BeardBugs Beard Clip: Difference between revisions

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m (Moved Tier 2 verbs to Tier 2 section. Confirmed verb breakdown for T1-3 with GM Xeraphina. Combined a couple table fields due to identical messaging for both with/without a bug inserted.)
m (Fixed my own error with a rowspan markup.)
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| XXXX nimbly unfastens the prong-laden aperture that secures a dragon-etched veil-iron beard clip around the gathered hair beneath his chin. Combing his fingers loosely through the liberated section of his beard, he gives his chin a wee bit of a scratch.
| XXXX nimbly unfastens the prong-laden aperture that secures a dragon-etched veil-iron beard clip around the gathered hair beneath his chin. Combing his fingers loosely through the liberated section of his beard, he gives his chin a wee bit of a scratch.
! rowspan="2" | WEAR
| With or Without Bug
| With or Without Bug
| You pry open the prong-laden aperture of your veil-iron beard clip and position it just so around the gathered hair beneath your chin. You fasten the clasp with a firm and audible **CLICK,** corralling the length of your beard within the clip's snug, metallic embrace.
| You pry open the prong-laden aperture of your veil-iron beard clip and position it just so around the gathered hair beneath your chin. You fasten the clasp with a firm and audible **CLICK,** corralling the length of your beard within the clip's snug, metallic embrace.

Revision as of 09:42, 17 May 2023

A BeardBugs Beard Clip is a beard clip that utilizes bugs caught with Bugs on Parade jars to customize them. They were sold at the shop Don't Bug Me!

Tier 1/OTS


You take a closer look at a tarnished silver beard clip.
You analyze the silver beard clip and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
                                 ~ BeardBugs Beard Clip ~
  Feeling lonely?  While holding a paper bug captured with the Bugs on Parade Bug Jar
  and holding or wearing your silver beard clip, NUDGE the clip to always have a friend close by.


You get no sense of whether or not the clip may be further lightened.


Verb Bug Status First Third
NUDGE No Bug With a gentle prod of your index finger, you patiently encourage a white-webbed nacreous teal scarab to squeeze through a smooth opening on the back of your veil-iron beard clip. You give a slight nod of satisfaction as the scarab settles into its snug, little home. With a gentle prod of his index finger, XXX patiently encourages a white-webbed nacreous teal scarab to squeeze through a smooth opening on the back of the veil-iron beard clip that he is holding. He soon gives a slight nod of satisfaction.
Bug Inserted There is already a bug living in there. None
PINCH No Bug This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Bug Inserted Giving your veil-iron beard clip a gentle *tap, tap, tap* against your palm, you encourage a tiny lucent blue ghost firefly to emerge from a smooth opening on the back of the clip. Releasing a well-aimed puff of air from your pursed lips, you watch with satisfaction as the firefly drops smoothly and without harm into your awaiting hand. Giving his veil-iron beard clip a gentle *tap, tap, tap* against his palm, XXX encourages a tiny lucent blue ghost firefly to emerge from a smooth opening on the back of the clip. Releasing a well-aimed puff of air from his pursed lips, he nods in satisfaction as the firefly drops smoothly and without harm into his awaiting hand.
REMOVE With or Without Bug You nimbly unfasten the prong-laden aperture that secures a dragon-etched veil-iron beard clip around the gathered hair beneath your chin. You comb your fingers through the liberated section of your beard and give your chin a wee bit of a scratch. XXXX nimbly unfastens the prong-laden aperture that secures a dragon-etched veil-iron beard clip around the gathered hair beneath his chin. Combing his fingers loosely through the liberated section of his beard, he gives his chin a wee bit of a scratch.
WEAR With or Without Bug You pry open the prong-laden aperture of your veil-iron beard clip and position it just so around the gathered hair beneath your chin. You fasten the clasp with a firm and audible **CLICK,** corralling the length of your beard within the clip's snug, metallic embrace. XXXX pries open the prong-laden aperture of his veil-iron beard clip and positions it around the gathered hair beneath his chin. He fastens the clasp with a firm and audible **CLICK,** corralling the length of his beard within the clip's snug, metallic embrace.

Tier 2

Tier 2 adds four additional verbs.


Verb Bug Status First Third
CLENCH No Bug You clench your fingers around a small section of your beard. XXXX clenches his fingers around a small section of his beard.
Bug Inserted You clench your fingers around a small section of your beard, trying in vain to grab the pesky creature tickling your chin. The wary firefly easily evades your attempt at capture. XXX clenches his fingers around a small section of his beard as though grabbing at something unseen within.
PROD No Bug You prod with one finger above, below, and beside your veil-iron beard clip. XXXX prods his index finger above, below, and beside his veil-iron beard clip.
Bug Inserted You prod with one finger above, below, and beside your veil-iron beard clip, annoying the firefly living there. A flurry of motion erupts below your chin as the firefly burrows in deeper. XXX prods his index finger above, below, and beside his veil-iron beard clip. You see a quick flurry of motion from the firefly, which disappears as abruptly as it surfaced.
PULL No Bug You give a steady pull through the hairs at the base of your chin. XXXX gives a steady pull through the hairs at the base of his chin.
Bug Inserted You give a steady pull through the hairs at the base of your chin, causing the unsuspecting blue ghost firefly to land in the palm of your hand. It races across the back of your hand and down one curled finger, quickly launching itself back into the recesses of your beard. XXX gives a steady pull through the hairs at the base of his chin, causing an unsuspecting blue ghost firefly to land in the palm of his hand. Racing across the back of his hand and down one curled finger, the firefly launches itself back into the recesses of XXX's beard.
PUSH No Bug You stroke your fingers almost absently through your beard and wind a few straggling hairs around your finger, flipping the ends into a tiny curl. XXXX strokes his fingers through his beard and winds a few straggling hairs around his finger, flipping the ends into a tiny curl.
Bug Inserted Stroking your fingers almost absently through your beard, you feel the tiniest movements as your facial pet snuggles in deeper. Winding a few straggling hairs around your finger, you flip the ends into a tiny curl. As XXX strokes his fingers through his beard, you notice an almost imperceptible movement from within his facial hair. He finishes by winding a few straggling hairs around his finger, flipping the ends into a tiny curl.

Tier 3

Tier three adds the verbs SPIN and TURN. It also adds ambient messaging.


This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!


Verb Bug Status First Third
SPIN No Bug This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Bug Inserted You release the cover over a small dial on the back of your veil-iron beard clip. You give it a spin toward the image of a rabbit, hoping that might speed up the activities of your little beard-dwelling companion. Satisfied, you snap the tiny dial cover back in place. None
TURN No Bug This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Bug Inserted You release the cover over a small dial on the back of your veil-iron beard clip. You give it a spin toward the image of a turtle, hoping that might slow down the activities of your little beard-dwelling companion. Satisfied, you snap the tiny dial cover back in place. None
BeardBugs Beard Clip Information
Type Fluff
Item Classification Accessory
Item(s) Applied to Beard clips
Original Release Venue Evermore Hollow
Original Release Year 2022
Tiered Yes
Number of Tiers 3
How to Unlock Certificate
Corresponding Item Scripts Bugs on Parade
Item Verbs

Additional Information

Ambient Messaging

First Person View: A tiny lucent blue ghost firefly emerges lazily from within your facial hair.  It tentatively pokes its head out and surveys the surroundings.  Apparently dissatisfied, it burrows back within its hirsute home.
Third Person View: A tiny lucent blue ghost firefly emerges lazily from within XXX's facial hair.  The curious firefly tentatively pokes its head out and surveys the surroundings.  Apparently dissatisfied, it burrows back within its hirsute home.
First Person View: A tiny lucent blue ghost firefly extricates itself from the depths of your beard.  It sets out across the vast expanse of your facial hair like a mountain goat traversing the Dragonspine.  Despite a few slips and missteps, it perseveres until reaching the other side where it triumphantly burrows its way down in once again.
Third Person View: A tiny lucent blue ghost firefly extricates itself from the depths of XXX's beard.  It sets out across the vast expanse of his facial hair like a mountain goat traversing the Dragonspine.  Despite a few slips and missteps, it perseveres until reaching the other side where it triumphantly burrows its way down in once again.
First Person View: Your blue ghost firefly suddenly grows restless, detangling itself from your beard and making its way up, up, up across your face.  The tickling sensation traversing your bare skin makes you reach up in vain to grab it.  The firefly simply reverses course and nestles back down beside your veil-iron beard clip once again.
Third Person View: A tiny lucent blue ghost firefly suddenly grows restless and detangles itself from XXX's beard.  It makes its way up, up, up to traverse the bare skin of XXX's  face.  He reaches up quickly as though to catch the annoying critter, but the firefly simply reverses course and nestles back down into his facial hair once again.
First Person View: Movement within your facial hair lets you know your small firefly is awake.  You give a few gentle strokes beneath your chin to say "Hello."
Third Person View: You notice a brief flutter of the hairs across XXX's beard.  He spends a moment stroking his palm gently beneath his chin.
First Person View: An unidentifiable pain like a sudden pinch from deep within your beard lets you know the tiny inhabitant of your veil-iron beard clip is not having a good day.
Third Person View: A slight wince crosses XXX's face as he gives a light tug of his beard.