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* Adventurers can not order food or beverage at Frith's Inn. One would think that this might cut heavily into the owner's profit, but old Frith seems to be doing okay.
* Adventurers can not order food or beverage at Frith's Inn. One would think that this might cut heavily into the owner's profit, but old Frith seems to be doing okay.

* Tables can be [[Clean (verb)|cleaned]]. If you drop certain common items on the floor at a table, CLEAN table.
* Tables can be [[Clean (verb)|cleaned]]. If you drop certain common items on the floor there, CLEAN table.

* Note: tables are not considered 'public' places (anymore) and as such all activities at a table are private.
* Note: tables are not considered 'public' places (anymore) and as such all activities at a table are private.

===Some table details===
===Some table details===

Revision as of 16:36, 16 May 2010

This article is a work in progress!

Frith's Inn is one of the oldest Inns in Elanith. It's located towards the center of Wehnimer's Landing, just north of Banker's Square. Well, you can see it over there...

[Wehnimer's, Dragonsclaw Rd.]
This dingy street is overshadowed by two multi-storied buildings. At the far end is the unpretentious facade of Beldrin's Gaming Hall, from which the harsh shouts of gamblers, touts, and onlookers echo into the street. Across the way is a local inn, frequented by sailors, dockworkers and fishermen, from the looks of the clientele gathered around the doorway.

The Inn

First Floor

Stepping inside and, well, what do you think? Warm and cozy atmosphere, yeah? Those swinging doors leads into the Main Saloon and some tables.

[Frith's Inn, Front Desk]
The front room of this unassuming inn imparts a sense of warmth and comfort. Serving wenches carrying trays of food and drink to rooms throughout the hostelry cast a welcoming glance at you as they pass. Laughter and the sound of good fellowship reach your ears from the direction of some swinging doors. At the mahogany front desk, the friendly proprietor stands ready to attend to your needs. You also see a winding stairway and an engraved sign.

Here's the Main Saloon. Now as you can plainly see, old patrons get waited upon hand and foot. Newcomers can have a more difficult time ordering here and in the parlour - the staff is just too darned busy, I guess. To the north is the parlour. Oh, let's check out that booth, first.

[Frith's Inn, Main Saloon]
Drawn by the aroma of good food and strong drink, you enter the main saloon. The innkeeper presides merrily, ensuring everyone gets a share of attention from the pretty serving wenches and the handsome lad behind the bar. Long benches and rectangular tables seat high-spirited patrons. You also see some swinging doors and a cozy booth.

The serving part of Frith's used to be a lot smaller. Long ago it was just the main saloon and this booth. Then Frith decided to add a parlour and a bunch of tables. Bet his banker is glad he did, eh!

[Frith's Inn, A Private Booth]
Off in this cozy corner booth you are treated to a bit more privacy by high wooden partitions, but afforded a good view of the bustling saloon hall. The small oil lamp on the table provides a warm and steady glow of light. The noises of the crowds out there seem far away from this perfect little spot for a quiet dinner, while you watch the patrons and the innkeep go about their evening's business.

The Parlour. Quieter and rather cozy with that fire going. Those tables are nice too.

[Frith's Inn, Parlour]
This room is a bit quieter than the main saloon. A fireplace of large river stones dominates the far wall, a fire within it crackling cheerfully. Sturdy tables fill the room, awaiting paying customers. Serving wenches bustle about, always ready with a smile and a foam-topped tankard of ale.

Second Floor

Upstairs from the Front Desk area there really isn't much, except these two room off to the side.

[Frith's Inn, Second Floor]
You are on the second floor of the inn. As you lean over the polished modwir railing that surrounds the open landing, you see the front room below. The stairway continues up and down here. To the east is an oak door and to the west a teakwood door bearing a brass plaque.

Let me show you what the bedchamber behind this oak door looks like. Looks comfy, right? Darn tootin', it does!

[Frith's Inn, Bedchamber]
The welcome sight of a roomy cot bedecked with a featherbed mattress, ice goose down quilt, and plump pillows greets you. Any weary traveller would gladly rest and restore body and spirits alike in this comfortable, airy chamber. You also see an oak door.

Here's the other room. Frith decided to call this a boudoir. Don't ask me why. Actually, I'm surprised he's able to pronounce it!

[Frith's Inn, Boudoir]
This boudoir is lushly appointed with curtains and bedclothes of red velvet and black satin. A large brass bed dominates the room. Beside the bed is a richly carved nightstand with a gilt frame on it. You also see a teakwood door.


Up the stairs we go. Watch your step here! Frith really needs to get this place cleaned up and fix that skylight. And it's been like this for as long as I remember. The smell doesn't help. Let's check out that ladder.

[Frith's Inn, Loft]
Shards of shattered glass crackle as you make your way across this loft of the inn, which appears to have been plundered and left unrepaired. A rope ladder dangles from the skylight above. There is no longer anything here of value, only cobwebs, rain-warped floorboards and the odor of rotting wood. You also see a stairway.


I'm not sure we're supposed to be up here, but what the heck. Strange that folks can't clean up all that debris, considerin' that there's a garbage barrel right over there. Heck, I'd do it myself right now, but I happen to know there's a cold brew waiting for me downstairs.

[Frith's Inn, Rooftop]
You stumble across the debris-strewn rooftop. A ledge skirting the building permits access to an open window in the wall rising to your left. The tar feels tacky beneath your feet as you notice a broken skylight to your right. A rope ladder is tied to one of the crossbars. You also see an iron-banded barrel.
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The tables were named in a manner that might reflect an adventurer's hunting progression from a novice to the possible attainment of the Lord or Lady title. Old Frith seems to be quite proud of these names and does not hesitate to compare them with the names that his business rival Raging Thrak chose for his Inn. Chances are that Thrak feels likewise about his own tables.

Table Description
Rampant Rat Table On the wall hangs a painted wooden crest depicting a rat rampant. Teeth bared, the rat balances precariously on its hind legs. Hanging slightly askew, the crest is surely meant as a jest.
Drooling Rolton Table
Sneaky Kobold Table On the wall hangs a painting of a kobold lying in ambush behind a tree stump. A short sword firmly clenched in his fist, the kobold scouts for easy victims.
Soaring Blood Eagle Table A copper tablet hangs next to the table. On the tablet is etched a huge blood eagle soaring high in the sky. In its claws dangles a rather energetic halfling.
Striking Cobra Table On the table stands a brass statue of a coiled cobra. The cobra looks like it's ready to strike at any moment. Yellowish fluid drips slowly from its mouth.
Ghastly Revenant Table This is a very nice and quiet table, placed over in a far corner. Strange that people seem to stay away from it. Stranger still is the creepy feeling that someone is standing next to you, occasionally touching you.
Tenacious Wolverine Table Someone with an artistic bent has carved a wolverine and an attacking fighter into the table. The wolverine has bitten into the fighter's sword and doesn't seem to have any plans of letting go.
Charmed Cockatrice Table Someone has left their gorgeous feathered boa draped over a chair. One of the serving wenches casts furtive glances at it, seemingly quite enticed by the elegant fashion statement it makes.
Naughty Monkey Table In the corner next to the wall stands a stuffed monkey. Its brown fur is a bit on the mangy side, and its paw is stretched pleadingly towards you. The effect is ruined somewhat by the monkey's frozen, mischievous grin.
Hissing Basilisk Table On the table is a yellowed and sooty basilisk skull turned upside down. A beeswax candle hisses cheerfully inside the skull, casting a warm glow on the nearby patrons.
Spinning Spider Table The black-stained yew table is carved into the shape of a giant spider. On the wall and part of the ceiling hang old fishing nets, no doubt meant to mimic spiderwebs. A small figurine is bolted into the floor next to the table.
Rival Thrak Table On the wall hangs a framed rendering of a fat warrior panting over a slain thrak. The sweating, big-nosed warrior is all but hanging on his sword.
Smelly Manticore Table From the ceiling hangs a small cluster of dried and shrunken manticore heads. Smoke drifts lazily up from some incense sticks stuck into a sand-filled bowl. The incense does help a bit.
Stunning Grey Orc Table A very lifelike portrait hangs on the wall here. The portrait shows an old, leering grey orc leaning on a gnarled thanot staff. Above the orc's head hangs a radiant gas cloud.
Hungry Ghost Wolf Table A well-made charcoal drawing of a ghost wolf is tacked to the wall. Through the wolf you can see the crumbling remains of a once stout tower.
Ugly Cave Troll Table The wall next to the table is covered by a tapestry. The muted scenario shows a group of Faendryl elves being attacked by cave trolls. The trolls look quite happy to have found some good grub.
Pouncing Puma Table The chairs next to the table are draped with golden puma hide. The soft hide is tastefully embossed with small circular shapes in various sizes. The edges of the table are beautifully carved into the shape of hemlock leaves.
Raiding Krolvin Table On the table stands a small, wooden model of a serpentine krolvin ship. An intricately carved dragon's head sneers from the ship's bow.
Beautiful Vereri Table A heavy, grey marble tablet hangs on the wall. In bas-relief is carved the image of a hauntingly beautiful woman clad in tattered robes. A large temple looms in the background.
Savage Warcat Table On the wall hangs a large, exquisite warcat hide. The soft, black fur is complemented by tapering, grey stripes. In a crystal vase on the table stands a single, black rose.
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Behind the Scenes


  • The Main Saloon (through the door after one enters the Inn) is a Super Node.
The saloon area, with its cozy booth, predates the rest of this area of the building - including the tables.
  • This is one of the Inns where one can CHECK IN. This can be done at the Front Desk, right by the entry to the Inn. Once upon a time adventurers would need to check into such an Inn every time they wanted to train to achieve another level. These days this function is mainly pertinent when one have recently started adventuring (the character has played 30 days or less.) Such an adventurer has the opportunity to change aspects of their persona up to five times during that period.
Additionally one can gain some information regarding ones Redux status after one has CHECKed IN.
  • Adventurers can not order food or beverage at Frith's Inn. One would think that this might cut heavily into the owner's profit, but old Frith seems to be doing okay.
  • Tables can be cleaned. If you drop certain common items on the floor there, CLEAN table.
  • Note: tables are not considered 'public' places (anymore) and as such all activities at a table are private.

Some table details

Rampant Rat Table
Note: The rats in the sewers were the first aggressive creatures that many adventurers encountered. Perhaps it's only fitting that the nearest table to the entry is named with them in mind.

Drooling Rolton Table

Sneaky Kobold Table
Note: The name may well reflect upon someone named Stump and his purported acquaintance with kobolds. Good guy, by all accounts.

Soaring Blood Eagle Table
Look tablet: Various foods are dropping out of the halfling's pockets and knapsack. It makes one wonder if his vigorous exertion is an attempt to save some of the food, or a concern about becoming just that.

Striking Cobra Table
Look statue: As you look closer at the statue you see that the yellowish fluid is spittle. Someone must have missed the spittoon in the corner.

Ghastly Revenant Table
Note: Don't sit at this table if you have paranoid tendencies.

Tenacious Wolverine Table
Look at table: One of the table legs has been gnawed down to less than half the original size. Next to the chewed leg the floor is stained a rusty brown. The serving wench seems to get awfully busy everytime someone looks like they might question her about the table leg and the stain. Hmmm...

Charmed Cockatrice Table

Naughty Monkey Table
Look at monkey: Is that fleas you see on the stuffed monkey? Perhaps it's best to move away from it a bit more.

Hissing Basilisk Table
Look skull: In the skull you see a lit beeswax candle.

Spinning Spider Table
Look figurine: A small yew figurine of a small female hunter skulks by one of the spider's legs. The fearsome huntress looks like she's desperately searching for a place to hide

Rival Thrak Table
Read rendering: On a small, brass sign on the frame you see engraved: "Raging Thrak the warrior when he was young".
Note: Seems to be a rather strong and graphical statement of what Frith thinks of his main competition. Ouch?

Smelly Manticore Table

Stunning Grey Orc Table

Hungry Ghost Wolf Table

Ugly Cave Troll Table

Pouncing Puma Table

Raiding Krolvin Table

Beautiful Vereri Table

Savage Warcat Table
Look vase: The vase is made of the finest lead crystal, and expertly cut. Chances are that it's quite valuable. In fact, it's rather surprising that no one has snatched it yet.

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See also