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Pirate props

The official GemStone IV encyclopedia.
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Pirate props (sometimes called Zesty Supplies) are a collection of lightly-scripted items with a pirate theme. They have been sold in the Bloodriven Village shop, Gamac's Goods as well as The Yarrrpee Shoppe.

There are two parts of the Pirate props collection: wearable items that can be displayed in the unique feature slot, and items that are either hand-held or worn normally in a character's inventory.

There are six types of items that fall under the first part of this collection: beards, birds, eyepatches, fake teeth, hooks, and peglegs. Each can be worn in one's unique feature slot, but will show up in one's inventory if another item is taking up priority in the slot, eg. nail polish or forehead gems. Troubled Waters featured a few items as prizes with enhancive properties.

There are twelve types of items that fall under the second part of this collection: boarding hook, boots, coin, compass, flag, glove, jug, map, pauldron, ring, spyglass, and whistle. Unlike the first collection, no items alter the unique feature.

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This item is a fake beard and should appear somewhat fake.

The white feather beard can be freely altered, but a long description will not show up in your features.  It must remain what it is intended for (a fake snowy white feather beard), and cannot be changed to something else, which is detailed in ALTER 14.


Verb First Third
RUB This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
TAP This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
WEAR This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
REMOVE This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!


Birds will show up as worn on the shoulder. This item is a bird, but cannot be a large bird. Think parrot-sized.


This item is customly set to be a owl.

The clockwork owl can be freely altered, but a long description will not show up in your features.  It must remain what it is intended for (a silver clockwork owl), and cannot be changed to something else, which is detailed in ALTER 14.


Verb First Third
You reach over and pet the clockwork owl perched on your shoulder. XXX reaches over and pets a silver clockwork owl perched on her shoulder.
You tap the clockwork owl's beak, causing it to whir some gears and produce a "hoot!" sound. XXX taps a silver clockwork owl's beak, causing it to whir some gears and produce a "hoot!" sound.
WEAR You reach over and perch the clockwork owl on your shoulder. XXX reaches over and perches a silver clockwork owl on her shoulder.
REMOVE You reach over and remove the clockwork owl perched on your shoulder. XXX reaches over and removes a silver clockwork owl perched on her shoulder.

Boarding Hook


The hook is intended to be a boarding hook.  Messaging will indicate a rope hanging from it.  It must remain in the essence of the base item when altering it.


Verb First Third
RUB This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
TOUCH This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
TAP This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
PEER This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!



The boots is intended to be a wide-cuffed boot or boots of some sort.  It must remain in the essence of the base item when altering it.


Verb First Third
RUB This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
TAP This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
WEAR This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
REMOVE This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!



The coin is intended to be a coin of some sort.  It must remain in the essence of the base item when altering it.


Verb First Third
RUB This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
TOUCH This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
TAP This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
PEER This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!



The compass is intended to be a compass, astrolabe, or globe of some sort.  It must remain in the essence of the base item when altering it.


Verb First Third
RUB This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
TOUCH This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
TAP This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
PEER This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!



This item is an eyepatch to be worn over the eye.

The gold-framed eyepatch can be freely altered, but a long description will not show up in your features.  It must remain what it is intended for (a gold-framed eyepatch featuring a ruby lens), and cannot be changed to something else, which is detailed in ALTER 14.


Verb First Third
RUB This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
TAP This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
WEAR This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
REMOVE This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!

Fake Tooth


This item is a fake tooth to be worn over a tooth and should appear very fake.

The fake ironwood tooth can be freely altered, but a long description will not show up in your features.  It must remain what it is intended for (a gnawed fake ironwood tooth), and cannot be changed to something else, which is detailed in ALTER 14.


Verb First Third
RUB This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
TAP This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
WEAR This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
REMOVE This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!



The flag is intended to be a flag or pennant of some sort.  It must remain in the essence of the base item when altering it.


Verb First Third
RUB You run your hand over the surface of your tattered black flag, trying to smooth out any wrinkles. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
TOUCH You hold the tattered black flag in front of yourself, displaying it for all to see. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
TAP This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
PEER This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!



The glove is intended to be a glove or gauntlet of some sort.  It must remain in the essence of the base item when altering it.


Verb First Third
RUB This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
TAP This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
WEAR This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
REMOVE This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!



This item is a hook intended to be worn over a hand.  It should remain metal.

The gilded bronze hook can be freely altered, but a long description will not show up in your features.  It must remain what it is intended for (a patinaed gilded bronze hook), and cannot be changed to something else, which is detailed in ALTER 14.


Verb First Third
RUB This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
TAP This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
WEAR This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
REMOVE This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!



The jug is intended to be an empty jug, and not intended to hold liquids.  It must remain in the essence of the base item when altering it.


Verb First Third
RUB You wipe the mouthpiece of your glass rum jug, trying to clean off any grime. Player wipes the mouthpiece of his glass rum jug, trying to clean off any grime.
EXHALE You raise the glass rum jug to your lips and emit a buzzing sound into the mouth of the jug, creating a soft melody.* Player raises the glass rum jug to his lips and emits a buzzing sound into the mouth of the jug, creating a soft melody.
  • Melody changes randomly to fast-paced, forlorn, soft, upbeat, sad, haunting, and droning. There are 2-5 seconds of roundtime for each exhale.



The map is intended to be a map, chart, or logbook of some sort.  It must remain in the essence of the base item when altering it.


Verb First Third
RUB You run a finger over your nautical chart, carefully examining the details. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
TOUCH You trace a finger along the surface of your nautical chart. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
TAP You glance at the nautical chart and tap it lightly as you contemplate a thought. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
PEER You study your nautical chart, slowly nodding your head. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!



The pauldron is intended to be a pauldron or shoulder guard of some sort.  It must remain in the essence of the base item when altering it.


Verb First Third
RUB This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
TAP This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
WEAR This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
REMOVE This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!



This item is a pegleg.  This item must remain wooden.

The mop-fringed pegleg can be freely altered, but a long description will not show up in your features.  It must remain what it is intended for (a discolored mop-fringed pegleg), and cannot be changed to something else, which is detailed in ALTER 14.


Verb First Third
You wobble slightly, trying to keep your balance on the mop-fringed pegleg. XXX wobbles slightly, trying to keep his/her balance on a discolored mop-fringed pegleg.
You thump your mop-fringed pegleg on the floor in three rapid successions. XXX thumps his/her mop-fringed pegleg on the floor in three rapid successions.
WEAR You reach down and put on the mop-fringed pegleg, hiding the lower half of your leg inside of it. XXX reaches down and puts on a discolored mop-fringed pegleg, cleverly concealing the lower half of his/her leg inside of it.
REMOVE You reach down and remove the mop-fringed pegleg, exposing the lower half of your leg. XXX reaches down and removes a discolored mop-fringed pegleg, exposing the lower half of his/her leg.



The ring is intended to be a ring or rings of some sort.  It must remain in the essence of the base item when altering it.


Verb First Third
RUB This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
TAP This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
WEAR This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
REMOVE This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!



The spyglass is intended to be a spyglass, telescope, or sextant of some sort.  It must remain in the essence of the base item when altering it.


Verb First Third
RUB You wipe the surface of your brass sextant, trying to remove any smudges. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
TOUCH You adjust the focus on your brass sextant. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
TAP You drum your fingers along the surface of the brass sextant, contemplating your surroundings. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
PEER You raise the brass sextant up to your eye and begin scanning the area. After several moments, you look away from the sextant and give a satisfied nod. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!



The whistle is intended to be a whistle or call of some sort.  It must remain in the essence of the base item when altering it.


Verb First Third
RUB This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
TOUCH This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
TAP This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
PEER This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!

Additional Information

See Also

Pirate props Information
Type Fluff
Feature altering
Item Classification Accessory
Item(s) Applied to Beard, Bird, Eyepatch, Fake Tooth, Hook, Pegleg
Boots, Glove, Pauldron, Ring
Boarding Hook, Boots, Compass, Flag, Jug, Map, Spyglass, Whistle
Alterable Yes
Light/Deep No
Feature(s) Altered Unique
Customizable Yes
Custom Birds can have custom sounds for TAP.
Restrictions Item must remain the essence of what it is.
Item Verbs