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m (Added gem from Hinterwilds page.)
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{{Gem disclaimer}}
{{Gem disclaimer}}
|name = an irregular cluster of blue quartz
|name = a cluster of irregular blue quartz
|rarity =
|rarity =
|value = 5
|value = 5
|location = [[Isle of the Four Winds]]
|location = [[Isle of the Four Winds]]
|description = Tiny peaks and spires rise from a thick band of rock to form the craggy lines of the blue quartz cluster, which ranges in shades of blue from iridescent cerulean to pale indigo. Each miniscule shard bears tiny dents and nicks that bespeak a chaotic creation followed by improper handling.}}
|description = Tiny peaks and spires rise from a thick band of rock to form the craggy lines of the blue quartz cluster, which ranges in shades of blue from iridescent cerulean to pale indigo. Each miniscule shard bears tiny dents and nicks that bespeak a chaotic creation followed by improper handling.}}

|name = a lambent gold warg's eye quartz
|rarity =
|value = 275
|location = [[Hinterwilds]]
|description = Dark golden in hue, the spherule of quartz is possessed of a velveteen shine. Ambient light gathers on its surface, reflecting in a spindle shape reminiscent of a slitted pupil.}}

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|location =
|location =
|description = From stem to stern, this triangular shard of quartz displays every color of the rainbow along its rough length. The surfaces are unpolished, but the changes of hue that proceed in wide, striped bands along its length that have a certain appeal despite the damaged state of the broken crystal.}}
|description = From stem to stern, this triangular shard of quartz displays every color of the rainbow along its rough length. The surfaces are unpolished, but the changes of hue that proceed in wide, striped bands along its length that have a certain appeal despite the damaged state of the broken crystal.}}

|name = a piece of smoky quartz
|rarity =
|value = 40
|location = [[The Rift]]
|description = Tiny peaks and spires rise from a thick band of rock to form the craggy lines of the blue quartz cluster, which ranges in shades of blue from iridescent cerulean to pale indigo. Each miniscule shard bears tiny dents and nicks that bespeak a chaotic creation followed by improper handling.}}

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|name = some dragon's-fang quartz
|name = some dragon's-fang quartz
|rarity =
|rarity =
|value =
|value = 3000
|location = [[The Rift]]
|location = [[The Rift]]
|description =Shaped like an elongated, arced canine, the quartz is tinted the color of old, yellowish ivory at its blunt end. As it narrows toward its opposite extremity however, it deepens through a range of ochre, sienna, and finally ends in a deep shade of vermilion.}}
|description =Shaped like an elongated, arced canine, the quartz is tinted the color of old, yellowish ivory at its blunt end. As it narrows toward its opposite extremity however, it deepens through a range of ochre, sienna, and finally ends in a deep shade of vermilion.}}
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|name = a shard of oblivion quartz
|name = a shard of oblivion quartz
|rarity =
|rarity =
|value =
|value = 5500
|location = [[The Rift]]
|location = [[The Rift]]
|description = The shard's surface is irregular, with layer upon layer of crystalline formations with no discernable direction or logic. Its color is a glassy brown that allows you to see into the stone, but its tenebrous tone prevents you from seeing through it. As you gaze into the dark and reflective depths of the alien gem, you find yourself drawn to the curious and strangely beckoning mysteries within.}}
|description = The shard's surface is irregular, with layer upon layer of crystalline formations with no discernable direction or logic. Its color is a glassy brown that allows you to see into the stone, but its tenebrous tone prevents you from seeing through it. As you gaze into the dark and reflective depths of the alien gem, you find yourself drawn to the curious and strangely beckoning mysteries within.}}

Latest revision as of 13:10, 8 May 2022

Quartz is an extremely common mineral that comes in a large variety of colors and compositions.

List of Quartzes

Note: The rarities listed are estimates and depend on the status of the treasure system in the area hunted. Average values listed are approximations and are generally taken from the sell values of a character selling gems with no trading bonus. See the Trading article for more information on variations of sell values.
Average value: 5
Location: Isle of the Four Winds

a cluster of irregular blue quartz

Description:   Tiny peaks and spires rise from a thick band of rock to form the craggy lines of the blue quartz cluster, which ranges in shades of blue from iridescent cerulean to pale indigo. Each miniscule shard bears tiny dents and nicks that bespeak a chaotic creation followed by improper handling.

Average value: 275
Location: Hinterwilds

a lambent gold warg's eye quartz

Description:   Dark golden in hue, the spherule of quartz is possessed of a velveteen shine. Ambient light gathers on its surface, reflecting in a spindle shape reminiscent of a slitted pupil.

Average value: 5

a piece of blue quartz

Description:   Several scratches mar the surface of the thumbnail-sized crystal, but the exquisite robin's-egg blue color shimmers past the damage wrought by time and poor treatment.

Average value:

a piece of carnelian quartz

Description:   Shaped like a thick, faceted spear, a piece of carnelian quartz contains a cloudy galaxy of honey-gold tones floating within a clear, transparent solid. Darker needles angle through the crystal like schools of fish, and tiny black inclusions add visual weight to the base.

Average value:

a piece of cat's eye quartz

Description:   Just barely visible in this roughly rounded crystal is a band of silver light that moves across the surface as the quartz is turned. The grey and black matrix has a fractured, chaotic appearance.

Average value:

a piece of citrine quartz

Description:   Shaped like a tapered spear, a piece of citrine quartz has a delicate translucence and a slightly dulled luster. It is a warm lemon yellow with diffuse clouds of milky white near the base.

Average value:

a piece of rose quartz

Description:   A cluster of lightly etched crystals make up a piece of rose quartz. The stone is a milky rose pink, with just enough translucence to catch the light.

Average value:

a quartz crystal

Description:   Dozens of small, translucent quartz crystals cluster tightly together, their hard-edged surfaces bright with an almost greasy luster. Though cloudy white at the base, the crystals are perfectly transparent at the tips.

Average value: 900 - 1400

a shard of rainbow quartz

Description:   From stem to stern, this triangular shard of quartz displays every color of the rainbow along its rough length. The surfaces are unpolished, but the changes of hue that proceed in wide, striped bands along its length that have a certain appeal despite the damaged state of the broken crystal.

Average value: 40
Location: The Rift

a piece of smoky quartz

Description:   Tiny peaks and spires rise from a thick band of rock to form the craggy lines of the blue quartz cluster, which ranges in shades of blue from iridescent cerulean to pale indigo. Each miniscule shard bears tiny dents and nicks that bespeak a chaotic creation followed by improper handling.

Average value:
Location: Zul Logoth

a tangerine quartz

Description:   Several smaller crystals grow at odd angles from the larger, more tabular quartz crystal. The gorgeous vivid orange color of the tangerine quartz is not uniform, but fades into transparency at several points within the gem.

Average value: 600
Location: Teras Isle

some asterfire quartz

Description:   A long, clear polyhedron, the asterfire quartz displays flat planes and sharply defined, straight edges. The ends are jagged and pointy, as if the quartz has been broken off of a longer piece. Thin, dark red tendrils extend out from a central point within the stone, reaching toward the edges of the quartz. All the tendrils are constrained in a single plane, as if a red quartz flower had suddenly sprung up within the stone itself.

Average value: 1500
Location: Teras Isle

some dragonfire quartz

Description:   A long, clear polyhedron, the dragonfire quartz displays flat planes and sharply defined, straight edges. The ends are jagged and pointy, as if the quartz has been broken off of a longer piece. Wavering bright crimson and deep yellow tendrils extend along the length of the stone, reaching from end to end.

Average value: 3000
Location: The Rift

some dragon's-fang quartz

Description:   Shaped like an elongated, arced canine, the quartz is tinted the color of old, yellowish ivory at its blunt end. As it narrows toward its opposite extremity however, it deepens through a range of ochre, sienna, and finally ends in a deep shade of vermilion.

Average value: 50 - 100
Location: Teras Isle

some leopard quartz

Description:   A long, clear polyhedron, the leopard quartz displays flat planes and sharply defined, straight edges. The ends are jagged and pointy, as if the quartz has been broken off of a longer piece. Patches of dark umber and golden brown impurities float throughout the quartz, giving it a spotted appearance similar to the carnivore that shares its name.

Average value: 5500
Location: The Rift

a shard of oblivion quartz

Description:   The shard's surface is irregular, with layer upon layer of crystalline formations with no discernable direction or logic. Its color is a glassy brown that allows you to see into the stone, but its tenebrous tone prevents you from seeing through it. As you gaze into the dark and reflective depths of the alien gem, you find yourself drawn to the curious and strangely beckoning mysteries within.

Can take multiple attempts to remove from a container:

>get ob quar
You feel a strange fascination steal over you as your hand touches the oblivion quartz.
For some reason you can't get that.

Has a very long script when you do get it that can end with various effects including gem destruction and fried nerves at end and proning, stunning, and forcing stance while it is running:

>get ob quar
You remove a shard of oblivion quartz from in your iron strongbox.

You gaze into the depths of the oblivion quartz, your fascination growing into more than idle curiosity, quickly becoming an unnaturally driving need!  In the next heartbeat, a cloud of nausea bursts from the stone's heart, quickly wrapping writhing tendrils of sickness around your face like a vaporous octopus!  As your insides churn and heave, you claw desperately at your face and throat, trying to tear the terrifying thing away, but your hands pass right through it.  As the tendrils tighten, you feel your breathing passages close and the air being sucked out of your chest.

You gasp for air, but you find nothing to ease your burning lungs.  Your mouth opens repeatedly, desperately seeking something, anything, to stave off the inevitable onslaught of oblivion.

You start to breathe easier.

As you study the oblivion quartz's irregularities, you especially notice its chaotic patterns.  They create a visual illusion, shifting and contracting as you scrutinize them.

A danged cloud of gnats suddenly surrounds your face.  The little pests can certainly sneak up on a person!  You notice the nasty things trying to forge a path up your nostrils.

You try to shoo the cloud away by flailing your arms, but to no avail.  The diminutive varmints begin to dodge your rapidly blinking eyelids and gain the nice, wet surface of your eyes in a multi-gnatted strike force.

The more you flail and splutter and blink, the thicker the cloud of insects becomes!  You hop around convulsively, but soon, finding that no relief, you switch to tactics of ducking and dodging with knees bent.

As if reading your mind, the little demons cling doggedly to your every move.  Your ears roar with the loud whine of their wings like an amorous mosquito's serenade amplified a thousand-fold.

You burst into a frenetic dance, trying desperately to evade the cloud before they completely cover you in a black, pulsing second skin!

Suddenly, the bugs are gone!  They simply disappear.  As you try to catch your breath, you notice the air feels clean...and wonderful, minus the pollution of tiny, flying, villainous, infernal, obnoxious little pieces of...

You realize you are perhaps over-reacting just a bit to a cloud of gnats.

>stow quar
You find yourself unable to pull your attention away from the quartz in your hand.

As you gaze into the quartz, the glory of its anomalous heart entrances you.  Within those depths lie mystery and power, evidenced by tiny glimpses of light floating within the firmament of the oblivion quartz's interior.

Slowly, you notice a delicious, beckoning sensation uncurl from inside the quartz, one that had been slyly hidden before now.  You fix your thoughts on it before it can hide again, pinning its location so that you can draw near.  As you extend your arms into the shadowy cloud surrounding your objective, it seeps into your mind and becomes you.

Darkness clouds your eyes.  You abruptly know the hopelessness and inevitability of death and decay as if they are an extension of yourself.  You see everything you have known throughout your life as two-dimensional images that curl around the edges and burn away into ash.  Despair overcomes you with a suffocating finality.

Finally, the horrible feeling of despair begins to fray like a flimsy, decaying piece of shroud linen.  It fades and disappears, leaving in its place a memory as black and horrible as death.

As you study the quartz, noting its striations and complexities, its strange aura draws you closer, curling fingers of fascination around your mind.  Your surroundings fade, becoming unimportant.  In fact, nothing has meaning other than the mysteries to be found waiting within the beckoning heart of the oblivion quartz.

Suddenly, you fall, plunging down into the quartz!  Its brown luminosity feels like icy water against your skin, robbing you of your breath with an involuntary gasp, and quickly filling your nose and mouth.  You try to resist the impulse to flail and thrash, concentrating on an attempt to figure out which way is up, however, the sense of drowning threatens to overcome your thoughts with panic.  But there is no 'up'...or for that matter any direction at all.  You are like a fly caught in amber and you realize with dread that there is no escape.

Abruptly, the suffocating sensation of being trapped in the quartz evaporates, leaving you shuddering and cold in its wake.

During a casual perusal of the oblivion quartz you hold, a pinpoint of light within its depths catches your eye.  It is no more than a faint flicker, however, how could it be imprisoned inside the drab stone?  It was not just a reflection either; at least it didn't seem to be.  Was it?

As you examine the quartz more closely, you notice the horrifying fact that the thing has attached itself to your hand.  Slowly, the rough, rocky material transcends its boundaries and spreads across your palm.  As it expands, it gains momentum, and as your skin is transformed, pain erupts in an excruciating blossom.

You try to drop the cursed thing, but quickly discover the fact that once transmuted, the affected appendage is frozen and unresponsive -- useless -- just like stone.

A band of searing pain crosses your chest, making the attempt to catch your breath an agony.  You feel a terrifying prickle as the invasive scourge reaches your neck and works its way upward.  Your throat closes and breathing is no longer within your ability.

Your eyesight fades as you feel the darkness overtake you.

[Forced to stance offensive.]

You gaze into the depths of the oblivion quartz, finding its complex striations unusually arresting.  Although it is a somewhat drab, dun color, you somehow know there are fascinating anomalies waiting to be found there, if you just

Something pulses deep within the quartz.  It pulses a second time, and again, as you realize you are staring at your own heart beating there inside the stone.  How could you have not realized this before now?!  This is a dangerous situation.  Your horror grows as your thoughts follow the undeniable logic along its course.

Why, anyone could steal this quartz from you.  They're probably already making plans to do so.  And once they have it...well, they'll have complete control.  You'll be a mere puppet, shackled to the tenuous prospects of the quartz's vulnerability.  A slave at the hands of anyone who happens to hold the quartz, your life's receptacle.

Fear and panic threaten to completely overcome your senses as you ponder the hopeless future, and watch the heart within the stone mete out its feeble rhythm.

Abruptly, you exhale in an explosive burst, realizing your lungs are screaming for air!  A haze lifts from your eyes.  When you search the heart of the quartz again, you see nothing but a simple stone, and a rather uninspiring one at that.  As the frightening thoughts dissipate, you are left with a confusing memory that defies explanation.

As you study the quartz, noting its striations and complexities, its strange aura draws you closer, curling fingers of fascination around your mind.  Your surroundings fade, becoming unimportant.  In fact, nothing has meaning other than the mysteries to be found waiting within the beckoning heart of the oblivion quartz.

Suddenly, you fall, plunging down into the quartz!  Its brown luminosity feels like icy water against your skin, robbing you of your breath with an involuntary gasp, and quickly filling your nose and mouth.  You try to resist the impulse to flail and thrash, concentrating on an attempt to figure out which way is up, however, the sense of drowning threatens to overcome your thoughts with panic.  But there is no 'up'...or for that matter any direction at all.  You are like a fly caught in amber and you realize with dread that there is no escape.
Abruptly, the suffocating sensation of being trapped in the quartz evaporates, leaving you shuddering and cold in its wake.

You gaze into the depths of the oblivion quartz, noting the strange way its interior cosmos takes on an illusion of depth and dimension.  With a start, you hear a whisper close to your ear address you, drawing out your name with its sibilant tone, "Chivalrous..."

You glance around, peering over both shoulders, surprised by the voice's unexpected and near presence, but no one is close enough to have been its author.  As you return your gaze to the quartz, the voice hails you again, "Chivalrous..."  This time it continues, "They will pay!"

Uncertainty rushes through you as you hear the whispered entreaties become more and more deranged.  "They don't understand.  They are all planning...always planning, scheming.  It will do them no good!"

The whisper gets louder as it grows more menacing, and soon seems to be coming from all around you.  "We are not fooled, oh noooo.  Never fooled, although they think we are.  They won't laugh forever though.  They will scream then.  We will show them..."  The whispers send chills skittering up your spine, while at the same time, the hollow words slowly begin to make sense.

You gasp suddenly!  In your distraction, you have let the quartz fall from your hands, and you clutch at it, trying desperately to catch it.  Your hand clasps on empty air, and the quartz shatters as it strikes the ground, leaving nothing but dust and a few tiny shards where it lands.  As you stare blankly at the residue, you realize the voice has disappeared.