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Talking in GemStone IV can be accomplished using the SAY verb or using an apostrophe ('). Players can change their character's language, the manner in which they speak (brag, assert), and/or the tone in which he/she speaks in (cheerful, timid).
Usage: SAY [modifiers] {message} - Speak a message aloud Where [modifiers] is zero or more of the following: :{tone} - Speak the message in a particular tone (see TONE LIST for a list of tones) ::{object} or @{object} or {{object}} - Direct the message at someone or something (eg, ::door or {heavy door}) ]{object} or [{object}] - Attempt to throw your voice behind someone or something (eg, ]door or [heavy door]) ~{language} - Speak the message in a particular language (see SPEAK for a list of languages) ={verb} - Choose a verb to indicate the speech style (see SPEECH VERBIAGE LIST for a list of verbs)
'hi or SAY hi
>say hi
You say, "Hi."
Using a speech verb (needs a space after say): say =sneer Hi
'=sneer Hi
>'=sneer Hi
You sneer, "Hi."
Using a tone:
>':venomously hi
You venomously say, "Hi."
Speaking to a person/object:
>'::table hi
Speaking to a low table, you say, "Hi."
Using the @ symbol:
>'@table hi
Speaking to a low table, you say, "Hi."
Using the braces (needs a closing brace, can use the adjective to specify a specific one):
>'{low table} hi
Speaking to a low table, you say, "Hi."
Throwing your voice:
>']table hi
Throwing your voice behind a low table, you say, "Hi."
Throwing your voice only with more keystrokes (needs a closing bracket):
>'[table] hi
Throwing your voice behind a low table, you say, "Hi."
Using a language:
>'~elven hi
Speaking in Elven, you say, "Hi."
All together now (include spaces between each modifier):
>'~elven =sneer :venomous ]table hi
Throwing your voice behind a low table, speaking venomously in Elven, you sneer, "Hi."
- Or
>'~elven =sneer :venomous ::table hi
Speaking venomously in Elven to a low table, you sneer, "Hi."
- Or
>'::table :venomous =sneer ~elven hi
Speaking venomously in Elven to a low table, you sneer, "Hi."
You can also set your tone prior to crafting your next message and only your next message:
>tone venomous
You will speak venomously on your next message.
You venomously say, "Hi."
Speech Verbiage List
The below is a list of verbs used to replace the default "says," "exclaims," and "asks" when using the SAY verb. This list is produced from SPEECH VERBIAGE LIST.
- accuse
- acknowledge
- acquiesce
- add
- admit
- admonish
- advance
- advise
- advocate
- affirm
- agonize
- agree
- allege
- allow
- amend
- announce
- answer
- apologize
- appease
- approve
- argue
- articulate
- ask
- assert
- assure
- attempt
- attest
- aver
- babble
- banter
- bark
- bawl
- beg
- begin
- bellow
- bemoan
- beseech
- bite out
- blather
- bleat
- blubber
- blurt
- bluster
- boast
- boom
- brag
- bray
- breathe
- cackle
- cajole
- call
- carp
- caution
- challenge
- chant
- chastise
- chatter
- cheer
- chide
- chime in
- chirp
- choke out
- cite
- claim
- clarify
- cluck
- coax
- command
- commend
- comment
- commiserate
- complain
- compliment
- concede
- conclude
- concur
- condescend
- confess
- confide
- confirm
- congratulate
- consider
- console
- conspire
- contemplate
- contend
- contest
- continue
- coo
- correct
- cough
- council
- counter
- criticize
- critique
- croak
- croon
- crow
- cry
- curse
- deadpan
- debate
- declaim
- declare
- demand
- demur
- denounce
- deny
- deter
- direct
- disagree
- disclose
- dismiss
- dissuade
- distract
- divulge
- drawl
- droll
- drone
- echo
- effuse
- elaborate
- emphasize
- encourage
- enthuse
- entreat
- enunciate
- exclaim
- exhort
- expound
- explain
- express
- exult
- falter
- flatter
- fret
- fuss
- gasp
- gloat
- glower
- goad
- gossip
- grant
- grate
- greet
- gripe
- groan
- grouse
- grovel
- growl
- grumble
- grunt
- guess
- gush
- hail
- hazard
- heckle
- hedge
- hint
- hiss
- holler
- hoot
- howl
- hum
- hush
- implore
- imply
- indicate
- infer
- inform
- inquire
- insinuate
- insist
- instruct
- interject
- interrogate
- interrupt
- intimate
- intone
- introduce
- jest
- joke
- keen
- lambaste
- lament
- laud
- laugh
- lecture
- lisp
- maintain
- marvel
- maunder
- mention
- moan
- mock
- mouth
- mumble
- murmur
- muse
- mutter
- nag
- narrate
- needle
- note
- object
- oblige
- observe
- offer
- opine
- orate
- order
- persuade
- placate
- plead
- point out
- ponder
- pontificate
- posit
- postulate
- pout
- praise
- prattle
- pray
- preach
- predicate
- press
- proclaim
- prod
- profess
- promise
- prompt
- pronounce
- propose
- propound
- protest
- purr
- quarrel
- quaver
- query
- quibble
- quip
- quote
- ramble
- rasp
- rattle off
- rave
- razz
- read
- reaffirm
- reason
- reassure
- rebuke
- rebut
- recall
- recite
- reconsider
- regale
- rehearse
- reinforce
- reiterate
- rejoice
- relay
- relent
- remark
- remind
- reminisce
- repeat
- reply
- report
- reprimand
- reproach
- request
- resolve
- respond
- retort
- reveal
- ridicule
- roar
- say
- scoff
- scold
- scream
- screech
- seethe
- share
- shout
- shriek
- sigh
- simper
- singsong
- slur
- snap
- snarl
- sneer
- snicker
- sniff
- snipe
- snivel
- sob
- soothe
- sound out
- specify
- speculate
- spit
- sputter
- squall
- squawk
- squeak
- stammer
- state
- stipulate
- stress
- stutter
- submit
- suggest
- sulk
- supply
- swear
- taunt
- tease
- testify
- threaten
- toast
- translate
- trill
- upbraid
- urge
- vent
- venture
- vow
- wail
- warble
- warn
- wheedle
- wheeze
- whimper
- whine
- whisper aloud
- wish
- witter
- wonder
- worry
- yammer
- yell
- yelp
Tones highlighted in blue may be used with TONE SET.
abashed | abrupt | absent | absentminded | accusing |
acerbic | acid | acrid | adamant | admiring |
adoring | affable | affected | affectionate | affronted |
aggravated | aggressive | agitated | agonize | agreeable |
airy | alert | aloof | ambivalent | amiable |
amicable | amorous | amused | angry | animated |
annoyed | annoying | anxious | apathetic | apocryphal |
apologetic | apoplectic | appreciative | apprehensive | approving |
arch | ardent | argumentative | arrogant | ashamed |
assertive | astounded | audacious | austere | authoritative |
avaricious | avid | awkward | baffled | baffling |
bashful | bawdy | befuddled | begrudging | belated |
belligerent | bemused | bewildered | bewildering | biting |
bitter | bland | bleak | bleary | blithe |
blunt | bold | bored | boring | bossy |
brash | brazen | breathless | breezy | brief |
bright | brisk | broad | brusque | cagey |
callous | calm | candid | cantankerous | careful |
careless | casual | caustic | cautious | charming |
chaste | cheeky | cheerful | churlish | clear |
clinical | cloying | clueless | coarse | coaxing |
cold | comforting | comical | commanding | complacent |
compliant | compulsive | concerned | condescending | confident |
confidential | confiding | conflicted | confused | consoling |
contemptuous | contented | contentious | contrite | cool |
cordial | covetous | coy | crafty | cranky |
crass | crisp | cross | crude | cruel |
cryptic | curious | curt | daft | dark |
dazed | decided | decisive | decorous | deep |
defeated | defensive | defiant | dejected | deliberate |
delicate | delighted | delirious | demure | deprecating |
depressing | derisive | despairing | desperate | despondent |
detached | determined | devilish | devoted | diabolical |
didactic | diffident | diligent | diplomatic | dire |
disagreeable | disappointed | disapproving | disbelieving | disconsolate |
discreet | disdainful | disgruntled | disgusted | disheartened |
disinterested | dismissive | disoriented | disparaging | dispirited |
disrespectful | distant | distasteful | distracted | docile |
doleful | doubtful | dramatic | dreadful | dreamy |
droll | drunken | dry | dubious | dull |
dumbfounded | dutiful | eager | earnest | ecstatic |
embarrassed | emotional | emphatic | enchanted | encouraging |
enticing | erudite | evasive | even | exasperated |
excited | expectant | explicit | express | exultant |
facetious | faint | fanciful | fascinated | fearful |
feeble | feisty | fervent | fierce | firm |
flat | flippant | flirtatious | flustered | fond |
forced | forceful | forlorn | formal | frank |
frantic | fretful | frightened | frosty | frustrated |
furious | furtive | fussy | gallant | generous |
gentle | gleeful | glib | gloomy | glowing |
glum | gracious | grandiose | grateful | grating |
grave | greedy | grim | grudging | gruff |
grumpy | guarded | guilty | half-hearted | halting |
happy | harsh | hasty | hateful | haughty |
heartbroken | heartless | hearty | heated | heavy |
heedless | helpful | helpless | hesitant | hoarse |
hollow | honest | hopeful | hopeless | horrified |
hostile | humble | hungry | hurried | hushed |
husky | hysterical | icy | idle | impartial |
impassive | impatient | imperious | impertinent | impish |
imploring | impudent | impulsive | inane | inconsolable |
incredulous | indecisive | indifferent | indignant | indistinct |
indolent | indulgent | informal | ingratiating | innocent |
inquisitive | insincere | insipid | insistent | insolent |
insulting | interested | intimidating | intoxicated | introspective |
inviting | ironic | irreverent | irritated | jaded |
jealous | joking | jovial | jubilant | kind |
knowing | laborious | laconic | lame | languid |
lascivious | laughing | lazy | lewd | licentious |
lifeless | light | listless | lofty | longing |
loud | lovelorn | loving | loyal | lusty |
magnanimous | malevolent | malicious | measured | meditative |
meek | melodic | menacing | mendacious | merciless |
merry | mild | mischievous | miserable | mocking |
modest | monotone | morose | mournful | mushy |
musing | mysterious | nagging | naive | nasal |
nasty | nervous | neutral | nonchalant | noncommittal |
nonplussed | nonsensical | nostalgic | oblivious | obnoxious |
obsequious | obsessive | offended | offhanded | ominous |
optimistic | outraged | outrageous | painful | passionate |
passive | patient | patronizing | pawky | pedantic |
peeved | peevish | pensive | perfunctory | perky |
perplexed | perspicacious | persuasive | petulant | philosophic |
pious | piqued | pitiless | pitying | placating |
placid | plain | plaintive | playful | pleading |
pleasant | pleased | plodding | pointed | polite |
pompous | pragmatic | praiseful | prayerful | pretentious |
prim | prompt | proud | prudish | puzzled |
quavering | querulous | quick | quiet | rabid |
rapt | rapturous | raspy | reasonable | reasoned |
reassuring | reflective | regretful | rejoicing | relieved |
reluctant | remorseful | reproachful | reproving | resentful |
resigned | resolute | resolved | respectful | reticent |
reverent | rhetorical | riotous | roguish | rough |
rousing | rude | rueful | sad | sadistic |
sagacious | sage | sarcastic | sardonic | sassy |
satirical | savage | scandalous | scathing | scornful |
seductive | self-absorbed | self-assured | sensuous | serene |
serious | severe | shaky | shameless | sharp |
sheepish | short | shrewd | shrill | shy |
silky | simple | sincere | skeptical | skittish |
sleepy | slow | sly | smarmy | smooth |
smug | snide | snobbish | snotty | sober |
soft | solemn | somber | soothing | sorrowful |
sour | speculative | speechless | spiteful | spurious |
squeaky | squeamish | stalwart | staunch | steady |
stern | stiff | stilted | stoic | stout |
strained | strict | strident | stubborn | stupid |
suave | sublime | submissive | subtle | sudden |
suggestive | sulky | sullen | surprised | surreptitious |
suspicious | sweet | sycophantic | sympathetic | tame |
tart | tearful | teasing | tenacious | tender |
tense | tentative | terrified | terse | testy |
theatrical | thick | thoughtful | thoughtless | threatening |
throaty | thunderous | tight | timid | tired |
toneless | tormented | tremulous | trepidatious | trite |
triumphant | truthful | unassuming | uncertain | uncomfortable |
unconvincing | uncouth | unctuous | understanding | uneasy |
unexpected | unfeeling | ungracious | unhappy | unhelpful |
unkind | urbane | urgent | vacuous | vague |
vapid | vehement | vengeful | venomous | vexed |
vicious | vigorous | vociferous | voracious | warm |
warning | wary | waspish | weak | weary |
whimsical | whining | wicked | winning | wishful |
wishy-washy | wistful | withering | witty | woeful |
wondering | wooden | worried | wounded | wrathful |
wry |
- Saved posts
- Tones by Tone (House Aspis guide)