Lore Flares

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Lore Flares, which previously were called a variety of names: DoTFlares, NotRots... consist of the following Combat Flourish types released in August of 2024. They are applied to weapons and runestaves.

Blazeflares Increase in frequency and severity with Elemental Lore, Fire training.
Cycloneflares Increase in frequency and severity with Elemental Lore, Air training.
Douseflares Increase in frequency and severity with Elemental Lore, Water training.
Rockflares Increase in frequency and severity with Elemental Lore, Earth training.
Rotflares Increase in frequency and severity with Sorcerous Lore - Necromancy training and they do damage from the disruption critical table.
  • Lore Flares produce a single initial attack upon the flare triggering, followed by damage over time (DoT) that repeats approximately every 3 seconds.