Lich:Experience Guide

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Experience Guide

Author: Tatterclaws

Having returned after many years to find that all my friends were capped, I explored many different options for maximizing my experience (XP) gain. I've assembled what I learned in this guide with the hope of helping others do the same.

Maximizing Experience

  1. You should always hunt off your weekly Gift of Lumnis. This is by far the best way to level.
  2. If you have a brooch of Lumnis, use the rubs daily. This is an account-bound item that appears to no longer be scheduled for future releases, so if you don't have one, skip this part.
  3. The bounty system is the mainstay of my leveling process. The ideal time to turn in a bounty is when your mind is at "You must rest!", so if you have one finished, you usually want to hunt until you're in this state before turning it in. This is because half of the XP reward will be placed into your unabsorbed pool and push you to Saturated, and the other half will be absorbed instantly. The goal is to maximize your instant absorption. The primary goal of doing bounties is to find yourself in the following state:
    1. When you check EXP, your mind is "Saturated."
    2. You have completed the next bounty and are prepared to turn it in to the taskmaster.
    3. You have already used an Adventurer's Guild voucher to expedite your task

This is the ideal state of XP gain because at this point, there are very few things you can do to further increase your absorption. However, there are still some ways to further increase your XP gain:

  1. Spirit Beasts: Please see my separate guide, Introduction to Spirit Beasts. In short, you can do 10 training battles daily to gain up to 1,500 Saturated XP, 7 Challenge battles weekly, and Listed battles weekly, each of which give additional Saturated experience.
  2. Long-term Experience: Long-term experience, or LTE, is a separate pool of experience which is absorbed more slowly than your main pool, field experience. LTE is gained at a flat rate of 250 XP per day, absorbed at midnight, as well as at a rate of 1 point per 10 points of field experience. While it may not sound like much, it adds up. Sources of LTE are:
    1. BOOST INFO to see if you have any BOOST LONGTERM to use.
    2. Getting your boxes opened at the locksmith pool. If you have multiple characters, you could compile the boxes on one character to maximize this.
    3. Getting healed by players, rather than using herbs or the NPC.
    4. For the sake of completeness, getting raised grants a good chunk of LTE, but I don't recommend dying for this purpose.
  3. Enhancives (and spells): You want 140 Logic for as much uptime as possible, as this increases the amount of XP you absorb per pulse. After this, having 140 Discipline is also useful, as it increases your EXP pool, but it's a distant second to Logic. Spells like 650 (Assume Aspect -> porcupine) can also help increase your Logic. Rather than building a full set of Logic enhancives, which can be expensive, you might look around for someone selling a runestaff with a good Logic bonus. Be mindful of the level requirement. A bonus in the +12-14 range can be obtained at the time of this article for around 500k-2m, and has a level requirement in the 30s to 40s.
  4. The first artisan craft you learn grants significant experience, and the second grants half of that. Fletching is the easiest, but doesn't grant Saturated experience, so you're usually better off overall doing bounties. Cobbling is more expensive and slower than Fletching, but does grant Saturated experience, so you can use it during your downtime when you can't turn in another bounty. Forging also grants experience, but is the least efficient for our purposes of maximizing XP.
  5. RPA orbs, or XP orbs, are sometimes given as rewards for events, and some can be purchased. This is an efficient but very expensive way to level. As a reference point, aside from the early levels when XP requirements are low, the cost is very roughly about $50 per level.
  6. Open Sea Adventures, or OSA, bounties also give experience similar to their terrestrial counterpart. However, in their current state, the experience is less efficient, and you either need to get and manage a boat or find someone who has one. Overall, while they can be very fun, they're less efficient.

A note on scripts: While some find automating your hunting and other tasks to be less fun, others find that it reduces hand strain and frees up energy to focus on other tasks. If you want to use scripts, I recommend first setting up the following: bigshot, eherbs, eloot, and any spellup scripts (I use, in varying contexts: ewaggle, spellactive, symbolz, isign). Then, once you're comfortable with those, set up ebounty to run bounties for you.