Paspartu Moving Company: Difference between revisions

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(New page: The '''Paspartu Moving Company''' is the locker moving service in Kharam Dzu on Teras Isle. It is located in a small stone building at the corner of Dragonspine and Mithril. ...)
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Revision as of 10:08, 26 July 2008

The Paspartu Moving Company is the locker moving service in Kharam Dzu on Teras Isle. It is located in a small stone building at the corner of Dragonspine and Mithril.

a young clerk

A young clerk is the NPC that arranges for the locker moves. Asking her about MOVING or LOCKER will get the moving system started.


You see an attractive young lass wearing a simple yellow dress. Her light brown hair is pulled back into a bun that's kept in place with a delicate amber comb. Her skin is fair and her eyes dark brown. Her manner is business-like but when she smiles she brightens up the whole room.

Room Messaging

The young clerk smoothes her dress.

The young clerk furrows her brow and says, "Now where did I put that file..."

The young clerk stretches.