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==Current Shop Listing==
==Current Shop Listing==<!-- Shop listing should be put into the subpage for the current run and transcluded here, as well as the Full shop listing for the same run. This is to limit conflicts in the future as the page continues to grow with updates and/or archiving happens.-->
{{#section:BVShop:Be Warez/August 2021|2021Q3}}
{{:BVShop:Be Warez/August 2024}}

==Previous Shop Listings==
==Previous Shop Listings==
* [[/August 2021|August 2021 shop listing]]
* [[/February 2021|February 2021 shop listing]]
* [[/August 2020|August 2020 shop listing]]
* [[/February 2020|February 2020 shop listing]]
* [[/August 2019|August 2019 shop listing]]

[[Category: Bloodriven Village Shops|B]]
[[Category:Bloodriven Village shops|B]]

Revision as of 14:44, 16 August 2024

Current Shop Listing

a small lopsided shack, [Map Room 16], Room# 8214516, Lich# L26877, go lopsided shack

Be Warez, Shop

[Be Warez, Shop - 8212403]
The lopsided shack appears to have been crafted out of broken-down crates and torn wool, its form threatening to topple with even the gentlest of winds. Resting within a splayed pile of straw is a small basket of wares nestled against a metal can with an open slit, the display being mindfully watched by a large greyish cat. You also see a hemp-looped wooden post.
Obvious exits: north, out

On the wooden post you see: a cog-affixed nubuck casting glove, a sand-filled mahogany hourglass, a tiny clockwork airship crafted from brass, and a cog-painted vellum tag.

a cog-painted vellum tag

In the Common language, it reads:
New Illusion/Spell Preps

Glove: The collection of cogs and gears affixed to NAME's nubuck casting glove whir and tick as she/he moves her/his hand, the occasional billows of steam releasing across her/his knuckles.
Spell: NAME raises her/his arm into the air as she/he shouts an incantation, the series of cogs and gears fused to her/his nubuck casting glove whirring in rapid motion as she/he snaps, causing a flash of bright light to emanate from her/his palm.
Circle: Major Elemental

Hourglass: NAME's movements blur as the very air surrounding her/him warps in as time appears to stutter and hasten before her/him.
Spell: NAME reaches up and pulls her/his mahogany hourglass into her/his open palm, turning the device over as the grains of sand begin to trickle down into the empty chamber.  As the sand falls, the surroundings seem to slow down in turn, stopping temporarily before NAME glances up and invokes her/his spell.
Circle: Wizard

Airship: A tiny clockwork airship crafted from brass hovers close to NAME, rising and falling slowly as its cog-fused wings adjust with the ambient air.
Spell: NAME places her/his curved thumb and pointer finger to her/his lips, whistling loudly as her/his airship rises from behind her/his shoulder.  The diminutive vessel begins to clank and whir as it glides forward, unleashing bright sparks as she/he gestures.
Circle: Minor Elemental

Item Type Info Details Price
a cog-affixed nubuck casting glove < 1 lb
Illusion prop
  Adds "The collection of cogs and gears affixed to Thandiwe's nubuck casting glove whir and tick as she moves her hand, the occasional billows of steam releasing across her knuckles." before the appearance of your hands.

  The nubuck casting glove can be hidden or revealed when covered.

a sand-filled mahogany hourglass < 1 lb
Illusion prop
  Adds "Thandiwe's movements blur as the very air surrounding her warps in as time appears to stutter and hasten before her." before your appearance.

  The mahogany hourglass can be hidden or revealed when covered.

a tiny clockwork airship crafted from brass < 1 lb
Illusion prop
  Adds "A tiny clockwork airship crafted from brass hovers close to Thandiwe, rising and falling slowly as its cog-fused wings adjust with the ambient air." before your appearance.
  Adds "A tiny clockwork airship crafted from brass hovers close to Thandiwe, rising and falling slowly as its cog-fused wings adjust with the ambient air." before the appearance of your tattoos.

  The clockwork airship can be hidden or revealed when covered.


In the small basket you see: a diminutive clockwork-set faenor owl, a talon-tipped set of bloodwood finger-armor, a fine-grained dark leather book strap, a gilt-caged pale glass lantern, a collection of cross-bound dark suede harnesses, and a gear-painted parchment note.

a gear-painted parchment note

In the Common language, it reads:
New Illusions

Owl: A diminutive clockwork-set faenor owl perches upon her/his left shoulder, occasionally releasing a series of contented hoots as it flaps its gear-jointed wings.

Finger-Armor: Tendrils of liquid-like black smoke undulate across her/his set of finger-armor, entwining across the curved talons as they dissipate into nothingness.

Strap: Several leather-bound books soar around NAME, the silk-covered volumes riffling their vellum pages as they dart to and fro behind her/him.

Lantern: An eclipse of nacreous ivory and obsidian moths encircle NAME's form, each fuzzy-bodied insect pausing in turn as it dips towards her/his pale glass lantern.

Harnesses: Various wrenches and pliers float above NAME's head, the well-oiled tools dodging the mixed metal cogs and gears whizzing by them.

Item Type Info Details Price
a diminutive clockwork-set faenor owl < 1 lb
Illusion prop
  Adds "A diminutive clockwork-set faenor owl perches upon her left shoulder, occasionally releasing a series of contented hoots as it flaps its gear-jointed wings." before the appearance of your tattoos.

  The clockwork-set owl can be hidden or revealed when covered.

a talon-tipped set of bloodwood finger-armor < 1 lb
Illusion prop
  Adds "Tendrils of liquid-like black smoke undulate across her set of finger-armor, entwining across the curved talons as they dissipate into nothingness." before the appearance of your hands.

  The set of finger-armor can be hidden or revealed when covered.

a fine-grained dark leather book strap < 1 lb
Illusion prop
  Adds "Several leather-bound books soar around Thandiwe, the silk-covered volumes riffling their vellum pages as they dart to and fro behind her." before the appearance of your tattoos.

  The leather book strap can be hidden or revealed when covered.

a gilt-caged pale glass lantern < 1 lb
Illusion prop
  Adds "An eclipse of nacreous ivory and obsidian moths encircle Thandiwe's form, each fuzzy-bodied insect pausing in turn as it dips towards her pale glass lantern." before the appearance of your tattoos.

  The pale glass lantern can be hidden or revealed when covered.

a collection of cross-bound dark suede harnesses < 1 lb
Illusion prop
  Adds "Various wrenches and pliers float above Thandiwe's head, the well-oiled tools dodging the mixed metal cogs and gears whizzing by them." before your appearance.

  The dark suede harnesses can be hidden or revealed when covered.


Be Warez, Backroom

[Be Warez, Backroom - 8212404]
The backroom of the shop is well-lit, the silk-draped walls a sharp contrast to the decrepit area to the south. An open dusty wooden chest sits upon a chaise of rich burgundy velvet, covered in bits of dried catnip and carcasses of gutted mouse-shaped toys. You also see a claw-marked wooden post.
Obvious exits: south

On the wooden post you see: a chain-caught cylinder of pallid chalk, a leather-hung kelyn armillary sphere, a lariat necklace suspending a tiny perforated bronze censer, a twice-looped strand of onyx marble prayerbeads, a wool-looped aged gold bell shaped like a round rolton, a catnip-stained tag, a slightly ripped paper tag, a crescentic third eye jewel, a tiny catnip-stuffed potato, a tool-laden belt of metal gears, and an open-palmed leather casting glove.

a catnip-stained tag

In the Common language, it reads:
Returning Ones - Illusions and Spell Preps:

Prayerbeads - A blackened sigil has been branded into the flesh of his/her palm, the mark seeping tendrils of ebony smoke across a strand of prayerbeads wrapped around his/her wrist.
NAME chants, raising his/her onyx marble prayerbeads to his/her lips as he/she calls forth his/her invocation!

Lariat - Tendrils of curling perfumed smoke wander across his/her body, spilling forth through the perforated censer suspended from his/her lariat.
NAME's fingers traverse down the chain of his/her lariat, the perfumed tendrils of smoke constricting across his/her body, engulfing him/her.  NAME's voice utters a single command, causing the haze to dissipate as his/her silhouette emerges from the curtain.

Sphere - Celestial rings of gilt-colored mist rotate slowly across his/her body, the bands intersecting with a quartet of lunar spheres that pulsate in time with his/her kelyn armillary sphere.
NAME grasps his/her orb between his/her fingers, causing the gilt-colored rings to expand in a celestial sphere of fine mist.  He/She observes the stars and lunar forms, reaching out to trace a constellation as his/her fingertips illuminate.

Pin - Groups of variegated mushrooms haphazardly spring to life around his/her feet, releasing glimmering motes of spores into the air as he/she moves.
NAME taps the spotted cap of his/her mushroom pin, causing the fungi below him/her to float upwards, hovering above.  He begins to chant an incantation and the mushrooms vibrate in time, their spores dispersing into the air as they explode in a cloud of glittering motes.

Chalk - A candle-lit summoning circle of blackened ichor encircles the floor beneath him/her, the liquid dripping downwards from his/her cylinder of chalk.
NAME traces the edges of his/her cylinder of chalk, his/her voice issuing a command as the ichor encircling him/her begins to crawl towards his/her body, seeping into his/her skin.  As the last drop returns, his/her eyes are engulfed in a haze of black, pulsating as the candles below burst into a sickly green flame.

Bell - A tiny fluffy rolton continually attempts to butt into NAME's legs, bleating in frustration as it attempts to establish dominance.  It runs in tightly packed circles around him/her, stopping to gaze up at him/her through rounded eyes before continuing its assault.
NAME lets out a sharp command as he/she places a hand across the aged gold bell, causing the rambunctious rolton to come to a halt.
For a heartbeat, they stare at one another as the rolton's eyes begin to glow and it issues a diminutive "Baaaaaaah."

a slightly ripped paper tag

In the Common language, it reads:
Illusions and Spell Preps:

Jewel - Centered upon her/his forehead is a crescentic third eye jewel, the rutilated quartz engulfed in motes of starlight glistening across her/his ivory skin.
NAME closes her/his eyes, beginning her/his incantation as her/his voice gently coaxes her/his energies to complete her/his spell.  The iridescent motes of starlight begin to twinkle with each syllable, forming constellations against her/his (skin color) skin as her/his power grows in intensity.

Cards - Illuminated rings of hand-illustrated cards slowly revolve around NAME's form, each lacquered piece of the vellum deck rotating to unveil a gilt-haloed divination.
NAME closes her/his eyes, murmuring an incantation as the illuminated rings of cards begin to revolve in a blur of ink and vellum around her/his form.  She/He reaches out, grasping one of the cards as she/he raises it upward, channeling her/his energies as it pulsates in rhythm with her/his words.

Potato - A fur-filled clowder of cats surround NAME, the demanding felines meowing in various tones as they brush against her/his legs, occasionally attempting to nip at her/his feet.
NAME closes her/his eyes and begins an incantation.  Before she/he can complete his spell, one of her/his cats takes a flying leap onto her/his back, causing NAME to toss her/his catnip-stuffed potato to the ground, sending the cat back down its awkward perch as it accepts its bounty.

Gears - A tiny cog-fused automaton follows close to NAME's heels, plodding along the ground as it shakes its comically large fists into the sky.
NAME murmurs to herself/himself as she/he begins her/his spell, glancing down at her/his automaton.  The tiny construct imitates her/his movements, its eyes reflecting the same (eye color) as NAME's as it gestures, shaking its tiny fists to the sky.

Glove - One of her/his (eye color) eyes is encircled by a shifting ring of ethereal white flames, the undulating fire licking hungrily at the surrounding area.
As NAME begins her/his incantations, the ethereal white flames encircling her/his (eye color) eye begin to brighten as the fire lashes out, engulfing her/his visage as her/his leather casting glove bursts into flame!

Item Type Info Details Price
a chain-caught cylinder of pallid chalk < 1 lb
Illusion prop
  Adds "A candle-lit summoning circle of blackened ichor encircles the floor beneath her, the liquid dripping downwards from her cylinder of chalk." after your appearance.

  The cylinder of chalk can be hidden or revealed when covered.

a leather-hung kelyn armillary sphere < 1 lb
Illusion prop
  Adds "Celestial rings of gilt-colored mist rotate slowly across her body, the bands intersecting with a quartet of lunar spheres that pulsate in time with her kelyn armillary sphere." before the appearance of your health.

  The kelyn armillary sphere can be hidden or revealed when covered.

a lariat necklace suspending a tiny perforated bronze censer < 1 lb
Illusion prop
  Adds "Tendrils of curling perfumed smoke wander across her body, spilling forth through the perforated censer suspended from her lariat necklace." before the appearance of your health.

  The lariat necklace can be hidden or revealed when covered.

a twice-looped strand of onyx marble prayerbeads < 1 lb
Illusion prop
  Adds "A blackened sigil has been branded into the flesh of her palm, the mark seeping tendrils of ebony smoke across a strand of prayerbeads wrapped around her wrist." before the appearance of your health.

  The onyx marble prayerbeads can be hidden or revealed when covered.

a wool-looped aged gold bell shaped like a round rolton < 1 lb
Illusion prop
  Adds "A tiny fluffy rolton continually attempts to butt into Thandiwe's legs, bleating in frustration as it attempts to establish dominance.  It runs in tightly packed circles around her, stopping to gaze up at her through rounded eyes before continuing its assault." after your appearance.

  The aged gold bell can be hidden or revealed when covered.

a crescentic third eye jewel < 1 lb
Illusion prop
  Adds "Centered upon her forehead is a crescentic third eye jewel, the rutilated quartz engulfed in motes of starlight glistening across her smooth, ivory white skin." before the appearance of your health.

  The third eye jewel can be hidden or revealed when covered.

a tiny catnip-stuffed potato < 1 lb
Illusion prop
  Adds "A fur-filled clowder of cats surround Thandiwe, the demanding felines meowing in various tones as they brush against her legs, occasionally attempting to nip at her feet." after your appearance.

  The catnip-stuffed potato can be hidden or revealed when covered.

a tool-laden belt of metal gears < 1 lb
Illusion prop
  Adds "A tiny cog-fused automaton follows close to Thandiwe's heels, plodding along the ground as it shakes its comically large fists into the sky." after your appearance.

  The belt of metal gears can be hidden or revealed when covered.

an open-palmed leather casting glove < 1 lb
Illusion prop
  Adds "One of her sea green eyes is encircled by a shifting ring of ethereal white flames, the undulating fire licking hungrily at the surrounding area." before the appearance of your health.

  The leather casting glove can be hidden or revealed when covered.


In the dusty wooden chest you see: a pair of honeycomb-patterned wool gardening gloves, a brass-framed pale jadewood compass, a suede-backed measuring cord of rose-painted silk, a leather-affixed pauldron draped over layered animal pelts, a bronze-banded hunting horn of scrimshawed ivory, a hastily scrawled note, a bite-ridden parchment note, a thread-tangled silver needle, a stone-scaled rectangular mirror, a long-chained chatelaine of semi-translucent glass petals, a miniature colorful wood dollhouse, and a knotted coil of hempen rope.

a hastily scrawled note

In the Common language, it reads:
I no steel these.
I make them.
You buy them.
Sumwon else explain them.

Fancier ones are on my scratching pole, don't damage my property, that's my job.

Returning Ones in Basket:

Pauldron - Bloodstained ropes of waxed hemp constrict his/her upper body, the tightly knotted harness attached to his/her leather-affixed pauldron.  Perched upon each shoulder is an obsidian-feathered raven, the avians eyeing the area curiously as they peck at the braided strands.

Horn - A pack of short-haired hunting hounds follow closely behind NAME's heels, inspecting the ground and surrounding area as they gaze up at their Master/Mistress.

Cord - Swatches of fabric and vials of vibrant colored dye float haphazardly around his/her form, bouncing off his/her measuring cord before comically righting themselves.

Compass - A collection of vellum scrolls float within NAME's reach, each unfurling to reveal an illuminated nautical map as he/she points at them in turn.  His/Her pale jadewood compass rises to rest against the chosen map, adjusting its position as he/she decides his course.

Gloves - A tiny swarm of plump saffron bumblebees buzz to and fro around NAME, the black-striped insects occasionally resting upon his/her gloves, tipping their bodies upside down as they inspect the honeycomb patterns.

a bite-ridden parchment note

In the Common language, it reads:

Needle - Haphazard stitches of thick thread cover the uneven patches across NAME's exposed (skin color) skin, the motley combination of leather and flesh traced across the left side of her/his face.

Mirror - A writhing mass of variegated snakes slither out from beneath her/his (hair color) hair, the serpents entangling themselves as they flicker their fork-shaped tongues.

Chatelaine - A mist-shrouded carpet of ghostly white flora sprouts across NAME's feet, the tendrils of hazy fog ascending across her/his (skin color) skin.

Dollhouse - A miniature doll crafted in the likeness of NAME follows her/his every gesture, rubbing its (eye color) eyes as it occasionally plops down between her/his feet.

Rope - A kettle of large-winged vultures circles high above NAME, the birds of prey rasping guttural hisses as they swoop around the area.

Chatelaine - A mist-shrouded carpet of ghostly white flora sprouts across NAME's feet, the tendrils of hazy fog ascending across her/his (skin color) skin.

Dollhouse - A miniature doll crafted in the likeness of NAME follows her/his every gesture, rubbing its (eye color) eyes as it occasionally plops down between her/his feet.

Rope - A kettle of large-winged vultures circles high above NAME, the birds of prey rasping guttural hisses as they swoop around the area.

Item Type Info Details Price
a pair of honeycomb-patterned wool gardening gloves < 1 lb
Illusion prop
  Adds "A tiny swarm of plump saffron bumblebees buzz to and fro around Thandiwe, the black-striped insects occasionally resting upon her gloves, tipping their bodies upside down as they inspect the honeycomb patterns." before the appearance of your health.

  The gardening gloves can be hidden or revealed when covered.

a brass-framed pale jadewood compass < 1 lb
Illusion prop
  Adds "A collection of vellum scrolls float within Thandiwe's reach, each unfurling to reveal an illuminated nautical map as she points at them in turn.  Her pale jadewood compass rises to rest against the chosen map, adjusting its position as she decides her course." before the appearance of your health.

  The pale jadewood compass can be hidden or revealed when covered.

a suede-backed measuring cord of rose-painted silk < 1 lb
Illusion prop
  Adds "Swatches of fabric and vials of vibrant colored dye float haphazardly around her form, bouncing off her measuring cord before comically righting themselves." before the appearance of your health.

  The measuring cord can be hidden or revealed when covered.

a leather-affixed pauldron draped over layered animal pelts < 1 lb
Illusion prop
  Adds "Bloodstained ropes of waxed hemp constrict her upper body, the tightly knotted harness attached to her leather-affixed pauldron.  Perched upon each shoulder is an obsidian-feathered raven, the avians eyeing the area curiously as they peck at the braided strands." before the appearance of your health.

  The leather-affixed pauldron can be hidden or revealed when covered.

a bronze-banded hunting horn of scrimshawed ivory < 1 lb
Illusion prop
  Adds "A pack of short-haired hunting hounds follow closely behind Thandiwe's heels, inspecting the ground and surrounding area as they gaze up at their Mistress." after your appearance.

  The scrimshawed horn can be hidden or revealed when covered.

a thread-tangled silver needle < 1 lb
Illusion prop
  Adds "Haphazard stitches of thick thread cover the uneven patches across Thandiwe's exposed smooth, ivory white skin, the motley combination of leather and flesh traced across the left side of her face." before the appearance of your health.

  The silver needle can be hidden or revealed when covered.

a stone-scaled rectangular mirror < 1 lb
Illusion prop
  Adds "A writhing mass of variegated snakes slither out from beneath her black cherry hair, the serpents entangling themselves as they flicker their fork-shaped tongues." before the appearance of your health.

  The rectangular mirror can be hidden or revealed when covered.

a long-chained chatelaine of semi-translucent glass petals < 1 lb
Illusion prop
  Adds "A mist-shrouded carpet of ghostly white flora sprouts across Thandiwe's feet, the tendrils of hazy fog ascending across her smooth, ivory white skin." after your appearance.

  The long-chained chatelaine can be hidden or revealed when covered.

a miniature colorful wood dollhouse < 1 lb
Illusion prop
  Adds "A miniature doll crafted in the likeness of Thandiwe follows her every gesture, rubbing its sea green eyes as it occasionally plops down between her feet." after your appearance.

  The colorful wood dollhouse can be hidden or revealed when covered.

a knotted coil of hempen rope < 1 lb
Illusion prop
  Adds "A kettle of large-winged vultures circles high above Thandiwe, the birds of prey rasping guttural hisses as they swoop around the area." before your appearance.

  The coil of hempen rope can be hidden or revealed when covered.


Previous Shop Listings