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|scope="row" role="rowheader"|Tasa||Lotus||n/a||[[Ta'Ardenai]]||February 2024||A term for lotus
|scope="row" role="rowheader"|Tasa||Lotus||n/a||[[Ta'Ardenai]]||February 2024||A term for lotus
|scope="row" role="rowheader"| Raitha||Gate or portal||Unknown but stems from the same roots as agate and soul||[[Elanthian Holidays/Vernal Holidays | Vernal Holidays]]||March 2024||
|scope="row" role="rowheader"| Dalrai||Moon gate||From "dalsu" (moon) and "raitha" (gate)||[[Elanthian Holidays/Vernal Holidays | Vernal Holidays]]||March 2024||
|scope="row" role="rowheader"| Rarisu||Labyrinth||Unknown||[[Elanthian Holidays/Vernal Holidays | Vernal Holidays]]||March 2024||
|scope="row" role="rowheader"| Rarisukan||Ceremony of the Labyrinth||From "rarisu" (labyrinth) and "kan" (a truncation used for ceremonies)||[[Elanthian Holidays/Vernal Holidays | Vernal Holidays]]||March 2024||A vernal holiday for the erithi
|scope="row" role="rowheader"|Latsuli y Ayxia||Festival of Lights || From "latsuli" (festival), "y" (of), and "ayxia" (a term for light)|| [[Elanthian Holidays/Estival Holidays| Estival, or Summer, Holidays]]||June 2024||This is an annual erithi festival
|scope="row" role="rowheader"|Latsuli||Festival || n/a|| [[Elanthian Holidays/Estival Holidays| Estival, or Summer, Holidays]]||June 2024||
|scope="row" role="rowheader"|Ayxia||Light || From "ayra" (sun) and "xia" (star)|| [[Elanthian Holidays/Estival Holidays| Estival, or Summer, Holidays]]||June 2024||This term is typically only used around either the Festival of Lights or when referencing a sacred/special sort of light and not as a general term for light
|scope="row" role="rowheader"|Hotu'ayxia||"Glimaerlamps" || From "hotura" (a type of floating lantern/lamp) and "ayxia" (light)|| [[Elanthian Holidays/Estival Holidays| Estival, or Summer, Holidays]]||June 2024||These are floating lanterns used in the erithi Festival of Lights
|scope="row" role="rowheader"|Hotura||Floating lantern/lamp || Unknown|| [[Elanthian Holidays/Estival Holidays| Estival, or Summer, Holidays]]||June 2024||A paper lantern that floats when lit

Latest revision as of 11:34, 18 June 2024

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Erithi Lexicon is an Official GemStone IV Document, and it is protected from editing.

A list of all Erithi terms released for easy translation.

Erithi Term Translation Roots Originating Documentation Date Introduced Other Info
Shihaixa Dream's mist "Xiasa" - dream, "shihai" - mist Gastronomy of Atan Irith June 2023 A type of erithi-grown tobacco
Shihai Mist n/a Gastronomy of Atan Irith June 2023 n/a
Sukaju Unknown Unknown Gastronomy of Atan Irith June 2023 A salty-citrusy sauce used in erithi cooking
Jusora Unknown Unknown Gastronomy of Atan Irith June 2023 A distilled rice alcoholic beverage from the erithi
Niritanka Unknown Unknown Gastronomy of Atan Irith June 2023 An erithi dish made with lunho
Yaol Dumpling n/a Gastronomy of Atan Irith June 2023 n/a
Gayao Meat dumpling "Yaol" - dumpling Gastronomy of Atan Irith June 2023 A type of erithi dumpling
Ai'yaol Sweet dumpling "Yaol" - dumpling, "aika" - sweet Gastronomy of Atan Irith June 2023 A type of sweet dumpling
Yaolxi Soup dumpling "Yaol" - dumpling, "Xi" - possibly a truncation for soup Gastronomy of Atan Irith June 2023 A type of soup dumpling
Dal'yao Moon dumpling "Yaol" - dumpling, "dalsu" - moon Gastronomy of Atan Irith June 2023 A type of specialty dumpling
Nathai Unknown "Nathaita" - a type of honey bee Gastronomy of Atan Irith June 2023 A type of specially cultivated honey from the nathaita
Vataki Unknown Unknown Gastronomy of Atan Irith June 2023 A type of skewered and grilled meat
Korimata Squishy water moss ball Comprised of words roughly equating to "squishy water moss ball" but roots are lost to time Gastronomy of Atan Irith June 2023 An edible algae (also known as akateq in Inyexi)
Iraitha Luck agate from irita (luck) and raiyartha (agate) Precious Materials of Atan Irith June 2023 A type of agate from Atan Irith
Nirisaka Unknown "Niri" - unknown, "Yusaka" - fish Fauna of Atan Irith: A Guide to Some of the Unique Creatures of the Erithian Continent March 2023 A type of flounder
Ayjira literally "sun protection" "Ayra" - sun, "Jira - protection Fauna of Atan Irith: A Guide to Some of the Unique Creatures of the Erithian Continent March 2023 Term is mostly used for a type of shark
Yusaka Fish n/a Fauna of Atan Irith: A Guide to Some of the Unique Creatures of the Erithian Continent March 2023 Generic term for fish
Aika Sweet n/a Fauna of Atan Irith: A Guide to Some of the Unique Creatures of the Erithian Continent March 2023 One of the terms for sweet
Tanjin Truth n/a Fauna of Atan Irith: A Guide to Some of the Unique Creatures of the Erithian Continent March 2023 One of the terms for truth
San a derivative of silver Unknown Fauna of Atan Irith: A Guide to Some of the Unique Creatures of the Erithian Continent March 2023
Aikayu Sweet fish "Aika" - sweet, "Yusaka" - fish Fauna of Atan Irith: A Guide to Some of the Unique Creatures of the Erithian Continent March 2023 A type of fish
Kirichaku Unknown Unknown Fauna of Atan Irith: A Guide to Some of the Unique Creatures of the Erithian Continent March 2023 A type of fish
N'tansaka Fish of truthfulness "Yusaka" - fish "N'tan" - both a reference to "iritan-la" (sight) and "tanjin" (truth) Fauna of Atan Irith: A Guide to Some of the Unique Creatures of the Erithian Continent March 2023 A type of fish, also known as the tansyfish
Sanyu Literally silver fish "San" - a derivative of silver, "Yusaka" - fish Fauna of Atan Irith: A Guide to Some of the Unique Creatures of the Erithian Continent March 2023 A type of salmon
Yurita Literally luck fish "Irita" - luck, "Yusaka" - fish Fauna of Atan Irith: A Guide to Some of the Unique Creatures of the Erithian Continent March 2023 A type of fish
Ayra'saj sun sedge From ayra (sun) and saj (sedge) Flora of Atan Irith: A Guide to Some of the Continent's Unique Flora February 2023 A plant in Atan Irith, also sunsedge
Dalsu'saj Moon sedge From dalsu (moon) and saj (sedge) Flora of Atan Irith: A Guide to Some of the Continent's Unique Flora February 2023 A plant in Atan Irith, also moonsedge
Dalsu Moon n/a Flora of Atan Irith: A Guide to Some of the Continent's Unique Flora February 2023 A plant in Atan Irith
Saj Sedge n/a Flora of Atan Irith: A Guide to Some of the Continent's Unique Flora February 2023 A plant in Atan Irith
Xia'saj star sedge From xia (star) and saj (sedge) Flora of Atan Irith: A Guide to Some of the Continent's Unique Flora February 2023 A plant in Atan Irith, also starsedge
Xia Star n/a Flora of Atan Irith: A Guide to Some of the Continent's Unique Flora February 2023 A plant in Atan Irith
Te Tea n/a Flora of Atan Irith: A Guide to Some of the Continent's Unique Flora February 2023 Pronounced like "tea"
Laisura Unknown Unknown Flora of Atan Irith: A Guide to Some of the Continent's Unique Flora February 2023 A plant in Atan Irith, also known as the Surath peony
Ginlai Unknown Unknown Flora of Atan Irith: A Guide to Some of the Continent's Unique Flora February 2023 A type of ginseng in Atan Irith
Yinmai Unknown Unknown Flora of Atan Irith: A Guide to Some of the Continent's Unique Flora February 2023 A type of chrysanthemum in Atan Irith
Lintilia Unknown Unknown Flora of Atan Irith: A Guide to Some of the Continent's Unique Flora February 2023 A type of linden tree in Atan Irith
Vethajira Unknown From jira (old) and an unknown word Flora of Atan Irith: A Guide to Some of the Continent's Unique Flora February 2023 Typically used when referring to the mountain range or a type of comfrey, both in Atan Irith
Nathaita Unknown Unknown Flora of Atan Irith: A Guide to Some of the Continent's Unique Flora February 2023 A mountain bumblebee in Atan Irith
Tai'lon Unknown Unknown Flora of Atan Irith: A Guide to Some of the Continent's Unique Flora February 2023 A mountain range in Atan Irith
Agan Old Unknown Original documentation early 2000s n/a
Aganiri Erithi art of divination Agan = old, iritan-la = sight Divination: A Comprehensive Guide March 2010 n/a
Aganjira Old protection Agan = old, jira = protection Upon the Surita Tree: Exciting Discoveries June 2021 Material for cloth armor. Can be greater or lesser.
Agita n/a Unknown Agita document May 2019 Amber-like gem from the sap of the surita tree
Atan New Unknown Original documentation early 2000s n/a
Atanika/Ataniki n/a Unknown Erithi Clothing April 2008 A type of robe; see document for details
Atika/Atiki n/a Unknown Erithi Clothing April 2008 A type of hat; see document for details
Ayra Sun Unknown Event documentation May 2019 n/a
Dai Clan Unknown Original documentation early 2000s n/a
Elojira Sky protection Eloth = sky, jira = protection Erithi Funeral customs document September 2021 Final stage of a raixan
Elojun iritin The wise or the seeing - specifically and only in relation to the katana Unknown History of the Elanthian Katana and the Order of the Watchful Eye early 2000s Used in combination strictly for the katana, the combination meaning more than the roots for the words wise and sight
Eloth Sky or high Unknown Original documentation early 2000s n/a
Eloth-fae Skyfire Eloth = sky, fae = unknown (see document notes) Erithi Funeral customs document September 2021 n/a
Elothrai Sky-agate or sky-soul Eloth = sky, rai = from agate or soul Erithi Clothing document, Ferroniere document April 2008 Type of ferroniere
Eloun Irin Headmaster/Overseer - specifically and only in relation to the Order of the Watchful Eye Unknown History of the Elanthian Katana and the Order of the Watchful Eye early 2000s It can probably be assumed its roots are related to the roots for Elojun Iritin, with some relation to the words for wise and sight
Erithi people Unknown Original documentation early 2000s Like most races, the name for themselves, "erithi," simply means "the people"
Fae fire Unknown Erithi Funeral customs document September 2021 Newer word for fire (see document), typically unnatural or elemental magic fire
Irijala Roughly "song of the sea" Unknown Erithi and the Sea February 2021 Term used for a sea shanty
Irijveil n/a "Irij" probably bears some relationship to the sea, and "veil" translating loosely to band Glassworking document May 2022 An anklet with seaglass beads
Irita Luck from "iritan-la"; sight/seeing Event documentation May 2019 n/a
Iritan-la Sight Unknown Original documentation early 2000s n/a
Irith Land Unknown Original documentation early 2000s n/a
Isiqiri n/a Unknown Erithi Clothing document April 2008 Type of shirt
Jira Protection Unknown Upon the Surita Tree: Exciting Discoveries June 2021 n/a
Jirlan n/a Unknown Erithi Fashion document May 2021 A type of formal pants
Kanjiqi n/a Unknown Erithi Clothing document April 2008 Type of thigh-sheath
Kanjir n/a Unknown Erithi Clothing document April 2008 Type of legging
Khen Coin Unknown Event documentation May 2019 n/a
Lasai n/a Unknown Erithi Fashion document May 2021 A type of formal shoe
Nanjir n/a Unknown Erithi Clothing document April 2008 Type of breeches
Naraina n/a Unknown Erithi Fashion document May 2021 A rare type of lotus silk woven from the xan'ayra
Qakoni Mask Unknown Shi'hadara: The Erithi Masque May 2021 Used for masks within the shi'hadara, but also just for regular masks, erithi festival masks, etc.
Ra Home Unknown Original documentation early 2000s n/a
Raidanlu teadragon thought to be from "raiyatha" for soul and "danlu" of undetermined origin Unique Fauna of Atan Irith: Erithi Teadragons August 2021 literal translation is approximated to be: "little fake dragon of the tea's soul," also sometimes modified to "little fake teadragon of my soul."
Rai'kan Soul-tea Rai from soul, kan from conflation/truncation of tea and ceremony Erithi Tea Ceremony April 2008 n/a
Raikhen Home/soul/agate coin Khen = coin + rai being either a truncation of soul or agate, possibly with the bonus of ra meaning home Event documentation May 2019 A type of currency, the origins of the name are murky so assume arguments ensue over which translation/meaning to ascribe
Raiyartha Agate Unknown, related to soul Elanthian Gems documentation, Erithi Clothing documentation April 2008 n/a
Raiyatha Soul Unknown, related to agate Elanthian Gems documentation, Erithi Clothing documentation April 2008 n/a
Raiyatha xanye a eloth Their soul is blossoming to the sky n/a Erithi Funeral customs document September 2021 A saying when people die
Raixan Soul blossoming Rai from raiyatha, xan from xanye Erithi Funeral customs document September 2021 The term for an erithi funeral. There are several sub-types listed in the document. See it for all variations.
Ro Blade Unknown Clarification of terms found in other documents March 2010 n/a
Satala n/a Unknown Erithi Fashion document May 2021 An underrobe
Shadarl n/a Related to the term shi'hadara Upon the Surita Tree: Exciting Discoveries June 2021 Rare material for leather armor
Shi'hadara n/a Unknown Shi'hadara: The Erithi Masque In-game in 2004 during an event. Officially, May 2021. Name for a specific type of theatre performance
Shioni Disciple, apprentice, student Unknown Clarification of terms found in other documents March 2010 n/a
Shioni-aga Student or disciple of divination Agan = old, shioni = student Divination: A Comprehensive Guide document March 2010 n/a
Shioni-ro Student or disciple of the blade, used specifically and solely with the katana Shioni = student, ro = blade History of the Elanthian Katana and the Order of the Watchful Eye Unsure n/a
Shiri Dead n/a Erithi Funeral customs document September 2021 One of several words for the dead
Shiri qakoni Mask for the dead Shiri = dead, qakoni = mask Erithi Funeral customs document September 2021 Death mask used by the Volnath Dai
Shiri rai'kan Tea ceremony for the dead Shiri = dead, rai'kan = tea ceremony Erithi Funeral customs document September 2021 First stage of a raixan
Surath Stone or earth Unknown Original documentation early 2000s n/a
Surita n/a Unknown Events documentation May 2019 Refers to the surita tree and items made out of its wood. Material used for runestaves, etc.
Tanori n/a Unknown Erithi Fashion document May 2021 Rush-woven casual sandals
Taosan n/a Unknown Erithi Fashion document May 2021 Formalwear jacket
Va'eloth Skyglass Unknown Glassworking document May 2022 A type of glasswork originating in Atan Irith
Valati a eloth "Knowledge takes to the skies." n/a Glassworking document May 2022 Motto of the Order of the Sky and Cloud
Vala'toka Library mouse Unclear - twisted and truncated from the words for library and mouse, but is now its own thing A Library Mouse By Any Other Name document February 2021 n/a
Vatajir n/a Unknown Erithi Fashion document May 2021 Type of pajama bottoms
Vatalik n/a Unknown Erithi Fashion document May 2021 Type of pajama top
Vatanura n/a Unknown Erithi Clothing document April 2008 Type of waist sash
X'aganjira Old protection See aganjira. Addition of the "x" is unknown. Upon the Surita Tree: Exciting Discoveries June 2021 Greater aganjira term alternate term. A type of material used for leather armor.
Xan'ayra Blossoming sun Ayra = sun, xan = some truncation of a word loosely translated to blossoming Erithi Fashion document May 2021 Rare salt water lotus plant
Xanrai Blossoming soul Xan = xanye, rai = raiyatha Erithi Funeral customs document September 2021 An erithi wedding ceremony
Xanye Blossoming Unknown Erithi Funeral customs document September 2021 n/a
Xiala n/a Unknown Erithi Fashion document May 2021 Type of formal dress
Yatane n/a Unknown Erithi Clothing document April 2008 Type of shoes
Rai'xiasa Storytelling (literally "dreams of the soul") Raiyatha - soul, xiasa - dream The Three Fires: Kindling the Flames of Erithi Storytelling July 2022 n/a
Xiasa Dream From xia (star) and an unknown component The Three Fires: Kindling the Flames of Erithi Storytelling July 2022 n/a
Agara-fae Dreamfire (literally "old fire") agara - old, fae - type of fire The Three Fires: Kindling the Flames of Erithi Storytelling July 2022 See also agara y rai'xiasa a fae
Shidaxa-hai Shadow fire shidaxa - shadow, hai - type of fire The Three Fires: Kindling the Flames of Erithi Storytelling July 2022 n/a
Agara y rai'xiasa a fae To the fire of an old soul's dream agara - old, rai'xiasa - storytelling, fae-type of fire The Three Fires: Kindling the Flames of Erithi Storytelling July 2022 See also agara-fae
"a" to Unknown Used in phrases released in various documents n/a This doesn't mean there aren't other words with similar meanings
"y" of Unknown Used in phrases released in various documents n/a This doesn't mean there aren't other words with similar meanings
Raxiara Dreamfire panel bracelet Modern portmanteau of rai'xiasa and agara The Three Fires: Kindling the Flames of Erithi Storytelling July 2022 Specific to dreamfire panel bracelets
Lirveil Bracelet Lir - uncertain but related to wrist/arm/'upper', veil - band The Three Fires: Kindling the Flames of Erithi Storytelling July 2022 n/a
Hai Fire Unknown The Three Fires: Kindling the Flames of Erithi Storytelling July 2022 Natural fire as opposed to magical/elemental fire (fae)
Veil Band Unknown Used in terms released in various documents n/a This doesn't mean there aren't other words with similar meanings
Shogu'ro chopsticks (literally food blade) from shogu - food and ro - blade Chopsticks document September 2022 n/a
Naita a term for hair, specifically long hair unknown Chopsticks document September 2022 n/a
Naita'ro hairsticks (literally long hair blade) from naita - hair and ro - blade Chopsticks document September 2022 n/a
Yatasa Lotus dormouse/rhino From "tasa" (lotus) Ta'Ardenai February 2024 A type of rodent, known as the alsira in Ta'Ardenai, found in Atan Irith and Ta'Ardenai
Tasa Lotus n/a Ta'Ardenai February 2024 A term for lotus
Raitha Gate or portal Unknown but stems from the same roots as agate and soul Vernal Holidays March 2024
Dalrai Moon gate From "dalsu" (moon) and "raitha" (gate) Vernal Holidays March 2024
Rarisu Labyrinth Unknown Vernal Holidays March 2024
Rarisukan Ceremony of the Labyrinth From "rarisu" (labyrinth) and "kan" (a truncation used for ceremonies) Vernal Holidays March 2024 A vernal holiday for the erithi
Latsuli y Ayxia Festival of Lights From "latsuli" (festival), "y" (of), and "ayxia" (a term for light) Estival, or Summer, Holidays June 2024 This is an annual erithi festival
Latsuli Festival n/a Estival, or Summer, Holidays June 2024
Ayxia Light From "ayra" (sun) and "xia" (star) Estival, or Summer, Holidays June 2024 This term is typically only used around either the Festival of Lights or when referencing a sacred/special sort of light and not as a general term for light
Hotu'ayxia "Glimaerlamps" From "hotura" (a type of floating lantern/lamp) and "ayxia" (light) Estival, or Summer, Holidays June 2024 These are floating lanterns used in the erithi Festival of Lights
Hotura Floating lantern/lamp Unknown Estival, or Summer, Holidays June 2024 A paper lantern that floats when lit