the gulls within sleep and are oblivious to the piercing cries of their brethren, which circle overhead seeking food from the water depths.

look at guano
That's just gross.

Dark Caverns

The Dark Caverns are one west, five south and two southeast of the room one west of the Dock.

[Western Waterway, Dark Caverns]
Tumbling over each other in their eagerness to expend their energy on the shore, waves pound at a small beach they have created at the foot of the cliffs over millennia.  A couple of dark openings near the base of the cliff at the beach's end contrast sharply with the white surrounding them.
Obvious paths: southwest, west, northwest

Powerful Whirlpool

The Powerful Whirlpool is one west of the northernmost Hidden Cave.

[Western Waterway]
Foamy outbursts of white cap rough water that varies in hue from deep teal to midnight blue as a powerful whirlpool is forced upwards from the depths.  The vortex speeds up and slows down at random, but never loses entirely its dizzying energy.  Spinning and swirling in a clockwise direction determined by its own internal makeup, the strong eddy batters against any object with which it comes in close contact.
Obvious paths: north, east, south, southwest, west, northwest

look at whirlpool
Spinning with strong internal energy, the waters of the whirlpool react to pressures from the deep, where some hidden pocket of oxygen or other gases provides the fuel for its ceaseless spiraling suction.

Northern Hidden Caves

The Northern Hidden Caves are one southwest and one southeast of the Dark Caverns.

[Western Waterway, Hidden Caves]
Jagged rocks about waist-high to a giantman part in a narrow cleft that shields entry into the interior of a rugged cave.  Tide-swept jetties of white water wash into the rocky opening, the fast-moving remnants of a whirlpool to the west.  The surrounding sea is rough and dark, almost midnight blue in coloration, with a pronounced easterly current that slaps against the cave-side rocks with steady regularity and uncompromising rhythm.
Obvious paths: east, southwest, west, northwest

look at rocks
Appearing almost as if sliced by some razor-sharp axe, the rocks display naturally cleaved edges that present an uncompromising barrier.  The silicate composition of these sedimentary rocks covers a range of hues from pale grey to deep black.

look at jetties
Foamy from the constant churn of the nearby whirlpool and the action of both current and tide, the jetties spin and slosh and splash unceasingly against the stones and into the small opening crevice leading into the cave.

Looter's Lair (I)

It's one east of the Northern Hidden Caves (the one with the jetties).

[Looter's Lair, Approach]
Jagged rocks form the opening to the west, which leads through rushing, white-capped waters towards the open waterway, while to the east the cavern widens into a circular cove with a ceiling of glittering limestone.  A wide rough wooden dock, ringed by boats, offers a safe anchor for visiting vessels.  You also see a bunch of small fishing boats arranged in neat rows alongside a dock.
Obvious exits: none

Neither the dock nor the boats are unusual in appearance.

go dock

[Looter's Lair, Landing]
Rough and irregular, the walls of the cavern are slightly slick and speckled with strange glittering stones.  Torches, which are set within wide iron rings, are set at even intervals down the length to provide ample illumination for those entering and exiting the docks.  Warm heat trickles into the narrow space from somewhere to the northeast.
Obvious exits: northeast

[Looter's Lair, Cache]
Warm and dry, the round cave has a narrow corridor leading to the southwest, where the gentle sound of lapping waves can be heard.  Bright and cheery, a large bonfire in the center of the chamber keeps the dampness of the salty sea air at bay.  Several crates, trunks, and casks are lined against one wall, their lids tightly sealed to ensure the safety and preservation of their contents.
Obvious exits: southwest

look at bonfire

The bonfire is burning furiously.  Flames leap and flare, sparks snap and fly, and thick smoke curls away into the air.

Jagged Shoreline

The Jagged Shoreline is one southwest of the Northern Hidden Caves.

[Western Waterway]
Water the brilliant blue of sapphires strikes the rock-laced island shore to the east even as it spirals foam-tinged toward a spinning whirlpool to the north.  The jagged shoreline holds all the safety of broken glass as the battering current crashes against it noisily, the sound itself serving as a cautionary warning to all but the most foolhardy.
Obvious paths: north, northeast, south, southwest, northwest

look at shoreline
All hard angles and sharp cuts, as if oblivious to the wearing pressure of the sea, silicate rocks edge the shoreline in an irregular pattern.

Obsidian Cliffs

The Obsidian Cliffs are one southwest of the Jagged Shoreline.

[Western Waterway, Charl's Teeth]
The monstrous black obsidian cliffs to the west all but obscure the sky.  Seabirds circle the enormous heights, occasionally settling along the ragged edges of the stones.  Blue-green water splashes and sloshes below, never at rest, never at peace, its sound as insistent as the mournful cries of the aerial creatures that sail and glide overhead.
Obvious paths: north, northeast, southeast, south, northwest

look at cliffs
Charl's Teeth are bared menacingly against the landscape of sea and sky.  Taller than the height of ten giantmen standing on each others' shoulders, the black obsidian rock of the cliffs glistens with water that flows almost as saliva does around the fangs of an enraged animal.  This is no smile of which the Arkati of the Seas grants mortals a startling glimpse.  Rather it is a snarl, dangerous and inflexible, and promising only viciousness if an attack should come.

Coral Reef

The Coral Reef is one south of the Obsidian Cliffs.

[Western Waterway, Charl's Teeth]
Saltwater-laden breezes stir the surface of the sea, battling with the easterly current for control of the foamy crest forming in front of the volcanic peaks of Charl's Teeth.  Beneath the pristine surface of the waves, a coral reef pokes up like an orange-pink jungle from the ocean floor.  Clearly visible beneath the remarkably transparent water, the vibrant forest-like cluster of living organisms teams with a generous population of many types of sea creatures.
Obvious paths: north, northeast, east, south, southwest

look at reef
Ascending in a mounded tangle from the ocean floor, the bank reef is dense but uneven in height.  Some areas rise almost above breakwater, while others cling tenaciously but a few spare inches from the sea bottom.

Colorful Reef

The Colorful Reef is one south of the Coral Reef.

[Western Waterway]
Crystal clarity permits the water to reflect strongly the orange-pink coloration of the coral reef beneath these ocean depths.  The easterly current, swift and sure as it is throughout the bound waterway, does not mar the sea here with the darkness abounding in the majority of the channel.  Though never quite calm, this stretch of water sways more rhythmically tranquil in its normal tidal movement.
Obvious paths: north, northeast, southeast, south, west

look reef
The incredible density of the forest of living organisms results in an intense radiance of saturated color that lends the water a warm, almost living glow.

Dying Reef

The Dying Reef is one east of the Coral Reef.

[Western Waterway]
An underlying coral reef pokes up majestically through the clear green-blue water, its sheer size and scope providing unquestioned evidence of the danger of the sea here.  The coral is spiny and sharp, displaying its enormous height at various points as the slap of waves sporadically reveals some of its highest peaks from watery hiding.
Obvious paths: north, east, southeast, southwest, west, northwest

look coral reef
Transcending the waves at various points, the orange-pink of the coral fades to the white of death at some of the uppermost tips of the cluster.

Short Reef

The Short Reef is one east of the Dying Reef.

[Western Waterway]
The shoreward side of the coral reef tends toward shorter stature, but equal density.  The result is a variable fence of rough hardness that closes in upon the beach, making any attempt to maneuver a vessel toward the shore a life-threatening undertaking.
Obvious paths: south, west, northwest

look at reef
Thick and tangled, the coral clusters to no more than a halfling-length from the shore.  Its diminished height does nothing to lessen the peril it poses sea-going vessels seeking the coastline.

Southern Hidden Caves and Coral Reef

The Southern Hidden Caves are one southwest, one south of the Northern Hidden Caves and one south of the Short Reef.

[Western Waterway, Hidden Caves]
Though it levels sharply downward toward the shoreline, the opposite side of the coral reef rises unchallenged to an unexpected height and density.  Towering thick and solid above the roughened teal waters, the reef condenses on the ocean-ward western side into a veritable cave of spiny organisms.  A small parting of that impenetrable bulk, just large enough to accommodate the frame of a small boat, holds the promise of calmer depths within the cocoon of the reef's embrace.
Obvious paths: north, southeast, northwest

look at reef
Perhaps clinging to the outward form of a rocky grotto, the reef mountains into a hulking presence.  Hidden within the thick recesses of the forest of living organisms, a parted opening provides visible evidence of an enclosed interior.

Gnomish Reef

The Gnomish Reef is one east of the Colorful Reef.

[Western Waterway]
The southern edge of the coral reef slinks back into the ocean at this juncture.  Clinging to the sands below the pale blue water, the organic cluster stakes its last hold on the underground world of the bound waterway.
Obvious paths: southeast, south, west, northwest

look reef
The ebb of the sea's depth across the barrier of the shore brings to shallow culmination the forest of living organisms in a final spurt no more than a gnome's foot high.

Coral Fingers

The Coral Fingers are one south of the Colorful Reef and one west of the Gnomish Reef.

[Western Waterway, Charl's Teeth]
The orange-pink coral hugging Charl's Teeth serves as far less an intense display from this vantage point.  Its height and density shrunken to but a small expense visible above the surface of the waves, the reef appears almost as if releasing its tenuous hold on the obsidian rocks in readiness to fully retreat back into the hidden recesses of the blue seas.
Obvious paths: north, east, southeast, northwest

look reef
The few tentacles of coral that embrace the black stones of the obsidian cliff here give the impression of tremulous fingers opening in a gesture of ultimate, if unwanted, separation.

Looter's Lair (II)

It's two southeast of the Southern Hidden Caves and Coral Reef.

[Looter's Lair, Docks]
Built against the northern wall of the cavern is a sturdy dock crafted of thick, heavy timbers, which are covered with slick algae and tangled knots of seaweed.  Several boats are tied to the edge of the dock, while a long rough wooden ladder rises upon to its main platform.  Narrowing perceptively, the thin channel of water that leads further into the cave is blocked with large boulders, making passage via boat impossible.
Obvious exits: none

look at boats
You see nothing unusual.

look at dock
Standing upon long stilts of rough wood, the dock rises out of the water and leans against the distant edge of the rough cave wall.  A long ladder attached to its side stretches from the smooth planks above to the water below.

("Look at ladder" is almost exactly the same.)

climb ladder
[Looter's Lair, Depths]
Conical stalactites dimly glow with a faint greenish hue and have a sheen of water covering their rough surfaces.  Almost musical, the sound of the water dripping from the large rock formations echoes through the space.  Large and small puddles pock-mark the floor of the cave, whose southeastern edge drops off suddenly into a thin channel of water far below.  You also see a long rough wooden ladder.
Obvious exits: northeast

look at stalactites
Dropping from the ceiling, the massive limestone piece glitters with mineral sediments.  Water cascades over its surface and falls to the puddle directly beneath it, the sound soft and reminiscent of chimes.

go northeast
[Looter's Lair, Cache]
Torches fitted into iron brackets illuminate the cavern in a semi-circular pattern that reflects off of the dripping walls and moist ground.  Placed upon a raised platform is a series of oilcloth-wrapped rough wooden crates and several copper-banded rough wooden casks.  Distantly, the sound of dripping water creates an almost musical backdrop that is occasionally drowned out by the distant sound of crashing waves.
Obvious exits: southwest

The crates and casks are not unusual in appearance, nor can they be opened.

Sea Glass Mountain

The Sea Glass Mountain is one south of the Gnomish Reef.

[Western Waterway, Charl's Teeth]
Beneath lapping blue waters powered by the strong easterly current, a rising mountain of sea glass glistens secretively.  Whatever force brought so much of the substance into this particular spot on the ocean floor, some combination of natural factors in this location set the glass in a pattern of substantive collection over uncounted centuries.  The jewel-tone glass presses against the black of Charl's Teeth, almost like gems laid upon a background of black silk.
Obvious paths: north, east, southeast, south, southwest, northwest

look at mountain
Reflecting and refracting any available light, the mound of sea glass rises upward from the ocean bottom.  Pushed against the barrier of the obsidian cliffs, it remains bound eternally within the narrow channel, the rocks of Charl's Teeth forever barring its release into more open waters.

Jeweled Wall

The Jeweled Wall is one east of Sea Glass Mountain.

[Western Waterway]
Mounded halfling-high toward the shore, sea glass of every color protects the coastline like a wall of jewels.  Glistening as water cascades over its surface, the sea glass belies the smooth edges of each individual piece by cohesively forming a whole of jagged magnificence both glorious and alarming to behold. 
Obvious paths: south, southwest, west, northwest

look at wall
Tide and current pressure the spectacular amount of sea glass collected at this juncture of the channel into an uneven barricade set against the shore.

Petrified Roots

The Petrified Roots are one south of the Jeweled Wall.

[Western Waterway]
A tangle of roots from long since fossilized trees rises up from the shallow water to surround the shore like an elaborately styled fence.  Grey, menacing, unyielding in their perpetual stony state, those roots stand silent sentinel, preventing easy access to the waterway from the coast.
Obvious paths: north, southwest, west, northwest

look at roots
Petrified into resilient hardness, the roots are stronger than granite and equally as unmovable.

Fossilized Tree

The Fossilized Tree is one west of the Petrified Roots, one southwest of Jeweled Wall, and one south of Sea Glass Mountain.

[Western Waterway]
The trunk of a solitary fossilized tree pokes up from the ocean floor below through the surface of the blue-grey water.  Its height above the breakwater about that of two average giantmen and its girth approximately that of a sideways halfling, the grey stone hulk resembles nothing so much as a pillar intended to pierce the sky above and thus allow a fleeting glimpse to the unreachable stretch of ocean beyond the western boundary of Charl's Teeth.
Obvious paths: north, northeast, east, south, southwest, west, northwest

look at trunk
Ascending upwards from the ocean depths, the hulk of the petrified tree splits the breakwater and absorbs the pushes and pulls of the sea's rough caress with unshakeable tenacity.

Fossilized Root

The Fossilized Root is one west of the Fossilized Tree, one north of the Open Depths and one northwest of the Sandbar.

[Western Waterway]
One long root of a fossilized tree snakes out over the water.  Its thin length seems fragile, as if it could snap easily upon the bouncing of the easterly current so strong here near the black stones of Charl's Teeth.  Liquid sluicing down the innermost surface of the obsidian crag batters the long-dead root with obvious force, belying this illusion.  The tenacious root, grey and strong as granite, remains ever unbowed and unbroken against the power of the tide.
Obvious paths: northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest

look at root
About the width of a human leg, the petrified root moves in tandem with tide and current, yet neither overpowers its ancient tensile strength.

Landmarks, Middle Portion

Open Depths

The Open Depths are one south of the Fossilized Root and one west of the Sandbar.

[Western Waterway, Open Depths]
Green into teal into blue into grey, the water rushes east in a patterned current.  Sky meets sea, providing a further palette of blues and blacks and greys.  There is no calm, but the water is rhythmic in its quick movement, almost lulling into a false sense of peace.
Obvious paths: north, northeast, east, south, southwest, west


The Sandbar is one east of the Open Depths and one southwest of the Petrified Roots.

[Western Waterway, Sandbar]
A sandbar juts toward the southwest as the eastern shore beckons with hopes of safe harbor.  Rocks obstruct the surface of the coast and destroy all such hopes.  The blue of the sea contrasts with the black of the rocks, while the watery expanse of the western waterway is riddled with breakaway bits from the obsidian cliffs.
Obvious paths: north, northeast, southwest, west, northwest

look at sandbar
Mounded at a perpendicular angle, the sandbar ascends slowly upward toward the southwest.

look at rocks
Black and glossy, these stones contrast with the sedimentary rocks lying along the more northern portions of the shoreline.  Broken away ages ago from the menacing western cliffs known as Charl's Teeth, the rocks are slicing shards that stand like stark knife points surrounding the coastal lowland.

Cliff Face

The Cliff Face is one southwest and one southeast of the Sandbar.

[Western Waterway, Cliff's Face]
Creating a natural rim, lines of pale mineral deposits cling to the northern cliffs, a sharp contrast to the dark coloring of the towering walls.  Waves crash against the rock face, sending spray into the air.
Obvious paths: south, southwest, west, northwest

Cori and Clownfish Reef

The Cori and Clownfish Reef is one southwest of the Cliff Face.

[Western Waterway]
Waves lightly roll towards the island, creating a gentle rhythm.  The clear water reveals another extension of the coral reef to the north.  A small school of red coris swims along the sandy floor.
Obvious paths: north, northeast, east, south, west, northwest

look at reef
Tiny colorful clown fish dart between waving anemone growing between the colorful coral.  Small shellfish daintily walk about on their slender legs while schools of tropical fish swim this way and that.

Moon Jellyfish

The moon jellyfish are one south of the Sandbar and one east of the Cori and Clownfish Reef.

[Western Waterway]
Warm, salty breezes ripple the clear seawater as it gently presses towards the island.  Several water birds fly overhead on their way to the towering rocks in the west.  Almost translucent, a group of moon jellyfish float just beneath the surface, lightly swaying along with the current.
Obvious paths: north, southwest, west, northwest

look at jellyfish
Squat and fat, the milky creatures float along in a large group.  Their inner mass glows with a pale luminosity.

White Escape

The White Escape is one southwest and one southeast of the moon jellyfish.

[Western Waterway, White Escape]
Varying in level, the water's depth changes as the waves push towards the shore.  Moonlight glints off of the white sands of a beach to the southeast.  Swirling about, the currents make safe passage impossible.
Obvious paths: southwest, northwest

White Escape, Construction Area

White Escape, Construction Area is one southwest of the White Escape.

[Western Waterway, White Escape]
Creating a froth of foam, seawater swirls about, the dangerous water patterns making it impossible to reach the eastern beach.  Piles of building materials are scattered about the sandy haven.  Tiny lights flicker in the distance, the sounds of work carrying over the expanse of water.
Obvious paths: northeast, south, southwest

Cormorant Cove

Cormorant Cove is one southwest of White Escape, Construction Area.

[Western Waterway, Charl's Teeth]
Enclosed on three sides by spires of volcanic rock, this small cove is broken by a number of smaller rocky outcroppings, creating a vast rookery.  A large gathering of cormorants nest on a central rock, their dark heads bobbing shadows.  Smaller birds rest about in various nooks and ledges worn into the cliffs.
Obvious paths: northeast, east, southeast

Sea Lions

The sea lions are two southeast of Cormorant Cove.

[Western Waterway]
Large waves rumble as the strong currents pull them with speed towards the distant beach.  A pair of slick, grey sea lions make a game of riding the waves only to be tossed off before swimming towards the ocean to try again.
Obvious paths: north, east, southeast, northwest

Vert's Pass

Vert's Pass is three southeast and one east of Cormorant Cove.

[Western Waterway, Vert's Pass]
Dense vegetation grows along the water's edge, making travel to the island's interior impossible.  Various trees and shrubs line the shore draped in a canopy of vine and moss.  Bushes decorated with bright flowers cover the area with their thick perfume.  Small monkeys sit high in the branches, chattering among themselves.
Obvious paths: southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest

Vert's Channel

Vert's Channel is one southeast of Vert's Pass.

[Western Waterway, Vert Channel]
A rocky wall rises up along the sea channel.  Cracks mar the smooth sea-worn surface, giving roothold to various plants and vines.  A small pool collects at the base, its depths littered with a variety of colored shells brought in from the sea with the tides.  Various crustaceans move about, darting from place to place.
Obvious paths: southwest, west, northwest

Landmarks, Southeastern Portion

South Embrace

South Embrace is one southwest of Vert Channel.

[Western Waterway, South Embrace]
Small waves gently rock across the water on their way to land.  A flock of seagulls float on the surface, feeding on a small school of fish.  With a loud cry they flap their wings and rise to the sky with chaotic precision.  They soar to the west, becoming tiny shadows against the night sky.
Obvious paths: north, northeast, south, west, northwest


The Saewehna section begins one south of South Embrace.

[Western Waterway, Saewehna]
Darkness extends in all directions as far as the eye can see, moonlight glinting off the dark water.  Dark looming forms can be seen in the distance to the west, and further passage beyond them seems impossible.  The sound of crashing water on rocks echoes in the night.
Obvious paths: north, southeast, south, northwest


The waterfall is one southwest, one south, one east, one southeast, and one east of South Embrace.

[Western Waterway, Saewehna]
Moonlight descends upon the white sandy beaches of the island coastline to the east as it gently rounds to the south.  Dark jungle covers the hillside that rises behind the beach, and the call of distant birds can be heard.  Silver glints off water in the darkness of the foliage, and a waterfall is barely visible to the south.
Obvious paths: southeast, southwest, west

look at waterfall
Water rushes from the top of the jungle-covered cliff downward, hitting a shallow ledge where it is interrupted.  It continues to flow just slightly off-center, hitting another rock-covered ledge before plunging magnificently to the jungle floor.

Wrecked Ship

The Wrecked Ship is one west and two southeast of South Embrace.

[Western Waterway, Saewehna]
Turning southeast, the dark coastline is rocky and unapproachable, except for a small beach to the north dotted with large volcanic rocks.  A dark cave opening is barely visible set against the moon drenched white sand, the entrance half-covered dark by forms unclear at this distance.  The hull of a large ship lies abandoned on the beach, only the ribs left after the decay of time and weather.  Several red buoys dot the water as a no trespass zone.
Obvious paths: northeast, southeast, south, west, northwest

look ship
What was once a large vessel is now nothing more than the exposed ribs of the hull.  The sun and wind has bleached the wood nearly white, a close color to the sand.  A few old palm fronds and other plant debris litter the area around it.

Northern Mooring Dock, Walkway

The Northern Mooring Dock is four southeast, two east of the above waterfall.

Note: The waterfall appears in two other rooms, both times with the same description. Be careful--it is easy to get lost.

[Western Waterway, Saewehna]
Waves crash against the moonlit white sands of a large lagoon in the north.  Dense jungle vegetation covers the hillside behind it, a blanket of near perfect darkness.  A well-lit dock lies to the east, dwarfed by the sheer cliff wall behind it.  The white sails of small boats can be seen as they travel the nearby waters.
Obvious paths: east, south, southwest

pedal east

[Mooring Dock, Walkway]
The coastline of the island is still visible from this point on the dock despite the murky shadows that night brings to the island, its white sands greeting the steps jutting forth from the walkway further north.  Flickering lanterns cast light upon the planks of the dock as well as the post-tied boats bobbing slowly in the ocean's current.  You also see a bunch of small fishing boats arranged in neat rows alongside the pier.
Obvious paths: north, south

If you head north, you will be in the Saewehna Lagoon and you will have to pay a dockhand named Larry another 500 silvers to get back to your boat. If you head south, you will end up on a second dock. If you get back in your boat and sail southwest, you will find the third dock.

From the Saewehna Lagoon, you can walk back to Mist Harbor through the Wilds.

External Links