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<table><tr valign="top"><td><!-- Please see Help:Item scripts page for instructions on how to properly create and format an item page.-->
Calling cards debuted at [[Ebon Gate 2018]] in the [[EGShop:Beck_and_Call|Beck and Call]] shop.
The '''Calling card''' was created by GM Elidi and debuted at [[Ebon Gate 2018]] in the [[EGShop:Beck and Call|Beck and Call]] shop. Personalized cards are created using the purchased case. <!-- This spot reserved for informational blurb for item. Remove as part of copy/paste.-->
{{TOC limit|2}}
{{itemtiermulti <!-- Copy/Paste x #Item as needed. -->
|item= Case <!-- REQUIRED: Must be entered as Item Type -->
|itemsummary= Off-the-shelf cards will only have the first line with the character name. As shown in the [[#Analyze|analyze]], three additional lines can be added. Card cases are sold with 50 charges and can be charged up to 150 charges.

A piece of [[forage]]d tree bark (i.e., not from the treasure system) is placed into the calling card case, which is then closed and pushed to create the calling card. <!-- Brief explanation of what this particular item does, if any. -->
|analyze= You analyze your card case and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
{{blue|************************* Calling Card Case ******************************}}
You analyze the leather card case and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
The card case will allow you to put a piece of foraged tree bark inside and PUSH to create a calling card. The card will feature your name as displayed (including last name, pre-name and post-name titles) at the time you PUSH the case. The case can be customized to create a more personal card including, but not limited to, slogans, affiliations, citizenship, and services.
************************* Calling Card Case ******************************
The leather card case will allow you to put a piece of foraged tree bark inside and PUSH to create a calling card. The card will feature your name as displayed (including last name, pre-name and post-name titles) at the time you PUSH the case. The case can be customized to create a more personal card including, but not limited to, slogans, affilitations, citizenship, and services.
You can PEER at the case to see the card that it produces.
You can PEER at the case to see the card that it produces.
The leather card case currently has 50 charges. A talented merchant can recharge the case for you.
The card case currently has {{blue|50}} charges. A talented merchant can recharge the case for you.

Custom Settings
Custom Settings
Custom Calling Card Article: Not Set
Custom Calling Card Article: {{blue|Not Set}}
Custom Calling Card Setting 1: Not Set
Custom Calling Card Setting 1: {{blue|Not Set}}
Custom Calling Card Setting 2: Not Set
Custom Calling Card Setting 2: {{blue|Not Set}}
Custom Calling Card Setting 3: {{blue|Not Set}}<!-- Tier 1/OTS required to be listed here. Other tiers only to list changes between analyzes (so as to not populate duplicate information), and final unlock to be listed in full -->
Custom Calling Card Setting 3: Not Set
|inspect= <!-- ONLY for when an item has a custom INSPECT to it. -->
|show= <!-- ONLY for when an item has a hard-coded show. -->
|affinity= <!-- Brief explanation of affinity for that specific item, if any. -->
|itemverbtable= Yes<!-- Answer YES if there are verbs associated with this item. If not, leave blank. -->
: {| {{verbtable}} <!-- REQUIRED if there are verbs for this tier. For instructions on how to use this template, see Template:Verbtable. -->
|- {{verbtableheader}}
! scope="col" style="width:5em;"|Verb
! scope="col"|First
! scope="col"|Third
! scope="row" role="rowheader"|CLOSE
|<!-- First Person View --> You snap your card case closed.
|<!-- Third Person View --> XXX snaps her card case closed.
! scope="row" role="rowheader"|DROP
Bark in case
|<!-- First Person View --> You some tree bark into your card case.
|<!-- Third Person View --> XXX drops some tree bark into her card case.
! scope="row" role="rowheader"|OPEN
|<!-- First Person View --> You slide the latch on your card case and open it.
|<!-- Third Person View --> XXX slides a latch on her card case and opens it.
! scope="row" role="rowheader"|PEER
|colspan="2"|<div style="text-align: center;">See below.</div>
! scope="row" role="rowheader"|PUSH
|<!-- First Person View --> You push a button on your card case, and it begins to hum and click rapidly. After a few moments, the case stops vibrating and feels somewhat lighter.
Roundtime: 15 sec.
|<!-- Third Person View -->XXX pushes a button on her card case and it begins to hum and click rapidly. After a few moments, the case stills in her hand.
===Peer case===
Peering into a small window on the side of your leather card case, you notice it will produce the following card:
a smooth vellum calling card
{Character name including pre- and post-names/titles as set using [[TITLE (verb)|TITLE]]}
~ This card will self-destruct when dropped. ~
.-~-.-~-.-~.-~-.-~-.-~.-~-.-~-.-~.-~-.-~-.-~ </pre>
{{itemtiermulti <!-- Copy/Paste x #Item as needed. -->
|item= Card <!-- REQUIRED: Must be entered as Item Type -->
|itemsummary= {{boldmono|[[READ]] }}the card to see what it says. As stated, dropping the card will make it go poof.<!-- Brief explanation of what this particular item does, if any. -->
|analyze= You analyze your calling card and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This is a customized calling card. To get rid of it, you can TEAR, LIGHT, or DROP the card.
You can TAP card to sense the card owner's presence in Elanthia.

You get no sense of whether or not the card may be further lightened.<!-- Tier 1/OTS required to be listed here. Other tiers only to list changes between analyzes (so as to not populate duplicate information), and final unlock to be listed in full -->
|inspect= <!-- ONLY for when an item has a custom INSPECT to it. -->
|show= <!-- ONLY for when an item has a hard-coded show. -->
|affinity= <!-- Brief explanation of affinity for that specific item, if any. -->
|itemverbtable= Yes<!-- Answer YES if there are verbs associated with this item. If not, leave blank. -->
: {| {{verbtable}} <!-- REQUIRED if there are verbs for this tier. For instructions on how to use this template, see Template:Verbtable. -->
|- {{verbtableheader}}
! scope="col" style="width:5em;"|Verb
! scope="col" style="width:5em;"|Style
! scope="col"|First
! scope="col"|Third
! scope="row" role="rowheader"| DROP
! scope="row" role="rowheader"| (Twice)
|<!--First Person View-->Are you sure you want to get rid of a smooth vellum calling card?
[Please use this command again within 30 seconds to CONFIRM.]

You drop your card onto the ground, and it disappears in a puff of silvery smoke.
|<!--Second Person View--> XXX drops a smooth vellum calling card onto the ground, and it disappears in a puff of silvery smoke.
! scope="row" role="rowheader"| LIGHT
! scope="row" role="rowheader"| In fire or fireplace
|<!--First Person View-->Spying a nearby fire, you toss your calling card on the flames and watch it quickly burn.
|<!--Second Person View-->XXX tosses her calling card on a nearby fire and watches as it quickly turns to ash.
! scope="row" role="rowheader" rowspan="3"| TAP
! scope="row" role="rowheader"| Card maker in Elanthia
|<!--First Person View--> You tap your finger on the name inscribed on the calling card three times, and soon sense the presence of XXX in Elanthia.
|<!--Second Person View--> XXX taps her finger on her calling card, a pleased expression on her face.
! scope="row" role="rowheader"| Card maker not in Elanthia
|<!--First Person View-->You tap your finger on the name inscribed on the calling card three times, but sense that XXX is nowhere to be found. You sigh disappointedly.
|<!--Second Person View--> XXX taps her finger on her calling card three times. She sighs disappointedly.
! scope="row" role="rowheader"| By card maker
|<!--First Person View-->You tap your finger on your calling card, admiring the elegant script.
|<!--Second Person View-->N/A
! scope="row" role="rowheader"| TEAR
! scope="row" role="rowheader"| Leaves confetti
|<!--First Person View-->You hastily tear up your calling card until it's only a small pile of confetti.
|<!--Second Person View-->XXX rips her calling card in half. Unsatisfied, she shreds the card into a small pile of confetti.
==Additional Information==
The '''article''' is the look of the card item, must be [[15/15/15]], and "calling card" must be the last 2 words (e.g., "a smooth vellum calling card").

Symbols can be used in the custom settings, and spacing may be adjusted for aesthetics.

{Character name including pre- and post-names/titles as set using [[TITLE (verb)|TITLE]]}

{Custom Calling Card Setting 1}

{Custom Calling Card Setting 2}

{Custom Calling Card Setting 3}

~ This card will self-destruct when dropped. ~
.-~-.-~-.-~.-~-.-~-.-~.-~-.-~-.-~.-~-.-~-.-~ </pre>
|type= Fluff<!-- REQUIRED: Mechanical or Fluff. OPTIONAL: If an item is feature altering or crafting, as well, please enter "Feature altering" or "crafting" below this line for "type2=" -->
|itemclass= Accessory <!-- REQUIRED: Valid options are: Armor, Weapon, Shield, Clothing, Accessory, Container, Creatures (Pets/Mounts), or Miscellaneous. If more than one classification, additional lines can be added with "itemclass2=" & "itemclass3=" -->
|itemtype= Container
|itemtype2= Card<!-- REQUIRED: What items can this apply to. Up to 8 can be specified by setting "itemtype2" - "itemtype8". -->
|alter= Yes<!-- REQUIRED: Can this be altered? Valid response is Yes or No. If there are restrictions, enter in Restrictions line at the end of this particular template. -->
|ld= <!-- REQUIRED: Is this item able to be lightened or deepened? Valid response is Yes or No. If there are restrictions, enter in Restrictions line. -->
|feature= <!-- OPTIONAL: This area is only REQUIRED if feature altering is indicated. Up to 8 features can be entered by setting "feature2=" - "feature8=". -->
|customize= Yes <!-- OPTIONAL: Enter "Yes" if the item is customizable beyond an ALTER. If no, leave blank. -->
|custom= Messages<!-- OPTIONAL: This area is REQUIRED if customization is indicated. Up to 5 customizations can be entered with "custom2=" - "custom5=". If the messaging is alterable, simply enter "Verb".-->
|origmerch= <!-- OPTIONAL: This area is for indicating the original release merchant name, if known. If released as a quest item, please enter "Quest" ONLY. Otherwise, leave blank.-->
|releasevenue= Caligos Isle <!-- OPTIONAL: This area is for indicating the original release venue only, if known. If not, leave blank. -->
|releaseyear= 2018 <!-- OPTIONAL: This area is for indicating the original release year only, if known. If not, leave blank. -->
|questitem= <!-- OPTIONAL: Enter "Yes" if the item's release was part of a quest/storyline. If no, leave blank. -->
|tiered= <!-- OPTIONAL: Enter "Yes" if the item is tiered. If no, leave blank. -->
|tiersnumber= <!-- OPTIONAL: This area is only REQUIRED if an item has tiers. It is to note how many tiers there are (This includes off the shelf). -->
|unlock= <!-- OPTIONAL: This area is only required if an item has tiers. It is to note how tiers can be unlocked. Valid options are "Merchant", "Certificate", or "Quest" ONLY. If more than one, enter at unlock2.-->
|legendary= <!-- OPTIONAL: Enter "Yes" if the item/script was released/distributed at an auction or was a jackpot prize. Extremely limited release only (3 or less in existence). -->
|demeanor= <!-- OPTIONAL: Enter "Yes" if the item's messaging is affected by DEMEANOR. If no, leave blank. -->
|loresong= <!-- OPTIONAL: Enter "Yes" if the item has a loresong as part of the base script. If no, leave blank. -->
|corrscript= <!-- OPTIONAL: This area is for indicating if an item has scripts that correspond with it, specifically, they are scripts that work separately AND together in one way or another (i.e. Bloodrunes and MoonShard Pendants). Additional slots can be added with "corrscript2=" - "corrscript5"= -->
|attune= <!-- OPTIONAL: This area is for indicating if an item attunes. If permanent, enter Permanent; if temporary, enter Temporary (as in, it can be broken). If there is none, leave blank. -->
|attunement= <!-- OPTIONAL: This area is only REQUIRED if attunement was indicated. Options are "Character" or "Account". Please note, "Temporary attunement" will ALWAYS be "Character". -->
|affinity= <!-- OPTIONAL: Enter "Yes" if the item requires affinity to work. If no, leave blank. -->
|spell= <!-- OPTIONAL: This area is for indicating if an item has a spell inherent to the script ONLY. Up to 4 may be specified with "spell2=" - "spell4=". Example to enter: Call Familiar (920). If no, leave blank. -->
|enhancive= <!-- OPTIONAL: This area is for indicating if an item has enhancives inherent to the script ONLY. Answer YES. If no, leave blank. -->
|swap= <!-- OPTIONAL: This area is for indicating if an item is eligible for script swapping. Answer YES. If no, leave blank. -->
|add= <!-- OPTIONAL: This area is for indicating if the script is eligible to be added to an item. Answer YES. If no, leave blank. -->
|restrictions= <!-- OPTIONAL: This area is for indicating if an item has specific restrictions. If more than one, separate with <br>. DO NOT ENTER ON A SEPARATE LINE. -->
|verb= CLOSE
|verb2= DROP
|verb3= LIGHT
|verb4= OPEN
|verb5= PEER
|verb6= PUSH
|verb7= TAP
|verb8= TEAR <!-- Verbs MUST be capitalized when entered. Up to 28 verbs can be added with "verb2=" - "verb28=". Verbs should be listed in alphabetical order, not by tier.-->

Latest revision as of 13:32, 2 May 2023

The Calling card was created by GM Elidi and debuted at Ebon Gate 2018 in the Beck and Call shop. Personalized cards are created using the purchased case.


Off-the-shelf cards will only have the first line with the character name. As shown in the analyze, three additional lines can be added. Card cases are sold with 50 charges and can be charged up to 150 charges.

A piece of foraged tree bark (i.e., not from the treasure system) is placed into the calling card case, which is then closed and pushed to create the calling card.


You analyze your card case and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
************************* Calling Card Case ******************************
The card case will allow you to put a piece of foraged tree bark inside and PUSH to create a calling card.  The card will feature your name as displayed (including last name, pre-name and post-name titles) at the time you PUSH the case.  The case can be customized to create a more personal card including, but not limited to, slogans, affiliations, citizenship, and services.
You can PEER at the case to see the card that it produces.
The card case currently has 50 charges.  A talented merchant can recharge the case for you.

Custom Settings
 Custom Calling Card Article:   Not Set
 Custom Calling Card Setting 1: Not Set
 Custom Calling Card Setting 2: Not Set
 Custom Calling Card Setting 3: Not Set


Verb First Third
CLOSE You snap your card case closed. XXX snaps her card case closed.

Bark in case

You some tree bark into your card case. XXX drops some tree bark into her card case.
OPEN You slide the latch on your card case and open it. XXX slides a latch on her card case and opens it.
See below.
PUSH You push a button on your card case, and it begins to hum and click rapidly. After a few moments, the case stops vibrating and feels somewhat lighter.

Roundtime: 15 sec.

XXX pushes a button on her card case and it begins to hum and click rapidly. After a few moments, the case stills in her hand.

Peer case

Peering into a small window on the side of your leather card case, you notice it will produce the following card:
a smooth vellum calling card
     {Character name including pre- and post-names/titles as set using TITLE}
~ This card will self-destruct when dropped. ~


READ the card to see what it says. As stated, dropping the card will make it go poof.


You analyze your calling card and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This is a customized calling card.  To get rid of it, you can TEAR, LIGHT, or DROP the card.
You can TAP card to sense the card owner's presence in Elanthia.

You get no sense of whether or not the card may be further lightened.


Verb Style First Third
DROP (Twice) Are you sure you want to get rid of a smooth vellum calling card?

[Please use this command again within 30 seconds to CONFIRM.]

You drop your card onto the ground, and it disappears in a puff of silvery smoke.

XXX drops a smooth vellum calling card onto the ground, and it disappears in a puff of silvery smoke.
LIGHT In fire or fireplace Spying a nearby fire, you toss your calling card on the flames and watch it quickly burn. XXX tosses her calling card on a nearby fire and watches as it quickly turns to ash.
TAP Card maker in Elanthia You tap your finger on the name inscribed on the calling card three times, and soon sense the presence of XXX in Elanthia. XXX taps her finger on her calling card, a pleased expression on her face.
Card maker not in Elanthia You tap your finger on the name inscribed on the calling card three times, but sense that XXX is nowhere to be found. You sigh disappointedly. XXX taps her finger on her calling card three times. She sighs disappointedly.
By card maker You tap your finger on your calling card, admiring the elegant script. N/A
TEAR Leaves confetti You hastily tear up your calling card until it's only a small pile of confetti. XXX rips her calling card in half. Unsatisfied, she shreds the card into a small pile of confetti.

Additional Information


The article is the look of the card item, must be 15/15/15, and "calling card" must be the last 2 words (e.g., "a smooth vellum calling card").

Symbols can be used in the custom settings, and spacing may be adjusted for aesthetics.


     {Character name including pre- and post-names/titles as set using TITLE}

     {Custom Calling Card Setting 1}

     {Custom Calling Card Setting 2}

     {Custom Calling Card Setting 3}

~ This card will self-destruct when dropped. ~
Calling card Information
Type Fluff
Item Classification Accessory
Item(s) Applied to Container
Alterable Yes
Customizable Yes
Custom Messages
Original Release Venue Caligos Isle
Original Release Year 2018
Item Verbs