Whax doll: Difference between revisions
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| a black rose cameo poison ring || a hammered copper thumb ring || a gold feather-etched ring|| a starstone-inset obsidian band || a braided rolaren ring |
| a black rose cameo poison ring || a hammered copper thumb ring || a gold feather-etched ring|| a starstone-inset obsidian band || a braided rolaren ring |
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| a filigree tree cameo ring || a wave-crested spinner band|| a polished gold wedding band|| || |
| a filigree tree cameo ring || a wave-crested spinner band|| a polished gold wedding band|| a simple ring of tied twine || a peridot-inset steel thumb ring |
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Revision as of 12:08, 19 June 2017
Introduced in 2016 through Delirium Manor, Whax dolls required characters to search within a dollhouse to find pieces to be combined, similar to MoonShard pendants. The doll itself consists of six parts, torso, right and left arms, right and left legs, and a head, and requires glass bottle of blue ooze (glue) to be considered complete. To fully unlock the doll's abilities, a core needs to be found and attuned to one of the many NPCs that wander the manor, along with a key to turn to activate it. With Delirium Manor opening up in 2017, the dolls were updated to allow for additional features, including eyes, ears, and nose, as well as worn or held item accessories.
This is the torso section of a doll. Usage: (glued doll) DANCE, GROWL, KISS, LOOK, POKE, TURN. You can also accessorize your doll with pieces found within Delirium Manor. Hold an accessory in your left hand and a glued doll in your right, and PUSH <accessory>. Accessory pieces cannot be removed, but they can be overwritten. Usage: (unglued doll with 6 body parts) DANCE, GROWL, KISS, LOOK, POKE, PULL, and TURN. Usage: (unfinished doll) DROP (piece ON torso), LOOK, PULL, and TURNUsage
>drop leg on torso Grasping the torso firmly, you shove a wooden left doll leg into its proper place. >look doll You see an unfinished doll. Attached to the doll you see: a left leg. There is no core inside the chest cavity. >turn doll You turn an unfinished doll over in your hand a few times and scrutinize its structure with a keen eye. You are currently focused on the doll's left leg piece. Turn the doll again within 15 seconds to select the next piece or PULL the doll to remove it. >pull doll You yank forcefully on a wooden left doll leg, freeing it from the doll with a loud *POP*!
Assembled (6 parts, not glued)
You see an unfinished doll. Attached to the doll you see: a head, a right arm, a left arm, a right leg, and a left leg. There is no core inside the chest cavity.Analyze
This is an unfinished doll. You can TURN the doll to select a piece, and PULL the doll to remove it. You can glue your doll together if you have a bottle of blue ooze, but this will seal all the separate pieces together. LOOK to see what is attached to the doll.Second portion of the ANALYZE remains the same through the assembly process, save for a cored doll.
VERB FIRST THIRD DANCE You hold your unfinished doll out in front of you and tilt it back and forth, causing its arms and legs to flop wildly. Look! It's dancing! XXX holds her unfinished doll out in front of her and tilts it back and forth, causing its arms and legs to flop wildly. Look! It's dancing! GROWL You curl your upper lip and growl menacingly at your unfinished doll. It seems unimpressed. XXX curls her upper lip and growls menacingly at her unfinished doll. KISS Holding the doll firmly, you draw it slowly to your lips and kiss the doll gently on its cheek. Aww! Holding it firmly, XXX draws her doll slowly to her lips and kisses it gently on its cheek. Aww! POKE You poke your finger into the doll's empty chest cavity and wiggle it around. Yep, it's definitely empty! XXX pokes her finger into her doll's empty chest cavity and wiggles it around. PULL Same as unassembled. TURN Same as unassembled.
Assembled & Glued
Requires a glass bottle of blue ooze.
This bottle contains some blue ooze that can be used to glue doll pieces together. It contains one application. POUR BOTTLE on TORSO to glue your doll pieces together permanently. You will be unable to remove any pieces once its glued. This process is FINAL!Usage
>pour bottle on doll You tip the glass bottle over until the contents drip out onto your unfinished doll. Almost with a life of its own, the blue ooze slowly creeps across your doll in search of gaps between the segments. As the last drop of ooze is absorbed into your doll, the wood smolders in your hand, and a rancid odor of burning fat wafts upward, stinging the inside of your nose. You close your eyes as you grimace in disgust. When you open your eyes, you notice that the item in your hand has changed.
You see a jointed wooden doll that has been glued together. It has no remarkable features and is wearing nothing of note. There is no core inside the chest cavity.Analyze
This is a jointed wooden doll. It has been glued together, evidenced by the lightly blue-tinged substance filling the joint spaces.Usage
All scripts except TURN are the same as prior to being glued.
VERB FIRST THIRD TURN You turn the wooden doll over in your hand, and its arms and legs flop noisily against your palm.
You turn the wooden doll over in your hand a few times and scrutinize its structure with a keen eye. Nothing appears to be attached to the doll.XXX turns her wooden doll over in her hand, and its arms and legs flop noisily against her palm.
XXX turns her wooden doll over in her hand a few times, studying it intently.
Fully Assembled
Requires an attuned core and a key. Having both pieces will allow a character to swap places with their doll for a short period of time.
These are available at the Delirium Manor gift shop and come in four varieties, each lasting different times. While most will disintegrate after each use, permanent ones went out in the feeders and others were permanized at Ebon Gate 2016.
This one-time use wooden wind-up key can be used to wind up a rare doll from the Delirium Manor. Keys cannot be altered. Keys will last for the following durations: Wooden: 5 minutes Brass: 10 minutes Silver: 20 minutes Gold: 30 minutes To use, simply hold your doll and key, and TURN KEY. NOTE: These keys will not work on partially completed dolls. You have 5 minutes to PULL out the core once you have wound up your doll. Failure to do so will cause your doll to unwind. You will need to use another key to wind it up again.Usage
>turn key with doll Inserting the wooden wind-up key into a wide slot on the back of your exemplar doll, you grip firmly and give the key a good twist! Your wooden wind-up key shatters, but the core inside the doll begins to glow a deep crimson and beat rhythmically, just like a living heart. [You have 5 minutes to PULL the doll and remove its core to bring it to life!]
You see a rugged exemplar doll. It has no remarkable features and is wearing nothing of note. There is a small pink mass tucked into the doll's chest cavity and a key slot along its back.Analyze
This exemplar doll is a rare collectible creation found only in Delirium Manor. It can not be altered, but you can add accessories found within Delirium Manor by holding an accessory in your left hand and your doll in your right hand, and PUSH <accessory>. Accessories cannot be removed, but they can be overwritten. Use caution when bringing the doll to life in hostile territory. Dolls do not like scary creatures. Usage: Dance, Growl, Hug, Kiss, Look, Pinch, Poke, and Pull (if you have used a key).Usage
VERB FIRST THIRD DANCE Holding your exemplar doll out in front of you, you tilt the doll back and forth. Its arms and legs wiggle slowly at first, but then they begin to move in a jig-like fashion all on their own! XXX holds her exemplar doll out in front of her and tilts it back and forth. Its arms and legs wiggle slowly at first, but then they begin to move in a jig-like fashion, seemingly all on their own! GROWL You curl your upper lip and growl menacingly at your exemplar doll. In response, your doll growls back fiercely at you. XXX curls her upper lip and growls menacingly at her exemplar doll. In response, her exemplar doll growls back fiercely at her. HUG You hug your exemplar doll, and its arms fly forth with erratic movements as they snake alongside you. You can hear chattering followed by a quiet, hollow moaning. As you pull the exemplar doll away to inspect it, it stares lifelessly back at you. As XXX hugs her exemplar doll you can hear quiet, hollow moaning. KISS You draw your exemplar doll slowly to your lips and kiss it gently on the cheek. Without any warning, the doll's right arm swings up and whacks you on the cheek. OW! XXX draws her exemplar doll slowly to her lips and kisses it gently on the cheek. Suddenly, the doll's right arm swings up and whacks her on the cheek! PINCH You squeeze your exemplar doll's head firmly, and its eyes bulge out! Fortunately, its eyes pop back into place quickly. XXX squeezes her exemplar doll's head firmly, and its eyes bulge out! Fortunately, its eyes pop back into place quickly. POKE You poke your finger into the exemplar doll's chest cavity and press it against the spongy core. It squishes noisily. XXX pokes her finger into her exemplar doll's chest cavity. You hear a disconcerting *squish* sound. PULL
Without keyWith your forefinger and thumb, you reach into a small cavity on your exemplar doll, but can't seem to get a good grip on the squishy core. Maybe you should try winding it up with a key. N/A PULL
With keyWith your forefinger and thumb, you reach into the chest cavity on your exemplar doll and pluck out a small pulsing red core. It jiggles vigorously in your hand, and you begin to feel very strange.
Your body convulses, painfully distorting into unnatural positions. You feel as if your bones are crumbling and your skin is shrinking, like being stuffed into a small box. Your surroundings have changed drastically.
Despite being unable to move normally, you are still able to seek HELP.With her forefinger and thumb, XXX reaches into the chest cavity on her exemplar doll and plucks out a rugged exemplar doll. It jiggles vigorously in her hand.
Suddenly, XXX's body contorts and convulses into unnatural positions. She shrinks smaller and smaller until she finally disappears, leaving a rugged exemplar in her place!
Within the Doll
If you want out of the doll's body, you can PRAY to get out of your current predicament. If you want to speak, you can WHISPER into your CORE. Despite being trapped in a doll's body, there are still numerous things you can do. BLUSH CHEER CRY DANCE FLAIL FROWN GAZE GASP GIGGLE GRIN GROWL LAUGH LICK NOD PANIC PONDER PURR SCREAM SMILE SHAKE {option} {HEAD} {BODY} {FIST} SNORT WAVE YELLUsage
All actions will be viewed as if peering through a familiar. Command usage is (VERB) CORE. This does not include individual doll ambients based on NPC attunement. You can WHISPER CORE to speak through your doll and WHISPER CORE MOVE to randomly move about, provided there is a valid exit.
VERB THIRD BLUSH A rugged exemplar's doll blushes profusely. CHEER A rugged exemplar's doll cheers victoriously! CRY A rugged exemplar's doll suddenly cries uncontrollably. DANCE A rugged exemplar's doll flops its arms up and down and kicks its legs back and forth. Was that a lame attempt at dancing? FLAIL A rugged exemplar's doll flails its arms wildly. FROWN A rugged exemplar's doll frowns. GAZE A rugged exemplar's doll gazes around curiously. GASP A rugged exemplar's doll gasps! GIGGLE A rugged exemplar's doll giggles with child-like glee. GRIN A rugged exemplar's doll grins. GROWL A rugged exemplar's doll growls ferociously. LAUGH A rugged exemplar's doll laughs nervously. LICK A rugged exemplar's doll sticks out its tongue. NOD A rugged exemplar's doll nods affirmatively. PANIC A rugged exemplar's doll nervously scans its surroundings as its face fills with a panic-stricken look. PONDER A rugged exemplar's doll cocks its head to the side and ponders. PURR A rugged exemplar's doll purrs. SCREAM A rugged exemplar's doll screams loudly! SMILE A rugged exemplar's doll smiles. SHAKE A rugged exemplar's doll trembles fearfully. SHAKE HEAD A rugged exemplar's doll shakes its head. SHAKE BODY A rugged exemplar's doll shimmies. SHAKE FIST A rugged exemplar's doll shakes its fist. SNORT A rugged exemplar's doll snorts. WAVE A rugged exemplar's doll waves. YELL A rugged exemplar's doll yells! PRAY
To be used to exit your doll prior to the timer on your key running out.FIRST PERSON >pray core Your prayers to leave the doll's body will be answered if you repeat the command within 15 seconds. >pray core An intense feeling of vertigo overwhelms you. Your surroundings spin around you as you feel your body expand within an intensely confining epidermis. A large cloud of grey smoke envelops you and obscures your vision. As the fog clears, you are relieved to see familiar surroundings and sense that you are back in your own skin. THIRD PERSON A rugged exemplar kneels and begins to mumble a prayer. She lifts her head up and screams, "Noooooo!" In a flash, she disappears. XXX appears in a flash, attempting to regain her balance.
With Delirium Manor opening in Summer 2017, an update was released for the Whax dolls that allowed for various forms of customization with over 500 accessories, according to GM Haliste, the dolls' creator. Due to the amount of items able to collected, the cases for sale in the gift shop were updated to accomodate the accessories. The analyze will show where each accessory will fit on the doll
Accessory by itselfYou examine some forest green brigandine. It is perfectly sized for a doll.Accessory on the doll
You see a jointed wooden doll that has been glued together. The doll is completely bald and has two empty sockets for eyes. It has an empty hole where its nose should be. It is wearing some forest green brigandine. It is holding nothing in its right hand and nothing in its left hand.
The creator has also provided the following information: This is a doll accessory from Delirium Manor! To use, hold an accessory in your right hand, a (glued/cored) doll in your left hand, and PUSH <accessory>. Once an accessory is placed on your doll, it can be overwritten with another item of the same accessory type, but not removed. Only one item is allowed for each area. This item's type is: CHEST REGISTER your accessory items individually, as they will not register with the doll. This forest green brigandine cannot be altered or used as alter fodder.
>push brig You adorn your wooden doll with some forest green brigandine.
List of Items
a crown-braided circlet of white hair | some shaggy strawberry blonde hair | some deep chestnut hair cascading downward in soft ringlets | some lustrous strawberry blonde hair flowing downward in a shimmering cascade | some shaggy white hair |
some curly light brown hair | some tightly braided ebon hair | some wild chestnut hair | some shaggy blonde hair | some curly crimson hair |
some lightly oiled salt and pepper hair bound in a single five-stranded braid | a tonsure of ragged brown hair | some curly black hair | some frizzy salt and pepper black hair | some wild silver hair |
some lightly oiled ebon black hair bound in a single three-stranded braid | some aubergine red hair cascading downward in a riotous mass of loose curls | some pin-straight shiny black hair |
In Hair
a lacquered ebonwood barrette | a simple witchwood barrette | a pair of plain lacquered hairsticks | a pair of silver filigree hairsticks | a pearl-studded silver-knit snood |
a broad hummingbird barrette | a beribboned purple silk fascinator | a leather-wrapped white hawk feather | some polished mother-of-pearl haircombs | some seaglass anemone hairjewels |
a set of painted bamboo hairsticks | a pair of leaf-accented hairsticks | a twisted and browning grass hairtie | a twisted ivory and ebon silk hairtie | a smooth onyx headband |
a narrow shell-encrusted headband | a plethora of glossy hairbeads | several emerald leaf hairclips | some snowflake-painted haircombs | a frayed cotton hairtie |
an oiled leather riding jacket |
a feathered headdress | a diamond-studded gauzy ebon veil | a silver-pinned bright white wimple | a feathered wool cap | a dragon-faced eahnor helm |
a crimson-banded leather tricorne | an agate-inlaid silver filigree ferroniere | lapis and rolaren tiara | an off-center pristine white chef's hat | a thick grey wool cap |
a frilled bright pink bonnet | a red tartan cap | a visored metal greathelm | a silk-wrapped conical hennin | a voluminous ebon cotton hood |
a coin-fringed silken kerchief | a dusty white turban | an elaborate gold crown | a black silk bow |
some glowing viridian eyes | some striated cornflower blue eyes | some wide blue eyes | some long-lashed violet eyes | some vibrant bright blue eyes |
some beady black eyes | some glowing yellow eyes | some glowing red eyes | some yellow-haloed inky black eyes | some gold-flecked forest green eyes |
some long-lashed amber eyes | some mismatched blue and green eyes | some sun-streaked hazel green eyes | some wide chocolate brown eyes | some wide hazel eyes |
some violet-haloed dark blue eyes | some glassy silver-sheened eyes | some silver-haloed sea blue eyes | some green-flecked agate blue eyes |
some slender ears | some floppy-tipped ears | some uneven ears | some prominently veined ears | some mole-speckled ears |
some petite ears | some plump and floppy ears | some low-set ears | some elongated ears | some deeply folded ears |
some diminutive ears | some freckled ears | some monstrously wide ears | some narrow-tipped ears | some scar-notched ears |
some thick-lobed ears |
a solid gold earcuff | an amber stick bug earcuff | a pair of sterling silver earrings | a pair of sapphire teardrop earrings | a pair of monkeyfist earbobs |
a pair of tri-tiered chandelier earrings | a tarnished fishing hook earring | a steel earcuff fashioned into clutching claws | a series of onyx and silver hoops | a delicate pair of black pearl earbobs |
a coiled eahnor dragon earcuff | some delicate rose-shaped earrings | a pair of diamond stud earrings | a small silver hoop | a thin porcupine quill spike |
a pair of simple steel hoops | some pink pearl earbobs | a pair of dangling butterfly earrings | a steel earcuff fashioned into clutching claws | a pair of sea urchin ear spikes |
a rainbow-splashed glaes earcuff | a crimson-enameled steel ear-spike |
a wide-nostriled nose | a squat nose | a bulbous nose | a tiny nose pierced with a diamond stud | an equine nose |
a wavy nose | an aristocratic nose | a slender nose | a bright red nose | a broken nose |
a button nose | a classical nose | a concave nose | a sloping nose | a wide nose |
a wart-ridden nose | a bulbous nose adorned with a bone toggle | a veiny bulbous nose | a swollen nose |
a rainbow-painted bauble | a cord-strung faceless silver coin | a cord-strung red glass ampoule | some white-veined rose quartz beads | a simple necklace of alternating black and white pearls |
a silk-strung lapis lazuli dagger symbol | a filigreed portrait locket | a little round mirror | a filigree-ringed ivory cameo | a choker fashioned of multiple threadbare cords |
a twine-strung bright silver coin | a leaf-twined leather collar | a griffon-faced eahnor medallion | a narrow herringbone necklace | an emerald-inset pendant |
a silver-strung frosted glass orb | a spherical flawless glass orb | a threadbare off-white wool scarf | a leaf-etched steel aventail |
a silk-lined silver chainmail satchel | a doll-sized corpulent red-eyed white rat | a doll-sized flea-bitten dirty white rat | a flowing white cape | a doll-sized sleek brown silver-collared chinchilla |
a tattered and dingy yellow robe | a voluminous black silk robe | an oiled leather riding jacket | a black spidersilk cloak | a supple embroidered kidskin jacket |
a doll-sized black rapture cloak | a dark hunter green lady's surcoat worn over layered copper linen shifts | a long-straped white doily purse | a short crimson-lined capelet | a voluminous black stalking cloak |
an emerald green greatcloak | an exposed-stitched leather jacket | a feather-edged crimson mantle | a hooded mantle of silver heron feathers | a fur-lined slate blue parka |
a crushed velvet blue pelisse | a gauzy violet chiffon wrap | a snowflake-patterned sky blue wrap | a fur-lined weathered suede cape | a doll-sized mangy black sewer rat |
a symbol-edged dusty brown burnoose | a threadbare brown cotton dress |
a serpent-faced wooden shield | a demon-faced rolaren pauldron with ruby eyes | a square sinew-laced mussette | a bone-adorned steel pauldron | a knotted grey suede weapon harness |
a suede-wrapped blue instrument case | a rainbow-hued cotton satchel | a fur-lined bright red instrument case | a brass and leather sword frog | a large iron keyring dangling skeleton keys |
a leather-strapped rosewood lute | a frumpy brown canvas mussette | a skeletal rolaren pauldron | a dragon-faced eahnor pauldron | some iron-studded copper spaulders |
a lion-faced gold and platinum pauldron | a silver-studded black leather baldric | a yawning troll-faced iron pauldron | a mirrored platinum rondel | a bone-adorned steel pauldron |
a wide leather backpack | an dark leather backpack | a bright red cotton backpack painted with white circles | a metal-sided sturdy wool haversack | a pair of crossed backsheaths |
a suede-strapped canvas backpack | a fancy ribbon-tied silk backpack | a woven wicker back-basket | an iron mesh backpack | a multi-pocketed large turquoise backpack |
a single large black backsheath | an olive green haversack | a black silver-buckled knapsack | a bamboo-framed stone grey rucksack | a dark green and gold rucksack |
some forest green brigandine | an emerald satin bodice | a simple ebon cotton shift | a fitted crushed velvet vest | a blousy sky blue tunic |
a flame-sleeved scarlet spidersilk cotehardie | an ankle-length niveous gown with tapered sleeves | a gold-threaded bright white chasuble | some tattered white robes | a long-sleeved grey cotton blouse |
a silver and gold satin gown | a set of golvern plate | some studded vultite brigandine | a taupe silk shirt | a deep green lamb's wool kirtle |
a suit of gleaming mithril armor | a tawny brown linen bliaut with cinnamon-banded funnel sleeves | a quilted dirty cotton gambeson | a suit of mithglin hauberk | a well-tailored black satin jacket |
a threadbare mouse brown cassock | a quilted dirty cotton gambeson | a high-collared dark cotton shirt | a golden mithril cuirass | a gleaming suit of polished platemail |
a copper and amber sheaf of wheat pin | some silver-bound glasses | an agate-studded green frog brooch | a silver-leafed lapis lazuli rose pin | a carved amber wren brooch |
a filigree-laced polished white pearl pin | a silver-bound Adventurer's Guild badge | a rat pelt-bound Adventurer's Guild badge | a bronze-embellished Adventurer's Guild badge | a sapphire and pearl brooch |
a sword-pierced pennacular brooch | an ebon and ivory ouroboros brooch | a green-eyed azure peacock feather pin | a filigree-painted pearly white mask pin | an obsidian tower pin |
a grinning yellow topaz goblin pin | an adventurine-winged silver dragonfly pin | a round polychromatic trinket | an amethyst-inlaid hummingbird brooch | a lapis-inlaid silver mermaid pin |
a carved wooden turtle pin | a silver-veined copper quill pin |
a wing-edged eahnor vambrace | some matching lion-crested vambraces | a pair of ironwood-slated arm greaves | a suede-wrapped forest green bracer | some studded leather arm guards |
some leather arm greaves | a leather archer's bracer | a pair of gryphon-crested arm greaves | some drakar-studded rolaren arm greaves | a pair of ironwood-slatted arm greaves |
some ornate eahnor arm greaves |
a pair of heavy steel manacles | a thin bracelet of braided hair tied with blue ribbons | a thick leather bracer | a silver and amethyst charm bracelet | a ruby-studded gold wristlet |
a simple cotton bracelet of braided string | a wristlet fashioned of curling birch and autumn leaves | a thin white string bracelet | a wide ebonwood bangle inlaid with mother-of-pearl | some zebrawood bangles |
a series of alternating copper and birch bangles | a woven daisy bracelet | a trio of slender sterling silver bracelets | a silk pomander riddled with tiny rose buds | an ivy and larkspur wristlet |
a woven daisy and buttercup bracelet | a cabochon-inset eahnor wristcuff | an interlocking knotwork bracelet | a wide ebonwood bangle inlaid with mother-of-pearl | a delicate faenor rose bracelet |
some studded fingerless gloves | some suede-palmed leather gloves | a pair of thick mittens | a iron-knuckled steel gauntlets | a delicate pair of lace fingerless gloves |
some sturdy mitten gauntlets | a pair of chocolate-stained white cotton gloves | a pair of elbow-length elkhide hawking gloves | a pair of black leather gloves | a pair of berry-stained brown gloves |
a pair of elegant elbow-length silk gloves | a pair of pristine white cotton gloves | a pair of knitted fingerless gloves | a quilted dark blue cotton baking mitt | a checkered cotton baking mitt |
a pair of silver silk gloves | a suede-palmed glove with one leather finger | a pair of thick suede gloves lined with fur | a left-hand falconry glove | a silver and amethyst handflower |
Right Hand/Left Hand
These can be swapped between locations using TURN.
a Raging Thrak-etched broadsword (right only) | a tiny hooked laje lockpick | an intricately carved key | a small modwir strongbox | an eahnor claidhmore with a wrapped leather hilt |
a crimson-edged iron tigerclaw | a silk pomander riddled with tiny rose buds | a large mixing bowl | a slender gut-strung mandolin | a heavy quartz orb |
a hoarbeam buckler | a tiny blue crystal | a stone-tipped arrow with eagle feather fletchings | a doll-sized tiny blue-eyed kitten | a pair of painted tarot cards |
an intricately carved pumpkin | a frosted chocolate cupcake | a tiny treasure chest | a leather-bound tome | a large white mournbloom |
a doll-sized green-eyed orange tabby kitten | a doll-sized adamantine fist-scythe | a deep-bowled mahogany spoon | a shiny hide-framed tamborine | a paint-splattered oak brush |
a streusel-topped pumpkin muffin | a smudged silver piccolo | a triple-strung ipantor short bow (right only) | a dark wood longbow (right only) | a hoarbeam runestaff (right only) |
a doll-sized veil iron maul (right only) | a tiny etched black alloy broadsword (right only) | an ebon-studded ironwood crossbow | a silver-hilted rolaren dagger | a wavy silver kris |
a bone-hilted steel hunting knife | a doll-sized mangy grey flea-bitten kitten | a paint-splattered unfinished canvas | a tiny Wavedancer in a hazy glass bottle | a sigil-painted ebon shan skull |
a pewter tankard of ale | a curved witchwood pipe | an oak-handled broom | a lace-edged parasol | a frilled lavender silk kerchief |
a spotted dragon egg toy | a fistful of fake bloodscrip | a minuscule mithril Juggernaut | a rations kit | a crystal-tipped sceptre |
a lopsided sailcloth rag doll | a tiny zorveneh potion | a tiny mirtokh potion | a tiny ayveneh potion | a gold chest |
a slender vaalin lockpick | a tiny discolored bone lockpick | a round ironwood shield (left only) | a doll-sized ki-lin horn | a tiny trapped oak chest |
a frayed cotton hairtie | a doll-sized grey-eyed black and white kitten | an oak-handled broom | a sprig of ribbon-wrapped larkspur | a tiny solid moonstone cube |
a tiny white crystal | a spherical flawless glass orb | a gnarled glowbark runestaff carved with erratic symbols (right only) |
a delicate cloisonne pinky ring | a thorny rose stem ring | a peridot-inset rose gold ring | a polished gold wedding ring | a braided red and blue cotton string ring |
a faenor and silver ring | a wyvern-etched eahnor band | a filigreed rose gold band | a wave-etched veniom ring | an emerald-inset daisy band |
a black rose cameo poison ring | a hammered copper thumb ring | a gold feather-etched ring | a starstone-inset obsidian band | a braided rolaren ring |
a filigree tree cameo ring | a wave-crested spinner band | a polished gold wedding band | a simple ring of tied twine | a peridot-inset steel thumb ring |
a bronze-buckled leather belt | a gem-studded girdle of hardened leather | a simple off-white rope belt | a gauzy hip-scarf of blue and purple silks | a tarnished chatelaine with empty jewelry sockets |
a fitted girdle of platinum and gold plates | a chocolate-splattered cotton apron | an amber and amethyst cincture | a flat girdle trailing autumn leaves | a many-folded crimson silk sash |
an autumnal tapestry weave belt | a silver-linked belt | a wide gold-plated girdle | a low-slung polished gold hip-chain | a leaf-patterned cinnamon red sash |
a wide leather swordbelt | a tri-strapped leather kidney belt |
a carved wooden censer | a bulging blue velvet gem pouch | a flour-splattered cotton pouch | a compartmented leather vasculum | a silver-capped narrow sheath |
a tiny wicker rat cage | a small linen kitten pouch | a petite square leather case | a boiled leather compass case | a cylindrical oak-slatted scroll case |
a tiny gnomic rune pouch | a bone-reinforced suede reticule | an expose-stitched suede waterskin | a white birch envelope pouch | a bulging blue velvet gem pouch |
a suede-wrapped blue linen dagger sheath | a fur-lined instrument pouch |
a full-length blue tartan skirt | some patched sailcloth trousers | some bedraggled dusty brown pants | a pair of baggy brown breeches | a sleek black leather skirt |
a pair of navy blue trousers with yellow stripes on the outer seam | a pair of cuffed black trousers | a ruffled saffron chainsil skirt with crimson petticoats | a green and blue tartan kilt | a feather-patterned suede loincloth |
a simple loincloth of suede and fur | some paisley-patterned teal pantaloons | some faded blue pants | a kerchief-hemmed gauzy red skirt | a pair of cuffed black trousers |
a steel-tipped black leather pteruge | a side-slit black silk skirt | a pair of wide-cuffed burgundy pantaloons | some striped black and white trousers |
Over Legs Worn (Greaves)
a pair of slatted driftwood shin guards | some quilted leather leg greaves | some linen-wrapped black leather shin guards | some segmented iron cuisses | some suede-wrapped leg greaves |
a pair of driftwood shin guards | some ornate eahnor leg greaves | some twisted sigil-incised leg greaves | some studded leather shin guards | a pair of dented and worn leg greaves |
some ora leg greaves | some fur-lined dark blue leg greaves | some twisted rolaren leg greaves | a pair of dented and worn leg greaves | a pair of scaled ironwood shin guards |
a pair of tree-embossed leather tassets |
a chainmail anklet dangling rainbow quartz crystals | a white gold triquerta anklet | a braided anklet of daisies and lady's breath | a pair of linked iron shackles | a charm-riddled copper anklet |
a single broken-chained shackle | a peridot and gold anklet | a woven anklecuff of larkspur and lavender | a twisted gold anklet | a silver quaternary anklet |
an anklet of twisted blue and red ribbons | a fancy anklet of gold bells and green beads | a crystal-woven silver anklet trailing copper bells | a trio of delicate silver anklets | a lapis lazuli anklet with silver bells |
a burnished gold charm anklet | a lilac and rosebud anklet | a bell-adorned silver anklet | a series of alternating ruby and emerald anklets |
Inner Footwear
a pair of black silk stockings | a pair of dainty white ankle-socks with pink bows | some thigh-high stone grey socks | a pair of silk rose-embroidered stockings | some lace-edged rosy silk stockings |
some white cotton socks | a mismatched pair of red and blue socks | some threadbare cotton socks | some leaf-patterned grey socks | a pair of opaque white socks |
some green cotton socks | a pair of coarse grey wool socks | a pair of red socks with bright white tassles | some white linen divit-toed socks | some knee-high black socks |
some blue tart-embroidered socks | a pair of fuzzy black socks |
some dust-covered leather sandals | some fringed suede moccassins | a pair of river reed sandals | a pair of cork-soled yatanes | a pair of sienna ankle-boots |
some blue haon-heeled clogs | a pair of pink silk dancing shoes | a pair of brown leather brogues | a pair of double-thonged sandals | a pair of turquoise slippers |
some slouched gold-buckled boots | a pair of polished black leather shoes | a peridot and silver-chained footflower | some thigh-high black suede boots | some black leather boots with deteriorated heels |
a bell-edged adventurine footflower | some ankle-tied red and white ribbon slippers | a pair of sturdy suede buskins | a pair of sharply curled poulaines | a pair of suede-laced riding boots |
These cases start off the shelf able to hold 20 parts or accessories. Unlock waivers to increase capacity were available by searching through the manor.
Empty This appears to be a collectible case of some kind, with small trays secured to a slender axle to allow for rotation. A trio of gears is secured to the interior base of the case. Closer inspection of the trays reveals the following contents: A tray stamped with the words, "" is currently at the top of the case. PULL the case if you want to remove , or TURN the case to select a different tray.
With items This appears to be a collectible case of some kind, with small trays secured to a slender axle to allow for rotation. A trio of gears is secured to the interior base of the case. Closer inspection of the trays reveals the following contents: (1) some forest green brigandine A tray stamped with the words, "some forest green brigandine" is currently at the top of the case. PULL the case if you want to remove some forest green brigandine, or TURN the case to select a different tray.
The creator has also provided the following information: This case will store collectible doll pieces and accessories from Delirium Manor. Charged cores and glued dolls will not fit inside the case. Alterations are fine as long as it remains a belt-worn box-type container. No sacks, satchels, bags, etc. Use TURN to rotate through the trays, and use PULL to remove an item from the selected tray. This case is Tier 1, and it can hold up to 20 different doll parts and accessories without taking up precious storage space! However, please note that if you REGISTER your item, accessories and parts stored inside will NOT be saved/recorded. You must REGISTER those items separately, before placing them inside your container. Despite any messages below, this item cannot be lightened or deepened.
>put brig in my case You rotate through your case's and find an empty tray. You place some forest green brigandine securely within your case. >turn my case Gears within your doll case whir softly as a tray stamped with the words "some forest green brigandine" rotates around a slender axle and moves to the top. Pieces rattle around as the tray settles into place. >pull my case You carefully reach into your case and remove some forest green brigandine from its holding tray.
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