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Ysaeril (prime)/Letters

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A visit from Adresin, 5123

Letter from Adresin Ostrylae Ardenai, received 05/24/5123

Lady Ysaeril Illistim
Caeruil Atelier
Lady Ysaeril,
Please accept this letter of introduction. My name is Adresin Ardenai, one of your cousins from Ta'Ardenai. I had the pleasure of meeting Lady Sayilla Javilerre Illistim while she was staying with our family in Ta'Ardenai. Word of her passing has spread to the north, and even as you read this, I am on my way to visit her memorial and pay respect to her memory.
We became good friends while she was in Ta'Ardenai, and my heart grieves for her loss. If all goes as planned, I should arrive in Ta'Illistim on the evening of Ivastaen the twenty-fifth. I look forward to meeting you and hope this letter finds you in good health.
Adresin Ardenai

A reply to Adresin, dated 5/24/5123

This is a creative work set in the world of Elanthia, attributed to its original author(s). It does not necessarily represent the official lore of GemStone IV.

Title: Letter to Adresin, dated 05/24/5123

Author: Ysaeril (prime)

...Sent with the evening post out of Ta'Illistim...
Dear Adresin,
The Ostrylae treasured Sayilla like family, and her passing has struck them painfully - myself included. The purpose of your visit to the Shining City later this week tears at my soul, and I wish it were on merrier terms. Nevertheless, your kind words of Sayilla will bring comfort to the Javilerre family.
Please let me know if there is anything I can do to aid you during your stay, dear cousin.
Lady Ysaeril Illistim
Curator of Caeruil Atelier & City School

Adresin writes from Solhaven, roughly 06/01/5123

In the Elven language, it reads:

Lady Ysaeril Illistim
Caeruil Atelier
Lady Ysaeril,
Cousin, please accept this letter of apology for running off without saying farewell. I feel very strongly that not enough is being done to resolve the sad circumstances surrounding the death of Lady Sayilla. I plan to address the Court of Vornavis and compel the investigation to go forward with more urgency. I was able to travel safely to Solhaven through the use of an orb. I have taken a room at the Solhaven Inn while I wait for a reply to my inquiries. I hope to return to Ta'Illistim soon and spend time with you before I need to return home.
Your Cousin,
Adresin Ostrylae Ardenai

A reply thrown to the wind, dated 06/04/5123

This is a creative work set in the world of Elanthia, attributed to its original author(s). It does not necessarily represent the official lore of GemStone IV.

Title: Letter to Adresin, dated 06/04/5123

Author: Ysaeril (prime)

...Sent with the evening post out of Ta'Illistim to destinations unknown...

In the Elven language, it reads:

Lumnea 4, 5123
Dear Cousin, I do not know where you roam, but perhaps the couriers are better trackers than I. Following your visit on the 25th, I was encouraged to "Do Something" as you fervently put it. I had mind to join you in Vornavis on the eve of their formal court session on the 1st, to petition their court for swift action. However, the day's delay in their proceedings must have bumped into your plans, for you had already left Solhaven by the time I arrived on the 2nd.
Have faith that this journey was not without purpose, for the sailor, soldier and mage called Akenna inexplicably located Lady Sayilla's boot floating in the ocean, in a feat some might call divine intervention. I shall return the article of clothing Sayilla's Javilerre family. I can only hope it brings them peace and that my words before each court have helped.
Your absence at the Vornavian court was concerning both to me and others. Troubling still is your current whereabouts. I expect you will return to the Shining City soon, as you said you would.
May the silverleaf maples shine green on fair winds until we meet again.
~Ysaeril Illistim

Letter to Fennelis, dated 07/25/5123

This is a creative work set in the world of Elanthia, attributed to its original author(s). It does not necessarily represent the official lore of GemStone IV.

Title: Letter to Fennelis Asja, dated 07/25/5123

Author: Ysaeril (prime)

...Another letter flung helplessly into the wind...

In the Elven language, it reads:

Dear Ms Fennelis Asja,
I trust you have heard that my cousin, Adresin Ostrylae Ardenai, has gone missing some weeks ago after traveling to Solhaven to address the Turamzzyrian regional court of Vornavis. Has your rustling of leaves uncovered any sign of him? I have not seen nor heard back, and this worries me greatly.
Upon Adresin's arrival in Solhaven, he wrote to me, bade me patience and promised a return to Ta'Illistim. As much as I wished to entrust faith in my cousin's assurances, I was compelled by prior commitments to attend, and to speak at the Vornavis court. There, I asked Athalia Malwind to work with our investigators. Only through cooperation will we solve the murders of Sayilla Javilerre and Kasendra Malwind - and if there is a connection between them, only through cooperation will the truth be brought to light.
Please let me know how I can be of service.
Ysaeril Illistim
A daughter of the Ostrylae

Ciradyl closes Adresin's chapter with the blunt end of a hammer, early Phoenatos, 5123

In the Elven language, it reads:
Lady Ysaeril,
It is with glad heart that I write to inform you that your cousin, Adresin Ostrylae, is alive and well and at home. We have had confirmation both from his family as well as authorities who were tasked with ensuring the accuracy of the claim. It appears a distant friend of the family assumed Adresin's identity to escape gambling debts.
His plan was to get in your good graces and stay longer, but the consortium tasked with bringing him back to Ta'Nalfein was close enough on his heels, he laid a false trail of intent while in Solhaven, misusing and abusing your good will and the tragedy of Lady Sayilla.
Fortunately, he has been captured and sent back to Ta'Nalfein where he will answer for his debts and other crimes. We hope justice is rightly served and you may rest assured knowing your kin is hale and whole.
Master Inquisitor Ciradyl Datoris Illistim

Concerning the death of Kasendra Malwind, 5123

Letter to the Lord Seneschal of House Illistim dated 04/04/5123

This is a creative work set in the world of Elanthia, attributed to its original author(s). It does not necessarily represent the official lore of GemStone IV.

Title: Letter to the Lord Seneschal of House Illistim dated 04/04/5123

Author: Ysaeril (prime)

...Sent with the morning post out of Ta'Illistim...
4 Olaesta, 5123
Lord Seneschal,
As a loyal subject of the Argent Mirror, I write to you regarding the recent tragedy of Kasendra Malwind's still-unsolved murder. While I aim to avoid political intrusion, I feel compelled to humbly request an audience with the Argent Mirror to voice concern on behalf of Kasendra's people regarding the deep need for closure, which unfortunately has not been quelled with her burial.
The loss of this young woman, who was a friend and inspiration of mine, has shaken both our community and those across the DragonSpine. Like many, I seek justice and closure for her family and her people, and deeply wish to restore the balance in our fair city. While I have faith in the judicial process of our esteemed house, I and others recently received word that subjects here and abroad are dissatisfied with the pace of the formal inquest.
Continued peaceful relations between our nations are of the utmost importance. Their people have asked that this case be resolved swiftly and with transparency to ensure that justice is served. I seek only to share their voices and words with the Peacock Court so that Kasendra's people do not feel forgotten or dismissed.
Humbly yours,
Lady Ysaeril Illistim
Former handmaiden to the Argent Mirror
Curator of Caeruil Atelier and City School of Art

A reply instead from Lady Ardtin Greyvael of House Illistim dated 04/14/5123

Lady Ysaeril Illistim
Caeruil Atelier
Olaesta 14, 5123
Lady Ysaeril,
I have been privy to your letter concerning the state of this inquisition, and agree with your assessment of the situation. So many here in the city are dissatisfied with the speed and results of this investigation. The loss of both women is a terrible tragedy, and many feel it deeply. The frustrations of those from Aldora are warranted, especially with the way this entire matter has been handled. All parties need their time to mourn, but deserve justice and closure, especially if they are to heal and move on while preserving the peace and friendship House Illistim and the Empire have worked hard to foster.
I plan to discuss this situation further with the Argent Mirror. Your concerns and candor are appreciated and heard.
Lady Ardtin Greyvael Illistim
Ta'Illistim Keep

Application for the Mirror's Handmaidens, 5119

This is a creative work set in the world of Elanthia, attributed to its original author(s). It does not necessarily represent the official lore of GemStone IV.

Title: Letter to the Lord Seneschal of House Illistim dated 12/26/5119

Author: Ysaeril (prime)

Eorgaen 26, 5119

Dear Lord Seneschal,

If it may please you, please accept this application for handmaiden to The Argent Mirror. I herald from Ta'Illistim as a great granddaughter of First Master of Lore Meachreasim Illistim, however my mother, Lady Evelise Illistim, is Ardenai by birth. Thus this letter serves as my request for fostership under The Argent Mirror.

1) Please list your name, including both your first name and last name.

Ysaeril Illistim. I have no other last name, same as my forefathers.

2) Have you received any honorifics from an elven house, such as jewels or titles? If so, please explain the circumstances surrounding their receipt.

Yes, a violet-rimmed diamond, from the Argent Mirror for arts fundraising efforts to benefit the refugees of Talador.

3) What instrument do you play and how would you assess your general aptitude with music?

I play the flute poorly, if I may be so humble. As much as I would like to think I am artistically inclined, the aural realm is not my strong point.

4) What historical event do you view as the most important in elven history? Please explain your choice in no more than 200 words.

The Battle of ShadowGuard during the Undead War was the most important in elven history. Despite Vaalorian losses, we forged bonds across Elanthia, uniting elves, halflings, giantmen, and humans alike. Without that sacrifice, there would be no more elven houses to speak of. The Undead War would have been the end of us all.
My late father, Lord Mechryn Illistim, died at ShadowGuard during the Second Griffin Sword War in 5102. He was an expeditionary studying the architectural splendor of the basilica ruins behind the Illistim army working to vanquish the Undead. This time, as before, houses rose up in support of one another to overthrow the dark threat. As such, this location is near and dear to my heart, and I understand how integral a fixture it is in our history.

5) What do you view as the most pressing issue facing the elven houses today? Please explain your choice in no more than 200 words.

Although I take pride in the accomplishments of House Illistim as my home despite my lineage, I do agree with the opportunity presented at the Valley of Gold to foster inclusiveness between our House and those of other races, notably the Turamzzyrian Empire. The peace agreement at Valley of Gold should be seen as a guiding light and inspiration for all Elven houses - and other races as well.
To that end, I believe the arts can promote dialog between races as stimulate conversation which can lead to acceptance and mutual understanding. As Curator of a local arts guild, we have seen interest in membership spanning all races, and I welcome the partnership of all. As a handmaiden, I would work to expand on the relational breath that fine art and arts education affords and spread message of peace through visual literacy.

6) Include either two paintings, two drawings or one piece of poetry. The subjects of your portfolio materials should reflect your own interests and personality.

a broad haon-framed painting
The painting is broadly horizontal and depicts a snow-covered, barren field in the foreground. Rolls of hay dot the landscape, each rendered in swift, circular hatches of washed-out umber and shadowed in contrasting blue-grey. The bales yield visual sight lines far into the distance, where foothills turn to mountains. Nestled between the ridges of the reach, a pair of arches peek up between the sapphire domes of a large, shining city.
Title: Winter Comes to Sylvarraend
a wide haon-framed painting
The painting is wider than it is tall, with rich hues bathing the canvas of this festive painting. Several slender elven hands control large, colorful kites flying high above a healthy crop of corn, each plant tipped with a golden tassel. Tiny black Vs suggestive of birds dot the pale cerulean sky between white and grey scumbled clouds. Near the base of the image, a small red fox skirts the edge of the field, clearly intent on escaping notice.
Title: Summer Comes to Sylvarraend
Attachment: Please refer to my curriculum vitae, attached to this application.

Formation of Caeruil Atelier, 5118

Letter to Evelise Illistim, 09/04/5118

This is a creative work set in the world of Elanthia, attributed to its original author(s). It does not necessarily represent the official lore of GemStone IV.

Title: Letter to Evelise, 09/04/5118

Author: Ysaeril (prime)

Dearest Mother, it has been some time...

[A lone dried anemone, faded to a pastel lavender, accompanies the letter and several sheaves of paper within a large scroll tube. A sketch bordering the letter confines the flowing elven script, which depicts a double-cased frame with finger joinery and a miniscule lozenge-motif fillet set within an outer moulding featuring fern crozier scrollwork.]
Penned to Evelise Illistim, to be delivered somewhere in the countryside near Ta'Ardenai...
Dearest Mother,
It has been some time since we exchanged letters and longer since last we spoke. I pray the rustic air serves you well. My father, your love, is yet within my thoughts daily but I am told -- time -- of which there is so, so much, will yet soften the blow and shrink the holes in our hearts. Great grandfather Me......... fairs well and remains deep in study as he ought to be, though I do wish he would eat more frequently.
In the Shining City I shall soon gather like minds to form new collective to help spread greater arts awareness, visual literacy among the population, spur creative discourse in aesthetics, and foster master-apprentice relationships to support the most rudimentary artists in their journey toward excellence. And to meet those ends, I shall open studios and a gallery to exhibit works from these upcoming artists once space has been secured. Your attendance at the grand opening, whenever that should come, would warm my heart and still my ever-nervous shoulders, but I understand if our dearly ..p....d M..h.. keeps you at bay.
Between now and then however, hastening assembly of interested parties for this collective is of utmost urgency. Your dearest ...... .... ....... has decided that our house must raise funds and aid for human refugees in the Talador region of the Turamzzyrian Empire. I can only assume you've heard in passing of the most calamitous conflagration that destroyed the entire region, which they now call simply the Bleaklands...
I was not ready to proceed yet, but I shall draw on my knowledge to meet this challenge in the manner I am able. Such a compelling plea necessitates expedition. I shall begin with a call for artists to donate works for the Mirror's fundraiser and if all goes well, it shall prove fortuitous for the collective as well.
Mother, I rest peacefully with the belief that you are filled with joy and pride for me, as plans laid long ago are soon to bud.
[An uncharacteristically whimsical doodle interrupts the flowing text, depicting two frilly-capped trafel mushrooms with a small lady bug balancing on a two legs.]
Also, I write to you not only to provide information on my well-being and progress but also to request your aid: I require a dozen sheaves of the new-growth silvery birch bark from .s..t..'s coppice, for a new project that I expect you would find pleasure in viewing. In exchange please accept the enclosed drafts for a water feature that would look so fetching, set beneath the arborvitae-ringed cupola where we last took tea.
Please ship the requisite material at your earliest convenience to my home on Ridge Ramble, Highpark Estates in our fair Shining City. I trust this gift shall suitable for the effort. Should it be built, you may expect that I pay visit to the grove to have tea with you yet again.
With all my heart,
[Several sheets of supporting material accompany the letter, laying out a plans for a wall-mounted fountain composed of slanting wood planks spilling water in a lazy back-and forth fashion, terminating in a broad basin at the ground. A miniature mill and artistically looped tubing with a pair of arches in the basin appears to shepherd its water back to the beginning.]
OOC: This message serves two purposes:
  • Initial notice for Ysaeril's intent to establish a visual art based MHO
  • Pre-warning of Ysaeril's plan to suggest an art auction type fundraiser that would lend support to the Talador refugees in the upcoming planning meeting with the Argent Mirror.