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It also grants +14 ranks' worth of Telepathy to permanent loresong unlocking, but I'm not sure how that translates into improved percentage chance other than to say it's equal to 14 ranks of Bard Base past level, 14 Aura bonus, or 14 Influence bonus, and twice as good as 14 ranks of MIU, EMC, or MMC.
It also grants +14 ranks' worth of Telepathy to permanent loresong unlocking, but I'm not sure how that translates into improved percentage chance other than to say it's equal to 14 ranks of Bard Base past level, 14 Aura bonus, or 14 Influence bonus, and twice as good as 14 ranks of MIU, EMC, or MMC.

==Over-The-Top Absurd Things You Could Do If You Had Infinite Time and Money==

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Revision as of 02:17, 6 July 2020

Recording my musings on how to most effectively train ATPs as the thoughts come to me.

Taking Logic First to Make Everything Else Faster

Don't do it.

Assuming you have a multiple of 5 Logic bonus at cap, you'd have to put 750,000 exp into ATPs before you'd see any benefit while on a node. At that point, if exp pulses happened at one per minute (I think it might be less often than this, but for easy math...), you'd need to play for 750,001 minutes before this started making things faster for you.

Even someone who threw their initial 10 milestone ATPs at Logic and then added the other 5 over time would still need to play 250,001 minutes for it to pay off, which is equal to playing 24/7 for about 0.4756 years.

And if you only play 8 hours a week, forget about it; at that point it'll be 520.8354 weeks, or in other words over ten years, before it pays off. (Extrapolate this out however you want. Play 20 hours a week? It'll be 208.3342 weeks to pay off, or over four years.)

Even if that doesn't put you off right away, it's all not factoring in the opportunity cost of not having put those points elsewhere. For the same amount of ATPs you could have an additional 10 AS, 5 CS for most professions, +5% chance for another damage cycle on Spike Thorn, etc.

When is it Better to Train a Skill Through Ascension Than Conventionally?

The short answer is never.

The long answer is almost never, but with a caveat.

Even the most egregious grinds you can think of, like taking a warrior to 3x Dodging or a pure to 1x Dodging, are much faster to train conventionally (assuming you haven't already maxed them out conventionally, of course). The former is typically a converted cost of 40 MTPs, which is only 33,333 exp vs. 50k to start for ascension. The latter is typically a converted cost of 60 PTPs, which is 50k, so it's on par for the first 5 ranks of Dodging via ascension but at least twice as fast afterwards.

The few skills that would actually be faster through ATPs aren't available through ATPs as far as we know, like paladin spell ranks at 2x costs or spell ranks on a rogue already heavily converted to MTPs.

That said, you have to sink a certain number of ATPs into the Common ascension tier to unlock higher tiers anyway. You'll get less bang for the buck in the short-term by taking, say, Multi-Opponent Combat to move your empath from 55 to 60--costing 250k exp of ATPs instead of 145,833 conventional exp--but the conventional path doesn't unlock further growth potential later.

These fringe cases are pretty few and far between, though. Multi-Opponent Combat is one of the better examples because it has discrete thresholds, but even then I had to illustrate by assuming an empath who already has a pretty solid number of ranks. Since ATP skills operate on bonus, pushing an empath who has no conventional MOC ranks to 5 ATP ranks is only the equivalent of taking one conventional rank.

Quick Wins and Thresholds

Let's say you mostly want to get to Elite and Legendary and are only sinking points into Common because you have to. There are some obvious choices of what to take, like 250k exp into weapons or Spell Aiming for a quick +5 AS, but here are some less obvious things I'd be looking at:

  • Quick win: 200k exp into Dexterity and 100k exp into Agility (or vice versa) reduces mstrike RT by 1 for any of the following races if they have 100 non-ascended, non-enhanced Agility and Dexterity: aelotoi, dark elves, forest gnomes, half-elves, sylvans, erithians, and humans.
  • Quick win: 250k exp into Aura gives an extra point of spirit to someone with 100 non-ascended, non-enhanced Aura.
  • Quick win: 150k exp into Multi-Opponent Combat gives an extra unfocused mstrike target for a ranger archer or crossbow rogue with 101 conventional Multi-Opponent Combat.
  • Threshold: 550k exp into Summoning lore allows a cleric or empath to have 100% Spirit Slayer during Duskruin with a fixskill to 202 conventional Summoning. If you're ordinarily at a Summoning threshold like 60 or 30 for locates, it also means you can shave off respectively 8 or 2 conventional ranks to go to another spiritual lore.
  • Threshold: In general, review your lores again to see what you're close to but couldn't reach within the 2x or 1x limitation. Note that ascension skills add bonus and not ranks, so if your lore is under 40 conventional ranks, you'd either need additional ascension ranks or would have to balance the numbers out a bit.
  • Quick win: 50k or 100k exp into Survival reduces the roll needed to forage an herb for someone with, respectively, 101 or 202 conventional Survival.
  • Quick win: Some characters might be within range of another Trading threshold to make more silvers. You get 1% for every 12 combined bonus from Trading and Influence, so at most you'll be 950k exp away (750k into Trading and 200k into Influence), but you could be as low as 50k away.

Efficient Ranks of Dexterity vs. Spell Aiming (or Picking Locks)

Exp Cumulative Skill Ranks Benefit Rate
250k 250k Spell Aiming 5 +5 AS 50k per AS
200k 450k Dexterity 4 +2 AS 100k per AS
500k 950k Spell Aiming 5 +5 AS 100k per AS
150k 1.1m Dexterity 2 +1 AS 150k per AS
750k 1.85m Spell Aiming 5 +5 AS 150k per AS
400k 2.25m Dexterity 4 +2 AS 200k per AS
1m 3.25m Spell Aiming 5 +5 AS 200k per AS
1.25m 4.5m Spell Aiming 5 +5 AS 250k per AS
600k 5.1m Dexterity 4 +2 AS 300k per AS
1.5m 6.6m Spell Aiming 5 +5 AS 300k per AS
350k 6.95m Dexterity 2 +1 AS 350k per AS
1.75m 8.7m Spell Aiming 5 +5 AS 350k per AS
800k 9.5m Dexterity 4 +2 AS 400k per AS

And so on. (The same math also applies to improving Picking Locks instead of Spell Aiming.) When rates are equal, I'd give Dexterity precedence because it also improves SMRv2 defense or mstrike RT. SA does offer runestaff DS or spellburst protection, though.

Improving Ranged AS is similar, except add Ambush into the rotation (alongside Ranged and Dexterity) at a cost of 100k for the first point of AS from two ranks (assuming a character with 202 Ambush ranks), then 250k for the next point of AS from four ranks, then 400k for the next point of AS from four ranks.

After that it scales up to 600k, so it gets well beyond the scaling shown above; you'd be training Ranged and Dexterity for quite a while longer before going back to Ambush.

Efficiently Improving Melee AS: Weapons, Strength, and Combat Maneuvers

Basically the same math as above except now there are two things on the Dexterity scale...

Exp Cumulative Skill Ranks Benefit Rate
250k 250k Weapon 5 +5 AS 50k per AS
200k 450k Strength 4 +2 AS 100k per AS
200k 650k Combat Maneuvers 4 +2 AS 100k per AS
500k 1.15m Weapon 5 +5 AS 100k per AS
150k 1.3m Strength 2 +1 AS 150k per AS
150k 1.45m Combat Maneuvers 2 +1 AS 150k per AS
750k 2.2m Weapon 5 +5 AS 150k per AS
400k 2.6m Strength 4 +2 AS 200k per AS
400k 3m Combat Maneuvers 4 +2 AS 200k per AS
1m 4m Weapon 5 +5 AS 200k per AS
1.25m 5.25m Weapon 5 +5 AS 250k per AS

And so on.

When they're at the same rate, you can flip them around however you like. The AS benefits are equal, but Strength offers encumbrance benefits, CM offers maneuver defense, and weapon bonus (to my understanding) decreases enemy EBP.

Earth Lore for Melee AS

Strength (509) can increase melee AS too when self-buffing (not just self-casting), due to benefits from Earth lore. If you're hyper-focused on AS and nothing but AS, when does it make sense to switch back to normal skills and train Earth lore?

  • For clerics, empaths, paladins, and rangers, adding 1 AS via Earth lore costs 266,667 exp, then an additional 66,667 exp per AS from there up to a total of 7. (So 333,333 exp, then 400,000 exp, etc.)
  • For monks, double the above numbers.
  • For rogues and warriors, adding 1 AS via Earth lore costs 200,000 exp, then an additional 50,000 exp per AS from there. (This assumes they already have 75 ranks of Minor Elemental and are thus heavily converting PTPs to MTPs; if not, then training Minor Elemental is far more efficient than Earth lore.)
  • For bards, it technically costs 106,667 exp, then an additional 26,667 exp per AS from there... but we should assume the bard wants to keep 75 Air lore for Song of Tonis. In that case, the third threshold isn't 160,000 exp, but instead 106,667 exp into ordinary Earth lore, then put 200,000 exp into ascension-based Air lore so you can untrain 4 ordinary Air lore and shift those ranks to ordinary Earth lore. Past that point involves even more mind-melting shenanigans of moving traditional Air to Earth, but suffice it to say we're talking hefty expenses!
  • For sorcerers, it costs 93,333 exp, then an additional 23,333 exp per AS from there... at least up until the threshold after 98 (the 7 point that most professions stop at). Since sorcerers can 2x, the next threshold from there is 478,333 exp, then 560,000, then 606,667, then capping off at 653,333 for a total of 11 AS.
  • Wizards, of course, are far faster at gaining AS with 509 than anyone else due to both cheaper training costs and not cutting the lore benefit in half since they know the spell natively. It costs 40,000 exp for the first 1 AS, then an additional 10,000 per AS up to 11 (so still only a cost of 140,000 at that point). Shortly afterward it hits 2x costs, costing 280,000 for the next AS, then 320,000, then an additional 40,000 exp per AS from there up to a max of 16 with no enhancives nor ascension. (In reality, we're probably talking about a warmage who will also have to sink some amount of points into Air lore, but that's another story.)

Melee AS with a Katar

Exp Cumulative Skill Ranks Benefit Rate
200k 200k Strength 4 +2 AS 100k per AS
200k 400k Combat Maneuvers 4 +2 AS 100k per AS
500k 900k Edged and Brawling 10 (total) +5 AS 100k per AS
150k 1.15m Strength 2 +1 AS 150k per AS
150k 1.3m Combat Maneuvers 2 +1 AS 150k per AS
400k 1.7m Strength 4 +2 AS 200k per AS
400k 2.1m Combat Maneuvers 4 +2 AS 200k per AS
1m 3.1m Edged and Brawling 10 (total) +5 AS 200k per AS
600k 3.7m Strength 4 +2 AS 300k per AS
600k 4.3m Combat Maneuvers 4 +2 AS 300k per AS
1.5m 5.8m Edged and Brawling 10 (total) +5 AS 300k per AS
350k 6.15m Strength 2 +1 AS 350k per AS
350k 6.5m Combat Maneuvers 2 +1 AS 350k per AS
800k 7.3m Strength 4 +2 AS 400k per AS
800k 8.1m Combat Maneuvers 4 +2 AS 400k per AS
2m 10.1m Edged and Brawling 10 (total) +5 AS 400k per AS

Melee AS with Two Weapons

...this one hurts my head and I'm honestly not even going to run the numbers, leaving it to someone who writes a .exe to run these kinds of calculations. That said, some things to note:

  • 100% of the AS benefits of Combat Maneuvers in either of the above plans (for non-hybrid or hybrid weapons) apply to the offhand.
  • 60% of the AS benefits of weapon ranks in the above plan apply to the offhand. For the other 40%, you'll have to train Two Weapon Combat. The corollary is that you'll have to train 2.5 times as many ranks for the equivalent AS boost--and that applies to the offhand only.
  • AS benefits from Strength apply to the offhand only when the character's Strength bonus doesn't wind up exceeding their Dexterity bonus. When it does exceed, you'll have to take more Dexterity to get them to parity.
    • For a halfling, who innately has a 30-point advantage of Dexterity over Strength, Strength will always benefit the offhand unless they've used a combination of enhancives and ATPs to bump Strength bonus by at least 31.
    • Conversely, for a giant, who has a 20-point of advantage of Strength over Dexterity, Strength will never benefit the offhand unless they've used a combination of ATPs and enhancives to bump Dexterity bonus by at least 21.

Efficiently Improving UAF

Exp Cumulative Skill Ranks Benefit Rate
250k 250k Brawling 5 +10 UAF 25k per UAF
500k 750k Brawling 5 +10 UAF 50k per UAF
750k 1.5m Brawling 5 +10 UAF 75k per UAF
200k 1.75m Combat Maneuvers 4 +2 UAF 100k per UAF
1m 2.75m Brawling 5 +10 UAF 100k per UAF
1.25m 4m Brawling 5 +10 UAF 125k per UAF
150k 4.15m Combat Maneuvers 2 +1 UAF 150 per UAF
1.5m 5.65m Brawling 5 +10 UAF 150k per UAF
1.75m 7.4m Brawling 5 +10 UAF 175k per UAF
200k 7.6m Strength 4 +1 UAF 200k per UAF
200k 7.8m Agility 4 +1 UAF 200k per UAF
800k 8.6m Combat Maneuvers 4 +2 UAF 200k per UAF
2m 10.8m Brawling 5 +10 UAF 200k per UAF

Very different progression from melee AS, as you can see, because not only do Brawling ranks add 2 UAF per bonus, but Strength and Agility only add 0.5 UAF per bonus.

MM is far more important to brawling than UAF, so I'd caution against thinking that brawling is twice as fast to improve as other melee AS since they're not directly comparable. That said, if you want to just see very big numbers, this is a great way to do it.

CS For Bards, Clerics, Empaths, Paladins, Rangers, or Wizards

Exp Cumulative Skill Ranks Benefit Rate
200k 200k CS stat 4 +2 CS 100k per CS
150k 350k CS stat 2 +1 CS 150k per CS
400k 750k CS stat 4 +2 CS 200k per CS
600k 1.35m CS stat 4 +2 CS 300k per CS
350k 1.7m CS stat 2 +1 CS 350k per CS
800k 2.5m CS stat 4 +2 CS 400k per CS
1m 3.5m CS stat 4 +2 CS 500k per CS
550k 4.05m CS stat 2 +1 CS 550k per CS
1.2m 5.25m CS stat 4 +2 CS 600k per CS

CS For Sorcerers

Your first thought might be "eesh, sucks to be a sorcerer since they have to pay twice as much." That's kind of true and kind of not, depending how you look at it. Here's the training plan:

Exp Cumulative Skill Ranks Benefit Rate
200k 200k Wisdom 4 +1 CS 200k per CS
200k 400k Aura 4 +1 CS 200k per CS
350k 750k Wisdom 4 +1 CS 350k per CS
350k 1.1m Aura 4 +1 CS 350k per CS
500k 1.6m Wisdom 4 +1 CS 500k per CS
500k 2.1m Aura 4 +1 CS 550k per CS
650k 2.75m Wisdom 4 +1 CS 650k per CS
650k 3.4m Aura 4 +1 CS 650k per CS
800k 4.2m Wisdom 4 +1 CS 800k per CS
800k 5m Aura 4 +1 CS 800k per CS

(You can swap the order of Wisdom and Aura depending on whether you value Wisdom's boost to ensorcelling and spiritual TD or Aura's boost to spirit and elemental TD.)

Comparing some reasonably close thresholds, you can see how it shifts around...

  • At 200k exp, a sorc has gained 1 CS while another pure has gained 2.
  • At 400k, it's 2 vs. 3.
  • At 750k, it's 3 vs. 5.
  • At 1.1m, it's 4 vs. 6.
  • At 1.7m, it's 5 vs. 8.
  • At 2.1m, it's 6 vs. 9.
  • At 3.5m, it's 8 vs. 12.
  • At 4.2m, it's 9 vs. 13.

So in one sense, if both characters are sinking equal amounts of exp purely into CS gain, then 150-160% as much CS is what the other pure is getting, not 200%.

However, if you're aiming to hit a specific CS increase, that's when it looks comparatively worse for the sorcerer:

  • To get +3 CS, a sorcerer has to spend 750k while another pure has to spend 400k.
  • To get +5, it's 1.6m vs. 750k.
  • To get +6, it's 2.1m vs. 1.05m.
  • To get +8, it's 3.4m vs. 1.7m.
  • To get +10, it's 5m vs. 2.5m.

Not all thresholds shown, obviously, but you get the picture.

All that said, if you are aiming for a specific CS increase, then you might be able to get it up to 4 ranks earlier because of the quirk of hybrid CS explained here:

Due to the nature of hybrid circles, a spell rank configuration that includes 75+ ranks of Minor Elemental will result in +0.5 CS over a configuration without. In practice, this will result in +1 CS in any situation where a sorcerer would receive an additional fractional CS gain from a spell effect.

Time will tell if this applies with ascension skills, but it might be true that just one rank of Aura or Wisdom will grant +1 CS if your sorcerer has 75 or more Minor Elemental.

The overall math for sorcerer CS would still be similar, though. The CS gains would be at every [(multiple of 4) + 1] rank instead of every 4th rank and within each tier of increasing ATP costs, you'd be ahead of the curve:

  • You'd have +1 CS at 50k instead of 200k.
  • +2 CS at 250k instead of 400k.
  • +3 CS at 450k instead of 750k.
  • +4 CS at 800k instead of 1.1m.
  • +5 CS at 1.2m instead of 1.6m.
  • +6 CS at 1.7m instead of 2.1m.
  • +7 CS at 2.25m instead of 2.75m.

And so on.

When is it Better to Gain AS Through Ascension Than Elemental Targeting (425)?

  • For sorcerers and wizards, it's cheaper to get AS via ascension until ascension begins to take more than 106,667 exp per AS. (For when that threshold is, see the math above.) This assumes the sorcerer or wizard is already at least 2x spells.
  • For bards, it's cheaper to get AS via ascension until it takes more than 113,333 exp. This assumes the bard is already at least 1x spells, but if not, halve that threshold until they are.
  • For rogues, it's cheaper to get AS via ascension until it takes more than 223,333 exp--but that's assuming the rogue already knows 425 as a baseline. If they don't, then it's an initial 2,791,667 exp of conventional skills to learn 425. That's actually a rate of only 111,667 exp per AS, but you won't see any AS benefit until hitting the threshold all at once.
  • For warriors, it's cheaper to get AS via ascension until it takes more than 400,000 exp--but again that assumes the warrior already knows 425 as a baseline. If they don't, then... the math gets complicated because it depends how many MTPs they've converted to MTPs. The previous assumption figures that by the time they learn 425 and move to gaining AS at a rate of 1 for every 2 Minor Elemental ranks, they've already crossed over into converting PTPs to MTPs. However, before that point they've most likely converted the other way around, so until they make the switch, Minor Elemental ranks cost 100,000 exp each instead of 200,000. It could in theory be as low as 2,500,000 exp to learn 425 for a very physically-oriented warrior. For an extremely physically-oriented warrior, that math might even extend beyond the initial point so gaining AS for every odd Minor Elemental rank above 25 costs just 200,000 exp.

All of the above is evaluating AS only without accounting for additional benefits of training Minor Elemental, such as DS and TD from Elemental Barrier (430), improving CS, improving Lock Pick Enhancement (403), and so on.

Improving Enchanting

Exp Cumulative Skill Ranks Benefit Rate
200k 200k Elemental Mana Control 4 +2 enchant ceiling 100k per +1
200k 400k Logic 4 +2 enchant ceiling 100k per +1
200k 600k Intuition 4 +2 enchant ceiling 100k per +1
150k 750k Logic 2 +1 enchant ceiling 150k per +1
150k 900k Elemental Mana Control 2 +1 enchant ceiling 150k per +1
150k 1.05m Intuition 2 +1 enchant ceiling 150k per +1
400k 1.45m Logic 4 +2 enchant ceiling 200k per +1
400k 1.95m Elemental Mana Control 4 +2 enchant ceiling 200k per +1
400k 2.35m Intuition 4 +2 enchant ceiling 200k per +1
600k 2.95m Elemental Mana Control 4 +2 enchant ceiling 300k per +1
600k 3.55m Logic 4 +2 enchant ceiling 300k per +1
600k 4.15m Intuition 4 +2 enchant ceiling 300k per +1
350k 4.5m Elemental Mana Control 2 +1 enchant ceiling 350k per +1
350k 4.85m Logic 2 +1 enchant ceiling 350k per +1
350k 5.2m Intuition 2 +1 enchant ceiling 350k per +1
800k 6m Logic 4 +2 enchant ceiling 400k per +1
800k 6.8m Elemental Mana Control 4 +2 enchant ceiling 400k per +1
800k 7.6m Intuition 4 +2 enchant ceiling 400k per +1
1m 8.6m Elemental Mana Control 4 +2 enchant ceiling 500k per +1
1m 9.6m Logic 4 +2 enchant ceiling 500k per +1
1m 10.6m Intuition 4 +2 enchant ceiling 500k per +1
550k 11.15m Magic Item Use 8 +1 enchant ceiling 550k per +1
550k 11.7m Elemental Mana Control 2 +1 enchant ceiling 550k per +1
550k 12.25m Logic 2 +1 enchant ceiling 550k per +1
550k 12.8m Intuition 2 +1 enchant ceiling 550k per +1
550k 13.35m Arcane Symbols 8 +1 enchant ceiling 550k per +1
1.2m 14.55m Logic 4 +2 enchant ceiling 600k per +1
1.2m 15.75m Elemental Mana Control 4 +2 enchant ceiling 600k per +1
1.2m 16.95m Intuition 4 +2 enchant ceiling 600k per +1

And so on. The order can vary a bit once they're at the same rate of improving enchanting, due to other benefits like increasing mana per pulse, number of mana spellups per day, exp per pulse, preference for magic items or scrolls, etc.

The above assumes the wizard is already at 202 AS/MIU conventionally. A wizard who stopped at 200 of each would need to detour back to normal exp to finish both skills or else they wouldn't be worth "breaking in" to the rotation until the rate hits 750k exp into ATPs.

New Lore Considerations: Bards

Assuming a typical bard mental lore split of 75 Manipulation and 26 Telepathy, it's possible to reduce non-ascension Manipulation lore by 14 ranks, move them into Telepathy, then put 1.35 million exp into ATPs to regain the lost Manipulation and restore the full power of Song of Sonic Disruption.

The question is whether you would. The major benefits from the new ranks of Telepathy are:

  • +28 second duration on spellsong cycles
  • +7 second duration on Song of Tonis
  • +1 AS from Kai's Triumph Song (and being within 100k exp into ATPs for another +1 AS)
  • +6% chance to remove negative effects from party members with Troubadour's Rally (not yourself; that's based on Mental Mana Control)

There are also benefits to Song of Peace, Song of Rage, and Song of Depression, but I'd consider them really minor given that we're talking about a capped bard with skills set to use Song of Sonic Disruption.

It also grants +14 ranks' worth of Telepathy to permanent loresong unlocking, but I'm not sure how that translates into improved percentage chance other than to say it's equal to 14 ranks of Bard Base past level, 14 Aura bonus, or 14 Influence bonus, and twice as good as 14 ranks of MIU, EMC, or MMC.

Over-The-Top Absurd Things You Could Do If You Had Infinite Time and Money

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