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Covert Arts
Mnemonic [CA or PC]
Type Active or Passive
Available To Rogues

Covert Arts Overview

A rogue is able to train characters in Covert Arts, which increases their ability to react to and overcome various situations. There are five available arts and each art has five available ranks. Characters lose this knowledge over time and must visit a rogue to keep their training fresh.

Poisoncraft, one of the five covert arts, is slightly different than the others, in which a student must learn ranks in Poisoncraft to be able to APPLY and USE poisons. Only rogues are able to craft poisons and teach Poisoncraft and each rank unlocks access to new poison options.


Rank Cost
1 50k Guile  
2 75k Guile 
3 100k Guile 
4 125k Guile 
5 150k Guile

Each week while the Rogue gains experience, they also earn points of GUILE alongside at a 1:1 rate. They can earn a total of 50k of these points per week, and bank up to 200k total. They can then spend 50k/75k/100k/125k/150k of these points to attempt to teach Covert Arts to another character, based on how many ranks of the art the character knows.

Knowledge wanes over time and must be kept up to date by a rogue experienced enough to handle your training. Covert Arts have 200 max charges, similar to enhancive items, and will deplete at approximately the same rate. Every rank learned refreshes the charges back to 200.

Arts may be taught in any order, and you are not required to reach rank 5 in one art before moving onto another. A failure will result in a loss of 10% of the points of Guile required for the attempt. Consent is required to complete the process.

Reaching the maximum guile for the week will show as: You have plied your wiles with wit and guile; you must bide your time until new opportunities arise.

Teaching Covert Arts

  • Purchase rogue training materials (a nondescript bundle of supplies) from the Rogue Guild Workshop for 50,000 silvers.
  • FEAT COVERT TEACH {character} {art} to attempt to train a character in one additional rank of the chosen art.
  • The rogue must have met the training requirements of the art themselves to be eligible.
>feat covert teach dwarf keen
You examine Dwarf for Keen Eye training, and estimate that you can only fail if you are horribly unlucky.
Training Dwarf in Keen Eye will require 50,000 guile.
You are requesting consent to teach Keen Eye to Dwarf.  Dwarf has 30 seconds to grant or refuse his consent.
Dwarf has granted consent to be taught a Covert Art.
  To continue with training, click TEACH in the next 30 seconds.

>feat covert teach ful keen
You examine Dwarf for Keen Eye training, and estimate that you can only fail if you are horribly unlucky.
You pull Dwarf aside for some instruction in Keen Eye.

...teaching script continues based on covert art...

Replenishing Covert Arts Charges

  • Rogues may refresh covert art training at a cost of 1000 guile per charge using the FEAT COVERT TRAIN {character} command.
  • Running out of charges will prevent you from gaining any Covert Art benefits, but will not reset your progress for each Art.
  • Free to play rogues are not eligible to teach Covert Arts, but may still learn the skills through normal training.

Success Formula

Rogue Level + (2 * Influence bonus) + Guild ranks + Ambush ranks + (Pickpocketing ranks / 2) + Art Skill + (2 * Art Stat) - Rank Modifier - Existing Arts Modifier + d100 > 100, for success.

The Rank Modifier is equal to 100 * the target rank of the attempt. The Existing Arts Modifier is equal to 30 * the number of existing Ranks (0-20) the character knows in other arts.

Guile may be SUFFUSED at a rate of 1000 per 1 bonus which matches Resist Nature (620).

Recharge formula is the same as teaching except it uses the average of all Art Skills, the average of all Art Stats, and the Rank Modifier is equal to the max rank known of any Covert Art.

Stats and Skills for Success

  • Sidestep: Dodging & Discipline
  • Keen Eye: Perception & Intuition
  • Escape Artist: Combat Maneuvers & Agility
  • Swift Recovery: Physical Fitness & Constitution
  • Poisoncraft: Survival & Dexterity

Innate Bonuses

Rogues have additional bonuses that are unlocked through normal skill training. Each rank of an Art is unlocked automatically once the rogue meets the training requirements specified at the end of each art below.

  • Grant additional benefits and are permanently available provided the rogue maintains training requirements.
  • Rogues may be taught from other rogues, but without the required training they will not gain any innate bonuses.
  • Rogues may only teach ranks of Covert Arts that they themselves have unlocked through the appropriate skill training.

The Covert Arts

Side Step

Rank 1: Grants a (Rank * 1)% chance to avoid maneuver-based AoE attacks. This bonus is doubled while hidden or invisible.

  • Minor Elemental Wave (410)
  • Major Elemental Wave (435)
  • Meteor Swarm (525)
  • Energy Maelstrom (710)
  • Implosion (720)
  • Tremors (909)
  • Call Wind (912)
  • Combat Maneuver: Bull Rush
  • Shield Specialization: Shield Trample
  • Shield Specialization: Shield Throw
  • Weapon Technique: Volley

Rank 2: Increases phantom dodging ranks for evade and DS calculations by (Rank * 1).

Rank 3: Increases phantom dodging ranks for evade and DS calculations by (Rank * 1).

Rank 4: Increases phantom dodging ranks for evade and DS calculations by (Rank * 1).

Rank 5: Defending against SMR attacks has a (Rank * 4)% chance to treat the attack as if you were in a 20% higher stance. This bonus is capped at defensive stance (100%).

ROGUE ONLY: Innate knowledge granted at (Dodging Ranks / 40).

  • Earned at Rank 5.
  • 200 Dodge Ranks / 40 = Rank 5
  • Defense against SMR always considers you in at least a (Rank * 4%) stance.
  • Sidestep becomes activatable
    • Type: Buff
    • Stamina Cost: 10
    • Roundtime: 5s (soft)
    • Cooldown: 120s, reduced by 5s per successful evasion while in an aggressive stance.
    • Mentally focus on evasion. The next evadeable attack will be evaded (requires SMR roll). Performing any other combat actions will break your focus.
      • Successful evasions have a (Rank * 15)% to be redirected to another target.
      • If SMRv2 success margin is high enough, the redirect surprises them and reduces their effective stance and Defense Strength.
      • Usage: FEAT SIDESTEP
    • Applies the Recent Evasion buff on success.

Keen Eye

Rank 1: Grants a rank-based chance to passively spot children while moving through rooms with no creatures. There is an internal cooldown on this ability. SNEAKing between rooms reduces the cooldown.

Rank 2: +1% bonus to all defensive SMR rolls.

Rank 3: +1% bonus to all defensive SMR rolls.

Rank 4: +1% bonus to all defensive SMR rolls.

Rank 5: Grants a (Rank * 4)% perception bonus to defending against ambushes.

ROGUE ONLY: Innate knowledge granted at (Perception Ranks / 40).

  • Earned at Rank 5.
  • 200 Perception Ranks / 40 = Rank 5
  • Reduced cooldown for the Rank 1 benefit.
  • Grants a (Rank * 15)% chance to passively search for hidden creatures and passages when moving rooms provided they pass a skill check. Passages and creatures revealed in this manner do not add roundtime. If a character is hidden, they will not automatically reveal creatures but will be made aware of their presence.
As you begin your lesson on Keen Eye, you rummage through your bundle of supplies and retrieve a caged garter snake, which you surreptitiously release in a nearby patch of shadow.  As expected, the garter snake disappears into hiding, and you point out the tells and traces it leaves behind as it lingers near.
You make a poor attempt!

Success!  The training continues smoothly, a mixture of explanation and further demonstration, with Dwarf following along closely.  Satisfied, you conclude the lesson, confident that he has thoroughly grasped the material.
Roundtime: 10 sec.

Escape Artist

Rank 1: Improves your chance to avoid bandit traps by (Rank * 2)%.

Rank 2: Reduces the effects of Force on Force by half an enemy combatant.

Rank 3: Reduces the effects of Force on Force by half an enemy combatant.

Rank 4: Reduces the effects of Force on Force by half an enemy combatant.

Rank 5: Reduces the duration of Rooted by (Rank * 5)%.

ROGUE ONLY: Innate knowledge granted at (Combat Maneuver Ranks / 20).

  • Earned at Rank 5.
  • 100 CM Ranks / 20 = Rank 5
  • Escape Artist becomes activatable
    • Type: Reaction
    • Roundtime: 2s
    • Cooldown: 120s, -15s per Rank
    • You can activate this at anytime you are webbed or rooted. There is no stamina cost if you have experienced a Recent Evasion. If no Recent Evasion is present, this will cost 15 stamina.
Examples of maneuvers that may cause rooted conditions: Bandit traps, Pin Down, Tangleweed (610), Crowd Press, Cold Snap (512), Stone Fist (514)

Swift Recovery

Rank 1: Reduces the roundtime of SEARCH by (Rank * 1)s, including RECOVER ITEM. Roundtime cannot be reduced below 1s.

Rank 2: Increases health recovery by 5 (enhancive).

Rank 3: Increases health recovery by 5 (enhancive).

Rank 4: Increases health recovery by 5 (enhancive).

Rank 5: Reduces the duration of Stagger refresh by (Rank * 5)%.

ROGUE ONLY: Innate knowledge granted at (Physical Fitness Ranks / 20).

  • Earned at Rank 5.
  • 100 PF Ranks / 20 = Rank 5
  • Increases stamina recovery by (Rank * 3) (non-enhancive, flat bonus).
    • This bonus moves rogues to the fastest natural recovery, but with the lowest maximum stamina potential.
  • Reduces the additional roundtime of Stun Maneuvers by 1s at rank 3 and 2s at rank 5.


Note: Poisoncraft, one of the five covert arts, is slightly different than the others, in which a student must learn ranks in Poisoncraft to be able to APPLY and USE poisons. Only rogues are able to CRAFT poisons and TEACH Poisoncraft. Each rank unlocks access to new poison options.

Rank 1: Learn to apply and use Dreamer’s Milk and Ravager’s Revenge.

Rank 2: Learn to apply and use Merrybud and Ophidian Kiss.

Rank 3: Learn to apply and use Snailspace Poison and Shatterlimb Poison.

Rank 4: Learn to apply and use Dullard’s Folly and Fool’s Deathwort.

Rank 5: Learn to apply and use Jester’s Bane and Arachne’s Bite.

ROGUE ONLY: Innate Knowledge Innate knowledge granted at (Survival / 20).

  • Earned at Rank 5.
  • 100 Survival Ranks / 20 = Rank 5
    • Note: Rogues may train up to 200 survival to improve successful teaching of Poison Craft.
  • Improves poison resistance by (Rank * 5)%.
  • Improves poison strength by (Rank * 5)%.
You examine Kaetel for Poisoncraft training, and estimate that you can only fail if you are horribly unlucky.
You pull Kaetel aside to instruct him in the finer points of Poisoncraft.

As you begin your lesson on Poisoncraft, you rummage through your bundle of supplies and retrieve a few vials of viscous liquid.  With careful handling and firm direction, you demonstrate the proper application of the different poisons and describe their effects.
You make a decent attempt.

Success!  The training continues smoothly, a mixture of explanation and further demonstration, with Kaetel following along closely.  Satisfied, you conclude the lesson, confident that he has thoroughly grasped the material.
Roundtime: 10 sec.

General Information

  • Poison Resistance (105) and innate Poisoncraft resistance reduce the chance of application and the effects of applied poisons.
  • Unpoison (114) may be used to completely remove the effects of any poison.
  • Poisons do not count against your gear difficulty but do have limited charges.
  • Poison vials may be used as an AOE to affect one or more targets.
    • This is a SMR attack that uses Thrown Weapon ranks and Dexterity bonus to succeed.
    • The number of targets is based on the PSM AoE formula of (3 + (MoC Skill / 50)).
    • The result is based on the endroll margin as well as the quality of the poison.
    • Using poison in this way will deplete 5 charges from a vial, discarding when emptied.

Armament Breakdown

  • Armor and Accessories
    • Disabling poisons only
    • Chance to be applied reactively or contact from Maneuvers, or spikes.
  • Shields
    • Disabling poisons only
    • Chance to be applied on any successful block while in an aggressive stance, contact from Shield Specializations, or spikes.
  • Weapons
    • Deadly or Disabling poisons
    • Chance on any successful attack or a parry while in an aggressive stance.
  • Runestaves
    • Deadly or Disabling poisons
    • Chance on successful offensive spell cast or parry while in an aggressive stance.

  • Charges on poisoned armaments may be refreshed, but not stacked.
  • Charges on poisoned armaments deplete only when successfully applied to a target.
  • Poison vials may not be applied to ammunition and must be applied to ranged weapons.
  • Poisons may stack on the target depending on the poison type.
  • Poisons have varying flare rates. In general, disabling poisons will apply more often than deadly poisons, and weaker effects will flare more often than stronger effects.
  • The character must have knowledge of Poisoncraft to effectively use poisons. Attempting to use a poisoned armament or poison vial without proper training may have disastrous results.

Poison Vials

  • Poison vials have a quality which determines the strength of the poison inside. The strength of a poison is used in determining the duration of disabling effects and the amount of damage.
  • Creating vials uses the ranks in poisoncraft to determine the strength of the poison vial. Strength is determined at poison creation and transfers to the vial as a boost to either the duration or the damage range of the poison (for damage-causing poisons).
  • Supplies to create poison vials (an unremarkable apothecary kit) may be purchased at the Rogue Guild Shop for 10,000 silver.
  • Apothecary kits are generic and may be used to create all types of poisons.

Types of Poison

Disabling Poisons

Poison Name Condition Applied Charges Poison Color Rank Required
Dreamer’s Milk Calmed 150 milky white 1
Merrybud Dazed 100 green-flecked 2
Snailspace Slowed 75 viscous yellow 3
Dullard’s Folly Disoriented 50 dull greyish 4
Jester’s Bane Clumsy 50 brackish brown 5

Deadly Poisons

Poison Name Condition Applied Charges Poison Color Rank Required
Ravager’s Revenge concussion damage 150 maroon-swirled 1
Ophidian Kiss Major Poison 150 indigo-tinted 2
Shatterlimb Crippled 100 murky blue 3
Fool’s Deathwort concussion damage 50 violet-tinted 4
Arachne’s Bite Major Poison 50 crimson-swirled 5

Poison Use Examples

Snailspace (slow condition)

 ** Afflicted by your vultite hook-knife, Jfaj reels as the murky blue poison does its work! **
Jfaj starts to favor his wounded left arm!