The Winter War (storyline)/2023-02-08 - The Shot Heard 'Round The World (log): Difference between revisions

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m (HOST-GSKEBECHET moved page The Winter War - 2023-02-08 - The Shot Heard 'Round The World to The Winter War (storyline)/2023-02-08 - The Shot Heard 'Round The World: Updating log article title per updated storyline guidelines.)
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Revision as of 11:05, 19 April 2023

This log is from the Winter War storyline on 2023-02-08 from Aliashyrah's point of view.

The Waylaid Merchant

[Icemule Trace, Town Center - 2300] (u4042150)

The center of the slumbering frontier town is overseen by a sturdy mule statue carved from glacial ice, which rises from the surrounding snow on a plinth of cold dark stone. The brilliance of the stars winks through the ice, casting prismatic glints of light over a scattering of townsfolk. Some halflings chatter quietly by a colorful silver-bound barrel emblazoned with a row of tiny grey penguins, while others stargaze on colorful cloaks spread out across the hard ground. Near the comfort of a smooth dark stone bench, a roaring bonfire crackles merrily, lending its warmth and illumination to the surroundings. You also see the Lithyia disk, an animated flayed gigas disciple, the scuffed copper Queatus disk wreathed in miniature floating lockpicks, the orange Burrhus disk, a royal penguin, a massive snowy white tiger, a pale-faced coppery barn owl, a snowy-eared sable wolfhound, the Theofanis disk, a depressed alpine spirit that is flying around, a soft grey penguin feather, a hunk of toasted grumbleberry bread, a rose-marrow potion, some acantha leaf, a vine-carved cherrywood cart with some stuff on it, a blue and white pavilion, a blued steel wastebin and obvious signs of someone hiding.

Also here: Mistress Lithyia, Town Councilor Vaemyr, Queatus, Imperatrix Lylia, Dendum, Lord Randsford, High Lord Grutak, Defender of Mist Harbor Teaberry, Roelon, Lord Sorlu, Magister Raelee, Chronicler Falvicar, Grand Lady Opalina, Theofanis

A desperate cry for help echoes over the southern wall of the town.

Town Councilor Vaemyr stalks south, framed by a shifting, sourceless vermillion glow.

Roelon flails his arms about.

Sorlu raises an eyebrow.

Pukk glances south.

Randsford glances south.

Jiarine just went west.

You glance south.

High Lord Grutak just went south.

Teaberry says, "Uh-oh."

Roelon deeply says, "Oh bloody kilts."

Roelon deeply says, "Join me quickly, going to check the walls."

Sorlu says, "We should be quick."

Sorlu nods.

Pukk nods understandingly at Roelon.

Sorlu glances south.

Speaking to Roelon, you say, "Make haste. The stragglers can catch up."

Roelon nods once.

[A minor detour to Hinterwilds through kilt magic]

Roelon just moved quietly south, with his group following closely.

[Icemule Trace, South Gate - 2487] (u4128001)

Thick stone walls frame a wide, wooden gate. A vaulted stone archway provides some cover from the weather, which is often inclement so close to the glaciers. The packed earth pathway skirting the town's walls gives way to a cobbled street in the same dark grey stone as the lower half of the walls. You also see a massive snowy white tiger, a rolton that is lying down, the glossy pink Rimo disk shaped like a jellyfish, an angular fire wyrdling, an animated flayed gigas disciple, the orange Burrhus disk, a royal penguin, the driftwood Nalver disk, an aged Wehnimerian merchant, Guard Corporal Sleetwood, the South Gate and a snowbank.

Also here: Pukk, Chronicler Falvicar, Queatus, Imperatrix Lylia, Lord Randsford, Defender of Mist Harbor Teaberry, Lord Sorlu, Magister Raelee, Grand Lady Opalina, Roelon, Rimo, Jiarine, Dendum, Town Councilor Vaemyr, High Lord Grutak, Burrhus, Nalver

Roelon slowly empties his lungs.

Speaking to Grutak, you say, "We took a detour to the Hinterwilds."

Guard Corporal Sleetwood says, "No, this would be the first time."

Jiarine smirks.

Speaking to Vaemyr, Nalver asks, "You saw a patrol?"

Lylia glances at an aged Wehnimerian merchant.

Queatus squints at an aged Wehnimerian merchant.

Randsford gazes in wonder at his surroundings.

Speaking to an aged Wehnimerian merchant, Grutak says, "If you can tell me where you left your stuff."

Sorlu says, "Odd magic in the air this night."

Roelon glances at an aged Wehnimerian merchant.

Speaking to Roelon, Dendum informs, "Greetings......this merchant had goods taken by elves."

Sorlu glances between Grutak and an aged Wehnimerian merchant.

Randsford squints at an aged Wehnimerian merchant.

Pukk nods to an aged Wehnimerian merchant in greeting.

Speaking to Roelon, Dendum says, ""They took them for inspection they said."

Perigourd casually observes his surroundings.

Sorlu raises an eyebrow in Dendum's direction.

Speaking to Nalver, Vaemyr says, "Just... increase people they were away from the main path though."

Perigourd looks thoughtfully at an aged Wehnimerian merchant.

You give your eyebrow a little workout.

Speaking deeply to Dendum, Roelon asks, "Which elves? The Vaalorians?"

Roelon glances at an aged Wehnimerian merchant.

Speaking to Dendum, Sorlu asks, "Elves did...what?"

Speaking to an aged Wehnimerian merchant, you ask, "Vaalorian elves?"

Sorlu squints.

An airship in the crimson and gold of Ta'Vaalor screeches overhead, making the surroundings rumble with the force of its passage.

Speaking to an aged Wehnimerian merchant, Grutak says, "YOu don't have to go with me, tell me where."

Roelon peers quizzically at an aged Wehnimerian merchant.

Speaking to Roelon, Dendum informs, ""Yes elves in red and gold."

Roelon tilts his head up.

Randsford gazes up into the heavens.

Perigourd tilts his head up.

Burrhus points up.

Rimo frowns.

Sorlu tilts his head up.

Sorlu glares.

Burrhus says, "Those uniforms."

Queatus frowns.

Perigourd cocks his head at Missoni.

Grutak reaches out and holds Lilanna's hand.

Speaking to Roelon, Dendum says, "Either the vaalor or some other terribly dressed group of elves."

Roelon slowly empties his lungs.

Queatus asks, "They are robbin folks now?"

Roelon nods at Dendum.

You say, "That is taking things far beyond their rights."

Missoni tilts her head up.

Teaberry says, "There are a lot of bandits on the trail and some are elves."

Falvicar frowns.

You say, "They have no right to inspect trade coming into Icemule."

Grutak says, "Quiet, yer scarin the merchant."

As Missoni touches the grimoire, its gilt-swept ethereal violet pinions curl back up into its spine after it drifts into her hand!

Lilanna says, "What's happening? i wa in landing."

You glare.

Sorlu says, "Vaalor has no right to make such demands on our land."

Burrhus says, "Bandits tend not to color coordinate."

Jiarine annoyedly says, "I pay good money to keep a shop in Ta'Vaalor. I wold be really, really, really pissed if some of you ruined my business there."

Roelon deeply asks, "But would they boldly display Ta'Vaalors colors if not their own?"

Rimo stifles a yawn.

Speaking to Dendum, Vaemyr says, "We should be able to find their tracks still I would think."

Perigourd looks thoughtfully at Raelee.

Speaking to an aged Wehnimerian merchant, Lylia asks, "I think I have seen you about. At Gert Fessel's bakery, yes?"

Roelon glances at Jiarine.

Dendum nods at Vaemyr.

Missoni gives Perigourd a warm buss on the lips.

An aged Wehnimerian merchant nods at Lylia.

Lylia gazes fondly at Missoni.

Missoni gives Perigourd a gentle kiss on the cheek.

Speaking deeply to Jiarine, Roelon says, "There are ah few open plots nearby..."

Lylia smiles at Perigourd.

Grutak rolls his eyes.

An aged Wehnimerian merchant says, "I get my bread there."

Opalina nods to an aged Wehnimerian merchant in greeting.

Missoni leans forward.

Missoni kisses Lylia on the cheek.

Speaking to Roelon, Jiarine says, "No."

Speaking to Grutak, Sorlu asks, " have sent a force to look for these elves?"

Speaking to Sorlu, Vaemyr says, "Technically based on the new notice about the protectorate status of the landing, this could be seen as an act of aggression against the Empire even."

An aged Wehnimerian merchant exclaims, "I was just carrying shields and good armor. They said there might be weapons. I don't sell weapons!"

Speaking to Sorlu, Grutak says, "I would if the man would tell me where to start."

Perigourd raises an eyebrow in Sorlu's direction.

Speaking to an aged Wehnimerian merchant, you ask, "Pardon the strange question, but did you happen to scream or hear a scream near here?"

Roelon nods at Vaemyr.

Speaking to Lilanna, Grutak says, "Get some folks and check out the trail."

An aged Wehnimerian merchant blushes a deep shade of red.

Sorlu looks thoughtfully at Vaemyr.

Lilanna nods.

An aged Wehnimerian merchant says, "That... that was me."

Lilanna asks, "Any volunteers?"

An aged Wehnimerian merchant says, "I didn't know what to do."

Speaking to an aged Wehnimerian merchant, Lylia asks, "We all do. Gert makes a wonderful wheat loaf. But your goods...they were taken, you say. By Elves? Could you tell us more about them?"

Speaking to you, Dendum remarks, "This merchant has had goods taken by elves wearing the colors of Ta'vaalor for inspection for safety."

Speaking deeply to an aged Wehnimerian merchant, Roelon says, "Quite the lungs on ye."

Speaking to an aged Wehnimerian merchant, you reassure, "Even if you did sell weapons, they have no authority to confiscate your goods."

Lylia says, "Anyone would shout at being accosted in such a fashion."

Rimo says, "It worked, got a lot of attention."

Lylia nods understandingly to the Wehnimerian merchant.

Speaking to an aged Wehnimerian merchant, Nalver asks, "What type of armor? Anything distinguishing so we can recover it?"

Roelon nods at Rimo.

Lilanna recites:

   "Any volunteers to patrol?"

Speaking to Lylia, Jiarine corrects, "Only if they have a weak stomach."

Speaking to Lylia, Grutak says, "They wore red and yellow uniforms."

Nalver nods at Lilanna.

An aged Wehnimerian merchant says, "They said they needed to inspect them, and I was free to go on to Icemule Trace if I wanted. It was so cold, and I hadn't dressed for standing a long time in the snow."

You frown.

Lylia nods slowly.

Sorlu glances at Roelon.

You shake your head, totally at a loss.

Nalver put a long black-bladed scimitar in his sandy brown harness.

Missoni furrows her brow.

Nalver appears to be checking his pockets for something, but finds them empty.

Vaemyr nods slowly to the Wehnimerian merchant.

Speaking to an aged Wehnimerian merchant, Dendum remarks, "Dont make that mistake twice....may not live second time."

Roelon deeply says, "Hmm.."

Perigourd ponders.

Lylia sets her mouth in a thin line of disapproval.

Pukk says, "Ah, search and snatch."

Pukk nods.

Grutak says, "Hold rand."

Nalver joins Lilanna's group.

You see a fairly typical Wehnimerian merchant.

Jiarine lightly says, "I am beset by bandits all of the time and screaming solves nothing."

Teaberry joins Lilanna's group.

Lylia asks, "Inspection. Then they must not have gone far to 'inspect' them. Did you notice which way they went?"

Sorlu whispers something to Roelon.

Vaemyr joins Lilanna's group.

Roelon deeply asks, "Ah mae hae missed this. Where was this ..check point located?"

Speaking to Jiarine, you say, "It worked for the merchant. We all came running."

Grutak says, "Patrol the trail down a bit. Light it up and see if you find anything hidden please."

Speaking to Jiarine, you say, "Perhaps you need to work on your screaming."

Jiarine says, "Clearly he is a man who needs to be rescued."

Roelon nods at Grutak.

An aged Wehnimerian merchant says, "It was a few miles back. Near the glacier."

Lylia nods to the Wehnimerian merchant.

Roelon nods to the Wehnimerian merchant.

Rimo nods understandingly.

Grutak glances at Randsford.

Perigourd scratches at his beard.

Dendum frowns.

Speaking to a lazy wild reddish-black dog, Nalver says, "Let me pet you."

Dendum says, "South..."

Dendum works his fingers under his steel helm and scratches his head.

Randsford nods slowly at Grutak.

Vaemyr nods at Dendum.

Dendum joins Roelon's group.

Lilanna says, "'moving."

Speaking to Lilanna, Grutak says, "Go with'em."

Roelon deeply says, "...So they claim the the south...."

Grutak nods.

Roelon narrows his eyes.

An aged Wehnimerian merchant says, "I asked if we could go indoors, but they said they didn't have a post nearby. Just up in the mountains."

Falvicar ponders.

Vaemyr frowns.

Lylia nods to the Wehnimerian merchant.

Speaking to Roelon, Sorlu says, "They spread like a fungus."

Lilanna turns toward Grutak and renders a sharp salute with her kraken-hilted Charl's-tail.

Speaking to an aged Wehnimerian merchant, Dendum remarks, ""You wish to show us the way?"

Speaking to an aged Wehnimerian merchant, Grutak asks, "I'm assuming you were coming up from the Landing correct?"

An aged Wehnimerian merchant says, "I'm too cold. I told them I'd be staying at the Honeybeer. They said they'd get my belongings back to me."

Speaking to Roelon, you say, "They are surrounding us as we huddle within our walls."

Dendum rummages around in his pockets.

Roelon sighs.

Dendum digs inside the grey leather case, gathering any loose silver.

Pukk nods.

Lylia nods understandingly to the Wehnimerian merchant.

An aged Wehnimerian merchant says, "I'll tell you this--if I have to deal with being searched and seized, this is the last time I'll bring my trade to Icemule Trace."

Missoni frowns at Perigourd.

Dendum tosses some silvers into a patinated grey leather case embossed with ivy patterns.

An aged Wehnimerian merchant flinches as if he is expecting to be hit.

Grutak frowns.

Sorlu frowns at an aged Wehnimerian merchant.

Speaking to an aged Wehnimerian merchant, Opalina says, "Would you like to go to Honebeer inn and get warm? We can always talk more there."

Roelon frowns at an aged Wehnimerian merchant.

Lylia nods at Opalina.

Speaking to an aged Wehnimerian merchant, Dendum asks, "" can not control what powers circle a city eh?"

Speaking to an aged Wehnimerian merchant, Sorlu assures, "This will not be an ongoing issue."

Speaking to Opalina, Grutak says, "This is your friends doing."

An aged Wehnimerian merchant nods at Opalina.

Roelon deeply says, "First this..."

Lylia says, "The lady has the right of it. It is no sense losing your toes to the cold."

Speaking to an aged Wehnimerian merchant, Opalina says, "Perhaps wait for your items to be returned."

Roelon clenches his fist.

Falvicar rolls his eyes at Grutak.

Speaking soothingly to an aged Wehnimerian merchant, you reassure, "This will be handled. Do not let it deter you from future trade."

An angular fire wyrdling says, "Bandits on the trail here."

Roelon deeply says, "It could be just that ....aye...bandit.."

Grutak says, "Bandits dont' wear uniforms."

Pukk adopts an agreeable expression.

Dendum taps something in a dark emerald wool cloak draped in thick animal pelts.

Speaking to Roelon, Grutak says, "No, the merchant said they wore red and yellow uniforms."

Speaking to an aged Wehnimerian merchant, Lylia says, "I am from there myself, and I am certain we can get to the heart of this matter."

Speaking to Grutak, Falvicar says, "They could if they were trying to look like something they aren't."

Dendum removes a tattered Wehnimer's Militia uniform from in his emerald wool cloak.

An aged Wehnimerian merchant says, "I've dealt with bandits. These elves looked like fighters, trained and true."

Grutak says, "Crimson and GOld."

Grutak says, "Bandits do not wear uniforms."

Speaking deeply to Opalina, Roelon asks, "If the goods are returned or nae. They should of nae been taken in the first place aye?"

Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Missoni glances appraisingly at Dendum.

Speaking to Grutak, Dendum reminds, ""A uniform can be stolen....still with so much action from Vaalor would assume that can not be ignored."

Dendum put a tattered Wehnimer's Militia uniform in his emerald wool cloak.

Roelon nods at Dendum.

Speaking to Roelon, Opalina says, "I agree but the Merchant here is freezing. I can take him to the Inn if you folks want to go search the trail for the elves."

Speaking to Roelon, Sorlu says, " this point, for Vaalor to conduct such activities on our land..."

Burrhus asks, "But a whole patrols' worth stolen?"

Sorlu shakes his head, totally at a loss.

Dendum nods at Burrhus.

Speaking to Burrhus, Dendum says, "...does not seem likely."

You nod in agreement at Sorlu.

Roelon deeply says, "Perhaps ah few stay with our poor merchant guest."

Ceilia just arrived.

Speaking to Dendum, Grutak says, "I'm tired of people defending the Vaalorians at every turn. YOu want to believe this is nothing, be my guest. BUt you live in a fantasy world."

Ceilia just went through the South Gate.

Speaking deeply to Sorlu, Roelon says, "And close to Wehnimers as well."

Sorlu says, "Mayor Dabbings needs informed of this."

Sorlu nods at Roelon.

Speaking to Grutak, Falvicar says, "I'm tired of you blaming the Vaalorian at every chance you have."

Roelon nods at Sorlu.

Here and there a snowflake flutters down.

Burrhus says, "Even if it were the case, it would be something needing a thorough investigation, if only to diplomatically report to the Vaalorian government."

Speaking to Roelon, Sorlu says, "They try to cut us off from the world."

Lylia coolly says, "Dendum spoke the plain and accurate truth when he described the ones who took the goods earlier."

Speaking to Falvicar, Grutak says, "At least I'm not tryin to sleep with'em."

The Impudent Young Soldier

A young Vaalor soldier just arrived. You calmly say, "Everyone, let us not lose our heads."

Grutak glances at a young Vaalor soldier.

Sleetwood squints as his eyes search the night for threats.

Queatus squints at a young Vaalor soldier.

Lylia says, "Ah, how fortuitous."

Lylia turns to face a young Vaalor soldier.

Missoni nods to a young Vaalor soldier in greeting.

Speaking to Grutak, Falvicar says, "Nobody is."

You favor the soldier with a sharp, pointed look.

Speaking deeply to Sorlu, Roelon says, "Mah hope wanes each passin' day..."

(Grutak points his weapon at the soldier.)

Perigourd casually observes his surroundings.

With a wince, Raelee slowly massages her temple.

Roelon glances at a young Vaalor soldier.

Sorlu glances sharply at a young Vaalor soldier.

Speaking to a young Vaalor soldier, Grutak says, "Don't move a muscle."

A young Vaalor soldier glances at the merchant.

Roelon deeply says, "Steady yir weapons..."

Speaking to a young Vaalor soldier, you ask, "Perhaps you can settle this. Did Vaalorian soldiers such as yourself take this good merchant's goods?"

Speaking to a young Vaalor soldier, Opalina says, "Good evening Soldier."

Dendum drops a leaf-inked cup of cinnamon-infused winterberry tea.

Speaking flatly to Grutak, a young Vaalor soldier says, "I don't take my orders from you."

Grutak says, "You'll be dead if you don't."

Speaking to a young Vaalor soldier, Opalina asks, "Are you returning this merchants Items?"

Speaking to a young Vaalor soldier, Burrhus says, "I don't think that was an order, more of a recommendation."

Grutak concentrates deeply for a moment.

Lylia narrows her eyes.

Sparks begin to fly between the ovaline scroll and Missoni's fingers.

With a sudden burst of enthusiasm, the sparks jump into Missoni's hand and she seems to glow with power.

Missoni put an embossed ovaline scroll tinted in vivid jewel tones in her alligator skin case.

Missoni gestures.

A sense of peace and calm settles over the area.

Sorlu asks, "Then who gave you orders to stop the progress of merchants through Icemule's land?"

Sorlu squints at a young Vaalor soldier.

Speaking to Missoni, you whisper aloud, "I am not certain that magic can calm this storm."

Grutak glares at Missoni.

Speaking to an aged Wehnimerian merchant, a young Vaalor soldier says, "It's good that you're here."

Speaking to Grutak, Falvicar says, "If you start a war, so help me if you spill his blood here first."

Speaking to you, Missoni says, "It may prevent some bloodshed at least."

Speaking to a young Vaalor soldier, Lylia says, "Good evening. We were just having a discussion with this merchant; you should shed some light on this matter."

Speaking in Faendryl to Missoni, Lylia murmurs something you don't understand.

Missoni nods appreciatively at Lylia.

Speaking to Falvicar, Grutak says, "At least I'll die defending my town instead of givving it away."

Speaking deeply to a young Vaalor soldier, Roelon asks, "Did ye happen to find some missing or stolen goods from this poor merchant here?"

Roelon raises an eyebrow.

You clear your throat.

Lilanna's group just went through the South Gate.

Speaking to Falvicar, Sorlu says, "Grutak can not start what was already put to us."

Speaking to Grutak, Falvicar says, "There is nothing to defend. He is not attacking."

Perigourd takes a moment to observe a young Vaalor soldier.

You see a fairly typical Vaalor soldier.

Opalina agrees with Guard Corporal Sleetwood.

Speaking to an aged Wehnimerian merchant, a young Vaalor soldier says, "We've completed a preliminary inspection of your goods and will have them delivered on the morrow if no contraband is found that might endanger the lives of our citizens in this region."

Speaking to Sorlu, Falvicar says, "He isn't attacking nor a threat. Grutak is the only one making death threats."

Lilanna's group just arrived.

Grutak turns away from Falvicar, ignoring him.

Jiarine takes a slow, deep breath then pinches the bridge of her nose.

Lilanna glances at a young Vaalor soldier.

Sorlu blinks.

Rimo frowns.

Lylia puts her hands on her hips.

Perigourd looks thoughtfully at a young Vaalor soldier.

Burrhus says, "That's a yes then."

Queatus frowns at a young Vaalor soldier.

Speaking to a young Vaalor soldier, Perigourd asks, "Why are you inspecting folks goods in this area?"

Grutak roars!

Lylia says, "'On the morrow' is not sufficient for merchants, as I am sure you are aware."

Lilanna taps something in a deep sea-blue storyweaver's cloak.

Speaking to a young Vaalor soldier, you ask, "Under what authority does Ta'Vaalor presume to inspect the goods of merchants trading with Icemule?"

Grutak exclaims, "Contraband!"

Speaking to a young Vaalor soldier, Jiarine says, "You look like you are far from home."

Sorlu exasperatedly says, "Contraband?? You have no right to delcare any such item contraband."

Grutak exclaims, "What the heck is going on!"

An aged Wehnimerian merchant looks hesitant, and then nods.

Speaking politely to a young Vaalor soldier, Missoni asks, "Can you describe what you would consider contraband?"

Grutak concentrates deeply for a moment.

Sorlu glares at a young Vaalor soldier.

Speaking to Sorlu, Queatus says, "We should arrest this thief."

Speaking deeply to a young Vaalor soldier, Roelon asks, "Now now, yong one. Under what authority, on Foreign grounds, do ye hae the right to conduct such searches?"

Queatus points at a young Vaalor soldier.

Raelee folds her arms over her chest.

Falvicar points at you!

Roelon snorts!

Pukk glances around the area.

Randsford squints at a young Vaalor soldier.

Speaking to Sorlu, Falvicar says, "And that... is how you handle this. Not with death threats."

You nod in agreement at Roelon.

Speaking to Guard Corporal Sleetwood, Grutak says, "You need to arrest this soldier."

Falvicar nods in agreement to you.

Speaking to Queatus, Sorlu says, "I am about thirty seconds from having the Commander arrest him."

Teaberry says, "He hasn't answered a single question yet."

Speaking to a young Vaalor soldier, Vaemyr says, "Good evening sir, I would like to inform you that this is a merchant from Wehnimer's as per Earl Jovery's notice on protectorate status of ours, interfering with Wehnimer's Trade could be considered the same as interfering with Imperial trade. I hope you are aware of those ramifications."

Speaking to Lylia, Pukk asks, "I am in Icemule right?"

Verdant light flickers across the surface of Lylia's clockwork staff.

Lylia nods at Pukk.

Pukk nods slowly.

Queatus snorts!

Perigourd surreptitiously glances at Vaemyr.

Pukk nods at Lylia.

Speaking to a young Vaalor soldier, Sorlu asks, "Who gave you an order to march into Icemule's lands and stop merchants travelling to our town?"

You gaze watchfully at a young Vaalor soldier.

Missoni slowly empties her lungs.

Grutak says, "Someone break the blasted sanct so I can show this soldier what a No-Dachi does."

Speaking to Vaemyr, a young Vaalor soldier says, "Perhaps you were unaware that a Vaalor citizen was beaten within an inch of her life by these... by the townfolk of Icemule Trace."

Randsford glances at a young Vaalor soldier.

Speaking in Elven to a young Vaalor soldier, Jiarine says, "I would ignore these people. Many of them have forgotten when their blood lies."

Speaking to Grutak, Missoni says, "The soldier is unarmed."

Pukk squints at a young Vaalor soldier.

Queatus shows Sorlu his thick leather blackjack.

Nalver squints at Jiarine.

Speaking to a young Vaalor soldier, you correct, "By the action of a few who have been dealt with. That does not give you the right to claim the authority to hinder free trade in this region."

Speaking to Sorlu, Grutak says, "Called it. I said it then and I repeat it now. They are using this as an excuse."

Speaking deeply to a young Vaalor soldier, Roelon asks, "Ye presume each townfolk took part in such ah crime?"

Speaking to a young Vaalor soldier, Randsford says, "And its about to be a Vaalorian soldier as well for overstepping if you don't wisen up and realize in who's lands you are standing."

Randsford stares at a young Vaalor soldier.

Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Speaking to a young Vaalor soldier, Perigourd asks, "There are proper channels to pursue for restitution. How does that give you the right to wrongful searches?"

Speaking to a young Vaalor soldier, Vaemyr asks, "And that gives you the right to accost other towns's citizens sir?"

Speaking to Missoni, Grutak says, "Go home. We dont' want your "help"."

Speaking to a young Vaalor soldier, Falvicar says, "That does not give you the right to stop merchants from coming to our town nor do anything for that matter that intervenes with our trade."

Speaking to Grutak, Missoni says, "I am remaining here to keep what little peace there is."

Opalina praises Missoni.

Lilanna glances at a young Vaalor soldier.

A young Vaalor soldier looks a bit hesitant himself.

Speaking to Missoni, Grutak says, "So you want to side with the Vaalorians too. Got it."

A young Vaalor soldier says, "I'm merely a messenger. I will convey your concerns to our post's commander."

Speaking to a young Vaalor soldier, Lilanna asks, "Where is yer commander?"

Speaking to a young Vaalor soldier, Teaberry says, "I can escort you home to Ta'Vaalor if you don't know the way. People do get lost here so easily."

Sorlu agrees with Lilanna.

Speaking sarcastically to Grutak, Missoni says, "You know nothing of my life. Do not judge me."

Speaking to Grutak, Lylia says, "You no more tell her where she may go than a Vaaloran soldier may detain a merchant from Wehnimer's Landing."

Nalver yells, "Marshall!"

Roelon nods at Teaberry.

Roelon's sliver of grey shadowglass pulses against his forehead, sending silver and pale grey sparks dancing around his lashes.

Speaking to a young Vaalor soldier, you ask, "Do you actually have orders to stop and inspect merchants, or am I looking at a foolish boy who has let his emotion spur him to action that could well lead to war?"

Rimo just went east.

Speaking to Missoni, Grutak says, "You are interfering in matters NOT your home."

Speaking to a young Vaalor soldier, Falvicar says, "Send him here please. Let's resolve this right now."

Falvicar nods firmly to the Vaalor soldier.

Speaking to a young Vaalor soldier, Nalver says, "I think that you should stay in our town for a while. Warm up."

Speaking to Grutak, Missoni says, "So were you."

Sorlu glances between a young Vaalor soldier and yourself.

Speaking to a young Vaalor soldier, Lylia says, "It is unacceptable to make this man wait until tomorrow to return his wares."

Grutak says, "No, actually, THIS is my home."

Speaking to Grutak, Perigourd says, "You don't know what you're talking about, sir."

A young Vaalor soldier says, "I hardly need assistance in finding my way home. After all, we have airships."

A young Vaalor soldier smiles acidly.

Jiarine smirks at a young Vaalor soldier.

Opalina sighs.

Lilanna's group just went east.

Speaking to Grutak, Perigourd says, "My wife was a genearl in the Northern Fury prior to your regulators even being formed."

A young Vaalor soldier nods.

Speaking to a young Vaalor soldier, Vaemyr says, "I expect a formal appoligy from your commander, and a guaruntee nothing like this will happen to our merchants again. If you wish to inspect our shipments of good, you may feel free to work with the Darkstone Bay Consortium to set up an approved inspection, that does not hinder our people."

Perigourd's brow furrows as he gives Grutak a long look. With deliberate motions, he begins to shrug his shoulders, clearly loosening his muscles in preparation for something.

Burrhus asks, "Strapped to your back?"

Jiarine just went east.

Jiarine just arrived.

Lilanna blushes a nice shade of pink.

Speaking to Perigourd, Grutak says, "Shut it. I'm tired of people simpering to the Valorians. Send a message and a body."

Speaking soothingly to Grutak, Sorlu says, "Patience, I beg, fight at a time."

Sorlu nods at Grutak.

An aged Wehnimerian merchant weakly says, "It's all right. I can wait for morning."

Grand Lady Opalina just went west.

Lilanna says, "Again.."

Speaking to a young Vaalor soldier, Falvicar asks, "Your name and rank please?"

An aged Wehnimerian merchant says, "I'm sorry to have been any trouble."

Randsford nods approvingly at Vaemyr.

Speaking to Grutak, Perigourd says, "I'll speak my peace, the same as you, and just as hard if you like."

Speaking to Grutak, Missoni says, "I have shed blood in defense of this town, and I will not see some wrongheaded fool shed more blood when words will suffice."

Speaking to an aged Wehnimerian merchant, Lylia says, "You should not have to. And you are not the trouble here."

Speaking to Sorlu, Grutak says, "Can't fight because the Empire people won't let me."

Speaking to a young Vaalor soldier, Lilanna says, "WHERE IS YOUR COMMANDER? ye canna act without orders."

Speaking to an aged Wehnimerian merchant, Teaberry says, "You shouldn't have to wait until morning."

Speaking coolly to a young Vaalor soldier, you ask, "Answer the question. Do you have orders or were you acting in retaliation because you are upset about what happened to the girl?"

An aged Wehnimerian merchant takes a hesitant step toward the gates as if eager to be done with such a fuss.

Dendum nods at Ceilia.

Speaking to Grutak, Perigourd says, "You said you served in the imperial navy, last I heard."

Speaking to an aged Wehnimerian merchant, Pukk says, "You didn't cause this trouble."

Vaemyr says, "Lets everyone stay calm now, we don't need threat or such."

Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia says something you don't understand.

Dendum whispers something to Ceilia.

Speaking to an aged Wehnimerian merchant, Sorlu says, "Your goods will be found, and returned. The Vaalorians will pay for any damage done to them, or your trade."

Speaking deeply to an aged Wehnimerian merchant, Roelon says, "Ah am quite sorry ye were made to deal ith rest at the inn. Yir fees will be covered."

Roelon nods to the Wehnimerian merchant.

A young Vaalor soldier says, "We have our orders. We're professionals."

Sorlu nods to the Wehnimerian merchant.

An aged Wehnimerian merchant nods.

Lilanna snorts derisively at a young Vaalor soldier!

Sorlu agrees with Roelon.

An aged Wehnimerian merchant says, "Th-thank you."

An aged Wehnimerian merchant just went through the South Gate.

Lilanna asks, "Professional what?"

Speaking to a young Vaalor soldier, Grutak says, "I can wait. They can't protect you for forever."

You grin coldly, your eyes reflecting no emotion.

Speaking in Elven, Jiarine mutters, "The cold here has frozen the little brains anyone actually had to start with."

Grand Lady Opalina just arrived.

Speaking to a young Vaalor soldier, Falvicar asks, "Your rank and name please? And your commanding officer that gave you this "order"?"

A young Vaalor soldier chuckles at Jiarine.

Grutak concentrates deeply for a moment.

Lilanna glances at Jiarine.

Queatus squints at Jiarine.

Speaking in Elven, Lilanna says, "I missed ye so much..."

Speaking deeply to a young Vaalor soldier, Roelon says, "Right now, ye act more like the bandits along the trail."

Roelon folds his arms over his chest.

Teaberry says, "'I was only obeying orders' is never a good argument, especially when the orders are cruel and illegal."

Speaking to Falvicar, a young Vaalor soldier says, "I don't report to you, sylvankind."

Lylia says, "Orders come from someone, young man. I know how well you heed them, having met your estimable Lord Chamberlain Retassal on numerous occasions. He is forthright, and no doubt expects the same of everyone in service."

Lilanna glances at Guard Corporal Sleetwood.

Lylia imperiously says, "No one expects you to report to anyone but your commanding officer, but his or her name would be in order."

A young Vaalor soldier says, "I'm sure our post commander will gladly hear your complaints."

Speaking to a young Vaalor soldier, Perigourd asks, "Very well then. when and where?"

Sorlu says, "If he can't find the memory, perhaps some time in our prison will help jog it loose."

Roelon nods at Lylia.

Teaberry says, "Fine. Let's go see your post commander. Right now,"

Tilting his head back, Sleetwood catches a few snowflakes in his mouth.

Queatus agrees with Sorlu.

Speaking smoothly to a young Vaalor soldier, you say, "Excellent. I am certain the council and Mayor would be happy to entertain them here in Icemule."

Speaking to a young Vaalor soldier, Falvicar asks, "If you are a real Vaalorian, then you would have the honor to state such when you are doing this act on Vaalor's behalf. Shall I ask for a real Vaalorian to come here and verify who you say you are?"

Speaking sharply to Lylia, a young Vaalor soldier says, "If he deigns to share that with you, that will be his decision."

Speaking deeply to Lylia, Roelon says, "Ah would think it proper manners to reveal such. Perhaps this soldier lacks it."

Teaberry says, "I'm not doing anything for the rest of the evening."

Roelon shrugs.

Lylia says, "These are not complaints. These are requirements. A merchant from another town has been detained here, at someone's orders, and it is imperative to know whose."

Missoni agrees with Lylia.

Speaking in Elven, Jiarine amusedly says, "Call it fitting that the statue of a mule graces your town center. Stubborn, pig headed and cannot be led like a good pony should be."

Speaking to Sorlu, Grutak says, "In case you haven't noticed, the Landing People and the Empire People are the ones in charge here in Icemule at the moment. They are getting as bad as the Vaalorians."

Speaking to Roelon, Lylia says, "I am stunned at this, frankly."

Vaemyr nods at Lylia.

[Icemule Trace, South Gate - 2487] (u4128001) Thick stone walls frame a wide, wooden gate. A vaulted stone archway provides some cover from the weather, which is often inclement so close to the glaciers. The packed earth pathway skirting the town's walls gives way to a cobbled street in the same dark grey stone as the lower half of the walls. You also see the Vornom disk, an angular fire wyrdling, the driftwood Nalver disk, the Lilanna disk, a little blue penguin, an animated falchion hovering in mid-air, a leaf-inked cup of cinnamon-infused winterberry tea, a young Vaalor soldier, a resplendent obsidian black raven that is flying around, the web-draped Missoni disk, a lazy wild reddish-black dog, the Aliashyrah disk, the scuffed copper Queatus disk wreathed in miniature floating lockpicks, a massive snowy white tiger, the orange Burrhus disk, a royal penguin that is sitting, Guard Corporal Sleetwood, the South Gate and a snowbank. Also here: Vornom, Grand Lady Opalina, Jiarine, Defender of Mist Harbor Teaberry, Nalver, Lilanna, Ceilia, Town Councilor Vaemyr, Lord Randsford, Missoni, Perigourd, Magister Raelee, Lord Sorlu, Imperatrix Lylia, Queatus, Pukk, Chronicler Falvicar, Roelon, Dendum, High Lord Grutak, Burrhus Obvious paths: east, west

Teaberry taps the heels of her walrus leather thigh-boots together.

The surroundings begin to rumble as another crimson-hulled airship soars into view, this one moving to hover over the town near the Southern Gate.

Speaking to Grutak, Sorlu says, "They can speak their opinion, but Icemule remains under the authority of those who were voted into those positions."

Sorlu nods at Grutak.

Perigourd tilts his head up.

A young Vaalor soldier glances heavenward.

Vaemyr glances up.

Randsford gazes up into the heavens.

Ceilia gazes up into the heavens.

Queatus put a thick leather blackjack bound with vultite in his weapon harness.

Pukk glances up.

You shake your head.

Perigourd furrows his brow.

Grutak says, "I begin to wonder who in Icemule is actually in charge of Icemule... other than Foriegners."

Missoni tilts her head up.

Queatus removes a well-worn serrated-edged waraxe from in his weapon harness.

Raelee glances up.

Sorlu glares upward.

Roelon arranges the voluminous tartan-lined hood of his black leather duster, which is pushed back from his head and pooled around his shoulders.

Ceilia folds her arms over her chest.

Roelon tilts his head up.

Roelon narrows his eyes.

Falvicar asks, "Roelon Where's Aureliano? Or anybody for that matter that can verify this imposter's claim?"

Speaking to a young Vaalor soldier, Lylia snaps, "Very well -- then let us have your name."

Tetreves just arrived.

Speaking to Grutak, a young Vaalor soldier says, "We do not have such issues."

Speaking to a young Vaalor soldier, Dendum remarks, "" very impressive but is very much up there...."

Falvicar peers quizzically at Roelon.

You say, "If someone does not stop him, I believe he is about to be whisked away."

Speaking to Sorlu, Grutak says, "Not that I can see."

Dendum points up.

Sleetwood paces back and forth in front of the gate.

Speaking to Guard Corporal Sleetwood, Lilanna asks, "Ye wanna do yer job?"

Speaking to a young Vaalor soldier, Randsford asks, "They here for our protection too then? Just as you I take it?"

Randsford grumbles.

Tetreves gives Opalina a friendly hug.

Tetreves just went through the South Gate.

Speaking to a young Vaalor soldier, Grutak says, "Give me time, I will have you in my hands."

Speaking in Elven to a young Vaalor soldier, Jiarine suggests, "You should buy things from my shop when you return home. I do stand with my own kind after all."

Roelon furrows his brow.

Vaemyr sighs gutak.

Roelon nods at Falvicar.

Vaemyr mumbles something under his breath.

Roelon deeply says, "Perhaps."

Speaking to a young Vaalor soldier, Randsford says, "If you have any honor you will submit to our guards and present any taken materials to our town authority."

Speaking patiently to a young Vaalor soldier, Missoni says, "Surely you can understand the frustration here, and can give some information that will help clarify your actions."

Roelon takes a moment to observe a young Vaalor soldier.

Vaemyr takes a long, deep breath, and the veins along his exposed skin pulse with a soft crimson glow.

Speaking to Grutak, Falvicar says, "I don't care if you arrest him. But don't kill him. I'll make you learn something about diplomacy yet."

Falvicar says, "Get to the bottom of this."

Falvicar nods firmly.

Teaberry says, "I just want to know his name and his commander's name."

Speaking to Falvicar, Grutak says, "I really don't care what you think Vaalorian lover."

Falvicar gazes in amusement at Grutak.

Lilanna says, "We're not killing him."

A young Vaalor soldier shakes his head, his expression perilously close to a smirk.

Speaking to Teaberry, you say, "It would seem the boy is not going to give that information."

Missoni frowns at a young Vaalor soldier.

Perigourd glances appraisingly at a young Vaalor soldier.

Speaking to Lilanna, Grutak asks, "Wanna bet?"

Queatus frowns.

Lilanna glances at Grutak.

Speaking to Grutak, Falvicar says, "Last I checked, I'm not in love with Vaalorian. I'm in love with my wife if anything."

Falvicar nods firmly.

Falvicar sighs.

Falvicar nods at Lylia.

Grutak waves a hand at Falvicar, dismissing him indifferently.

Lylia nods sympathetically.

Sorlu looks thoughtfully at a young Vaalor soldier.

Dendum glances up.

A young Vaalor soldier says, "I am Legionnaire Trellan Krynnan Vaalor."

Lilanna says, "He will remain in custody... his "superior" can come and look for him,"

Lylia smoothly says, "Thank you. Noted."

Randsford nods in agreement at Lilanna.

Falvicar agrees with Lilanna.

Speaking to Lilanna, Grutak says, "You aren't in charge."

Teaberry nods to the Vaalor soldier.

Speaking to a young Vaalor soldier, Sorlu asks, "And your commander?"

Lilanna says, "And he will also answer for his subordinates acitons."

Lylia whispers something to Vaemyr.

Speaking mockingly to a young Vaalor soldier, you say, "Such a pretty little title for one barely away from the schoolyard."

Lilanna asks, "Are you?"

A caravan arrives and deposits its passengers before rattling off.

Jiarine pokes at the creamy white dormouse, the high-strung creature snapping at her fingers in agitation.

Rimo laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.

Speaking to Sorlu, a young Vaalor soldier says, "As I said, if my commander chooses to share their name with you, it will be their decision. We owe you nothing."

Roelon surveys the area.

Speaking to Lilanna, Falvicar asks, "Might I suggest we make Aureliano or somebody else that we know and can trust to verify he is who he says he is and then address this problem?"

Grutak concentrates deeply for a moment.

Speaking to Lilanna, Grutak says, "Of you, yes Lieutenant."

A young Vaalor soldier turns on his heel.

A young Vaalor soldier just went west.

Randsford glares.

Speaking to Lilanna, Grutak says, "Try to remember the tail does not wag the dog."

Falvicar points west.

Defender of Mist Harbor Teaberry just went west.

Missoni glances west.

Queatus just went west.

Lord Randsford just went west.

Ceilia laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

Speaking to Grutak, Sorlu says, "Commander. We will see this solider brought to Icewall then. Perhaps he will find reason to speak there."

Roelon glances west.

Dendum glances at Guard Corporal Sleetwood.

Vaemyr sighs.

Queatus just arrived.

(Lylia jots something down on her parchment.)

Jiarine rummages through a smooth blackened silver case, but comes up empty-handed.

Sorlu glances appraisingly around the area.

Speaking to Grutak, Lilanna asks, "Try to remember we are protectors. did he actually harm the merchant?"

Queatus mutters under his breath.

Perigourd removes a burnished silver spyglass from in his umber leather jerkin.

Roelon slowly empties his lungs.

Perigourd peers west through his silver spyglass and slowly turns the eyepiece to focus it. Squinting slightly, he gazes intently through the eyepiece.

Queatus says, "Shoulda killed him."

Queatus shakes his head.

Jiarine removes a gold-latched pale mistwood case from in her leather rucksack.

Lylia put a silver-gilted niveous parchment in her wrap.

Speaking to Sorlu, Grutak says, "I wish to be present for questioning."

Perigourd put a burnished silver spyglass in his umber leather jerkin.

You see a small armored figure scampering up a ladder that has been let down from the Vaalor ship.

Falvicar shrugs.

Sorlu glances west.

Vaemyr whispers something to Lylia.

Speaking to Grutak, Sorlu says, "It would seem he has...escaped."

Pukk glances up.

Ceilia gazes up into the heavens.

Queatus just went west.

Ceilia waves.

Rimo just went west.

Missoni nods once.

You say, "Well, so much for detaining him."

Grutak says, "Do it quick."

Ceilia yells, "See you around, Trellan!"

Speaking to Sorlu, Dendum remarks, ""Going to have to figure out way to deal with ships soon...."

Vaemyr sighs.

Lord Randsford just arrived.

Grutak says, "Get'em to the prison."

Randsford shakes his head.

Sorlu nods slowly at Dendum.

Claudaro just arrived.

Queatus just arrived.

Speaking to Dendum, Sorlu says, "They will be handled."

Vaemyr grumbles.

Teaberry growls something vile beneath her breath.

Pukk slings a dark ipantor longbow bound by a blackened pewter rook off from over his shoulder.

Speaking flatly to Grutak, you say, "They are already aboard the airship, Commander."

Pukk nocks his white-banded arrow, aims skyward, and with a quick draw, releases his white-banded arrow into the air.

Streaking upward, a sapphire blue white-banded arrow ignites and creates a wake of white-hot sparks as it climbs into the air. Reaching the apex of its journey, the arrow explodes in a shower of sapphire blue that blossoms to fill the sky and the percussion of which sends a subtle tremor through the earth. Only a moment later, a secondary blast erupts, and a howling wolf is projected into the heavens in an array of snow white incandescence. The image hangs in the sky for several moments before dissipating in a glittering, multi-hued cascade of light.

Randsford says, "Seems he got away."

Roelon deeply says, "He does nae act like any Legionnaire ah hae been or met previously. Fresh from training indeed...if he is indeed ah Legionnaire.."

Pukk nods.

Pukk slings a dark ipantor longbow bound by a blackened pewter rook over his shoulder.

Perigourd nods in agreement at Roelon.

Lord Rorium just came trudging in, with his group following closely behind him.

Rorium says, "Ah."

Dendum blinks at Roelon.

Lilanna's group just arrived.

Opalina looks over at Roelon and shakes her head.

Sorlu grins slowly.

Teaberry says, "The legionaires I've met are more disciplined."

Lilanna frowns.

Vaemyr nods at Lylia.

Kiyou casually observes her surroundings.

Queatus says, "Vaalorians are good runners I see."

Rorium put a haon-hafted vultite morning star in his weapon harness.

Rorium slings a spiked drakar greatshield etched with crimson runes over his shoulder.

Grutak shakes his head.

Missoni agrees with Teaberry.

Uncle just went through the South Gate.

Opalina says, "Not at all."

Grutak concentrates deeply for a moment.

Teaberry says, "This one acts like a spoiled child."

Queatus agrees with Teaberry.

Speaking to Roelon, you agree, "He is barely more than a child."

Lylia nods at Teaberry.

Roelon nods to you.

Missoni whispers something to Teaberry.

Rimo just arrived.

Speaking to Roelon, Dendum says, ""They have fleet of airships and a fortress, is either from the nations or the nations have lost a host of ships."

Sorlu slowly empties his lungs.

Roelon deeply says, "And ah thief as it is currently."

Rorium folds his arms over his chest.

Rimo just went east.

Sorlu shakes his head, totally at a loss.

You say, "But his youthful impertenance is a dangerous thing."

Teaberry appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Roelon nods at Dendum.

Teaberry nods at Missoni.

Rimo just arrived.

Grutak says, "SO, we let them continue to walk over the top of us."

Rimo just climbed a snowbank.

Grutak says, "Cowards."

Rorium agrees with Duksa.

Speaking to Teaberry, Jiarine says, "You should have seen the trouble I caused when I was younger... They tried really hard not to drop anything and puffed themselves up."

Sorlu glances at Roelon.

You suggest, "We must inform the Mayor of this latest development."

Lylia smiles at Vaemyr.

Perigourd nods.

Lylia nods in agreement.

Teaberry says, "Grutak, we didn't let him do anything."

Lilanna nods to you.

Roelon slowly empties his lungs.

Roelon glances at Sorlu.

You say, "Ta'Vaalor is adding to their insults and affronts to Icemule."

Lilanna scowls at Guard Corporal Sleetwood.

Burrhus nods to Sleetwood.

You say, "They become more bold with each passing day."

The airship lingers above the town, blotting out some of the stars behind it.

High Lord Geovekn just arrived.

Lilanna swears quietly at Guard Corporal Sleetwood.

A giantman traveller arrives, following Geovekn.

Speaking to Teaberry, Grutak says, "Oh yes we did."

High Lord Geovekn just went west.

An occasional snowflake drifts to the ground.

Roelon tilts his head up.

A giantman traveller just went west.

Grutak glances up.

Perigourd gazes up into the heavens.

Speaking to Grutak, Randsford says, "I say you return the favor next time you are in Vaalor. Surely they will love our protection as much as we love theirs."

Randsford grumbles.

Sorlu whispers something to Roelon.

Queatus just arrived.

Grutak concentrates deeply for a moment.

Opalina says, "I guess the traveler went to the inn to get warm."

(Raelee gazes up at the airship, looking lost in thought.)

(Roelon grabs a loose pebble on the ground and uselessly tosses it towards the airship.)

Roelon bellows a guttural series of oaths.

Speaking to Grutak, you say, "Perhaps if the Regulators wish to take action, they can offer escort to the merchants from the landing for a time."

Pukk grins at Roelon.

Randsford nods in agreement to you.

Roelon glances at the South Gate.

Speaking to Roelon, Pukk says, "You can throw better than that."

Vaemyr nods at Lylia.

Rorium gazes up into the heavens.

Speaking to you, Sorlu says, "That is a good idea."

Lilanna nods to you.

Guard Corporal Sleetwood says, "That was..."

Falvicar frowns.

Perigourd nods in agreement.

Grutak says, "No one other than Opalina, Sorlu and Roelon have authority here at the moment. THe fact that foriegners drove all of this is... asinine. There is no leadership in Icemule it seems."

Rimo just arrived.

Speaking to Roelon, Randsford says, "This is what you get for having that cat instead of a bird."

Randsford squints at Roelon.

Guard Corporal Sleetwood says, "A bit terrifying."

Enter the Wyrm

Preceded by a droning whine, the White Wyrm soars into view as it begins its descent from the skies.

Randsford gazes up into the heavens.

Sorlu raises an eyebrow in Grutak's direction.

Pukk says, "Uh oh."

Sorndawne just went west.

Dendum blinks.

Vaemyr glances up.

Lilanna asks, "What is that???"

Randsford asks, "What in the name of the Goddess is that...?"

Sorlu smiles quietly to himself.

Vaemyr asks, "What's that?"

Perigourd grunts.

Sorlu says, "Ah, there we are..."

Pukk says, "Things just got interesting."

Rorium grins at Kiyou.

Teaberry says, "ANother airship, it looks like."

Lilanna peers quizzically at Sorlu.

You gaze up into the heavens.

Grutak says, "Better get your weapons out."

Missoni glances up.

Sorlu smiles at Lilanna.

Sorlu winks at Lilanna.

Lilanna says, "A bigun."

Ceilia says, "Few of the vultures congregating tonight."

You say, "That one is different."

Blade Yardie just arrived.

Blade Yardie just went through the South Gate.

Speaking deeply to Grutak, Roelon says, "Ye would hae us kill first, as always....."

Rorium gazes up into the sky.

Vaemyr nods to you.

Duksa gazes up into the heavens.

Kiyou removes a perfect bronze-shafted mithril lance from in her harness.

Roelon tilts his head up.

Perigourd cocks his head at Raelee.

Speaking to Guard Corporal Sleetwood, Burrhus says, "I'd imagine that will be a fun entry in the duty log."

Roelon deeply says, "Well..."

Falvicar nods at Roelon.

Roelon glances at Sorlu.

Randsford glances at Roelon.

Speaking to Lilanna, Sorlu whispers aloud, "As I've said...we are not without teeth."

Lilanna nods at Sorlu.

Roelon glances at Randsford.

Missoni mutters, "I doubt you want to attack that ship."

Speaking to Roelon, Grutak says, "No, I'd have you be prepared."

Roelon touches Randsford.

Teaberry says, "Grutak, half of us are magic-users. Our weapons always with us."

Rimo just went west.

Roelon tilts his head up.

Speaking to Roelon, Randsford says, "That looks like the Wyrms from the north..."

The sleek white airship streaks toward the town, circling the red-hulled vessel. It moves with incredible speed, emitting a high-pitched whine as it races through the skies.

Missoni nods in agreement at Perigourd.

Pukk says, "I will hide behing Lylia."

Grutak concentrates deeply for a moment.

Pukk nods.

Speaking to Sorlu, Lilanna says, "I nay disagreee, but i would not attack an unarmed boy."

Pukk quickly ducks behind Lylia.

Sorlu grins slowly.

Roelon deeply says, "Hmmm.."

You cover your ears.

Queatus nods.

Lylia moves to stand in front of Pukk.

Guard Corporal Sleetwood gazes heavenward, a look of shock on his face.

Duksa says, "Zzoooom."

Perigourd grunts.

Grutak says, "It's not here for us... exactly."

Vaemyr ponders.

Randsford glances at Grutak.

Roelon whispers something to Sorlu.

Lilanna peers quizzically at Grutak.

Grutak says, "That's not a Vaalorian airship."

Roelon deeply says, "That not."

Sorlu agrees with Grutak.

Vaemyr says, "Not the way it's acting, no."

Roelon agrees with Grutak.

Speaking to Grutak, you say, "It does not appear to be."

Lilanna asks, "What is it?"

Sorlu warmly says, "It most certainly isn't."

Randsford works his fingers under his banded knight's helm and scratches his head.

Rorium asks, "Then what is it?"

Sorlu smiles quietly to himself.

Falvicar sarcastically says, "Surprise surprise."

Lilanna says, "Or who."

Missoni nods knowingly at Perigourd.

Falvicar says, "Exactly."

Falvicar nods at Lilanna.

Raelee asks, "... is that the 'project' Venquinor lent the plinite too?"

Grutak says, "I'm telling you to arm yourselves to kill it's victims."

Pukk says, "Maybe there is going to be an air battle."

Raelee gazes up into the heavens.

Speaking to Raelee, Perigourd says, "Most likely."

Randsford says, "Whatever it is I hope it teaches those Vaalorians some manners."

Vaemyr asks, "That the Gnome's new manticore maybe?"

Randsford grumbles.

Speaking to Raelee, Lilanna asks, "Whosat?"

Speaking to Raelee, Missoni says, "That is my assumption."

Duksa removes a rune staff from in her deerskin backpack.

Jiarine glares at Randsford.

Rimo just arrived.

Speaking to Vaemyr, Dendum corrects, ""Burghals....they are burghals....and that is no manticore....something new."

Speaking distractedly to Lilanna, Raelee says, "Paidreg Venquinor."

Speaking to Jiarine, Randsford asks, "Oh and you would want us to randomly walk in to your shop and seize goods?"

Randsford begins chuckling at Jiarine!

Jiarine says, "Yes. I have so many items already."

Duksa fidgets.

Lilanna says, "I am nae familiar wit that name."

A single loud crack echoes through the air as the white ship fires one of its cannons. It is a clear warning shot, the projectile arcing through the air far from the Vaalor ship's port bow. After a long moment, the Vaalor ship turns and begins moving away from the town, headed back toward the Dragonspine.

Blade Yardie just arrived.

Rorium winces.

Speaking to Dendum, Vaemyr says, "I just mean flying weapon generally, cause that's what it seem...."

Vaemyr says, "Uhhh."

Ceilia releases a slow, low whistle.

Sorlu lets out a cheer!

Duksa raises her arms defensively in front of her face and ducks behind them.

Pukk chuckles.

Missoni nods slightly.

Sorlu exclaims, "Take that, Vaalor!"

Pukk says, "They got the message."

Sorlu laughs!

Burrhus says, "Things have surely escalated."

Grutak lets out a cheer!

Rimo snaps his fingers.

The royal penguin squawks.

The White Wyrm lands nearby, the sound of its engines dimming away.

You say, "They left quickly."

Perigourd shakes his head.

(Lylia shades her eyes and watches the progress of the retreating Vaaloran airship.)

Randsford nods.

Commander Roblar just arrived.

Vaemyr says, "Well."

Perigourd just went east.

Commander Roblar just went west.

Sorlu says, "Icemule skies belong to Icemule...and Icemule alone."

Sorlu nods once.

Roelon tilts his head up.

Speaking to Roelon, you ask, "Shall we go see who is flying that thing?"

Roelon slowly empties his lungs.

Pukk glances at Lylia.

Pukk grins.

Magister Raelee just went east.

Rorium nods at Sorlu.

Roelon just moved quietly east, with his group following closely.

[Icemule Trace, Exterior - 3055] (u4050323)

Workbenches and temporary shelters of pinewood dot the hardy red tundra grasses on the small thoroughfare, which passes beneath the high stone walls of Icemule Trace. The fortifications span east and west for quite a distance in either direction. At this close a proximity, the bustle of Icemule Trace's southern gate is a dull roar in the crisp, cold air. You also see a massive snowy white tiger, a resplendent obsidian black raven that is flying around, an animated flayed gigas disciple, the web-draped Missoni disk, a lazy wild reddish-black dog, a sleek snow white airship, a worn redwood gangplank and a gleaming fireleaf airship.

Also here: Pukk, Chronicler Falvicar, Imperatrix Lylia, Lord Sorlu, Roelon, Magister Raelee, Defender of Mist Harbor Teaberry, Dendum, Missoni, Town Councilor Vaemyr, Perigourd

Roelon glances at a sleek snow white airship.

Perigourd gazes thoughtfully at a sleek snow white airship.

Ceilia just arrived.

Roelon takes a moment to observe a sleek snow white airship.

Perigourd says, "Golvern.."

Missoni nods once to a sleek snow white airship.

Lord Randsford just arrived.

The airship is small, sleek, and predatory in shape, clearly built for combat. Its hoarbeam hull is shielded by riveted plates of stark white golvern that gleams like fresh snowfall. A figurehead of the same metal rears from the prow of the ship, wrought in the form of a prowling wyrm with its claws outstretched.

Perigourd says, "A stout warship."

Roelon deeply says, "My my..."

Speaking to Sorlu, Grutak says, "Took long enough."

Raelee joins Roelon's group.

Sorlu grins at Grutak.

You gaze with interest at a sleek snow white airship.

Speaking to Grutak, Sorlu says, "We had to make sure it was ready."

Speaking deeply to Grutak, Roelon asks, "Thats ah fine lookin' ship?"

Dendum tinkers with a sleek snow white airship.

A crewman extends a gangplank from the ship.

Lilanna nods at Roelon.

Speaking to Sorlu, Grutak says, "I was runnin out of crazy things to say and do."

Aboard the White Wyrm

[The White Wyrm, Gangway - ] (u12101101)

Bulkheads press in unforgivingly to either side of the narrow gangway that allows egress from the ship. Threaded through the pale imflass paneling are thin veniom filaments, the bluish metal agleam with glints of silver. Above the escape hatch, a fanciful metal placard depicts a cold wyrm with its wings spread and snout at a defiant upward tilt. You also see a massive snowy white tiger, a resplendent obsidian black raven that is flying around, a lazy wild reddish-black dog and a heavy hoarbeam gangplank.

Roelon just moved quietly west, with his group following closely.

[The White Wyrm, Main Deck - ] (u12101102)

Evenly lit by glimaerstone spheres set into the overhead, the intersection of the main deck is narrow. Veniom filaments travel along the bulkheads, which are made of teak and reinforced with pale imflass the color of fog. They fan out from a hatch to the west that is also the source of the low, rumbling thrum that pulses through the deck. At the northern end of the corridor, a reinforced hoarbeam door carved with a rampant mule is stationed at the center of the bulkhead. You also see a massive snowy white tiger, the web-draped Missoni disk and a lazy wild reddish-black dog.

Roelon just slipped quietly through a reinforced hoarbeam door, with his group following closely.

[The White Wyrm, Captain's Cabin - ] (u12101106)

Far from ostentatious, the cabin is a small chamber graced by few personal touches. The bunk is tidily made, its blanket embroidered with a blue mule, and a teak sea chest is situated at its foot. A small grey and blue carpet occupies the deck before a reinforced hoarbeam door. You also see a massive snowy white tiger.

[The White Wyrm, Main Deck - ] (u12101102)

Evenly lit by glimaerstone spheres set into the overhead, the intersection of the main deck is narrow. Veniom filaments travel along the bulkheads, which are made of teak and reinforced with pale imflass the color of fog. They fan out from a hatch to the west that is also the source of the low, rumbling thrum that pulses through the deck. At the northern end of the corridor, a reinforced hoarbeam door carved with a rampant mule is stationed at the center of the bulkhead. You also see a massive snowy white tiger and a silver-shaded creamy white dormouse.

[The White Wyrm, Main Deck - ] (u12101103)

Toward the fore of the ship, the main deck widens. Crates and supplies are stacked along the bulkheads, secured to them by hooks and sturdy hempen ropes, save around the base of a pale metal ladder that leads to the upper deck. They leave sufficient space to access crew quarters through a narrow archway in the eastern wall. Heavily reinforced with golvern, a riveted imflass hatch leads toward the ship's bridge. You also see a massive snowy white tiger, a silver-shaded creamy white dormouse, an animated flayed gigas disciple, the web-draped Missoni disk, an angular fire wyrdling and a lazy wild reddish-black dog.

Also here: Pukk, Chronicler Falvicar, Magister Raelee, Imperatrix Lylia, Lord Sorlu, Lord Randsford, Roelon, Town Councilor Vaemyr, Jiarine, Missoni, Perigourd, Mayor Talliver

Speaking to Talliver, Perigourd says, "I expect this answers my last question."

Missoni greets, "Mayor Dabbings."

Roelon slowly empties his lungs.

Speaking to Talliver, you greet, "Good timing, Mayor."

Speaking to Perigourd, Talliver asks, "You had more than one?"

Falvicar nods understandingly at Pukk.

Perigourd chuckles.

Sorlu looks thoughtfully at Talliver.

Randsford glances suspiciously at Talliver.

Roelon nods to Talliver in greeting.

Dendum nods at Talliver.

Speaking to Talliver, Perigourd says, "Always more."

Pukk waves to Talliver.

Speaking to Talliver, Vaemyr says, "Evening..."

Speaking to Talliver, Randsford says, "You've been busy Mayor."

Speaking to Talliver, Perigourd says, "I like the plating."

Perigourd nods appreciatively at Talliver.

Speaking to Talliver, Sorlu says, "Good evening, Mayor Dabbings."

With straightened posture and a firm chin, Sorlu presents himself to Talliver with a short, courteous bow.

Lylia bows to Talliver.

Speaking deeply to Talliver, Roelon says, "Ah fine bit of flying it seems."

Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Lilanna just arrived.

Speaking quietly to herself, Raelee asks, "... where is the engine room?"

Teaberry asks, "Good evening...should it be Captain Dabbings?"

Lilanna bows to Talliver.

Roelon grins slowly.

Talliver folds his arms over his chest.

Roelon deeply says, "Took ye long enough to ask."

Drawing her left leg behind her right, Teaberry briefly dips into a respectful curtsy before Talliver and bows her head.

Roelon snickers.

Queatus just arrived.

Lilanna gazes in wonder at her surroundings.

Speaking to Raelee, Perigourd says, "I would expect buried within the most heavily armored part of the vessel."

Roelon casually observes his surroundings.

Talliver says, "Hardly. The ship will have a captain of her own once we've had time to search for one."

Sorlu smiles at Vaemyr.

Falvicar nods at Talliver.

Roelon nods at Talliver.

Kiyou nods.

Missoni nods thoughtfully.

Teaberry says, "It's a beautiful ship."

Randsford asks, "Hate to bring down the excitement but what are we to do when the Vaalorians show up with multiple ships?"

Randsford squints.

Sorlu agrees with Teaberry.

Lilanna nods.

Speaking to Randsford, Grutak says, "Already covered."

Lilanna says, "An i thought tha firebird was beautifull... but this...."

Sorlu removes a sheet of purple and ebon paper with silvery crescents from in his dark hematite overcoat.

Randsford raises an eyebrow in Grutak's direction.

Captain Brashton just came through a riveted imflass hatch.

Perigourd nods in greeting at Brashton.

Grutak concentrates deeply for a moment.

Vaemyr glances at Brashton.

Lilanna turns toward Brashton and renders a sharp hand salute.

Randsford nods to Brashton in greeting.

Dendum begins chortling at Brashton.

Grutak says, "This thing is faster than theirs and can handle multilple targets."

Sorlu put a slender Nalfein-styled cane in his dark hematite overcoat.

Speaking to Brashton, Raelee says, "Captain."

Sorlu nimbly works his paper, almost effortlessly creating what's beginning to look like a tart.

Brashton says, "Well, we should have had you to send us off."

Tucking a final fold into place, Sorlu finishes his origami tart.

Speaking to Brashton, Vaemyr says, "Evening to you as well captain."

Brashton chuckles.

Grutak says, "It also has more cannons I believe."

Lylia nods in greeting at Brashton.

Sorlu offers Talliver a quaint purple and ebon origami tart.

Speaking to Brashton, Raelee asks, "Is this where the other half of the plinite went?"

Rorium says, "I like cannons."

Speaking to Talliver, Sorlu says, "Something to remember tonight by."

Brashton mimes tipping his cap.

Speaking to Grutak, Randsford says, "So it seems we have a warship for our the start of our own air support."

Speaking to Talliver, Sorlu says, "Perhaps you can enjoy it during a quiet time."

Grutak nods at Randsford.

Talliver accepts Sorlu's origami tart.

Talliver nods.

Licks of flame rise up from Roelon's leather hiking boots.

Roelon grins at Sorlu.

Blade Yardie just arrived.

Brashton nods at Raelee.

Speaking to Brashton, Perigourd asks, "One expects you helped with the design?"

Adalie slings an ipantor light crossbow over her shoulder.

Brashton says, "I did. And the gnomes."

Nalver just arrived.

Perigourd nods thoughtfully.

Vaemyr nods slowly.

Sorlu nods once.

Randsford nods slowly at Grutak.

Brashton says, "She's small, but almost as heavy as the Firebird with all this metal."

Pukk chuckles.

Nalver nods to Brashton in greeting.

Rorium nods approvingly.

Speaking to Brashton, Nalver says, "Well met to see you again."

Pukk nods.

Vaemyr says, "She's very fast an manueverabl though it seemed."

Speaking to Brashton, Dendum asks, ""How did you get so much Golvern?"

Speaking to Brashton, Raelee asks, "Is the engine design the same as the Firebird or did you make improvements?"

Speaking to Brashton, Grutak says, "She's got alot of speed and highly maneuverable from what I've seen."

Lylia says, "And well stocked, I see."

Speaking to Raelee, Brashton says, "See for yourself."

Grutak concentrates deeply for a moment.

Brashton grins.

Jiarine asks, "Is this where the missing town funds vanished to?"

Speaking to Brashton, Raelee says, "I will."

Missoni furrows her brow.

Speaking to Dendum, Talliver says, "The golvern was my doing."

Dendum nods at Talliver.

Speaking to Dendum, Yardie says, "I saw the Krakenbird."

Speaking to Talliver, Dendum remarks, ""No small thing getting enough for a ship."

Pukk says, "That must have taken a lot of resources."

Pukk nods.

Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Speaking cautiously to Pukk, Talliver says, "More than I'd care to discuss."

Roelon nods at Sorlu.

Pukk nods understandingly.

Brashton says, "Seemed you were having a bit of trouble."

Dendum nods at Brashton.

Sorlu adopts an agreeable expression.

Randsford nods.

Brashton says, "Unless those Vaalor were just there to provide some shade at night."

Dendum glances between Sorlu and Talliver.

Randsford says, "Seems Vaalorians think they rule the lands now not just our skies."

Randsford says, "They seized some merchant traveling to Icemule."

Speaking to Brashton, Perigourd says, "They were pushing the boundaries of hospitality to their limit."

Speaking to Talliver, Grutak says, "The Vaalorians are forming a seige around Icemule. Checking people for contraband and searching their cargos."

Queatus agrees with Sorlu.

Pukk says, "Just some bullies."

Rorium frowns.

Grutak concentrates deeply for a moment.

Speaking thoughtfully to himself, Perigourd says, "And perhaps a bit past."

Sorlu agrees with Grutak.

Speaking to Grutak, Dendum says, ""taking cargo."

Roelon's sliver of grey shadowglass pulses against his forehead, giving off a faint pale grey glow.

Dendum nods at Grutak.

Vaemyr nods at Dendum.

Roelon deeply says, "Sadly, those on that ship were disrupting trade between ah merchant and our town indeed."

Falvicar says, "That is not a siege. Siege would imply armies and siege weapons."

Falvicar smirks at Grutak.

Speaking to Talliver, Grutak says, "Correction, confiscating their cargos for search."

Lylia notes, "A merchant from Wehnimer's Landing, at that, a town that has historically had free and easy trade with this one."

Talliver folds his arms over his chest.

Speaking to Talliver, Sorlu says, "Grutak speaks the truth. The Vaalorians now have begun to stop merchants travelling through our lands. They have the audacity to declare some items now as contraband."

Roelon nods at Lylia.

Talliver gazes thoughtfully at his origami tart.

Speaking to Falvicar, Grutak asks, "You need a proper education don't ya?"

Rorium nods at Lylia.

Talliver put a quaint purple and ebon origami tart in his pale blue doublet.

Speaking to Grutak, Falvicar says, "Would seem it's you with your poor choice of words."

Speaking to Grutak, Falvicar says, "Warmonger."

Sorlu nods at Talliver.

Randsford glances between Falvicar and Grutak.

Talliver glances at Brashton.

Speaking to Falvicar, Grutak says, "At least I stand for something."

Rimo shifts his weight.

Talliver says, "Firing on them might have started a war."

Vaemyr says, "They had no right to sieze a merchant or their supplies from the Landing, however after what just happened, I'm a bit afraid we will not see those goods against."

Randsford says, "Both of you take it off the airship, we have more pressing matters."

Roelon nods at Vaemyr.

Duksa glances between Falvicar and Grutak.

Lylia nods at Vaemyr.

Falvicar mutters standforlies.

Ceilia quietly says, "Seems like that was their plan with the cargo interdiction, regardless."

Queatus says, "I would say they started the war."

Roelon glances at Talliver and slowly exhales.

Dendum nods.

Speaking to Talliver, Brashton says, "It's an old naval tradition. A warning shot showed that we were serious."

Grutak agrees with Brashton.

Licks of flame rise up from Roelon's leather hiking boots.

Dendum slyly says, "And that you had cannons...."

Speaking to Talliver, Sorlu asks, "They continue to push their control over us. They must be stopped. Have we heard anything from Qalinor, or is diplomacy now dead?"

Dendum starts chortling.

Sorlu cocks his head at Talliver.

Lylia says, "The man said he was transporting armor and shields, not weapons. There is no reason to think otherwise, considering he would have been too heavily laden if he brought wares from both Aznell and Tykel."

Randsford nods in agreement at Sorlu.

Speaking to Brashton, Perigourd says, "It has however given over the element of surprise."

Speaking to Brashton, Vaemyr says, "That would work in the empire, not so sure about Vaalor customs and their airships."

Falvicar nods in agreement at Brashton.

Rorium shifts his weight.

Talliver says, "Diplomacy's not dead, but it's an uphill sprint at this point."

Sorlu surreptitiously glances at Perigourd.

Speaking deeply to Talliver, Roelon says, "War is nothing we wish. But it seems we were backed into ah corner."

Speaking to Lylia, Grutak asks, "And what if he had been transporting weapons? WHat right do the Vaalorians have to stop him from doing so?"

Talliver says, "If the deputy hadn't kidnapped that poor girl, we might not have needed to use the Wyrm at all."

Lylia shakes her head and turns away.

Opalina says, "The soldier mentioned someone being beat within an inch of their life."

Missoni frowns.

Speaking to Talliver, Sorlu says, "Up the side of a vertical cliff, it would seem...especially if Vaalor will not respond."

Speaking to Roelon, Grutak says, "Aye, we do not wish war. But if they bring it, they better be prepared for someone else to raise their sons and daughters."

Opalina says, "I bet he was told a rumor about the student."

Speaking deeply to Talliver, Roelon says, "The deputy needs to answer for that."

Speaking to Talliver, Dendum reminds, ""Vaalor was making moves in the west before the kidnapping....the botanist may have made them more wary but it not make them establish a fort near Icemule."

Speaking to Opalina, Jiarine says, "I SAW the student. Some rumors are true."

Brashton says, "I'm going to continue my inspection. Glad she didn't rattle apart, but the stresses still worry me."

Brashton nods.

Captain Brashton just went north.

Vaemyr ponders.

Vaemyr sighs.

Duksa glances north.

Perigourd ponders.

Falvicar nods slowly.

Speaking deeply to Opalina, Roelon asks, "Rumors only catch ones attention. The Deputy acted rashly, but then when hasn't he?"

Perigourd just went north.

Speaking to Sorlu, Grutak says, "Captain Brashton's got Eonakes Vultite balls I tell you."

Perigourd just arrived.

Speaking to Dendum, Yardie says, "I think right now, cooler heads need to prevail."

Perigourd just went north.

Roelon grins at Grutak.

Sorlu begins chuckling at Grutak!

Traitor in Our Midst

Talliver says, "If I'm being honest, I'm sure the ship won't come as a surprise to the Vaalor."

Roelon nods at Talliver.

Speaking nervously to Talliver, Yardie says, "No pun intended because...Icemule."

Jiarine just went north.

Speaking to Opalina, Talliver asks, "After all, they've been told all about her, haven't they?"

Speaking to Roelon, Opalina says, "He acted accordingly. She bairly had a scratch on her arm."

Randsford raises an eyebrow in Talliver's direction.

Grutak turns to face Opalina.

Randsford glances between Talliver and Opalina.

Sorlu glances between Talliver and Opalina.

Sorlu folds his arms over his chest.

Sorlu clenches his jaw.

Pukk waves to the owl.

Pukk beams!

Speaking to Opalina, Grutak says, "Might as well fess up instead of hiding it."

Rorium shifts his weight.

Speaking deeply to Opalina, Roelon asks, "Aye?"

Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Speaking to Talliver, Opalina says, "Of course they knew about the student."

Speaking deeply to Opalina, Roelon says, "Ah did nae see her mahself. So Ah cannae say."

Sorlu smirks at Opalina.

Speaking to Roelon, Grutak says, "Not the student..."

Opalina asks, "She did return home didn't she?"

Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Roelon nods at Grutak.

Pukk agrees with a pale-faced coppery barn owl.

Speaking to Opalina, Sorlu says, "He isn't speaking about that child, and you know this."

Perigourd just arrived.

Falvicar looks rather confused.

Vaemyr ponders.

Nalver nods at Talliver.

Perigourd just climbed up a pale metal ladder.

Rorium glances at a pale metal ladder.

Nalver just climbed up a pale metal ladder.

Talliver whispers something to Vaemyr.

Perigourd just climbed down a pale metal ladder.

Pukk chuckles.

Perigourd just went through a narrow archway.

Vaemyr nods at Talliver.

Nalver just climbed down a pale metal ladder.

Perigourd just came through a narrow archway.

Opalina says, "I haven't said a word."

Perigourd just went through a riveted imflass hatch.

Speaking to Opalina, Grutak says, "Ya can at least finally admit to yer crimes."

Nalver yells, "Kolita!"

Nalver asks, "She around helping out?"

Nalver just went through a riveted imflass hatch.

Roelon shifts his weight.

Falvicar smirks at Grutak.

Perigourd just came through a riveted imflass hatch.

Sorlu glances expectantly at Opalina.

Perigourd nods thoughtfully.

Pukk rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Speaking to Opalina, Sorlu says, "Councillor....the game is over. It is time for you to confess your crimes. They are known, and your silence at this point will do you no favors."

Speaking to Talliver, Perigourd asks, "How many cannons?"

Perigourd cocks his head at Talliver.

Speaking warningly to Grutak, Falvicar says, "You'd do well to stop accusing my wife of a crime and especially without any proof of whatever crime you're trying to fabricate that's been commited by her."

Falvicar glances at Sorlu.

Missoni sets her mouth in a thin line of disapproval.

Speaking to Perigourd, Talliver says, "Eight, though we may need more."

Perigourd nods in agreement at Talliver.

Speaking to Falvicar, Talliver says, "Falvicar."

Randsford blinks at Talliver.

Lylia raises an eyebrow.

Speaking to Talliver, Duksa asks, "Can you add more?"

Talliver says, "We have eyes and ears among the Vaalor, just as they do among our townsfolk."

Falvicar warningly says, "Nobody is going to take my wife to jail and especially with no proof."

Teaberry says, "I don't believe for a second that Opalina would do anything against Icemule."

Sorlu raises an eyebrow in Falvicar's direction.

Speaking to Grutak, Yardie asks, "What is your issue with Opalina?"

Rorium scratches his head.

Speaking to Falvicar, Sorlu warns, "She might not be the only one who goes, Falvicar."

Speaking to Yardie, Grutak says, "It's not me. It's Talliver."

Ceilia's eyes crinkle slightly at the edges.

Speaking to Falvicar, Talliver says, "She communicated intelligence about the White Wyrm's existence to the elves."

Speaking to Sorlu, Falvicar asks, "Where shall you be buried then?"

Yardie sighs.

Sorlu squints at Falvicar.

Falvicar examines his fingernails.

Speaking to Yardie, Grutak says, "She's been giving them information that was privy only to the Council."

Ceilia's eyes widen slightly.

Yardie asks, "Really?"

Speaking to Falvicar, you say, "You seem to be missing the point that the Mayor is the one who is exposing your wife."

Speaking to Falvicar, Sorlu asks, "Do you now add to the crimes by making a threat against the life of an active Councillor?"

Yardie says, "There's a place where you can throw punches if you're so eager to fight."

Speaking to Falvicar, you say, "Perhaps you do not know all she has done."

Roelon nods at Vaemyr.

Speaking to Talliver, Randsford asks, "I'm confused Mayor. You yourself dismissed Opalina's ambitions as hearsay last time we met. Now you claim she is feeding Vaalorians information?"

Yardie blinks at Dendum.

Speaking to Talliver, Falvicar says, "You nor anybody here will be taking her away if I have anything to say about it. I'd put up a fight if I must."

Pukk whispers something to Lylia.

Randsford glances suspiciously at Opalina.

Pukk grins at Lylia.

Roelon furrows his brow.

Speaking to Talliver, Opalina says, "Actually You are correct I did share information about the Airship with Gespry."

Queatus sighs.

Sorlu glances at Opalina and folds his arms over his chest.

Speaking to Falvicar, Talliver says, "I have no interest in jailing your wife."

Rorium glances at Opalina.

Ceilia's eyes wrinkle at the edges in mirth.

Lylia whispers something to Pukk.

Roelon frowns at Opalina.

Speaking to Opalina, Talliver says, "But you have lost my trust."

Speaking to Sorlu, Falvicar says, "And you and Grutak have been going after my wife at at every chance. So no. you will not be taking her to jail."

Pukk nods at Lylia.

Sorlu agrees with Talliver.

Speaking to Talliver, Grutak says, "You could hang her."

Opalina says, "We were in White Haven Im pretty sure there wasn't anyone there."

Perigourd scratches at his beard.

Speaking to Talliver, Sorlu says, "Treason is not punished with jail time..."

Sorlu removes a rough noose made from a coil of hemp rope from in his dark hematite overcoat.

Sorlu glances appraisingly at Opalina.

Pukk glances at a lazy wild reddish-black dog.

Pukk grins.

Queatus babbles something unintelligible.

Falvicar nods at Talliver.

Teaberry says, "Doesn't Gespry live here? I see him here seven days out of ten."

Rorium frowns.

Speaking to Talliver, you ask, "Is a loss of trust really the only consequence for leaking sensitive information to the Vaalorians?"

Speaking to Opalina, Sorlu asks, "So many trusted you. How could you do this?"

Licks of flame rise up from Roelon's leather hiking boots.

Pukk nods.

Yardie glances between Sorlu and Opalina.

Opalina sighs at Sorlu.

Speaking to Sorlu, Yardie asks, "I have to carry around a noose with you at all times?"

Speaking to Opalina, Sorlu asks, "Will you not at least beg forgiveness from those you betrayed?"

Speaking deeply to Opalina, Roelon says, "Ye spoke nothing to the Vaalorians? To know if ye did ..."

Pukk beams happily at Lylia!

Pukk hugs Lylia.

Pukk coughs.

Pukk flails his arms about.

Lylia blinks.

Randsford stares at Opalina.

Speaking simply to Yardie, Sorlu says, "Only when I believe it will be needed."

Falvicar nods once at Talliver.

Speaking to Opalina, Randsford says, "The truth Councilor. It is the only path."

Lylia leans on Pukk, giving him a companionable grin.

Speaking to Sorlu, Yardie asks, "So, all the time?"

Pukk blushes a glowing shade of red.

(Yardie glances around.)

Speaking to Sorlu, Talliver says, "I am not so quick to rush to calls of treason."

Yardie asks, "No one finds this odd?"

Speaking to Yardie, Sorlu says, "More often as of late, yes."

Sorlu glances at Talliver.

Sorlu slowly empties his lungs.

Speaking quietly to Opalina, Talliver says, "But you were sworn to utter secrecy."

Adalie agrees with Yardie.

Opalina says, "You said I could tell Gespry."

Speaking to Talliver, Grutak says, "At the very least she should be stripped of her position."

Rorium nods slowly at Yardie.

Vaemyr glances between Opalina and Talliver.

The sound of the wind whistling comes from outside.

Teaberry says, "I find the whole thing odd. Once again, the townsfolk are turning on each other and tearing each other apart. I bet Rammael is hiding in the shadows and cackling to himself."

Randsford nods in agreement at Teaberry.

Missoni nods at Perigourd.

Duksa searches around for a moment.

Falvicar rolls his eyes at Grutak.

Pukk waves to the penguin.

Pukk moves to pet a little blue penguin, but she evades the advance easily.

Pukk chuckles.

Speaking to Opalina, Sorlu asks, "Who do you speak to in Ta'Vaalor?"

Yardie muses, "Good, I just wanted to know if I was missing some strange Icemule tradition. Noose on a Goose?"

Falvicar says, "You'd think a warmonger commander would be stripped of his position with how many times he's been warned to sheathe his blade."

Pukk nods.

Falvicar smirks.

Pukk sits down next to a little blue penguin.

Kiyou muses, "Maybe she could feed the Vaalorian's some bad information."

Rorium ponders.

Pukk pets a pale-faced coppery barn owl, which nuzzles his hand softly.

The dog opens its mouth wide in an extended yawn.

Roelon deeply says, "Warmongerin' does the town little good. But his heart if to this town, ah give him this."

Talliver slowly empties his lungs.

Falvicar sighs.

Roelon frowns at Opalina.

Speaking to Falvicar, Sorlu says, "A Councillor who gives away defensive military secrets to hostile foreign agents ranks a bit higher on my priority list."

Lilanna nods at Roelon.

Opalina says, "Actually I did hand a letter to the king while I was in Vaalor but it was to let him know that Talliver was seeking a meetings."

Queatus nods at Kiyou.

Opalina says, "Well not directly to him."

Opalina says, "To one of his guards."

Teaberry exclaims, "It hasn't even been confirmed that she DID feed the Vaalorians any information they shouldn't have!"

Speaking deeply to Opalina, Roelon asks, "Ah do remember this night. ...Cyik was it?"

Speaking to Opalina, Sorlu accuses, "It is now known. You discussed the White Wyrm with someone in Ta'Vaalor."

Opalina nods at Roelon.

Speaking to Sorlu, Falvicar says, "Maybe your ears are deaf. She said just Gespry and she was told she could tell him. But nonetheless that doesn't excuse your "Commander's" behavior."

Speaking deeply to Opalina, Roelon asks, "Is this why his returned his his eyes glaring?"

Roelon furrows his brow.

Opalina says, "'Sorlu I did I spoke with Gespry about it."

Roelon deeply says, "Ah was concerned about such."

Speaking to Falvicar, Sorlu says, "Do not play word games with a Nalfein. We are not discussing Gespry."

Talliver nods slowly to you.

Speaking to Roelon, Opalina says, "I did not say anything about the Airship .."

Dendum frowns.

Sorlu peers quizzically at Opalina.

Speaking to Roelon, Opalina says, "I told him about our messages being intercepted."

Teaberry says, "She's not playing word games, and her heart is true blue."

Speaking deeply to Opalina, Roelon says, "Ah pray to Ronan ye did nae."

Opalina says, "And that Talliver wanted to talk to him."

Speaking to Opalina, Sorlu asks, "So then, your defense is that you did not tell the Vaalorians....that instead it was Gespry?"

Rimo just went north.

Speaking to Sorlu, Falvicar says, "Then we'll agree to disagree and silence ourselves to let them sort this out as it should be."

Falvicar sits down.

Perigourd folds his arms over his chest.

Speaking to Sorlu, Opalina asks, "Why would Gespry say anything?"

Talliver nods slowly.

Rorium shifts his weight.

Talliver says, "Mob justice is not Icemule justice."

Roelon nods at Talliver.

Kiyou glances at Rorium.

Speaking deeply to Talliver, Roelon says, "We must hae order."

Queatus nods.

Speaking to Falvicar, Sorlu says, "I do not agree to be silent. In fact, to remain silent at this moment would be a betrayal to those I serve and wish to protect."

Roelon deeply says, "We hae laws in our town."

Falvicar stands up.

Vaemyr says, "If you spoke about it, in Vaalor, they have magic wards all over the city, even if noone was there listening, someone might of been listening."

Rorium nods in agreement.

Speaking to Opalina, Talliver says, "The Council must meet to determine the facts of this matter."

Speaking to Talliver, you ask, "You are correct, Mayor. But it would seem there is enough here that perhaps a more orderly inquiry should be done?"

Vaemyr says, "Depending on where you were."

Vaemyr shrugs.

Roelon deeply says, "We will nae be savages."

Speaking to Opalina, Sorlu says, "Vaalor was told about the White Wyrm. I accuse you of being the one who did so."

You nod approvingly at Talliver.

Pukk grins.

Speaking to Vaemyr, Dendum remarks, ""Plus the city is crawling with elf loving burghals."

Speaking to Sorlu, Falvicar says, "Repeat after me. Gespry is who she talked to. Not a Vaalorian. And she said she had permission to talk to Gespry. And you're screaming traitor over that."

Randsford frowns.

You say, "A meeting to discuss and come to the facts of this matter seems a good next step."

Grutak says, "It would be wise to strip her of any power until such time as she is cleared, if she is cleared."

Lilanna agrees with Grutak.

Pukk stands up.

Randsford says, "Once again we are distracted from the real threat. We just fired upon a Vaalorian ship, there will be a response. The time to judge and argue over what Councilor Opalina did or did not do will come. For now we must discuss and prepare for their response."

Speaking to Grutak, Yardie asks, "She's in the Council, isn't she?"

Randsford nods firmly.

Speaking to Falvicar, Sorlu says, "You still play word games, even after advised against it. Your wife is a traitor to Icemule. She spoke of our town defenses, secret defenses, to those who have been hostile towards us. I am wondering if you too should be accused of such a thing."

Lylia gazes admiringly at Randsford.

Grutak nods at Yardie.

Rorium nods at Randsford.

Burrhus shakes his head.

Sorlu agrees with Grutak.

Speaking to Grutak, Falvicar says, "You too then as you keep wanting to fire and shed blood and have your weapon out even when at Vaalor itself. Til you perhaps can learn something of diplomacy.. if ever."

Dendum says, "Well....regardless the elves surely know of ship now."

Ceilia's eyes crinkle slightly at the edges.

Speaking to Grutak, Yardie asks, "You want her removed from the Council?"

Roelon nods at Dendum.

Vaemyr nods at Dendum.

Teaberry nods at Dendum.

Speaking to Talliver, Randsford says, "Mayor what is our next course of action for the Vaalorians? We must prepare a response and prepare for all possibilities."

Sorlu says, "At this time, until this is resolved, much as was done with Bakarus...I call for Councillor Opalina's powers to be suspended until such a time comes that a proper invesigation, and if need be, trial, are held."

Speaking to Sorlu, Falvicar says, "YOU are not the judge and jury. She is NOT a traitor til proven."

Falvicar squints at Sorlu.

Perigourd glances appraisingly at Sorlu.

Sorlu agrees with Falvicar.

Queatus nods.

Speaking to Falvicar, Grutak says, "My job, has never, ever... been about Diplomacy. My job is war. My job is carnage. My job is to make the otherside so feared that they wet themselves thinking about us."

Queatus says, "Seems sensible."

Speaking to Grutak, Falvicar says, "Clearly."

Speaking to Falvicar, Sorlu says, "Then let us have that trial."

Roelon deeply says, "We will follow our laws."

Roelon nods at Sorlu.

Lylia nods slowly at Yardie.

Sorlu nods at Falvicar.

Yardie asks, "Shouldn't she be allowed to speak her case?"

Roelon deeply says, "But as Randsford mentioned."

Roelon deeply says, "We hae ah bigger problem to focus on."

Randsford nods in agreement at Roelon.

Speaking to Yardie, you say, "I believe that is what is being suggested."

Roelon deeply says, "The Vaalorians will respond."

Lilanna nods at Roelon.

Speaking to Roelon, Sorlu says, "Of course, Councillor."

Sorlu nods at Roelon.

Pukk says, "The people of Icemule are much more resilient to let something like this set them back."

Opalina ponders.

Dendum begins chortling at Vaemyr.

Vaemyr stares at Grutak.

Speaking to Opalina, Yardie asks, "If you were suspended, who would be the remaining Councilmembers?"

Speaking to Sorlu, Falvicar says, "She will not be proven a traitor and if she is and you or anybody else tries to kill or harm her in any other way then so help me, I will prevent it."

Grutak glances at Vaemyr.

Talliver gets a hard look in his eyes, folding his hands behind his back.

Randsford says, "There are two issues at hand. There are now Vaalorians patroling our lands as well as our skies. There will also likely be a response of multiple ships to counter and intimidate us."

Opalina squints at Talliver.

Speaking to Falvicar, Sorlu says, "We shall see."

Speaking warningly to Sorlu, Falvicar says, "Not a finger on her."

Kiyou asks, "What do the Vaalorian's want? Surely not some merchant's cargo. Are they searching for something in our lands?"

Speaking to Yardie, Opalina says, "Roelon and Sorlu and Gespry."

Talliver says, "While this is Council business, it is also a charged matter."

Lilanna raises an eyebrow.

Randsford nods at Kiyou.

Lylia nods knowingly at Kiyou.

Speaking to Opalina, Yardie says, "Gespry."

Speaking to Teaberry, Talliver says, "You have served as a judge for this town once."

Yardie mutters, "I see the play."

Speaking to Talliver, Opalina asks, "What is your proof?"

Speaking to Kiyou, Randsford says, "They seem to be asserting their authority it would seem."

Speaking to Kiyou, Lylia murmurs, "That is the real question. I am curious about it as well."

Sorlu agrees with Talliver.

Speaking to Teaberry, Talliver asks, "Would you serve as an adjudicator for the Council on this matter?"

Falvicar frowns.

Rorium ponders.

Roelon folds his arms over his chest.

Queatus nods.

Kiyou says, "Authority? Now? Why? There needs to be some other reason. They wouldn't just suddenly want to be here."

Randsford whispers something to Roelon.

You glance between Teaberry and Talliver.

Roelon grins.

Kiyou shrugs her shoulders, lifting her wings slightly.

Nalver just arrived.

Speaking to Kiyou, Dendum says, ""This started with stolen letter...but response continues to be greater than insult each time."

Lilanna says, "Alot of reasons, yet none founded on actual reason."

Sorlu nods encouragingly at Teaberry.

Teaberry nods at Talliver.

Sorlu smiles.

Teaberry says, "I will."

Kiyou raises an eyebrow in Dendum's direction.

Sorlu says, "Very good."

Sorlu nods at Teaberry.

Queatus nods.

Falvicar tightens his grip on his fireleaf runestaff.

Randsford says, "This has to be a result of the empire from the south. Vaalorians are trying to show their strength in our lands to dissuade them from further advances."

Nalver says, "I have some thoughts on current issues if we are discussing council issues. When there is time."

Pukk says, "The elves know that Icemule has the best bakers in the world and the elves want to control all the sweets."

Speaking to Kiyou, Dendum says, ""Stolen letter is delivered and they enter into unprofitable deal with Briarmoon at great expense.....Icemule gets angry and they build a fortress and bring more elf gets in a brawl and held in a cell and now they are stopping merchants and doing patrols."

Nalver says, "It is radical in that it is not radical from me."

Pukk nods sagely.

Rorium grins at Pukk.

Kiyou grins at Pukk.

Randsford says, "Icemule must let all nations know we are independent and rule our own lands. We will remain neutral to either empire as long as they do not interfere."

Falvicar nods in agreement at Roelon.

Roelon nods at Randsford.

Grutak grins at Vaemyr.

Lilanna agrees with Randsford.

Perigourd removes a robust dark maoral pipe from in his umber leather jerkin.

Perigourd lights his dark maoral pipe, placing it to his lips to take a contented puff as some green tendrils of fragrant smoke rise up about him.

Sorlu slowly empties his lungs.

Speaking to Dendum, Kiyou says, "Thank you for the details."

Randsford says, "But the "invaders" in our borders cannot be tolerated. We must seize any soldiers entering our lands if the Council and Mayor agree to such."

Kiyou ponders.

Randsford raises an eyebrow.

Roelon nods at Nalver.

Sorlu nods at Nalver.

Speaking to Opalina, Talliver says, "Our eyes and ears received word of a letter meant to be passed directly to the King in your name."

Queatus nods at Randsford.

Magister Raelee just arrived.

Raelee folds her arms over her chest.

Falvicar ponders.

Speaking to Randsford, Grutak says, "For once I agree with you."

Dendum nods at Kiyou.

You listen carefully to Talliver.

Speaking to Opalina, Talliver says, "However, I believe all of the facts must come to light."

Speaking to Grutak, Randsford says, "We agree more than you think."

Randsford nods approvingly at Grutak.

Speaking to Kiyou, Dendum says, "Seems every time they think a rock is thrown at them they respond with a cannon ball....makes no sense."

Talliver says, "The appropriate place to do so is not here."

Roelon nods at Talliver.

Sorlu agrees with Talliver.

Speaking to Talliver, Opalina says, "As you see fit Mayor."

Speaking to Grutak, Randsford says, "But notice I said seize. Not maim, not kill."

Randsford just nudged Grutak.

Lilanna grins at Randsford.

Pukk nods.

Speaking to Talliver, Grutak says, "I would not suggest a trial open to the public if you want to keep some semblance of order."

Speaking deeply to Talliver, Roelon says, "To put all our hearts at rest."

Opalina asks, "Would you like for me to be on house arrest for the time being?"

Lylia gives a sidelong glance at Pukk.

Grutak says, "Otherwise you'll have foriengers in here telling you how to run a court."

Pukk whistles a jaunty tune and glances about the area.

Speaking to Talliver, Vaemyr says, "Any thought that could of been Rammael."

Opalina says, "So you know where I am until this can be handled properly."

Burrhus just arrived.

Pukk grins slowly.

Vaemyr asks, "Like... they kinda did the same thing before didn't they?"

Randsford nods approvingly at Opalina.

Speaking to Randsford, Grutak says, "Let me teach you about Berserking... then tell me not to maim and kill."

Nalver nods at Sorlu.

Speaking to Opalina, Talliver says, "It would not serve any good. If you flee from Icemule Trace before this adjudication, I will see you banished from the town."

Pukk nods at Lylia.

Speaking deeply to Vaemyr, Roelon says, "His paw could hae been in this."

Opalina's plumille houppelande bends inward for a brief moment.

Perigourd chuckles.

Sorlu nods at Talliver.

Speaking to Vaemyr, Lylia remarks, "We should let merchants know that Icemule Trace is not welcoming to 'foreigners' at this moment and suggest alternatives, perhaps."

Falvicar nods at Roelon.

Speaking to Opalina, Talliver says, "I think you love this town enough to ensure that does not happen, whatever you may have done."

Randsford looks over at Lylia and shakes his head.

Opalina says, "Absolutely."

Speaking to Lylia, Grutak asks, "If you dont' want free trade that's fine. I speak of interferance in our soveriegnty. Unless that's something only for Landing folk?"

Speaking to Opalina, Yardie says, "So don't leave. Fight. Defend yourself and do what you must."

Speaking to Lylia, Randsford says, "That is the wrong message. There will be refugees if this escalates. There will be those that wish to flee and join our cause. We must be open and welcoming."

Lilanna nods at Randsford.

(Lylia seems to be assiduously ignoring Grutak, addressing her remarks to others instead.)

Opalina nods at Yardie.

Lylia nods at Perigourd.

Falvicar wraps Opalina in a tender embrace.

Opalina says, "It's not the first time I've been accused."

Talliver says, "I had hoped for a warmer first landing for this ship."

Opalina glances at Grutak.

Speaking to Opalina, Yardie says, "Probably won't be the last."

Talliver quietly says, "However, she was made for battle."

Speaking to Vaemyr, Grutak says, "By the way you owe me an ale."

Speaking to Lylia, Vaemyr says, "I hope things do not need to come to that. The Mayor here has been quite good to us in trade these past months."

Speaking to Talliver, Perigourd says, "I find her impressive."

Speaking to Talliver, Dendum remarks, ""Would have to fly to the sea of fire for warmth these days."

Lilanna nods at Talliver.

Sorlu peers quizzically at Lylia.

Rorium says, "It was a welcome sight regardless."

Speaking calmly to Lylia, you say, "Icemule has always and continues to be a place where many from all walks of life are welcome."

Speaking to Vaemyr, Grutak says, "Ya knocked mine outta my hand."

Speaking to Randsford, Lylia says, "I understand, and forgive me for being flippant. It is, after all, one of our own merchants who was detained, which is why I felt the need to stay and see the outcome."

Speaking to Talliver, Randsford says, "Least we didn't crash like our other first flight."

Opalina says, "She really is beautiful. She will serve Icemule well."

Randsford shrugs at Talliver.

Pukk says, "She might be smaller but I'm sure she will pack a big punch."

Nalver joins Roelon's group.

Pukk nods at Talliver.

Report on Vaalorian Soldier

Speaking to Talliver, Lilanna asks, "Ye have been updated about the young soldier lad that ran off?"

Randsford nods understandingly at Lylia.

Rorium glances at Randsford.

Roelon grins at Randsford.

Lylia inclines her head.

Speaking deeply to Randsford, Roelon says, "Dinnae curse it."

Talliver looks over at Lilanna and shakes his head.

Roelon whistles something nasty between clenched teeth.

Vaemyr glances at Grutak.

Lilanna frowns.

Randsford flashes Roelon a wolfish grin.

Speaking to Lylia, Sorlu asks, "Perhaps I missed something. Who stated that foreign merchants and visitors are not welcome?"

Speaking deeply to Talliver, Roelon asks, "Also...kin she go ....faster?"

Vaemyr says, "Didn't see that, but if I did, I will happily replace an ale."

Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Speaking to Roelon, Perigourd says, "She seemed more maneuverable than the Vaalorain vesels."

Duksa asks, "Can we go for a ride?"

Falvicar leans on his runestaff.

Speaking to Talliver, Lilanna says, "A Landin mercant was accosted on the road by a vaalorian soldier a bit berfore ye arrived."

Roelon nods at Perigourd.

Speaking to Vaemyr, Grutak asks, "I'll drink one with ya if yer up for it after this?"

Sorlu grins at you.

Speaking to Roelon, Perigourd says, "I expect the plinite core helps with that."

Speaking to Sorlu, Lylia says, "Mm, I may have misheard something about 'foreigners' being made unwelcome here. Forgive me; the points of my ears grow cold, and I do not hear as well, perhaps."

Speaking to Talliver, you say, "The Vaalorians have taken to stopping merchants and siezing their wares under the guise of searching for contraband."

Duksa fidgets.

Lylia smiles.

Speaking to Talliver, Lilanna says, "And we questioend him at the south gate.... asked Sleetwood ta arrest him several times and he just idled about."

Sorlu smiles at Lylia.

Falvicar nods to you.

Teaberry says, "Trelann Kylann Vaalor. He acted very young and smirked a great deal."

Sorlu nods understandingly at Lylia.

You nod.

Falvicar asks, "That... is how you word it. See the difference?"

Falvicar peers quizzically at Grutak.

Speaking to Teaberry, Grutak says, "Reminds me of you."

Speaking to Lilanna, Dendum remarks, ""Maybe was worried would get in trouble like the last constable that arrested an elf."

Grutak grins at Teaberry.

Falvicar snickers to himself.

Rorium shifts his weight.

Perigourd scratches at his beard.

Speaking to Lilanna, Randsford says, "Next time we web or bind the soldier."

Randsford nods at Lilanna.

Speaking to Dendum, Lilanna says, "Perhaps but he ignored us altogether."

Lylia nods at Teaberry.

Dendum nods at Lilanna.

Sorlu leans against a pale metal ladder.

Sorlu folds his arms over his chest.

Roelon glances at a pale metal ladder.

Sorlu glances at a rough noose made from a coil of hemp rope in his hand.

Sorlu put a rough noose made from a coil of hemp rope in his dark hematite overcoat.

Lilanna says, "Those are not my capabilities."

Speaking to Falvicar, Grutak asks, "I wasn't paying attentionto you sorry, what are you flappin your gums about?"

Randsford waggles his fingers mystically at Lilanna. How nice.

Randsford winks at Lilanna.

Falvicar glances at Grutak and yawns.

Lilanna waggles her fingers mystically at Randsford. How nice.

Teaberry says, "If I act lik Trelann, then I apologize to the entire town. Because he was dreadful."

Speaking to Talliver, you say, "It would seem that what happened to the botanist girl has spurred this new development and the soldier boy felt justified in what they are doing and claims he is acting on orders from his commander, though he offered no name."

Speaking to Roelon, Falvicar says, "No wonder he doesn't learn anything."

Speaking to Teaberry, Perigourd reassures, "You do not."

Talliver frowns.

Speaking to Teaberry, Yardie says, "I don't envy your position at all."

Speaking to Teaberry, Grutak says, "Not the entire town... just me."

Yardie hugs Teaberry, who wraps him in a warm embrace.

Speaking to Randsford, Lilanna says, "'now... if he had hurt her... and had been armed... i mighta been able to shatter his weapon and arm."

Speaking to Talliver, Nalver says, "If we are being fully transparent, a cleric that works for me spoke to Her Reflection, the Argent Mirror, and repeated some of my ideas about going ons. He was asked to write to her and did. Last I heard, she has not responded."

Speaking to Talliver, Sorlu asks, "What do you think the Vaalorians will do now that they have seen our White Wyrm in action?"

Roelon grins at Nalver.

Lylia nods at Missoni.

Talliver nods at Nalver.

Talliver says, "I have heard the Vaalor were given orders to patrol, but to stay far from Icemule Trace."

Randsford nods at Lilanna.

Lylia nods sympathetically at Teaberry.

Roelon nods at Talliver.

Falvicar nods.

Speaking to Sorlu, Yardie answers, "They might see it as an act of aggression if people get too careless."

Speaking deeply to Talliver, Roelon says, "That did nae look like ...stayng away.."

Roelon deeply says, "Strange indeed."

Speaking to Talliver, Dendum says, ""To see them so active south between landing and mule.....this is new."

Speaking to Talliver, you say, "The ship that the, White Wyrm was it? scared off, had just scooped the soldier from the south gate."

Falvicar agrees with Roelon.

Lylia says, "At the gates hardly seems far enough."

Teaberry says, "The merchant said that he'd been ambushed near the glacier."

Nalver says, "I was hoping that she would reach out to me, but I do not see that happening. I did inquire with Lady Sayilla last night, but it seems she will not be getting out east, maybe ever."

Speaking to Sorlu, Yardie says, "They don't want to fight, cannot keep questioning their pride."

Burrhus just went north.

Pukk says, "I guess staying away means flying over..."

Pukk nods.

Rorium nods to you.

Speaking to Yardie, Sorlu says, "Or ours."

Sorlu nods at Yardie.

Missoni glances away.

Roelon deeply asks, "Includin' that soldier...what was his name....Trellan Krynnan?"

Speaking to Sorlu, Yardie says, "That's why you should talk."

Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Randsford nods at Roelon.

Teaberry nods at Roelon.

Lilanna nods.

Lilanna nods to you.

Speaking to Yardie, Sorlu says, "We have tried. King Qalinor seems quite...distant. He does not respond to our mayor."

Falvicar says, "Trellan Krynnar."

Speaking to you, Lilanna says, "Thankee fer filling in the gaps."

Falvicar nods at Roelon.

Lilanna says, "Was trying ta be brief."

You smile at Lilanna.

Falvicar coughs.

Speaking to Roelon, Falvicar says, "Legionnaire Trellan Krynnan."

Falvicar nods at Roelon.

Roelon nods at Falvicar.

Duksa just left.

Vaemyr nods at Lylia.

Perigourd leans against a narrow archway.

Falvicar says, "Need to verify that."

Falvicar nods.

Perigourd reaches out and pats a narrow archway.

Speaking to Yardie, Randsford says, "I hate to say it but believe we are beyond talks. I still hope for diplomacy to prevail but the way that soldier acted I feel otherwise. He did nothing but taunt us with his actions."

Perigourd nods appreciatively.

Speaking to Lilanna, you say, "It helps to have a few viewpoints as each is bound to notice different facts that may all be useful."

Roelon deeply says, "Did nae act much like ah Legionnaire to be deservin' of me callin' him such."

Falvicar nods in agreement.

Queatus nods at Randsford.

Pukk nods to the coppery barn owl.

Lilanna nods to you.

Speaking to Randsford, Perigourd says, "The manner of that fellow by the gate was quite lacking in the courtesy of soldiery."

Nalver pets a pale-faced coppery barn owl, which nuzzles his hand softly.

Falvicar says, "For all the "honor' bit that we saw first hand at Vaalor... he did not act like one."

Falvicar nods at Roelon.

Randsford nods in agreement at Perigourd.

Speaking to you, Lilanna says, "Aye an having all the information to process an informed response."

Dendum says, "They are the ones the elves send out to kill not to debate things....."

Nalver exclaims, "Ohhh!"

Queatus says, "Something is not as it seems with the Vaalorians."

Nalver says, "While we are all here."

Queatus shakes his head.

Nalver slings a kelyn-clasped black leather satchel incised with a two-headed serpent off from over his shoulder.

Speaking to Perigourd, Randsford says, "Much like the southern empire can have Sablo I am sure the elves can have soldiers that are less becoming as well."

Nalver taps a kelyn-clasped black leather satchel incised with a two-headed serpent, which is in his left hand.

Speaking to Roelon, Opalina says, "Although sometimes.. younger soldiers don't always act the way they are supposed too when they are still unseasoned."

Queatus says, "No discipline."

Lylia says, "Be well, all. I believe I shall check on that merchant and ensure he has warmed himself through." She adds ruefully, "I should probably also tell him his shipment from Aznell may already be gone."

Talliver nods at Lylia.

Queatus says, "It's odd."

Lylia inclines her head.

Nalver says, "This satchel was found in the sewers. Guarded by a giant rat."

Nalver taps a kelyn-clasped black leather satchel incised with a two-headed serpent, which is in his left hand.

Pukk waves to Lylia.

You say, "He acted like a young boy who is angry and feels justified in his actions. It is possible, since he was unwilling to name his commander, that I had the right of it and his youth and emotions were the driving force and they acted outside of official orders."

Yardie nods understandingly at Randsford.

Perigourd nods in agreement at Randsford.

Dendum nods at Lylia.

Nalver says, "Seems odd. It was in a box by itself."

Pukk says, "Travel safely."

Talliver nods at Nalver.

Sorlu nods at Lylia.

Speaking deeply to Opalina, Roelon says, "Perhaps. Given the situation, ah didnae think they would send such unseasoned soldiers though."

Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Speaking to Randsford, Yardie says, "Still....continue to try. For everyone's sake."

The little blue penguin surveys the room quietly.

Speaking to Lylia, Dendum says, ""Unfortunately this is likely yes."

Rorium shifts his weight.

Perigourd bows to Lylia.

Sorlu nods at Nalver.

Lylia surveys the area.

Speaking to Lylia, Missoni wishes, "Farewell."

Randsford nods in agreement at Yardie.

Speaking to Talliver, Nalver says, "It relates to Amasalen, surely."

Lylia nods at Dendum.

Lylia sighs.

The animated falchion slowly bobs up and down.

Speaking to you, Grutak says, "I sorta got the impression he was here as the girls boyfriend."

Lylia kisses Missoni on the cheek.

Speaking deeply to Yardie, Roelon says, "The last thread of hope will be this indeed."

Missoni flushes slightly, some color reaching her cheeks.

Missoni kisses Lylia on the cheek.

Speaking to Roelon, Opalina says, "I agree Im just trying to consider all the angles."

Speaking to Talliver, Nalver asks, "What do you think of it?"

Roelon deeply says, "Ah dinnae wish to shed blood of ah once friend or ally."

Speaking to Roelon, Yardie asks, "Flaunting an airship?"

Imperatrix Lylia just went through a riveted imflass hatch.

Nalver offers Talliver a kelyn-clasped black leather satchel incised with a two-headed serpent.

A resplendent obsidian black raven stretches out one long feathered wing and a leg with a wide-beaked avian yawn.

Imperatrix Lylia just came through a riveted imflass hatch.

Speaking to Roelon, Randsford says, "You should spread more posters telling citizens to report any unusual military activity."

Randsford nods encouragingly.

Talliver declines Nalver's offer.

Speaking to Nalver, Talliver says, "It has an ill look to it."

Speaking deeply to Yardie, Roelon says, "Chasin' off an aggressive Airship ah dinnae think is flaunting."

Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Sorlu agrees with Talliver.

You thoughtfully consider, "Even the hovering over the town like that felt more like the mocking actions of an impertinent youth rather than the order and discipline that Ta'Vaalor is known for."

Speaking to Roelon, Randsford says, "We can warn any soldiers on those same posters that they will be detained if they do not adhere to our town laws."

Rorium nods slowly.

Speaking to you, Dendum remarks, ""Perhaps they do not see icemule as worthy of normal tactics."

Speaking to Roelon, Yardie says, "All that has done is spread word. If you brandish a weapon, the idea is to use it. Now, they know you are armed."

Nalver offers Lilanna a kelyn-clasped black leather satchel incised with a two-headed serpent.

Lilanna accepts Nalver's black leather satchel.

Speaking to Roelon, Yardie says, "From my experience, that never goes well."

Speaking deeply to Randsford, Roelon says, "Perhaps, the ones ah sent out for information Rammael provided nothing."

Nalver asks, "Sorlu can I speak of my radical idea now?"

Speaking quietly to Rorium, Kiyou says, "Well, I should probably be training if we may be invaded by elven knights and or airships."

Perigourd furrows his brow.

Vaemyr sighs.

Rorium nods in agreement at Kiyou.

Kiyou turns toward Rorium and renders a sharp salute with her mithril lance.

Teaberry nods at Kiyou.

Kiyou just went north.

Lilanna offers Nalver a kelyn-clasped black leather satchel incised with a two-headed serpent.

Nalver accepts Lilanna's black leather satchel.

Nalver slings a kelyn-clasped black leather satchel incised with a two-headed serpent over his shoulder.

Sorlu grins at Nalver.

Adalie says, "See if you can learn to wield a cannon or two."

Speaking to Roelon, Randsford says, "These will be a message to any unwanted troops that tread on our lands. Next time we point to the poster as we all subdue them."

Speaking to Nalver, Sorlu says, "Of course."

Adalie snaps her fingers.

Speaking to Dendum, you say, "It is possible, though if the Mayor's intelligence is correct, then it would seem the Vaalorians possibly have some over exuberant boys to get a hold of before they tip this delicate balance we are barely maintaining between conflict and outright open war."

Rorium nods enthusiastically at Adalie!

Adalie grins at Rorium.

Dendum nods to you.

Pukk nods at Talliver.

Lilanna turns toward Grutak and renders a sharp hand salute.

Speaking to you, Perigourd says, "I agree."

Perigourd grunts.

Death of Diplomacy?

Speaking to Talliver, Vaemyr says, "Honestly, I would expect sabitours now that the White Wyrm is out the open... if you can prevent those I think you'll have an opportunity at diplomacy before things turn... well really bad. Assuming nothing else or worse happens."

Talliver nods at Pukk.

Speaking to you, Dendum remarks, ""Perhaps they do not see Icemule as worth sending the experienced hunters for."

Pukk says, "Good night all. I'm going to see what trouble I can get into now."

Pukk waves.

Perigourd breathes in deeply as he clenches a pipe in his mouth, then exhales slowly, causing some green amorphous clouds of puffy smoke to float up from his mouth.

Speaking deeply to Yardie, Roelon says, "Ah view it has ah shield. Sadly, their fleet out numbers our one."

Speaking to Vaemyr, Talliver says, "They are welcome to try."

Rorium whispers something to Adalie.

Pukk just climbed up a pale metal ladder.

Adalie agrees with Rorium.

Pukk just climbed down a pale metal ladder.

Speaking to Sorlu, Nalver asks, "What if, instead of meeting everything with force we reached out to Tumazzyr, Ta'Vaalor, and Ta'Illistim and offered support and service in their trying times? Instead of a rock crab trying to act like a boulder going down hill, we worked as a true ally and sought more diplomatic means. And instead of sending elves across the world, we sent halflings?"

Nalver glances at Teaberry.

Adalie whispers something to Rorium.

Rorium nods firmly.

Queatus frowns.

Pukk just went north.

Rorium clasps Adalie's hand tenderly.

Speaking to Opalina, Nalver says, "And we did so unified, instead of everyone doing their own things."

Lord Rorium just trudged away moving north, with his group following closely behind him.

Speaking to Nalver, Sorlu says, "I am never against communication with our neighbors."

Yardie nods at Nalver.

Roelon nods at Sorlu.

Speaking to Nalver, Randsford says, "Would you not say that is what our delegation was? At least to one empire. We all saw how little that accomplished."

Grutak chuckles.

You fold your hands behind your back, waiting patiently.

Yardie says, "We're in times of mourning. Remember that."

Talliver says, "These are difficult times."

Talliver glances at Opalina.

Perigourd nods somberly at Talliver.

Roelon nods at Talliver.

Sorlu glances at Opalina.

Roelon deeply says, "Indeed."

Speaking to Randsford, Nalver says, "That delegation was for our purposes, not theirs."

Speaking to Nalver, Dendum remarks, ""Dendum aided Turamzzyr once in its time of need....stood on its Demon Wall with many from the landing....we were repaid with a fortress and now a new Barony for trouble. Some powers see outreached hand as sign of weakness."

Vaemyr nods at Talliver.

Missoni reaches up with her opposite hand and places it upon her Vornavian silk armband, bowing her head slightly as she gazes downwards.

Speaking to Talliver, Grutak says, "Still think you should lock her up."

Talliver says, "I suspect that the Vaalor will be little pleased at our new shield."

Speaking to Talliver, Nalver says, "I formally request that we offer SERVICE to our ALLIES in their trying times."

Talliver says, "I agree. We'll keep her safely hidden."

Speaking to Talliver, you say, "Let us hope they take some time to assess before they respond."

Falvicar smirks at Grutak.

Roelon nods at Talliver.

Talliver looks thoughtfully at Nalver.

Vaemyr nods at Talliver.

Speaking to Roelon, Nalver says, "And let them determine what that may be."

Sorlu agrees with Talliver.

Speaking to Grutak, Yardie says, "I would hope that Icemule has a sense of justice instead of locking people up arbitrarily."

Speaking diplomatically to Talliver, you say, "We have our own rather urgent matters to deal with at home."

Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Speaking to Grutak, Yardie asks, "If you claim to be different from Imperial mannerisms, then perhaps one should not try to emulate them?"

Sorlu says, "I would suspect that the Vaalorians will pull back and take some time to consider their next move. Now that they have seen the White Wyrm, they will not be so careless in their flights over our town."

Speaking to Talliver, Nalver asks, "Have you heard about the death...maybe deaths...of those of Ta'Illistim?"

The sound of the wind whistling comes from outside.

Nalver says, "And how there are...issues out there."

Speaking to Grutak, you say, "I think that the threat the Mayor gave to the Councilwoman is about the same as house arrest."

Speaking to Sorlu, Randsford says, "That or they show in force."

Speaking to Yardie, Grutak says, "I think she should be charged with war crimes. That's what I think."

Speaking to Grutak, you say, "Should she flee, she will be banished."

Nalver says, "Maybe one less issue would be a good thing for them and the Argent Mirror would see that."

Speaking to Grutak, Yardie says, "'re not in war."

Falvicar nods at Yardie.

Speaking to Yardie, Falvicar says, "Exactly."

Speaking to Yardie, Grutak says, "That's where we differ on opinion."

Speaking to Sorlu, Randsford says, "This will be seen as another humilation. They will respond in force I fear."

Sorlu slowly empties his lungs.

Missoni nods at Perigourd.

Speaking to Yardie, Falvicar says, "He has a rather thick skull and not much of a brain I'm afraid."

Speaking to Randsford, Sorlu says, "I admit, there is a chance of that."

Speaking to Grutak, Yardie says, "I mean, if you want to throw snowballs at Vaalorian soldiers and consider that violence, by all means, but there has not been any battles."

Speaking to Randsford, you say, "But perhaps not immediately. I believe we may have forced a temporary stall."

The little blue penguin waves her stubby wings about.

Speaking to Yardie, Falvicar says, "Kobold are probably smarter."

Randsford says, "We must prepare for all outcomes. Seek the dialogue from earlier. Perhaps our new found airship will allow them to treat us more seriously."

Falvicar nods at Yardie.

Falvicar grins.

Yardie snickers.

Teaberry says, "I think you're right, Randsford. Their whole identity is focused on being the best of the best militarily."

Randsford nods in agreement to you.

Speaking to Falvicar, Yardie says, "The kobolds intriguing lot."

Randsford nods slowly at Teaberry.

Speaking to Yardie, Grutak says, "I don't throw snowballs. I use weapons of war."

You gaze admiringly at your surroundings.

Falvicar nods at Yardie.

You say, "This ship really is quite the marvel."

Perigourd breathes in deeply as he clenches a pipe in his mouth, then exhales slowly, causing some green amorphous clouds of puffy smoke to float up from his mouth.

Speaking to Randsford, Sorlu says, "But they will take time to plan such a thing, if that is the outcome. Vaalorians don't rush headlong into combat as a V'tullian might. That is my hope, at least."

Randsford nods in agreement at Sorlu.

You nod in agreement at Sorlu.

Speaking deeply to Teaberry, Roelon says, "They nae been bested in the air before. This will cause quite ah stir within their ranks, aye."

Grutak snorts derisively at Sorlu!

Teaberry nods at Roelon.

Talliver says, "I had best return to my office and see what can be done about this recent issue. I'll reach out to the affected merchant and cover his stay at the Honeybeer."

Speaking to Sorlu, Grutak says, "You know better."

Speaking to Sorlu, Randsford says, "We must prepare for the possibility of an airship armada of sorts and make plans for both a positive and negative resolution."

Lilanna nods.

Sorlu nods at Talliver.

Roelon nods at Talliver.

Speaking to Talliver, Vaemyr says, "Appreciated."

Perigourd turns toward Talliver and renders a sharp hand salute.

Speaking to Talliver, Nalver says, "I offered to pay for his goods. I mean it."

Falvicar whispers something to Yardie.

Sorlu winks at Grutak.

Speaking playfully to Sorlu, you say, "Perhaps if I get a taste for the sky I might offer my services as a pilot."

Opalina says, "I've already paid it."

You nod at Talliver.

Talliver nods at Opalina.

Teaberry says, "Thank you, Mayor."

Lilanna asks, "An I hopes ye speak with Sleetwood as well?"

Sorlu grins at you.

Talliver nods gratefully at Teaberry.

Speaking to Lilanna, Talliver says, "I will."

Her hand lowered, Missoni gives Talliver a subtle wave.

Speaking to Talliver, Grutak says, "You are about to lose your ship."

Dendum nods at Lilanna.

Grutak glances at you.

Yardie waves to Talliver.

Speaking to Talliver, Lilanna says, "Thankee."

Speaking to Talliver, Sorlu says, "Be well, Mayor Dabbings."

Sorlu bows to Talliver.

Lilanna bows to Talliver.

Speaking to Talliver, you say, "Should you have any need of my assistance, I am always at the disposal of your Office and the Council, Mayor."

Roelon turns toward Talliver and renders a sharp hand salute.

Grutak says, "She'll be trollin for pirates with it."

Straightening your back, you give a formal, low curtsy to Talliver. In time with your greater movement, you incline your head as well in a brief nod in his direction.

Speaking to Grutak, Talliver says, "I doubt that greatly."

Talliver chuckles.

The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves Missoni.

Missoni glances around, looking a bit less confident.

Talliver nods to you.

Drawing her left leg behind her right, Teaberry briefly dips into a respectful curtsy before Talliver and bows her head.

Mayor Talliver just went north.

Roelon surveys the area.

Dendum says, "Hrmmm."

Roelon heavily pounds both his fists against his chest and bows his head slightly.

Defender of Mist Harbor Teaberry just climbed down a pale metal ladder.

Perigourd put a robust dark maoral pipe in his umber leather jerkin.

Final Thoughts

Randsford asks, "So we are all agreed that we will detain the next soldier?"

Dendum inhales deeply upon his pipe, puckering his lips and sending out a small stream of smoke before him briefly.

Vaemyr sighs.

Randsford glances between Sorlu and Roelon.

Perigourd asks, "To do what with?"

Magister Raelee just went north.

Teaberry says, "I was trying to detain THIS one."

Perigourd chuckles.

Speaking deeply to Randsford, Roelon says, "Detain. But dinnae kill.."

Teaberry grumbles.

Perigourd asks, "Execute?"

Sorlu nods at Randsford.

Roelon glances at Grutak.

Randsford nods in agreement at Roelon.

Speaking to Randsford, you say, "I think they teach scampering lessons in Vaalor."

Falvicar agrees with Roelon.

Speaking to Randsford, you say, "He was up that ladder like a flash."

You chuckle.

Nalver bows.

Speaking to Randsford, Yardie says, "Detain a solider, and they're going to take that as an act of aggression."

Speaking to Randsford, Grutak says, "Detain, behead..."

Nalver turns sharply on his heel, sending the folds of his elesine cloak swirling about his body.

Nalver just went north.

Speaking to Perigourd, Randsford says, "To hold and deliver back to their superiers. We can give him a basket of tarts and send him on his way."

Grutak says, "Potato potahto."

Randsford flashes Perigourd a wolfish grin.

Speaking to Perigourd, Sorlu says, "We are not thirsting for blood...but order must be maintained."

Falvicar sighs.

Roelon deeply says, "Limbs, eyes, important organs intact..."

Roelon nods at Grutak.

Opalina gazes in wonder at her surroundings.

Grutak points at Roelon.

Defender of Mist Harbor Teaberry just went north.

Speaking to Roelon, Grutak says, "I can work with that."

Sorlu casually glances at Opalina.

Speaking to Roelon, Lilanna asks, "'there are some unimportant ones?"

Grutak grins at Roelon.

Opalina takes Falvicar's hand into her own.

Vaemyr says, "I don't believe detaining a Soldier will help the situation, unless they can be caught doing something such as "inspecting" more merchants."

Opalina curtsies to Sorlu.

Speaking to Lilanna, Grutak says, "You have two kidneys you do not need them both."

Sorlu smiles at Opalina.

Sorlu bows to Opalina.

Falvicar smirks.

Speaking deeply to Lilanna, Roelon says, "Perhaps, but ah am nae an empath."

Roelon chuckles.

Grutak says, "And you can remove part of the liver and all of the spleen..."

Grutak ponders.

Vaemyr says, "If you can catch them in an act like that though, by all means, detain and use that as leverage."

Speaking to Grutak, Lilanna says, "An some of ye have one useless limb..."

Lilanna snickers.

Falvicar mutters warmonger.

Grutak wiggles his eyebrows at Lilanna.

Missoni glances at Perigourd and quirks an eyebrow in his direction.

Speaking to Yardie, Randsford says, "And yes it will be aggression but we already showed that tonight. We can counter and say they were aggressive in our lands as well. Point is we must have order and cannot allow foreign armies to patrol when not called."

Perigourd leans softly against Missoni.

Grand Lady Opalina's group just climbed up a pale metal ladder.

Grutak seems slightly different.

Sorlu glances at a pale metal ladder.

Speaking to Perigourd, Missoni asks, "Shall we visit the castle or the northern lands?"

For the briefest of moments, your gaze alights on the ladder.

Roelon and Queatus seem slightly different.

You shake your head.

Speaking to Missoni, Perigourd says, "Soon."

Missoni nods once.

Speaking to Lilanna, Grutak says, "I can show you how purposeful it can be."

Grutak winks at Lilanna.

You say, "The council is crumbling before our eyes."

Roelon shifts his weight.

A call goes out, echoing through the ship: "Tie down the cargo and get to your stations! We're departing for Pinefar!"

Sorlu seems slightly different.

Speaking to Perigourd, Vaemyr asks, "Want company?"

Speaking to you, Grutak says, "Maybe we need a new council."

Lilanna looks at Grutak and gags.

Roelon flails his arms about.

Missoni tilts her head up.

High Lord Grutak just climbed up a pale metal ladder.

Queatus just went north.

Ceilia ponders.

Chronicler Falvicar's group just climbed down a pale metal ladder.

High Lord Grutak just climbed down a pale metal ladder.

Roelon deeply says, "...Pinefar is nae too bad."

Roelon smirks.

Chronicler Falvicar's group just went north.

Perigourd reaches out and holds Vaemyr's hand.

Speaking to you, Sorlu says, "Those that are left are truly the most loyal. We will be fine."

High Lord Grutak just went north.

Speaking to Roelon, you say, "I pray that you and Councillor Sorlu can keep a hold on things before even more is lost."

Yardie says, "The arenas will be soon. If anyone wishes to join me in battle, to release some of this pent up aggression, I am available."

Missoni joins Perigourd's group.

Yardie hugs Ceilia.

Sorlu nods at Roelon.

Speaking to Ceilia, Yardie says, "Trying times, indeed."

Ceilia just nudged Yardie.

Roelon slowly empties his lungs.

Speaking to Sorlu, you say, "Perhaps we should find somewhere more solid to speak."

Grand Lady Opalina just arrived.

Yardie grins at Ceilia.

Perigourd's group just went north.

Speaking to Sorlu, you say, "I have no wish to visit Pinefar."

Chronicler Falvicar just arrived.

Grand Lady Opalina just went through a narrow archway.

Chronicler Falvicar just went through a narrow archway.

Speaking to you, Sorlu says, "As you wish."

Ceilia says, "Ospicious too, it seems."

Crew members begin tying down volatile cargo nearby in preparation for the ship's departure.

Speaking to Sorlu, Ceilia asks, "This is quite a bit more than I had expected, Councilor. Do you unveil airships weekly in Icemule?"

Yardie says, "I'll be around."

Lilanna hums a jaunty melody, masterfully exploring the cheerful notes.

Blade Yardie just went north.

Speaking to Roelon, you ask, "Back to the center of town?"

Lilanna chuckles.

[Icemule Trace, Town Center - 2300] (u4042150)

The center of the slumbering frontier town is overseen by a sturdy mule statue carved from glacial ice, which rises from the surrounding snow on a plinth of cold dark stone. The brilliance of the stars winks through the ice, casting prismatic glints of light over a scattering of townsfolk. Some halflings chatter quietly by a colorful silver-bound barrel emblazoned with a row of tiny grey penguins, while others stargaze on colorful cloaks spread out across the hard ground. Near the comfort of a smooth dark stone bench, a roaring bonfire crackles merrily, lending its warmth and illumination to the surroundings. You also see the driftwood Nalver disk, a pygmy owl that is flying around, a round of fried dough branded with a charred design, the Naliya disk, a twisted wand, a polished bloodwood wand, a twisted wand, a smooth amber wand, a smooth bone wand, the Theofanis disk, a depressed alpine spirit that is flying around, a soft grey penguin feather, a vine-carved cherrywood cart with some stuff on it, a blue and white pavilion and a blued steel wastebin.

Also here: Roelon, Lord Sorlu, Lord Randsford, Ceilia, Lilanna, Nalver, High Lord Fokas, Lord Wimdell who is kneeling, Naliya, Theofanis

You nod approvingly at Roelon.

Sorlu smiles at Ceilia.

Lilanna says, "Ye can just roll down the mountain."

Speaking deeply to you, Roelon says, "One unexpeted trip ah night."

Ceilia's eyes crinkle upward at the edges, though the rest of her face is concealed by the folds of her cowl.

High Lord Grutak just arrived.

Roelon nods once to you.

Randsford begins chuckling at Roelon!

Lilanna says, "Coupe flips, lotta bruisin."

Speaking to Ceilia, Sorlu says, "There are always a few tricks up our sleeve."

The pygmy owl circles lazily above.

Speaking to Roelon, you say, "Yes. That was more than enough."

Sorlu winks at Ceilia.

Speaking to Roelon, Randsford says, "Still not sure how you managed that one..."

Grutak winks at Lilanna.

Speaking to Randsford, you say, "Magic kilt."

You squint at Roelon.

Speaking deeply to Randsford, Roelon says, "The kilt lost control it seems."

Lilanna gives Grutak a little prod between the shoulder blades.

Speaking to you, Randsford says, "Yes magic indeed, why I don't stand downwind."

Randsford glances at Roelon.

Speaking to Sorlu, Ceilia says, "Pays to have them; your circumstances are more serious than I'd realized."

You chuckle at Randsford.

Sorlu begins chuckling at Randsford!

Sorlu nods slowly at Ceilia.

Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Roelon glances at Randsford.

Randsford groans at Roelon.

Speaking to Ceilia, Sorlu says, "They are. But they will be handled, each in is inevitable."