Rumor Woods/2024 logphrase customizations: Difference between revisions

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m (HOST-GSKEBECHET moved page 2024 Arrival/Departure to Summit Academy 2024 Arrival-Departure: Updating title to better identify list association)
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Heralded by a frosty zephyr, Person arrives amid a light flurry of crystalline snowflakes.
Heralded by a frosty zephyr, Person arrives amid a light flurry of crystalline snowflakes.
Leaving behind a trail of rapidly melting crystalline snowflakes, Person departs.
* Like a sudden winter squall, Person materializes.
* Like a sudden winter squall, Person departs.

Tumbling upon the ground, several autumn leaves mark the arrival of Person.
Tumbling upon the ground, several autumn leaves mark the arrival of Person.
Tumbling upon the ground in her wake, sunset-kissed autumn leaves mark the departure of Person.
* Amid a brief squall of autumn-kissed leaves, Person arrives.
* Amid a brief squall of autumn-kissed leaves, Person departs.

Person wanders in, bowing with a flourish and mocking grin to an unseen crowd.
Person wanders in, bowing with a flourish and mocking grin to an unseen crowd.
Person bows with a flourish and departs.
* Raucous catcalls let you know that Person has arrived.
* Raucous catcalls let you know that Person has departed.

Murmuring an almost silent hymnal of thanks, Person slips into the area with all the grace and subtleness of a welcoming summer breeze.
Murmuring an almost silent hymnal of thanks, Person slips into the area with all the grace and subtleness of a welcoming summer breeze.
Interlacing her fingers, Person departs, whispering a soft hymnal of thanks.
* Ecclesiastical chorus sing on high as Person arrives.
* Ecclesiastical chorus sing on high as Person departs

Brow furrowed in concentration, Person arrives with a distracted look.
Brow furrowed in concentration, Person arrives with a distracted look.
Bearing a calm expression, Person departs amid the murmured recitation of prime numbers that are 10-digits long.
* Amid the alignment of numerology, Person arrives.
* Amid the alignment of numerology, Person departs.

Dusting chalk from her hands, Person arrives.
Dusting chalk from her hands, Person arrives.
Drawing a piece of chalk from her pocket, Person wanders off, murmuring to herself about scientific principles.
* Scribing mathematical equations in the air, Person arrives.
* Scribing mathematical equations in the air, Person departs.

Person quickly tucks a bosun's whistle out of view as she wanders in.
Person quickly tucks a bosun's whistle out of view as she wanders in.
Person pulls out a bosun's whistle as she wanders away.
* At the sound of a bosun's whistle, Person arrives.
* At the sound of a bosun's whistle, Person departs.

Arriving amidst the scent of fresh cut grass, Person offers a quick curtsy by way of greeting.
Arriving amidst the scent of fresh cut grass, Person offers a quick curtsy by way of greeting.
Drifting away, Person departs, leaving behind the scent of fresh cut grass and a whimsical laugh.
* Blades of fresh cut grass herald the arrival of Person.
* Blades of fresh cut grass herald the departure of Person.

Foul and gaseous, the scent of low tide wafts through the air moments before Person.
Foul and gaseous, the scent of low tide wafts through the air moments before Person.
With an impish grin, Person hustles off. Moments later, a foul stench darkens the air, lingering for entirely too long.
* The scent of low tide lets you know Person has arrived.
* The scent of low tide lets you know Person has departed.

Whirring and clanking noises precede the arrival of Person.
Whirring and clanking noises precede the arrival of Person.
Person wanders off in a cacophony of whirring and clanking.
* Person arrives, followed by an army of whirring and clanking automatons.
* An army of whirring and clanking automatons escort Person away.

Distant, predatory howls are a precursor to Person's arrival.
Distant, predatory howls are a precursor to Person's arrival.
As Person leaves, feral wails sound off in the distance.
* A chorus of distant howls marks the arrival of Person.
* A chorus of feral wails signals the departure of Person.

Person meanders in, nose in a book. With a start, she becomes aware of her surroundings and quickly puts the book away.
Person meanders in, nose in a book. With a start, she becomes aware of her surroundings and quickly puts the book away.
Person glances around, then pulls a book out and begins to read even as she wanders away.
* Person has left her library and joined the rest of the world!
* Person wanders off to take solace in her library.

Person meanders in, the scent of fresh coffee and muffins swirling along with her.
Person meanders in, the scent of fresh coffee and muffins swirling along with her.
Person meanders out, the scent of coffee and muffins swirling along with her.
* Person has just left the comfort of her local cafe to join the fray!
* Person is running back to the local cafe to fuel up!

A faint whiff of tea and citrus precedes the arrival of Person.
A faint whiff of tea and citrus precedes the arrival of Person.
As Person wanders off, the faint scent of tea and citrus lingers momentarily in the air.
* Person stumbles into the lands, desperately clutching her steaming teacup.
* Person hurries out of the lands, muttering something about needing more tea.

A pair of knitting needles drops to the ground as Person arrives. Muttering to herself, she quickly picks them up and stows them away.
A pair of knitting needles drops to the ground as Person arrives. Muttering to herself, she quickly picks them up and stows them away.
As Person leaves, she pulls out a pair of knitting needles.
* Person has reluctantly put away her knitting and left her crafter's haven behind to join the masses!
* Person cheerfully wanders off, knitting in hand, to rejoin her crafter's haven.


Revision as of 11:59, 30 April 2024

Summit Academy custom logon/logoff options.

Order by number in Sebastian House, Sitting Room to receive this service.

Heralded by a frosty zephyr, Person arrives amid a light flurry of crystalline snowflakes.
Leaving behind a trail of rapidly melting crystalline snowflakes, Person departs.
 * Like a sudden winter squall, Person materializes.
 * Like a sudden winter squall, Person departs.

Tumbling upon the ground, several autumn leaves mark the arrival of Person.
Tumbling upon the ground in her wake, sunset-kissed autumn leaves mark the departure of Person.
 * Amid a brief squall of autumn-kissed leaves, Person arrives.
 * Amid a brief squall of autumn-kissed leaves, Person departs.

Person wanders in, bowing with a flourish and mocking grin to an unseen crowd.
Person bows with a flourish and departs.
 * Raucous catcalls let you know that Person has arrived.
 * Raucous catcalls let you know that Person has departed.

Murmuring an almost silent hymnal of thanks, Person slips into the area with all the grace and subtleness of a welcoming summer breeze.
Interlacing her fingers, Person departs, whispering a soft hymnal of thanks.
 * Ecclesiastical chorus sing on high as Person arrives.
 * Ecclesiastical chorus sing on high as Person departs

Brow furrowed in concentration, Person arrives with a distracted look.
Bearing a calm expression, Person departs amid the murmured recitation of prime numbers that are 10-digits long.
 * Amid the alignment of numerology, Person arrives.
 * Amid the alignment of numerology, Person departs.

Dusting chalk from her hands, Person arrives.
Drawing a piece of chalk from her pocket, Person wanders off, murmuring to herself about scientific principles.
 * Scribing mathematical equations in the air, Person arrives.
 * Scribing mathematical equations in the air, Person departs.

Person quickly tucks a bosun's whistle out of view as she wanders in.
Person pulls out a bosun's whistle as she wanders away.
 * At the sound of a bosun's whistle, Person arrives.
 * At the sound of a bosun's whistle, Person departs.

Arriving amidst the scent of fresh cut grass, Person offers a quick curtsy by way of greeting.
Drifting away, Person departs, leaving behind the scent of fresh cut grass and a whimsical laugh.
 * Blades of fresh cut grass herald the arrival of Person.
 * Blades of fresh cut grass herald the departure of Person.

Foul and gaseous, the scent of low tide wafts through the air moments before Person.
With an impish grin, Person hustles off.  Moments later, a foul stench darkens the air, lingering for entirely too long.
 * The scent of low tide lets you know Person has arrived.
 * The scent of low tide lets you know Person has departed.

Whirring and clanking noises precede the arrival of Person.
Person wanders off in a cacophony of whirring and clanking.
 * Person arrives, followed by an army of whirring and clanking automatons.
 * An army of whirring and clanking automatons escort Person away.

Distant, predatory howls are a precursor to Person's arrival.
As Person leaves, feral wails sound off in the distance.
 * A chorus of distant howls marks the arrival of Person.
 * A chorus of feral wails signals the departure of Person.

Person meanders in, nose in a book.  With a start, she becomes aware of her surroundings and quickly puts the book away.
Person glances around, then pulls a book out and begins to read even as she wanders away.
 * Person has left her library and joined the rest of the world!
 * Person wanders off to take solace in her library.

Person meanders in, the scent of fresh coffee and muffins swirling along with her.
Person meanders out, the scent of coffee and muffins swirling along with her.
 * Person has just left the comfort of her local cafe to join the fray!
 * Person is running back to the local cafe to fuel up!

A faint whiff of tea and citrus precedes the arrival of Person.
As Person wanders off, the faint scent of tea and citrus lingers momentarily in the air.
 * Person stumbles into the lands, desperately clutching her steaming teacup.
 * Person hurries out of the lands, muttering something about needing more tea.

A pair of knitting needles drops to the ground as Person arrives.  Muttering to herself, she quickly picks them up and stows them away.
As Person leaves, she pulls out a pair of knitting needles.
 * Person has reluctantly put away her knitting and left her crafter's haven behind to join the masses!
 * Person cheerfully wanders off, knitting in hand, to rejoin her crafter's haven.

  • As of April 2024, there are 15 Logphrases in the table (which means there are 15 options in-game).