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Latest revision as of 16:41, 9 July 2024

Notice of Policy Violation

Hello, BURGHALGNOME. Your map image File:Imt-glaoveln-map-fixed.png is being deleted as of 7/9/2024 due to violation of policy #3: Edit respectfully and civilly. The text within your image contains wording stating: "There was a better map but wiki policy pulled it down so you get this map. Enjoy." This is not respectful or civil. Due to this, you are on your first warning for policy violation under Content, Article, and Image Removals. If you wish to appeal this decision, you may email GS4-XERAPHINA (talk) 14:48, 9 July 2024 (CDT)

Strange how uncivil facts are around here. -Burghalgnome.

Map Image At Risk For Deletion

Hello, BURGHALGNOME. You recently uploaded a map image to the wiki, File:Imt-glaoveln-map.png, that appears to violage the Gswiki:Policy for Copyrights, specifically for Maps. Maps should only be uploaded by the original creator or, in certain circumstances, the editor who updated the map to account for new areas. There does not appear to be any statement on the map image to indicate that you have edited it or when. This is required for all map images that have been modified by someone other than the original map creator. I have flagged the map image for moderator review and deletion.

If this file is the original, unedited map image, it will need to be uploaded by the original map creator. If you have made edits to the map, then you will need to indicate this per the copyright section on maps and reupload it with that text included both on the image itself as well as in the image file comments. If an image file update is not added within 7 days, this image will be deleted from the wiki. Please do not remove the {{moddelete}} template from the image. Another moderator or I will remove that template after your updates have been reviewed to ensure that they meet Gswiki:Policy requirements. If you have any questions about this process or need more information about the updated policy for maps, please reach out to the wiki team on the Gemstone Discord forum's wiki thread. Thank you for understanding. HOST-GSKEBECHET (talk) 11:45, 26 June 2024 (CDT)

Timeline - Imperial Northern Aggression

Hi there, BURGHALGNOME. In response to your question about the categories I adjusted on your article, Timeline - Imperial Northern Aggression, this was done because the article is presented as a character-written essay and was labeled by you as player-written creative content. Typically, larger over-encompassing categories such as those for an entire nation or race are not appropriate for player-written creative content. However, smaller and more specialized categories, such as Category:Wehnimer's Landing Independence are still very appropriate; those smaller categories are in turn lumped in with the larger categories to help facilitate users finding related articles. The examples you shared are standalone articles and not player-written creative content. There are tens of thousands of articles on the Gswiki, and if some are improperly categorized, other moderators or I adjust them as we run across them. This is usually, but not exclusively, based on which articles have had recent edits, which is why you likely have seen that many older articles are not necessarily in compliance with current Gswiki Style Guide standards.

Hopefully this explanation helps you better understand why I adjusted the categories on your article. As an aside, if you ever need to add a "signature" to a something communicated via talk pages, you can do so by inserting ~~~~ following your message; while not required, it is an easy way to do so that is built into the Media Wiki software. Thank you again for all of your contributions to the Gswiki. Please let me know if you have any other questions. HOST-GSKEBECHET (talk) 09:02, 23 May 2024 (CDT)

Hello again. I have responded to your follow up question on my user talk page. HOST-GSKEBECHET (talk) 10:12, 23 May 2024 (CDT)



  • Hoping to aid Jkarog save his comrades still on the Krolvin Island adventurers gather in Icemule.
  • Two large ships set sail from the Icemule Docks, with the White Wyrm, the advanced Icemule airship, flying as a scout overhead.
  • Upon landing on the shore large numbers of Krolvin stream out of the city and surroundings to stop the expedition.
  • Fighting occurs on the road to the Glaeve and in the city itself.
  • Eventually the expedition reaches deep in the city only to learn the Iron Harpy, the previous Czag of the city, had fled out another gate and taken many of her advisors with her.
  • Jkarog is presented as a likely leader of the Glaeve with the backing of Northwatch.


 Speaking to Yussof, Dendum ask, "You are coming to the homeland?"
Lilanna nods to you.
You see Yussof, the Krolvin Grifter.
He is average height. He appears to be an adult. He has brooding dark sea green eyes and milky-blue fur. He has long, greasy black hair worn in a ponytail. He has a triangular face, a flat nose and bushy sideburns.
He is wearing a tattered dark oilskin rucksack, some weathered indigo full leathers, a stained thrak hide sheath, a pale grey eelskin bait pouch, a skull-clasped bone tackle box, a lacquered ebonwood jig, a pair of short sailcloth leggings, and some dark blue square-toed shoes.
The flames of the bonfire burn low, the embers at their heart as red as rubies on a bed of black velvet.
Lilanna says, "He's seeking passage aye."
Speaking to Yussof, Dendum says, "We have ships on the way....should be room."
Dendum says, "Or can fly."
Yussof asks, "Yussof need to go home, and help friends escape. You have a boat?"
Dendum chortles at Yussof.
Dendum says, "Oh yes...we have the boats."
Dendum nods.
Dendum says, "Big boats...smaller boats...many boats."
Yussof asks, "Why does strange little gnome with sprite on shoulder laugh at Yussof?"
Lilanna says, "Because he's a strange little gnome."
Speaking to Yussof, you say, "We laugh at....challenge to come."
Speaking to Yussof, Dendum ask, "Better than to cower in front of it yes?"
Yussof says, "Yussof not mind if gnome cowers."
Speaking to Yussof, Dendum says, "Good, either way stop asking stupid questions."
Lilanna nods at Chamorr.
Yussof blinks at Dendum.
  Talliver says, "The White Wyrm sends that there are significant armed forces barring the way to Glaoveln.  They started making their way down as soon as the ships reached harbor." 
Taulramil says, "Battle it is."
The voice of Yardie says, "The trap."
Yussof says, "The Harpy has seen us coming."
Jkarog says, "Hopefully the last of the Harpy's forces."
 Jkarog says, "I cannot simply declare myself the master of Glaeve." 
Speaking to Jkarog, Perigourd asks, "Was it not your intention to rally the refugees under your banner to begin with?"
Speaking to Jkarog, Talliver says, "I suspect that, with the forces of Northwatch behind you and an airship to boot, you might have a stronger claim than you think."

Full Log

Gathering for Glory

[Icemule Trace, Town Center - 3233] (u4042150)
A tranquil square dusted with snow sprawls beneath a sturdy mule statue standing placidly atop a tall plinth of silver-veined black stone. The brilliance of the stars refracts through the statue, casting prismatic glints over the townsfolk nearby. Some denizens, mostly halflings but with a scattering of other folk mixed in, chatter by a roaring bonfire, lazing on a smooth dark stone bench or stargazing on colorful cloaks spread out on the ground. Others mill around a burled pine message board standing close to a colorful silver-bound barrel. You also see the Larston disk, the cog-supported Saoi bassinet surrounded in complex wiring, the glossy pink Lilanna disk shaped like a jellyfish, the Chamorr disk, a golden-eyed jet black osprey that is flying around, the Darineah disk, a massive grey wolf, a sugar-dusted berry meringue roulade and a woven bark wastebin.
Obvious paths: north, northeast, east, south, west
Chamorr heartily says, "So dramatic."
A resplendent obsidian black raven soars in and circles around you.
Lithyia says, "Evening everyone."
Tylrana politely asks, "Is anybody in need of healing?"
Randsford nods to Lithyia in greeting.
Ibar says, "Evenin."
Perigourd just arrived.
Chamorr gives Lithyia a friendly hug.
Vasarias bows respectfully before Lithyia, his eyes fixed firmly on the ground.
Larston removes a perfect mithril katar from in his leather knapsack.
Tylrana nods to Lithyia in greeting.
Gonzy sticks his tongue out at Phomate, and lets out with a loud, "Thbtbtbtbt" from his lips!
Speaking to Lithyia, Vasarias says, "Apologies. Good evening."
Vasarias grins at Lithyia.
Lithyia exclaims, "Good evening!"
Dendum bows to Ntinly.
A pallid skin-bound grimoire flies in looking for its owner.
Ntinly curtsies to Dendum .
Darphin carefully inspects his small white egg.
Speaking to Ntinly, Dendum says, ""Most excellent."
Ibar hugs Ntinly, who wraps him in a warm embrace.
Ntinly squeakily says, "Evenin all."
Ibar exclaims, "Hi there tinny!"
Randsford nods to Ntinly in greeting.
Lithyia exclaims, "Hi Ntinly!"
Ntinly hugs Ibar, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
Ntinly squeakily exclaims, "Hiyas Ibar!"
Ibar smiles.
Ntinly gives Lithyia a friendly hug.
Rasskazhitiye begins building a complex, upbeat melody in a major key, her fingers lightly springing over the strings.
Lithyia hugs Ntinly, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
Ntinly squeakily exclaims, "Hiyas Lithyia!"
Chamorr heartily says, "Uhoh."
Vasarias bows to Ntinly.
Lithyia grins at Ntinly.
Ntinly squeakily exclaims, "Bear!"
High Lady Delilahrae just arrived.
Chamorr hugs Ntinly, who wraps him in a warm embrace.
Ntinly beams!
Speaking to Ntinly, Dendum informs, "Still a few minutes away before ship is scheduled but not too many now."
Ntinly squeakily says, "I ready ta goes when dey says we goes."
Ntinly nods to Dendum .
Making the beat of the song even more infectious, Rasskazhitiye sharply thumps the belly of her mandolin in time with the music.
Dendum nods at Ntinly.
Speaking politely to Dendum, Vasarias asks, "Will there be plenty of room on this ship?"
Dendum says, "This is good way to be."
Speaking to Vasarias, Dendum says, ""Eh...there should be...if not we have at least one Man O' War hired for the sailing...the path to Krolvin island is not far from the icemule docks."
Ibar nods at Lilanna.
Speaking to Dendum, Vasarias says, "That is good to know."
Dendum says, "Have made this journey in sloop was shorter than trip from Landing to Icemule by ship..."
Speaking to Lithyia, Vasarias says, "Miss Lithyia I hear you are quite skilled in brewing."
Dendum says, "Will be slower with fat Man 'O War but not much slower."
Lithyia says, "That I am."
Speaking heartily to Lilanna, Chamorr says, "Got enough room on yer boat."
Lithyia nods.
Vasarias grins at Dendum.
With a final jaunty chord, Rasskazhitiye stills the strings of her mandolin.
Lilanna starts chuckling at Dendum!
Interlocking his fingers above his head, Phomate stretches slowly, extending his spine in a satisfying stretch.
Phomate turns his shoulders to the left in a long, slow stretch.
Speaking to Lithyia, Vasarias asks, "Do you have a shop about?"
Lithyia exclaims, "I do as a matter of fact!"
Speaking to Lithyia, Dendum says, "Have been slow on putting up flyers."
Wolfloner gives Lithyia a warm buss on the lips.
Dendum points at a burled pine message board.
Lithyia nods to Dendum.
Lithyia says, "Yes i need to put a new one up."
Eleazzar nods at Darphin.
Lithyia says, "Hi Wolf."
Darphin nods to Eleazzar in greeting.
Eleazzar nods at Lithyia.
Speaking to Lithyia, Vasarias says, "I will check it out then. Thankis."
Eleazzar closes his blue-grey eyes, his body perfectly still as his begins a series of incantations. As he continues to whisper to himself, the cadence grows louder and he opens his eyes, his body enshrouded in an aura of power...
Eleazzar gestures.
A silvery luminescence surrounds Eleazzar.
Lithyia beams happily at Vasarias!
Vasarias bows to Wolfloner.
A bright luminescence surrounds Eleazzar.
A brilliant luminescence surrounds Eleazzar.
Ntinly removes a thin silver syringe from in her black cloak.
Dendum bows to Wolfloner.
Glowing specks of deep blue energy begin to spin around Eleazzar.
The white-bellied hawk circles lazily above.
Ntinly put a thin silver syringe in her black cloak.
Chamorr and Wolfloner shake hands.
Ntinly removes a tall glass flask of reddish black syrup from in her black cloak.
Eleazzar is surrounded by a shimmering field of energy.
Ntinly takes a drink from her flask of syrup.
After taking a hearty swig of her syrup, Ntinly belches, releasing a cloud of grey mist into the air.
Ntinly looks rather relaxed.
Eleazzar appears somehow changed.
Mystiq smiles as she glances over at Lithyia and slips something into her hand
Eleazzar looks considerably more imposing.
Ntinly put a tall glass flask of reddish black syrup in her black cloak.
Eleazzar bristles with energy.
Lithyia glances at Mystiq.
A crescentic crimson-black slash briefly opens up, and a writhing tentacle of ebon energy thrusts Elronae into the area.
Dendum says, "Wolf and Bear flying in sky.....this is not natural."
Multicolored rays shoot out of Eleazzar's body and flow into a shimmering sphere around him.
Elronae put some fine crystalline chalk in her ebon leather pack.
Elronae put a dark leather book in her ebon leather pack.
Eleazzar blurs before your eyes.
Lithyia grins at Dendum.
Mystiq offers Lithyia a skein of copper-hued veilsylk yarn.
Elronae beams!
A luminescent aura begins to swirl around Eleazzar.
Lithyia accepts Mystiq's veilsylk yarn.
Lithyia says, "Ooooooo."
Vasarias grins.
Lithyia beams happily at Mystiq!
Lithyia says, "Thank you."
Mystiq put an ebon-hued mesille runestaff carved with screaming faces in her black Faendryl robe.
Lithyia winks at Mystiq.
Lithyia wiggles her eyebrows at Mystiq.
Phomate waves to Elronae.
Mystiq nods slowly at Lithyia.
Lithyia fiddles with the top of the pink lace tote, causing the metal plates to open.
Ntinly squeakily exclaims, "Bear is a prancin, dancin, an singin Bear - now he a floatin Bear!"
Lithyia grins.
Ntinly lets out a cheer!
Dendum lets out a cheer!
Vyal just arrived.
Vasarias begins chuckling at Ntinly!
Speaking quietly to Darphin, Eleazzar asks, "Any sighting of the ship as of yet?"
Lithyia removes a bright white knitting bowl painted with purple tentacles from in her pink lace tote.
Lithyia tosses a skein of copper-hued veilsylk yarn into her knitting bowl, causing it to disappear from sight.
Tylrana just went east.
Darphin put a small white egg in his black leather jacket.
Lithyia beams!
Lithyia put a bright white knitting bowl painted with purple tentacles in her pink lace tote.
Lithyia fiddles with the top of the pink lace tote, causing the metal plates to snap closed.
Speaking to Eleazzar, Darphin says, "Not yet,"
Lithyia leans softly against Wolfloner.
Chamorr heartily says, "Oh my."
Tylrana just arrived.
Darphin removes a skein of steel-hued spidersilk yarn from in his black leather jacket.
Darphin offers Mystiq a skein of steel-hued spidersilk yarn.
Elronae's firewheel flower stretches, the petals shifting slightly as it repositions itself. As it settles down, the stem clings tightly to her.
Eleazzar removes a gleaming obsidian globe veined with silver from in his waxed canvas pack.
Ntinly checks her equipment, adjusting and rearranging her gear.
Mystiq accepts Darphin's spidersilk yarn.
The faint blue glow fades from around Vyal's hands.
Eleazzar shows Darphin his obsidian globe.
The mirror images surrounding Vasarias undulate and grow stronger.
Vasarias renews his songs.
Ntinly picks up a blue-tinged white birch board emblazed with an eclipsing sun.
Ntinly puts a blue-tinged white birch board emblazed with an eclipsing sun in a colorful silver-bound barrel emblazoned with a row of tiny grey penguins.
Several citizens in furs and heavy cloaks stop to watch the flames, the heat reddening their cheeks and brightening their expressions.
Necrel just went north.
Mystiq glances at Lithyia.
Darphin removes a skein of auroralaen yarn from in his black leather jacket.
Lithyia giggles.
Darphin offers Mystiq a skein of auroralaen yarn.
Ntinly removes a gold-swirled sepia bottle with a twisted stopper from in her black cloak.
Mystiq accepts Darphin's auroralaen yarn.
Ntinly pours a few drops of perfume from her sepia bottle on herself.
Ntinly put a gold-swirled sepia bottle with a twisted stopper in her black cloak.
Mystiq put a skein of auroralaen yarn in her black Faendryl robe.
Lithyia says, "No need to bathe in it Ntinly."
Perigourd just went east.
Eleazzar adjusts the tilt of his globe on its ebonwood stand, causing a spot on the obsidian to gleam with a faint tinge of crimson.
Blade Yardie just arrived.
Vasarias chuckles.
An errant breeze carries your voice to Taulramil, "We should be leaving in 5 minutes...or that was original plan anyway."
Ntinly squeakily says, "Jes a couple dabs ahind each ear."
Lithyia waves to Yardie.
You bow to Yardie.
Ibar waves to Yardie.
Ntinly nods enthusiastically at Lithyia!
Eleazzar nods to a gleaming obsidian globe veined with silver.
Vasarias bows respectfully before Yardie, his eyes fixed firmly on the ground.
Entwil arrives, guided by an urchin, who nods to Entwil and quickly takes off.
Darphin nods at Eleazzar.
A searing arc of radiant golden light trails Entwil's dusk surita staff as he stows it in his runestaff sling. As it leaves his hands, the illumination of its sigils slowly ebbs away.
With graceful motions, Entwil's fingers weave gossamer threads of energy into a weblike sigil.
Entwil gestures.
There is a bright flash and a golden breakfast tart appears in the air, then falls into Entwil's right hand.
Entwil gobbles down a big bite of his breakfast tart.
Entwil looks much more calm and refreshed.
Entwil gobbles down his breakfast tart in one enormous bite.
Yardie bows to Vasarias.
Larston just went east.
Larston just arrived.
Ntinly curtsies to Yardie.
Speaking to Yardie, Vasarias says, "-greet Blade, it is good to see you again."
Eleazzar runs his hand lightly over the obsidian contours of his globe, removing every last speck of dust and setting off a series of clockwork whirrs and clicks from deep within.
Necrel slings a spiked rhimar buckler etched with silvery runes over his shoulder.
Larston nods to Necrel in greeting.
Mystiq offers Lithyia a skein of steel-hued spidersilk yarn.
Lithyia accepts Mystiq's spidersilk yarn.
You hear the distant whisper of Taulramil saying, "Ok i'm gonna head there i need to let the dogs out and get the kid in bed so i might be afk but just grab me in mule tc."
Necrel nods to Larston in greeting.
Lithyia says, "Ooooo."
Larston offers Necrel a perfect mithril katar.
Mystiq removes a skein of auroralaen yarn from in her black Faendryl robe.
Lithyia tosses a skein of steel-hued spidersilk yarn into her knitting bowl, causing it to disappear from sight.
Necrel accepts Larston's mithril katar.
Mystiq offers Lithyia a skein of auroralaen yarn.
Lithyia accepts Mystiq's auroralaen yarn.
A dark grey rune-covered compendium slithers in looking for its owner.
Sweeping her arm outward, Lithyia bows low in a grand fashion before Mystiq.
Necrel begins drawing a faint, twisting symbol as he utters an arcane invocation in hushed tones...
Chamorr and Yardie shake hands.
Speaking to Yardie, Vasarias says, "Forgive my common."
Lithyia tosses a skein of auroralaen yarn into her knitting bowl, causing it to disappear from sight.
Necrel channels at a perfect mithril katar.
Necrel concentrates intently on his mithril katar as he begins to channel necrotic energy at it.
After a few moments, Necrel manages to penetrate the mithril katar's structure and fuse the necrotic energy into it!
Brute suddenly fades into view.
Yardie says, "Never a problem."
Nosing about inside Ntinly's collar, the sewer rat eventually sits up with a dried-up dropping clutched in its jaws. Letting the discovery fall to the ground, the sewer rat chitters at Ntinly, obviously annoyed at her lack of hygiene.
Darphin nods at Mystiq.
Lithyia says, "The yarn bowl has accepted this sacrifice."
Yardie says, "Hold a moment, please."
Lithyia grins at Mystiq.
Shadowy tendrils rise from the ground and wrap around Yardie's legs as they quickly engulf his entire body. The shadows quickly retreat back into the surroundings, leaving no trace of Yardie.
Ntinly squeakily asks, "Is dere anyone we shoul be joinin?"
Mystiq grins at Lithyia.
Lithyia smirks at Mystiq.
Necrel offers Larston a perfect mithril katar.
Eofora just arrived.
Lithyia says, "The yarn bowl is pleased."
Larston accepts Necrel's mithril katar.
Larston recites:

   "All my katar"

Eleazzar put a gleaming obsidian globe veined with silver in his waxed canvas pack.
Larston put a perfect mithril katar in his leather knapsack.
Eofora softly says, "Hiyas mulers."
Eleazzar removes a silvery lor runestaff inlaid with criss-crossing lines of nacre from in his weapon harness.
Ibar grins at Lilanna.
Lithyia waves to Eofora.
Ibar ducks his head.
Ntinly waves to Eofora.
Perigourd adjusts his golvern plate-and-mail, improving its ability to support the weight of his gear.
Lithyia waves to Perigourd.
Tylrana nods to Eofora in greeting.
Eofora smiles at Lithyia.
Perigourd nods in greeting at Lithyia.
Larston nods.
Vasarias bows to Perigourd.
Randsford nods to Eofora in greeting.
Eofora smiles at Ntinly.
You notice Aeith moving stealthily into the area.
A tranquil square dusted with snow sprawls beneath a sturdy mule statue standing placidly atop a tall plinth of silver-veined black stone. The brilliance of the stars refracts through the statue, casting prismatic glints over the townsfolk nearby. Some denizens, mostly halflings but with a scattering of other folk mixed in, chatter by a roaring bonfire, lazing on a smooth dark stone bench or stargazing on colorful cloaks spread out on the ground. Others mill around a burled pine message board standing close to a colorful silver-bound barrel. You also see a massive snowy battle-scarred lynx, a pure white samoyed, a dark grey rune-covered compendium slithering around with its tentacles, the Vyal disk, the Elronae disk, a pallid skin-bound grimoire flying around with its pale leathery wings, the Darphin disk, a ruffled white-bellied hawk that is flying around, the Chamorr disk, the cog-supported Saoi bassinet surrounded in complex wiring, the Kynlis disk, a spectral ancient vampire that is flying around, a resplendent obsidian black raven that is flying around, the sparking Dendum disk, the glossy pink Lilanna disk shaped like a jellyfish, a golden-eyed jet black osprey that is flying around, the Darineah disk, a massive grey wolf, a sugar-dusted berry meringue roulade and a woven bark wastebin.
(Mystiq opens her mouth but closes it instead and says nothing.)
Ntinly squints at Chamorr.
Lord Sorlu just strode in, his group following close behind.
The engines of the high-flying airship grow more shrill as it begins to ease toward the coast.
Ntinly glances around for something.
Ntinly moves closer to Chamorr.
Lilanna gently bites Ibar.
Perigourd turns toward Vasarias and renders a sharp hand salute.
Phomate gazes up into the heavens.
Lilanna's sentient potato whistles a jaunty little ditty!
Sorlu smiles quietly to himself.
A brilliant bolt of lightning suddenly illuminates the area. When the light fades, Bodad suddenly appears next to you. A few wisps of smoke rise up from his clothing before dissipating, and a roll of thunder rumbles overhead.
Randsford grins at Lilanna.
Ibar winks at Lilanna.
Larston just handed Necrel some coins.
Aeith gazes up into the sky.
Lithyia nods at Sorlu.
Lithyia nods at Aliashyrah.
Sorlu warmly greets, "Good evening, Icemule."
The dull golden nimbus fades from around Ibar.
Queatus arrives, glancing suspiciously about.
Ibar undoes the straps on his autumn-hued scalemail, freeing himself from it.
Randsford nods slowly at Lilanna.
Lithyia says, "Evenin."
Lilanna grins at Randsford.
Darphin nods to Sorlu in greeting.
A muted crackle emanates from Lilanna's leopard pelt tote.
Ibar brings a hand up to his lips and forms a sign with his fingers as he whispers a quiet invocation.
Ibar gestures.
Ibar suddenly looks more powerful.
Lithyia waves to Queatus.
Queatus waves.

* Phyro just bit the dust!

Eleazzar nods at Sorlu.
Ibar looks more aware of the surroundings.
Perigourd gazes west.
Eofora smiles at Tylrana.
Lithyia asks, "Do we have a leader for tonight?"
His eyes begin to shine with an inner strength.
Lilanna nods to Sorlu in greeting.
Aliashyrah politely greets, "A blessed evening to all."
Lilanna nods to Aliashyrah in greeting.
A sudden breeze stirs the air about Ibar, swirling and tugging at his clothing.
Ibar ponders.
Mosonri arrives, guided by an urchin, who nods to Mosonri and quickly takes off.
Elronae grins at Queatus.
Queatus offers Lithyia a lilac-tinted pale blackberry flower.
Lithyia says, "As we do not have a Roelon."
Mosonri flags down a nearby urchin and exchanges a few words. The urchin nods to Mosonri and takes off, with Mosonri in tow.
Vasarias nods in greeting.
Ibar is surrounded by an aura of natural confidence.
Queatus says, "Got you this."
Lithyia accepts Queatus's pale blackberry flower.
Lilanna says, "Councillors."
Lithyia snickers at Queatus.
Ibar begins to move with cat-like grace.
Eleazzar bows to Darphin.
Lithyia pinches Queatus!
Speaking to Lilanna, Aliashyrah greets, "Commander."
Only faintly visible, green-gold filaments spiral inward from the local surroundings toward Ibar and weave a web of protection about him.
Lithyia put a lilac-tinted pale blackberry flower in her leather herb kit.
Rysolee suddenly fades into view.
Eofora gives Elronae a friendly hug.
Rysolee yawns.
Queatus turns toward Lilanna and renders a sharp hand salute.
Speaking to Lithyia, Perigourd says, "One would expect the head of the militia to take the lead."
Eofora gives Lilanna a friendly hug.
Lithyia nods at Perigourd.
Elronae hugs Eofora, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
Chamorr gives Elronae a friendly hug.
Mosonri summons a torrent of spiritual and elemental mana and releases upon herself a flurry of abjurations.
Lithyia exclaims, "Lil''re it!"
Lithyia points at Lilanna.
Speaking to Sorlu, Darphin exclaims, "The Air ship, councilor, the airship!"
Lilanna hugs Eofora, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
Yussof just tiptoed in.
Mosonri produces a small statue from the depths of her black leather longcoat.
Mosonri rubs a small statue in her hand.
A faint silvery glow surrounds Mosonri's body.
Her small statue suddenly disintegrates!
Taking Mystiq's hand lightly in his own, Darphin raises their joined arms, twirling her beneath and into the awaiting circle of his arms, where he pulls Mystiq's body close to his own.
Randsford nods to Yussof in greeting.
Perigourd glances appraisingly at Yussof.
Sorlu begins chuckling at Darphin!
Aliashyrah gently brushes her auburn hair away from her eyes and, with a deft twist of her wrist, tucks it back into its bindings.
Sorlu adopts an agreeable expression.
Yussof fidgets.
Aomi just went south.
Darphin gently takes hold of Darineah's hand.
Darphin grabs Eleazzar's hand.
Lithyia takes a moment to observe Yussof.
Mosonri produces some tree bark from the depths of her black leather longcoat.
Lithyia says, "Hello."
Draegar just arrived.
Lilanna gently takes hold of Queatus's hand.
Mosonri casually tosses some tree bark into a woven bark wastebin.
Lithyia smiles at Yussof.
Speaking to Yussof, Randsford says, "You look well, has been a while."
The flames of the bonfire burn low, the embers at their heart as red as rubies on a bed of black velvet.
Mosonri's dusk surita staff vanishes into the depths of her black leather longcoat.
Mystiq removes a rectangular green crystal bottle from in her black Faendryl robe.
Mosonri produces a golden muffin clasp from the depths of her black leather longcoat.
Eofora waves to Randsford.
Darphin reaches out and holds Delilahrae's hand.
A tranquil square dusted with snow sprawls beneath a sturdy mule statue standing placidly atop a tall plinth of silver-veined black stone. The brilliance of the stars refracts through the statue, casting prismatic glints over the townsfolk nearby. Some denizens, mostly halflings but with a scattering of other folk mixed in, chatter by a roaring bonfire, lazing on a smooth dark stone bench or stargazing on colorful cloaks spread out on the ground. Others mill around a burled pine message board standing close to a colorful silver-bound barrel. You also see the bloodstained Queatus disk with scuffed and dented sides, the Bodad disk, the Larston disk, a massive snowy battle-scarred lynx, a pure white samoyed, a dark grey rune-covered compendium slithering around with its tentacles, the Vyal disk, the Elronae disk, a pallid skin-bound grimoire flying around with its pale leathery wings, the Darphin disk, a ruffled white-bellied hawk that is flying around, the Chamorr disk, the cog-supported Saoi bassinet surrounded in complex wiring, the Kynlis disk, a spectral ancient vampire that is flying around, a resplendent obsidian black raven that is flying around, the sparking Dendum disk, the glossy pink Lilanna disk shaped like a jellyfish, a golden-eyed jet black osprey that is flying around, the Darineah disk, a massive grey wolf, a sugar-dusted berry meringue roulade and a woven bark wastebin.
Mosonri raises her golden muffin clasp skyward!
There is a bright flash and some scored peppercorn flatbread appears in the air, then falls into Mosonri's left hand.
Draegar just went east.
Mystiq turns her green crystal bottle, opening its lid and shaking a faceted dark emerald pill into her waiting hand.
Mosonri takes a bite of her peppercorn flatbread.
Mosonri looks much more calm and refreshed.
Ibar works his way into a suit of rich autumn-hued scalemail, adjusting the various straps.
Mystiq places her dark emerald pill in her mouth, and it dissolves into a puff of emerald-hued smoke. A verdant mist seeps from her lips as a cloud of mana coalesces around her, wrapping her in protective magic!
Mosonri's golden muffin clasp vanishes into the depths of her black leather longcoat.
Bodad deftly removes the razern meat cleaver from his swordbelt.
Bodad slings a battleworn dark spiked greatshield emblazoned with a frost-rimed mule off from over his shoulder.
Brute slowly exhales as his posture slumps.
Entwil removes a dented brass trunk from in his shadowsilk satchel.
Mystiq put a rectangular green crystal bottle in her black Faendryl robe.
Speaking politely to Mystiq, Eleazzar says, "M'lady."
Speaking to Yussof, Perigourd asks, "One of Rodnir's?"
Eleazzar bows to Mystiq.
Perigourd cocks his head at Yussof.
Mystiq offers Rysolee a faceted dark emerald pill.
The compendium slithers off to find its owner.
Yussof asks, "Has anyone seen Czag Dabbings?"
Eleazzar gazes up into the sky.
Mystiq nods to Eleazzar in greeting.
Lithyia says, "Not as yet."
Yussof yips a short bark that is immediately followed by a grunt of doubt.
Lithyia looks over at Yussof and shakes her head.
Hanging on securely with three paws, the swamp rat on Elronae's shoulder licks its fourth paw and spends several seconds carefully smoothing out the fur covering its lower back and one leg.
Speaking to Yussof, Dendum says, "No but saw ship heading to coast."
Brute rummages around in his pockets.
Rysolee accepts Mystiq's dark emerald pill.
Dendum points west.
Rysolee places her dark emerald pill in her mouth, and it dissolves into a puff of emerald-hued smoke. A verdant mist seeps from her lips as a cloud of mana coalesces around her, wrapping her in protective magic!
Jastalyn's group just arrived.
Eofora grins at Ibar.
A tranquil square dusted with snow sprawls beneath a sturdy mule statue standing placidly atop a tall plinth of silver-veined black stone. The brilliance of the stars refracts through the statue, casting prismatic glints over the townsfolk nearby. Some denizens, mostly halflings but with a scattering of other folk mixed in, chatter by a roaring bonfire, lazing on a smooth dark stone bench or stargazing on colorful cloaks spread out on the ground. Others mill around a burled pine message board standing close to a colorful silver-bound barrel. You also see the diamond-crusted Jastalyn disk, the blue Rysolee disk, the Mystiq disk, the bloodstained Queatus disk with scuffed and dented sides, the Bodad disk, the Larston disk, a massive snowy battle-scarred lynx, a pure white samoyed, the Vyal disk, the Elronae disk, a pallid skin-bound grimoire flying around with its pale leathery wings, the Darphin disk, a ruffled white-bellied hawk that is flying around, the Chamorr disk, the cog-supported Saoi bassinet surrounded in complex wiring, the Kynlis disk, a spectral ancient vampire that is flying around, a resplendent obsidian black raven that is flying around, the sparking Dendum disk, the glossy pink Lilanna disk shaped like a jellyfish, a golden-eyed jet black osprey that is flying around, the Darineah disk, a massive grey wolf, a sugar-dusted berry meringue roulade and a woven bark wastebin.
Jastalyn smiles.
Rysolee makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Rysolee gestures.
Rysolee stands taller, as if bolstered with a sense of confidence.
Myharl waves.
You sense the emerald sprite flying above your shoulder draw upon your mana.
Her body is surrounded by a dim dancing aura.
Myharl deeply says, "Good evening."
The grim halfling marshal meanders in.
A swirling cloud of shadow forms around Mystiq's right hand as she prepares a spell...
Mystiq gestures.
A dull golden nimbus surrounds Mystiq.
Lithyia asks, "Who is leading?"
Darphin waves to Myharl.
Aeith nods to Myharl in greeting.
Rysolee recites a series of mystical phrases while raising her hands...
Rysolee is surrounded by a shimmering field of energy.
Vasarias bows to Jastalyn.
Myharl grins.
Lilanna waves to Myharl.
Shadowy tendrils rise from the ground and quickly coalesce into a humanoid form. As quickly as they appeared, the shadows retreat back into the surroundings, leaving Yardie in their place.
Mystiq suddenly looks a lot more powerful.
Mystiq is surrounded by a white light.
Ibar gives Jastalyn a friendly hug.
Elronae waves to Myharl.
Rysolee appears somehow changed.
Vasarias bows to Mystiq.
Lilanna says, "I am."
Ibar gives Myharl a friendly hug.
Tylrana tickles Jastalyn as they grin at each other.
Mystiq stands tall and appears more confident.
Mosonri's sentient potato whistles a jaunty little ditty!
Rysolee bristles with energy.
Randsford points at Lilanna.
Myharl gives Ibar a friendly hug.
Elronae joins Lilanna's group.
Lithyia joins Lilanna's group.
Ibar grins.
Perigourd turns toward Myharl and renders a sharp hand salute.
A brilliant aura surrounds Mystiq.
Ntinly joins Lilanna's group.
Jastalyn giggles.
Lithyia exclaims, "Yay!"
A layer of raw elemental energy forms around Rysolee.
Vasarias joins Lilanna's group.
Aliashyrah joins Lilanna's group.
Myharl gives Lithyia a friendly hug.
A low chirping sound comes from within a lacquered white cricket box.
Perigourd turns toward Jastalyn and renders a sharp hand salute.
Jastalyn waves to Vasarias.
An opalescent aura surrounds Mystiq.
Lithyia turns toward Lilanna and renders a sharp hand salute.
Wolfloner glances east.
Rysolee shudders violently for a moment, then resumes moving faster than you thought possible.
Bodad joins Lilanna's group.
A golden-eyed jet black osprey's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around her arms.
Tylrana just licked Jastalyn!
Jastalyn sm
Queatus turns to Lilanna and cheers!
Necrel just handed Brute some coins.
Myharl waves to Wolfloner.
Aeith joins Lilanna's group.
Rysolee traces a series of glowing runes while chanting an arcane phrase...
Multicolored rays shoot out of Rysolee's body and flow into the shimmering sphere around her.
A massive grey wolf starts and glances about suspiciously, scenting the unfamiliar aromas in the air.
Brute strides off confidently.
A massive snowy battle-scarred lynx's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around his arms.
A luminescent aura begins to swirl around Rysolee.
Eofora gives Jastalyn a friendly hug.
Yussof asks, "Is Yussof going with?"
Jastalyn joins Lilanna's group.
Speaking to Yussof, Dendum says, "When we know where it lands we will go may wish to follow mighty warrior Lilanna."
Vasarias bows to Lilanna.
Honeyberry joins Lilanna's group.
Myharl gazes in wonder at his surroundings.
Jastalyn hugs Eofora.
Necrel slings a spiked rhimar buckler etched with silvery runes off from over his shoulder.
Lilanna nods at Yussof.
Eleazzar joins Lilanna's group.
Perigourd moves to stand behind Lilanna.
Jastalyn pulls Myharl closer to herself.
Perigourd joins Lilanna's group.
Yussof joins Lilanna's group.
Darphin joins Lilanna's group.
Myharl deeply says, "Quite the crowd here this evening."
Mystiq joins Lilanna's group.
Yussof removes a razern fillet knife from in his thrak hide sheath.
Draelor joins Lilanna's group.
Sorlu joins Lilanna's group.
A massive grey wolf's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around his arms.
Jastalyn grins.
Squire Legionnaire Taulramil just arrived.
Rysolee joins Lilanna's group.
Yussof put a razern fillet knife in his thrak hide sheath.
Darineah joins Lilanna's group.
Jastalyn hugs Lilanna, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
Delilahrae joins Lilanna's group.
Wolfloner joins Lilanna's group.
Lilanna hugs Jastalyn, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
Lithyia gives Jastalyn a friendly hug.
Randsford says, "Good luck to all of you."
Randsford nods slowly.
An amber-eyed snowy owl shifts and sidles closer to Jastalyn's ear, fluffing the feathers up just under its beak with drowsy contentment.
Eofora smiles at Ibar.
Lithyia winks at Wolfloner.
Perigourd peers into a polished crystal ball with a carved modwir base.
Jastalyn gives Randsford a friendly hug.
Belrog seems slightly different.
Yussof says, "Yussof has a knife from the kitchen, just in case."
With a fluid grace, the ancient vampire moves effortlessly into the area, her steps a mesmerizing dance with the shadows.
The grim halfling marshal meanders north.
Jastalyn waves to Wolfloner.
Lilanna asks, "Has anyone seen the Mayor yet?"
Randsford gives Jastalyn a friendly hug.
Lithyia nods at Yussof.
Brute joins Belrog's group.
Myharl waves to Randsford.
You notice Aerocus moving stealthily into the area.
Speaking to Draelor, Yardie asks, "Hello brother. You going on Leafiara's ship with Vasarias and myself?"
Jastalyn hugs Yardie, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
Brute rubs his signet and fog billows from it in a thick cloud, quickly obscuring his form from sight. As the murk clears, you see Brute is no longer there.
Thremkin just went south.
Aeith says, "A good size I think, for a scouting party into a potentially dangerous area."
Randsford nods to Myharl in greeting.
Aerocus says, "Hye."
Yussof barks loudly!
Necrel just went east.
Jastalyn gives Queatus a friendly hug.
Speaking to Lilanna, Aliashyrah says, "He may be with the ship."
Myharl waves to Chamorr.
Lithyia whispers, "Im in lilanna's group, she has to grab him."
Jastalyn hugs Chamorr.
You quietly whisper to Lilanna, "Can you grab Taulramil?"
Vasarias bows to Draelor.
Queatus gives Jastalyn a friendly hug.
Tylrana flings herself against Jastalyn, bounces off of her, and giggles madly!
Chamorr gives Jastalyn a friendly hug.
Lilanna gently takes hold of Taulramil's hand.
Speaking to Yardie, Draelor asks, "Am I what now?"
Myharl gives Yardie a friendly hug.
Aerocus joins Lilanna's group.
Speaking to Draelor, Vasarias says, "Good to see you again."
Chamorr gives Myharl a firm handshake.
Queatus glances between Lilanna and yourself.
Myharl waves to Draelor.
A muted crackle emanates from Entwil's shadowsilk satchel.
Yardie gives Myharl a friendly hug.
Queatus asks, "Recruited yet?"
Aerocus says, "Who leading thsi shindig/."
Eleazzar bows to Aerocus.
Tylrana starts jumping around like a twelve-year-old.
Draelor nods in greeting at Vasarias.
Lithyia recites:

   "Join the head of the Regulators!"

Tylrana rubs her chin thoughtfully.
Ntinly points at Lilanna.
Delilahrae powerfully purges her spell from her esophagus in a vicious tidal wave of raw energy...
Delilahrae gestures.
A light blue glow surrounds Delilahrae.
Yardie joins Lilanna's group.
Cupping his fingers before him, the tips suddenly darkening to inky blackness, Aerocus murmurs a prayer to the dead that is an entreaty for aid.
Aerocus gestures.
Aerocus looks charged with power.
Ibar smiles at Jastalyn.
Eofora turns to Lilanna and cheers!
Delilahrae suddenly looks more powerful.
Aerocus makes a complex gesture.
A light blue glow surrounds Aerocus.
Myharl joins Lilanna's group.
Nothing happens.
Lilanna chuckles.
Mayor Talliver just arrived.
The air thickens and begins to swirl around Aerocus.
A deep blue glow surrounds Delilahrae.
Belrog seems hesitant, looking unsure of himself.
Speaking to Aerocus, Eleazzar says, "Good evening."
Myharl waves to Talliver.
Perigourd turns toward Talliver and renders a sharp hand salute.
Lilanna bows to Talliver.
A dull golden nimbus surrounds Delilahrae.
Delilahrae works her way out of some fitted onyx plate.
Randsford nods to Talliver in greeting.
Sweeping her arm outward, Lithyia bows low in a grand fashion before Talliver.
Aerocus suddenly looks more powerful.
Zeminar suddenly fades into view.
Queatus waves to Talliver.
Delilahrae makes a complex gesture.
Rippling cylinders of spiritual force encompass Delilahrae's arms and the arms of those around her.
Talliver says, "Good evening."
There is a dim flash around Aerocus.
Aerocus's body seems to glow with an internal strength.
Aeith nods to Talliver in greeting.
Wolfloner nods at Talliver.
Jade green energy surrounds Delilahrae, dancing off her body without harm.
Lithyia says, "Evenin Mayor."
Bodad waves to Talliver.
Yardie waves to Talliver.
Aerocus's veins stand out briefly.
Lilanna says, "Good evnin."
Aerocus says, "Evneing."
Speaking to Talliver, Perigourd says, "Fair eve."
Eleazzar nods at Zeminar.
With straightened posture and a firm chin, Sorlu presents himself to Talliver with a short, courteous bow.
Speaking deeply to Talliver, Myharl says, "Good evening, Mayor."
Delilahrae's skin takes on a more crimson hue.
With a resolute smirk, Brute spins the base of his urglaes thumb-ring and adopts a spiteful expression.
A deep blue glow surrounds Aerocus.
Brute's eyes glaze over and he turns pale. In the space between moments, his body grows more and more translucent until you realize he is no longer there!
Brute slowly fades into view with a gasp of breath and a slightly disoriented look.
Talliver gives a solemn nod.
A faint silvery light flickers from the shadows.
Speaking to Talliver, Sorlu says, "Good evening, Mayor Dabbings."
Zeminar nods to Eleazzar in greeting.
A misty halo surrounds Aerocus.
Speaking to Talliver, Aliashyrah greets, "A blessed evening to you, mayor."
Eofora turns to Talliver and cheers!
Zeminar bows slightly forward as shadowy flames dissipate upward from his ebony leathers.
Aerocus says, "Was in kraknen 5 mintes ago."
Aerocus grins.
A dull golden nimbus surrounds Aerocus.
A pure white samoyed suddenly bounds across the area, enjoying his freedom with long lazy lopes.
Lithyia grins at Aerocus.
A faint silvery glow fades from around Entwil.
Yussof exclaims, "Czag Dabbings!"
Aerocus suddenly looks a lot more powerful.
Aerocus is surrounded by a white light.
Yussof gives a piercing bark of pure joy!
Aerocus seems to blend into the surroundings better.
Speaking to Talliver, Lilanna says, "Let's hope it stays that way."
The air about Aerocus shimmers slightly.
Aerocus waves to Ntinly.
Aerocus looks more aware of the surroundings.
A long-legged black rat on Lilanna's shoulder suddenly sits up, scanning the area with a mien of feral regality.
Talliver nods to Yussof in greeting.
Larston just went west.
Queatus grins at Yussof.
A sudden breeze stirs the air about Aerocus, swirling and tugging at his clothing.
Aerocus checks his equipment, adjusting and rearranging his gear.
Aerocus is surrounded by an aura of natural confidence.
Eofora joins Lilanna's group.
Aerocus begins to move with cat-like grace.
With a slight roll of his shoulder, Aerocus slides a sinuous ruic longbow suffused with argent undertones free and grips it tightly in one hand. A spray of orange motes skitters over the surface of the longbow before fizzling out with a fading hiss.
Aerocus suddenly looks much more dextrous.
You join Lilanna.
You feel a subdued warmth through your arms and torso, accompanied by a preponderant sense of engagement.
Your spirit is empowered with an overwhelming sense of determination and resolve.
Your spirit is bolstered by a great sense of faith and conviction.
You feel more secure basking in the glow of divine protection.
[ Arm of the Arkati: +0:20:00, 0:19:59 remaining. ]
[ Benediction: +0:20:00, 0:19:59 remaining. ]
[ Warding Sphere: +0:20:00, 0:19:59 remaining. ]
Lithyia asks, "Yussof, do you know how to use a garrote?"
Lithyia glances at Yussof.

A tranquil square dusted with snow sprawls beneath a sturdy mule statue standing placidly atop a tall plinth of silver-veined black stone. The brilliance of the stars refracts through the statue, casting prismatic glints over the townsfolk nearby. Some denizens, mostly halflings but with a scattering of other folk mixed in, chatter by a roaring bonfire, lazing on a smooth dark stone bench or stargazing on colorful cloaks spread out on the ground. Others mill around a burled pine message board standing close to a colorful silver-bound barrel. You also see the glaesine Yardie disk streaked with cobalt veins, a dark grey rune-covered compendium slithering around with its tentacles, the diamond-crusted Jastalyn disk, the blue Rysolee disk, the Mystiq disk, the bloodstained Queatus disk with scuffed and dented sides, the Bodad disk, a massive snowy battle-scarred lynx, a pure white samoyed, the Vyal disk, the Elronae disk, a pallid skin-bound grimoire flying around with its pale leathery wings, the Darphin disk, a ruffled white-bellied hawk that is flying around, the Chamorr disk, the cog-supported Saoi bassinet surrounded in complex wiring, the Kynlis disk, a resplendent obsidian black raven that is flying around, the sparking Dendum disk, the glossy pink Lilanna disk shaped like a jellyfish, a golden-eyed jet black osprey that is flying around, the Darineah disk, a massive grey wolf, a sugar-dusted berry meringue roulade and a woven bark wastebin.

Speaking to Talliver, Darphin says, "Its a pleasure to se you tonight."
Perigourd removes a golvern daffodil pin with carved heliodor petals from in his suede cloak.
Perigourd raises his daffodil pin skyward!
Perigourd stands tall and appears more confident.
Perigourd put a golvern daffodil pin with carved heliodor petals in his suede cloak.
Aerocus taps Lithyia lightly on her shoulder.
Talliver glances at Darphin.
Aerocus says, "I can."
Lithyia smiles at Aerocus.
Aerocus nods.
Lithyia waves to Aerocus.
Yussof asks, "Why would Yussof know how to do this?"
Yussof glances at Lithyia.
Aerocus says, "So can pickle paster."
Daramiah stands up.
Ntinly removes a sinew-bound thin wire garrote from in her black cloak.
Sorlu surreptitiously glances at Lithyia.
Daramiah just went south.
A single mote of multi-hued light blinks into existence and begins to quickly swirl in a circular pattern. It is soon joined by dozens, and then hundreds, more. Their dance rapidly gains speed and a silhouette appears in the middle of the phosphorescent swirl. The motes suddenly flash brightly and vanish, leaving Ithilwyn before you, looking a bit disoriented.
You look at Yussof, cautious not to let your gaze linger for too long.
You see Yussof, the Krolvin Grifter.
He is average height. He appears to be an adult. He has brooding dark sea green eyes and milky-blue fur. He has long, greasy black hair worn in a ponytail. He has a triangular face, a flat nose and bushy sideburns.
He is wearing a tattered dark oilskin rucksack, some weathered indigo full leathers, a stained thrak hide sheath, a pale grey eelskin bait pouch, a skull-clasped bone tackle box, a lacquered ebonwood jig, a pair of short sailcloth leggings, and some dark blue square-toed shoes.
Aerocus says, "Master."
Ntinly shows Lithyia her thin wire garrote.
Lithyia says, "I ask cause i have an extra if you need to borrow it."
Ithilwyn put a silver luna moth hairpin with dainty filigreed wings in her spidersilk pack.
A timber jaguar trots in and looks up at Ithilwyn dutifully.
Ntinly giggles.
Ithilwyn gives Yardie a friendly hug.
Lithyia says, "If you are coming along."
Elronae removes a glowing runestaff from in her ebon leather pack.
Ntinly put a sinew-bound thin wire garrote in her black cloak.
The sound of metal on bone comes from Vyal's mouth.
Perigourd lets loose an echoing shout!
Perigourd's shout encourages your fighting spirit!
Ithilwyn hugs you, and you detect the faint scent of tangy citrus and sweet-tart berries around her.
Ntinly hugs Ithilwyn, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
Elronae and the sprite flying above her shoulder glow slightly.
Ithilwyn hugs Chamorr.
Yardie sings:

   "It's......a trap!  It's..............a trap!!"

Perigourd nods slowly.
You bow to Ithilwyn.
Lithyia nods at Yardie.
Lithyia says, "Aye."
Randsford glances at Yardie.
Myharl grins at Yardie.
Queatus agrees with Yardie.
Lilanna glances at Yardie.
A bobtailed fishing cat saunters in.
Dendum says, "We will smash trap."
Bodad begins chuckling at Yardie!
Sorlu gazes in amusement at Yardie.
Speaking to Yardie, Aeith says, "You don't know that for certain."
Queatus says, "They ain't gonna see it coming."
Speaking to Yardie, Talliver says, "It could be."
Speaking to Yardie, Darphin says, "Dont ruin the surprise."
Speaking to Yardie, Perigourd asks, "Can't you disarm it?"
Speaking to Yardie, Lilanna asks, "Laced with brown sugar?"
Perigourd raises an eyebrow in Yardie's direction.
Speaking to Yardie, Aliashyrah asks, "Is it still a trap if we go into it expecting a trap?"
A cloud of thick fog abruptly spouts into existence, then frays and drifts away.
Brute fades into visibility.
Lithyia snickers at Lilanna.
The sky blue sprite flying above Aeith's shoulder glows brightly before returning to normal.
Eleazzar bows deeply to Talliver.
Speaking in Krolvin, Yussof barks, "Strange talking."
Speaking to Yardie, Aliashyrah asks, "Or does that somehow nullify the "trap" aspect?"
Aerocus scandalously says, "A trap."
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Yardie says, "Much like a tree that makes a sound when it falls and there's no one to hear it."
Bodad shrugs at Yussof.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Perigourd says, "The most dangerous aspect of it, at least."
Speaking in Krolvin, Bodad barks, "People are apprehensive."
You notice your companion Queatus slip away into hiding.
Lithyia just opened a soft knitted thorn-patterned cognac pashmina wrap.
Speaking to Yardie, Dendum says, "There is always something to hear around trees."
Aliashyrah nods in agreement at Perigourd.
Kluthuhoop just arrived.
Lithyia just closed a soft knitted thorn-patterned cognac pashmina wrap.
Lilanna turns to face Talliver.
The air around you sparkles briefly.
Someone sings of Kai's many triumphs, lifting your spirits.
Queatus comes out of hiding.
Queatus pours a dose of his potion onto his helm. The thick liquid of the potion swirls rapidly around the helm for a moment, before sinking into it with a bright blue-green glow.
Speaking to Yardie, Dendum says, "That is stupid saying."
Queatus pours a dose of his potion onto his sliver. The thick liquid of the potion swirls rapidly around the sliver for a moment, before sinking into it with a bright blue-green glow.
Queatus just went west.
Ithilwyn grins at Dendum.
Yussof barks at Bodad loudly in agreement.
Queatus just arrived.
Lithyia ponders.
Speaking to Dendum , Yardie says, "Well, stupid people say it."
Lord Kluthuhoop begins to walk west but suddenly trips and goes flailing out of sight!
Queatus joins Lilanna's group.
An awful rumbling emanates from Zeminar's guts.
A bobtailed fishing cat's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around her arms.
Elronae removes a small veniom-bound armoire from in her blue chainsil cloak.
You see a blur out of the corner of your eye, and Svardin's group suddenly appears.
Ibar chuckles to himself.
A delusive will-o-wisp spirit floats in, following Ouendi.
A grouchy lake spirit floats in, following Gruener.
A grumpy little gremlin darts up to Nalver in a breathless hurry.
Aerocus tugs the stopper free from his wolf fang necklace, swiping it across his wrists before returning it to its place. With a diminutive motion, he discreetly rubs his wrists together.
Leafiara says, "Oh wait, should hand over the boxes."
Leafiara chuckles.
Speaking to Yardie, Dendum says, "Agreed."
Elronae opens her veniom-bound armoire, then suddenly several articles of clothing fly out of the armoire and onto her.
A blue wolf pads in.
Lithyia taps something in a ring-bound iron grey leather bandolier.
Elronae just closed a small veniom-bound armoire.
A dark bluish star-bellied spider skitters in.
Speaking to Yardie, Draelor asks, " just said it?"
Elronae put a small veniom-bound armoire in her blue chainsil cloak.
Leafiara removes an enruned mithril box from in her red starsilk pack.
Ithilwyn hugs Leafiara, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
Speaking to Dendum , Darphin says, "I can show you some trees with lots to say."
Leafiara removes a scratched silver box from in her red starsilk pack.
Ntinly hugs Leafiara, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Good job bosh."
Leafiara hugs Ithilwyn, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
A fat grey cat pads in.
Zeminar loses some awareness.
Leafiara offers Svardin an enruned mithril box.
Sorlu appears to be checking his pockets for something, but finds them empty.
The blue wolf barks loudly.
Myharl waves to Leafiara.
Leafiara hugs Ntinly, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
Ntinly flings herself against Gutstorm, bounces off of him, and giggles madly!
Ouendi squeakily exclaims, "So many people!"
Ouendi flails her arms about.
Perigourd takes a moment to observe Zeminar.
Leafiara exclaims, "We made it!"
Lady Bhenidre just pranced away energetically, moving south.
Speaking to Draelor, Yardie says, "I repeated what they said to inform that...."
Svardin casually tosses a battered chest into a woven bark wastebin.
A grumpy little gremlin hobbles around Gryzzlbok and tauntingly waves his loot sack in front of his face.
Lithyia nods at Ouendi.
Ithilwyn grins at Leafiara.
Svardin accepts Leafiara's mithril box.
Talliver says, "We should start making our way down to the docks."
Gutstorm waves to Ntinly.
Vasarias begins chuckling at Draelor!
The grey cat pads around the area.
Leafiara says, "Another man' o war in port."
The little gremlin gnaws voraciously on a small twig, working every one of his sharpened teeth along the way.
Bodad appears less confident and fearless.
Andeller concentrates deeply for a moment.
Leafiara offers Svardin a scratched silver box.
Ithilwyn hugs Gutstorm, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
Lithyia nods at Talliver.
Svardin says, "Hm."
Myharl nods at Talliver.
Aerocus grins at Yardie.
Lilanna nods at Talliver.
Bodad seems to lose some focus as his eyes narrow and shift momentarily to one side.
Researcher Shyspirit just went south.
You turn to Leafiara and cheer!
Aerocus summons a torrent of spiritual mana and releases upon himself a flurry of abjurations.
Bodad loses the flickering black energy surrounding him.
Grand Lord Gryzzlbok just went south.
Speaking to Leafiara, you exclaim, "Just in time!"
Svardin says, "Can't dealwit dem."
Leafiara removes a plain brass trunk from in her red starsilk pack.
Vasarias bows to Leafiara.
Lithyia hoots at Leafiara.
Leafiara nods rhythmically.
Myharl moves over to Jastalyn and stands ready to protect her from attack.
Khazaann and Perigourd bash their forearms in greeting.
Svardin put an enruned mithril box in the Svardin disk.
Ithilwyn gives Svardin a friendly hug.
High Lord Svardin's group just went east.
Ithilwyn pants.
Talliver says, "I hope we have enough ships."
Ithilwyn gives Jastalyn a friendly hug.
A speck of light darts into the area, Leafiara quick on its heels. Before she can catch her breath, the speck launches skyward and disappears.
Wisps of blue flame crackle like static around Brute.
Leafiara ponders.
You nod at Talliver.
The green-gold web of protection surrounding Gutstorm falls away, unraveling as it fades.
Leafiara sings lilting, lightsome lyrics in a lively summons to local spirits! Shining leaves surround her, sparkling and sprightly, and she loosely sways her body lightly...
Leafiara gestures into the air.
An ethereal group of chanting cultists manifests all around Leafiara. One gestures enigmatically, and several vines of ivy appear and pull her away.
Ithilwyn gives Myharl a friendly hug.
The wisps of ethereal blue flame surrounding Brute flare up one last time before vanishing with a staticky crackle.
Gutstorm seems less resolute.
Gutstorm's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around his arms.
Speaking to Talliver, Lilanna says, "At least two manowars stand ready."
Speaking to Talliver, Dendum says, "You have enough ships."
Speaking to Talliver, Darphin says, "Im right behind you Mayor."
Speaking to Talliver, Aeith asks, "How many were you expecting?"
Randsford turns toward Lilanna and renders a sharp hand salute.
Brute reaches into the depths of his wyrmscale herb kit. A measured liquid cadence, like muted waves, begins to emanate from it.
Sorlu smiles at Lilanna.
Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "Who leadin da team ferda Wyrm?"
Speaking to Aeith, Yardie says, "It's....I just have an itch. It's like a feeling of dread that lurked at times."
Chamorr glances at something under a smooth dark stone bench as if it really needs a hug.
The green and gold energy fades from around Aerocus.
Aliashyrah whispers something to Sorlu.
Lithyia exclaims, "Guts! Hi!"
With a slight roll of his shoulder, Randsford slides a white eonake knight's aegis bound by shimmering silver and imbedded with emeralds that form the symbol of the goddess Oleani free and grips it tightly in one hand. A spray of silvery white motes skitters over the surface of the aegis before fizzling out with a fading howl.
Gutstorm waves to Lithyia.
Lithyia turns toward Gutstorm and renders a sharp hand salute.
Aeith nods at Yardie.
Gutstorm's spirits are no longer lifted.
The mirror images surrounding Jastalyn undulate and grow stronger.
Jastalyn renews her songs.
Vasarias bows to Gutstorm.
Gutstorm grunts happily, grinning.
Speaking to Gutstorm, Talliver says, "The Wyrm will be flying ahead to scout."
Ibar shifts his weight.
Gutstorm curtsies to Vasarias.
Gutstorm and Belrog seem slightly different.
Yardie asks, "I have a guest with me. Vasarias. And I think my brother is going with you?"
Speaking to Draelor, Yardie asks, "Are you, brother?"
Speaking to Yardie, Aliashyrah teases, "I have a feeling it lingers most all times."
Sorlu whispers something to Aliashyrah.
Leafiara and her group arrive, their forms illuminated by motes of light.
Lilanna recites:

   "All together?"

Sorlu grins at Aliashyrah.
Speaking drunkenly to Talliver, Gutstorm says, "Need me pilor Wyrm."
Ithilwyn sits down.
Lithyia exclaims, "Join LIlanna!"
Gutstorm grunts and nods.
Talliver joins Lilanna's group.
Ntinly turns toward Lilanna and renders a sharp hand salute.
Leafiara joins Lilanna's group.
Speaking to Yardie, Draelor says, "Sure I guess."
Ouendi joins Lilanna's group.
Yussof says, "Yussof thinks we will have enough. Maybe only half make it to Glaoveln in one piece. Not bad, not bad."
Gutstorm joins Lilanna's group.
Aliashyrah begins chuckling at Sorlu!
Speaking to Yardie, Aeith says, "It is certainly a possibility, and must be taken into account. But saying its possible it's a trap is still quite different from saying it'a a trap."
Phomate slings an embossed spiked veil iron shield off from over his shoulder.
Zeminar joins Lilanna's group.
Speaking to Talliver, Lilanna says, "On your mark."
The green-gold web of protection surrounding Ouendi falls away, unraveling as it fades.
Aerocus waves to Gutstorm.
Lithyia begins chuckling at Yussof!
Phomate turns toward Talliver and renders a sharp hand salute.
Ouendi and Leafiara seem less resolute.
Speaking to Aeith, Yardie says, "I can't help but feel what I feel."
Speaking to Zeminar, Darphin says, "Glad to see you."
You congratulate, ""Ahh you were not last this time."
Sorlu grins at Yussof.
You nod at Yardie.
Zeminar nods to Darphin in greeting.
Mystiq gazes fondly at her viper skin bodysuit as if she sees something no one else can.
With a swift shrug of his shoulder, Perigourd slings a dark faewood battle shield carved with an intricate doe trippant off from a series of straps on the back of his leather baldric.
Sorlu says, "I appreciate your positive spirit."
Leafiara says, "Looks like we have a little more than two man o' wars worth of people."
Tylrana scrapes around and gathers up a handful of snow.
Sorlu nods at Yussof.
Tylrana rolls a handful of snow around in her hands until it is perfectly rounded.
Gutstorm waves to Yussof.
The sewer rat on Ntinly's shoulder makes a sudden flying leap, apparently trying to gain access to the top of her head. Muttering under her breath, she manages to herd the recalcitrant rodent back to her shoulder.
High Lord Svardin's group just arrived.
Lithyia asks, "Yussof you certain you do not wish a garrote for protection?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Dendum says, "We have other ships."
Nalver offers Svardin a battered crate.
Tylrana offers Leafiara a perfectly rounded snowball.
Ibar glances at Mystiq.
A grumpy little gremlin scuttles up to Nalver in a breathless hurry.
Yussof exclaims, "Half ships make it at least!"
Svardin turns toward Yussof and renders a sharp hand salute.
Speaking to Zeminar, Darphin says, "This is my brother, Darineah."
The grey cat meows.
A distant crier announces, "Those looking to sail to for Glaoveln on Mayor Dabbings's mission should meet at the Frostmain docks promptly."
Svardin accepts Nalver's battered crate.
Lilanna says, "Some will be seeing us off and staying behnd."
The little gremlin stares vacantly into the distance, ropes of bubbling drool growing from his shriveled lips.
Yussof barks loudly in agreement.
Svardin just opened a battered crate.
A grouchy lake spirit fades into ethereal form and wafts away.
Gruener traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
Gruener gestures.
A bright pulse of soft energy moves away from Gruener's hands.
An acrimonious snow spirit begins to take corporeal form before your eyes.
Svardin tries to empty the contents of his crate into his cape, and everything falls in quite nicely.
Alsemero looks slightly less tense than he did a moment ago.


Leafiara nods understandingly.
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "We jush came from dere1."
Nalver asks, "What!?"
Perigourd glances expectantly west.
The bonfire roars higher, tongues of flame stretching almost as high as the mule statue's head.
Gutstorm flails his arms about.
Dwi glances up.
Zeminar shifts his eyes to Darineah.
Nalver joins Lilanna's group.
Svardin casually tosses a battered crate into a woven bark wastebin.
A resplendent obsidian black raven flaps in lazy circles overhead.
Lilanna flags down a nearby urchin and exchanges a few words. The urchin nods to Lilanna and rapidly guides your group through a series of back alleys, side streets, and little-used shortcuts until you reach your destination in mere seconds.
Lithyia pants.
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Yoo haul ash good Lilanna."
Recruiter Lilanna's group just went to a time-silvered dock.
[Frostmain Docks, Shoreline - 32339] (u7133002)
Sprouting from a shore of black sand and sharp stone, the docks are an aging trident of planks that stretch out into the forbidding waters of the Frostmain. Chunks of ice born from the vast white icebergs not far offshore bob in the dark water to the seaward side of the walk. Despite the cold, silvery fish dart in the dark waters, little bothered by the frigid tides in which they swim. You also see the Behavin disk and a stone grey ironwood man o' war flying a grey canvas flag.
Obvious paths: north, east, west
Gutstorm grunts at Lilanna and nods.
Lithyia agrees with Gutstorm.
Yardie glances at Vasarias.
Ouendi surveys the area.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
Nalver gives Gutstorm a lingering kiss on the nose.
Draelor gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Aliashyrah's fingers traverse down the chain of her necklace, the perfumed tendrils of smoke constricting across her body, engufling her. Aliashyrah's voice utters a single command, causing the haze to dissipate as her silhouette emerges from the curtain.
Aliashyrah gestures.
Aliashyrah gets a strange look on her face.
Mystiq momentarily gets a faroff look in her eyes, and then returns to normal.
Draelor gestures.
Draelor momentarily gets a faroff look in his eyes, and then returns to normal.
Ntinly hugs Ouendi.
Vasarias grins at Yardie.
The green-gold web of protection surrounding Nalver falls away, unraveling as it fades.
You beam happily at Ouendi!
You turn to Ouendi and cheer!
Nalver nods at Sorlu.
"Follow Niima!" Lithyia declares as she draws a slender rolaren dagger from her cognac leather wrist-sheath. The dagger traces an arc of luminescent ocean blue mist in its wake. A salty spray of ocean water fills the air for a moment.
Taulramil nods.
Darphin says, "Now thats what i call promptly."
Honeyberry slings a hoarbeam composite bow off from over her shoulder.
Chamorr adjusts his black mithril platemail, improving its ability to support the weight of his gear.
Ouendi waves to Dendum.
Ouendi giggles.
Darphin nods at Lilanna.
Leafiara taps her white owl pin on its tiny head and it emits a loud hoot!
Dendum says, "Now this is blessed springing of traps trip."
Sorlu nods to Nalver in greeting.
Behavin joins Lilanna's group.
Links of ethereal chain appear and wrap themselves around Vasarias's right wrist, clinking noisily as he prepares a spell...
Nalver hugs Sorlu.
Ntinly cracks her knuckles!
Yussof says, "Colder here. Much better."
Vasarias skillfully begins to weave another verse into his harmony.
Vasarias begins singing and focuses his voice into a vortex of air centered on his left arm.
Chamorr adjusts Ouendi's black leathers, improving its ability to support the weight of her gear.
Lithyia grins at Yussof.
Ouendi nods to Dendum.
Nalver hugs Aliashyrah.
Nalver seems less resolute.
Vasarias begins singing and focuses his voice into a vortex of air shaped like a sonic warsword, centered on his right hand.
Aerocus leans softly against Behavin.
Aliashyrah nods in greeting at Nalver.
Chamorr heartily says, "Who wants armor support."
Elronae gazes fondly at her reflection in the dark jade br
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Dat boat named affer a chicken."
Elronae nods at Chamorr.
Aerocus gives Behavin a warm buss on the lips.
Gutstorm points at a stone grey ironwood man o' war flying a grey canvas flag.
A blast of heat explodes from Behavin's vultite handaxe as the violet flames surrounding it gain new life.
Darphin raises his hand.
Bodad glances at Chamorr and raises his hand.
Jastalyn leans against Myharl, resting her head on his chest and turning her eyes to meet his.
Elronae pats the swamp rat on the head, the rodent submitting to the condescending gesture with an irritated hiss.
In a pleading whisper to Imaera, Perigourd prays for magical guidance as he prepares his spell.
Perigourd gestures.
Ntinly squeakily says, "I could use some please, Bear."
Chamorr adjusts Gutstorm's double leather, improving its ability to support the weight of his gear.
Yussof asks, "Do I need armor?"
Wolfloner adjusts Lithyia's supple leather armor to cushion her movements.
Aerocus tries to grab Behavin's arm, but misses by a mile.
Perigourd grunts.
Phomate adjusts his imflass full plate, improving its ability to support the weight of his gear.
Aliashyrah smirks at Nalver.
Chamorr adjusts Elronae's full leather, improving its ability to support the weight of her gear.
Leafiara says, "The drakes are on the way."
Myharl lightly scratches Jastalyn's back, his hand moving in small circles along her spine.
Gutstorm grunts at Chamorr his thanks.
Lithyia gives Wolfloner a lingering kiss on the cheek.
Yussof carefully inspects his indigo full leathers.
Aerocus says, "Evansion would be beset."
Speaking to Yussof, Perigourd says, "One always needs armor."
Lithyia nods at Wolfloner.
High Lord Svardin's group just arrived from the shore.
Elronae turns toward Chamorr and renders a sharp salute with her runestaff.
Speaking to Chamorr, Aeith says, "I'd take some armor support if possible."
Leafiara says, "Drakes Vanguard, that is."
Ibar grins at Behavin.
Ntinly looks over at Yussof and shakes her head.
Leafiara says, "There they are."
Svardin says, "Moof."
Chamorr adjusts Darphin's black leather bodysuit, improving its ability to support the weight of his gear.
Yussof says, "This is armor, I think."
A pained expression crosses Nalver's face as he grimaces at Aliashyrah.
Phomate offers Dwi a tiny treasure chest cookie.
Behavin grins at Ibar.
Koreina put a plain brass trunk in the red Koreina disk.
Yussof knocks on some weathered indigo full leathers.
Sorlu smiles at Leafiara.
Ntinly squeakily says, "Ya dun needs it. I jes wears a gown."
Perigourd chuckles.
Ntinly nods at Yussof.
Ntinly grins.
Ouendi produces a taloned faewood scepter clutching a cloudy citrine sphere from the depths of her grey cire raincoat. At her touch, a number of sigils worked into its grain take on a faint luminescence.
Vasarias nods at Leafiara.
Delilahrae works her way into some fitted onyx plate.
Chamorr adjusts Ntinly's plum flyrsilk gown, improving its ability to support the weight of her gear.
Speaking to Yussof, Perigourd says, "Of a kind, perhaps."
Ntinly glances down at the hem of her plum flyrsilk gown and begins to frantically brush at the fabric.
Eofora turns to Leafiara and cheers!
Gutstorm examines Ntinly closely, sizing her up and taking note of all the details.
Speaking to Yussof, Perigourd says, "Metal works better."
Svardin says, "Howdy."
Behavin confidently calls upon her patron as she motions forcefully...
Behavin concentrates on her vultite handaxe for a moment.
A golden-eyed jet black osprey soars lazily overhead.
A pained expression crosses Nalver's face.
Ouendi's faewood scepter vanishes into the depths of her grey cire raincoat. As it leaves her hands, the illumination of its sigils slowly ebbs away.
Aliashyrah begins chuckling at Nalver!
Svardin says, "We brought some ships."
Lithyia beams happily at Svardin!
Leafiara adopts an agreeable expression.
Lithyia exclaims, "Svardin!"
Talliver glances around cautiously.

   "We have Captains Loralaii and Leafiara ready to sail"

Nalver nods at Talliver.
You turn to Svardin and cheer!
Phomate slings an embossed spiked veil iron shield over his shoulder.
Leafiara lets out a cheer!
Ntinly beams happily at Loralaii!
Ntinly hugs Loralaii.
Lithyia gives Loralaii a friendly little kick.
A faint white aura flickers around Elronae.
Vasarias bows to Loralaii.
The grey cat cleans her coat carefully.
Coins joins Lilanna's group.
Ntinly removes a button-eyed stuffed pickle with fuzzy stick limbs from in her rope-laced backpack.
You quietly whisper to Talliver, "We hired some ships from the south...loyal to silvers not to any...err...factions."
Ntinly hugs her stuffed pickle, and it opens its arms as if to embrace her.
Ntinly shows Loralaii her stuffed pickle.
Talliver nods to Dendum .
Jazmeena says, "I gotta run."
Nalver hugs you.
Nosing about inside Zeminar's collar, the cadaverous rat eventually sits up with a dried-up dropping clutched in its jaws. Letting the discovery fall to the ground, the cadaverous rat chitters at Zeminar, obviously annoyed at his lack of hygiene.
Ntinly put a button-eyed stuffed pickle with fuzzy stick limbs in her rope-laced backpack.
Jazmeena says, "Night folks."
Svardin turns toward Jazmeena and renders a sharp hand salute.
Leafiara says, "As long as each ship has a ranger or a wizard, this should be expedient enough."
Lithyia waves to Jazmeena.
Leafiara stretches her arms out in front of her, attempting to loosen the tension in her neck and shoulders.
Jazmeena says, "Thatnks for the funs."
You quietly whisper to Talliver, "We hope...can never be sure until on the water."
Lilanna removes Eofora from the group.
Ouendi produces a perfect dill pickle from the depths of her grey cire raincoat.
Aerocus waves to Jazmeena.
Lilanna removes Ibar from the group.
Lilanna nods at Eofora.
Alsemero clasps Jazmeena's hand tenderly.
Speaking to Leafiara, Perigourd says, "I'm good enough with cannons, that's about it."
Jazmeena waves.
Speaking to Vasarias, Yardie says, "We're with Leafiara."
Ouendi offers Ntinly a perfect dill pickle.
Perigourd nods at Leafiara.
Darphin asks, "Who's leading what?"
Eofora nods at Lilanna.
Alsemero removes an ivory hilted star iron claidhmore from in his black leather longcloak.
Ntinly accepts Ouendi's dill pickle.
Speaking to Talliver, Nalver asks, "I've been gone to the south for a while and you're still here. What's the news?"
Ntinly sniffs at her dill pickle.
Yussof says, "I found it on a dead krolvin, before I was rescued. First I've owned like it, and he didn't need it anymore."
Speaking squeakily to Ntinly, Ouendi says, "Do not eat now."
Alsemero's group just went to the shore.
The warm glow fades from around Dwi, Andeller, Thandrick, Meriella, Loralaii, Coins, Koreina, and Khazaann.
Speaking to Perigourd, Aerocus says, "Hell yeah."
Ntinly squeakily exclaims, "Tank yas!"
Lithyia says, "Wolf and I would like to travel on the Wyrm... I've never been on it."
Ntinly put a perfect dill pickle in her black cloak.
Yussof shrugs.
Lithyia wiggles her eyebrows.
Speaking to Nalver, Dendum says, "You come back just in time to save the Krolvin...again."
Ntinly removes a heart of smooth black glaes from in her black cloak.
Leafiara grins at Lithyia.
Ntinly offers Ouendi a heart of smooth black glaes.
Gutstorm's sentient potato sings a song about him!
Ouendi accepts Ntinly's smooth black glaes.
Yussof stares at Perigourd.
Svardin asks, "Who leadin each group?"
Ouendi tries to eat her smooth black glaes.
Talliver says, "I've given orders that the airship retreat at the first sign of aerial defenses."
Speaking to Vasarias, Yardie says, "I chose Leafiara because if I die, she's brought me back to life before and she dances well when she does it."
Ouendi blinks at a heart of smooth black glaes in her hand.
Speaking to Dendum , Nalver asks, "Does this have to do with Barlan Kane and the door?"
Eleazzar deeply says, "I would not be surprised if there was a very special sort of wizard aboard that ship indeed..."
Leafiara looks thoughtfully at Talliver.
Behavin prays over her chain body armor.
Sorlu nods approvingly at Talliver.
Svardin glances up.
A massive grey wolf paces restlessly about the area, silently traversing the ground.
Nalver says, "Otherwise. I'm an observer."
You seem to blend into the surroundings better.
A bobtailed fishing cat seems to blend into the surroundings better.
A massive snowy battle-scarred lynx seems to blend into the surroundings better.
A resplendent obsidian black raven seems to blend into the surroundings better.
A massive grey wolf seems to blend into the surroundings better.
Leafiara asks, "Are we splitting up here into the ship captains?"
Yardie slings a zelnorn buckler off from over his shoulder.
Phomate glances up.
Yardie removes a wickedly sharp argent vultite katar traced with mithglin from in his ebon leather thigh-sheath.
Darineah just left.
The Darineah disk goes off in search of its master.
Speaking to Nalver, Dendum says, "No but it does involve the Dusk Coven.....who involve themselves with many dark things."
Yussof yips a short bark to Perigourd that is immediately followed by a grunt of doubt.
Leafiara clarifies, "...the naval ship captains, that is."

   "The resepctive captains should lead on their ships"

Speaking to Perigourd, Yussof asks, "Do you have a boat?"
Andeller joins Leafiara's group.
Ruffling its feathers, an amber-eyed snowy owl clicks its beak and melodically hoots a few times on Jastalyn's shoulder before falling silent.
Ouendi's sentient potato sings a song about her!
Vasarias joins Leafiara's group.
Speaking softly to Lilanna, Eofora says, "Allayas come back alive."
Ouendi offers Ntinly a heart of smooth black glaes.
Gruener joins Leafiara's group.
Svardin joins Leafiara's group.
Khazaann joins Leafiara's group.
Ntinly accepts Ouendi's smooth black glaes.
Leafiara says, "I'm taking that as a yes."
Ntinly put a heart of smooth black glaes in her black cloak.
Draelor joins Leafiara's group.
Ibar agrees with Eofora.
Leafiara grins.
Speaking to Yussof, Perigourd says, "Not this far north, I'm afraid, and it only holds a few, fast though she is."
Taulramil says, "So."
Ouendi joins Leafiara's group.
Behavin joins Leafiara's group.
Phomate whispers to the group, "Ya have a ship?"
Lithyia looks over at Phomate and shakes her head.
Yussof emits a noise that is a combination of laughter and barking, his eyes trained on Perigourd and full of amusement.
Svardin says, "We has two man o war."
Gutstorm sits down.
Dwi joins Leafiara's group.
Dwi belches softly.
Leafiara recites:

   "Join up, either Loralaii or I both have big ol' ships docked!"

Yardie joins Leafiara's group.
Ntinly barks wildly at Dwi!
You quietly whisper to Phomate, "Will go with Leafiara unless that fills up."
Gutstorm stands up.
Lithyia asks, "Talliver are you leading the airship crew?"
Phomate nods.
Gutstorm joins Leafiara's group.
Darphin joins Loralaii's group.
Yussof says, "I don't either."
Talliver says, "She's been stripped of her weaponry, but the gnomes and some of Ellerel's recruits were able to provide us with some rudimentary weapons."
Perigourd joins Leafiara's group.
Taulramil joins Leafiara's group.
Speaking to Lithyia, Vasarias exclaims, "Be careful riding on that thing!"
Chamorr joins Leafiara's group.
Dwi heartily says, "I trust da crew I sail wit."
Aerocus says, "I perfer a shp."
Dwi grunts and nods.
Khazaann nods at Perigourd.
Zeminar joins Leafiara's group.
Taulramil nods to Talliver in greeting.
Eleazzar joins Loralaii's group.
Nalver joins Leafiara's group.
Lilanna says, "That is good."
Aerocus says, "I bearthe air."
Phomate asks, "Scant weapons?"
Talliver says, "...specifically, explosive casks."
Speaking to Talliver, Taulramil says, "Mayor."
Ntinly squeakily exclaims, "All hail da gnomes!"
Khazaann slings a skull-etched spiked crimson eahnor pavis over his shoulder.
Eofora joins Ibar's group.
Khazaann grips his vultite katana with both hands.
Speaking drunkenly to Dwi, Gutstorm says, "Wake me up when we git dere."
Svardin asks, "Prolly rest on other ship?"
Ibar nods.
Phomate says, "Das no good."
Talliver nods at Taulramil.
Phomate grins.
Dendum asks, "Who is captain of other man o war?"
Lithyia says, "Explosive casks."
Dwi squints at Talliver.
Aerocus joins Leafiara's group.
Ibar turns toward Lilanna and renders a sharp hand salute.
Thandrick just left.
Eofora nods at Ibar.
Sorlu nods at Aliashyrah.
Mystiq joins Loralaii's group.
Vasarias nods once at Talliver.
The Thandrick disk goes off in search of its master.
Phomate says, "Explosive casks are good."
Leafiara says, "My group's almost full."
The emerald sprite flitting over your shoulder leans over and whispers, "I want sprite battle armor!"
Lithyia says, "I like it."
Nalver joins Loralaii's group.
Phomate says, "Drop dem things."
Svardin points at Loralaii.
Nalver asks, "Guard the shore?"
Svardin says, "Capn Loralaii."
Lithyia invokes the divine name of Niima as she stows her rolaren dagger in her cognac leather wrist-sheath with a flash of luminescent ocean blue mist. A salty spray of ocean water lingers briefly in the air.
Nalver asks, "Anyone?"
Dwi accepts Phomate's treasure chest cookie.
Dwi grunts at Phomate and nods.
Ntinly joins Loralaii's group.
Yussof asks, "Yussof needs to get on boat, but which one?"
Dwi gobbles down her treasure chest cookie in one enormous bite.
Speaking to Leafiara, Taulramil asks, "What is my role and our objective?"
Talliver says, "I've asked Jkarog to call down explosives when needed."
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves Lilanna.
Svardin says, "I could leave dem behind but."
Lithyia says, "Both are excellent captains Yussof."
Ibar nods at Eofora.
Darineah just arrived.
Yussof nods at Talliver.
Lilanna grimaces as her black rat suddenly cranes around her face to see something, its paw anchored onto her nose. A sudden slip sends the rodent flailing and clinging wildly to Lilanna's front before scrambling back up to her shoulder with an embarrassed and sulky squeak.
You quietly whisper to Yussof, "Join the Leafiara."
Deep blue motes swirl away from you and fade.
Svardin says, "Golly only knows what dey would shoot at."
Svardin chuckles.
Darineah joins Loralaii's group.
Nalver removes a small veniom-bound armoire from in his elesine cloak.
Nalver opens his veniom-bound armoire, then suddenly several articles of clothing fly off of him and into the armoire.
Nalver put a small veniom-bound armoire in his elesine cloak.
Ibar just slipped quietly over to the shore, with his group following closely.
Nalver summons a torrent of elemental mana and releases upon himself a flurry of abjurations.
Speaking to Taulramil, Leafiara says, "My understanding is we're heading toward Glaoveln to... uh..."
Aliashyrah shrugs at Sorlu.
Speaking in Faendryl to Darphin, Mystiq says something you don't understand.
A deep growl rumbles in Nalver's chest as he slices his hand through the air, cutting invisible runes.
Nalver gestures.
Nalver appears considerably more powerful.
The shimmering aura fades from around Coins.
The faint blue glow fades from around Coins's hands.
Speaking to Dendum , Leafiara asks, "...discern if there's a trap?"
A pale white aura dances across Leafiara's zelnorn tunic.
Sorlu looks thoughtfully at Aliashyrah.
Speaking to Leafiara, Dendum says, "Rescue Krolvin."
Yussof asks, "You need good place to get through wall?"
Leafiara exclaims, "Ah!"
You notice Coins moving stealthily over to the shore.
Leafiara says, "Rescuing krolvin, got it."
Leafiara nods.
Speaking to Leafiara, Aeith says, "Or rescue survivors."
A small opaque spider on Nalver crawls over to his right upper arm.
Speaking to Leafiara, Dendum says, "And spring any traps."
Loralaii's sentient potato hums an adventurous tune!
Speaking to Leafiara, Taulramil says, "Just tell me my orders and i'll follow them Captain."
The green-gold web of protection surrounding Andeller falls away, unraveling as it fades.
Dwi's sentient potato hums an adventurous tune!
The green-gold web of protection surrounding Svardin falls away, unraveling as it fades.
Taulramil adjusts his dark gold field plate, improving its ability to support the weight of his gear.

The green-gold web of protection surrounding Koreina falls away, unraveling as it fades.
Sorlu joins Leafiara's group.
Aliashyrah joins Loralaii's group.
Nalver leans on Perigourd.
Taulramil asks, "Anyone want armor support?"
Aliashyrah joins Leafiara's group.
Loralaii gives Lithyia a friendly little kick.
Zeminar raises his hand.
Rysolee joins Loralaii's group.
Lithyia winks at Loralaii.
The green-gold web of protection surrounding Dwi falls away, unraveling as it fades.
A pained expression crosses Phomate's face.
Taulramil adjusts Zeminar's ebony leathers, improving its ability to support the weight of his gear.
Sorlu rubs his frost blue eyes.
Talliver says, "Our battle plan is as follows: we'll set up a triage on the docks. They should remain safe enough, if there's fighting."
Zeminar smiles.
Lithyia says, "Glad to see you friend."
Lithyia smiles at Loralaii.
Perigourd nods in greeting at Nalver.
The green-gold web of protection surrounding Gruener falls away, unraveling as it fades.
Leafiara nods understandingly at Talliver.
Nalver yells, "For Ice Mule!"
Taulramil adjusts Aeith's leather armor, improving its ability to support the weight of her gear.
Speaking raspily to Taulramil, Zeminar says, "Thank you."
Sorlu laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.
A faint white aura flickers around Leafiara.
Leafiara turns to Nalver and cheers!
Speaking darkly to Lithyia, Loralaii says, "I am here for you to see me."
Phomate removes a heavily spiked morning star from in his leather baldric.
Nalver suddenly appears less powerful.
Lithyia grins at Loralaii.
Lithyia takes a moment to observe Loralaii.
Lithyia gazes in awe at Loralaii.
Taulramil taps a hammered gold face plate bearing angular fangs of blackened glass that he is wearing.
Loralaii adopts an agreeable expression.
Delilahrae asks, "Who is leading the airship?"
Phomate says, "I heard fightin."
Nalver yells, "What makes this group?"
Taulramil taps a suit of resplendent dark gold Vaalorian field plate banded with golvern that he is wearing.
Speaking heartily to Leafiara, Dwi says, "I'll sooperbise...but I aint steerin."
Chamorr removes a chromatic glaes broadsword with a dragon-carved handle and moonstone pommel from in his shoulder sheath.
Chamorr slings a black shield emblazoned with a triple moon emblem in an argent circle off from over his shoulder.
Lithyia asks, "Aye, who is leading airship group?"
Dwi glances at Nalver.
Jkarog just arrived.
Leafiara grins at Dwi.
Lithyia waves to Jkarog.
Perigourd nods in greeting at Jkarog.
Lithyia exclaims, "Jkarrrrrrog!"
Inclining his head, Myharl lifts his right hand in greeting to Jkarog, the motion drawing attention to the tower signet ring on his right middle finger.
Nalver says, "Us..."
Jkarog bows.
Lilanna's sentient potato sings a song about her!
Speaking to Talliver, Taulramil asks, "Are you coming with us?"
Aeith nods to Jkarog in greeting.
Vasarias bows to Jkarog.
Aerocus closes his eyes for a moment as he slowly raises his hands to shoulder-level. You hear and feel a resounding low thrumming sound just as a multitude of sharp pieces of debris splinter off from underfoot, savagely assailing the area!
As swiftly as the chaos came to be, it recedes again into the surroundings.
Jkarog looks about eagerly.
Nalver yells, "Who are we?"
Taulramil nods warily to Jkarog.
Leafiara asks, "Glaoveln is generally northwest? Any... tricks of the sea we need to worry about?"
Sweeping her arm outward, Lithyia bows low in a grand fashion before Jkarog.
Nalver yells, "Ice Mule!?"
Lilanna looks over at Delilahrae and shakes her head.
Sorlu nods to Jkarog in greeting.
The Thandrick disk arrives in the room, shivering violently. It then disintegrates, dropping a plain monir coffer on the ground.
Speaking to Loralaii, Queatus asks, "Need more?"
Lithyia says, "NOrthwatch."
Where are you trying to go?
Speaking in Giantman, Aerocus exclaims something you don't understand.
A faint blue glow surrounds Taulramil's hands.
From beyond a time-silvered dock, you hear Svardin yell, "Crazy!"
Necrel just went out.
Dwi heartily says, "We gots one too many Yappies anna no bards."
Taulramil says, "Load the first one."
Dwi grunts, amused.
Lithyia says, "Oh."
The little gremlin presents Andeller with the crushed carapace of a recently deceased beetle, his nasty little mouth contorted into a beaming grin.
Dwi leans on Yardie.
Lithyia frowns at Talliver.
Yardie stares at Dwi.
Lithyia asks, "Who has room for Wolf and I then?"
You quietly whisper to Leafiara, "Have any room?"
Vasarias grins at Dwi.
Lithyia asks, "On their ship?"
Lilanna asks, "Do we need another ship?"
Zeminar draws his grey-scaled staff from his runestaff sling, tracing an arc of green necrotic haze in its wake.
Vasarias bows to Dwi.
Queatus points at Loralaii.
Speaking to Loralaii, Leafiara asks, "How full is your ship?"
Speaking to Talliver, Nalver asks, "Do you know anything about what she sees?"
Queatus nods at Lithyia.
Darphin says, "Lovely to see you."
Leafiara whispers, "Not at the moment..."
Taulramil says, "I think three ships might be needed."
Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "We dere yet>?"
You quietly whisper to Leafiara, "That is fine."
Gutstorm raises an eyebrow.
Phomate nods at Gutstorm.
Leafiara whispers, "Oh, now there's room."
Lithyia nods at Queatus.
Speaking to Gutstorm, Lilanna says, "And back go home."
Dwi shakes her head, clucking her tongue.
Lithyia asks, "Loralaii, you got room for two more?"
Lithyia glances at Loralaii.
Taulramil grumbles.
The grey cat watches a delusive will-o-wisp spirit carefully.
Phomate put a heavily spiked morning star in his leather baldric.
Leafiara says, "Okay, my group is full agan."
You quietly whisper to Lithyia, "Be careful on that ship."
Phomate grabs some Elanthian well-aged whiskey from inside his thick leather knapsack.
Aliashyrah glances appraisingly around the area.
Loralaii darkly says, "Ive a dozen."
Jkarog asks, "Who should I follow?"
Ntinly winces as a sickly sewer rat snuffles along her neck, pausing to dig its nose into her ear.
Phomate offers Gutstorm some Elanthian well-aged whiskey.
Speaking to Lithyia, Aliashyrah says, "If my count is correct, she does."
Yussof asks, "Yussof going on a boat?"
Speaking to Jkarog, Darphin says, "Lora."
Gutstorm accepts Phomate's well-aged whiskey.
Zeminar raises his hand and begins to count his fingers.
Gutstorm grunts at Phomate his thanks.
Honeyberry just went to the shore.
Jkarog glances between Darphin and Loralaii.
Lithyia joins Loralaii's group.
Gutstorm takes a drink from his well-aged whiskey.
Gutstorm looks rather relaxed.
Wolfloner joins Loralaii's group.
Perigourd glances appraisingly at Darphin.
Jastalyn softly says, "I'll lead the White Wyrm group if no one else will."
Speaking to Jkarog, Sorlu says, "Loralaii."
Svardin whispers to the group, "Don't tink is 40 here."
Nalver waves at a grumpy little gremlin in a dismissing gesture.
The little gremlin huffs annoyedly, swings his sack over his shoulder, and scuttles away.
Sorlu nods at Jkarog.
Leafiara asks, "Well... some are going on the Wyrm, right?"
Lithyia draws her rolaren dagger in the divine name of Niima! The dagger traces an arc of luminescent ocean blue mist in its wake. A salty spray of ocean water fills the air for a moment.
Lithyia turns toward Loralaii and renders a sharp salute with her rolaren dagger.
Darphin smiles at Jkarog.
Jastalyn draws Myharl close to her and gazes deeply into his eyes, making it clear that she wishes him to linger near.
Speaking to Jastalyn, Aliashyrah says, "None shall be going on the White Wyrm."
Leafiara says, "We should be fine, I think, unless everyone is going by sea..."
Phomate offers Gutstorm a tiny treasure chest cookie.
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Wyrm left early."
Gutstorm accepts Phomate's treasure chest cookie.
Taulramil says, "Said the wyrm is airborn and not taking on crew."
Speaking to Leafiara, Talliver says, "No one will be traveling aboard the Wyrm except her trained crew."
Speaking to Leafiara, Aliashyrah says, "Everyone is going by sea."
Leafiara says, "Oh. Well."
Taulramil nods at Leafiara.
Aerocus removes a sea blue mermaid rose from in his tanned leather cloak.
Lithyia says, "I was so looking forward to going on the Wyrm too."
Lithyia frowns.
Jastalyn softly says, "Alright."
A massive snowy battle-scarred lynx glances warily about, his large ears rotating as he scents the air.
Gruener nods at Dwi.
Leafiara asks, " anyone have a third ship?"
Taulramil sighs.
Delilahrae joins Loralaii's group.
Ouendi squeakily asks, "Was there another route?"
Loralaii rubs Lithyia gently.
Ouendi furrows her brow.
Speaking to Talliver, Yardie says, "Let's hope they don't shoot the wyrm down."
Lithyia glances at Loralaii and pouts.
Speaking to Leafiara, Darphin says, "I have a slop."
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Me gotta carrot back in Whemdingersh."
Phomate says, "A sloop,"
Lithyia exclaims, "But i'll ride with Captain Loralaii!"
Jastalyn softly says, "I've a brigantine."
Phomate says, "Nuttin big."
Eleazzar says, "Sensible. I'm not sure I'd trust this group on an airship either."
Speaking to Lithyia, Talliver says, "Truth be told, I prefer the air to the water, but..."
Speaking darkly to Lithyia, Loralaii says, "We can pretend later."
Taulramil says, "Once a crew is filled we should board the ship."
Talliver joins Loralaii's group.
Aerocus gives Behavin a lingering kiss on the cheek.
A burly swamp rat on Elronae's shoulder plops down and begins grooming itself with an almost comical air of fastidiousness.
Leafiara says, "Two man o' war ships and even a sloop is big enough for what we have here, I think."
Dwi commandingly exclaims, "If'n yer job issa Ballast..stay outta da parrot's nests!"
Speaking to Loralaii, Svardin asks, "You has room for more?"
Jastalyn just went to the shore.
Lithyia says, "I will stand at the front and hold my arms out."
Dwi glances at Yardie.
Dwi smirks.
Behavin hugs Aerocus, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
Lithyia says, "And pretend I am flying."
Lithyia nods at Loralaii.
Phomate flaps his arms wildly.
Lithyia chuckles.
Speaking to Dwi, Yardie says, "I'm not leaving, you."
Jkarog joins Loralaii's group.
Lithyia says, "Wolfloner can hold me up."
Jastalyn just arrived from the shore.
Lithyia grins at Wolfloner.
Perigourd furrows his brow.
Loralaii darkly says, "Ive 17 so far."
Dwi chuckles.
Gutstorm points north.
Dwi tries to pull Yardie towards her.
Your spirits are no longer lifted by stories of Kai's Triumphs.
Aerocus offers Behavin a sea blue mermaid rose.
Taulramil leans back.
Speaking to Dwi, Yardie exclaims, "Gahhh!!"
Jastalyn's chestnut amulet flickers various shades of blue.
Leafiara says, "19 here."
Speaking to Lithyia, Aliashyrah says, "Then you are offering to be the figurehead? I am certain we could find some way to attach you to the front."
"For Oleani," Behavin murmurs as she stows her vultite handaxe in her silvery thigh-scabbard with a flash of vibrant rose-hued light. The heady scent of fresh roses lingers briefly in the air. A brief shimmer of misty green light erupts from inside the thigh-scabbard along with a muffled bellow.
Dwi chuckles to herself.
Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "Anyone gotta map to Galoven?"
Behavin accepts Aerocus's blue mermaid rose.
The sky blue sprite flying above Aeith's shoulder giggles.
Mystiq turns an ear to the side, listening intently to the surroundings.
Ntinly folds her hands and deeply intones a sonorous mantra...
Phomate asks, "Who to join?"
Ntinly's eyes glaze over as she focuses on something unseen.
Dwi just opened a fur-lined dark chestnut cloak.
Lithyia snickers at Aliashyrah.
Behavin grins at Aerocus.
Lithyia grins at Aliashyrah.
Aerocus hugs Behavin, who wraps him in a warm embrace.
The bones surrounding Ntinly's forearms shift and fortify.
Speaking to Dwi, Yardie exclaims, "Your beard is itchy!"
Svardin whispers to the group, "I count 41 here plus me."
Behavin gives Aerocus a lingering kiss.
Speaking to Phomate, Leafiara says, "Loralaii or me."
Dwi removes a water-stained nautical chart from in her dark chestnut cloak.
Ntinly's hands grow hard and scaly.
Yussof erupts in loud, high-pitched barking as he glances about with an insecure expression.
Speaking darkly to Gutstorm, Loralaii says, "I hope so."
Lilanna joins Loralaii's group.
You quietly whisper to Phomate, "Loralaii's ship has room."
Ntinly's skin seems to briefly glow with a dull light that causes her complexion to take on a scaly quality.
Leafiara clasps Phomate's hand tenderly.
Perigourd nods at Nalver.
Ntinly suddenly looks a lot more powerful.
Ntinly is surrounded by a white light.
Dwi shows Gutstorm her nautical chart.
Aerocus gives Ntinly a friendly hug.
Gutstorm offers Loralaii a tiny treasure chest cookie.
Elronae leans on her runestaff.
Aerocus removes a cotton-tied bundle of dried rosemary from in his tanned leather cloak.
Phomate turns toward you and renders you a sharp hand salute.
Svardin whispers to the group, "I will stay behind."
Dwi glances at her nautical chart and taps it lightly as she contemplates a thought.
Loralaii accepts Gutstorm's treasure chest cookie.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Queatus says, "Good idea, she is good luck."
Gutstorm turns toward Svardin and renders a sharp hand salute.
Loralaii agrees with Gutstorm.
Aeith asks, "How many can a man o war hold in total?"
Leafiara turns toward Svardin and renders a sharp hand salute.
Svardin says, "I'll stay ashore."
Speaking to Aeith, Leafiara says, "20."
Gruener whispers to the group, "We gonna sink the boat."
Nuzzling about the nape of Zeminar's neck, the cadaverous rat seizes a tuft of hair in its jaws and gives a sharp YANK! Quicker than Zeminar's hand, the cadaverous rat scrambles down to Zeminar's burlap sack and disappears inside with its new batch of bedding. It re-emerges a moment later and returns to its perch with a squeak of amusement.
Behavin just opened a grey boiled leather poke embroidered with fountaining petals of cherry blossoms.
Behavin put a steel grey mantlet trailing cornflower blue silk ribbons in her boiled leather poke.
Behavin just closed a grey boiled leather poke embroidered with fountaining petals of cherry blossoms.
Speaking drunkenly to Svardin, Gutstorm says, "Hold down da fort."
Lithyia smirks at Queatus.
Jkarog fretfully rubs his hands together, his thoughts clearly distant.
Aeith nods at Leafiara.
Speaking heartily to her nautical chart, Dwi says, "Der's an ex onna dis one."
Speaking to Loralaii, Aliashyrah asks, "We have 18 so far?"
Dwi grunts at the chart in satisfaction.
Yardie glances at Jkarog.
Yussof yips a short bark to Jkarog that is immediately followed by a grunt of doubt.
Behavin removes a steel grey mantlet trailing cornflower blue silk ribbons from in her boiled leather poke.
The faint blue glow fades from around Taulramil's hands.
Ntinly squeakily says, "Man o War kin hold 20."
The shimmering aura fades from around Taulramil.
Leafiara says, "Room for 1 more on mine since Svardin's staying back."
Behavin put a sea blue mermaid rose in her boiled leather poke.
Queatus says, "I am always finding stuff on the ground when she is around."
Svardin says, "I'll keep Rufus, Fang and da nitwits as rearguard."
Dwi put a water-stained nautical chart in her dark chestnut cloak.
Aerocus put a cotton-tied bundle of dried rosemary in his ora-plated pack.
Dwi just closed a fur-lined dark chestnut cloak.
Speaking to Dwi, Phomate asks, "That good?"
Dwi grunts at Phomate noncommittally and shrugs her shoulders.
Sorlu nods in agreement at Taulramil.
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Leafi grab one dem barker brudders."
Gutstorm glances between Jkarog and Yussof.
Leafiara gazes in amusement at Gutstorm.
Eleazzar suggestively says, "We should make haste, it may be unwise to let the Wyrm move so far ahead without support."
Wolfloner adjusts his shadarl aketon, improving its comfort and maneuverability.
Speaking to Gutstorm, Yardie says, "I understand Krolvin."
Speaking heartily to Phomate, Dwi says, "I loan'd it to Nalber...mite jus be a dead bug."
Aerocus removes a mug of Blackdew grog from in his tanned leather cloak.
Loralaii darkly says, "19."
Speaking to Queatus, Aliashyrah says, "Then she may be clumsy or careless, not lucky."
Phomate barks loudly!
Phomate snickers.
Aerocus takes a drink from his Blackdew grog.

   "Is everyone on a crew?"

Aeith agrees with Eleazzar.
Aerocus looks quite relaxed.
Nalver grins at Perigourd.
Nalver shrugs.
Speaking in Faendryl, Mystiq asks something you don't understand.
You quietly whisper to Leafiara, "Ok we leave now?"
A resplendent obsidian black raven beats his wings briefly and soars upward.
Leafiara twists her head slightly, cracking her neck. She looks relieved.
Ntinly turns toward Lithyia and renders a sharp hand salute.
Yussof looks over at Lithyia and shakes his head.
Leafiara says, "Okay..."
Ouendi fidgets.
Darineah's spirits are no longer lifted.
Yussof says, "Yussof not on boat yet."
Talliver says, "Yes, we should start boarding ships. Once she's in position, the Wyrm will launch flares to guide us into the docks... if they still exist."
A pale white aura dances across Elronae's runestaff.
You quietly whisper to Darphin, "May need sloop."
Leafiara says, "I think we're as full as we're getting."
Leafiara nods at Talliver.
Jastalyn softly says, "I have three spaces."
Lithyia says, "Yussof you can join Loralaii's ship if you need."
Mystiq asks, "How many do not have passage on a ship?"
Yussof joins Loralaii's group.
Leafiara exclaims, "We'll meet you all there!"
Lithyia says, "Or Jastalyn."
Whimweaver Leafiara's group just went north.
[Frostmain Docks, Crab Pier - 32340] (u7133003)
A sign with a blue crab on it hangs askew from one of the pilings, the paint having flaked away in places. Its inspiration seems to be the bright blue crabs that skitter around on the rocks near to the shore. They are evidently the only creatures hardy enough to thrive near the warmthless shores of the main. You also see a gold maoral gangplank and a cherry red ash man o' war flying an emerald silk flag.
Obvious paths: north, south

Open Sea U-turns

Leafiara makes her way across the maoral gangplank.
You follow Leafiara across the maoral gangplank.
The movements of Yardie, Phomate, Vasarias, Chamorr, Taulramil, Draelor, and Aerocus no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around their arms.
[Man O' War, Main Deck - 30130] (u-7117100)
Across a gold maoral gangplank, the main deck stretches out in both directions, from the bow to the stern of this massive warship, the wide oak planks gleaming in the moonlight. A bright white flyrsilk sail billows from a wooden mast above the entrance to the cargo hold below, while a crow's nest can be spotted high above. The bulkheads are lined with cannons facing ports fitted with wooden hatches. You also see a hawk-mouthed imflass net-launcher.
Obvious paths: east, west, up, down
Leafiara just arrived followed closely by her group.
An acrimonious snow spirit floats in, following Gruener.
Leafiara grabs the maoral gangplank in both hands and pulls it back up on the deck.
Leafiara grabs a hold of the main line of the flyrsilk sail and unties it from the cleat. Holding the line in both hands Leafiara slowly lowers the flyrsilk sail until it is at half mast.
Across a gold maoral gangplank, the main deck stretches out in both directions, from the bow to the stern of this massive warship, the wide oak planks gleaming in the moonlight. A bright white flyrsilk sail billows from a wooden mast above the entrance to the cargo hold below, while a crow's nest can be spotted high above. The bulkheads are lined with cannons facing ports fitted with wooden hatches. You also see the Andeller disk, the Behavin disk, the Leafiara disk, the red Koreina disk, the Chamorr disk, the Ouendi disk, the glaesine Yardie disk streaked with cobalt veins, a delusive will-o-wisp spirit that is flying around, the Gutstorm disk, the Khazaann disk, the sparking Dendum disk, the Gruener disk, the Dwi disk, an acrimonious snow spirit that is flying around and a hawk-mouthed imflass net-launcher.
Leafiara grabs a hold of the main line of the flyrsilk sail and unties it from the cleat. Holding the line in both hands Leafiara slowly lowers the flyrsilk sail until it is fully open.
Aerocus removes an Ilvari luck charm from in his tanned leather cloak.
Leafiara asks, "Generally northwest, yes?"
Whimweaver Leafiara's group just went east.
[Man O' War, Mid Deck - 30130] (u-7117106)
Attached to a yard on a wooden mast, a bright white flyrsilk sail billows overhead casting shadows on the wide-planked deck. Ropes crisscross back and forth, the intricate arrangement reminiscent of a perfectly laid out spiderweb. Smaller launch boats hang in cradles above both port and starboard sides, raised above rows of cannons.
Aerocus rubs an Ilvari luck charm.
Dendum says, "This is blessed ship."
Phomate says, "Der we go."
Aerocus put an Ilvari luck charm in his tanned leather cloak.
A bobtailed fishing cat trots in and looks up at Aerocus dutifully.
The movements of Koreina, Khazaann, Dwi, and Gruener no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around their arms.
[Man O' War, Forward Deck - 30131] (u-7117110)
The shrouds rising up a wooden mast beyond the utmost a bright white flyrsilk sail pass a lookout post that appears minuscule from this vantage point. A length of sailcloth hangs over the railing, while several mops and buckets are pushed out of the way against the bulkhead. The complicated rigging is attached to elaborate belaying pins along the ship's railing above some cannons.
Obvious paths: east, west, up
A massive grey wolf trots in and looks up at Draelor dutifully.
Dwi just went west.
Phomate asks, "Northwest?"
Dwi just arrived.
Dwi grabs a hold of the main line of the flyrsilk sail and unties it from the cleat. Holding the line in both hands Dwi slowly lowers the flyrsilk sail until it is fully open.
Speaking to Leafiara, Dendum says, "Err west and south."
Yardie asks, "Anyone hungry?"
Leafiara's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around her arms.
Vasarias says, "I understood it to be northwest."
Leafiara says, "Oh."
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "We got 19."
Phomate takes a moment to assess the structural integrity of this part of the ship.
Whimweaver Leafiara's group just went west.
The movements of Ouendi and Gutstorm no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around their arms.
[Man O' War, Mid Deck - 30132] (u-7117106)
Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "Wamme get Yussof?"
Falling behind, your obsidian black raven refuses to follow.
Vasarias says, "Or not."
Zeminar's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around his arms.
Taulramil asks, "Mind if I sit in the crows nest?"
You hear Dwi yell from the helm, "Cast off da castaways! We's Unnerway!"
Leafiara yells, "West and south, apparently?"
[Man O' War, Helm - 30130] (u-7117101)
The mizzenmast towers over a wooden capstan, its large wooden drum wound with thick hemp rope and ready to be turned. Some paces behind a vanilla-hued rosewood wheel, the pathway leading to a wooden door is impeded by a jumble of fishing nets and an overturned launch boat. A pair of fishing poles lean against a thick teak post on which hangs the recently polished ship's bell. You also see the Dwi disk.
[Leafiara is about to DEPART on a voyage, prepare yourself!].
The ash man o' war starts to rock as it drifts out into the open sea...
Draelor just went east.
Leafiara yells, "We're underway!"
Phomate says, "No idea."
Gold-traced pale green ribbons of energy swirl about and coalesce upon Aerocus.
A feral golden gleam flashes through Aerocus's eyes.
Vasarias yells, "West and south!"
Yardie asks, "I have food if anyone wants?"
Taulramil greets Vasarias with a grin.
Dwi blinks.
Phomate just went east.
Leafiara asks, "...has anyone actually sailed to Glaoveln before?"
Leafiara gazes in wonder at her surroundings.
Vasarias bows to Taulramil.
Draelor just arrived.
Ouendi squeakily says, "I am a boundless source of food."
Speaking heartily to Leafiara, Dwi says, "I kint work wit dis many onna da helm."
You nod once.
Vasarias says, "I also have food."
Dwi surveys the area.
Yardie put a wickedly sharp argent vultite katar traced with mithglin in his ebon leather thigh-sheath.
Behavin looks over at Leafiara and shakes her head.
Yardie slings a zelnorn buckler over his shoulder.
Opening the top doors of his modwir basket, Vasarias gazes inside and makes a show of breathing in the scent of the food stored within.
Dendum says, "Yes...went twice."
With a keen eye Leafiara takes a look out at the horizon.
Leafiara opens the wooden door and steps into the Captain's Quarters. The door closes noisily behind her.
You follow Leafiara through the wooden door.
Leafiara takes some time to study the tattered map.
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "When we raided dem warehous for Juramis."
Dendum says, "But the dock closed and could no longer do the trip."
Yardie picks up a blue-tinged white birch board emblazed with an eclipsing sun.
Yardie carefully pulls apart his white birch board, creating an individual serving to share.
Leafiara says, "Hmm."
Speaking to Leafiara, Dendum says, "However this was SOME TIME AGO."
Yardie put a blue-tinged white birch board emblazed with an eclipsing sun in his buffed leather pack.
You chortle.
A bobtailed fishing cat paces restlessly in a vaguely anxious expression of hunger.
Dendum says, "Right after volcano."
Leafiara nods absently Dendum .
Aimless, the ash man o' war rocks idly in the ocean waters.
Whimweaver Leafiara's group just went out.
Andeller appears less confident.
Dendum says, "Memory may not be best."
Vasarias closes both of the upper doors on his modwir basket, hiding its contents from sight.
Phomate carefully lifts his cannon ball and drops it into the tubular opening of a hawk-mouthed imflass cannon. With a loud *THUNK* you can hear the cannon ball hit the bottom.
Yardie asks, "Anyone want squab?"
The mizzenmast towers over a wooden capstan, its large wooden drum wound with thick hemp rope and ready to be turned. Some paces behind a vanilla-hued rosewood wheel, the pathway leading to a wooden door is impeded by a jumble of fishing nets and an overturned launch boat. A pair of fishing poles lean against a thick teak post on which hangs the recently polished ship's bell. You also see a bobtailed fishing cat, a resplendent obsidian black raven that is flying around, the Dwi disk and a massive grey wolf.
Phomate grabs an iron cannon ball from inside his thick leather knapsack.
Dendum says, "However it was not far from the Frostmain."
Leafiara yells, "You're steering, Dwi?"
Phomate says, "Jess in cas."
The ash man o' war cuts through the ocean, heading south at full speed.
Yardie removes a chocolate and coconut rum shake topped with mint chocolate chips from on his white birch board.
You hear Dwi yell from the helm, "I jus gittin us outta port!"
Yardie offers Gutstorm a chocolate and coconut rum shake topped with mint chocolate chips.
Vasarias yells, "Yer goin a little fast!"
Behavin says, "We're goin south."
You hear Dwi yell from the helm, "Boat's a boat!"
Gutstorm accepts Yardie's coconut rum shake.
Speaking to Behavin, Leafiara asks, "So it's northwest?"
Squire Legionnaire Taulramil just went out.
Leafiara furrows her brow.
Behavin nods at Leafiara.
Gutstorm grunts at Yardie his thanks.
You hear Phomate yell from the helm, "She's built fer speed!"
Gutstorm licks around his shake, sculpting it.
Speaking to Leafiara, Perigourd says, "The wyrm should fire up flares to indicate our direction."
Dwi takes some time to study the tattered map.
Leafiara looks thoughtfully at Perigourd.
Phomate opens the wooden door and steps into the Captain's Quarters. The door closes noisily behind him.
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Me shcuptor."
The golden gleam fades from Aerocus's eyes.
The ash man o' war cuts through the ocean, heading southwest at full speed.
Phomate just arrived.
Khazaann appears less confident.
Dwi grabs hold of the rosewood wheel and does her best to steer the ship to the northwest.
Yardie removes a slice of lemon meringue pie from on his white birch board.
Dwi cackles!
Urchin Gutstorm begins to walk east but suddenly trips and goes flailing out of sight!
Whispering beneath his breath, Zeminar begins a calculated attack of inflections and twists of his hands. As he gestures, a skeletal visage of sanguine and black bleeds across his face, fading as quickly as it arrived...
You hear Taulramil yell from the crow's nest, "Ocean looks calm!"
Zeminar nods at Perigourd.
Zeminar gestures.
Yardie offers Leafiara a slice of lemon meringue pie.
The mizzenmast towers over a wooden capstan, its large wooden drum wound with thick hemp rope and ready to be turned. Some paces behind a vanilla-hued rosewood wheel, the pathway leading to a wooden door is impeded by a jumble of fishing nets and an overturned launch boat. A pair of fishing poles lean against a thick teak post on which hangs the recently polished ship's bell. You also see the Dwi disk, the Gruener disk, the Andeller disk, the Behavin disk, the Leafiara disk, the red Koreina disk, the Chamorr disk, the Ouendi disk, the glaesine Yardie disk streaked with cobalt veins, the Khazaann disk, the sparking Dendum disk, a resplendent obsidian black raven that is flying around, an acrimonious snow spirit that is flying around, a bobtailed fishing cat, a delusive will-o-wisp spirit that is flying around and a massive grey wolf.
Speaking to Yardie, Draelor asks, "You just carry around pie?"
You open the wooden door and step into the Captain's Quarters. The door closes noisily behind you.
You hear Dwi yell from the helm, "Make Gutstorm dribe!"
You hear Phomate yell from the main deck, "Did we git a headin?"
Gutstorm just arrived.
Perigourd takes some time to study the tattered map.
Perigourd just went out.
Gutstorm climbs onto the cherry bed for a good rest.
Gutstorm closes his eyes and appears to fall asleep.
Gutstorm seems slightly different.
Leafiara grabs hold of the rosewood wheel and does her best to steer the ship to the north.
Dwi accepts Gruener's orange cracker sandwich.
Vasarias laughs!
A holy aura radiates from Leafiara's starsong-soled sandals.
Dwi grunts at Leafiara bashfully, averting her eyes.
Phomate asks, "North west now?"
The ash man o' war cuts through the ocean, heading north at full speed.
Gutstorm takes some time to study the tattered map.
Zeminar just went out.
Leafiara yells, "Keeping a watch on the sea map!"
Yardie removes some garlicky mashed potatoes from on his white birch board.
Behavin takes a bite of her lemon meringue pie.
You yell, "Watching map!"
Yardie offers you some garlicky mashed potatoes. Click ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.
Phomate takes some time to study the tattered map.
Offer declined.
Vasarias exclaims, "I have some ale if anyone is thirsty!"
Leafiara yells, "Do we have anyone keeping wind in the sails?"
Phomate just went out.
Gutstorm's black acorn amulet flickers various shades of red.
Ouendi takes some time to study the tattered map.
Yardie offers Aerocus some garlicky mashed potatoes.
You hear Dwi yell from the helm, "Slack winds!"
Aerocus accepts Yardie's garlicky mashed potatoes.
Vasarias takes some time to study the tattered map.
Aerocus nods appreciatively at Yardie.
Yardie removes a stack of blueberry pancakes from on his white birch board.
Aerocus gobbles down his garlicky mashed potatoes in one enormous bite.
You yell, "Err...really think it was other direction last time..."
Leafiara mutters, "We're apparently flipping a coin on going the correct direction or the wrong one."
The ash man o' war cuts through the ocean, heading northwest at full speed.
Yardie offers Ouendi a stack of blueberry pancakes.
Leafiara says, "And some people seem to be certain either way."
You hear Phomate yell from the helm, "Which way?"
Aerocus is surrounded by a writhing barrier of sharp thorns.
Dendum asks, "Who of them have sailed this?"
Ouendi accepts Yardie's blueberry pancakes.
Ouendi gobbles down a big bite of her blueberry pancakes.
You peer closely at a tattered map, but see nothing of interest. Maybe if you examined it closely, you would see more.
You hear Dwi yell from the helm, "I said Imma only sooperbisin! Gits yer butt on deck!"
Ouendi gobbles down her blueberry pancakes in one enormous bite.
Leafiara says, "I tried asking Talliver several times and he wouldn't say."
Dwi just went out.
You hear Perigourd yell from the crow's nest, "Nothing from above!"
You hear Dwi yell from the helm, "Helm takin commands agin!"
You hear Phomate yell from the helm, "Keep that eye out fer land!"
Yardie removes a squat warg meat sausage link with curved ends from on his white birch board.
Leafiara gazes heavenward.
Dendum says, "Well we will be up entire boundry."
Chamorr takes some time to study the tattered map.
Gutstorm wakes up from his slumber.
Gutstorm stands up off of the bed.
Urchin Gutstorm begins to walk out but suddenly trips and goes flailing out of sight!
Heralded by a loud crash, a chocolate and coconut rum shake topped with mint chocolate chips tumbles into the area!
Lord Khazaann just went out.
Speaking to Leafiara, Dendum says, "'Trust Dendum...go other way less far than this...if it is not that way then can turn around."
Yardie exclaims, "My shake!!"
Lady Gruener just went out.
Lord Andeller just went out.
Yardie, Vasarias, Ouendi, and Leafiara seem less resolute.
Leafiara says, "On the bright side, if it's not up there, we'll know pretty shortly."
Heralded by a loud crash, an ayanad crystal tumbles into the area!
Koreina and Chamorr seem less resolute.
Aerocus turns his eyes to the sky and gazes upward enviously.
The ash man o' war cuts through the ocean, heading west at full speed.
Leafiara glances at an ayanad crystal.
Aerocus seems less resolute.
You hear Dwi yell from the helm, "Leafi said it's okay to jump onna her bed!"
A bobtailed fishing cat takes up a position of watchful wariness in front of Aerocus.
Dendum says, "Hrmph."
Yardie leaps onto the cherry bed.
Yardie jumps up and down on the cherry bed.
Speaking to Yardie, Dendum says, "Do not understand appeal."
Leafiara starts chortling.
Dwi just arrived followed closely by her group.
Dwi barks loudly!
Dwi's group just went out.
Leafiara gazes in amusement at her surroundings.
Yardie exclaims, "So much fun!"
Yardie says, "Not lumpy either."
Ouendi gives Yardie a rather puzzled look.
Aerocus takes some time to study the tattered map.
Speaking to Yardie, Vasarias exclaims, "So much rude!"
Speaking to Leafiara, Dendum says, "Was most certainly other way."
Aerocus removes an upside-down jack-o-lantern pin from in his tanned leather cloak.
Speaking to Yardie, Vasarias says, "I shall jump on your bed."
You hear Perigourd yell from the crow's nest, "Still nothing but water!"
Aerocus puts on an upside-down jack-o-lantern pin.
Yardie says, "She doesn't mind. Have a squab."
Vasarias put a sonic warsword in his stygian leather longcoat.
Vasarias accepts Yardie's grilled squab.
Speaking to Vasarias, Yardie says, "You can. Just watch out for the belladonna."
Leafiara says, "Hm."
Vasarias gratefully says, "Thank yuou."
You hear Dwi yell from the helm, "Wotcha spectin? Donuts?"
Vasarias glances nervously at Yardie.
Aerocus leans against the throne, taking a momentary rest.
Ouendi yells, "I can make donuts!"
Yardie removes some thick-cut hickory smoked bacon from on his white birch board.
Dendum says, "Who said go west and north? Can push them off of ship."
You hear Dwi yell from the helm, "I knew I shoulnt haff ask'd dat when it wassa haffway out!"
Dendum grumbles.
Vasarias laughs at Dendum!
Vasarias takes a bite of his grilled squab.
Taulramil just arrived.
Dendum says, "Probably Coven trick."
Aerocus removes a small light violet sphere from in his tanned leather cloak.
Leafiara says, "We just sailed here coming from south, so we should have seen the path to Glaoveln if it was due south..."
Dendum says, "Oh well water is good."
Aerocus put a small light violet sphere in his fishing net.
Perigourd shakes his head.
Leafiara says, "Alright, looks like a dead end."
Speaking to Leafiara, Dendum asks, "Were looking for it?"
Ouendi's sentient potato whistles a forlorn sea shanty!
Perigourd says, "I believe it was southwest of the icemule port."
Leafiara says, "I guess we're going back."
Dendum points at Perigourd.
Leafiara yells, "Head back, apparently we went the wrong way after all!"
You hear Phomate yell from the helm, "Aye aye!"
Dwi growls ferociously!
You hear Phomate yell from the helm, "U turn!"
The ash man o' war cuts through the ocean, heading southeast at full speed.
Speaking to Leafiara, Perigourd says, "It will likely confuse those who saw both ships leave though."
Aerocus pinches an innocent jack-o-lantern pin and it stifles a whimper.
Leafiara grins wryly at Perigourd.
You hear Khazaann yell from the main deck, "Prepare to come about!"
A frowning jack-o-lantern pin lets out a cry of pain as Aerocus punches it.
Vasarias agrees with Perigourd.
Aerocus rubs a sad-faced jack-o-lantern pin gently and it smirks silently at him.
Perigourd's spirits are no longer lifted.
The ruby red sprite flying above Leafiara's shoulder salutes her.
Zeminar just arrived.
Zeminar takes some time to study the tattered map.
Aerocus tugs his tweed socks up inside his gold-buckled shoes, taking care to ensure they are evenly matched in height.
Leafiara yells, "Keep wind in the sails!"
Leafiara yells, "We've already lost too much time!"
You hear Dwi yell from the helm, "Anywind at all!"
Aerocus gestures at a bright white flyrsilk sail.
The surface of the flyrsilk sail ripples and billows with the sudden gust of wind.
Leafiara hoots at Aerocus.
Written on this map are some simple directions.
Speaking to Aerocus, Leafiara exclaims, "This sail too!"
Leafiara hoots.
Phomate laughs!
Crossing his hands, Aerocus links his thumbs together and flutters his fingers like the wings of a butterfly. The soft, subtle movement causes his woven bracelet to shift away from his wrist towards his elbow.
Chamorr yells, "This is what happens when rangers steer da boat!"
Vasarias removes the stopper from the vial attached to his carved cittern and pours a small amount of liquid into his cupped palm. Replacing the stopper, Vasarias rubs his hands together briefly before briskly patting his neck.
You hear Phomate yell from the helm, "Whassat?"
Dendum says, "Ok well when we get back south follow western border."
Dendum says, " pretty much just where we were."
Leafiara yells, "Keep to the western border!"
You hear Phomate yell from the helm, "Gotcha!"
Leafiara yells, "Almost there now!"
You hear Gutstorm yell from the helm, "Dat top or bottom?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Dendum says, "Now full south."
Aerocus idly traces the mouth of one of the rhimar-throated scabbards on his grey wolf fur satchel, which causes him to shiver.
Leafiara yells, "Due southward!"
Aerocus brushes off the surface of his grey wolf fur satchel, cleaning any grime that may have collected.
Behavin takes some time to study the tattered map.
Yardie takes some time to study the tattered map.
Dendum says, "Close now."
Aerocus holds up two fingers and slowly pinches them together until they are almost touching.
Speaking to Leafiara, Dendum says, "South and West."
Leafiara yells, "Southwest, then the port!"
You hear Perigourd yell from the crow's nest, "To the southwest!"
Dendum says, "Good."
You hear Phomate yell from the helm, "The port or to port?"
Zeminar raspily says, "Well done."
Dendum says, "Hopefully we skipped setting up stupid triage."
Leafiara yells, "Southwest, then port!"
Leafiara yells, "As in a port on an island!"
Phomate says, "Oh."
You yell, "There will be a port south west!"
You hear Phomate yell from the helm, "Sway!"
You hear Dwi yell from the helm, "Form up?"
The ash man o' war drifts steadily toward the salt-stained port. Shouts are heard from the piers nearby directing the man o' war to Glaoveln, V'Koort Docks. As the ash man o' war sails toward the designated pier, a pair of workers swing aboard from a nearby platform. They race about the deck to lower the anchor and raise the sails. After finishing the job they salute sharply and race off.
Dwi yells, "Rammin speed! It's Gutstorm's fault!"
Zeminar just went east.
You notice Draelor moving stealthily east.
Phomate yells, "Incomin!"
Yardie gobbles down his hickory smoked bacon in one enormous bite.
Leafiara says, "Looks like everyone."
Behavin gobbles down her lemon meringue pie in one enormous bite.
Dwi concentrates deeply for a moment.
Leafiara exclaims, "Onward!"
Phomate throws back his shoulders and lets out a resounding yowlp!
Phomate's yowlp emboldens your fighting spirit!
Dwi reaches for her dwarven waraxe and it nearly springs into her hand.
Behavin draws her vultite handaxe in the fearsome name of Oleani! The handaxe traces an arc of vibrant rose-hued light in its wake. The heady scent of fresh roses fills the air for a moment. A ripple of misty green light shimmers over the surface of the handaxe as a faint bellow vibrates through it.
Behavin beseeches her vultite handaxe, causing violet flames to spring to life around it!
Leafiara's sentient potato whistles a forlorn sea shanty!
Leafiara gives the maoral gangplank a good shove, deploying it below.
Gripping her starsong warblade, Leafiara takes an aggressive step forward.
Phomate concentrates deeply for a moment.
Jastalyn bows.
Speaking to Jastalyn, Perigourd says, "We took a circuitous route to confuse the enemy."
Aerocus carefully surveys his surroundings.
Ouendi gazes in wonder at her surroundings.
Jastalyn nods at Perigourd.
Glancing about, you doubt that anything interesting could be foraged here.
Chamorr concentrates deeply for a moment.
A bobtailed fishing cat swiftly dashes off.
Jastalyn softly says, "We're awaiting the other ship."
A bobtailed fishing cat dashes in.
Chamorr throws back his head and lets out a thundering holler!
Chamorr's holler encourages you by heroic proportions!
Jastalyn softly says, "We can go no further."
Gutstorm recites:

   "'rool one, protect da king
rool 2, git much loot ash ye kin carry"

Ouendi squeakily asks, "Wait.. we got here first?"
Leafiara wryly says, "Oh, good, more than one took the... circuitous route."
Leafiara snickers.
Chamorr lets loose an echoing shout!
Chamorr's shout encourages your fighting spirit!
Jastalyn softly says, "So maybe we'll wait for them to arrive at the next dock."
Speaking to Ouendi, Dendum says, "She got here the first."
Phomate says, "Das surprisin."
Chamorr throws back his shoulders and lets out a resounding yowlp!
Chamorr's yowlp emboldens your fighting spirit!
Speaking softly to Ouendi, Jastalyn says, "No honey, we did."
Ouendi gawks at Dendum.
Leafiara grandly raises her starsong warblade as she stows it in her imflass scabbard with a satisfying *WOOSH*!
Leafiara slides her eonake slasher in her imflass thigh-sheath with a satisfying *SWISH*!
Myharl deeply says, "We sailed ahead to scout the shore."
Myharl nods.
Ouendi squeakily says, "Oh."
Speaking to Ouendi, Dendum exclaims, "But WE did more exploring!"
Andeller rubs his faenor anklet.
Andeller stands tall and appears more confident.
Phomate removes a tiny treasure chest cookie from in his survival kit.
Jastalyn smiles at Myharl.
Zeminar leans back, trying to ignore the shuffling of a cadaverous rat with baleful red eyes as it creeps from one of his shoulders to the other, whacking him a few times in the chin with its long hairless tail.
Phomate offers Ouendi a tiny treasure chest cookie.
Khazaann rubs his faenor anklet.
Khazaann stands tall and appears more confident.
Aerocus removes a tumbler of honey-infused ale from in his tanned leather cloak.
Yardie comes out of hiding.
Dwi heartily says, "Is good ye dint fall oberboard."
Lifting up his glass tumbler, Aerocus takes a measured drink of the ale inside.
Vasarias moves into a defensive stance, ready to fend off an attack.
A bobtailed fishing cat casts a subtle gaze around the vicinity.
Leafiara asks, "Hm. Talliver was aboard the other ship?"
Speaking squeakily Dendum , Ouendi says, "We confirmed where the port WASN'T."
Jastalyn softly says, "They'll probalby dock this way."
Perigourd nods at Zeminar.
You notice Aerocus moving stealthily northeast.
Jastalyn points southwest.
Phomate says, "Der was ale involved."
Leafiara nods understandingly at Jastalyn.
Speaking to Leafiara, Perigourd says, "As well as Jkarog and the other krolvin, I believe."
Dendum nods at Ouendi.
Phomate says, "Er whiskey."
Speaking to Ouendi, Dendum says, "Such is the blessings."
Leafiara nods slowly at Perigourd.
Dendum bows to Ouendi.
Draelor just left.
Speaking to Ouendi, Dendum says, "Who knows how many horrors were averted."
Ouendi beams happily at Phomate!
Ouendi takes a bite of her treasure chest cookie.
Interlocking her fingers above her head, Leafiara stretches slowly, extending her spine in a satisfying stretch.
Ouendi blinks.
Ouendi squeakily exclaims, "Unexpected!"
Phomate nods at Ouendi.
Urchin Gutstorm just stumbled in, flailing his arms wildly while trying to right himself!
Phomate says, "Each one a surprise."
Phomate says, "Hmm."
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Me found shore."
Bobbing its head, an amber-eyed snowy owl hoots a series of low musical notes for a moment before falling silent.
Leafiara grins at Gutstorm.
Draelor nods.
Gutstorm points northeast.
Perigourd stows his bastard sword in his faewood scabbard with a flash of vibrant forest green radiance. A harmony of woodland scents and sounds lingers briefly in the air. A brief shimmer of honey amber light erupts from inside the scabbard along with a muffled huff.
Dendum asks, "The other ship has the mayor yes?"
Perigourd removes a burnished silver spyglass from in his suede cloak.
Phomate gazes west.
Perigourd peers northeast through his silver spyglass and slowly turns the eyepiece to focus it. Squinting slightly, he gazes intently through the eyepiece.
Phomate nods Dendum .
Leafiara says, "I suppose locating magic isn't all that helpful when they're aboard a ship anyway."
Myharl nods to Dendum.
Dendum says, "We are just on time then."
Perigourd put a burnished silver spyglass in his suede cloak.
Leafiara nods knowingly Dendum .
Phomate says, "And two krolvin."
Perigourd just went northeast.
Dendum says, "We may need the Krolvin to get in the wall."
Yardie says, "No undead."
Leafiara thoughtfully taps a finger against her lips.
Draelor's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around his arms.
Dendum says, "Bird sees nothing but us...."
The movements of Gruener, Khazaann, and Phomate no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around their arms.
Dendum says, "As one would a trap."
Dwi's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around her arms.
Leafiara paces back and forth.
Phomate asks, "Who attacked here?"
Vasarias ponders.
Phomate asks, "Dusky coven?"
Speaking to Phomate, Dendum says, "The Volcano exploded."
Taulramil says, "Hmm."
Phomate says, "Ah."
The White Wyrm hovers near the island, her engines whirring over the sounds of shouts and barks from the shore.
The voice of Yardie asks, "Perhaps it was a way to get us out of Icemule so that we have little guarding the spot?"
Phomate points up.
Leafiara glances up.
Myharl gazes up into the heavens.
Ouendi drools.
Speaking to Phomate, Dendum says, "However the Krolvin think the Coven may have been behind it."
Leafiara approvingly says, "Ah, here it is."
Ouendi squeakily exclaims, "The judgment of cleansing fire!"
Gutstorm removes a gleaming ruby-hilted alfange etched with ancient dwarven runes from in his vruul skin sheath.
Gutstorm points at Perigourd.
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Him lead."
Ouendi's sentient potato hums an adventurous tune!
Perigourd raises an eyebrow.
Ouendi nods to a rough sentient potato sprouting a moonflower.
Leafiara lifts a budding sentient potato wearing an iridescent viridian and pink fairy costume from her shoulder.
Holding a budding sentient potato wearing an iridescent viridian and pink fairy costume overhead, Leafiara focuses on her sentient potato. She suddenly looks drained.
The potato recovers some vitality.
Khazaann carefully surveys his surroundings.
Leafiara places a budding sentient potato wearing an iridescent viridian and pink fairy costume on her shoulder, which somehow stays put.
Taulramil gazes up into the sky.
Khazaann gazes in wonder at his surroundings.
Myharl gazes up into the sky.
Taulramil says, "The dragonfly."
Leafiara rubs her chin thoughtfully.
Taulramil says, "Clear skies."
Speaking to Taulramil, Khazaann asks, "Found it?"
Taulramil says, "Yes it was returned with no issue."
Taulramil leans close to the large board, examining the available tasks.
Gutstorm gestures.
Raelee is discovered by Gutstorm!
Gutstorm lets out a cheer!
Gruener selects a task at random from the large board and reads it over carefully before writing her name on it.
Raelee stares sternly down her nose at Gutstorm.
The voice of Yardie says, "I mean, at this point, you've been spotted."
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Dem magictators from da hall not to be trushed."
Taulramil turns in a slow, precise circle, assessing his surroundings from every direction.
Dwi's sentient potato hums a war song, fit for a decisive battle!
Leafiara lightly drums her fingers on her leg.
Ouendi squeakily says, "Well.. we could light up the sky.."
Ouendi gazes up into the heavens.
Speaking to Gutstorm, Perigourd asks, "The town is protecting one, I believe, are they not?"
Speaking to Ouendi, Phomate asks, "You settin fires?"
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Shamantics."
Taulramil removes a leaf-embossed suede dice canister from in his dark crimson jacket.
Perigourd just went southwest.
Gutstorm gestures at the shore.
The shore vibrates slightly.
The distant sound of seagulls fills the air.
Gutstorm's surge of empowerment fades.
A flare leaves Draelor's hand and shoots up into the sky where it hangs for a few moments before exploding into an awesome shock wave of copper light. The sheer brightness of the image before you lingers in your sight for several seconds after the explosion can no longer be seen.
Taulramil gives his suede dice canister a good shake, causing a clattering sound from within. Lifting the lid of the canister, he takes a surreptitious glance at its contents.
The voice of Yardie asks, "Diversion. Get us looking left while they go right?"
Speaking to Gutstorm, Dendum says, "Don't run off the Perigourd....have trap and Krolvin to deal with."
A flare leaves Ouendi's hand and shoots up into the sky where it hangs for a few moments before exploding into a deluge of star-sparked mournblooms. The sheer brightness of the image before you lingers in your sight for several seconds after the explosion can no longer be seen.
A pale-faced coppery barn owl flies in.
Gutstorm turns toward you and renders you a sharp salute with his ruby-hilted alfange.
Gutstorm waves to the owl.
Leafiara says, "I guess if they didn't have wizards and rangers keeping wind in their sails and *also* went the wr--took the circuitous route, that would explain why they're taking a while."
Perigourd draws a sephwir-handled Selanthian bastard sword engraved with runes of nature from his faewood scabbard with a flash of vibrant forest green radiance. A harmony of woodland scents and sounds fills the air for a moment. A ripple of honey amber light shimmers over the surface of the sword as a faint huff vibrates through it.
Jastalyn softly says, "Talliver is steering the ship now so they should arrive any moment."
Jastalyn's group just went southeast.
Perigourd's ghezyte ring pulses with warm jacinthe light.
Urchin Gutstorm begins to walk southeast but suddenly trips and goes flailing out of sight!
Behavin grins.
The voice of Yardie asks, "Wow, they made the Mayor steer?"
Phomate says, "So we wasn't doin that bad a job."
Leafiara amusedly says, "He should have just given the directions in the first place."
Vasarias grins at Phomate.
Leafiara exclaims, "I asked several times!"
Leafiara stamps her feet.
Vasarias agrees with Leafiara.
Phomate nods at Leafiara.
Jastalyn softly says, "They've arrived."
Dwi heartily says, "All's Imma sayin is...sumpbody was sooperbisin onna da helm onna Dis boat."
Speaking to Leafiara, Phomate says, "I feel yer pain."
Perigourd nods at Jastalyn.
Dwi examines her fingernails.
Leafiara asks, "Where are they?"
The emerald sprite flying above your shoulder licks one of its fingers and jabs it in your ear!
Leafiara says, "Or we could just form on you."
Perigourd peers southwest through his silver spyglass and slowly turns the eyepiece to focus it. Squinting slightly, he gazes intently through the eyepiece.
Yardie removes a small statue from in his buffed leather pack.
Perigourd peers southeast through his silver spyglass and slowly turns the eyepiece to focus it. Squinting slightly, he gazes intently through the eyepiece.
Yardie rubs a small statue in his hand.
A faint silvery glow surrounds Yardie's body.
Behavin says, "Must be close by now."
Yardie put a small statue in his buffed leather pack.
The dockyard is shrouded in an eerie mist that blankets the entire area, adding to the deep chill that settles in from the arctic shores beyond. The wooden piers creak and groan as krolvin ships sway gently in the murky waters. The salty air is thick with the smell of fish and seaweed. You also see a shadowy black ironwood gangplank, a shadowy black ironwood brigantine flying an obsidian leather flag and a krolvin boatswain.
Whimweaver Leafiara's group just went southeast.
Phomate asks, "Dis where we got in?"
Leafiara exclaims, "Aha!"
Talliver just arrived followed closely by his group.
Darphin gives the cocobolo gangplank a good shove, sending it back up on the deck of the ironwood man o' war.
Lithyia shakes her head.
A massive snowy battle-scarred lynx trots in and looks up at Aeith dutifully.
Myharl turns to Talliver and cheers!
Leafiara looks at a stone grey ironwood man o' war flying a grey canvas flag and cheers!
Lithyia gazes in wonder at her surroundings.
Lilanna groans.
Darphin turns to Talliver and cheers!
Lithyia exclaims, "We have arrived!"
Jastalyn bows to Talliver.
Nalver blinks.
Phomate turns toward Talliver and renders a sharp salute with his spiked morning star.
Leafiara exclaims, "Nice!"
Talliver sharply says, "Never again."
Lithyia exclaims, "And just when we meant too!"
Speaking quietly to Gutstorm, Dwi asks, "Dis why we keep da helm clear o' gawkers eh?"
Elronae says, "That was an adventure."
Queatus says, "Piece o cake."
Loralaii darkly says, "That was an adventure."
Queatus nods.
Aliashyrah laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement from Talliver.
Nalver squints at Talliver.
Leafiara agrees with Loralaii.
Talliver says, "If we return to Icemule Trace... I'll walk."
A shabby calico cat pads in.
Phomate says, "Das what Dwi said."
Speaking to Talliver, Perigourd says, "The air is definitely easier to travel through."
Lithyia laughs at Talliver!
Leafiara snickers at Talliver.
Eleazzar laughs at Talliver!
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Sorlu says, "I was moments away fromd drawing my axe, and creating my own exit."
Aeith begins chuckling at Talliver!
Speaking softly to Talliver, Jastalyn says, "Should've ridden with us."
Myharl sways back and forth.
Dwi shushes Phomate!
Sorlu smirks.
Khazaann begins chuckling at Talliver!
Speaking to Talliver, Darphin says, "I have a spell for that."
Speaking helpfully to Talliver, Leafiara suggests, "Could always swim."
The voice of Yardie asks, "You can walk on water?"
Talliver nods at Jastalyn.
Aliashyrah raises her voice at Sorlu in merry laughter.
Eleazzar says, "Perhaps the Wyrm will be willing to bring us back home."
Phomate scoffs at Jastalyn.
A faint white aura flickers around Queatus.
The voice of Lithyia says, "Talliver has many talents."
Phomate says, "Twasn't bad."
Draelor says, "Easy to walk on water Yardie."
Lilanna groans at Jastalyn.
Aeith says, "We had a very... sidetracked voyage."
The voice of Lithyia says, "Walking on water is one of em."
Talliver says, "No cannons from the ground so far."
Speaking to Talliver, Mystiq says, "Stop complaining you lived."
Myharl deeply says, "All has been quiet since we arrived."
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Nesht time employ Dwarven Navigator, we besht."
A cadaverous rat with baleful red eyes on Zeminar's shoulder suddenly sits up, scanning the area with a mien of feral regality.
Jastalyn softly says, "We were unable to breech the shore as of yet."
Speaking to Talliver, Nalver asks, "Can I have the town title of the stumbling ?"
The voice of Yardie whines, "I can't walk on water!"
Myharl deeply says, "There are a few Krolvin dock crew here."
Yussof says, "Yussof very confident about plan now."
Dwi grunts at Gutstorm, amused.
Jkarog exclaims, "That... sylvankind attempted to kidnap us!"
Jastalyn softly asks, "Who shall lead this motley crew?"
Perigourd draws a sephwir-handled Selanthian bastard sword engraved with runes of nature from his faewood scabbard. The sword traces an arc of vibrant forest green radiance in its wake. A harmony of woodland scents and sounds fills the air for a moment. A ripple of honey amber light shimmers over the surface of the sword as a faint huff vibrates through it.
Leafiara nods at Myharl.
Elronae blinks.
Nalver squints at Jkarog.
You hear someone laugh.
Taulramil chuckles.
Jastalyn glances over at Talliver and winces.
Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "We also rubb'd Yappie fer luck."
Dwi winks.
Phomate grins at Jkarog.
Dendum says, "Trip of Leafiara trip went well..."
Behavin gestures into the air.
Behavin momentarily gets a faroff look in her eyes, and then returns to normal.
Speaking to Jkarog, Darphin asks, "Old habits huh?"
Perigourd says, "There are krolvin on the shore."
Aeith grins.
Phomate shrugs.
Talliver asks, "Who would like to lead the way ashore?"
Dwi looks less calm and refreshed than a moment ago.
Perigourd says, "They've felled Aerocus."
Speaking to Ouendi, Dendum asks, "One could say blessed?"

Start Here

Behavin says, "Aero is dead up on shore."
Dwi points at Talliver.
Aeith asks, "Has anyone scouted around this area at all?"
The voice of Lithyia asks, "Aero died?"
Speaking squeakily to Dendum , Ouendi says, "Always."
The voice of Lithyia says, "Oh my."
Jastalyn softly asks, "Jkarog I suppose?"
Phomate exclaims, "Whut?!"
Dendum says, "Ahh the trap."
Sorlu asks, "So, shall we spread out in thin, vulnerable groups?"
Sorlu chuckles to himself.
The voice of Yardie asks, "How?"
Leafiara gazes in amusement at Sorlu.
Aliashyrah appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Sorlu winks at Leafiara.
Speaking to Jkarog, Nalver says, "I went hunting with friend then ended up leading you all to this..."
Eleazzar frowns.
Speaking to Sorlu, Aliashyrah says, "That seems an excellent suggestion."
Phomate ducks his head.
Nalver says, "I have no clue where we are or what is happening."
Speaking to Sorlu, Aliashyrah says, "No flaws at all."
Eleazzar says, "Not Aerocus.."
Darphin says, "I think Yardie wants to take point on the exploration."
The voice of Yardie says, "It's a terrible suggestion."
Speaking to Jastalyn, Jkarog says, "Someone else will need to stand at the head. That's where the arrows are usually aimed."
Myharl joins Leafiara's group.
Faint red-gold filaments wreathe Myharl in a web of protection.
Speaking to Jkarog, Yussof asks, "The Harpy has control of the sands?"
Myharl pulls Jastalyn closer to himself.
The white light leaves Behavin.
The very powerful look leaves Behavin.
The voice of Lithyia exclaims, "Jkarrrrog is still funny!"
Jastalyn nods at Talliver.
Nalver just went northeast.
Phomate taps an embossed spiked veil iron shield, which is in his left hand.
The coppery barn owl circles lazily above.
Leafiara asks, "I led because I was captaining a ship, but this being Icemule business... maybe a town councilor?"
Speaking heartily to Jkarog, Dwi asks, "Dat a poop deck joke?"
From nearby, you hear Nalver yell, "I'm the sylvan of something..."
Zeminar shifts his eyes to Perigourd.
Dwi squints.
Phomate says, "Shields work well."
Speaking to Jkarog, Taulramil says, "I'll watch out for you."
Jastalyn softly asks, "So one group at the head and one onto the beach?"
Leafiara glances expectantly at Jastalyn.
From nearby, you hear Nalver yell, "Aimm at mme!"
The voice of Yardie says, "Oh I'll take pointing a certain finger towards your direction. You're nuts."
Taulramil moves over to Jkarog and stands ready to protect him from attack.
Lilanna says, "Let the Krol lead, it's their insland."
You see Recruiter Lilanna Silverveil the Northwarden of Icemule Trace.
Nalver just arrived.
Darphin says, "Give me lead, ill walk us in."
In a perfect imitation of Lilanna, Dendum exclaims, "Reform on Regulator!"
Nalver says, "Nothing..."
Perigourd glances skeptically at Darineah.
You hear someone chuckling.
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Yeah, let da Coven guy lead ush inta trap."
Lithyia comes out of hiding.
Lithyia starts jumping around like a twelve-year-old.
Nalver fidgets.
Talliver says, "The White Wyrm sends that there are significant armed forces barring the way to Glaoveln. They started making their way down as soon as the ships reached harbor."
Queatus joins Talliver's group.
Lithyia says, "Oh great."
Leafiara nods slowly at Talliver.
Yardie adjusts his dark shadarl hunts to cushion his movements.
Taulramil says, "Good."
Ouendi whines.
Taulramil says, "Battle it is."
A small opaque spider on Nalver crawls over to his nose.
Sorlu frowns.
Ouendi squeakily exclaims, "That sounds scary!"
Sorlu put a slender Nalfein-styled cane in his midnight suede rucksack.
The calico cat rubs up against the Darineah disk.
Sorlu removes a dwarven slaughtering axe from in his weapon harness.
Phomate strides over to stand before Ouendi.
Jastalyn joins Talliver's group.
Speaking quietly to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "Ye dis...."
The voice of Yardie says, "The trap."
Yussof says, "The Harpy has seen us coming."
Mystiq removes an ebon-hued mesille runestaff carved with screaming faces from in her black Faendryl robe.
Yardie joins Talliver's group.
Jkarog says, "Hopefully the last of the Harpy's forces."
Dwi holds her dwarven waraxe to her mouth and hesitantly licks its blade. A few drops of blood dribble from her tongue and onto the waraxe's blade as a thin black tendril coils from the waraxe into her mouth. After a moment, Dwi's face appears to turn bright red, and she reaches up and grabs her throat.
Queatus adopts an agreeable expression.
Rysolee removes a lacquered spiralled faewood runestaff from in her black velvet cloak.
Nalver yells, "Form up on me if you have deeds!"
Yussof nods at Jkarog.
Delilahrae draws a perfect walnut-hafted razern maul from one of the weapon loops sewn inside of her black leather cloak.
Eleazzar says, "We are lucky to be ashore then. At least we're on level ground."
Nalver says, "Let's have some fun."
Nalver opens his veniom-bound armoire, then suddenly several articles of clothing fly out of the armoire and onto him.
Speaking curiously to Talliver, Myharl asks, "Should we arm up, or would that imply aggression?"
Gutstorm's sentient potato hums an adventurous tune!
Vasarias joins Talliver's group.
Queatus says, "We got em right where we want em."
The voice of Yardie asks, "Who are we joining?"
Sorlu removes a mithril-edged vultite buckler inset with thick steel knobs from in his midnight suede rucksack.
Jastalyn just opened a compact platinum wild silk carryall with a winter rose-patterned strap.
Jastalyn removes a small veniom-bound armoire from in her wild silk carryall.
Jastalyn opens her veniom-bound armoire, then suddenly several articles of clothing fly out of the armoire and onto her.

   "Everybody join Mayor Talliver!"

Jastalyn just closed a small veniom-bound armoire.
Jastalyn put a small veniom-bound armoire in her wild silk carryall.
Jastalyn just closed a compact platinum wild silk carryall with a winter rose-patterned strap.
Leafiara joins Talliver's group.
Taulramil moves into a defensive stance, ready to fend off an attack.
H>join tal
You come out of hiding.
You join Talliver.
Jkarog says, "If we can make it to the city, I have contacts there."
Gutstorm joins Talliver's group.
Myharl nods once.
Myharl slings a krodera-bound black alloy tower shield off from over his shoulder.
Nalver yells, "From Amasalen and his consort!"
Gruener joins Talliver's group.
Squire Legionnaire Taulramil just went northeast.
The voice of Lithyia says, "Dont worry Mayor, we are watching from the shadows as well."
Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "He's itchin."
As Myharl draws a glowing white sacred warsword, three tiny orbs of blazing flame swirl along the blade.
Phomate moves away from Aeith, over to Jkarog, and stands ready to guard him from attack.
You hear someone giggling.
Dwi waves her dwarven waraxe in a sweeping arc through the air, a thick viscous mist rolling off the blade and churning in its wake. She abruptly sweeps the weapon back through the turbulent darkness, causing the mist to scatter without a trace.
Speaking to Talliver, Darphin says, "Im right behind you, Mayor."
Myharl knocks on a krodera-bound black alloy tower shield.
Glowing specks of light red energy begin to spin around Eleazzar.
Yussof says, "They could think we are unskilled, if they leave the gates to fight us."
Sorlu says, "Very good. Yes, everyone form a defensive circle around Mayor Dabbings and his Council."
Sorlu nods approvingly.
Speaking playfully to Darphin, Aliashyrah says, "I do not think that makes him more at ease."
Speaking to Jkarog, Talliver says, "You're prepared? The Wyrm is waiting on your signal."
Speaking in Dwarven, Gutstorm drunkenly says something you don't understand.
Aeith says, "So if we can make it through the blockade, there may be allied forces within the city walls? Or do you think we will face adversaries there as well."
Gutstorm points at Talliver.
Taulramil joins Talliver's group.
Zeminar shifts his eyes to Jkarog.
Jkarog nods at Talliver.
Phomate says, "Form up."
Taulramil says, "The shore is not that far."
Darphin says, "I offered to lead."
Dwi moves away from Lilanna, over to Perigourd, and stands ready to guard him from attack.
Darphin grins at Aliashyrah.
Taulramil says, "But seems there some force."
Gutstorm grunts at Dwi and shakes his head.
Speaking to Darphin, Phomate asks, "Ya untrustworthy?"
Sorlu grins at Darphin.
Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "I cober da coberer."
Taulramil says, "I hate magic."
Lilanna says, "Usually it's connected to the docks."
A heavy pulse of air emits from Queatus's serrated-edged waraxe.
Zeminar gestures at Taulramil.
The magic of Zeminar's spell withers on contact, unraveling and dispersing without effect.
Khazaann begins chuckling at Dwi!
Speaking to Phomate, Darphin says, "Im trust me completely."
Elronae looks like she was about to say something to Queatus, but she hesitates, obviously having changed her mind.
Speaking to Jkarog, Eleazzar asks, "Where would the refugees be? Any ideas?"
Jkarog says, "...I little like the idea of harming any of my people. But if these have fallen to the Coven's trickery..."
Phomate grins at Darineah.
Leafiara looks thoughtfully at Jkarog.
Leafiara nods slowly.
Sorlu nods understandingly at Jkarog.
Zeminar nods knowingly.
Rysolee uncivilly asks, "Anyone need or want Elementals?"
Yussof says, "There are krolvin in Glaeve who do not wish to fight or be ruled by The Harpy."
Leafiara's sentient potato hums an adventurous tune!
Speaking to Jkarog, Phomate says, "Gotcha."
Speaking faintly to Eleazzar, Jkarog says, "Likely holed up in the city, in their homes."
Gutstorm wiggles his eyebrows at Rysolee.
Lilanna agrees with Queatus.
The voice of Yardie says, "I'll take spirits if possible."
Yussof says, "Merchants and traders."
An errant breeze carries your voice to Bodad, "Spread word if any others stayed behind and you are near."
Phomate says, "Takin cover."
Jkarog says, "Let us hope they have not shut the gates."
Leafiara sways her hips side to side in time with a hummed melody, attempting to entice the local spirits to offer aid...
Leafiara makes a complex gesture at Yardie.
A light blue glow surrounds Yardie.
Phomate says, "Good idea."
Taulramil says, "If you are a healer."
A deep blue glow surrounds Yardie.
Cajoling the lesser spirits, Leafiara utters a lyrical prayer that is accompanied by simple gestures. Her green eyes flash with a holy light as she releases her spell.
Leafiara gestures at Yardie.
Yardie suddenly looks more powerful.
Mayor Talliver's group just went northeast.

* Jesepie was just put on ice!

Yardie says, "Thank you kindly."
A bright luminescence surrounds Gutstorm.
Phomate says, "We got a gate covered."
Eleazzar exclaims, "We must search the homes for survivors!"
Elronae summons a torrent of spiritual and elemental mana and releases upon herself a flurry of abjurations.
Yardie begins to breathe more deeply.
A brilliant luminescence surrounds Gutstorm.
Leafiara hoots at the coppery barn owl.
Draelor gestures at Yardie.
A misty halo surrounds Yardie.
Elronae chants in an arcane language which causes her skin to turn shadowy for a brief moment.
Taulramil asks, "Keep an eye on my wounds eh?"
Glowing specks of light red energy begin to spin around Gutstorm.
Gutstorm looks considerably more imposing.
Paljnoh loudly recites, "Have a ship? Want us to bring it to the docks? I can help you with that!"
Gutstorm flexes his powerful muscles.
Taulramil flexes his muscles.
The voice of Yardie says, "Thank you."
Yussof says, "I might have stolen a few things from some of them, but I'm sure they won't care about that now."
Talliver says, "All right. Be prepared for a fight."
Ouendi cowers.
Loralaii produces a helical illthorn runestaff capped with a tiny grinning crystal jack-o-lantern from the depths of her nacre velvet robe.
Aeith says, "That's a good thing to note, not every Krolvin we encounter may be an enemy, we can't attack mindlessly."
Talliver nods at Nalver.
Nalver says, "Southeast even."
Sorlu says, "Can we call out to them, somehow? Perhaps if we announce our intentions, those who reject the Iron Harpy will turn on those who do."
Gruener focuses on Ntinly with intense concentration.
Ntinly's right arm wound gradually fades, forming on Gruener's right arm instead.
Gruener focuses on Queatus with intense concentration.
Queatus's right hand wound gradually fades, forming on Gruener's right hand instead.
Taulramil concentrates deeply for a moment.
Lilanna says, "Thank."
Yussof says, "On your feet. These sands can be dangerous."
Gruener focuses on Rysolee with intense concentration.
Rysolee's chest wound gradually fades, forming on Gruener's chest instead.
A faint silvery glow surrounds Leafiara's body.
Gruener wavers with sudden fatigue, but at the same time, Nalver appears particularly enlivened.
Leafiara absent-mindedly drops a hollowed small statue engraved with a tiny cookie into her starsilk tote.
The cuts on Gruener's back close and the bruises fade.
Leafiara draws her starsong warblade from her scabbard with a bold flourish, ready to leap into the fray!
Quick as the wind, Leafiara draws her eonake slasher and brandishes it, a wicked little gleam in her eye.
Points of silvery light begin to flicker around Gruener. They grow in number, swirling into a bright flash as her injuries heal to scars, then gradually fade completely. Dimming slowly, the light settles into a shimmering silver cocoon that surrounds her.
Dendum asks, "Yardie?"
Aliashyrah says, "I could use some healing."
The voice of Yardie says, "I'm here."
Gruener focuses on Loralaii with intense concentration.
Loralaii's left leg wound gradually fades, forming on Gruener's left leg instead.
Gruener focuses on Aliashyrah with intense concentration.
Aliashyrah's right leg wound gradually fades, forming on Gruener's right leg instead.
Speaking to Sorlu, Perigourd says, "Perhaps harder to do in the heat of battle when blood is drawn."
Dendum says, "Guess what Yardie."
Gruener's wounds begin to mend as the argent cocoon pulses with light.
Hanging on securely with three paws, the sewer rat on Ntinly's shoulder licks its fourth paw and spends several seconds carefully smoothing out the fur covering its lower back and one leg.
A small whirlwind races past the area.
Aliashyrah nods gratefully at Gruener.
Speaking to Dendum , Draelor asks, "It was a trap?"
Sorlu nods slowly at Perigourd.
Holding his fireleaf staff before himself, Nalver focus intently on a sigil illuminated within its grain. In response to his murmured invocation, the sigil's power blazes forth in trails of twilight blue energy and surges into him!
A brilliant aura surrounds Nalver.
You exclaim, "It was trap!"
You hear a laugh and a clink of coins, and you and your group become a bit less nimble.
The wall of force disappears from around Draelor.
Perigourd glances west.
Phomate nods at Draelor.
A massive snowy battle-scarred lynx appears to slow down and become less nimble.
Zeminar gasps.

   "It's......a trap!"

The voice of Lithyia says, "Of course it was a trap."
The voice of Lithyia says, "I told you all."
Behavin's eyes grow wide and her features fall slack as she slips into a deep trance.
Nalver asks, "Can I get a group to go ahead?"
Speaking to Dendum , Aeith exclaims, "But there may still be survivors in need of rescue as well!"
The silvery cocoon of light around Gruener flashes brightly, then dissolves into thousands of tiny lights before fading away.
Phomate chuckles.
Gutstorm glances west.
Queatus says, "Yeah, we trapped em good."
Khazaann put a sharpened vultite katana in his threaded harness.
Khazaann slings a skull-etched spiked crimson eahnor pavis off from over his shoulder.
A small whirlwind races through the area.
Khazaann removes a sharpened vultite katana from in his threaded harness.
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Lotta dem dat way."
Talliver says, "We continue."
Nalver recites:

   "Drakes form up. We need to be ahead"

Mayor Talliver's group just went west.
[Grim Sands, Longboats - ] (u4426013)
Several small vessels have been dragged past the high water line. One, an overturned longboat, has been scraped clean of barnacles and is slathered with fresh patches of pine tar. A well-worn pathway parallels the bend of the shoreline as it travels to the east. You also see a towering krolvin warlord, a menacing krolvin scout, a menacing krolvin warlord, a grizzled hulking krolvin warden, a hulking krolvin destroyer, a menacing krolvin archmage, a hulking krolvin templar, a weathered krolvin warden, a menacing krolvin templar, a menacing krolvin warlord, a menacing krolvin triggerman, a menacing krolvin triggerman, a hulking krolvin warlord, a weathered hulking krolvin warden, a menacing krolvin tormentor, a towering krolvin obliterator, a hulking krolvin scout, a weathered krolvin triggerman, a towering krolvin archmage, a towering krolvin tormentor, a hulking krolvin paragon, a menacing krolvin archmage, a towering krolvin tormentor, a menacing krolvin warlord, a hulking krolvin warlord, a towering krolvin tormentor, a towering krolvin triggerman, a battle-scarred krolvin destroyer, a towering krolvin warlord, a menacing krolvin paragon, a hulking krolvin destroyer, a menacing krolvin triggerman, a menacing krolvin paragon, a towering krolvin triggerman, a hulking krolvin triggerman, a towering krolvin tormentor, a menacing krolvin triggerman, a menacing krolvin warlord, a menacing krolvin triggerman, a menacing krolvin templar, a towering krolvin templar, a seasoned krolvin archmage, a menacing krolvin warlord, a menacing krolvin triggerman, a hulking krolvin templar, a towering krolvin obliterator, a menacing krolvin destroyer, a menacing krolvin triggerman, a hulking krolvin warlord, a towering krolvin warlord, a towering krolvin triggerman, a menacing krolvin warlord, a towering krolvin archmage, a seasoned krolvin warlord, a menacing krolvin paragon, a weathered hulking krolvin warlord, a towering krolvin templar, a towering krolvin warlord, a hulking krolvin triggerman, a towering krolvin paragon, a menacing krolvin tormentor, a towering krolvin warlord, a hulking krolvin warlord, a menacing krolvin tormentor, a hulking krolvin paragon and obvious signs of someone hiding.
Gutstorm gestures at a towering krolvin warlord.
Numerous grotesque limbs in varying states of decay suddenly burst out of the snow! With startling speed and ferocity, the arms grab at whatever they can!
Taulramil nods at Talliver.
Queatus removes a well-worn serrated-edged waraxe from in his black leather baldric.
Dwi grunts with a sparkle in her eye!
Phomate says, "Chamorr."
Queatus attempts to hum a merry little tune.
Dendum belts out, "Ancestors will deny you are related!"
Phomate says, "And Nalver."
Myharl throws back his head and lets out a thundering holler!
Myharl's holler encourages you by heroic proportions!
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "He zerked."
Myharl lets loose an echoing shout!
Myharl's shout encourages your fighting spirit!
Several small vessels have been dragged past the high water line. One, an overturned longboat, has been scraped clean of barnacles and is slathered with fresh patches of pine tar. A well-worn pathway parallels the bend of the shoreline as it travels to the east. You also see a piece of iron, a massive snowy battle-scarred lynx, a pallid skin-bound grimoire flying around with its pale leathery wings, a pale-faced coppery barn owl that is flying around, the sparking Taulramil disk, the Leafiara disk, the Khazaann disk, the Gutstorm disk, the Darineah disk, the blue Rysolee disk, the Ouendi disk, the Andeller disk, the diamond-crusted Jastalyn disk, the Elronae disk, the Ntinly disk, the Darphin disk, the Mystiq disk, the sparking Dendum disk, the bloodstained Queatus disk with scuffed and dented sides, the Gruener disk, the Behavin disk, the Dwi disk, the glaesine Yardie disk streaked with cobalt veins, the glossy pink Lilanna disk shaped like a jellyfish, a delusive will-o-wisp spirit that is flying around, an acrimonious snow spirit that is flying around, a ruffled white-bellied hawk that is flying around and obvious signs of someone hiding.
The black acorn amulet hanging from Gutstorm's neck suddenly flares a bright shade of red.
The voice of Yardie asks, "Who went Berserk?"
Phomate says, "Ders baddies."
Mystiq drops a heavy quartz orb.
Perigourd just arrived, dragging the body of Chamorr with him.
Mystiq drops a rotting monir coffer.
Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi asks, "Bear?"
Leafiara gestures at Chamorr.
Several small vessels have been dragged past the high water line. One, an overturned longboat, has been scraped clean of barnacles and is slathered with fresh patches of pine tar. A well-worn pathway parallels the bend of the shoreline as it travels to the east. You also see a rotting monir coffer, a heavy quartz orb, a piece of iron, a massive snowy battle-scarred lynx, a pallid skin-bound grimoire flying around with its pale leathery wings, a pale-faced coppery barn owl that is flying around, the sparking Taulramil disk, the Leafiara disk, the Khazaann disk, the Gutstorm disk, the Darineah disk, the blue Rysolee disk, the Ouendi disk, the Andeller disk, the diamond-crusted Jastalyn disk, the Elronae disk, the Ntinly disk, the Darphin disk, the Mystiq disk, the sparking Dendum disk, the bloodstained Queatus disk with scuffed and dented sides, the Gruener disk, the Behavin disk, the Dwi disk, the glaesine Yardie disk streaked with cobalt veins, the glossy pink Lilanna disk shaped like a jellyfish, a delusive will-o-wisp spirit that is flying around, an acrimonious snow spirit that is flying around, a ruffled white-bellied hawk that is flying around and obvious signs of someone hiding.
Perigourd just arrived, dragging the body of Nalver with him.
Leafiara gestures at Nalver.
Elronae groans at Chamorr.
Dwi heartily says, "Typical."
The ghostly voice of Nalver says, "So..."
Taulramil whispers to the group, "
Leafiara says, "Welp."

You tune your thoughts to the dark protection of the forest canopy as you call upon the spirits for the magic of Camouflage...
You blend into invisibility among the surroundings.

Phomate says, "I had thought about it."

Phomate says, "Glad I didn't."
Speaking to Perigourd, the ghostly voice of Nalver says, "Thanky ou."
Draelor retrieves a squat glass tincture of effervescent bolmara from within his faded leather kit.
Gutstorm sings with jollity:


Speaking to Perigourd, the ghostly voice of Nalver says, "Thank you even."
Draelor takes a drink from his tincture of bolmara.
Draelor's twitching subsides.
The cadaverous rat on Zeminar's shoulder makes a sudden flying leap, apparently trying to gain access to the top of his head. Muttering under his breath, he manages to herd the recalcitrant rodent back to his shoulder.
Phomate grins at Gutstorm.
Leafiara grabs a cherry red faenor chrismarium dotted with leaf-shaped musical notes from inside her starsilk tote.
Phomate gives his arms a quick shake.
Dwi pokes Gutstorm in the ribs.

Speaking to Nalver, Dendum says, "You were not wrong you were group that needed the deeds."
Aerocus blinks.
Speaking slowly to her faenor chrismarium, Leafiara says, "Oh, the one time I forget to refill."
Leafiara gazes up into the heavens.
Dwi pokes Nalver to see if he will move.
Leafiara absent-mindedly drops a cherry red faenor chrismarium dotted with leaf-shaped musical notes into her starsilk tote.
Drawn by his taunt, Aerocus focuses his attention on Myharl!
The ghostly voice of Chamorr heartily says, "Got thirty of em afore i fell."
The lust for blood fades from Queatus's eyes.
Lilanna put a kraken-hilted Charl's-tail inset with blue sapphire eyes in her leather sword bandolier.
Leafiara grins at Chamorr.
Aerocus says, "How can I help."
With a discerning eye, Leafiara gathers up a few items and casually stows them away.
Mystiq asks, "Who needs healing?"
Phomate says, "Left some."
Leafiara removes a heavy quartz orb from in her cherry red cloak.
Draelor retrieves a squat glass tincture of effervescent wolifrew from within his faded leather kit.
Speaking heartily to Nalver, Dwi says, "Yer new knickname's doornail."
Lilanna removes a ship-carved emerald from in her suede belt.
Draelor takes a drink from his tincture of wolifrew.
Taulramil rummages around in his pockets.
Dendum says, "Someone should come to how not to kill halfling children training."
Lilanna offers Leafiara a ship-carved emerald.
Mystiq asks, "Do we heave a cleric?"
The voice of Lithyia says, "Did you know that if you use the shadows to your advantage, you are less likely to die."
Speaking to Dwi, the ghostly voice of Nalver says, "Yah yeah."
Leafiara accepts Lilanna's emerald.
You hear someone cackle.
Leafiara turns to Lilanna and cheers!
Taulramil put a badly damaged wooden coffer in his dark crimson jacket.
Jkarog says, "We need to make for the city."
The calico cat pads around the area.
Leafiara gingerly cracks and waves the emerald over Chamorr's body, and a mixture of oil and balsam trickles out of the emerald, coating Chamorr with a cobalt blue liquid.
Phomate says, "Howdy Doornail."
Vasarias removes a heavy quartz orb from in his stygian leather longcoat.
Myharl agrees with Jkarog.
Leafiara says, "Getting Bear."
Lilanna just closed a pouch-lined suede belt riddled with brass eyelets.
Vasarias rubs a heavy quartz orb in his hand.
A look of dawning understanding comes over Vasarias.
His quartz orb suddenly disintegrates!
Darphin asks, "Shall i reanimate you?"
Leafiara begins to do her best to bandage Chamorr's wounded right leg.
Mystiq focuses on Nalver with intense concentration.
Nalver's left arm wound gradually fades, forming on Mystiq's left arm instead.
Nalver's right leg wound gradually fades, forming on Mystiq's right leg instead.
Gutstorm basks in a divine force that suddenly surrounds him.
Speaking to Jkarog, the ghostly voice of Nalver asks, "What way is taht?"
Nalver's neck wound gradually fades, forming on Mystiq's neck instead.
Darphin chuckles.
Nalver's head wound gradually fades, forming on Mystiq's head instead.
Leafiara begins to do her best to bandage Chamorr's wounded abdomen.
Speaking heartily to Phomate, Dwi asks, "Catchy eh?"
Leafiara begins to do her best to bandage Chamorr's wounded left arm.
Dwi winks at Nalver.
The bruises around Mystiq's head fade.
Ouendi squeakily asks, "Should I get Nalver?"
Phomate nods at Dwi.
Lilanna removes a kraken-hilted Charl's-tail inset with blue sapphire eyes from in her leather sword bandolier.
Vasarias removes a sonic warsword from in his stygian leather longcoat.
Mystiq's left arm looks better.
Phomate says, "Good name."
Talliver says, "Let's get our wounded up."
A silvery translucent thread extends from Leafiara encompassing Chamorr's corpse.
Mystiq's neck looks better.
Sorlu agrees with Talliver.
Phomate just kneeled down and pulled Chamorr's lifeless body into his arms.
A bobtailed fishing cat butts up against Leafiara, whiskers twitching as she blinks up at her trustingly.
Delilahrae says, "I can raise one."
Ouendi turns to face Nalver.
Phomate bursts into tears!
Vasarias faces Leafiara, closes his eyes and begins chanting. Suddenly, a small bolt of energy arcs between them!
Vasarias opens his eyes, looking slightly drained.
Mystiq renders a sharp salute with her carved mesille runestaff.
Ntinly flings herself against Aerocus, bounces off of him, and giggles madly!
The calico cat licks her left paw, seemingly oblivious to the world around her.
Dwi faces Delilahrae, closes her eyes and begins chanting. A small spark leaps from Dwi's fingers... but little else happens.
Great Lady Koreina just arrived.
Phomate stands up.
Aeith says, "Can we raise the dead in the field here? Or do we need to drag them into the safety inside the gates? Assuming there IS actually safety inside the gates..."
Leafiara put a heavy quartz orb in her cherry red cloak.
Ouendi produces a dainty silver chrismarium webbed in rainbow glaes filaments from the depths of her grey cire raincoat.
Speaking to Talliver, Darphin says, "Wounded is... a kind word."
A melodic chant escapes Leafiara's lips, singing the praises of the joys of living. Leafiara's eyes light up, and a sparkling yellow aura soon surrounds her as she revels in her ceremony. Caught up in the moment, she dances lively around the body of Chamorr, the exultant energy flowing from her to Chamorr with every step. Leafiara takes a small bow at the end of the ritual that has left both her and Chamorr slightly out of breath.
Sorlu gestures at Chamorr.
The glazed look leaves Chamorr.
Mystiq gestures at Chamorr.
Vasarias frowns.
Aliashyrah gestures at Leafiara.
The glazed look leaves Leafiara.
Ouendi kneels briefly beside Nalver, tilting her dainty silver chrismarium to pour chrism oil onto her fingertips before anointing each of his eyelids with the aromatic mixture while whispering a quiet prayer to Zelia.
Chamorr seems slightly different.
Faint light shimmers across Queatus's battle-scarred targe, illuminating previously hidden sigils before fading away.
Darphin pokes Nalver to see if he will move.
Eleazzar says, "This is a good beachhead to drag casualties to, but Jkarog is right we must press forward."
Ouendi's dainty silver chrismarium vanishes into the depths of her grey cire raincoat.
Dwi's sentient potato hums an epic melody, filled with complexities!

A silvery translucent thread extends from Ouendi encompassing Nalver's corpse.
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Am nominate Chamorr to lead da charch."
The calico cat rubs up against Vasarias.
Aerocus joins Talliver's group.
The divine force suddenly surrounds a bobtailed fishing cat.
Queatus adjusts his shadarl aketon, improving its comfort and maneuverability.
Dwi pokes Chamorr in the ribs.
Chamorr stands up.
Draelor retrieves a small dose of tightly bound woth from within his faded leather kit.
Delilahrae reaches down and tenderly cradles Nalver's lifeless hand in hers.
Aerocus basks in a divine force that suddenly surrounds him.
Phomate dusts Chamorr off.
Ouendi squeakily exclaims, "Unfall!"
Gutstorm makes a complex gesture at Chamorr.
A silvery luminescence surrounds Chamorr.
Taulramil asks, "Shall i scout ahead?"
Draelor takes a bite of his dose of woth.
Draelor's twitching subsides some.
Silvery and light, Ouendi's eyes take on a wild, crazed sheen. Her gaze falls upon the prone form of Nalver and a strange giggle passes from Ouendi. The laughter swells in the air between the pair, taking on a depth and warmth that is contagious. As if the carefree sound becomes something visible and substantial, the air around Nalver's prone form shimmers silvery and raw, as spiritual energy seeps into him.
Mystiq gestures at Nalver.
The glazed look leaves Nalver.
A bright luminescence surrounds Chamorr.
Aliashyrah gestures at Ouendi.
The glazed look leaves Ouendi.
Delilahrae gestures at Ouendi.
Gruener gestures at Ouendi.
Dwi faces Ouendi, closes her eyes and begins chanting. Suddenly, a small bolt of energy arcs between them!
Dwi opens her eyes, looking slightly drained.
Nalver stands up.
Nalver seems slightly different.
Lilanna says, "No."
Taulramil asks, "Anyone hold silvers?"
A brilliant luminescence surrounds Chamorr.
The shadow of Zeminar's ghezyte serpent anklet stretches long, coiling and twisting like a great snake, but the anklet itself remains still.
The voice of Wolfloner asks, "Jkarog. Give us your impression and assessment. This no longer appears to be a rescue mission?"
Nalver removes a tall jar of pallid grey salve from in his elesine cloak.
Gutstorm faces Nalver, closes his eyes and begins chanting. Suddenly, a small bolt of energy arcs between them!
Gutstorm opens his eyes, looking slightly drained.
Dwi faces Gruener, closes her eyes and begins chanting. Suddenly, a small bolt of energy arcs between them!
Queatus appears to focus inward for a moment and his face takes on a curiously blank expression.
Phomate dusts Nalver off.
The faint blue glow fades from around Delilahrae's hands.
Lilanna exclaims, "Everyone stay together!"
Speaking to Jkarog, Dendum asks, "What was that word for slug?"
The shimmering aura fades from around Delilahrae.
Koreina appears to be checking her pockets for something, but finds them empty.
Eleazzar rummages around in his pockets.
Nalver scoops out a small amount of salve from his jar, his nose involuntarily wrinkling at its offensive odor. Despite the powerful smell, he applies the cream to his temples with his fingertips using a gentle, circular motion.
Phomate says, "Das better."
The lingering reverberations of Horland's Holler fade into silence.
Nalver put a tall jar of pallid grey salve in his elesine cloak.
Dendum exclaim, "Ahh Dendum remembers!"
Nalver nods at Ouendi.
Myharl leisurely polishes his sacred warsword.
Chamorr heartily says, "Anyhealin."
Nalver removes an uncut diamond from in his white sailcloth knapsack.
Dendum belts out, "You are product of drunken father and brakakt!"
Nalver offers Ouendi an uncut diamond.
Mystiq's head looks better.
Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "Dish count for quota, yes?"
Ouendi declines Nalver's offer.
Gutstorm nods at Dwi.
Draelor retrieves a small dose of tightly bound torban from within his faded leather kit.
Phomate rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Nalver nods at Gutstorm.
Draelor takes a bite of his dose of torban.
Delilahrae joins Talliver's group.
You hear someone humming to herself in the shadows.
Speaking to Talliver, Nalver says, "So what the heck is going on."
Aliashyrah makes a complex gesture at Nalver.
A frigid helical miasma of wintry mist coalesces around a black alloy neckchain suspending a shard of rime-shrouded everfrost worn by Myharl before condensing into hoary frost particulates that embrace its deep glacial facets.
There is a dim flash around Nalver.
Nalver's body seems to glow with an internal strength.
Phomate says, "Should count for a least three."
Nalver's veins stand out briefly.
Taulramil asks, "Who's leading this....rescue or survive mission?"
Nalver gestures at Aliashyrah.
Aliashyrah appears considerably more powerful.
The strong breeze stops as suddenly as it arrived.
Dwi mutters something about quotas.
Nuzzling about the nape of Lilanna's neck, the black rat seizes a tuft of hair in its jaws and gives a sharp YANK! Quicker than Lilanna's hand, the black rat scrambles down to Lilanna's burlap sack and disappears inside with its new batch of bedding. It re-emerges a moment later and returns to its perch with a squeak of amusement.
Aeith asks, "Everyone back on their feet?"
A deep blue glow surrounds Nalver.
A misty halo surrounds Nalver.
Aliashyrah gestures at Nalver.
Nalver suddenly looks more powerful.
Draelor makes a nearly imperceptible motion while whispering a soft phrase...
Draelor blends into invisibility among the surroundings.
Seven phantom tentacles sprout from the base of Aliashyrah's spine, wrapping her in a binding embrace.
A dim aura surrounds Nalver.
A bobtailed fishing cat blurs before your eyes.
Speaking to Nalver, Talliver says, "We continue inland."
Ouendi offers Nalver a soft cinnamon roll lightly drizzled with pale icing.
Aerocus removes a small platinum spyglass from in his tanned leather cloak.
Phomate marches back and forth, sharply turning at the end of each stride.
Chamorr removes a squat jar of pallid grey salve from in his bearskin cloak.
As if something of a nervous habit, Aeith cracks the knuckles on each of her fingers on both hands before wiggling her fingers to loosen the joints.
Mayor Talliver's group just went east.
Aerocus kneels down.
Ouendi gobbles down a big bite of her cinnamon roll.
Ouendi looks much more calm and refreshed.
Chamorr scoops out a small amount of salve from his jar, his nose involuntarily wrinkling at its offensive odor. Despite the powerful smell, he applies the cream to his temples with his fingertips using a gentle, circular motion.
Ouendi gobbles down her cinnamon roll in one enormous bite.
Talliver reaches out and holds Chamorr's hand.
Mayor Talliver's group just went southwest.
Chamorr basks in a divine force that suddenly surrounds him.
Taulramil rubs his feather-shaped charm.
Oddly enough, Taulramil seems somewhat more buoyant.
The powerful look leaves Khazaann.
Khazaann begins to breathe less deeply.
Chamorr put a squat jar of pallid grey salve in his bearskin cloak.
Leafiara stretches.

Yussof says, "Yussof thinks we need to get to the place he knows about on the wall, then we can signal the flying boat."

Khazaann snaps his arm forward, hurling his crimson eahnor pavis at a menacing krolvin tormentor with all his might!
Delilahrae concentrates deeply for a moment.
Leafiara exclaims, "So much going berserk!"
Aliashyrah suddenly appears less powerful.
Slowly, the petals of Elronae's flower close, hiding the vibrant center from view. After a moment, they open up again with a soft sigh.
The voice of Yardie says, "Oh dear."
Khazaann lets loose an echoing shout!
Khazaann's shout encourages your fighting spirit!
The emerald smoke and its accompanying inebriating musk dissipate.
Phomate says, "Na i."
Jastalyn softly exclaims, "Who did that?!"
A pair of mangled arms thrash about briefly before decaying into dust.

* Ursor was just put on ice!

Khazaann throws back his head and lets out a thundering holler!
Khazaann's holler encourages you by heroic proportions!
The voice of Lithyia asks, "Did what?"
Rysolee mutters worthless.
A pair of desiccated arms thrash about briefly before decaying into dust.
Yussof emits a noise that is a combination of laughter and barking, his eyes full of amusement.
A pair of skeletal arms thrash about briefly before decaying into dust.
Jastalyn softly says, "Oh."
From nearby, you hear Gutstorm yell, "Coat clear!"
Taulramil asks, "Who can hold silvers?"
Jastalyn softly says, "I thought someone sancted."
Lilanna blinks at Jastalyn.

Nalver squints.
Leafiara's concentration shifts and becomes more focused as she slightly tilts an ear in a particular direction.
Jastalyn pokes Lilanna in the ribs.
Chamorr recites heartily:

   "Any healin please"

The voice of Lithyia says, "The new spikes on my buckler work quite well."
Eleazzar picks up a black opal and stows it in his onyx suede pouch.
Nalver winks at Talliver.
Phomate says, "Hope dis a small island."
Gruener focuses on Taulramil with intense concentration.
Taulramil's back wound gradually fades, forming on Gruener's back instead.
Mystiq wavers with sudden fatigue, but at the same time, Chamorr appears particularly enlivened.
Chamorr heartily says, "Thanks mystiq."
The voice of Yardie asks, "How much further?"
Aerocus drops all defense as he moves into a battle-ready stance.
Darphin turns to Mystiq and cheers!
Mystiq nods at Chamorr.
The bruises around Mystiq's right eye fade.
Mystiq's chest looks better.

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Dem 2 fiter are all over place."
Taulramil put an enruned mithril coffer in the sparking Taulramil disk.
Mayor Talliver's group just went northwest.
[Grim Sands, Sandy Ridge - ] (u4426021)
The path climbs onerously toward black cliffs in the distance, aided on its way by rough-carved steps hewn out of the dark stone of the sandy ridge. Sea birds circle above, dark shapes against the starry blackness of the sky. Their cries echo off of the surrounding rocks, filling the air with a shrill cacophony. You also see a towering krolvin warlord, a menacing krolvin archmage that appears dead, a wooden shield, a hulking krolvin triggerman that appears dead, a menacing krolvin destroyer that appears dead, a towering krolvin tormentor that appears dead, a battle-scarred hulking krolvin warden that appears dead, a towering krolvin warlord that appears dead and obvious signs of someone hiding.
Obvious paths: north, southeast
Dendum belts out, "Dendum saw your sister mating with sealions!"
Speaking to Jkarog, Darphin says, "They dont seem happy youre hear."
Mystiq asks, "Are there any other healers?"
Yussof says, "Find where the bone is on the wall. It is weaker there."
Jkarog distantly says, "We always expected some resistance."
Dendum says, "Look."
Speaking to Gutstorm, Nalver says, "Loooooter."
Aeith says, "If any healers need mana just say so."
Mystiq's right eye looks better.
Sorlu nods.
Leafiara picks up a sylvankind scalp.
Eleazzar asks, "Did we though?"
Speaking to Gutstorm, Nalver says, "I want those diamonds."
Dendum says, "We knew this was trap."
Leafiara turns a sylvankind scalp over in her hands, meticulously inspecting for flaws.
Dendum says, "We spring trap."
Dendum says, "This is way."
Jkarog says, "It appears Icemule Trace isn't the only city susceptible to the Coven's promises."
Leafiara carefully places a sylvankind scalp inside her starsilk tote, making sure not to damage the scalp.
Leafiara marvels, "So, so much berserking."
Eleazzar exclaims, "Archers!"
The calico cat cleans her coat carefully.
Speaking to Nalver, Dendum says, "Jkarog is from here."
Gutstorm begins to breathe less deeply.
Mystiq focuses on Myharl with intense concentration.
Speaking to Jkarog, Nalver asks, "And are your people having their blood stolen?"
The calico cat sits down, her tail curling to cover her front paws.
The voice of Wolfloner says, "We left Lithyia behind."
Nalver says, "Like.. that's odd and all."
Dendum belts out, "Your ship is full of water and your sword is full of rust!"
Phomate just went south.
Aliashyrah says, "No. she is here."
Nalver says, "But it's the connection."
Urchin Gutstorm begins to walk south but suddenly trips and goes flailing out of sight!
A look of despair spreads across Zeminar's face an instant before he turns and vomits noisily onto the ground.
Aliashyrah says, "Hmm, or she was."
The voice of Yardie exclaims, "Will you stop that?!"
Dendum asks, "What?"
The voice of Yardie exclaims, "Don't taunt them!"
Dendum exclaims, "What is point of great battle if can't taunt them!"
Nalver taps Jkarog lightly on his shoulder.
Mystiq begins to look better as the cuts on her left arm close and the bruises fade.
Draelor says, "They're already trying to kill us Yardie."
Dendum exclaims, "They always taunt in the stories!"
Draelor begins to breathe less deeply.
A weak pulse of dull grey energy trails Koreina's deringo runestaff as she stows it in her runestaff sling.
Koreina removes a squat pale blue crystal bottle from in her sea silk pouch.
Koreina turns her blue crystal bottle, opening its lid and shaking a faceted dark sapphire pill into her waiting hand.
Koreina places her dark sapphire pill in her mouth, and it dissolves into a puff of cerulean smoke. A blue mist seeps from her lips as a cloud of mana coalesces around her, wrapping her in protective magic!
Dendum points at Ouendi.
Koreina put a squat pale blue crystal bottle in her sea silk pouch.
Phomate basks in a divine force that suddenly surrounds him.
Koreina draws her deringo runestaff from her runestaff sling, tracing an arc of dull grey energy in its wake.
Darphin asks, "If we arent going to taunt shall we try to entice?"
The voice of Yardie says, "So save the energy it takes to converse and just hit."
Speaking to Myharl, Mystiq says, "If I have to keep you all healed it just gives me more insight. not that I really want to know or feel but can't let you all die from wounds."
Jastalyn smiles at Mystiq.
Mystiq's left leg looks better.
Nalver says, "Guts."
Mystiq's right arm looks better.
Nalver says, "Split up."
Nalver yells, "Join up on me!"
Nalver gently takes hold of Gutstorm's hand.
Aeith asks, "Who are the two group leaders?"
Phomate joins Nalver's group.
Ntinly joins Nalver's group.
The sanguine corona surrounding Gutstorm's black acorn amulet rotates around in a circle.
Talliver says, "One group form on Nalver."
Dendum belts out, "You are Gazc the backwards Czag!"
The cuts on Mystiq's right arm close and the bruises fade.
Nalver yells, "Ohh my!"
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Nalver git Dwi, me her guardian."
Myharl deeply says, "I do what I know. That's slaughter until I no longer see my enemy."

Phomate asks, "Better?"
Andeller joins Nalver's group.
A cadaverous rat with baleful red eyes on Zeminar's shoulder plops down and begins grooming itself with an almost comical air of fastidiousness.
Khazaann joins Nalver's group.
Leafiara exclaims, "Nalver's got this!"
Holding a rough sentient potato sprouting a moonflower overhead, Ouendi focuses on her sentient potato. She suddenly looks drained.
The potato fully recovers.
Ouendi pets a rough sentient potato sprouting a moonflower and it whispers to her. The potato glows for a moment and infuses its spirit into Ouendi. It looks drained.
The calico cat meows.
Gutstorm taps Dwi lightly on her shoulder.
Ouendi produces a red tomato from the depths of her grey cire raincoat.
Ouendi holds a red tomato to her potato's little face and it devours the tomato.
Phomate dusts Dwi off.
Ouendi produces a shot of Incandescent vodka from the depths of her grey cire raincoat.
Approaching the base of the cliffs, the pathway splits, with one branch curving along their base to the east. The other travels northward up a chasm between high bluffs, climbing precipitously as it goes. Red grasses grow in profusion, sheltered from the worst of the wind by the rising land.
Aeith searches around for a moment.
Nalver seems hesitant, looking unsure of himself.
The divine force surrounding Nalver slowly fades away.
Nalver's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around his arms.
Phomate seems slightly different.

Speaking to Leafiara, Aliashyrah says, "You only say that because you were not on the ship where he tried to get us lost."
Dendum belts out, "All three faces of three face god cry at failure of you!"
Aliashyrah smirks at Leafiara.
Ouendi submerges a rough sentient potato sprouting a moonflower to her ear.
Mayor Talliver's group just climbed up a switchback road.
Gutstorm clenches his fists and gazes at something in a keg-shaped pack crafted from oak staves and rusty steel bands longingly.
Phomate seems hesitant, looking unsure of himself.
The divine force surrounding Phomate slowly fades away.
Phomate seems less resolute.
Phomate's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around his arms.
Phomate says, "Okee doke."
Nalver's group just climbed up a switchback road.

As Vasarias sings, a squall of wind briefly swirls about him and his group.
Gruener focuses on Phomate with intense concentration.
Phomate's right arm wound gradually fades, forming on Gruener's right arm instead.
Gruener's right arm looks better.
The scar on Gruener's right arm glows faintly white before fading altogether.
Aeith says, "Be on guard everyone."
Nalver asks, "So waht now?"
Nalver's group just went northeast.

Nalver and Aeith seem slightly different.
Nalver yells, "Keep close!"
Nalver's group just went east.

Gruener's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around her arms.
Nalver yells, "We are going..."
Nalver's group just went north.
Aerocus seems slightly different.

Phomate yells, "Don't git too fasr ahead!"
A small circular container suddenly appears and floats rather serenely over to Eleazzar.
Only faintly visible, red-gold filaments spiral inward from the local surroundings toward Aerocus and weave a web of protection about him.
Aeith says, "Just keep following the road, there is only forward and back."
Eleazzar put an enruned maoral box in the violet Eleazzar disk.
Zeminar begins to breathe less deeply.
Darphin yells, "We offer mercy to those who wish to not die!"
Jkarog just went northeast.
The high-pitched scream of an airship fills the skies and gusts sting your eyes. A pale ship streaks overhead, and an instant later, a plume of white hot flames licks up into the sky in the distance!
Perigourd glances northeast.
Nalver stares at Talliver.
Darphin shrugs.
Ouendi yells, "And cookies!"
Myharl just went northeast.
Darphin says, "Mercy of a quick death."
The voice of Yardie asks, "Where is Jkarog going?"
[Scrimshaw Cliffs, Inland Road - ] (u4426210)
A few larches and hoarbeams cluster together as if conspiring to break the incessant gale, but they can only charitably be described as a stand of trees. Yellowing needles scatter over the road. The trail continues to climb as the briny bite of the sea slowly surrenders to the fresh scents of evergreens and loam. You also see a shabby calico cat, the Darineah disk, the bloodstained Queatus disk with scuffed and dented sides, a cudgel, the violet Eleazzar disk, the diamond-crusted Jastalyn disk, the red Koreina disk, the Behavin disk, the Darphin disk, the Elronae disk, the Dwi disk, the Mystiq disk, the Ouendi disk, the glossy pink Lilanna disk shaped like a jellyfish, the glaesine Yardie disk streaked with cobalt veins, the sparking Taulramil disk, the blue Rysolee disk, a pale-faced coppery barn owl that is flying around, a delusive will-o-wisp spirit that is flying around, a ruffled white-bellied hawk that is flying around, a hulking krolvin triggerman, a menacing krolvin destroyer that appears dead, the Gutstorm disk, a menacing krolvin warlord that appears dead, a hulking krolvin tormentor that appears dead, a hulking krolvin obliterator that appears dead, a battle-scarred krolvin huntmaster that appears dead, a towering krolvin obliterator that appears dead, a towering krolvin warlord that appears dead, a towering krolvin warlord that appears dead, a battle-scarred krolvin warden that appears dead, a hulking krolvin destroyer that appears stunned, a towering krolvin destroyer that is lying down, a grizzled krolvin destroyer, a menacing krolvin archmage and obvious signs of someone hiding.
Leafiara throws her head back and howls!

An errant breeze carries your voice to Bodad, "Some are falling."

Talliver gets a distant look on his face.
A massive snowy battle-scarred lynx takes up a position of watchful wariness in front of Aeith.
Phomate says, "I see ya."
Talliver says, "The Wyrm's reporting that enemy forces are pulling back toward the city."
Darphin pokes Myharl to see if he will move.
Eleazzar rubs Aerocus.
Nalver says, "Everyone join Talliver. Drakes join me."
Taulramil exclaims, "Forward!"
Phomate asks, "Ders a city?"m.
Nalver says, "We are goinug east and going to flank."
Ouendi suddenly looks more sure of herself.
The ghostly voice of Myharl deeply says, "I wonder where the shrine is here..."
Speaking to Phomate, Talliver says, "We're not sure what remains."
Speaking heartily to Phomate, Dwi says, "A hobel, more like."
Jastalyn winces.
Taulramil says, "Splitting forces/."
Ouendi begins a careful examination of Aerocus -- she takes his pulse, checks his temperature, and checks for broken bones or any other ailments.
The voice of Yardie exclaims, "Myharl? How?!"
Jastalyn softly says, "My love."

   "Drakes on me. Everyone else on Tallier"

Jastalyn falls to her knees beside the body of Myharl and wails mournfully!
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Dwi join Nalver."
Ouendi begins to do her best to bandage Aerocus's wounded back.
Leafiara sets about preparing Myharl to be as presentable as possible.
Dwi squints at Nalver.
Aliashyrah says, "I can raise one."
Mystiq asks, "Everyone healed?"
Nalver nods at Dwi.
Dwi rubs her chin thoughtfully.
Gutstorm pulls on Dwi, trying to get her closer.
Phomate says, "Doornail."
Aliashyrah says, "If needed."
Ouendi begins a careful examination of Myharl -- she takes his pulse, checks his temperature, and checks for broken bones or any other ailments.
Speaking to Dwi, Nalver says, "I ask your life now."
Umber eyes alert and expression wary, Perigourd gazes at his surroundings. A latticework of forest green energy spreads over the surface of the golvern warhelm on his head, tendrils of the light briefly sinking into his eyes and infusing them with a temporary luminous glow.
Ouendi begins to do her best to bandage Myharl's wounded chest.
Dwi sighs.
Ouendi begins to do her best to bandage Myharl's wounded abdomen.
Gruener recites:

   "I got my group"

Dwi joins Nalver's group.
Jastalyn flings herself on the body of Myharl, wailing mournfully.

<Vile Krolvin Ambush as we mourn the dead...MORE FIGHTING>

From nearby, you hear Nalver yell, "Sound off Drakes!"
Darphin picks up a simple fel box.
Darphin put a simple fel box in his black leather jacket.
Darphin gestures at a simple fel box.
With a discerning eye, Darphin gathers up one item and casually stows it away.
Taulramil put an engraved tanik coffer in his dark crimson jacket.
Ouendi just went southeast.
Loralaii and Darineah seem less resolute.

Nalver hoots.
Dwi grunts at Gutstorm and nods.
Gutstorm removes an upside down dwarf-shaped wand from in his iron-bound keg.
Phomate exclaims, "Hey!"

Phomate says, "Here."
Gutstorm blows on an upside down dwarf-shaped wand, causing three dark ale brown bubbles to float into the air!

Nalver says, "Wait."
Eleazzar drops a simple thanot coffer.
Taulramil drops some coins.
Talliver raises an eyebrow in Nalver's direction.
Nalver says, "This is our direction."
Speaking to Talliver, Darphin asks, "Even me?"
Dwi smirks at Nalver.
Darphin winks at Talliver.

Nalver yells, "Drakes!"
Phomate searches a weathered krolvin warden.
Phomate searches a hulking krolvin destroyer.
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Me think me saw dead Wyrmslayer back yonder."
Nalver's group just went northwest.
Aliashyrah says, "Yes, but I believe a cleric was with him."
<More Walking>
Dendum says, "We are close."

Dwi seems less resolute.
Dendum says, "We are very close to town."
Nalver and Talliver shake hands.
Aeith says, "We are making progress, slowly but surely."
Mystiq begins to look better as the cuts on her abdomen close and the bruises fade.
Phomate asks, "Das a good thing?"
Chamorr's air of vulnerability dissipates.
Dendum says, "Well....good or bad we are close."
Gutstorm observes the burning bridge.
Dwi begins chuckling at Nalver!
A small opaque spider on Nalver crawls over to his head.
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Put fire out."
A grizzled hulking krolvin destroyer collapses into a pile of dirty rags.
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Water da bridge."
Gutstorm pulls the silver lever on the cannon. With a click and a fast *WHOOSH* he douses the stone bridge with water since there's nothing it can really do about it!
Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi asks, "When'd Nalber start giffin orders?"
Speaking to Dwi, Nalver says, "I'm not kidding...this is serious."
Vasarias faces Mystiq, closes his eyes and begins chanting. Suddenly, a small bolt of energy arcs between them!
Perigourd gazes with interest at a black stone bridge.
The voice of Yardie says, "I'm going fishing after this madness is over."
HJ>"Will stop insulting Krolvin in case there are not attacking Krolvin in the city.
Dendum says, "Will stop insulting Krolvin in case there are not attacking Krolvin in the city."
The cuts on Mystiq's back close and the bruises fade.
Aliashyrah gestures at a black stone bridge.
Aliashyrah observes the burning bridge.
Mystiq renders a painful salute with her carved mesille runestaff.
Speaking to Talliver, Nalver says, "We are standing by."

Talliver says, "There, up on the plateau. The city still stands... for the most part."
Nalver's group just came across a black stone bridge.
Mystiq's left hand looks better.
Lady Gruener just came across a black stone bridge.
Aeith shades her eyes with her hand and gazes into the distance.
Vasarias glances around the area.
Phomate turns around.
The voice of Yardie asks, "The Iron Harpy is a hider, yes?"
Jkarog glumly says, "Yes. For the most part."
Dwi heartily says, "Ye ditched Gruener."
Eleazzar stares northward.

Gruener basks in a divine force that suddenly surrounds her.
Dendum says, "Oi, Dabbings this place still looks like worst part of Terras."
Dwi leans on Gruener.

The magic of Ouendi's spell withers on contact, unraveling and dispersing without effect.
Perigourd says, "Aerocus was left behind it seems. Jastalyn is with him now though."
Gutstorm tries to pull Gruener towards him.
Ouendi momentarily gets a faroff look in her eyes, and then returns to normal.
Phomate says, "Seethin flats."

Spanning an infernal fissure flooded with molten rock, a black stone bridge strains toward the more solid ground of the coastal cliffs to the south. Noxious gases roil up from the chasm's depths and hang in low, unsavory banks of fog over the scorched landscape. Clouds of toxic smoke fill the air, their underbellies illuminated by the rivers of lava threading through the flats like veins of liquid fire. You also see the Gruener disk, an acrimonious snow spirit that is flying around, the Leafiara disk, the Andeller disk, the red Koreina disk, the Gutstorm disk, the Behavin disk, the Dwi disk, the Khazaann disk, the Ouendi disk, a pale-faced coppery barn owl that is flying around, a delusive will-o-wisp spirit that is flying around, a shabby calico cat, the glossy pink Lilanna disk shaped like a jellyfish, the glaesine Yardie disk streaked with cobalt veins, the Darineah disk, the sparking Taulramil disk, the sparking Dendum disk, the blue Rysolee disk, the violet Eleazzar disk, the Ntinly disk, the bloodstained Queatus disk with scuffed and dented sides, the Darphin disk, the Elronae disk, the Mystiq disk, a pallid skin-bound grimoire flying around with its pale leathery wings, a massive snowy battle-scarred lynx, a ruffled white-bellied hawk that is flying around and obvious signs of someone hiding.
Yussof says, "We are in the flats now. Getting much closer."

Talliver says, "Let's continue. They can catch up."

[Seething Flats, Shale Rise - ] (u4426302)
An ancient shale boulder, painstakingly shaped by the river that once wound through the region, provides a vantage of the blasted plain. Far to the north, a foreboding city with crude stone walls sprawls atop a grim plateau. East of the vestige of habitation, a black mountain scrapes at the sky, streaks of lava illuminating its slopes. Its peak is a shattered ruin that belches clouds of smoke and ash onto the tortured lands below. You also see obvious signs of someone hiding.
[Seething Flats, Lava River - ] (u4426303)
Air warps and shimmers over the wide body of a lava flow. The deadly flood of molten rock surges sluggishly down the bed of a river that once occupied the plains. All that remains of the lost body of water is its imprint on the earth. Vegetation is sparse and brown, the life choked from it by the oppressive heat and the scalding gases that sweep across the tormented plain. You also see a pale-faced coppery barn owl that is flying around, the Leafiara disk, the Andeller disk, the red Koreina disk, the Gutstorm disk, the Behavin disk, the Dwi disk, the Khazaann disk, the Ouendi disk, the Gruener disk, a delusive will-o-wisp spirit that is flying around, an acrimonious snow spirit that is flying around, a shabby calico cat and obvious signs of someone hiding.
Nalver's group just went southwest.
Aeith says, "Ruins and smoke..."
[Seething Flats, Lava Pools - ] (u4426304)
Treacherous expanses of partially cooled lava lurk along the path, no longer aglow with heat but not yet solid enough to support meaningful weight. They are indistinguishable from the ridges and swirls of more solid basalt deposited by the continuing pyroclasm that has consumed the surrounding plain. Pools of lava bubble and churn, fed by constant upheavals beneath the wounded earth. You also see the Leafiara disk, the Andeller disk, the red Koreina disk, the Gutstorm disk, the Behavin disk, the Dwi disk, the Khazaann disk, the Ouendi disk, the Gruener disk, a delusive will-o-wisp spirit that is flying around, an acrimonious snow spirit that is flying around, a shabby calico cat and obvious signs of someone hiding.
Nalver yells, "Clear!"
Yussof says, "Look for the bone on the wall, before we reach the gate."
Bristling menacingly, a towering krolvin triggerman rushes into view!
Bristling menacingly, a menacing krolvin triggerman rushes into view!
Bristling menacingly, a menacing krolvin warlord leaps into view!
<More Krolvin and More Fighting>
Dwi heartily says, "Nalber's been at da coffee keg agin."
Phomate says, "What was dat."
The voice of Lithyia exclaims, "How do ya like my new spikes!!!!!!"
Dwi nods at Gruener.
Taulramil picks up a sturdy gold chest.
Speaking to Phomate, Talliver asks, "What was what?"
Gutstorm snaps his fingers.
Taulramil carefully examines his gold chest.
With a discerning eye, Dwi gathers up a few items and casually stows them away.
Aeith asks, "How do we tell if we encounter anyone friendly?"
Phomate says, "Da airship screechin."
The voice of Yardie says, "Good question."
Speaking to Phomate, Talliver says, "They are providing air support."
Draelor says, "Probably the ones not swinging weapons at us."
Phomate says, "Good."
[Seething Flats, Lava Lake - ] (u4426305)
A narrow thread of solid ground winds close to the shores of a lake of lava. Superheated smoke rises in choking billows from the slowly churning expanse, stinking of sulphur and molten metal. Tiny islands of igneous rock dot the surface, but cracks of lava seethe between them, threatening their brief span of stability. You also see obvious signs of someone hiding.
With deliberate slowness, Taulramil sheathes his Vaalorian battlesword in his glowbark scabbard.
[Seething Flats, Lava Pools - ] (u4426306)
Lava seethes from cracks in the tortured earth near the narrow ribbon of stable ground. Gouts of black smoke and superheated steam accompany the glowing, molten rock, commingling to fill the air with a sharp, metallic tang. Flakes of ash swirl like snowflakes in the hot breeze, pirouetting and dancing as if oblivious to the land's torment. You also see a delusive will-o-wisp spirit that is flying around, an acrimonious snow spirit that is flying around, a shabby calico cat and obvious signs of someone hiding.
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Why dint we bring Rufus."
Speaking to Aeith, Aliashyrah suggests, "We ask their spirits once they are dead?"
Taulramil removes an engraved tanik coffer from in his dark crimson jacket.
Elronae grins at Gutstorm.
Nalver grins at Gutstorm.
Taulramil carefully examines his tanik coffer.
[Seething Flats, Broken Earth - ] (u4426307)
A vast expanse of basalt breaches out of the earth, broken free and knocked askew by the churning of the magma below. Pools of molten lava lap at the edges of the great rock, threatening to consume it. Clouds swirl overhead, agitated by the fury of the ongoing pyroclasm. You also see obvious signs of someone hiding.
Speaking to Aeith, Aliashyrah says, "This group seems very kill first, ask questions later."
[Seething Flats, Fallen Totems - ] (u4426308)
Several spars of basalt lie in a broken tumble, the standing stones toppled by the shaking of the shiftless earth. Carved with symbols and shapes, they are worn almost smooth by the years and the ungentle caress of the winds. Several are half-buried in drifts of falling ash, and risk being lost to view entirely. You also see the Gruener disk, the Andeller disk, the Leafiara disk, the red Koreina disk, the Gutstorm disk, the Behavin disk, the Ouendi disk, the Dwi disk, the Khazaann disk, a delusive will-o-wisp spirit that is flying around, an acrimonious snow spirit that is flying around, a shabby calico cat and obvious signs of someone hiding.
Obvious paths: east, southeast
A pale white aura dances across Leafiara's starsong warblade.
Mystiq says, "Can we hold."
[Seething Flats, Barge - ] (u4426309)
Lying on its side in a dried-up riverbed, a fishing barge has surrendered to the surrounding cataclysm. With its cabin crushed by a huge black pyroclast, the boat would be useless even if it were near to water, but none is in sight, the river's flow having been disrupted by the convulsions of the earth. Char mars the intact wood of the hull in patterns reminiscent of grasping talons. You also see a pale-faced coppery barn owl that is flying around, a delusive will-o-wisp spirit that is flying around, an acrimonious snow spirit that is flying around, a shabby calico cat and obvious signs of someone hiding.
Talliver glances at Mystiq.
Talliver asks, "For what?"
[Seething Flats, Crater - ] (u4426310)
Shimmers of heat warp the air over a smoking crater brimming with roiling lava. Gases and smoke pour off of the surface in choking billows heavy-laden with gritty ash. Cajoled by the hot winds screaming over the flats, the smoke twists and twitches into strange, ominous shapes as it drifts skyward. You also see a pale-faced coppery barn owl that is flying around and obvious signs of someone hiding.
Mystiq asks, "We have dead left behind?"
Dendum says, "They have some with them."
Talliver says, "We'll have more if we don't make the city."
Lilanna says, "Seems so."
[Seething Flats, Fumaroles - ] (u4426311)
A dull roar in the air clashes with the screeching of the wind, as if the earth is moaning in desperation. The sound emanates from dozens of gashes in the earth, from which erupt billows of hot, sulphurous steam. Beyond the odor of rotting eggs, the smell of molten rock is heavy on the air and inescapable. You also see obvious signs of someone hiding.
Mystiq nods at Talliver.
Dendum says, "Leafiara is there."
[Seething Flats, Lava Flows - ] (u4426312)
Lent speed by their travel down the slopes of an ash-clad mountain to the north, lava flows surge in glowing channels, eating runnels out of the shattered earth. The narrowest of trails threads between the lethal rivulets, winding northeast toward a high plateau overlooking the devastation. The stones underfoot rumble ceaselessly, as if the earth below had a thudding, racing heartbeat. You also see a salt-crusted soft blue crab pincer mottled with barnacles, a pair of putrid arms, some thick salt-encrusted crab pincers and obvious signs of someone hiding.
[Seething Flats, Trail - ] (u4426313)
The trailway climbs toward higher ground, weaving through falling ash and around rivers of blazing lava. To the west stands a mountain with a broken peak, one of several fountaining its fiery blood onto the lowlands. Northward rises a vast plateau cloven in twain by a river of molten rock. Winds carry the distant sounds of civilization, from the creak of carts to the cries of children, but they come in tantalizing snatches lost to the louder complaints of the earth. You also see obvious signs of someone hiding.
[Glaoveln Road, Rise - ] (u4426314)
The roadway widens and refines its borders as it rises out of the suffering valley below. Paved with dark stones, the road winds up toward the plateau above. A vantage along the roadside provides a glimpse of the destruction below, which is as beautiful as it is terrible. Streams of lava lay draped across the blackened land like glowing lariats, and fields of shattered obsidian glint harshly in the wan moonlight. You also see a menacing krolvin warlord, a pale-faced coppery barn owl that is flying around, the Andeller disk, the Gruener disk, the Leafiara disk, the Khazaann disk, the red Koreina disk, the Gutstorm disk, the Behavin disk, the Ouendi disk, the Dwi disk, a flayed arm, a deformed arm, a deformed arm, a salt-crusted soft blue crab pincer mottled with barnacles, some thick salt-encrusted crab pincers, a delusive will-o-wisp spirit that is flying around, an acrimonious snow spirit that is flying around, a shabby calico cat, a hulking krolvin triggerman that appears dead, a towering krolvin triggerman that appears dead and obvious signs of someone hiding.
With deliberate brutality, Phomate brings his star around to pummel a menacing krolvin warlord!
<More Fighting>
Nalver yells, "Wait for us?!"
Nalver searches a hulking krolvin triggerman.
Nalver picks up a plain steel strongbox.
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Few to wesht."
Nalver put a plain steel strongbox in his white sailcloth knapsack.
With a discerning eye, Nalver gathers up one item and casually stows it away.
Dendum says, "Oi Krolvin are you peaceful Krolvin? Oh...they are all dead."
Nalver's group just went west.
Taulramil searches a hulking krolvin tormentor.
Dendum asks, "See that arrow shot?"
Aeith searches a grizzled hulking krolvin warlord.
A grizzled hulking krolvin warlord collapses into a pile of dirty rags.
Taulramil searches a weathered hulking krolvin warden.
Queatus's spirits are no longer lifted.
Queatus seems to slow down and become a bit less nimble.
Dendum says, "Woosh."
Eleazzar bleakly says, "I am wounded."
Dendum says, "That Krolvin just had unity with arrow and eye."
You feel the unnatural surge of necrotic power wane away.
Nature's blessing of vitality departs as your arcane prowess returns to normal.
Taulramil picks up a n'ayanad crystal.
Taulramil put a n'ayanad crystal in his crimson-paneled eisenruck.
Sorlu grins.
Taulramil says, "Loot on the ground."
Dendum belts out, "Any other Krolvin want unity with arrow and eye?! Stop attacking!"
Leafiara swings a perfect starsong warblade at a towering krolvin templar!
Leafiara swings a perfect starsong warblade at a menacing krolvin templar!

** As a resonating song emanates from Leafiara's starsong warblade, it entwines her in night blue wisps of ephemera.  Suddenly, a star-sparked rush of percussive pressure whips out at a menacing krolvin templar! **
Tendons in the krolvin templar's shield arm snap.
** As a resonating song emanates from Leafiara's starsong warblade, it entwines her in night blue wisps of ephemera. Suddenly, a star-sparked rush of percussive pressure whips out at a towering krolvin templar! **
The krolvin templar's skull cracks with an audible "Pop"!
** As a resonating song emanates from Leafiara's starsong warblade, it entwines her in night blue wisps of ephemera. Suddenly, a star-sparked rush of percussive pressure whips out at a weathered krolvin warden! **
Flesh bubbles on the krolvin warden's right leg.
** A dazzling dance of swirling silk surrounds a weathered krolvin warden, restraining him with radiant ribbons! For a fancy finishing flourish, they twist and twine into bows before bursting into a brilliant explosion of energy! **
Brrrr! That was a good hit to the left leg! Knocked the krolvin warden silly.
    • As a perfect starsong warblade with a ribbon-wrapped mithril hilt strikes a weathered krolvin warden, rocky masses form around him! **
  Good blow to head!

Particles of dust and soot rise from the ground at Leafiara's feet as she releases a pulsating, platinum ripple of energy toward a weathered krolvin warden!

 The krolvin warden is cloaked in a blinding platinum light and assailed for 66 points of damage!
Dazzling arc of energy traces blackened path across the krolvin warden's chest!
The tendons in the krolvin warden's foot snap. Looks painful.

Leafiara swings a perfect starsong warblade at a hulking krolvin warlord!
Pearly light flares up suddenly from within Leafiara!
Leafiara swings a perfect starsong warblade at a towering krolvin warlord!

** A dazzling dance of swirling silk surrounds a hulking krolvin triggerman, restraining her with radiant ribbons!  For a fancy finishing flourish, they twist and twine into bows before bursting into a brilliant explosion of energy! **
The hulking krolvin triggerman's spinal fluid boils, rupturing spinal cord.

The block of ice encasing a hulking krolvin triggerman's lower half melts away.
Phomate lets out a loud snarling growl and goes berserk!
Behavin swings a slim vultite handaxe at a hulking krolvin warlord!

  Weak eye gouge, probably distracting.

Dwi launches a quick bash with her vaalorn greatshield at a hulking krolvin warlord!
Dwi's bash connects!
Dwi swings a spike-polled dwarven waraxe at a hulking krolvin warlord!
The block of ice encasing a hulking krolvin warlord's lower half melts away.
Wolfloner gestures at a weathered krolvin warden.
A weathered krolvin warden is buffeted by the snapping and crackling ethereal waves.

  Heavy shock to right leg.  Gonna limp for awhile.
Nasty jolt to chest causes heart to skip a beat!

Nalver yells, "Stand!"
Eleazzar bleakly says, "If an empath might take my wounds please."
Leafiara gestures at Phomate.
The ghostly voice of Phomate says, "Yeah."

Yussof says, "Back, back from the gate."
Dwi shakes her head at Phomate and clucks her tongue.
Vasarias begins to look fatigued.
With a discerning eye, Nalver gathers up a few items and casually stows them away.
Wolfloner gestures at Vasarias.
Vasarias's skin takes on a more pinkish tint.
Aeith rubs Phomate.
Yussof points west.
Nalver asks, "Elemental mana?"
Vasarias nods appreciatively at Wolfloner.
Aliashyrah says, "The Krolvin has been telling us to look for a bone."
The ghostly voice of Phomate says, "Peri too."
Speaking heartily to Aeith, Dwi says, "He dont deserb a massage."
Elronae faces Nalver, closes her eyes and begins chanting. Suddenly, a small bolt of energy arcs between them!
Elronae opens her eyes, looking slightly drained.
The voice of Lithyia says, "Oh no, Perigourd has fallen."
Rysolee faces Nalver, closes her eyes and begins chanting. Suddenly, a small bolt of energy arcs between them!
Rysolee opens her eyes, looking slightly drained.
Chamorr faces Nalver, closes his eyes and begins chanting. A small spark leaps from Chamorr's fingers... but little else happens.
Aliashyrah asks, "Have we been looking?"
Aeith faces Nalver, closes her eyes and begins chanting. A small spark leaps from Aeith's fingers... but little else happens.
The ghostly voice of Phomate asks, "A bone?"
Sorlu picks up some silver coins.
Zeminar gestures into the air.
Zeminar momentarily gets a faroff look in his eyes, and then returns to normal.
Gruener faces Nalver, closes her eyes and begins chanting. A small spark leaps from Gruener's fingers... but little else happens.
The ghostly voice of Phomate says, "Hmm."
Nalver yells, "FOR THE DRAKES!"
Aliashyrah says, "Yes, a bone."
Aliashyrah says, "In the wall or something."
The ghostly voice of Phomate asks, "Da doorknob?"
Taulramil says, "Fiesty bunch."
Aliashyrah asks, "That is what Dendum hav been saying, yes?"
Queatus abruptly attacks a reinforced black spruce gate!
A pair of glowing white eyes briefly flash amongst the shadows.
Aliashyrah says, "Oh, they are not here."
Taulramil searches around for a moment.
Rysolee says, "Dead bunch."
Aliashyrah shrugs.
Queatus abruptly kicks at a reinforced black spruce gate!
Rysolee shrugs.
Talliver says, "The Wyrm's spotted some of our dead trapped among the krolvin forces down below."
Aliashyrah says, "But they have been saying that."
Dendum belts out, "There is no honor is being dead for false Czag who is slave to human coven voices!"
The ghostly voice of Phomate asks, "Climb it?"
Aeith says, "It seems the city less in ruins than the path up here was."
From nearby, you hear Nalver yell, "Form up on me!"
Silvery warding sigils surround Queatus, fading into his battle-scarred targe.
Framed and inlaid with scrimshawed whalebone, a reinforced gate of black spruce guards the entrance into the city. High watchtowers loom over the entry, their crenellated crowns occupied by krolvin sentries armed with heavy arbalests. Traffic flows through the gates in a clattering press of wagons and aurochs-drawn carts, perfuming the air with a bewildering melange of exotic spices, musk, and road dust. You also see a pallid skin-bound grimoire flying around with its pale leathery wings, the glossy pink Lilanna disk shaped like a jellyfish, the Mystiq disk, the glaesine Yardie disk streaked with cobalt veins, the Darineah disk, the sparking Taulramil disk, the sparking Dendum disk, the blue Rysolee disk, the violet Eleazzar disk, the Ntinly disk, the Behavin disk, the Darphin disk, the Elronae disk, the bloodstained Queatus disk with scuffed and dented sides, a massive snowy battle-scarred lynx, a ruffled white-bellied hawk that is flying around and obvious signs of someone hiding.
Queatus gazes up into the heavens.
The voice of Yardie asks, "Wait, we're switching groups?"
Dwi nods at Gutstorm.
Jkarog says, "A moment. I think I can help them."
Jkarog just went west.
The ghostly voice of Phomate asks, "Eh?"
The voice of Lithyia says, "Yardie, stop stepping on my foot."
Framed and inlaid with scrimshawed whalebone, a reinforced gate of black spruce guards the entrance into the city. High watchtowers loom over the entry, their crenellated crowns occupied by krolvin sentries armed with heavy arbalests. Traffic flows through the gates in a clattering press of wagons and aurochs-drawn carts, perfuming the air with a bewildering melange of exotic spices, musk, and road dust. You also see the Andeller disk, the Gruener disk, the Dwi disk, the Ouendi disk, the Leafiara disk, the Khazaann disk, the Gutstorm disk, the red Koreina disk, a pallid skin-bound grimoire flying around with its pale leathery wings, the glossy pink Lilanna disk shaped like a jellyfish, the Mystiq disk, the glaesine Yardie disk streaked with cobalt veins, the Darineah disk, the sparking Taulramil disk, the sparking Dendum disk, the blue Rysolee disk, the violet Eleazzar disk, the Ntinly disk, the Behavin disk, the Darphin disk, the Elronae disk, the bloodstained Queatus disk with scuffed and dented sides, a massive snowy battle-scarred lynx, a ruffled white-bellied hawk that is flying around and obvious signs of someone hiding.
Squire Legionnaire Taulramil just went west.
Dendum inhales deeply upon his pipe, puckering his lips as he sends out three rings of smoke before him.
Speaking to Phomate, Aliashyrah asks, "Would you like me to help you remember how to breathe?"
The voice of Draelor says, "Seriously Yardie."
The voice of Yardie exclaims, "You got big feet!"
The voice of Lithyia exclaims, "I do not!"
Yussof rolls his eyes and makes an annoyed, barking grunt.
The ghostly voice of Phomate says, "I would."
Leafiara dusts Phomate off.
Sorlu tilts his head up.
Elronae gazes thoughtfully at a reinforced black spruce gate.
Yussof just limped west.
The ghostly voice of Phomate says, "Need a healer."
Phomate's left arm wound gradually fades, forming on Gruener's left arm instead.
Phomate's left leg wound gradually fades, forming on Gruener's left leg instead.
The voice of Yardie says, "Keep that bunion away from me."
Phomate's left hand wound gradually fades, forming on Gruener's left hand instead.
Phomate's back wound gradually fades, forming on Gruener's back instead.
Phomate loses some of his pallor.
Aliashyrah asks, "Can anyone heal our dead one?"
The ghostly voice of Phomate says, "Thankee."
Speaking to Talliver, Nalver asks, "He ran into the bushes?"
Lilanna glances west.
The cuts on Gruener's left hand close and the bruises fade.
The scar on Gruener's left hand glows faintly white before fading altogether.
The voice of Lithyia exclaims, "I dont have bunions!"
You hear someone calling upon the powers of the elements...
The voice of Lithyia exclaims, "You beast!"
Aliashyrah says, "Please."
Dendum exclaims, "Where did Yussof go?!"
Zeminar raspily says, "It seems death is coming for all of us."
The ghostly voice of Phomate says, "Ready fer up."
Aeith faces Gruener, closes her eyes and begins chanting. Suddenly, a small bolt of energy arcs between them!
Aeith opens her eyes, looking slightly drained.
Wolfloner gestures at a reinforced black spruce gate.
A reinforced black spruce gate vibrates slightly.
Gutstorm taps Leafiara lightly on her shoulder.
Nalver says, "Jkarog."

Fall of the Wall

Flakes of ash cling to the ground and waver in the sere winds roiling up from the volcanic flats below the plateau. They dust wagons and stalls resting in the shadow of the city's basalt walls, which stretch imposingly toward the smoky skies. Age-darkened whalebone inlay set into the walls depicts nautical scenes and no small amount of bloodshed.
Also here:Yussof
Dendum says, "Oh."
Dendum asks, "This bone?"
Dendum belts out, "We found bone!"
Yussof points at the whalebone set into the wall.
Dendum says, "Is good bone."
Dendum says, "Mighty fish the whale."
Ntinly seems slightly different.
Yussof says, "The wall is weakest here, because they decorate it."
Yussof says, "Bone is not strong."
The voice of Lithyia says, "Ahhh."
Nalver yells, "Drakes sound off!"
Nalver throws his head back and howls
Taulramil points at some whalebone inlay.
Speaking to Yussof, Dendum says, "Still is good bone."
Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "Ish dis a Brokk immatein brownie?"
Delilahrae exclaims, "Off!"
Aeith casually observes her surroundings.
From nearby, you hear Phomate yell, "I'm up!"
Andeller throws his head back and howls!
Chamorr heartily says, "Moof."
Vasarias seems slightly different.
Mystiq softly says, "Off..."
Elronae grins at Chamorr.
Phomate says, "Ok."
Rysolee's group blurs before your eyes.
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Imma dummy."
Koreina turns her green crystal bottle, opening its lid and shaking a faceted dark emerald pill into her waiting hand.
Speaking to Phomate, Aliashyrah says, "This is the bone."
Koreina offers Phomate a faceted dark emerald pill.
Phomate says, "Magic free."
Speaking to Phomate, Aliashyrah says, "Or so it would seem."
Koreina put a rectangular green crystal bottle in her sea silk pouch.
Phomate hugs Aliashyrah.
Koreina nods at Phomate.
The swirling breeze around Aeith finally settles.
Phomate hugs Koreina.
A dull grey energy trails Koreina's deringo runestaff as she draws it from her runestaff sling.
Yussof says, "It is the weakest spot in the wall."

Talliver says, "Jkarog says he is pinned down."
Yussof frowns.
Talliver asks, "Can someone aid him?"
Behavin says, "He is."
Taulramil says, "Where."
Sorlu says, "We must help him."
Phomate asks, "Which way?"
Koreina places her dark emerald pill in her mouth, and it dissolves into a puff of emerald-hued smoke. A verdant mist seeps from her lips as a cloud of mana coalesces around her, wrapping her in protective magic!
The calico cat gazes with interest at the Gutstorm disk.
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Scrimshaw cliff."
Nalver points at some whalebone inlay.
Yussof says, "They may have ambushed them on the cliffs."
Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "Senf familar?"
A sickly sewer rat on Ntinly's shoulder plops down and begins grooming itself with an almost comical air of fastidiousness.
Zeminar raspily says, "In the meadow somewhere. Perigourd is there dead."
The emerald sprite flying above your shoulder nestles in against your neck before flying away.
Flashes of gold illuminate the shadows momentarily.
Pale, swirling mist begins to billow out from nothingness before you, and quickly coalesces into a small orb of shifting essence. Suddenly, the orb expands and forms an elliptical portal of swirling blues and blacks, its edges shrouded in dancing blue-white mist.
Aliashyrah gestures into the air.
Aliashyrah momentarily gets a faroff look in her eyes, and then returns to normal.
Aliashyrah says, "There are three dead there."
Yussof says, "Go help. I will hide here until you get back."
A massive snowy battle-scarred lynx swiftly dashes off.
You notice Yussof try to tiptoe silently away.
A massive snowy battle-scarred lynx dashes in.
Aliashyrah says, "Jastalyn, Aerocus, Perigourd."
You notice a massive snowy battle-scarred lynx glancing off in another direction for a moment.
Queatus says, "I'll go have a look."
The calico cat stands up.
The calico cat pads off.
Nalver says, "One second."
Yussof comes out of hiding.
Zeminar rubs his putrid ether, causing shadows to coalesce and enshroud him completely.
Aliashyrah says, "And Jkarog is attemping to help but we may need to help more."
Jkarog drags Jastalyn out of the shifting portal.
Faint ripples in the ground form beneath Eleazzar for a moment.
Speaking to Talliver, Darphin says, "Shame we dont have an artist with us, your sword hilt would make for a good tie together against the inlay work."
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "When portal open we prize dem."
Yussof says, "The airship is waiting for us."
The ghostly voice of Jastalyn softly says, "Hello."
Nalver taps Gutstorm lightly on his shoulder.
Taulramil asks, "Which way is it?"
Jkarog steps into the shifting portal.
Gutstorm steps into the shifting portal, followed closely by his group.
The ghostly voice of Perigourd says, "Much appreciation both."
Darphin searches a hulking krolvin triggerman.
Mystiq's expression goes adrift for a moment.
Mystiq's nervous system looks better.
Aliashyrah nods at Perigourd.
Aliashyrah kneels down.
Aliashyrah just pulled Perigourd's lifeless body into her arms.
Aliashyrah gestures at Perigourd.
A silvery translucent thread extends from Aliashyrah encompassing Perigourd's corpse.
Gutstorm steps out of the shifting portal, followed closely by his group.
Gutstorm's sentient potato boasts, "My dad slayed a multi-horned glowing ki-lin once!
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Damn right me did."
Gutstorm grunts at the potato in agreement.
Speaking to Ntinly, the ghostly voice of Aerocus says, "...magic..."
Sorlu glances over at the body of Perigourd, sizes up the mess and winces. You think you hear him mutter something beneath his breath that sounds like, "What a pity!"
Aeith makes a sharp gesture toward the battle-scarred lynx.
Leafiara says, "There we go."
Dendum says, "This is best trap springing ever."
Taulramil says, "How do we get past that gate."
Ntinly gently rolls the lifeless body of Aerocus over.
Speaking to Perigourd, Aliashyrah says, "Although you may dislike Her, let us hope Ivas favors you slightly more."
Ntinly squeakily exclaims, "Stop dyin!"
Ntinly nods at Aerocus.
Aliashyrah kisses Perigourd.
Phomate asks, "They was serious eh?"
Perigourd's body suddenly grows darker.
Perigourd is suddenly surrounded by a vivid white light as magic gathers around him!
The vivid white light surrounding Perigourd wanes away.
Talliver says, "Let's recover our allies, and then..."
Delilahrae says, "I can givea Pally raise."
The voice of Yardie says, "Oooooh, I'm telling Miss\oni."
Leafiara says, "Let's see, Aerocus has been dead longest."
Ntinly pokes Aerocus to see if he will move.
Speaking to Yussof, Dendum asks, "It is too high for Dendum...any ideas?"
The voice of Lithyia asks, "And then?"
A silvery translucent thread extends from Leafiara encompassing Aerocus's corpse.
The voice of Yardie says, "Peri kissing another lady."
Gutstorm scoots over next to Perigourd.
A cadaverous rat with baleful red eyes clambers out from Zeminar's leather satchel and climbs its way back up to his shoulder, looking quite pleased with itself.
Rolling to one side in a blur of limbs, Perigourd springs back to his feet with a clank from his golvern plate-and-mail, shoulders tensed as he settles into a ready stance.
Speaking squeakily to Jastalyn, Ouendi asks, "Uppies?"
Talliver says, "The wall is weak here, Dendum says."
Perigourd nods respectfully at Aliashyrah.
Phomate dusts Perigourd off.
Gutstorm pushes on Perigourd without much success.
The ghostly voice of Jastalyn softly says, "Yes please."
Leafiara grabs a honey beryl note symbol inset with tiny water sapphires from inside her starsilk tote.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Perigourd says, "Thank you kindly."
As Leafiara pries a rose-carved emerald from her note symbol's bezel setting, the iridescent glow fades away from the symbol.
Aliashyrah nods slightly at Perigourd.
Khazaann bangs his vultite broadsword against the front of his crimson eahnor pavis! ***Clang!***
The ghostly voice of Jastalyn softly says, "Uppies is good."
Leafiara absent-mindedly drops a honey beryl note symbol inset with tiny water sapphires into her starsilk tote.
A silvery translucent thread extends from Ouendi encompassing Jastalyn's corpse.
Perigourd removes a large jar of pallid grey salve from in his suede cloak.
Leafiara gingerly cracks and waves the rose-carved emerald over Aerocus's body, and a mixture of oil and balsam trickles out of the emerald, coating Aerocus with a cobalt blue liquid.
Aliashyrah dusts off her smoky scarlet skirt.
Chamorr heartily says, "Somethin about a bone."
A melodic chant escapes Leafiara's lips, singing the praises of the joys of living. Leafiara's eyes light up, and a sparkling yellow aura soon surrounds her as she revels in her ceremony. Caught up in the moment, she dances lively around the body of Aerocus, the exultant energy flowing from her to Aerocus with every step. Leafiara takes a small bow at the end of the ritual that has left both her and Aerocus slightly out of breath.
Gruener gestures at Leafiara.
Delilahrae gestures at Leafiara.
Sorlu gestures at Leafiara.
Perigourd scoops out a small amount of salve from his jar, his nose involuntarily wrinkling at its offensive odor. Despite the powerful smell, he applies the cream to his temples with his fingertips using a gentle, circular motion.
Aeith whispers quietly into the wind, summoning the forces of nature to her call.
Yussof says, "They used whalebone to decorate it here, instead of more stone and iron."
Delilahrae reaches down and tenderly cradles Jastalyn's lifeless hand in hers.
The white sprite flying above Elronae's shoulder whispers something to her.
Gruener gestures at Aerocus.
The glazed look leaves Aerocus.
Aerocus stands up.
Perigourd put a large jar of pallid grey salve in his suede cloak.
Aeith gestures at a small bone periapt.
Ntinly squeakily says, "I dunno how high up on da wall dat inlay is but I sure can't reach its."
Ntinly frowns.
Ouendi kneels briefly beside Jastalyn, tilting her dainty silver chrismarium to pour chrism oil onto her fingertips before anointing each of her eyelids with the aromatic mixture while whispering a quiet prayer to Zelia.
Delilahrae gestures at Jastalyn.
Ouendi touches Jastalyn.
Aeith gestures at Perigourd.
Perigourd suddenly looks much more dextrous.
Ouendi reaches out and touches her moonstone pendant.
Ouendi chants a short but reverent orison, asking for the moons to guide the way to purity of mind.
Queatus basks in a divine force that suddenly surrounds him.
Ouendi squeakily exclaims, "Pop!"
The voice of Lithyia says, "Hate to bash that piece of art in."
Silvery and light, Ouendi's eyes take on a wild, crazed sheen. Her gaze falls upon the prone form of Jastalyn and a strange giggle passes from Ouendi. The laughter swells in the air between the pair, taking on a depth and warmth that is contagious. As if the carefree sound becomes something visible and substantial, the air around Jastalyn's prone form shimmers silvery and raw, as spiritual energy seeps into her.
Aerocus lets out a long, contemplative breath.
Sorlu gestures at Ouendi.
Gutstorm gestures at Perigourd.
The glazed look leaves Jastalyn.
Perigourd removes a green leaf symbol from in his suede cloak.
Jastalyn seems slightly different.
Jastalyn softly asks, "Touchies and uppies?"
Perigourd raises his green leaf symbol skyward!
Darphin gestures at some whalebone inlay.
A silvery luminescence surrounds Perigourd.
Perigourd put a green leaf symbol in his suede cloak.
Speaking to Yussof, Talliver says, "The Wyrm can manage it... but we'll need to ensure the targeting is precise."
Jastalyn stands up.
Queatus says, "Found em."
Talliver says, "We need flares."
Phomate says, "No friendly fire."
Speaking softly to Ouendi, Jastalyn says, "Thank you."
Talliver points up.
A flare leaves Gutstorm's hand and shoots up into the sky where it hangs for a few moments before exploding into a breathtaking array of colors. The sheer brightness of the image before you lingers in your sight for several seconds after the explosion can no longer be seen.
Perigourd tries to empty the contents of his skillet into his haversack, and everything falls in quite nicely.
Gruener gestures at Perigourd.
Perigourd suddenly looks more powerful.
Perigourd put a large cast iron skillet in his suede cloak.
Leafiara petitions the spirits as flickers of pale flame surround her hands...
Yussof asks, "Does anyone have a way to signal the airship and help it position?"
Ouendi squeakily exclaims, "I can do flares!"
Leafiara gestures.
A flare leaves Leafiara's hand and shoots up into the sky where it hangs for a few moments before exploding into a radiant gold capybara encircled by iridescent bubbles. The sheer brightness of the image before you lingers in your sight for several seconds after the explosion can no longer be seen.
Speaking to his triangular bone talisman, Darphin says, "I cant hit it with a flare, but something falling from above..."
A dim aura surrounds Perigourd.
You hear someone uttering a light chant...
Delilahrae says, "I amnot strong enough fromthe last one yet."
Perigourd grabs a slice of lean maple bacon from inside his leather haversack.
Eleazzar is no longer protected by the shimmering field of energy.
Wolfloner gestures.
A flare leaves Wolfloner's hand and shoots up into the sky where it hangs for a few moments before exploding into a breathtaking array of colors. The sheer brightness of the image before you lingers in your sight for several seconds after the explosion can no longer be seen.
Phomate says, "L."
The voice of Lithyia asks, "Guts?"
A flare leaves Ouendi's hand and shoots up into the sky where it hangs for a few moments before exploding into swirling vortices of black light. The sheer brightness of the image before you lingers in your sight for several seconds after the explosion can no longer be seen.
Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "Yeshum?"
Speaking to Talliver, Taulramil says, "Give me a wand and i'll shoot a fireball in the air right next to that gate."
Phomate asks, "We need it here?"
Eleazzar no longer bristles with energy.
Jastalyn basks in a divine force that suddenly surrounds her.
The voice of Lithyia asks, "Guts you got flares?"
Delilahrae asks, "There another Pally or cleric?"
Aeith says, "From here? We can cast."
Ouendi offers Jastalyn an iced cinnamon roll slathered in cream cheese frosting.
Sorlu carefully sets a celebratory firework on the ground.
Queatus picks up a celebratory firework.
Aerocus dips his finger into his jar of pallid grey salve, presumably to sample a taste. Before he can follow through, however, he scrunches up his face in distaste and clearly changes his mind.
Aliashyrah gazes in amusement at Sorlu.
Jastalyn accepts Ouendi's cinnamon roll.
Gutstorm drunkenly exclaims, "Yep!"
Jastalyn softly exclaims, "Thank you!"
Perigourd's stomach growls.
Queatus carefully sets a celebratory firework on the ground.
The voice of Lithyia exclaims, "Fire em off Guts!"
Jastalyn takes a bite of her cinnamon roll.
Jastalyn looks much more calm and refreshed.
Sorlu picks up a celebratory firework.
Perigourd grabs a strip of dark spice-crusted bacon from inside his leather haversack.
Speaking to Sorlu, Aliashyrah asks, "For signalling purposes?"
Queatus puts his hands on his hips, throws his head back, and breaks out into a long, gleeful cackle.
Leafiara gestures at Jastalyn.
A brilliant shaft of pure white light suddenly surrounds Jastalyn.
Perigourd takes a bite of his spice-crusted bacon.
A pure white aura sparkles around Perigourd.
Nalver designates Gutstorm as the new leader of the group.
The scent of freshly baked bread emanates from Leafiara as she utters a short phrase...
There is a bright flash and a bacon-topped steamed bun appears in the air, then falls into Leafiara's right hand.
Darphin says, "Ive tried casting at it."
Ntinly utters a light chant and raises her hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to her aid...
Jastalyn hugs Leafiara, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
Taulramil says, "For targetting purpose."
Phomate moves to stand behind Perigourd.
Leafiara gobbles down a big bite of her steamed bun.
Leafiara looks much more calm and refreshed.
Leafiara gobbles down her steamed bun in one enormous bite.
Leafiara hugs Jastalyn, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
Speaking to Gutstorm, Nalver says, "On you man..."
Queatus grins.
Sorlu carefully lights the fuse on a celebratory firework, which immediately begins to issue forth a torrent of multi-colored sparks.
Darphin says, "Its out of my target range."
The fuse on a celebratory firework burns down further, issuing a torrent of multi-colored sparks.
Gutstorm clasps Perigourd's hand tenderly.
Faint red-gold filaments wreathe Perigourd in a web of protection.
The fuse on a celebratory firework burns away into the body of the firework.
Sorlu shrugs.
Gutstorm tries to pull Perigourd towards him.
Taulramil says, "Mark the target for the skeeter."
The celebratory firework issues a violent torrent of fiery sparks from its base and shoots off into the air. A bright trail of fiery light rises into the nighttime sky above Glaoveln, vanishing from sight a heartbeat later.
Perigourd nods approvingly.
Trails of multicolored lights illuminate the nighttime sky and come together to form the numbers 5 1 2 4.
Perigourd starts to breathe oddly.
Wolfloner gestures at some whalebone inlay.
Aerocus suddenly looks very tired and lies down for a nap.
Speaking to Sorlu, Aliashyrah says, "The Krolvin will never know where we are."
Phomate throws his head back and howls, sounding something like a coyote!
Aliashyrah winks at Sorlu.
Speaking drunkenly to Perigourd, Gutstorm says, "No more gavalantin, yue shtay witta tour."
Phomate hoots at the coppery barn owl.
Aerocus's back wound gradually fades, forming on Mystiq's back instead.
Aerocus's nervous system damage gradually fades, affecting Mystiq's nervous system instead.
Perigourd begins chuckling at Gutstorm!
Phomate says, "And."
A massive snowy battle-scarred lynx scrambles back up onto his feet.
Gutstorm drunkenly exclaims, "Wow, we hadda bard!"
Mystiq pulls Rysolee closer to herself.
Mystiq focuses on Taulramil with intense concentration.
Taulramil's left arm wound gradually fades, forming on Mystiq's left arm instead.
Taulramil's left leg wound gradually fades, forming on Mystiq's left leg instead.
Aliashyrah fidgets and fusses with her hourglass corset, making certain of the fit.
Phomate asks, "Unstable ground?"
Phomate says, "Er attack."
A flare leaves Darphin's hand and shoots up into the sky where it hangs for a few moments before exploding into waterfalls of glittering red roses. The sheer brightness of the image before you lingers in your sight for several seconds after the explosion can no longer be seen.
Sorlu nods approvingly at Aliashyrah.
Aerocus moves into a defensive stance, ready to fend off an attack.
A flare leaves Ouendi's hand and shoots up into the sky where it hangs for a few moments before exploding into a breathtaking array of colors. The sheer brightness of the image before you lingers in your sight for several seconds after the explosion can no longer be seen.
Nalver just closed a small veniom-bound armoire.
Eleazzar worriedly asks, "Was that the volcano?"
Ntinly gestures at some whalebone inlay.
Nalver taps Talliver lightly on his shoulder.
Dendum says, "Ok......"
Khazaann put a bone-pommeled vultite broadsword in his threaded harness.
The cuts on Mystiq's left arm close and the bruises fade.
Phomate asks, "It gonna blow?"
Aerocus blends into invisibility among the surroundings.
Jkarog says, "All right. Flares are in the sky. And now.."
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Dat prolly jusht Dwi tummy."
Khazaann removes a matte black vellum package from in his spidersilk pack.
A section of the wall gives way, collapsing into a pile of smoldering rubble!
Aerocus comes out of hiding.
Aeith beams!
A flare leaves Ntinly's hand and shoots up into the sky where it hangs for a few moments before exploding into a breathtaking array of colors. The sheer brightness of the image before you lingers in your sight for several seconds after the explosion can no longer be seen.
Nalver shrieks!
You hear someone hooting.
Khazaann removes a pale grey rounded crystal from in his black vellum package.
Khazaann put a pale grey rounded crystal in his spidersilk pack.
Draelor lets out a cheer!
Vasarias applauds.
Khazaann put a matte black vellum package in his spidersilk pack.
Taulramil points at a pile of smoldering rubble.
Ouendi lets out a cheer!
Dendum belts out, "We are coming in!"
Khazaann removes a narrow faenor anklet from his ankle.
Ouendi squeakily exclaims, "Fire fixes everything!"
Nalver yells, "Hold!"
Vasarias exclaims, "Nice!"
Phomate says, "A door."
Talliver leads his group in an attempt to clamber up and across the smoldering rubble. One by one, they drop into the streets of Glaeve below.
Dendum belts out, "You do not attack!"
A massive snowy battle-scarred lynx scrambles out of sight.
Khazaann removes a pale grey rounded crystal from in his spidersilk pack.
The white-bellied hawk flies off.
Gutstorm taps a pile of smoldering rubble.
Khazaann carefully places his rounded crystal on top of his faenor anklet and pushes it into place with a loud *CLICK*.
Khazaann attaches a narrow faenor anklet set with a pale grey rounded crystal to his ankle.
Dendum belts out, "If you attack we put head on stick and feed it to birds!"
Perigourd just nudged Gutstorm.
Yussof barks wildly at a pile of smoldering rubble!
Phomate taps a pile of smoldering rubble.
Gutstorm stumbles toward a pile of smoldering rubble before regaining his balance.
Dendum asks, "Where is Jkarog?"
Chamorr heartily says, "Why not attack."
Phomate says, "Hot."
Phomate nods to a pile of smoldering rubble.
Perigourd points at Jkarog.
Nalver just went east.
Speaking to Jkarog, Dendum asks, "Can perhaps talk some sense into them?"
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Me no can go rubby."
Aerocus scoops out a small amount of salve from his jar, his nose involuntarily wrinkling at its offensive odor. Despite the powerful smell, he applies the cream to his temples with his fingertips using a gentle, circular motion.
Phomate asks, "Friendlies?"
Nalver says, "There is a gate east of here..."
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Nalver have pet fint Mayor Dabblesh."
Speaking to Jkarog, Dendum says, "Maybe something like 'hey brother krolvin don't be stupid and die'."
Aerocus says, "I have a lot of salve."
Perigourd clambers up and across the smoldering rubble before dropping down into the streets of Glaeve.
Aerocus says, "I can share."
Following behind Gutstorm, you clamber up and across the smoldering rubble, dropping down into the streets of Glaeve below. You manage to land safely, if not entirely without discomfort.
Obvious paths: north, east
Sorlu smirks at Darphin.
Perigourd joins Gutstorm's group.
Speaking drunkenly to Perigourd, Gutstorm says, "Har har."
The voice of Lithyia says, "Leviathan, Yardie."

The voice of Yardie says, "Oh."
Nalver joins Gutstorm's group.
The voice of Lithyia says, "Massive sea monster."
Squire Legionnaire Taulramil just went north.
Jkarog climbs through a rubble-strewn breach in the wall before dropping down into the streets, somehow managing to land on his feet.
Aeith says, "That the one in that bone mural on the wall."
Phomate exclaims, "Wha?!"
Speaking to Jkarog, Talliver asks, "How does it feel to be home?"
Yussof casually observes his surroundings.
Aliashyrah says, "I feel a bit lightheaded."
Queatus just went into a pine-roofed inn.
Mystiq focuses on Aliashyrah with intense concentration.
Aliashyrah appears entirely restored.
Eleazzar gazes north.
Phomate asks, "This is home?"
Sorlu rubs Aliashyrah tenderly.
Aliashyrah nods gratefully at Mystiq.
The voice of Yardie says, "Queatus went ahead."
Mystiq wavers with sudden fatigue.
Aliashyrah smiles at Sorlu.
Jkarog coldly says, "It's a bitter draught to drink, I'm afraid."
Perigourd glances appraisingly at a pine-roofed inn.
Darphin yells, "::inn come out if youre friendly!"
Leafiara's sentient potato whistles a jaunty little ditty!
Phomate rubs Jkarog.
The voice of Lithyia says, "I am sorry Jkarrrrrog. I mean that."
Leafiara grins wryly at Jkarog.
Taulramil's yowlp emboldens your fighting spirit!
Raelee suddenly fades into view.
Sorlu grins slowly at Aliashyrah.
Raelee surveys the area.
Speaking quietly to herself, Raelee remarks, "Interesting."
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Me think we kilt all da regufee."
Perigourd peers north through his silver spyglass and slowly turns the eyepiece to focus it. Squinting slightly, he gazes intently through the eyepiece.
Perigourd peers east through his silver spyglass and slowly turns the eyepiece to focus it. Squinting slightly, he gazes intently through the eyepiece.
Speaking to Jkarog, Aerocus says, "He saved us, killed at least 30 of his own doing so."
Darphin says, "Come out if youre not friendly..."
The voice of Yardie asks, "Who did?"
Aerocus nods at Jkarog.
Aliashyrah asks, "Is someone...singing?"
The sounds of occasional clashes in the streets rings out over the cries of refugees begging for aid.
Aliashyrah glances at a pine-roofed inn.
Aerocus points at Jkarog.
Phomate says, "So we can fix dat unfriendly part."
Leafiara says, "Hmm..."
Urchin Gutstorm moves toward a pine-roofed inn and then stumbles, making a total fool out of himself.
A group of people follows him, rolling their eyes and chortling.
Yussof inclines his ear, listening intently.
The voice of Lithyia says, "We need to help them."
Taulramil says, "Auction house east."
Aeith says, "Maybe there are still those to save here, or something worthwhile in this destination for all the blood spilled to matter."
Rysolee trembles.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Queatus says, "Nothin worth lootin there."
Rysolee gestures at a towering krolvin paragon.
Rysolee hurls a roaring ball of fire at a towering krolvin paragon!
The krolvin paragon evades the bolt by a hair!
Queatus shakes his head.
Mystiq gestures at a towering krolvin paragon.
Mystiq concentrates intently on a towering krolvin paragon, and a pulse of pearlescent energy ripples toward her!
The dull golden nimbus surrounding a towering krolvin paragon suddenly begins to glow brightly.
The voice of Yardie says, "I'll say this. Whoever trained the krolvin, they're formidable fighters."
Darphin glances at Darineah.
Ntinly grimaces as her sewer rat suddenly cranes around her face to see something, its paw anchored onto her nose. A sudden slip sends the rodent flailing and clinging wildly to Ntinly's front before scrambling back up to her shoulder with an embarrassed and sulky squeak.
Aerocus says, "I have salve a lot if you need it say so and pas it aloing."
Loralaii's sentient potato whistles a jaunty little ditty!
Eleazzar says, "I suspect they trained themselves."
The chestnut amulet hanging from Jastalyn's neck suddenly flares a bright shade of blue.
A long, low warhorn sounds the retreat, but the occasional sounds of battle still punctuate the streets of the city.
Dendum says, "Oh good."
Aeith's concentration shifts and becomes more focused as she slightly tilts an ear in a particular direction.
Sorlu says, "Imagine if they were all to be on our side."
Dendum says, "Battle sounds."
Taulramil says, "I'll clear the path north."


Dendum asks, "That means two sides fight?"
Dendum asks, "Hey dead Krolvin you on our side?"
A massive snowy battle-scarred lynx sniffs at the corpse of a menacing krolvin warlord.
The voice of Yardie says, "I wonder where they might have retreated."
Mayor Talliver's group just went south.
Prosperous businesses crowd the northern side of the street, patronized by a steady stream of seafarers and traders. Sheltered by a bend in the city's outer wall is a vast monument of volcanic glass that has been worked with surpassing skill. It takes the form of a three-headed serpent breaching through storm-tossed waves. Gold, silver, and gems have been heaped in a basin at the base of the statue, where tallow candles flicker and smoke in the icy wind. You also see a smoky topaz and obvious signs of someone hiding.
The very powerful look leaves Draelor.
The white light leaves Draelor.
The dull golden nimbus fades from around Draelor.
An off-key song with off-color lyrics brays from the torchlit windows of a long, one-storied inn sheltering beneath a crooked larch. Needles, green and brown, blanket the flagstone road leading up to its entrance, where a one-eyed bouncer with a cudgel sorts customers from potential nuisances. The roof of scale-shaped pine shingles is sealed with acrid tar. You also see obvious signs of someone hiding.
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
Mystiq's left eye looks better.
Elronae's firewheel flower stretches its petals outward for a moment, sighing softly in contentment.
Darphin says, "Thats insensitive to Jkarog, Dendum..."
Aliashyrah says, "For our consciences, we are assuming all thsoe we kill are not on our side, gnome."
Dendum exclaims, "Jkarog can tell kin to stop attacking and we will be more sensitive!"
The voice of Yardie says, "I would hope Jkarog would inform us who is friendly."
Taulramil tilts his head up.
Aliashyrah says, "Nalver is alone with many, MANY krolvin."
Aliashyrah says, "Near the gate."
The voice of Yardie asks, "Why does he go alone?"
Raelee gets a distant look in her eyes.
Speaking to Jkarog, Darphin asks, "Truefolk, what can you do?"
Aliashyrah says, "And might I repeat, Many krolvin."
Dendum says, "Nalver is a bit crazy....but is best kind of crazy."
A group of people follows him in, rolling their eyes and chortling.
Phomate asks, "Poison?"
The voice of Yardie says, "No such thing as "best crazy"."
Aeith asks, "I assume these are still bands of the enemy Krolvin trying to keep us from the city?"
Queatus says, "Yeah, that is a lot fo Krol."
Speaking to Jkarog, Aliashyrah asks, "Do you know where the reinforced black spruce gate is?"
Dendum says, "Oi Yardie...must have you speak with Ouendi later."
Speaking to Jkarog, Talliver says, "This is more your seat of expertise than mine."
Darphin says, "Yardie, are you not counting me? im am for sure the best crazy."
Speaking to Jkarog, Aliashyrah says, "That is what I see when I look for him."
Raelee's surge of empowerment fades.
Taulramil leans on his battlesword.
Jkarog says, "We should clean out the rest of the Harpy's forces."
Jkarog says, "And then..."
The voice of Lithyia says, "Aye."
The white sprite flying above Elronae's shoulder flits around her head a few times.
Dendum turns to Jkarog and cheer!
The voice of Yardie repeats, "No such thing as "best crazy"."
Lilanna nods at Jkarog.
Jkarog says, "Then we will figure out what to do next."
The voice of Yardie asks, "Any sign of the Iron Harpy?"
Lilanna adopts an agreeable expression.
Darphin says, "Yeah well your last pie was a little burnt."
<more fighting>
Speaking to Jkarog, you console, "Eh...this Coven pits kin against kin east or west."
Speaking to Jkarog, Dendum says, "They fight well."
Rysolee says, "We should just burn the whole place and all the krolvin in it down. Turn it back into ash."
Dendum nods at Jkarog.
Taulramil picks up a star ruby.
Taulramil put a star ruby in his crimson-paneled eisenruck.
The voice of Yardie says, "I still think this might have been a diversion."
The voice of Yardie says, "Aside for being a trap."
Jkarog turns to face Rysolee.
Dendum says, "Dendum speaks with Bodad who is at door...they report it is fine."
You notice Yussof try to tiptoe silently by you.
You notice Yussof slip out of hiding.
Jkarog points at Rysolee.

 Explosive burst wreaths Rysolee's body in blue flames!
+151 Hits.
* Rysolee drops dead at your feet!

Rysolee glances around, looking a bit less confident.
The light blue glow leaves Rysolee.
The powerful look leaves Rysolee.
The shimmering multicolored sphere fades from around Rysolee.
Rysolee appears to lose some internal strength.
The layer of raw elemental energy surrounding Rysolee dissipates.
Rysolee becomes unbalanced for a second, then recovers.
The deep blue glow leaves Rysolee.
Rysolee seems hesitant.
Rysolee no longer bristles with energy.
The misty halo fades from Rysolee.
Rysolee begins to breathe less deeply.
The air about Rysolee stops shimmering.
Rysolee seems to lose some dexterity.
A silver light faintly flickers around Rysolee, then fades.
Rysolee appears somehow different.
A series of crystal green lines suddenly appears on Rysolee's face, quickly racing towards the center of her forehead before detaching and dissipating in the air.
Rysolee seems a bit less imposing.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Rysolee suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
The bright luminescence fades from around Rysolee.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Rysolee.
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves Rysolee.
Rysolee seems slightly different.
Rysolee seems less resolute.
The divine force surrounding Rysolee slowly fades away.
Rysolee's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around her arms.
Rysolee becomes solid again.
Rysolee returns to normal color.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Rysolee.

* Rysolee just gave up the ghost!

The blue Rysolee disk disintegrates.
Aerocus seems to slow down and become a bit less nimble.
A knobby layer of bark swiftly forms on Aerocus.
Yussof gasps.
Aeith blinks.
Speaking to Rysolee, Jkarog says, "An excellent suggestion."
Jkarog asks, "Anyone else with bright ideas?"
Talliver's entire body tenses as he tightens his grip on his rolaren sword.
Speaking to Rysolee, Aliashyrah says, "I think you may have upset the man."
The voice of Lithyia says, "Jkarrrrrog..."
Speaking to Jkarog, Talliver says, "Jkarog."
Lilanna glances at Jkarog.
The purple corona surrounding Loralaii's black acorn amulet rotates around in a circle.
Dendum says, "Err...was going to say perhaps divide and shoot from above think will not say that."
The ghostly voice of Rysolee says, "That is ok only makes my hate stronger."
Speaking to Rysolee, Darphin says, "I told you that mouth was gonna get you in trouble.."
Jkarog quietly says, "I'm..."
The voice of Lithyia asks, "Not sorry?"
The voice of Lithyia says, "Nor should you be."
Speaking to Jkarog, Darphin says, "Dont lie."
Mystiq glances at Darphin.
Speaking to Jkarog, Aliashyrah says, "Do not add a lie on top of the murder. We all make choices."
Speaking to Jkarog, Aliashyrah says, "And I think she rather liked it."
Jkarog says, "Entirely unapologetic, if I am being honest."
Behavin chuckles.
Darphin nods at Jkarog.
Aliashyrah flashes a quick grin at Jkarog.
Jkarog says, "And here I thought Icemule Trace's tarts were supposed to be sweet."
Jkarog kicks some dirt on the corpse of Rysolee.
Speaking to Rysolee, Aliashyrah asks, "Shall I return you to a more alive state?"
The voice of Lithyia exclaims, "He is still very funny!"
Nosing about inside Lilanna's collar, the black rat eventually sits up with a dried-up dropping clutched in its jaws. Letting the discovery fall to the ground, the black rat chitters at Lilanna, obviously annoyed at her lack of hygiene.
Lilanna laughs!
The powerful look leaves Aliashyrah.
Aliashyrah begins to breathe less deeply.
Speaking to Jkarog, Darphin says, "I can atleast deal with honesty if youre going to kill one of my wives."
The ghostly voice of Rysolee says, "It is ok you are and will be next."
Aliashyrah begins chuckling at Jkarog!
The ghostly voice of Rysolee says, "Krolvin should burn."
Speaking to Rysolee, Aliashyrah asks, "Or shall I save us time and leave you as you are?"
Speaking firmly to Jkarog, Talliver says, "We will discuss this. Once the city is secured."
The ghostly voice of Rysolee says, "And will."
Speaking to Talliver, Aliashyrah asks, "Would you like me to raise her?"
Speaking to Talliver, Jkarog says, "Mm."
Speaking to Jkarog, Yussof says, "I like the soup."
The voice of Lithyia says, "Talliver, he was not on Icemule land so...."
Mystiq's viper skin bodysuit emits a long shadowy tendril that lashes at the Behavin disk and disappears.
Taulramil says, "I like chocolate tarts."
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Talliver says, "If she's not a liability."
Taulramil makes a sound like that of smacking lips.
Yussof emits a noise that is a combination of laughter and barking, his eyes trained on Taulramil and full of amusement.
Speaking to Talliver, Aliashyrah asks, "Then you are saying no?"
Taulramil's brow creases in momentary disappointment.
Aeith says, "Technically that may just be how the locals settle arguments here..."
The green and gold energy fades from around Aeith.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Dendum says, "Heal the fallen please."
Aeith's regal air swiftly drifts away.
Eleazzar says, "It is unclear what some of your motives are here, but I do believe the task at hand is to save who we can once we force our way in. Now is not the time or place to antagonize."
Speaking to Talliver, Mystiq says, "She seems to be killing your enemy happily not anyone else."
Mystiq focuses on Behavin with intense concentration.
Behavin's left hand wound gradually fades, forming on Mystiq's left hand instead.
The voice of Yardie says, "From what I've heard, and from what Cyllost insinuated, it is."
Speaking to Dendum , Aliashyrah says, "I cannot heal. But I can ask Ivas to return her breath to her."
The calico cat stares at a pale-faced coppery barn owl intently.
You see Lady Rysolee.
It is difficult to properly see her features as the hood of her cloak is pulled down over her face.
She has a diamond-inset laje spike in her lip, a vaalin-swept black stone sliver in her right nostril, and a red fire sprite tattoo on her thigh.
Despite no apparent injuries, she seems to be DEAD!
Speaking to Rysolee, Aliashyrah says, "Swear you will hold your tongue at least until my soul is safe."
Talliver says, "There are still enemy forces in the city."
The cuts on Mystiq's left hand close and the bruises fade.
Lilanna says, "Get on with it."
Speaking to Mystiq, Darphin asks, "Can you get Ryso ready to annoy again?"
Speaking to Rysolee, Aliashyrah says, "And then I shall aid you."
Speaking to Aliashyrah, the ghostly voice of Rysolee asks, "Um.I swar I will try?"
Aliashyrah touches Rysolee.
Mystiq gazes up into the heavens.
Aliashyrah gestures at Rysolee.
A silvery translucent thread extends from Aliashyrah encompassing Rysolee's corpse.
Lithyia whispers something to Jkarog.
Lithyia winks at Jkarog.
A massive snowy battle-scarred lynx leaps suddenly forward, uncovering Aerocus, who was hidden!
The powerful look leaves Behavin.
Speaking honestly to Darphin, Mystiq says, "That is your wife."
The voice of Yardie says, "This....let's just finish what we came here to do, help the people."
Speaking to Rysolee, Aliashyrah says, "Perhaps the chaos within you will appeal to Ivas. We shall see if She will grant you Her kiss."
Aliashyrah kisses Rysolee.
Rolling green mist seeps from Aliashyrah's skin and glides across her fingertips only to swirl through the air toward Rysolee. As the mist connects with her prone form, a surge of power can be seen dancing across Rysolee's skin, and she writhes beneath its erratic gyrations.
Sorlu gestures at Rysolee.
Mystiq gestures at Rysolee.
Delilahrae gestures at Aliashyrah.
Ntinly squeakily says, "I can't help but feel ma presence ere was meant ta be......ta exact vengeance on behalf a ma fallen family so many years back in River's Rest at da hands of Sankir da Bloodfist."
Speaking to Jkarog, Dendum reminds, "We do not attack for stupid words."
Speaking to Mystiq, Darphin says, "Aye,, i have a type when it comes to attitude."
Ntinly squeakily says, "An his forces."
Ntinly begins to breathe less deeply.
Darphin pulls Rysolee to her feet.
Darphin sets about preparing Rysolee to be as presentable as possible.
A small twilight will-o'-wisp obliviously flits out from inside Jastalyn's chestnut amulet. It flutters around her and hurries back into the amulet.
Darphin gives Rysolee a lingering kiss on the forehead.
Mystiq smiles at Darphin.
Talliver says, "Once the forces are dealt with, we'll see if we can hunt down this Harpy and put an end to her."
Speaking to Rysolee, Darphin says, "You smell well done."
The voice of Lithyia exclaims, "Aye!"
Speaking to Dendum, Yussof says, "What about smart ones? Someone said I had a smart mouth once, and attacked me for it."
Aerocus squints at an arms dealer's shop.
The voice of Yardie says, "Hopefully, she is still here."
Aeith nods at Talliver.
Rysolee glances at Jkarog.
Lilanna agrees with Talliver.
Speaking to Talliver, Taulramil says, "Just point the way."
Dendum says, "No." (In response to Yussof)
Raelee's gaze takes on a distant cast. A warm white glow builds in her eyes, culminating in a radiant flash.
Talliver glances at a spade-tipped barbed steel gate.
Darphin asks, "Again?"
There doesn't seem to be any way to do that.
Dendum says, "Oh this gate again."
The voice of Lithyia says, "Guess she did not keep her promise."
Speaking to Darphin, Mystiq says, "She was left."
You knock upon a spade-tipped barbed steel gate.
Mystiq shrugs.
That would accomplish nothing.
A bobtailed fishing cat yawns widely and lashes her tail from side to side.
Eleazzar gestures at a spade-tipped barbed steel gate.
A spade-tipped barbed steel gate vibrates slightly.
The barbed steel gate appears to be closed.
Aerocus gains a look of renewed cognition of his affairs.
The barrier of thorns surrounding Aerocus becomes slightly more dense.
Taulramil bashes the barbed steel gate with his Vaalorian battlesword.
Ntinly leans back, trying to ignore the shuffling of a sickly sewer rat as it creeps from one of her shoulders to the other, whacking her a few times in the chin with its long hairless tail.
The white sprite flying above Elronae's shoulder flies over to the opposite shoulder.
You abruptly kick at a spade-tipped barbed steel gate!
Jkarog quietly says, "There is a winch over here, but you will need to push the gates open."
Aerocus just tried to pull a spade-tipped barbed steel gate.
Aliashyrah sighs.
Aliashyrah says, "And this is why I do not help the stupid."
Darphin gestures at a spade-tipped barbed steel gate.
Aliashyrah glares.
Jkarog slips behind one of the gate towers. The sound of grinding metal fills the air.
Sorlu glances expectantly around the area.
The barbed steel gate pops open, leaving Taulramil staggering, trying to catch his balance!
From nearby, you hear Nalver yell, "Yo!"
Taulramil says, "Bam."
Taulramil says, "Got it."
Crude and uneven, the gate leading into the marketplace is an old monument. Broken chains hang from the parapets to either side, rusting and corroding in the harsh elements. Beyond the gates the marketplace is host to a jumble of tents, carts, wagons, and stalls in a motley of makes and origins. A bas-relief on one nearby wall of the compound is obscured by a triumphant mural in strident blues and vivid golds.
Gutstorm waves.
Aerocus just came through a spade-tipped barbed steel gate.
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "It like maze."
Aerocus's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around his arms.
A group of people follows him north, rolling their eyes and chortling.
Aerocus just went north.
Dendum belts out, "You have to go in the gate!"
Urchin Gutstorm moves toward a spade-tipped barbed steel gate and then stumbles, making a total fool out of himself.
Obvious paths: southeast, south
[Glaeve, Mizklog gno Gzadmor - ] (u4426519)
Bone charms swing from the entrance to a midnight blue canvas tent, though their clacking is nearly lost in the symphony of haggling and peddling filling the air. It and several carriages almost obscure the view of some steel pens along the bazaar's wall that have been left to rust and ruin. Customers laden with fresh purchases swirl like detritus down the narrow pathway before the tent, but most give it wide berth. You also see a turquoise stone.

Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "Duntcha gotta map?"
Gutstorm taps Talliver lightly on his shoulder.
Aliashyrah says, "She should have stood closer to him. She was up and moving."
Aeith says, "Now is not the time for infighting, there is enough... uhm, outfighting currently out there."
Wisps of blue flame crackle like static around Zeminar.
Aerocus's look of renewed cognition fades.
The barrier of thorns surrounding Aerocus seems to thin slightly.
Nalver says, "Nah..."
Taulramil says, "Another gate/."
Aerocus shakes his head.
Taulramil says, "/."
Phomate says, "Glaeve."
The voice of Yardie says, "Rysolee is hurt."
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "We found spruce gate."
Speaking to Mystiq, Aliashyrah says, "And now I paid the price along with her."
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "We no can enter it."
Phomate points south.
Ouendi squeakily says, "Well.. dead is a KIND of hurt I guess."
Darphin says, "Dead is the word youre loking for."
Mystiq says, "Rysolee is a big girl."
Sorlu turns over his slaughtering axe.
Darphin exhales the last of a virulent green mist.
Darphin summons a torrent of spiritual and elemental mana and releases upon himself a flurry of abjurations.
The voice of Lithyia says, "Sorlu... you're not really a slaughtering axe kind of fellow."
A group of people follows him east, rolling their eyes and chortling.
Mayor Talliver's group just went through a spade-tipped barbed steel gate.
Sorlu says, "There are many who have fallen to it that would disagree with you, Lithyia."
Aliashyrah smirks at Sorlu.
The voice of Lithyia says, "It looks wrong in your hands."
The voice of Lithyia says, "I demand you use a tiny dagger."
Aliashyrah says, "When it is swinging towards your neck, it may look more appropriate."
Aeith says, "This is a fascinating city."
Smoke pours, black and thick, from the chimneys of armorers' and weaponsmiths' shops flanking the street. They fill the cold, salty air with the choking grit of hot forge ash and the tang of heated metal. Wagons laden with ore and ingots crowd the available space near to the businesses, though one bustling smithy has a clear lane leading up to its entrance. You also see a ruffled white-bellied hawk that is flying around and obvious signs of someone hiding.
The voice of Lithyia exclaims, "Dont tempt me!"
Dwi faces Gutstorm, closes her eyes and begins chanting. A small spark leaps from Dwi's fingers... but little else happens.
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "You found ush."
Speaking deeply to Talliver, Myharl says, "I've been clearing the streets as best I can of the Harpy's forces."
Dwi faces Nalver, closes her eyes and begins chanting. Suddenly, a small bolt of energy arcs between them!
Leafiara gestures at Rysolee.
Squire Legionnaire Taulramil just went into a smithy.
The voice of Yardie asks, "The Iron Harpy....her name again?"
The wisps of ethereal blue flame surrounding Zeminar flare up one last time before vanishing with a staticky crackle.

Dendum turns to Myharl and cheer!
Taulramil says, "Whoa."
Gruener's right hand looks better.
Lilanna turns toward Myharl and renders a sharp salute with her kraken-hilted Charl's-tail.
Aliashyrah glares at Rysolee.
Speaking to Rysolee, Darphin says, "Hun..."
The cuts on Gruener's right hand close and the bruises fade.
Darphin shakes his head.
<More walking>
Taulramil says, "Interesting stuff."
Myharl frowns.
Speaking to Darphin, the ghostly voice of Rysolee says, "Don't or you will be next."
Speaking to Myharl, Talliver says, "You've apparently done a good job."
Gutstorm turns toward Leafiara and renders a sharp salute with his ruby-hilted alfange.
Speaking to Ouendi, Aliashyrah says, "Be careful."
Speaking squeakily to Rysolee, Ouendi asks, "Uppies?"
Darphin snickers at Rysolee.
Leafiara turns toward Gutstorm and renders a sharp salute with her starsong warblade.
Myharl flashes a wide grin.
Talliver says, "The streets sound quiet."
Myharl kisses Jastalyn on the lips for what seems like an eternity.
Leafiara glances at Rysolee.
Speaking to Ouendi, the ghostly voice of Rysolee says, "Probably not."
Gutstorm just handed Dwi some coins.
Jkarog bitterly says, "Like a tomb."
Darphin agrees with Talliver.
Yussof joins Talliver's group.
Dwi grunts her thanks.
Raelee grabs a twisted black willow rod inlaid with verdigris runes from a small silk-lined pocket inside of her white linen robe.
A web of glimmering light lifts out of Rysolee's dead body. Thread by thread, it unravels and dissolves into pale dust. As the dust blows away, nothing remains but a cold, still corpse.
Yussof and Aerocus bask in a divine force that suddenly surrounds them.
Myharl deeply says, "There are still many about, but it has thinned."
Raelee waves a twisted black willow rod inlaid with verdigris runes at herself.
Raelee appears to be listening intently to something.
Raelee tucks a twisted black willow rod inlaid with verdigris runes into a small silk-lined pocket inside of her white linen robe.
Phomate waves to Yussof.
Rysolee's body decays into compost.
A burst of energy flares off Queatus's serrated-edged waraxe.
Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "We formin back one group or 2 shtill?"
Yussof blinks.
Mystiq loses her intense expression.
Mystiq loses an aura of resolve.
Mystiq loses her focused look.
Aerocus says, "You cannot decay here."
Leafiara flails her arms about.
An acrimonious snow spirit fades into ethereal form and wafts away.
A belligerent luck spirit begins to take corporeal form before your eyes.
Chamorr heartily says, "Sheesh."
Leafiara says, "Well, apparently she can."
Aerocus says, "You end up in THEIR teple."
Yussof barks loudly, then again in a more subdued voice to express his wonderment.
Sorlu smiles.
Phomate asks, "Where ya go?"
Nalver asks, "Where are we?"
Speaking to Aerocus, Mystiq says, "Sure about that/."
Phomate gazes in wonder at his surroundings.
Nalver squints at Gutstorm.
Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "Aint she da lady who rubbed her hiney on da Mayor desk?"
Chamorr heartily says, "Where is she gonna wake up."
Aerocus nods at Mystiq.
The voice of Lithyia says, "She is."
Aerocus says, "It's where I woke up."
Nalver asks, "Do we have someone making a map?"
The voice of Lithyia says, "Rubbed it all over the desk."
Aliashyrah says, "She is in a place with masks and an altar."
Darphin groans.
A long-legged black rat on Lilanna's shoulder plops down and begins grooming itself with an almost comical air of fastidiousness.
Ouendi squeakily asks, "Is she cursed?"
Ouendi acts puzzled.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Dendum asks, "Three faced masks?"
Jastalyn grins at Myharl.
Queatus pats Darphin.
The voice of Lithyia says, "Perhaps."
Speaking to Dendum , Aliashyrah says, "Not three faced, but three masks."
Queatus asks, "Married life is tough on you, huh?"
Aerocus says, "I have extra salve. if needed."
Queatus peers quizzically at Darphin.
Dendum nods at Aliashyrah.
Talliver says, "Let's get the city gates open. We can root out any remaining foes. Have a care, civilians may be coming out now that most of the fighting is past."
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Dendum says, "The Krolvin Great Spirit."
Jastalyn wraps her arms around Myharl, hugging him warmly.
Phomate says, "Sounds like a plan."
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Plunder hall, that place shound rich."
Speaking deeply to Talliver, Myharl says, "Do you know which gates? I've scouted the city and found several."
Taulramil belts out in Common, "Remember the Sabrar!" A look of renewed pride overcomes his expression.
A massive snowy battle-scarred lynx seems slightly different.
A massive snowy battle-scarred lynx seems hesitant, looking unsure of himself.
Yussof says, "What sort of place are you looking for? I know these streets."
Speaking to Yussof, Dendum says, "We are looking for Iron Harpy."
Yussof glances at Dendum.
Yussof has accepted Dendums offer and is now holding some crispy fried cornmeal balls.
Jkarog again works a concealed winch and nods wearily.
Myharl deeply says, "There is a large gate, beyond the bridge on the north west side of this town."
Aeith says, "Or survivors, or friendlies."
Dendum takes a bite of his fried cornmeal balls.
Jkarog says, "Let us open the gates."
Jkarog glances at Taulramil.
Eleazzar gestures at a reinforced black spruce gate.
Yussof glances at a reinforced black spruce gate.
Yussof put some crispy fried cornmeal balls in his dark oilskin rucksack.
Yussof removes a copper lockpick from in his dark oilskin rucksack.
Speaking to Aeith, Dendum says, "At this point....perhaps we can only claim the land for the Krolvin of Northwatch.....or any that are smart enough not to run out swinging weapons."
The voice of Yardie asks, "I understand krolvin. I do not speak it. Can someone warn the friendly ones we are here to save to exit slowly and shout that they are friendly?"
Darphin gestures at a reinforced black spruce gate.
Yussof says, "Yussof does not think this will work."
Yussof put a copper lockpick in his dark oilskin rucksack.
Aerocus lets loose with an involved curse detailing the improbable ancestry of a reinforced black spruce gate.
Speaking to Yussof, Dendum asks, "Why?"
Queatus detaches a thin vaalin toothpick from a vaalin-laced keyring.
Queatus just opened a reinforced black spruce gate.
Jkarog says, "Enchanted against magical interventions."
<People try and open the gate and then Queatus just says out of the blue....>
Queatus says, "There we go."
Jkarog glances at Queatus.
Lilanna turns to Queatus and cheers!
Yussof says, "There is no lock, like on coffers."
Queatus attaches a thin vaalin toothpick to a vaalin-laced keyring.
Speaking to Queatus, Jkarog says, "You're stronger than you look."
You turn to Queatus and cheer!
Myharl glances at a reinforced black spruce gate.
Queatus flashes a wide grin.
Sorlu grins at Queatus.
Queatus winks at Jkarog.
Speaking to Jkarog, Dendum says, "He won fight night."
The voice of Lithyia says, "He's sneaky too."
Aliashyrah grins at Queatus.
Lilanna grins at Dendum.
Yussof abruptly releases an ear-piercing bark!
Dwi coughs.
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Dey found us."
Shadow writhes across the surface of Mystiq's viper skin bodysuit.
Speaking to Queatus, Aliashyrah asks, "If you could do that all along, why did you not start wtih that?"
Phomate says, "Er."
Phomate taps a reinforced black spruce gate.
Queatus exclaims, "I did!"
Aliashyrah laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement from Queatus.
Ouendi blinks at Zeminar.
Taulramil leans against a reinforced black spruce gate.
Taulramil rubs a reinforced black spruce gate.
The voice of Lithyia says, "He was probably too busy stealing from me."
Zeminar winces.
With military precision, Taulramil turns sharply on his heel to face a reinforced black spruce gate.
Zeminar produces a cup of herbal honey tea from the depths of his spidersilk cloak.
Zeminar takes a drink from his herbal honey tea.
Jastalyn looks less calm and refreshed than a moment ago.
Gutstorm removes a dried-blood and ale-crusted limb cleaver with a notched handle from in his vruul skin sheath.
The voice of Yardie says, "The other krolvin is a pretty good hider."
Andeller traces a simple symbol as he reverently calls upon the power of his patron...
The voice of Wolfloner says, "A trader."
Phomate says, "Dat gate is open."
Aerocus offers Zeminar a tumbler of honey-infused ale.
Andeller gestures at Zeminar.
Silvery tendrils rise up and wreathe their way around Zeminar's grey-scaled staff before sinking into its surface.
Zeminar accepts Aerocus's honey-infused ale.
Dendum says, "Ohh."

Rearranging The Regime

<We moved inside>
A portly krolvin trader grimly says, "It's about time."
Behavin appears less confident and fearless.
The air calms down around you.
You bow to a portly krolvin trader.
Nalver squints at a two-story auction house.
Behavin's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around her arms.
Nalver just went into a two-story auction house.
Speaking to Jkarog, Aliashyrah says, "It would seem our efforts are not in vain."
Zeminar's honey-infused ale vanishes into the depths of his spidersilk cloak.
Speaking to a portly krolvin trader, Dendum says, "Sorry was held up.....bandits."
Speaking to Jkarog, Aliashyrah says, "A small consolation, but one still."
Yussof exclaims, "Ukilig!"
Urchin Gutstorm moves toward a two-story auction house and then stumbles, making a total fool out of himself.
The voice of Yardie asks, "Friend of yours?"
Speaking to Talliver, Nalver asks, "Anything you want to check out in the house?"
Yussof gives a sharp bark of greeting to a portly krolvin trader.
A portly krolvin trader says, "Well, well. The prodigal sons return."
The air calms down around Aeith.
A portly krolvin trader says, "I should have known when I was well off."
Sorlu flashes a quick grin at a portly krolvin trader.
Gutstorm waves to Ukilig.
Perigourd cocks his head at Jastalyn.
Leafiara grins crookedly at a portly krolvin trader.
A portly krolvin trader scowls.
Phomate grins at a portly krolvin trader.
Yussof asks, "I owe him some coin, but that is no matter now. Right Ukilig?"
Dwi squints at a portly krolvin trader.
Lilanna raises an eyebrow.
Lithyia rummages around in her pockets.
Lithyia asks, "How much ya owe him?"
A bobtailed fishing cat seems slightly different.
A bobtailed fishing cat seems hesitant, looking unsure of herself.
Yussof waves his hand in a dismissive gesture.
Phomate says, "A coin."
Yussof looks thoughtfully at Dwi.
Nalver ponders.
Gutstorm removes a chipped front tooth from in his traveller's cloak.
Ukilig moves out of Gutstorm's way and glances at him.
Aerocus put a tumbler of honey-infused ale in his tanned leather cloak.
Speaking heartily to Yussof, Dwi says, "I'd chip in leben..."
Dwi grunts noncommittally and shrugs her shoulders.
Elronae leans back, trying to ignore the shuffling of a burly swamp rat as it creeps from one of her shoulders to the other, whacking her a few times in the chin with its long hairless tail.
Speaking to Yussof, a portly krolvin trader says, "I suppose your debt can be stayed, on account of our lives being in shambles."
Gutstorm waves to Nalver.
Nalver squints at Dwi.
Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "Shumbody cippa toot?"
Gutstorm taps a chipped front tooth, which is in his right hand.
The voice of Yardie asks, "How did you stay safe from the eruption?"
Aerocus glances at his ebon silk haversack, causing the ebon wolf stitched on its side to suddenly come to life. Trotting away, the tiny beast slips under the flap and wiggles about within for several seconds before returning with a wrinkled truffle, which it deposits in Aerocus's hand. Offering a quiet yip, the tiny patch bounds off and settles back into its customary position.
Yussof asks, "What has happened here?"
Nalver bows to Dwi.
Dwi grunts at Nalver in annoyance, rolling her eyes.
Gutstorm tries to eat his chipped front tooth.
You plop the ko'nag clasped pouch into a large compartment inside the grey leather case.
Myharl turns an inquisitive ear toward a portly krolvin trader.
Aerocus takes a bite of his wrinkled truffle.
Aerocus gazes up into the sky.
A portly krolvin trader bitterly says, "It was the work of the blood mages."
Leafiara looks thoughtfully at a portly krolvin trader.
A pained expression crosses Aeith's face.
Lithyia quietly says, "Already know what Dendum is thinking."
A portly krolvin trader says, "They held back the rain of fire, for the most part."
Taulramil nods to Ukilig.
Eleazzar turns an inquisitive ear toward a portly krolvin trader.
You glance up.
Phomate asks, "Someone droppin breadcrumbs?"
Jkarog eagerly asks, "They survive, then?"
You notice your companion Draelor emerge from hiding nearby.
Nalver blushes a soft apricot shade at Dwi.
A portly krolvin trader says, "Some of them. Enough, if you ask me."
Leafiara slowly exhales as her posture slumps.
Dwi mutters something about hooligans.
A bobtailed fishing cat stretches out and lazes indolently, a soft purr rasping from her throat.
A bobtailed fishing cat scrambles back up onto her feet.
A portly krolvin trader says, "Even they could not stop the city from being torn in half."
Speaking to a portly krolvin trader, Taulramil says, "The hardships will just make you stronger in the end and when you need it."
Wolfloner turns an inquisitive ear toward a portly krolvin trader.
The voice of Yardie asks, "Blood mages protected from the volcano?"
Phomate says, "Half is better den none."
Dendum says, "Probably magic Yardie."
A pale white aura dances across Myharl's sacred warsword.
Yussof fascinatedly says, "Blood magic."
Taulramil agrees with Phomate.
Phomate says, "Blood magic is no good."
Phomate says, "Bad stuff."
The voice of Yardie says, "That's.....worrisome."
Faint ripples in the ground beneath Eleazzar become apparent before quickly dissipating.
Jkarog glances at Phomate.
Dendum says, "It is abomination."
Aeith says, "Still, the fact that any of the city was saved is more than I think we realized."
Draelor nods to Dendum .
An amber-eyed snowy owl flexes its talons on Jastalyn's shoulder, ruffling its feathers as it swivels its head about intently.
Raelee asks, "... why should it be so complicated to protect oneself from a volcano?"
The voice of Yardie says, "Because volcanos are hot."
Vasarias agrees with Raelee.
Yussof emits a noise that is a combination of laughter and barking, his eyes trained on Raelee and full of amusement.
Taulramil puts on a faenor lapel pin detailed with a port-framed elven cityscape set with diminutive ships.
Lithyia says, "Yes well now is probably not the best time to discuss the merits of blood magic."
Dwi grunts at Raelee, amused.
Phomate says, "Ders dat."
Raelee says, "Fire and earth. Simply elements."
Yussof barks at Dwi loudly in agreement.
A portly krolvin trader says, "The Harpy's pet mages were no good at all. They holed up in the Ashka Krol."
The voice of Yardie adds, "That crush and burn."
Ouendi ponders.
Speaking to Raelee, Dendum asks, "Did not one of the human emperors die to volcano?"
Zeminar summons a torrent of spiritual and elemental mana and releases upon himself a flurry of abjurations.
Dwi heartily asks, "An umbrella should do it eh?"
Myharl deeply says, "I watched the brum from a valcano traverse the entire Frostmain. They are a force not to be trifled with."
Dwi grunts at Raelee, a quizzical look on her face.
Speaking to Raelee, Darphin says, "The volcano is a known ambush hunter, lying in wait for years for the perfect chance to attack.."
Speaking coldly to a portly krolvin trader, Jkarog asks, "Are they still there, cowering as our own countrymen fought to defend them?"
Speaking to Dendum, Raelee says, "A lot of simple solutions are often neglected."
Dendum chuckles
The voice of Yardie says, "It's eruptions are too loud for it to be an effective ambusher."
Rysolee steps out of the shifting portal.
Queatus says, "Yeah, let's go grab these mages."
A portly krolvin trader says, "Fled, I'm afraid, through the Salt Gate. She threw her forces against you to cover her retreat."
Rysolee joins Talliver's group.
Taulramil removes a hammered gold face plate bearing angular fangs of blackened glass, revealing his face.
Rysolee basks in a divine force that suddenly surrounds her.
Speaking to Jkarog, Nalver says, "And here we are with you..."
Perigourd leans on his sword.
Gutstorm points at Raelee.
Phomate says, "Whack em."
Myharl closes the various containers on his buckled armor harness, giving a final pat down to ensure everything is fully closed.
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "She a mage."
Taulramil puts a silver and amethyst crown on his head.
The air shivers about Loralaii, glistening faintly before stilling to normalcy.
Perigourd glances at a portly krolvin trader.
The opalescent aura fades from around Loralaii.
The brilliant aura fades away from Loralaii.
Loralaii appears less confident.
Ntinly squeakily asks, "Does we know a number of dose dat wish ta escape ta safety?"
Speaking to Jkarog, Nalver asks, "What was that that I walked into for you?"
Speaking heartily to Dendum , Chamorr says, "A simple solution, matching luggage."
Raelee abruptly asks, "Is there any lingering activity from the volcano? Or has it shifted entirely to dormancy again?"
Speaking to Ntinly, Dendum says, "Safety may be here if all of the Harpy's forces have fled."
Jastalyn just closed an oversized quarter-note shaped tote emblazoned with the word "Shopping!".
Mystiq focuses on Rysolee with intense concentration.
Rysolee's nervous system damage gradually fades, affecting Mystiq's nervous system instead.
Speaking to Nalver, Jkarog says, "You have done what Dendum have done for yourself, I don't doubt."
Loralaii's sentient potato boasts, "My mom slayed a rotten potato once!
The voice of Yardie asks, "Can we learn more about the Iron Harpy? Her name? Her talents?"
Lithyia glances between Nalver and Jkarog.
Rysolee makes a complex gesture.
Aeith says, "A cowardly way to retreat, sacrificing her followers for her escape."
Yussof says, "Yussof has already snuck off to tell his friends where to go. They are definitely not stealing someone's boat and getting away."
Speaking drunkenly to Loralaii, Gutstorm says, "Poor tater."
Speaking to Raelee, Perigourd says, "One suspects that the eruption wasn't natural to begin with."
Speaking to Jkarog, Wolfloner asks, "Would happens with Glaoveln now?"
Speaking to Jkarog, Nalver asks, "So what do we do here?"
Oddly enough, Taulramil seems somewhat less buoyant.
Sorlu gazes in amusement at Yussof.
Lithyia slings a zelnorn buckler over her shoulder.
Lithyia reaches into her silk mesh coin purse and removes some silver coins.
Phomate says, "Swim home."
Speaking knowingly to Perigourd, Raelee says, "I was one who suspected that."
Phomate says, "What with less boat."
A portly krolvin trader says, "Moradg is quiet. It has been for weeks now. Much of the island lies ruined. The salt flats still seethe with lava."
Lithyia just handed Yussof some coins.
Queatus asks, "What's this salt gate?"
Lithyia says, "Pay your debts."
Lithyia just nudged Yussof.
Lithyia winks at Yussof.
Speaking to Raelee, Perigourd asks, "Than you think there will be affects with their influence in retreat?"
Speaking to Jkarog, Nalver says, "Like literally. our plan is to sit here."
Perigourd cocks his head at Raelee.
Speaking heartily to Queatus, Dwi says, "Bet it's da inland one."
Speaking quickly to Queatus, Jkarog says, "It leads to the northern reaches of the island."
Squire Legionnaire Taulramil just went south.
Speaking to Queatus, Perigourd says, "It's in the northwest part of the town."
Queatus says, "Let's go get em."
Nalver says, " we have our best people sit here.."
Perigourd says, "The gate was shut when I happened by it."
Speaking to Perigourd, Raelee says, "It is possible."
A speckled pigeon lifts its head and tucks it trustingly just behind Dwi's ear, cooing a softly trilling love song.
Oddly enough, Queatus seems somewhat less buoyant.
Draelor ponders.
Queatus says, "I'll open it."
Speaking to Perigourd, Dendum says, "We have found ways to open gates."
You point at Queatus.
Elronae says, "Q took care of the lastone."
Speaking to a portly krolvin trader, Darphin asks, "What can you tell us of the harpy?"
Nalver asks, " we have our best people sit here.. and make them all come to us?"
Speaking to Perigourd, Dendum says, "We call these ways Queatus."
Dwi just handed Leafiara some coins.
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Datll help Cappin Leafi."
Speaking to Lithyia, Aliashyrah says, "I believe all you have succeeded in doing is donating to his wealth."
Nalver says "let's make a town here"
Yussof yips a short bark to Nalver that is immediately followed by a grunt of doubt.
Phomate says, "Next to a volcano."
Lithyia smirks at Aliashyrah.
Speaking to Nalver, Dendum says, "There is already town here."
Myharl exhales deeply, his breath condensing into wintry mist as the gelid aura surrounding the shard of rime-shrouded everfrost suspended by his black alloy neckchain freezes a miniature blizzard that evaporates while drifting slowly downward.
Speaking to Lithyia, Aliashyrah says, "The debt was already forgiven."
Lithyia says, "I mean I am okay with that."
Speaking to a portly krolvin trader, Jkarog demands, "How many of our people joined beneath her banners?"
Nalver nods to Dendum.
Nalver asks, "Are we safe here?"
Speaking to Jkarog, Phomate says, "Good question."
Speaking to Dendum, Nalver asks, "Can we leave?"
The voice of Yardie asks, "Do your people need food? Perhaps we can send some your way as the days and nights progress?"
Speaking to Nalver, Perigourd says, "Seemingly for the moment."
Aeith agrees with Phomate.
Speaking to Phomate, Darphin says, "Never ventured to the isle have you? buildingo n a volcano is a pasttime."
A portly krolvin trader says, "Nearly a third, but most of them were armsmen. Some of our best warriors."
Leafiara nods slowly to Ukilig.
A voice whispers through the vines, "Buurble. Buurble here. Buurble here to work. Buurble here to work for you. Woodland Convergence. Come. Come."
Taulramil basks in a divine force that suddenly surrounds him.
Phomate grins at Darphin.
The voice of Yardie asks, "Buurble?"
Speaking to Perigourd, Nalver asks, "Talliver was all about being able to leave, right? Let's get him?"
Sorlu raises an eyebrow.
Dwi heartily says, "I think ye should stay anna cook fer em, Yappie."
Dwi grunts in annoyance, rolling her eyes.
You hear someone sigh.
Talliver glances at Jkarog.
The voice of Yardie says, "I'm hearing things."
Lithyia says, "Nalver you are free to start swimming if you want to go home so badly."
Lithyia begins chuckling at Nalver!
The translucent shell covering Zeminar's grey-scaled staff shatters in an array of cascading silver light.
Dendum says, "This is expected Yardie."
Speaking to a portly krolvin trader, Perigourd asks, "Did any word of their intentions or potential destination slip through to Dendum ?"
Perigourd cocks his head at a portly krolvin trader.
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Me thot Yappie was a nail finger shechalisht."
A holy aura radiates from Myharl's sacred warsword.
The ruby red sprite flying above Leafiara's shoulder glows brightly before returning to normal.
Speaking to a portly krolvin trader, Aliashyrah asks, "Do you send a request for aid? If so, what is your hope or the end which you are wishing to reach? A message was received and we are here. Now what?"
Talliver says, "It should be safe to land the Wyrm. I'll let them know."
Dwi grunts at Gutstorm noncommittally and shrugs her shoulders.
The voice of Yardie says, "I do a lot, Gutstorm. Easier to stay busy."
Taulramil ponders.
Nalver's spirits are no longer lifted.
Phomate says, "Ain't sure about dat."
Speaking to Jkarog, Dendum says, "Now you have land to rebuild spirit."
Speaking to Aliashyrah, a portly krolvin trader says, "I did."
Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi asks, "Think he kin help wit dese?"
Speaking drunkenly to Dwi, Gutstorm says, "Show him yoo bited onesh."
Yardie offers Yussof a bit of grilled squab seasoned with lemons and thyme.
Speaking to Jkarog, Wolfloner says, "You aquitted well under trying conditions tonight."
The powerful look leaves Draelor.
Dwi grunts in agreement.
Lithyia says, "Squaaaaaab."
Yussof accepts Yardie's grilled squab.
Queatus asks, "So can our krolvin allies hold this salt gate if they return?"
Jkarog looks thoughtfully at Wolfloner.
Yussof sniffs at his grilled squab.
Aeith agrees with Wolfloner.
Wolfloner nods at Jkarog.
Lithyia agrees with Wolfloner.
Yussof gobbles down his grilled squab in one enormous bite.
Queatus blinks suddenly, his gaze turning towards a ghezyte chelioboros ring.
Jkarog says, "I cannot simply declare myself the master of Glaeve."
Speaking drunkenly to Yussof, Gutstorm says, "It made fer eatin, not shniffin."
Speaking to Yussof, Yardie says, "I were....hungry."
Lithyia asks, "Why not?"
Lithyia glances at Jkarog.
Yussof emits a noise that is a combination of laughter and barking, his eyes trained on Jkarog and full of amusement.
Chamorr heartily asks, "Did we spring da trap yet?"
Phomate asks, "Need a nomination?"
Phomate nods at Chamorr.
Speaking to Jkarog, Dendum asks, "Can call...Krolvin....meeting of captains or whatever Krolvin call it?"
Phomate says, "I'd say yes."
Talliver glances around, his eyes surveying the surrounding rubble.
The swamp rat on Elronae's shoulder slinks downwards, controlling its descent with scrabbly little claws, until it disappears with a curious squeak into a long midnight blue chainsil cloak.
Myharl slowly empties his lungs.
Speaking to Jkarog, Darphin asks, "Cant you? isnt keeping what you win a big part of your culture?"
Speaking drunkenly to Jkarog, Gutstorm says, "Why not, me declare amshelf King of Whemdingersh."
Gutstorm taps himself on the chest.
Lithyia nods at Gutstorm.
Yardie blinks at Dwi.
Speaking to Jkarog, Perigourd asks, "Was it not your intention to rally the refugees under your banner to begin with?"
Aeith begins chuckling at Gutstorm!
Perigourd cocks his head at Jkarog.
Speaking to Jkarog, Nalver says, "Have you ever interacted with humans that have crimson banners>"
Speaking to Jkarog, Talliver says, "I suspect that, with the forces of Northwatch behind you and an airship to boot, you might have a stronger claim than you think."
Dwi gazes at her reflection in the pennant-shaped mirror.
Speaking to Dwi, Yardie says, "You're in desperate need of a manicure....and a shave."
Phomate nods at Jkarog.
Leafiara glances appraisingly between Jkarog and Talliver.
Aeith agrees with Talliver.
Sorlu nods at Talliver.
Loralaii begins to breathe less deeply.
Jkarog hesitantly asks, "What would you ask in return?"
Wolfloner smiles at Talliver.
Lithyia says, "And frankly Jkarog... you look the part with your lacey shirt and fancy hat."
Lithyia nods at Jkarog.
Phomate says, "Port privileges."
Speaking heartily to Yardie, Dwi says, "I'll letcha paint em...but only da middle ye gits to do da work."
Elronae grins at Phomate.
Lithyia grins at Jkarog.
Queatus asks, "Loyalty and no slaving?"
Dwi loudly grunts and nods.
Perigourd glances appraisingly at Talliver.
Phomate says, "Free trades."
Elronae agrees with Queatus.
Yardie points at Queatus.
Behavin nods at Phomate.
Talliver says, "Only what you've already agreed to. No more slaving. Your strength of arms and your support."
Speaking to Jkarog, Darphin says, "I ask for a massive Vaalorian sword with special properties."
Phomate says, "No slaves."
Lithyia turns to face Jkarog.
Lilanna glances around, looking a bit less confident.
Talliver says, "And obedience to the laws of Northwatch."
Myharl glances between Talliver and Jkarog.
Myharl adopts an agreeable expression.
Queatus agrees with Talliver.
Dendum says, "Whatever that means."
Eleazzar raises an eyebrow in Darphin's direction.
Jkarog grudgingly says, "I... suspect that could be arranged."
Speaking to Jkarog, Yardie says, "And ratting ou the Dusk Coven should you get word of their machinations."
Sorlu flashes a quick grin at Jkarog.
Phomate says, "Good decision."
Taulramil says, "Didn't see anything around here dangrous looking."
Leafiara gives an approval gesture with her hand.
Chamorr heartily says, "And a falcon."
A portly krolvin trader says, "It sounds as if you're going to make some enemies."
Wolfloner nods.
Darphin erratically laughs out loud before covering his mouth with his hand, eyes wide with disbelief.
The corners of Aeith's forest green eyes wrinkle as she grins.
Speaking to a portly krolvin trader, Jkarog says, "Nothing new."
Elronae glances around the area.
Rysolee rolls her eyes at a portly krolvin trader.
Jkarog glances at Yussof.
Lithyia says, "You're krolvin, you're used to having enemies."
Phomate says, "Tis true."
Yardie offers Jkarog a squat warg meat sausage link with curved ends.
Lithyia begins chuckling at a portly krolvin trader!
Rysolee says, "You already have many."
Speaking to Yussof, Jkarog asks, "What do you think?"
Phomate says, "But they's prolly already made."
Ntinly squeakily says, "An throw in a couple tarts, too."
Mystiq groans at Rysolee.
Ntinly nods enthusiastically!
Zeminar removes a silk-wrapped butterfly from in his spidersilk sack.
Jkarog declines Yardie's offer.
Phomate says, "As enemies go."
Speaking to Jkarog, Sorlu says, "You will have plenty of us beside you should those enemies decide to make a move against you."
Speaking to Rysolee, Darphin says, "Maybe if i kill you, they will give me an island kingdome too."
Ukilig growls low in the back of his throat. "Whoever told you that Ukilig is a slaver is also a liar. The Mizklog gno Gzadmor is a place for selling flesh no longer."
Dwi quietly says, "Dat law o' Snow Town... buy a sweater."
Zeminar takes a bite of his silk-wrapped butterfly.
Dwi winks at Gutstorm.
Speaking to Darphin, Yardie says, "Oh dear."
Lithyia whispers something to Sorlu.
Lithyia glances at Sorlu.
Ntinly removes a pair of fuzzy earmuffs in the shape of penguin heads from in her black cloak.
Sorlu smiles at Lithyia.
The sky blue sprite flying above Aeith's shoulder seems to be talking to itself.
Phomate says, "Start knittin."
Ntinly puts a pair of fuzzy earmuffs in the shape of penguin heads on her head.
Speaking honestly to Darphin, Rysolee asks, "Maybe but i doubt it?"
Lithyia gazes up into the heavens.
Elronae nods at Queatus.
Yardie offers Lithyia a squat warg meat sausage link with curved ends.
Queatus agrees with Elronae.
Lithyia declines Yardie's offer.
Speaking heartily to a portly krolvin trader, Chamorr says, "Seems like ya already made some enimies, how bout making some friends."
Lithyia says, " thank you Yardie."
Taulramil adjusts Ntinly's plum flyrsilk gown, improving its ability to support the weight of her gear.
Speaking to Rysolee, Darphin says, "Guess we wont know till we trie."
Speaking to Yardie, Draelor says, " much food did you bring with you."
Lithyia quietly asks, "Warg meat?"
Yardie offers Wolfloner a squat warg meat sausage link with curved ends.
Ntinly takes a pair of fuzzy earmuffs in the shape of penguin heads off her head.
Yardie exclaims, "He said his people were hungry!"
Aeith agrees with Chamorr.
Ntinly put a pair of fuzzy earmuffs in the shape of penguin heads in her black cloak.
Yardie glances at Draelor.
Elronae grins at Yardie.
Speaking to a portly krolvin trader, Phomate says, "Friends are more profitable."
Wolfloner just went west.
Lithyia glances west.
You exclaim, "But Jkarog is.....Jkarog!"
Speaking to Jkarog, Aliashyrah says, "You cannot pretend in the back of your mind you did not hope for this chance when you first sought us."
Yardie says, "You know, I'm convinced most wars could be stopped with a good meal."
Speaking to Darphin, Rysolee says, "When you are kidnapped and help against your will by krolvin then we can talk about who to like and dislike."
Perigourd looks thoughtfully at Dendum.
Lithyia glances at Wolfloner.
Wolfloner joins Talliver's group.
Perigourd removes a tiny peahen automaton from in his suede cloak.
Speaking to Jkarog, Aliashyrah says, "It seems your time is finally here."
Zeminar's black ora chain pulses and he suddenly looks drained!
Sorlu smiles at Aliashyrah.
Jkarog ponders.
Perigourd put a tiny peahen automaton in his suede cloak.
Elronae removes a dark leather book from in her ebon leather pack.
Speaking to Jkarog, Perigourd says, "So he is."
Phomate grabs a dried grasshopper from inside his thick leather knapsack.
Dendum exclaims, "He is barely even captain!"
Phomate offers Yardie a dried grasshopper.
Phomate says, "Food."
Yardie declines Phomate's offer.
Phomate gobbles down a big bite of his dried grasshopper.
Elronae put a dark leather book in her blue chainsil cloak.
Phomate says, "Crunchy."
Dendum says, "Bah...Dendum votes for other not Iron Harpy Krolvin leader...."
Eleazzar quietly says, "It seems Jkarog has found himself with the fortune of circumstance."
You mutter something inaudible.
Ouendi holds a shot of Incandescent vodka to her potato's little face and it takes a small sip.
You mutter something about jkarog.
Ouendi's Incandescent vodka vanishes into the depths of her grey cire raincoat.
Phomate says, "Noted."
Speaking to Jkarog, Wolfloner says, "Welcome to Northwatch."
Jkarog says, "Let us not count our puffins before they hatch."
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Eleazzar suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
Eleazzar seems a bit less imposing.
Yardie says, "Whatever document you all creat for Northwatch, it needs to be iron-clad."
Lilanna grins at Jkarog.
Wolfloner smiles at Jkarog.
Vasarias appears to be struggling to keep a straight face as he glances at Jkarog.
Lithyia says, "But not Iron Harpy clad."
Lithyia snickers.
Lithyia winks.
Lithyia groans.
Darphin says, "Ohh, puffins..."

   "All All Hail Czag Pritz Jkarog"

Speaking to Yardie, Draelor says, "You would hope so."
Speaking to Eleazzar, Rysolee says, "More like trouble."
Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "Me git dat right?"
Speaking to Lithyia, Darphin asks, "How about some puffin sausage?"
Jkarog says, "The Reavers, the Traders, and the Blood Mages will all need to be courted. Glaiv Moradg is ruled by powerful guilds as much as it is by any one leader."
Lithyia looks over at Darphin and shakes her head.
Aeith says, "I think if this city can be rebuilt, become a good home once again for the Krolvin, and in alliance with Northwatch it creates strength on all sides."
Aerocus marches up to Jkarog and gives him a crisp salute.
Talliver nods at Aeith.
Speaking to Jkarog, Perigourd says, "You may have competition with Tyrrax as well."
Phomate works his fingers under his vultite greathelm and scratches his head.
Lithyia says, "I got some things I can trade with the traders... Lilanna does too."
Lithyia glances at Lilanna.
Lithyia asks, "Right Lil's?"
Lithyia just nudged Lilanna.
Lithyia mutters booze.
Lilanna grins at Lithyia.
Lithyia says, "We'll bribe em with booze."
Phomate removes a glass of wormwood cask whiskey from in his survival kit.
The powerful look leaves Loralaii.
Phomate takes a drink from his wormwood cask whiskey.
Phomate looks rather relaxed.
Queatus says, "You'll have Northwatch behind you, that'll help."
Speaking to Perigourd, Aliashyrah says, "He has the advantage of being here, while Tyraxx is not."
Delilahrae says, "I would stay here and help rebuild."
Yussof asks, "You want to lead here in Glaeve?"
Jkarog grimly says, "I have no desire to bring war, or light."
Phomate says, "Allies."
Darphin asks, "Where would one find the bloodmages?"
Speaking to Perigourd, Aliashyrah says, "That goes much further than some might imagine."
Darphin gazes in wonder at his surroundings.
Lithyia smiles at Wolfloner.
Wolfloner nods at Lithyia.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Perigourd says, "For now, indeed, and he may be weakened after his settlement was destroyed."
Yardie offers Perigourd a squat warg meat sausage link with curved ends.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Perigourd says, "But he's somewhat crafty and I wouldn't count him out."
Lilanna peers quizzically at Jkarog.
Perigourd looks over at Yardie and shakes his head.
Speaking idly to Jkarog, a portly krolvin trader asks, "What will you bring, I wonder?"
Myharl leans on his warsword.
Perigourd declines Yardie's offer.
Yussof asks, "You want to be Czag Jkarog? Are you sure this is what Dendum want?"
Lithyia says, "Well, he's pretty funny."
Lithyia nods to Ukilig.
Speaking drunkenly to a portly krolvin trader, Gutstorm says, "Peach and posperity."
Aeith tilts her head toward Jkarog, examining him intently as the tip of one ear twitches briefly.
Yardie offers Dwi a squat warg meat sausage link with curved ends.
Lithyia says, "And he's hardy...he didnt die when stabbed a few times."
Sorlu says, "It has a good ring to it."
Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "Ye pick da works names fer ale."
Speaking to Yussof, Jkarog says, "It seems a silly title. Master of a broken city."
Jkarog glances at Gutstorm.
Lithyia says, "It can be rebuilt."
Lady Gruener just went into a two-story auction house.
Yardie asks, "Does this mean there will be Stormcrow to train?"
Gutstorm leans on Dwi, giving her a companionable grin.
Phomate says, "Not completely broke."
Speaking to Gutstorm, Jkarog says, "I like the way you think. I am a trader, after all."
Yussof says, "Yussof own lots of broken things. But never a city."
Speaking to Jkarog, Perigourd says, "Then give it power by becoming Jkarog the builder."
Lady Gruener just arrived.
Lithyia says, "If you join with us, we can help rebuild it."
Chamorr heartily says, "Instead a makin friends here, we could always loot the city n burn it down."
Sorlu nonchalantly says, "What is broken can be fixed."
Gutstorm grunts at Jkarog in agreement.
Gruener joins Gutstorm's group.
Ouendi beams happily at Chamorr!
Queatus asks, "If it's part of Northwatch, we can help with the rebuilding, no?"
Jkarog says, "...prosperity is what I do."
A sickly sewer rat on Ntinly's shoulder suddenly sits up, scanning the area with a mien of feral regality.
The white sprite flying above Elronae's shoulder seems to be talking to itself.
Speaking to Jkarog, Aliashyrah says, "There is beauty in something broken. It offers the chance to rebuild it to your liking."
Speaking to Jkarog, Darphin asks, "Would would prefer the tittle of Custodian, take charge of clean up?"
Dwi faces Gruener, closes her eyes and begins chanting. A small spark leaps from Dwi's fingers... but little else happens.
Phomate grins at Chamorr.
Aliashyrah smiles quietly to herself.
Aliashyrah brushes her fingers lightly against her jade-leafed pendant.
Speaking squeakily to Chamorr, Ouendi exclaims, "NOW you're thinkin with FIRE!"
Lilanna nods at Queatus.
Queatus nods at Aliashyrah.
A portly krolvin trader nods.
Gruener yawns.
Pale red light ripples over Myharl's sacred warsword.
A voice whispers, "Lady Maleise has set up two more raffles in Island Rose. They draw tomorrow afternoon."
Yardie offers Darphin a squat warg meat sausage link with curved ends.
Phomate asks, "Git im a broom?"
Darphin accepts Yardie's sausage link.
The air calms down around Aerocus.
A portly krolvin trader says, "Well. I will support your efforts. For now, though... I needs must find a drink."
Darphin nods at Yardie.
Perigourd carefully surveys his surroundings.
Yussof asks, "What about the Iron Harpy? Do they still want to be Czag too?"
Queatus exclaims, "And all your merchants will have the protection of the Regulators!"
A portly krolvin trader just went south.
Phomate offers Jkarog a glass of wormwood cask whiskey.
Lilanna just nudged Queatus.
Phomate turns toward Jkarog and renders a sharp salute with his wormwood cask whiskey.
Jkarog declines Phomate's offer.
Yussof yells, "Bye Ukilig!"
Yardie asks, "If she want to be Czag, doesn't that mean she'll have to issue a challenge to the death?"
Lithyia says, "Yussof..."
A small opaque spider on Nalver crawls over to his face.
With a final chime, the soft, melodic crackle from within Lilanna's leopard pelt tote falls silent.
Lithyia says, "Next time you find yourself in debt... just come find me."
Grasping her black velvet cloak tightly, Rysolee lifts her head and mutters loudly.
Speaking to Phomate, Jkarog says, "I will need my wits about me."
Dendum says, "Oi Yardie."
Yardie nervously says, "It's...I heard that was krolvin custom."
Loralaii's sentient potato hums a war song, fit for a decisive battle!
Deep blue motes swirl away from Aerocus and fade.
Elronae's blue chainsil cloak shifts and rustles a bit, the sounds of high-pitched squeaks emanating from it.
Dendum says, "We have been challenge her forces to death all night."
Phomate says, "Understood."
Dendum says, "Still have some on boots."
Yardie says, "It's usually a formality, Dendum."
Darphin recites:

   "Hail! Custodian Jkarog! Cleaner of the Broken City!"

Queatus grins at Darphin.
Jkarog says, "You've not seen the last of me, my friends, but it appears there is much to do."
Yardie offers Aeith a slice of lemon meringue pie.
Draelor loses a thorny barrier.
The green-gold web of protection surrounding Draelor falls away, unraveling as it fades.
Draelor is no longer moving so silently.
Draelor seems to lose an aura of confidence.
The swirling breeze around Draelor finally settles.
Draelor seems to lose some internal strength.
Draelor looks less aware of the surroundings.
Draelor says, "Spent many good arrows challenging them too."
Phomate says, "Ders work."
Aeith carefully slides her wickedly curved toporok into her faewood thigh scabbard.
Aeith accepts Yardie's lemon meringue pie.
Sorlu smiles at Jkarog.
Phomate says, "Fer sure."
Perigourd folds his hands behind his back.
Speaking firmly to Jkarog, Talliver says, "And I have people to see back to the mainland."
Myharl adjusts his black alloy platemail, reinforcing weak spots.
Yussof peers quizzically at Lithyia.
Lithyia says, "Just come see me next time you'rein deb."
Lithyia says, "I'll help ya."
Dendum says, "Well...can not be worse than last Czag....suppose...probably....maybe..."
Zeminar winces as a cadaverous rat with baleful red eyes snuffles along his neck, pausing to dig its nose into his ear.
Myharl carefully hangs his warsword from his sash. It rattles against the urnon tachi hanging from it, and he carefully adjusts them.
Myharl slings a krodera-bound black alloy tower shield over his shoulder.
Darphin put a sigil-inlaid dark faewood walking stick in his black leather jacket. As it leaves his hands, the illumination of its sigils slowly ebbs away.
Darphin removes a tumbler of honey brown tequila from in his black leather jacket.
Myharl leans on Jastalyn, resting his hand upon her shoulder.
Darphin offers Jkarog a tumbler of honey brown tequila.
Bordered by blocky buildings of rough-hewn basalt, a teeming plaza is fed by several busy roads. Seafarers mingle with brokers and traders amid the surging throng. Fish in size from minnow to marlin are displayed on beds of gleaming crushed ice, while nearby, reavers furtively trade their spoils for coin. Though the nearest building, a two-story auction house with a black, columned facade, has a stolid and foreboding look, the nearby stalls and tents come in a brawl of bright colors. You also see the Gruener disk, a belligerent luck spirit that is flying around, the sparking Taulramil disk, the blue Rysolee disk, a ruffled white-bellied hawk that is flying around, a shabby calico cat, the Leafiara disk, the Ouendi disk, the Gutstorm disk, the red Koreina disk, the Khazaann disk, the Andeller disk, the Dwi disk, a delusive will-o-wisp spirit that is flying around, a pale-faced coppery barn owl that is flying around, a pallid skin-bound grimoire flying around with its pale leathery wings, the violet Eleazzar disk, the Behavin disk, the glossy pink Lilanna disk shaped like a jellyfish, the Elronae disk, the glaesine Yardie disk streaked with cobalt veins, the Ntinly disk, the Darphin disk, the Mystiq disk, the diamond-crusted Jastalyn disk, the Darineah disk, the sparking Dendum disk, the bloodstained Queatus disk with scuffed and dented sides, a massive snowy battle-scarred lynx and a bobtailed fishing cat.
Phomate says, "Remains ta be seen."
Lithyia raises an eyebrow.
Aeith says, "A city is more than just a place, it can be a home. And that is something to rejoice over."
Yardie asks, "Anyone heard that shuffling?"
Myharl agrees with Yardie.
Lilanna says, "Better, without slavery."
With a near-silent whisper invoking fire and ash, Raelee's lor staff vanishes from her hands in a sinuous helix of white flames, only to rematerialize in her leather staff sling!
Perigourd removes a perfectly clear crystal sphere from in his suede cloak.
Perigourd gazes intensely into his clear crystal sphere.
Lilanna says, "Always better."
Lithyia agrees with Lilanna.
Yardie asks, "Where's the other hider?"
Yardie searches around for a moment.
Perigourd put a perfectly clear crystal sphere in his suede cloak.
Aeith agrees with Lilanna.
Wolfloner makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Wolfloner appears to be keenly aware of his surroundings.
Dendum asks, "Who can know these things Yardie?"
Chamorr yawns.
Yardie asks, "Maybe the Harpy is listening in?"
Khazaann searches around for a moment.
Dwi grunts sleepily.
Dwi leans on Chamorr, giving him a companionable grin.
Yussof says, "Yussof already helped friends out of Glaeve. Told them how to get to Icemule town. They will definitely not steal or smuggle anything there."
Khazaann agrees with Dwi.
Dendum says, "Oh fine."
Dendum comes out of hiding.
Dendum says, "Stop searching like blind hill giants."
Phomate says, "Definitely."
Elronae laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.
Speaking to Yussof, Lilanna says, "And they'll "not" be taxed accordingly."
Jkarog says, "Do pardon me."
Jkarog just went north.
Perigourd begins to breathe less deeply.
Myharl glances north.
Phomate waves.
Darphin put a tumbler of honey brown tequila in his black leather jacket.
Dwi sniffs.
Lithyia says, "I miss him already."
A small twilight will-o'-wisp impishly flits out from inside Jastalyn's chestnut amulet. It flutters around her and hurries back into the amulet.
Lithyia pouts.
Raelee takes a deep breath, blinking a couple of times before resuming a calm expression.
Dwi heartily says, "I dint smell nuffin."
Sorlu smirks at Lithyia.
A series of snow white lines suddenly appears on Raelee's face, quickly racing towards the center of her forehead before detaching and dissipating in the air.
Rysolee coughs.
Lithyia grins at Sorlu.
Aeith says, "The mantle of leadership weighs heavily on him it appears."
The emerald sprite flitting over your shoulder leans over and whispers, "It is dangerous to go alone, take this!" The sprite hands you a very small rock, which quickly vanishes. It giggles and flits around.
Perigourd takes a moment to blot at his oiremere gambeson, cleaning it of bloodstains.
A white glow rushes away from Perigourd.
Yussof asks, "Jkarog is staying here in Glaeve?"
Perigourd takes a moment to blot at his hunter green trousers, cleaning them of bloodstains.
Lithyia says, "He's gonna need more ruffled shirts."
Lilanna says, "We'll see him soone enogh I'm sure."
Perigourd says, "So it would appear."
Perigourd smooths out his hunter green trousers, attending to their appearance.
Speaking to Yussof, Dendum asks, "You wish to stay?"
Phomate says, "I think he feels it was kinda pushed on him."
Perigourd smooths out his oiremere gambeson, attending to its appearance.
Queatus says, "He's already got the right hat."
Lithyia asks, "Yussof, you wanna be leader of the krol back in Icemule?"
A holy aura radiates from Leafiara's zelnorn tunic.
Phomate asks, "Two leaders?"
Lithyia says, "I hear there's an opening."
Speaking to Yussof, Dendum says, "Can come back.....still plenty of Krolvin near the mule."
Phomate says, "Er ambassder."
Preceded by a droning whine, the White Wyrm soars into view as it begins its descent from the skies.
Yussof says, "Yussof not a leader. Am own krolvin."
The White Wyrm lands nearby, the sound of its engines dimming away.
Rysolee says, "Just light a match and toss it and hope for the best."
Perigourd tilts his head up.
Leafiara glances appraisingly around the area.
Khazaann gazes up into the sky.
Speaking to Talliver, Darphin says, "You have invated a foriegn land and expanded the kingdom of Northwatch, well done mayor."
Elronae says, "Maybe the ones in Icemule will want to return, at least some of them."
Speaking to Yussof, Dendum says, "Can be own Krolvin here or there..."
Lithyia says, "If you ever wanna...smug...errrr transport liquor for me... let me know."
Yussof says, "Icemule colder. Much better."
Speaking to Dendum, Lilanna says, "We didnt invade."
Lilanna says, "We brought the rightful residents home."
Aeith begins chuckling at Yussof!
You blink at Lilanna.
Wolfloner nods at Lilanna.
Talliver thoughtfully says, "I had hoped this would be a mission of peace."
Speaking to Lilanna, Dendum says, "That was darphin."
Leafiara's sentient potato hums an epic melody, filled with complexities!
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "It mostly was."
Speaking to Talliver, Mystiq says, "You should have known better."
Lithyia says, "It's ending peacefully tonight."
Lilanna nods at Darphin.
Speaking to Talliver, Sorlu says, "In the long-term, it is."
Dwi heartily asks, "Anna yet ye brung Bear?"
Perigourd nods in agreement.
Speaking to Talliver, Yardie says, "It still was a trap, for the record."
Myharl nods slowly at Talliver.
Speaking to Talliver, Phomate says, "Not our fault we met with agression."
Talliver says, "There's a lot of blood on the ground that says otherwise."
Speaking to Lilanna, Dendum says, "You are confused because Dendum speaks so much but the thing about invasion was Darphin."
Speaking teasingly to Talliver, Aliashyrah asks, "Do you begin all your missions of peace with your sword ready?"
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Blood wash away."
Gutstorm knowingly grunts.
Vasarias glances at Yardie.
Speaking to Talliver, Yussof says, "My people are not often peaceful, unless there is nobody left to fight."
Speaking to Talliver, Wolfloner asks, "The ending matters does it not Mayor?"
Speaking to Yardie, Draelor says, "You were right about a thing."
Chamorr grins.
Rysolee says, "I do."
Speaking to Talliver, Aeith says, "We were recieved in peace at the very end, it was just the middle in-between that was slightly less than peaceful."
Speaking to Talliver, Darphin says, "Sometimes blood is needed for peace. we make sacrifices we dont wish to."
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Talliver says, "I had hope, but I'm no fool."
Rysolee agrees with Talliver.
Speaking to Draelor, Yardie says, "I'm right about a lot of things."
Khazaann says, "We had to explain the cost of peace."
Yussof says, "But some of us are."
Lilanna nods to Dendum .
Speaking to Talliver, Perigourd says, "Some peace can only be brought by such."
Phomate says, "Save the people."
Speaking to Yussof, Dendum exclaims, "Come back to mule!"
Speaking heartily to Dwi, Chamorr says, "What was he thinkin."
Raelee's expression briefly flickers with bewilderment.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Eleazzar.
The bright luminescence fades from around Eleazzar.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Eleazzar.
Phomate says, "You can ride in a fast boat."
Taulramil says, "Well."
Speaking to Yussof, Dendum says, "Can use trader on both sides of water...make some silvers...drink some winterberry ale."
Taulramil says, "We cleared the krolvin."
Gutstorm's sentient potato hums a war song, fit for a decisive battle!
Taulramil says, "But did not get this harpy eh/."
Speaking deeply to Talliver, Myharl says, "I believe there is a monument of Talbot here."
Speaking to Dendum, Aliashyrah says, "But Jkarog may need allies here more than Icemule needs another trader."
Lithyia says, "Not today."
Lithyia looks over at Taulramil and shakes her head.
Speaking to Talliver, Lilanna says, "There was to be no peace with the Harpy's claws sunk in."
Lithyia says, "But tomorrow is a new day."
Myharl deeply says, "I ran across it while fighting in the streets."
Rysolee happily says, "No wemurdered them."
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Dendum says, "That is problem for Jkarog."
Speaking to Myharl, Talliver says, "Really? That seems a strange choice."
Rysolee nods slowly.
Talliver asks, "Shall we make for the Wyrm?"
Myharl deeply says, "He was not the focus... he was the instrument of death."
Lithyia exclaims, "Yes!"
Speaking to Talliver, Aeith asks, "Does the city of Icemule have resources that can aid the rebuilding process here? As well as the hunting of the Harpy's rouge forces that still remain?"
Lilanna says, "Aye."
Speaking to Talliver, Darphin says, "On your lead Mayor."
Khazaann nods.
Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "Leafi we git yoo boat?"
Aliashyrah asks, "We still have ships at the docks though?"
Sorlu says, "It often takes force to secure peace. What has transpired tonight will go a long way towards protecting our future."
Speaking to Aeith, Talliver says, "Northwatch does, if Icemule Trace alone does not."
Mystiq whispers something to Darphin.
Yussof fidgets, glancing at Aliashyrah.
Aerocus just went west.
Aliashyrah nods in agreement at Sorlu.
Beneath an imposing basalt arch etched with a snarling krolvin face, a reinforced black spruce gate opens onto a crowded plaza. Animals screech from cages by a shouting street vendor, while nearby, a hawker gregariously peddles cold fish and hot broth to hungry travelers. Krolvin sentries armed with arbalests watch over the throng from guard towers positioned to either side of the gateway.
Yussof says, "Hopefully."
Wolfloner loses some awareness.
The sky blue sprite flying above Aeith's shoulder lays down midair and starts to snore.
Zeminar seems hesitant, looking unsure of himself.
Lithyia asks, "So, can i ride on the wyrm going home Mayor?"
Lithyia glances at Talliver.
Talliver nods at Lithyia.
Zeminar basks in a divine force that suddenly surrounds him.
Speaking to Yussof, Dendum says, "Besides have ever hunted the caribou in Pinefar? Should not leave before trying this."
Lithyia beams happily at Talliver!
Zeminar seems slightly different.
Bordered by blocky buildings of rough-hewn basalt, a teeming plaza is fed by several busy roads. Seafarers mingle with brokers and traders amid the surging throng. Fish in size from minnow to marlin are displayed on beds of gleaming crushed ice, while nearby, reavers furtively trade their spoils for coin. Though the nearest building, a two-story auction house with a black, columned facade, has a stolid and foreboding look, the nearby stalls and tents come in a brawl of bright colors. You also see the Gruener disk, a belligerent luck spirit that is flying around, a shabby calico cat, the Leafiara disk, the Ouendi disk, the Gutstorm disk, the red Koreina disk, the Khazaann disk, the Andeller disk, the Dwi disk and a delusive will-o-wisp spirit that is flying around.
Speaking to Gutstorm, Leafiara says, "Might as well sail, we'll have to get it back at some point."
Talliver says, "You are all welcome to join us for a trip aboard the White Wyrm."
Lithyia applauds.
Lithyia exclaims, "My first trip on the Wyrm!"
Talliver says, "We plan to head back to Icemule Trace."
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "We not wanna leaf Leafi boat here."
Talliver nods at Gutstorm.
Talliver says, "As you will."
Gutstorm turns toward Talliver and renders a sharp hand salute.
Darphin snickers at Lithyia.
Leafiara turns toward Talliver and renders a sharp hand salute.
Lithyia grins at Darphin.
Speaking heartily to Leafiara, Dwi says, "Den ye owe me da towin donatshun."
Snapping your heels together, you stiffen your upper body, left arm pressed tight against your side, and salute Leafiara.
Phomate says, "Ders portage."
Dwi leans softly against Leafiara.
Talliver nods at Leafiara.
Vasarias bows to Talliver.
Speaking to Leafiara, Yardie asks, "What about the boats?"
Speaking to Talliver, Delilahrae asks, "And the ships that brough you here?"
Leafiara just handed Dwi some coins.
Speaking to Leafiara, Dendum says, "Will um...send silvers..."
Dwi joins Gutstorm's group.
Vasarias joins Gutstorm's group.
Speaking amusedly to Yardie, Leafiara says, "That's what I just said, I'll sail back."
Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "Wish way da port agin?"
Gutstorm works his fingers under his dancing flame crown and scratches his head.
Phomate points southeast.
Leafiara says, "I've been aboard the Wyrm before, anyway."
Lithyia snickers at Darphin.
Yardie nods.
Speaking to Delilahrae, Talliver says, "Have Northwatch's greatest thanks."
Darphin curls his lip at Lithyia, his face contorting in a disdainful smirk.
Yardie says, "Only right that I do."
Lithyia rolls her eyes.
Delilahrae shrugs.
Talliver says, "They are always welcome in our ports."
Mystiq rolls her eyes at Talliver.
Yardie exclaims, "Where'd she go?!"
Yardie exclaims, "Gah!!!"
Phomate says, "I have not flown in it to my my recollection."
Talliver raises an eyebrow in Yardie's direction.
Yussof peers quizzically at Yardie.
You pat Yardie.
Lithyia says, "I'm gonna make sure these krol start carrying some Purple Kraken booze."
Lilanna's sentient potato hums an adventurous tune!
Speaking to Yardie, Dendum says, "It is ok we saw her to."
Aeith exclaims, "Map the way between here and there as you sail!"
Speaking to Yardie, Aliashyrah says, "I believe to her ship."
Wolfloner smiles at Lithyia.
Aeith says, "Oh, she's already gone."
Yardie says, "I was going to....go with....."
Lithyia mutters profits.
Mayor Talliver's group just went through a reinforced black spruce gate.
Speaking to Talliver, Dendum says, "Eh...if any got left behind how will they get back? Should send halfling to ferry goods and people...maybe port master.....maybe a good job for that lich."
Talliver says, "The way is straightforward."
Sorlu put a dwarven slaughtering axe in his weapon harness.
Elronae suddenly pauses, a look of consternation crossing her features as she listens intently.
Lithyia says, "Oh yes, if we can get a portmaster arrangement here."
Lithyia says, "Would be very good."
Aeith says, "The city is faring much better than these paths. I was worried seeing the ruin and lava flows here, but much of the city was surprisingly intact."
Yussof asks, "Portmaster?"
Yussof rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Speaking to Aeith, Dendum says, "It is possible that the blood mages knew ahead of time and could prepare."
Lithyia says, "Ya make about 25k per run too."
Speaking to Yussof, Wolfloner says, "Access to this port."
Lithyia says, "Profits."
Talliver says, "I'll be sending the Wyrm back and forth between the two cities for the time being once Jkarog has had time to assess what Glaeve needs."
<traveling back to airship lots of movement no fighting>
Aeith turns to Talliver and cheers!
Lilanna put a veniom-bound rolaren tower shield in her leather sword bandolier.
Warmth lingers over the roadway despite the efforts of the whistling wind. Wafting gases from the north lend a faint, unpleasant odor to the surroundings, but stunted pines and several scraggly junipers heavy-laden with berries seem to thrive in the temperate span. Smoke trails across the sky, belching from a lava-drenched mountain far in the distance.
Phomate asks, "Don't see it, need a flare agin?"
A voice whispers, "Hyrmea has set up a raffle in Weathering the Storm for pocket adding. Please read the ticket before you enter."
Talliver says, "That will allow everyone the chance to explore Glaeve on their own terms."
Dendum exclaims, "Nothing better for war torn city than tourist!"
You nod sagely.
Lithyia snickers at Dendum!
Yussof says, "These cliffs are dangerous. Watch your step."
Retreating from the bluffs, the trail widens into a well-trodden road that rises and falls over a series of coastal hills. Rich, fertile soil has given rise to an abundance of dusty red tundra grasses that ripple and wave in the freezing gale. Trees dot the landscape, but none are of significant height, for their trunks are stunted by the constant battering of the elements.
Talliver nods at Yussof.
The trail veers sharply inland as the bluffs grow unstable, undermined by the ebb and flow of the icy tide with no beach to protect their base. To either side of the path, tundra grasses grow thick on the tops of earthen humps deposited by the wild wind, looking like colorful tufts of scraggly hair. Glistening white drifts, the product of recent snows, are scattered across the harsh landscape. You also see a rawboned half-krolvin druid.
Phomate asks, "Don't be jumpin around?"
Talliver nods to a rawboned half-krolvin druid in greeting.
The powerful look leaves Perigourd.
Taulramil says, "Wonder what will come out to have bounties put on them."
Queatus nods at Elronae.
Lithyia nods to a rawboned half-krolvin druid in greeting.
You blink.
You bow to a rawboned half-krolvin druid.
Aeith asks, "Will those exploring run the risk of attacks by the Harpy's forces? Or do you think they are in hiding and licking their wounds for now?"
Talliver says, "Pardon us. We're just coming through."
The beach far below the cliffs narrows to a sliver of dark sand. Sharp jags of igneous rock breach up through the sand like crooked black fangs. Even the islands off the shore are cruel expanses of craggy rock, suited for habitation only by barnacles and the occasional sea birds.
Who are you trying to ask?
Mystiq rummages around in her pockets.
Elronae beams happily at Queatus!
Talliver says, "It's good to see the island's denizens already coming out."
Aeith nods in agreement.
Talliver glances down.
Dendum says, "That was no ordinary denizen..."
Talliver says, "This appears to be the wrong way."
Phomate asks, "This thing ain't got the explodin casks still on it does it?"
Elronae says, "We got lost coming here, might as well get lost leaving."
Lithyia whispers, "Was a druid."
You quietly whisper to Lithyia, "Spirits surround that Krolvin."
The black acorn amulet hanging from Loralaii's neck suddenly flares a bright shade of purple.
Talliver ponders.
Phomate says, "I am so lost."
To the northeast, a trail of shale gravel winds away from the shoreline, climbing toward steep cliffs of igneous stone that overlook the beach. White foam glistens from the black sands. Its fizzing fills the silence between the crashing of each great wave. You also see a pallid skin-bound grimoire flying around with its pale leathery wings and a pale-faced coppery barn owl that is flying around.
Speaking to Phomate, Dendum says, "So is mayor."
Lithyia whispers, "They are in touch with the natural world and more."
The very powerful look leaves Elronae.
The white light leaves Elronae.
The dull golden nimbus fades from around Elronae.
The air calms down around Elronae.
Speaking to Dendum, Phomate asks, "He a ranger too?"
A low ridge of igneous rock breaches out of the sands. Crude steps have been cut out of it to ease the climb toward a trail that meanders northward on a hesitant approach to the looming stone cliffs overlooking the beach. Snow and dried kelp are heaped around the base of the ridge, deposited by storm and sea.
Lithyia laughs at Phomate!
Rolling banks of black sand shield the upper shoreline from the relentless assault of the surf. The low dunes are dotted with splintered fragments of smooth white driftwood and thick clumps of dark seaweed. Salt stings sharply on the frigid air. You also see a rune staff.
Spent tallow candles huddle together atop a blue-green seaglass altar that has been erected just beyond the reach of the highest tides. The monument is obviously old, its edges worn smooth and its base half-buried in the sand. Several tokens lie in a heap of kelp before it, coins, bits of scrimshawed bone, and copper jewelry commingling freely in the bed of rubbery seaweed.
The gelid air is filled with the sharp tang of brine, an odor intensified by the heaps of seaweed strewn across the black beach. Several seals laze on the rocks of an island just off the shore, their barks and brays traveling on the stiff breeze. Though not especially distant, the intervening waters are violent, cold, and dark. You also see a colossal bull walrus.
Speaking to Phomate, Dendum says, "Just has enough silvers to buy way into guild."
Talliver stops short.
Darphin snickers.
Speaking playfully to Phomate, Aliashyrah reassures, "The way is quite straightforward, so I hear."
Lithyia turns to face Talliver.
Talliver quietly asks, "What... is... that?"
Perigourd takes a moment to observe a colossal bull walrus.
Tugakaruk seems more a boulder than a walrus, singularly colossal in size. His sides are walls of blubber that tremble and wobble as he gallumphs along. Tusks longer than a giantman's arm jut from a maw perfumed with the sickly sweet scent of dead fish. By contrast, his eyes are almost laughably beady. With his regal posture--spine nobly arched to hold his head more than upright, Tugakaruk looks like a fat king thoughtfully surveying his domain.
Speaking to Dendum, Lilanna says, "Gotta find it first."
Aeith says, "To be fair, all the lava and destruction has scrambled many paths."
Speaking to Talliver, Perigourd comments, "Walrus."
Phomate raises an eyebrow.
Perigourd nods at Talliver.
Tugakaruk moves out of Darphin's way and glances at him.
Tugakaruk lets out a low, hungry rumble.
Darphin removes a glistening black apple from in his black leather jacket.
Phomate says, "A fine specimen."
Ntinly squeakily exclaims, "Dats King Tugakaruk!"
Perigourd removes a snowy warg packmother shank nicely seared on all sides from in his suede cloak.
Aerocus says, "Swim us back to the landings."
Dendum says, "That will feed Wyrm for a week."
Lithyia says, "He's a big one."
Speaking to Yardie, Aliashyrah asks, "Perhaps you brought fish?"
Talliver slips quietly past the walrus.
Sweeping his arm outward, Phomate bows low in a grand fashion before a colossal bull walrus.
Several small vessels have been dragged past the high water line. One, an overturned longboat, has been scraped clean of barnacles and is slathered with fresh patches of pine tar. A well-worn pathway parallels the bend of the shoreline as it travels to the east.
Perigourd put a snowy warg packmother shank nicely seared on all sides in his suede cloak.
Dark and forbidding, a sturdy wooden dock rules over a small bay sheltered by the curve of the isle's coastline. The pilings are old, their upper halves stained with the droppings of sea birds; the lower encrusted with barnacles. Deprived the fury of the tides, the waters of the bay lap languorously at the wood. You also see a heavy hoarbeam gangplank and a sleek snow white airship.
Speaking in Sylvankind to a massive snowy battle-scarred lynx, Aeith says something you don't understand.
Speaking to Talliver, Wolfloner says, "That walrus will likely be a new mount in Rumor Woods one day."
Yardie says, "I have squab."
Dendum says, "Err the ship...not the ones in Hinter Wilds."
Mayor Talliver's group just went through a heavy hoarbeam gangplank.
[The White Wyrm, Gangway - ] (u12101101)
Bulkheads press in unforgivingly to either side of the narrow gangway that allows egress from the ship. Threaded through the pale imflass paneling are thin veniom filaments, the bluish metal agleam with glints of silver. Above the escape hatch, a fanciful metal placard depicts a cold wyrm with its wings spread and snout at a defiant upward tilt. You also see a heavy hoarbeam gangplank.
Obvious exits: west
Phomate turns to face Yardie.
A pale-faced coppery barn owl flies in and lands on the floor.
Lithyia just nudged Wolfloner.
[The White Wyrm, Main Deck - ] (u12101102)
Evenly lit by glimaerstone spheres set into the overhead, the intersection of the main deck is narrow. Veniom filaments travel along the bulkheads, which are made of teak and reinforced with pale imflass the color of fog. They fan out from a hatch to the west that is also the source of the low, rumbling thrum that pulses through the deck. At the northern end of the corridor, a reinforced hoarbeam door carved with a rampant mule is stationed at the center of the bulkhead.
Obvious exits: east, south
Dendum says, "Would feed hinterwild wyrm for a day though."
Phomate asks, "It cooked?"
Lithyia exclaims, "I'm on the Wyrm!"
A pale white aura dances across Queatus's battle-scarred targe.
Yardie nods at Phomate.
Lithyia squeals.
Jastalyn snuggles Myharl, who responds by cradling an arm around her.
Mayor Talliver's group just went through a riveted imflass hatch.
Aeith grins at Lithyia.
As Jastalyn drops her platinum scepter, it hovers in mid-air and gently bobs up and down.
Lilanna snickers at Lithyia.
Darphin put a glistening black apple in his leather case.
Yussof says, "Tugakaruk is the largest walrus on the island."
Speaking to Talliver, Dendum asks, "Wish for Dendum to take helm?"
Lithyia laughs at Dendum!
Aerocus removes a handful of bearberries from in his tanned leather cloak.
Darphin gestures at a squat warg meat sausage link with curved ends.
Myharl carefully surveys his surroundings.
A bellowed command filters through the surrounding bulkheads: "Cast off the lines and make ready! We're headed to Icemule Trace!"
Speaking to Yussof, Phomate says, "Da king."
Aerocus put a handful of bearberries in his tanned leather cloak.
With careful precision, Aerocus slides a sinuous ruic longbow suffused with argent undertones into place over one shoulder. Coalescing over the surface of the longbow, a thin layer of orange light briefly ripples into being before dying with an echoing hiss.
Darphin drops a squat warg meat sausage link with curved ends.
Aeith takes a bite of her lemon meringue pie.
Raelee states, "... engine room."
Speaking to himself, Dendum says, "Oh fine...they it without instructions...fine...this is fine..."
Talliver says, "Sweeter words have not been said nor heard."
Perigourd begins chuckling at Raelee!
Darphin put a squat warg meat sausage link with curved ends in his black leather jacket.
Speaking to Yussof, Phomate says, "Glad yer taggin along."
Myharl grins at Talliver.
Zeminar slowly empties his lungs.
Phomate nods at Talliver.
Magister Raelee just went through a riveted imflass hatch.
Perigourd says, "Only half of one though."
An ethereal platinum scepter dissipates.
For no apparent reason, Mystiq looks rather uncomfortable.
Phomate leans against a riveted imflass hatch.
Speaking to Yussof, Yardie asks, "Your hidings pretty decent, you know?"
A nearby passenger eyes the surroundings warily as the crew makes ready to depart.
Dendum says, "We left Ouendi."
Phomate says, "All together now."
The sky blue sprite hovering just above Aeith's shoulder vanishes in a brief, sky blue flash of light.
Dendum says, "She will save island."
Veniom cabling in the hull illuminates, glowing blue-green as a steady thrum of energy emanates from the wooden bulkheads.
Queatus slings his battle-scarred targe over his shoulder and onto some salt-stained netting on the back of his ghezyte-buckled bandolier.
Draelor says, "Perhaps she'll become leader."
Dendum says, "Probably first Wendwillow almost Matriarch to be on the Krolvin Island."
Phomate sits down.
Magister Raelee just came through a riveted imflass hatch.
Talliver says, "This part could be a bit bumpy."
Raelee frowns.
Aeith gazes in wonder at her surroundings.
Talliver walks over to the chair and settles down.
Myharl kneels down.
Ntinly squeakily says, "Dey will erects statues in er honor."
Aeith walks over to the chair and settles down.
Speaking to Raelee, Perigourd asks, "Secured?"
Raelee interrupts, "Where is the captain and why is the engine room closed?"
Lilanna walks over to the chair and settles down.
Phomate says, "Don't wanna fall over da rails."
Perigourd nods knowingly.
A shake goes through the ship, followed by a dull thud.
Lilanna pulls her black cavalier hat down, creating a shadow over her face to hide it from view.
Phomate says, "Sea monsters."
Fastidiously preening, a pale-faced coppery barn owl shakes a few crumbs out of his feathers.
Trying to relax, Lilanna leans back and snores quietly.
Speaking to Raelee, Dendum exclaims, "Right here!"
You point at Dendumrself.
Lithyia grins at Lilanna.
Phomate says, "Good way to git eat."
Speaking to Raelee, Perigourd says, "They're in the middle of refitting her."
Behavin grins at Ntinly.
Yussof exclaims, "Yussof remembers now. The flying boat is even louder when on it!"
Speaking to Dendum, Raelee suggests, "Then open the engine room."
Speaking to Raelee, Talliver says, "The engine room has been sealed since the Dusk Coven became a threat."
Speaking to Raelee, Dendum says, "And we are tired of Magistars spending the entire trip staring at the engine."
Speaking to Dendum, Draelor asks, "I thought they kicked you off?"
Speaking to Talliver, Eleazzar asks, "By what means is this vessel propelled aloft?"
Lithyia says, "Wonder how many krakens are down in those waters...."
Queatus just went through a riveted imflass hatch.
Speaking to Raelee, Dendum exclaims, "There is more to see in the sky than engine room!"
Speaking to Talliver, Perigourd says, "Very wise."
Timbers creak and the engines shiver the hull as the airship lifts from the ground and climbs into the skies!
Rysolee walks over to the chair and settles down.
Elronae just went through a riveted imflass hatch.
Aeith gasps loudly, clapping her hands with mirth.
Phomate says, "Large birds."
Taulramil asks, "We are flying?"
Lithyia whispers something to Wolfloner.
Aeith enthusiastically nods her agreement, causing her hair to flutter around her face in a moonbeam silver halo.
Ntinly squeakily says, "Is propelled by gnome magicks."
Speaking to Talliver, Raelee says, "... I have entered the room previously without sabotaging it."
Speaking to Raelee, Dendum asks, "Perhaps we will vortex?"
Yussof nods at Taulramil.
The chestnut amulet hanging from Jastalyn's neck glows twilight.
Talliver quietly says, "As grateful as I am for your vessels..."
Yussof says, "Flying boat."
Speaking to Taulramil, Draelor says, "Aye, airship after all."
(Rysolee crosses her leg over the other and wiggles her foot slightly.)
Phomate hugs his knees and sways side to side.
Talliver says, "...I greatly prefer air to water."
Rising over the hum of the engine, the mate's voice announces, "We're coming in for a landing!"
Phomate gags.
Aeith exclaims, "It's incredible to fly!"
Taulramil says, "I've yet to ride on one of Ta'Vaalor's airships so yeah."
Speaking to Talliver, Perigourd says, "I would agree, except for the crashing part."
Aeith exclaims, "And so fast!"
Taulramil says, "I want to serve on one now."
The whine of the propellers outside grows more shrill as the airship descends.
Speaking to Talliver, Perigourd says, "One can jump overboard on the sea."
Phomate says, "Tis fast."
Lithyia nods at Phomate.
Raelee glowers.
Speaking to Raelee, Dendum says, "Besides you must have counted each one of the um..pipe that engine room already."
Jastalyn softly says, "You can't fall out of the water..."
Lithyia glances at Zeminar.
Lilanna stands up.
Phomate nods at Jastalyn.
Talliver nods at Wolfloner.
Phomate says, "Good point."
The airship lands at Icemule Trace, the rumble of its engines and the whine of its propellers dulling.
Speaking to Dendum, Raelee says, "I have, but there is more to observe."
Myharl stands up.
Aeith claps her hands together in delight!
Aeith stands up.
Speaking to Raelee, Dendum says, "And probably already measured mana coming of rock thing."
Elronae's group just came through a riveted imflass hatch.
Jastalyn dusts off Myharl, her hand lingering briefly on his arm.
A thud goes through the ship as one of the crew lowers the gangplank.
Phomate says, "Hopin fer a soft landin."
Phomate says, "That was."
Speaking to Dendum, Raelee says, "That can be variable, however. One session of measurements is not adequate."
Talliver stands up.
Phomate says, "Better than feared."
Phomate just came through a riveted imflass hatch.
Raelee joins Talliver's group.
Elronae just came through a riveted imflass hatch.
Raelee basks in a divine force that suddenly surrounds her.
Speaking to Raelee, Dendum says, "Well Burghal in engine room is very angry Burghal."
Talliver slowly empties his lungs.
Queatus just went through a heavy hoarbeam gangplank.
Lithyia nods at Aeith.
Perigourd reaches out and pats a sleek snow white airship.
Lithyia grins at Aeith.
Speaking to Dendum , Raelee says, "... he tolerates me."
Perigourd nods appreciatively to a sleek snow white airship.
Phomate says, "I don't fly well."
Darphin's breathing noticeably speeds up in a moment of distress before calming back down.
Elronae just arrived.
Phomate shakes his head.
Speaking to Raelee, Dendum says, "He says to Dendum...GET OFF."
Ntinly squeakily says, "I tried ta tell yas was gnome magicks made it works."
Ntinly scoffs.
Elronae joins Talliver's group.
Wolfloner performs a traditional Tehir bow to Talliver, his practiced movements imbued with elven grace.
Elronae basks in a divine force that suddenly surrounds her.
Draelor seems less resolute.
Talliver says, "Thank you all for what you did tonight."
Ntinly curtsies to Talliver.
Aeith waves at a sleek snow white airship.
Myharl grunts in tribute to Talliver as he bangs his fist sharply upon his black alloy platemail in a barbaric salute.
Ntinly squeakily exclaims, "Appy ta be of service!"
Lithyia says, "You are alive... we did our job."
Speaking to Talliver, Eleazzar says, "You have our support."
Queatus nods at Talliver.
Yussof issues a quick, appreciative bark.
Phomate says, "Interestin trip."
Lithyia grins at Talliver.
Eleazzar bows to Talliver.
You turn to Phomate and cheer!
You turn to Ntinly and cheer!
After spinning dramatically away from Talliver, Behavin fluidly drops into a curtsy with one foot sliding gracefully forward before rising to meet Talliver's eyes with a grin.
Aeith says, "I think a good thing was done there this evening."
Yussof says, "Yussof is very glad he was able to help friends."
Speaking to Talliver, Darphin says, "Told you i had your back."
Phomate turns toward Yussof and renders a sharp hand salute.
You turn to Yussof and cheer!
Talliver nods at Darphin.
Speaking to Darphin, Talliver says, "This time."
Speaking gratefully to Talliver, Myharl says, "Thank you for taking prompt action for our allies."
Behavin exclaims, "Thanks for the ride home!"
Aeith agrees with Myharl.
Speaking to Talliver, Darphin says, "Only time will tell."
Draelor just went west.
Speaking to Darphin, Mystiq says, "You better get her."
Speaking to Mystiq, Darphin says, "Nah, let her sell it."
Lilanna says, "I am pleasantly surprised Jkarog held up to our side."
Phomate says, "And the majority lived."
Talliver says, "The Wyrm will be heading back to Glaoveln shortly to begin our mercy mission there. I think the krolvin could benefit from seeing some strange faces in the city."
Elronae grins at Lilanna.
Speaking to Talliver, Darphin says, "Ryso is trying to sell the airshp."
Speaking to Lilanna, you remind, "Got island out of deal."
Taulramil says, "And aid."
Lilanna nods.
Speaking deeply to Lilanna, Myharl says, "I suspect he's on his own side, but hopefully that will remain the same side."
Talliver says, "It'll get them used to being part of something larger than their home city."
Speaking to Talliver, Yardie says, "Just keep the Coven out of there."
Lilanna appears to lose some internal strength.
Lilanna becomes unbalanced for a second, then recovers.
The deep blue glow leaves Lilanna.
The bright luminescence fades from around Lilanna.
The light blue glow leaves Lilanna.
The misty halo fades from Lilanna.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Lilanna suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
Lilanna seems a bit less imposing.
The air about Lilanna stops shimmering.
Lilanna seems to lose some dexterity.
Lilanna takes a deep breath, blinking a couple of times before resuming a calm expression.
A series of blue-green lines suddenly appears on Lilanna's face, quickly racing towards the center of her forehead before detaching and dissipating in the air.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Lilanna.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Lilanna.
Phomate says, "Great idea."
Lithyia says, "Wonder if i can get them some booze."
Perigourd pours himself a leaf-etched glass of deep amber Wildwood whiskey.
Perigourd takes a drink from his amber Wildwood whiskey.
Speaking to Talliver, Taulramil says, "Let themm keep their own traditions going."
Aeith says, "Agreed, the more we can reinforce the bonds between Glaoveln and Northwatch the better."
Speaking to Lilanna, Sorlu says, "I have said from the start that Jkarog is one we should trust. You should have listened to me."
Sorlu grins slowly at Lilanna.
Lithyia snickers at Sorlu.
Wolfloner nods at Aeith.
Miss Behavin just went west.
The divine force surrounding Yussof slowly fades away.
Yussof seems less resolute.
Speaking to Talliver, Yussof says, "Does Czag Dabbings want the list of names Yussof owes silver to? Maybe good place to start."
Speaking to Lithyia, Queatus says, "Sounds like mercy mission stuff to me."
The divine forces surrounding Phomate, Queatus, Taulramil, and Jastalyn slowly fade away.
Phomate, Taulramil, and Jastalyn seem less resolute.
The divine force surrounding Raelee slowly fades away.
Raelee seems less resolute.
Lilanna says, "I think food might be more pertinant right now."
Myharl chuckles.
The divine forces surrounding Yardie, Talliver, Aeith, Ntinly, Mystiq, Wolfloner, Darphin, Sorlu, Delilahrae, Eleazzar, Darineah, Loralaii, Lilanna, and Lithyia slowly fade away.
Wolfloner seems less resolute.
Talliver begins chuckling at Yussof!
The divine forces surrounding Myharl and Perigourd slowly fade away.
Myharl and Perigourd seem less resolute.
Taulramil says, "Helps stop rebellion."
Lilanna blinks at Sorlu.
The divine forces surrounding Elronae and Aliashyrah slowly fade away.
Elronae seems less resolute.
Sorlu says, "Another night ending in a victory for Northwatch. We have quite a streak going."
Darphin, Darineah, Yardie, Lilanna, Aliashyrah, Mystiq, Sorlu, Lithyia, Ntinly, Talliver, Loralaii, Eleazzar, and Aeith seem less resolute.
Queatus seems less resolute.
Speaking to Talliver, Aeith says, "Thank you for providing the airship for transportation to and fro."
Talliver says, "For now, I need to contact Briarmoon Cove, Crystalhall, Pinefar, and Cold River. I have a feeling they're going to need a lot of help."
Speaking to Sorlu, Perigourd says, "Best not to tempt fate."
Sorlu flashes a quick grin at Perigourd.
Wolfloner says, "Was a very good night."
Myharl nods in agreement.
Talliver says, "Thank you all for supporting Northwatch and--and I can't believe I'm saying this--the krolvin."
Sorlu whispers something to Perigourd.
Lithyia says, "Well, not for the krol that attacked us."
Myharl raises his fist defiantly.
Speaking to Talliver, Sorlu says, "Rest well, Mayor Dabbings."
Lilanna grins at Talliver.
Mystiq laughs at herself!
Speaking to Talliver, Dendum says, "Eh Mayor Cag."
Yardie offers Talliver a slice of lemon meringue pie.
Phomate says, "Some of the Krolvin."
Lilanna turns toward Talliver and renders a sharp hand salute.
Aeith raises her lemon meringue pie skyward!
Speaking to Talliver, Darphin says, "It might be wise to contact Sablecross, we are currently at peace..."
Perigourd nods knowingly at Sorlu.
Inclining his head slightly, Sorlu offers the most minimal of bows to Talliver with an air of utmost politeness.
Talliver accepts Yardie's lemon meringue pie.
Yussof nods.
Yardie asks, "A pie while you go?"
Sorlu gazes in amusement at Perigourd.
Picklemaster Ntinly just went east.
Speaking to Yardie, Talliver says, "I do think I'll indulge in this at home."
Phomate says, "Prolly not all."
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves Darphin.
Darphin glances around, looking a bit less confident.
Lilanna glances at Darphin.
Yardie grins at Talliver.
Yardie nods at Talliver.
Darphin shrugs at Lilanna.
Speaking to Darphin, Talliver says, "So very close to a good night, Darphin. Don't spoil it."
Yussof says, "Yussof is going to wait for his friends to arrive on their very not stolen boat."
Lithyia smirks at Talliver.
Talliver bows.
Talliver disbands his group.
Lilanna grins.
Perigourd turns toward Talliver and renders a sharp salute with his amber Wildwood whiskey.
Speaking to Talliver, Darphin says, "Be safe."
Lilanna waves to Talliver.
Myharl moves to Jastalyn's side and they lace their fingers together.
Speaking to Lithyia, Dendum says, "Eh Lithyia."
Kristein just arrived.
Kristein just went east.
Phomate waves to Talliver.
Yussof just tiptoed west.
Lithyia asks, "Yeah?"
Lithyia raises an eyebrow in your direction.
Speaking to Lithyia, you exclaim, "We sprung the trap!"
Lithyia says, "We did."
Phomate says, "Home is good."
Mayor Talliver just went west.
Lithyia says, "I got a question."
Yardie says, "My brother is fishing in Kraken's Fall."
Yardie says, "I'm heading there for the evening."
Aeith says, "But it wasn't JUST a trap, that message that was sent was for real. Just... others... put a trap in it's way."
Lithyia asks, "Who has boxes from the island that need picking?"
Lithyia says, "We got a Wolfloner here."
Lord Darphin's group just went west.
Lithyia says, "And a Queatus."
Lithyia smirks.
Yardie offers Aeith a chocolate and coconut rum shake topped with mint chocolate chips.
Lord Eleazzar just went west.
Aeith beams happily at Yardie!
Aeith accepts Yardie's coconut rum shake.
Speaking to Aeith, Dendum says, "It very much WAS trap.....and was sprung..."
Aeith nods gratefully at Yardie.
Yardie gives Aeith a friendly hug.
Recruiter Lilanna just went west.
Sorlu says, "I have paperwork needing my attention. A pleasant evening to you all."
Aliashyrah says, "A successful night. I might see to some business now."
Sorlu offers a polite nod, touching two fingers against his forehead in a brief salute as he tucks his opposite hand into the bloodjewel-fastened pocket of his obsidian waistcoat.
Lithyia waves to Sorlu.
Lithyia waves to Aliashyrah.
Straightening her back, Aliashyrah gives a formal, low curtsy. She inclines her head as well, giving a brief nod.
Workbenches and temporary shelters of pinewood dot the hardy red tundra grasses on the small thoroughfare, which passes beneath the high stone walls of Icemule Trace. The fortifications span east and west for quite a distance in either direction. At this close a proximity, the bustle of Icemule Trace's southern gate is a dull roar in the crisp, cold air. You also see the bloodstained Queatus disk with scuffed and dented sides, the Elronae disk, the glaesine Yardie disk streaked with cobalt veins, the diamond-crusted Jastalyn disk, the sparking Dendum disk, a massive snowy battle-scarred lynx, a heavy hoarbeam gangplank and a sleek snow white airship.
Queatus says, "Yeah, I gotta run."
Phomate says, "Kinda danced in the middle of it."
Elronae's firewheel flower idly twists, spinning its petals like a wheel before slowing to a stop.
Dendum asks, "See way the Queatus just opened gate?"
Lithyia gives Queatus a friendly hug.
Perigourd carefully inspects his golvern plate-and-mail.
Yardie says, "If you happen to make your way to Kraken's Fall, going fishing."
Elronae grins at Dendum.
Queatus grins at Dendum.
Dendum asks, "Said swoosh...this gate?"
Sorlu bows to Aliashyrah and extends his arm for her to take.
Elronae says, "That was funny."
Sorlu removes a slender Nalfein-styled cane from in his midnight suede rucksack.
Yardie waves.
Dendum says, "And stupid Jkarog had stupid look on face."
Yardie says, "Be safe all."
Myharl waves to Yardie.
Elronae asks, "Everyone was all ... waht do we doo??"
Yardie hugs Jastalyn, who wraps him in a warm embrace.
Yardie gives Lithyia a friendly hug.
Lithyia gives Yardie a friendly hug.
Speaking to Dendum , Aeith says, "The message was a cry for help, the trader said he sent it. Just... there were other forces... who acted... trappily."
Aliashyrah curtsies to Sorlu and takes his arm.
Jastalyn gives Lithyia a friendly hug.
Blade Yardie just went west.
Lithyia gives Myharl a friendly hug.
Speaking to Aeith, Dendum says, "Bait in trap is REAL bait."
You laugh at Aeith!
Jastalyn gives Elronae a friendly hug.
Sorlu nods once.
Aeith laughs at Dendum!
Elronae gives Jastalyn a friendly hug.
Jastalyn hugs Perigourd.
Lord Sorlu strides away moving west, his group following close behind.
Raising his arms slightly, Perigourd arches his back and gently lets his head rock back.
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves Elronae.
Elronae glances around, looking a bit less confident.
Aeith nods to Dendum .
Perigourd bows to Jastalyn.
Wolfloner waves to Myharl.
Wolfloner seems slightly different.
Perigourd turns toward Myharl and renders a sharp salute with his amber Wildwood whiskey.
Myharl grunts in tribute to Perigourd as he bangs his fist sharply upon his black alloy platemail in a barbaric salute.
Ackock just arrived.
Ackock just went east.
Elronae, Wolfloner, Delilahrae, and Loralaii seem hesitant, looking unsure of themselves.
Elronae seems slightly different.
Lithyia turns to face Wolfloner.
Aeith seems hesitant, looking unsure of herself.
Speaking to Aeith, Dendum says, "Can not lure wolf with picture of raw goat leg...."
Elronae pushes her hand down the surface of her runestaff. The glow surrounding her runestaff splinters and cracks as it returns to a lifeless state.
Elronae put a marred runestaff in her ebon leather pack.
Lithyia seems hesitant, looking unsure of herself.
Queatus and Myharl seem slightly different.
Perigourd appears less confident and fearless.
Elronae nods.
Myharl stretches.
Jastalyn seems hesitant, looking unsure of herself.
Elronae removes a dark leather book from in her blue chainsil cloak.
Perigourd looks rather relaxed.
Elronae removes some fine crystalline chalk from in her ebon leather pack.
Elronae waves.
Lithyia says, "Well that was quite the evening."
Jastalyn waves.
Elronae just went west.
Delilahrae, Lithyia, Loralaii, and Aeith seem slightly different.
Dendum says, "Still Northwatch is great springer of traps."
Myharl seems hesitant, looking unsure of himself.
Speaking to Dendum , Aeith says, "I'm just glad there was something beyond the trap, something that our going there could bring good to."
Myharl nods at Jastalyn.
Jastalyn hugs you.
Myharl waves to Dendum .
Aeith agrees with Lithyia.
Jastalyn's group just went east.
Lithyia gazes with interest at a sleek snow white airship.
Lithyia yawns.
Lithyia says, "Exhausting trip."
Speaking to Dendum , Aeith says, "I guess like a locked strongbox, there was a treasure beyond the trap."
Speaking to Aeith, Dendum says, "Eh....well."
Lithyia asks, "Wolf, you going to stay up awhile longer or head home?"
Dendum says, "We went for land for krolvin...knew either way would be getting much other krolvin they had to share it with was question."
Dendum says, "Well...did not know for SURE...all could have died."
Dendum says, "That would have been the end of northwatch had we lost Mayor."
You exclaim, "That is why you always hire a Leafiara!"
Speaking excitedly to Dendum , Aeith exclaims, "But now there is a whole city to explore! And an airship to travel there by!"
Lithyia clasps Wolfloner's hand tenderly.
Aeith feeds a massive snowy battle-scarred lynx a bite of her lemon meringue pie.
Lithyia pokes Wolfloner in the ribs.
Lithyia says, "I am sleepy."
Wolfloner waggles his fingers mystically at Lithyia. How nice.
Lithyia says, "Think I'm gonna head to the house."
Speaking to Loralaii, Aeith says, "Thank you for letting us use your ship to sail there."
Lithyia giggles at Wolfloner.
Wolfloner says, "You eyes are getting heavy."
You turn to Loralaii and cheer!
Lithyia says, "They are."
Lithyia closes her eyes for a moment.
Aeith smiles at Lithyia.
Lithyia asks, "You staying up for awhile?"
Aeith says, "Goodnight all, it was an honor and a pleasure to battle and explore alongside all of you."
Lithyia waves to Aeith.
Aeith bows.
Aeith waves.
Aeith gives the battle-scarred lynx a little poke between the shoulder blades. The lynx turns his gaze toward Aeith.
You notice Aeith moving stealthily east.
Lithyia says, "Good night everyone."
Sweeping her arm outward, Lithyia bows low in a grand fashion.
Lithyia says, "Dont get in to trouble Dendum."
Workbenches and temporary shelters of pinewood dot the hardy red tundra grasses on the small thoroughfare, which passes beneath the high stone walls of Icemule Trace. The fortifications span east and west for quite a distance in either direction. At this close a proximity, the bustle of Icemule Trace's southern gate is a dull roar in the crisp, cold air. You also see the sparking Dendum disk, a heavy hoarbeam gangplank and a sleek snow white airship.
You wave.
Lithyia waves to Dendum.
Lithyia's group just went west.
Ackock just went west.