Rings of Lumnis/saved posts April 2023: Difference between revisions

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* '''Refreshed Shops''' mean that the shop either has new offerings or updated inventory. In the case of these shops, there is a chance that the NPC will have updated customization offerings.
* '''Refreshed Shops''' mean that the shop either has new offerings or updated inventory. In the case of these shops, there is a chance that the NPC will have updated customization offerings.

== Teaser 1 - Papermaker Upgrades ==

The Papermaker is getting two unlocks, but it is also getting some updates to the available nouns and articles.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Papermaker Noun Options *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
| 1. addendum 19. contract 37. label 55. page 73. roster |
| 2. advertisement 20. coupon 38. leaflet 56. palimpsest 74. schematic |
| 3. agreement 21. debenture 39. letter 57. pamphlet 75. sheet |
| 4. announcement 22. declaration 40. letterhead 58. paper 76. sketch |
| 5. article 23. document 41. license 59. papyrus 77. slip |
| 6. bill 24. docket 42. manifest 60. parchment 78. statement |
| 7. blueprint 25. draft 43. manifesto 61. pass 79. stationery |
| 8. brief 26. drawing 44. map 62. periodical 80. subpoena |
| 9. brochure 27. epistle 45. memo 63. permit 81. summons |
| 10. bulletin 28. flyer 46. memorandum 64. petition 82. syllabus |
| 11. card 29. folio 47. menu 65. playbill 83. synopsis |
| 12. certificate 30. form 48. message 66. poster 84. tariff |
| 13. chart 31. handbill 49. missive 67. proclamation 85. ticket |
| 14. charter 32. illustration 50. newsletter 68. program 86. transcript |
| 15. checklist 33. indenture 51. note 69. proposal 87. treaty |
| 16. citation 34. instruction 52. notecard 70. receipt 88. vellum |
| 17. codex 35. invitation 53. notelet 71. recipe 89. warrant |
| 18. commendation 36. invoice 54. notice 72. report 90. writ |

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Papermaker Article Options *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
| 1. an antique 20. an emblazoned 39. an ink-streaked 58. a round-edged 77. a thick |
| 2. an austere 21. an embossed 40. a lace-cut 59. a rust-stained 78. a thin |
| 3. a beribboned 22. an expensive 41. a leaf-framed 60. a salt-stained 79. a tiny |
| 4. a blood-soaked 23. a faded 42. a messy 61. a scallop-edged 80. a torn |
| 5. a bloodstained 24. a fancy 43. a mildly burnt 62. a scribbled 81. a torn-edged |
| 6. a brass-gilt 25. a fibrous 44. a moth-eaten 63. a seed-riddled 82. a translucent |
| 7. a bronze-gilt 26. a fine 45. a nondescript 64. a silky smooth 83. a velvety |
| 8. a coarse 27. a flimsy 46. an ordinary 65. a silver-gilt 84. a watercolored |
| 9. a copper-gilted 28. a flora-cut 47. an oversized 66. a singed 85. a waterlogged |
| 10. a creased 29. a foil-edged 48. a pewter-gilt 67. a sloppy 86. a watermarked |
| 11. a crinkled 30. a foxed 49. a piece of 68. a small 87. a water-stained |
| 12. a crisp 31. a gilt-bordered 50. a pristine 69. a smooth 88. a wax-dotted |
| 13. a crowded 32. a gilt-edged 51. a quality 70. a soggy 89. a wax-speckled |
| 14. a crumpled 33. a glossy 52. a ragged 71. a square 90. a waxy |
| 15. a curled 34. a gold-gilted 53. a rectangular 72. a stamped 91. a weathered |
| 16. a deckle-edged 35. a hand-painted 54. a ribbon-edged 73. a stiff 92. a wine-stained |
| 17. a dog-eared 36. a heavyweight 55. a rich 74. a tall 93. a worn |
| 18. a doodle-edged 37. an herbaceous 56. a rigid 75. a tattered 94. a wrinkled |
| 19. an elegant 38. an ink-stained 57. a rough 76. a textured 95. a variegated |

'''Unlock 1''' allows players to create Bouquet Paper (more on this in the days ahead).

'''Unlock 2''' allows players to create envelopes.

Revision as of 15:29, 7 April 2023

General Information

Discord Message Link: [1]
Author: GM Thandiwe
Date: 12/9/2022

2023 Rings of Lumnis Dates
* April 14th - 30th - Rings of Lumnis


Announcement 1

The Discord Rings of Lumnis Channel will be updated to allow for conversations on Friday, April 7th.

At that time, anyone that has shop, inventory, or general teasers will be able to present them.

Announcement 2

Shop List

New Shop Names Refreshed Shops * Reopened Shops
All that Sparkles Arboreal Afterlife Blue Myth Eatery
And Sew it Goes In Print Condition Crown Jewels
Customary Procedures Last Chapter, The Dye Me A River
Deck the Halls Let's Make a Seal Etched Memories
Sweet Delights Little Things Ornathian Postal Services
More Ore Less Present Company
Natural Permeations Room With A Hue
Shears Leatherworks
Skin Deep
Sojourn Scents
The Final Touch
The Impressed Olive
Wedding Hall
  • Refreshed Shops mean that the shop either has new offerings or updated inventory. In the case of these shops, there is a chance that the NPC will have updated customization offerings.

Teaser 1 - Papermaker Upgrades

The Papermaker is getting two unlocks, but it is also getting some updates to the available nouns and articles.


 ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*  Papermaker Noun Options *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ 
|  1. addendum       19. contract       37. label        55. page          73. roster     |
|  2. advertisement  20. coupon         38. leaflet      56. palimpsest    74. schematic  |
|  3. agreement      21. debenture      39. letter       57. pamphlet      75. sheet      |
|  4. announcement   22. declaration    40. letterhead   58. paper         76. sketch     |
|  5. article        23. document       41. license      59. papyrus       77. slip       |
|  6. bill           24. docket         42. manifest     60. parchment     78. statement  |
|  7. blueprint      25. draft          43. manifesto    61. pass          79. stationery |
|  8. brief          26. drawing        44. map          62. periodical    80. subpoena   |
|  9. brochure       27. epistle        45. memo         63. permit        81. summons    |
| 10. bulletin       28. flyer          46. memorandum   64. petition      82. syllabus   |
| 11. card           29. folio          47. menu         65. playbill      83. synopsis   |
| 12. certificate    30. form           48. message      66. poster        84. tariff     |
| 13. chart          31. handbill       49. missive      67. proclamation  85. ticket     |
| 14. charter        32. illustration   50. newsletter   68. program       86. transcript |
| 15. checklist      33. indenture      51. note         69. proposal      87. treaty     |
| 16. citation       34. instruction    52. notecard     70. receipt       88. vellum     |
| 17. codex          35. invitation     53. notelet      71. recipe        89. warrant    |
| 18. commendation   36. invoice        54. notice       72. report        90. writ       |


*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*  Papermaker Article Options *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
|  1. an antique       20. an emblazoned    39. an ink-streaked  58. a round-edged    77. a thick         |
|  2. an austere       21. an embossed      40. a lace-cut       59. a rust-stained   78. a thin          |
|  3. a beribboned     22. an expensive     41. a leaf-framed    60. a salt-stained   79. a tiny          |
|  4. a blood-soaked   23. a faded          42. a messy          61. a scallop-edged  80. a torn          |
|  5. a bloodstained   24. a fancy          43. a mildly burnt   62. a scribbled      81. a torn-edged    |
|  6. a brass-gilt     25. a fibrous        44. a moth-eaten     63. a seed-riddled   82. a translucent   |
|  7. a bronze-gilt    26. a fine           45. a nondescript    64. a silky smooth   83. a velvety       |
|  8. a coarse         27. a flimsy         46. an ordinary      65. a silver-gilt    84. a watercolored  |
|  9. a copper-gilted  28. a flora-cut      47. an oversized     66. a singed         85. a waterlogged   |
| 10. a creased        29. a foil-edged     48. a pewter-gilt    67. a sloppy         86. a watermarked   |
| 11. a crinkled       30. a foxed          49. a piece of       68. a small          87. a water-stained |
| 12. a crisp          31. a gilt-bordered  50. a pristine       69. a smooth         88. a wax-dotted    |
| 13. a crowded        32. a gilt-edged     51. a quality        70. a soggy          89. a wax-speckled  |
| 14. a crumpled       33. a glossy         52. a ragged         71. a square         90. a waxy          |
| 15. a curled         34. a gold-gilted    53. a rectangular    72. a stamped        91. a weathered     |
| 16. a deckle-edged   35. a hand-painted   54. a ribbon-edged   73. a stiff          92. a wine-stained  |
| 17. a dog-eared      36. a heavyweight    55. a rich           74. a tall           93. a worn          |
| 18. a doodle-edged   37. an herbaceous    56. a rigid          75. a tattered       94. a wrinkled      |
| 19. an elegant       38. an ink-stained   57. a rough          76. a textured       95. a variegated    |

Unlock 1 allows players to create Bouquet Paper (more on this in the days ahead).

Unlock 2 allows players to create envelopes.