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A will-o'-wisp was received after completion of the mini-quest during each instance of Return to Coraesine Field in 2013. It is housed within an amulet and can be interacted with to increase bonding level and allow its handler more actions.


This item houses the will o'wisp.


This is for housing a will-o'-wisp.  It must remain a seed of some sort.  Part of the show description cannot be changed.  You can PROD it to turn off the glowing.  It currently is active.


With will-o'wisp
The acorn amulet is inscribed with a green leaf.  Through a slight opening, you see a small will-o'-wisp fluttering about inside the amulet, causing it to glow copper brown.

The acorn amulet is inscribed with a green leaf.  The amulet is hollow.


Verb Style First Third
RUB n/a As you reach up and caress the surface of your acorn amulet, thoughts fill your head of a leaf-enswathed dryad within a forest. As XXX reaches up and caresses the surface of her acorn amulet, a look of deep thought spreads across her face.
PROD Turn off You place a hand on your acorn amulet, causing its copper brown glow to fade. XXX places a hand on her acorn amulet, causing its copper brown glow to fade.
PROD Turn on You place a hand on your acorn amulet, causing it to glow copper brown. XXX places a hand on her acorn amulet, causing it to glow copper brown.
GET Will-o'wisp from amulet You extend an open hand toward the acorn amulet, inviting a small copper brown will-o'-wisp to come out. After a moment, the will-o'-wisp flits over to your hand, hovering in a circular motion. XXX extends an open hand toward the acorn amulet, inviting a small copper brown will-o'-wisp to come out. After a moment, the will-o'-wisp flits over to her hand, hovering in a circular motion.
PUT Will-o'wisp in amulet You gesture toward the acorn amulet, and the copper brown will-o'-wisp flits inside. The amulet begins glowing copper brown. XXX gestures toward the acorn amulet, and the copper brown will-o'-wisp flits inside. The amulet begins glowing copper brown.
WEAR n/a You hang a golden brown acorn amulet around your neck, causing it to suddenly come to life and glow copper brown. XXX hangs a golden brown acorn amulet around her neck, causing it to suddenly come to life and glow copper brown.
REMOVE You remove a golden brown acorn amulet from around your neck, causing the copper brown glow to fade. XXX removes a golden brown acorn amulet from around her neck, causing the copper brown glow to fade.


The will o'wisp's LOOK will vary depending on its bonding level and mood. LISTENing to the will o'wisp will give messaging based on mood, as well.


The creator has also provided the following information:

This is will-o'-wisp sentient being.  It can have the color changed by a special merchant, and have a SHOW description added, but it cannot change from "a [color] will-o'-wisp".  Color is limited to 15 characters.

In order to unlock certain commands, you must first fully bond to your will-o'-wisp.  To bond, you can:
  FEED the will-o'-wisp certain items.
  INFUSE spirit into the will-o'-wisp.
  ATTEND the will-o'-wisp to play with it.

The will-o'-wisp goes through four moods -- annoyed, mischievous/bored, content, and pleased.  Mood will determine how it interacts with certain commands.  Certain commands can cause its mood to improve or worsen, as well as just holding it or interacting with it.  An annoyed will-o'-wisp can injure its handler.

When you use certain commands, it will randomly cause the will-o'-wisp to get hungry, or just by simply holding it or interacting with it.  Consider this the upkeep of the will-o'-wisp.  It is very picky at what it can eat, and truly desires a particular type of item.

The amulet that the will-o'-wisp comes in can be altered, but it must remain a small seed of some sort.  When a will-o'-wisp is inside, the amulet will have idle messaging, but this can be turned off via PROD.  The will-o'-wisp itself cannot have its idle messaging turned off when its handlers is interacting with it.  In the case where one misplaces the amulet, the will-o'-wisp will not be able to leave the handler's inventory and will need to either find the amulet that is misplaced, or get a new amulet.  If neither can be found, you'll need to ASSIST for a replacement.

  LOOK/SHOW       - Gives some details on the will-o'-wisp current state.
  GET/PUT         - Can only be placed in a similar empty amulet that the will-o'-wisp came in.
  FEED            - This is how to feed and bond to the will-o'-wisp.
  INFUSE          - This is how you can bond with the will-o'-wisp. *
  EXHALE          - Send the will-o'-wisp some breath.
  ATTEND          - Play with the will-o'-wisp to bond with it and improve its mood.
  LISTEN          - Can get a general understanding of the will-o'-wisp's mood.
  POKE            - A fully bonded will-o'-wisp can be worn like a ring when poked. *
  TURN            - A fully bonded will-o'-wisp can change the eye color of its handler when turned. *
  WHISPER         - A fully bonded will-o'-wisp can be whispered a name to attempt to discover their location.
  PUT [ITEM]      - A fully bonded will-o'-wisp can change the appearance of herbs.
  BREAK           - This will break the bond the will-o'-wisp has with its handler.
  WEAR/REMOVE     - A fully bonded will-o'-wisp can hover around its handler's shoulder.
  LORESING/DETECT - Loresing or cast Elemental Detection (spell 405) on the will-o'-wisp for info.
  * - Has other action depending on bonding level.
  + - All actions are subject to change depending on mood.


The will-o'-wisp is no bigger than your average piece of yabathilium fruit, and glows deep sanguine.  The will-o'-wisp appears to be pleased and lively.  The will-o'-wisp appears to be sated.  Through the deep sanguine corona, an obscured opalescent core is visible.  The deep sanguine will-o'-wisp is fully bonded to you.


Affinity/bonding with the will o'wisp can be achieved by FEEDing, ATTENDing, or INFUSING it.


Verb First Third
ATTEND (30 minute timer) You juggle the shadowy grey will-o'-wisp one handed, sending it into the air over and over, until the will-o'-wisp breaks away and zips around you several times before returning back to your hand. XXX juggles the shadowy grey will-o'-wisp one handed, sending it into the air over and over, until the will-o'-wisp breaks away and zips around her several times before returning back to her hand.
BREAK (will break the bond) If you really wish to break the bond with your shadowy grey will-o'-wisp, try again in thirty seconds. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
EXHALE You let out a steady stream of air, causing the shadowy grey will-o'-wisp to resemble a comet. The will-o'-wisp drifts in between your fingers. XXX lets out a steady stream of air, causing the shadowy grey will-o'-wisp to resemble a comet. The will-o'-wisp drifts in between her fingers.
FEED You extend the yew twig toward the shadowy grey will-o'-wisp. The will-o'-wisp hovers over to the twig and begins absorbing it. Once devoured, the will-o'-wisp flickers several shades of grey, clearly looking pleased.

Roundtime: 3 sec.

XXX extends the yew twig toward the shadowy grey will-o'-wisp. The will-o'-wisp hovers over to the twig and begins absorbing it. Once devoured, the will-o'-wisp flickers several shades of grey.
INFUSE You focus on the shadowy grey will-o'-wisp, which opens up to you. You find yourself lost in a dizzying array of colors. After a moment, you find yourself moving faster than your mind can adjust to -- visions of varying landscapes zip by as you dart across the countryside. You continue hurrying along until you see yourself. After a fleeting moment, your surroundings return to their normal state. You feel slightly drained from the experience.

Roundtime: 5 sec.

XXX focuses on the shadowy grey will-o'-wisp, and an aura of shadowy grey encompasses her for a moment. XXX looks slightly drained from the experience.
LISTEN You cup the shadowy grey will-o'-wisp and place it near your ear. It gives off a <calm/serene> buzz XXX cups the shadowy grey will-o'-wisp and places it near her ear.
POKE You thrust a finger at the shadowy grey will-o'-wisp, causing it to cloak your hand for a moment! XXX thrusts a finger at the shadowy grey will-o'-wisp, causing it to cloak her hand for a moment!
PUT (in holder) You gesture toward the drupe amulet, and the shadowy grey will-o'-wisp flits inside. The amulet begins glowing shadowy grey. XXX gestures toward the drupe amulet, and the shadowy grey will-o'-wisp flits inside. The amulet begins glowing shadowy grey.
PUT (item on ) You offer some ambrominas leaf to the shadowy grey will-o'-wisp, which engulfs the entire leaf. The will-o'-wisp abandons the leaf, which now has a phosphorescent shadowy grey glow.

Roundtime: 3 sec..

XXX offers some ambrominas leaf to the shadowy grey will-o'-wisp, which engulfs the entire leaf. The will-o'-wisp pulls back, which now has a phosphorescent shadowy grey glow.
REMOVE You reach over to your shoulder, and invite the shadowy grey will-o'-wisp over to your hand, which it flits over to. XXX reaches over to her shoulder, and invites the shadowy grey will-o'-wisp over to her hand, which it flits over to.
TURN You motion your hand around the shadowy grey will-o'-wisp, which spins around with you. XXX motions her hand around the shadowy grey will-o'-wisp, which spins around with her.
TURN (while worn) You turn your head to glance at the shadowy grey will-o'-wisp, which flutters from one shoulder to the other. XXX turns her head to glance at the shadowy grey will-o'-wisp, which flutters from one shoulder to the other
WEAR You reach up and release the shadowy grey will-o'-wisp to hover freely over to your shoulder. XXX reaches up and releases the shadowy grey will-o'-wisp to hover freely over to her shoulder.
WHISPER (target) You whisper to your shadowy grey will-o'-wisp and it whizzes out of sight. After several moments, the will-o'-wisp returns to your hand, and you discover it was able to locate XXX near Wehnimer's Landing or somewhere close to it.

Roundtime: 5 sec.

From out of no where, a small shadowy grey will-o'-wisp whizzes by and flits out of sight.

Luminous Dust

When played with, the will-o'-wisp creates a luminous dust sharing its color. The dust has a one-time Invisibility use.
EXHALE You let out a steady stream of air, blowing the <color> dust outward and creating an ominous <color> cloud around you. As the dust settles, you notice that your form slowly blurs into invisibility.

That was the last of the dust.
Roundtime: 3 sec.

Person lets out a steady stream of air, blowing the <color> dust outward and creating an ominous <color> cloud around her. When the dust dissipates, Person is gone.

Additional information


The following is the loresong for the will o'wisp.

Loresong Reaction
As your song flows into deep sanguine will-o'-wisp, your vision fades into darkness. When the darkness is lifted, you find yourself floating above the ground. Glancing about, you see numerous will-o'-wisps about, many whizzing past you. You attempt to glide about with your kin, but the connection is severed and everything returns to normal! As XXX sings to the deep sanguine will-o'-wisp, her eyes flutter a glowing deep sanguine hue before returning to normal.
As you continue your song, your vision clouds in an array of deep sanguine hues. You return to the same setting, you can make out a forest with fresh water nearby. You flit over to a group of other will-o'-wisps but can't seem to catch up to them. As you finally get closer, the verse ends and your vision returns to normal. As XXX sings to the deep sanguine will-o'-wisp, she appears to lose her breath.
Your song continues and you once again find yourself in the forest, but something is different this time, you are the only one left. The lush forest is vacant of will-o'-wisps. You begin to panic, and the verse ends! As XXX sings to the deep sanguine will-o'-wisp, her eyes widen with panic!
Before the words fully escape your mouth, you return to your spirit form of the will-o'-wisp. You are trapped inside a seed of some sort. Your new home. Filled with fear, the only thing you can do is hope your fate will end well. The song ends and everything returns to normal. As XXX sings to the deep sanguine will-o'-wisp, she has a look of fear on her face.

Elemental Detection (405)

You sense that the raw umber will-o'-wisp is a nature spirit that has a slight bond with you.  It can be fed certain tree bark, sticks, twigs, stalks, thorns, sprigs of wood, and petrified woods.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Will-o'-wisp Information
Type Fluff
Item Classification Accessory
Item(s) Applied to Amulet
Will o'wisp
Alterable Yes
Light/Deep No
Customizable Yes
Custom Color
Original Release Venue Return to Coraesine Field
Quest Item Yes
Loresong Yes
Affinity Needed Yes
Spell Invisibility (916)
Restrictions Amulet must remain a seed
Item Verbs