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Lich:Software/Installation: Difference between revisions

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(→‎Fedora: add logger in prep of Ruby 3.5.0 removing it)
(→‎Chromebook & Debian variants: add logger in prep of Ruby 3.5.0 removing it)
Line 136: Line 136:
echo "gem: --no-document" > ~/.gemrc
echo "gem: --no-document" > ~/.gemrc
gem install ascii_charts concurrent-ruby curses gtk3 jwt mechanize nokogiri redis sequel sqlite3 terminal-table tomlib tzinfo tzinfo-data webrick xmpp4r
gem install ascii_charts concurrent-ruby curses gtk3 jwt logger mechanize nokogiri redis sequel sqlite3 terminal-table tomlib tzinfo tzinfo-data webrick xmpp4r

Latest revision as of 13:11, 12 January 2025

Lich:Software/Installation is a third party script and is not maintained by Simutronics. Simutronics is not responsible for the accuracy of the information presented on this page, nor is it liable for issues stemming from the use of the application on players' personal devices.


Lich is an add-on scripting engine that works alongside existing front ends. The most common installation is a combination of Lich on Windows using the Wrayth or Wizard FE. Lich is also used by many on both MacOS and multiple Linux distributions.

Installing the Latest Stable Release

The latest stable lich version is 5.10.4 supporting Ruby 3.3 - published October 14, 2024

In-Place Upgrade

If you are on an older version of Lich 5 and want to upgrade to the most current version, you can choose to either upgrade Lich5 only or both Lich 5 and Ruby. If you're currently on Lich 4, able to check by running the command ;e echo LICH_VERSION, go to the upgrade from Lich 4 section.

For each section, please follow the directions/commands one at a time.

Lich 5 Only

Lich 5.6.0 or newer

  1. Backup existing Lich 5 folder
  2. Run this command in-game ;lich5-update --library=update.rb
  3. Quit and restart lich.
  4. Run this command in-game ;lich5-update --update
  5. Quit and restart lich.
  6. Congratulations - you're now running on the latest version of Lich!

Lich 5.5 or older

Does not work for Lich 4 upgrades, please do a full new install if on Lich 4.

  1. Backup existing Lich 5 folder
  2. Run this command in-game ;lich5-update --snapshot
  3. Quit and close out of the game.
  4. Download the full release
  5. Extract the zip file over your existing Lich5 installation, choosing to overwrite existing files.
  6. Restart lich.
  7. Congratulations - you're now running on the latest version of Lich!

Both Ruby 3.3 & Lich 5

This method is for Windows only. Linux and MacOS users, please do a Lich 5 only update and update Ruby manually via normal install/update methods for the OS.

  1. Logout of all characters
  2. Backup existing Lich 5 folder
  3. Uninstall existing Ruby4Lich5 installs from Programs & Features control panel, or alternatively, rename your existing Ruby4Lich5 folder to Ruby4Lich5old. (Defaults to C:\Ruby4Lich5)
  4. Download the latest Ruby4Lich5.exe Installer
  5. Run the installer and be sure to have both Ruby and Lich 5 option selected
  6. Congratulations - you're now running on the latest version of Lich & Ruby!

Ruby 3.3 Only

Use this to upgrade to the newest version of Ruby only if you're already on the latest version of Lich5 and now want to update Ruby afterwards. If you're not already on the latest version of Lich5, please use previous section steps instead.

  1. Logout of all instances/characters
  2. Backup existing Lich 5 folder
  3. Uninstall your existing Ruby4Lich5 install via Programs & Features (ensure it's now gone, default location was C:\Ruby4Lich5)
  4. Download the latest Ruby4Lich5.exe Installer
  5. Run the new installer and choose to only install Ruby Only
  6. Congratulations - you're now running on the latest version Ruby!

Windows New Installation

These instructions are not for DragonRealms. For those scroll to the bottom.

For Windows 11/ 10 / 8 / 7 users: you can download the Ruby4Lich5.exe Installer and install everything you need automatically. Click on the Ruby4Lich5.exe and download it to your computer then double click on the executable in your default download folder. Note, a user may need to adjust their browser or security settings to allow download and installation. If you have never played before, follow the 'New Installation' instructions. If you have played before, and have used Lich before, follow the 'Upgrade Installation' instructions.

New Installation for Lich 5 (11/14/2023)

  1. Please log into the game of your choice through the Simutronics website first. Install the launcher (not SGE), and install your FrontEnd of Choice. The Wrayth FrontEnd is presently the supported FrontEnd, but Wizard will work as well, if you are nostalgic. After you've logged in, log out and continue.
  2. Download and Run the Ruby4Lich5.exe Installer. You will receive the Microsoft Warning because this is not distributed through the MS Store. Click on 'More Info' and then select the 'Run Anyway' button.
  3. The installation may take a few minutes, especially on non-SSD harddrives.
  4. A Lich5 folder will be placed on your desktop after the install is finished, open that folder and double click the lich.rbw file contained inside to start Lich's Game Entry window.
  5. Use your existing Simutronics Account and Password and click connect. Then select the character you wish to play, and select the FrontEnd you wish to use. Then click the Play button.
  6. Your game FrontEnd should start, and you should see Lich5 initializing. You will see it downloading files - these are the map files, wait for the download to finish.

Upgrade Installation for Lich 5 from Lich 4 (11/14/2023)

This option is deprecated. Lich 5 architectures are not compatible with Lich 4. Back up your existing Lich 4 folder, uninstall any existing Ruby executables, and then follow the instructions for a new install above.

Additional assistance in installation can be found in the scripting channel of the GemStone Discord.


There two common options for playing Gemstone IV on a Mac is either to play natively with Avalon or to use virtualization software such as Parallels with Wrayth/WizardFE. Below are the options on how to do that.

Native Avalon

Players with Macs can use Installing Lich on Macs for installation help. This process works well for Mac OS Catalina and Big Sur. If you have not updated your Mac OS yet, these instructions may work depending on your actual version. If you run into a snag, follow the contact instructions provided.

Parallels Windows

The following only pertains to Apple Silicon based Macs. If you have an Intel based Mac, you can use the normal Windows installation procedures instead.

To install Wrayth/WizardFE, Lich, and Ruby via Parallels you will need to do a few various steps as outlined below. Please note, the rubyw file in C:\Ruby4Lich5\X.X.X\bin may be set to run in compatibility mode for windows 7. On an ARM Mac running parallels, this causes Wrayth scripts not to run. Turning compatibility mode off in the rubyw file fixes this issue if it was enabled.

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Chromebook & Debian variants

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Popular Scripts

The following are a list of scripts that enhance or extend basic functions of Gemstone IV and can improve or streamline your gaming experience to a point where you can't think of ever going back. It's not all inclusive but contains a good starter set or some of the most popular scripts in use.

Core components installed with Lich

Generally speaking, the below scripts should not need to be updated manually by the user, especially if the user keeps up to date on the current lich version.

  • alias - A default script used to create shortcuts in lich. See wiki page for details.
  • autostart - A default script to handle which scripts run on startup. See wiki page for details.
  • go2 - Go2 is an intelligent travel script that is synchronized to many of the more complex scripts. Go2 uses a Room Number system and can intelligently plot routes between most any two rooms in all of Elanthia. Use can be as simple as ;go2 town or ;go2 bank to head to the nearest town square or bank. Use ;go2 targets to see a list of pre-programmed locations broken down by towns. Or, use ;go2 save <new location name>=<new location room number> to create your own locations. Go2 is distributed as part of a default Lich installation.
  • map - map (fork of Narost/XNarost) is an active map library that can display your location and allows Point-And-Click travel. Simply right click and choose a map, pick a room on it and click on it. map is distributed as part of a default Lich installation.
  • repository - A default script to view and dowload other scripts. See wiki page for details.
  • vars - A default script to create and view variables for both users and scripts. See wiki page for details.
  • version - A default script to output your current lich version and other information. See wiki page for details.

Scripts maintained by Elanthia-Online

  • bigshot - A script for attacking and hunting routines. See wiki page for details.
  • blackarts - A script for doing various alchemy tasks. ;blackarts setup for configuration details
  • ebounty - A script to get and perform bounties. See wiki page for details.
  • ecaster - Allows user to type just the spell number and have lich cast that spell. Usage syntax is ;ecaster setup for configuration. Set to autostart.
  • echild - A child bounty script that monitors for and returns a child during bounty sessions. Add to autostart or your hunting script when performing a bounty.
  • ecleanse - A script for dealing with status conditions. See wiki page for details.
  • ecure - A script for healing for empaths. Usage syntax is ;ecure setup for first usage.
  • eherbs - A herb heaing and stocking script. See wiki page for details.
  • eloot - A looting and loot management script. See wiki page for details.
  • elogin - A script for command line login for your characters. . Usage syntax is ;elogin <charname>
  • escortgo2 - A script for bounty escorts. Usage syntax is ;escortgo2 help for relevant commands (replaces ;ego2)
  • ewaggle - A script for spelling yourself and others up. See wiki page for details.
  • foreach - A script for sending a series of commands for each item that matches its criteria. See wiki page for details.
  • jbackup - A excellent backup and recovery tool that allows lich database and any additional file backup a user prefers. Set to autostart.
  • ledger - A scripting for tracking your silver and bounty incoming across sessios and over time per character and account with a nice ascii discplay. Requires ascii_charts gem (installed by default with Lich 5.7.0+ full installer)
  • signore - A script for using society powers ;signore setup for configuration
  • resource - A script for determining your current player service bonus. ;resource bonus Can also be used to determine the cost of enchanting with the syntanx ;Resource calc <starting enchant> <ending enchant> <cost per essence> as in ;resource calc 35 45 50
  • uberbar_eo - The most current Uberbar variant. This will provide a paperdoll with room number, resource information, etc inside wrayth. Set to autostart. Note- there is a small performance impact when using Uberbars.

Other scripts that are popular

  • character-planner - A script for planning out your character skills and training. ;character-planner for configuration
  • colmaster - A script for getting and performing COL tasks in Solhaven
  • dirty-deeds - A script for getting deeds in IMT and WL. ;dirty-deeds setup for configuration
  • invdb - An inventory management database. See wiki page for details
  • linktothefast - A complex script that provides highliting for Wryath links when links are disabled. This script can cause issues with STOW settings, so disable prior to adjusting those settings.
  • lnet - An out of game, third party, not Simutronics controlled chat server. ;repo download lnet --author=elanthia-online. See wiki page for details LNET should be installed at your own risk. Simutronics has no control over lnet or policy enforcement there.
  • multi - A script to peform repetitive set of commands. Usage syntax is ;multi; <number> <action> such as ;multi 10, get my diamond, drop my diamond
  • rogues - A script for rogue guild tasks ;rogues setup for configuration
  • sorter Sorter cleans up your bags and breaks down the the output of a LOOK command, sorting the results by type. Makes looking in your locker or backpack, and especially your gem pouch, infinitely easier. *Note* Sorter can mess up some other scripts that deal with inventory, so be cautious in usage. Elanthia-Online scripts like eloot disable sorter when performing relevant functions
  • stat-maximizer - A script for configuring character stats. ;stat-maximizer for configuration
  • tpick - A script for lockpicking ;tpick setup for configuration
  • volnstep - A script for performing voln tasks in Wehnimer's Landing
  • wander - The last of the Trifector of Travel, wander will move from room to room until it runs into a Boundary - a specified room number - or finds a room with a monster AND empty of players. Wander can be used to create a walled in hunting ground, letting you automatically move from room to room without having to use keystrokes. Use the ;wander add command to add the room you are currently standing in to the Wander List. Note: Wander will NOT enter your boundary rooms. For example, adding Town Square East to the list and then executing ;wander from within the confines of Moot Hall will send your character exploring every room in Moot, but unable to leave as TSE is a Boundary.
  • warrior - A script for warrior guild tasks ;warrior setup for configuration

Ecosystem Information

Lich Changelog

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Third-Party Software - edit
Lich Installation: Lich
Downloadable Lich Scripts: Go2 | Map | Repository | Popular Scripts