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(Created page with "{{Town shops |type=shop |realm=Mist Harbor |article=No |wares=forging materials |addinfo=It is located around Stryos Home, to the southwest of the fence separating Mist Harbor proper and the Eastern Harbor. |roomname=Mist Harbor Forge, Entrance |desc=A thick, heavy atmosphere fills the air with the acrid scent of smoldering metal. A stone hallway leads towards several forging workshops opposite a steel-banded ironwood door that serves as an exit. Dominating the far wal...")
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Latest revision as of 01:10, 8 June 2024

The Rusted Anvil is a shop in Mist Harbor that sells forging glyphs and materials. It is located around Stryos Home, to the southwest of the fence separating Mist Harbor proper and the Eastern Harbor.

[Mist Harbor Forge, Entrance] RNUM: u4916001
A thick, heavy atmosphere fills the air with the acrid scent of smoldering metal. A stone hallway leads towards several forging workshops opposite a steel-banded ironwood door that serves as an exit. Dominating the far wall, a large placard crafted from wrought iron proudly showcases the forge's emblem, depicting a roaring furnace surrounded by a tapestry of intricately forged weapons and armor. Lined up against a wall, a large steel workbench with several tools lies in disrepair. You also see a stocky dwarven blacksmith.


  1. a leather crafter's apron             27. a mattock haft-glyph
  2. a bronze bar                          28. a mattock head-glyph
  3. a teak block                          29. a flail haft-glyph
  4. a heavy steel slab                    30. a flail head-glyph
  5. a large skin of tempering oil         31. a spear shaft-glyph
  6. a large skin of enchanted oil         32. a spear head-glyph
  7. a large skin of twice-enchanted oil   33. a pilum shaft-glyph
  8. a large skin of ensorcelled oil       34. a pilum head-glyph
  9. a heavy mithril slab                  35. a halberd shaft-glyph
  10. a heavy ora slab                     36. a halberd head-glyph
  11. a heavy imflass slab                 37. a knuckle-duster handle-glyph
  12. a heavy vultite slab                 38. a knuckle-duster blade-glyph
  13. a dagger hilt-glyph                  39. a hook-knife hilt-glyph
  14. a dagger blade-glyph                 40. a hook-knife blade-glyph
  15. a shortsword hilt-glyph              41. a knuckle-blade handle-glyph
  16. a shortsword blade-glyph             42. a knuckle-blade blade-glyph
  17. a main gauche hilt-glyph             43. a troll-claw handle-glyph
  18. a main gauche blade-glyph            44. a troll-claw blade-glyph
  19. a cudgel handle-glyph                45. a maul haft-glyph
  20. a cudgel head-glyph                  46. a maul head-glyph
  21. a mace handle-glyph                  47. a lance shaft-glyph
  22. a mace head-glyph                    48. a lance head-glyph
  23. a crowbill handle-glyph              49. a tiger-claw grip-glyph
  24. a crowbill head-glyph                50. a tiger-claw blade-glyph
  25. a quarterstaff shaft-glyph           51. a rapier hilt-glyph
  26. a quarterstaff endcap-glyph          52. a rapier blade-glyph