Slash critical table

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Revision as of 21:08, 31 October 2018 by SPYRIDONM3 (talk | contribs) (This edit includes more than 100 changes to the slash critical table, The primary changes are message tweaks, removal of most variable targets and the elimination of many secondary criticals.)
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Slash critical table:

This table lists the critical messaging caused by the slash damage type. Attempts at slashing are generally made with long, sharpened blades that typically can also be used to puncture and/or crush. Injuries of this type are most often caused by (AS) based weapon attacks. The damage values (Hitpoints) in this table represent attacks in this category.

In addition to weapon attacks, slash criticals may also be caused by certain spells, natural creature attacks, and environmental hazards.

Note: Damage from non-weapon attacks, especially CS attacks, will often be different than those listed in this table, but the messaging, status effects and injury levels will be the same.


  • A - Amputation (limb loss)
  • F - Fatal critical
  • K - Knockdown
  • R - Injury level (rank 1, 2 or 3)
  • S - Stun w/number of rounds
  • x - Unknown stun round


Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Flashy swing! Too bad it only bopped a nose. none none
1 5 Tip of blade catches a cheek! Dimples are always nice. none R1
2 10 Blade slashes across face! Nice nose job S1 R1
3 15 Blow to head! S3 R2
4 20 Quick flick of the wrist and foe is slashed across the forehead! S6 R2
5 25 Hard blow to the ear leaves a deep gash and a terrible headache! S8 R3
6 30 Gruesome slash opens the forehead and spills some grey matter! F R3
7 35 Wild upward slash removes face from skull! Interesting way to die. F R3
8 40 Horrible slash to head sends brain matter flying! Victim never felt a thing. F R3
9 50 Gruesome, slashing blow to side of head shatters skull! Brain (and life) vanish into a fine mist. F R3
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Close shave! Foe takes a quick step back. none none
1 2 Attack hits the throat but doesn't break the skin. Close! none R1
2 5 Strike dents the larynx. Swallowing will be fun. S1 R1
3 10 Deft swing strikes the neck. Maybe not fatal but it's sure distracting. S2 R2
4 12 Strong slash to throat nicks a few blood vessels. S4 R3
5 15 Fast slash to the neck exposes the windpipe. Quick anatomy lesson, anyone? S8 R3
6 20 Deep slash to neck severs an artery! Victim chokes to death on its own blood. F R3
7 25 Gruesome slash to throat! That stings... for about a second. F R3
8 30 Awful slash nearly decapitates a [target]! That's one way to lose your head. F R3
9 40 Incredible slash to neck destroys throat, vocal cords, and any chance at survival. F R3
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Quick slash at the right eye lands but misses the target. none none
1 3 Slashing strike near forehead nicks an eyebrow! That must sting! none R1
2 3 Gash to the right eyebrow. Going to be quite a shiner! S1 R2
3 5 Grazing slash to face! Scratch to eyelids. When blood gets in your eyes... S3 R2
4 20 Upward slash gouges cheek and takes out the eye! Pity. S5 R3 eye R3 head
5 25 Slash strikes the right eye. Seems there was a brain there after all. F R3 eye R3 head
6 30 Slash to head destroys right eye! Doesn't do the brain any good either. F R3 eye R3 head
7 40 Slash to right eye! Blade imbedded nicely into skull. Seeya! F R3 eye R3 head
8 45 Horrifying slash to head splatters right eye on impact and reduces brain to jelly. F R3 eye R3 head
9 50 Blast to head destroys right eye and obliterates brain! Disgusting, but painful only for a second. F R3 eye R3 head
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Quick slash at the left eye lands but misses the target. none none
1 3 Slashing strike near forehead nicks an eyelid! That must sting! none R1
2 3 Gash to the left eyebrow. Going to be quite a shiner! S1 R2
3 5 Grazing slash to face! Scratches the left eye. Ouch! S3 R2
4 20 Upward slash gouges cheek and takes out the eye! Pity. S5 R3 eye R3 head
5 25 Slash strikes the left eye. Seems there was a brain there after all. F R3 eye R3 head
6 30 Slash to head destroys left eye! Doesn't do the brain any good either. F R3 eye R3 head
7 40 Slash to left eye! Blade imbedded nicely into skull. Seeya! F R3 eye R3 head
8 45 Horrifying slash to head splatters left eye on impact and reduces brain to jelly. F R3 eye R3 head
9 50 Blast to head destroys left eye and obliterates brain! Disgusting, but painful only for a second. F R3 eye R3 head
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Weak slash across chest! Slightly less painful than heartburn. none none
1 1 Whacked with side of blade across chest! Take a deep breath. none R1
2 10 Slash to chest! That heart's not broken, it's only scratched. none R1
3 15 Slash to chest! Breathe deep, it'll feel better in a minute. S1 R1
4 20 Slashing blow to chest knocks foe back a few paces! S3 R2
5 25 Crossing slash to chest catches [target]'s attention with a flourish! S5 R2
6 45 Hard slash to the [target]'s side opens the spleen! S6 R3
7 60 Quick, powerful slash rips through left side! S8 R3
8 65 Slash to ribs opens a sucking chest wound! F R3
9 70 Wicked slash to chest explodes heart on impact! Sickening. F R3
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Light slash to abdomen! Barely nicked. none none
1 5 Awkward slash to stomach! Everyone needs another belly button. none R1
2 10 Smooth slash to hip makes a nice crunching sound. none R1
3 15 Hard slash to belly severs a few nerve endings. S3 R2
4 20 Diagonal slash leaves a bloody trail across torso. S3 R2
5 25 Backed up by strong slash to abdomen! S5 R2
6 30 Deep slash to right side slices a few inches padding off hip... From the inside! S6 K R3
7 50 Amazing slash to belly! Nothing quite like that empty feeling inside. S8 R3
8 60 Bloody slash to side! Instant death, due to lack of intestines. F R3
9 75 Terrible slash to side rips through abdomen crosswise! Death can be SO messy. F R3
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Glancing blow to the back, could have been better. none none
1 3 Weak slash to lower back!! none R1
2 10 Feint to the left goes astray as foe dodges! You scratch my back... none R1
3 15 Blade scrapes along lower back. S2 R1
4 20 Slash to lower back! S2 R1
5 25 Feint left spins a [target] around! Jagged slash to lower back. S3 R2
6 30 Opponent twists away but is caught with a hard slash to the back! S5 K R3
7 50 Deft slash! Foe spun around and hit hard in lower back. S6 K R3
8 60 Slash to lower back rips out kidneys! Death is slow and painful. F R3
9 75 Masterful slash to lower back! Spinal cord and life are just memories now. F R3
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Weak slash to the [target]'s right arm. That one doesn't even sting. none none
1 3 Quick slash to upper right arm! Just a nick. none R1
2 7 Hesitant slash to upper right arm! Just a scratch. none R1
3 8 Slash to right arm slices neatly through the skin and meets bone! S1 R1
4 10 Powerful slash just cracks a [target]'s weapon arm! S2 R2
5 15 Deep slash to right forearm! S3 R2
6 20 Quick, hard slash to right arm! *CRACK* S5 R2
7 25 Hard slash to side! Right arm no longer available for use. S6 A R3
8 35 Spectacular slash neatly amputates right arm! S8 A R3
9 40 Awesome slash severs right arm, leaving only a jagged stump behind! S10 A R3
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Hard blow, but deflected. Not much damage. none none
1 3 Quick slash to upper left arm! Just a nick. none R1
2 7 Slash to shield arm shears off a thin layer of skin! none R1
3 8 Glancing slash to the [target]'s shield arm! S1 R1
4 10 Powerful slash just cracks a [target]'s shield arm! S2 R2
5 15 Deep slash to left forearm! S3 R2
6 20 Off-balance slash to left arm shatters elbow. S5 R2
7 25 Hard slash to side! Left arm no longer available for use. S6 A R3
8 35 Spectacular slash neatly amputates left arm! S8 A R3
9 40 Awesome slash severs left arm, leaving only a jagged stump behind! S10 A R3
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Near-miss! That'll hurt tomorrow. none none
1 1 Diagonal slash to weapon arm misses and bruises a few knuckles. none R1
2 3 Blade bounces off the back of the hand. none R1
3 5 Feint to the head then a quick flick at the weapon hand leaves a nasty little cut. none R1
4 7 Strong slash to the right hand cuts deep. S1 R2
5 5 Slash to weapon hand slices off a few fingers. S2 R2
6 10 Rapped the knuckles hard! Hand sounds broken. S3 R2
7 15 Jagged slash to right arm slices through wrist. Need a hand? S4 A R3
8 25 Powerful slash trims fingernails -- and remainder of right hand! S5 A R3
9 30 Off-balance slash strikes with enough force to sever right hand at wrist! Amazing. S10 A R3
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Near-miss! Knuckles kissed but little damage. none none
1 1 Slash to weapon hand trims off a few fingernails. none R1
2 3 Blade scratches the back of the hand. none R1
3 5 Slice to the left fingers. Nice move. none R1
4 7 Deep cut to the left hand! Seems to have broken some fingers too. S1 R2
5 8 Slash to off-weapon hand slices off a few fingers. S2 R2
6 10 Rapped the knuckles hard! Hand sounds broken. S3 R2
7 15 Jagged slash to left arm slices through wrist. Need a hand? S4 A R3
8 25 Powerful slash trims fingernails -- and remainder of left hand! S5 A R3
9 30 Off-balance slash strikes with enough force to sever left hand at wrist! Amazing. S10 A R3
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Quick feint to the right foot results in little extra damage. none none
1 5 Slash to lower leg hits high! Kinda makes your knees weak, huh? none R1
2 10 Banged the right shin. That'll raise a good welt. none R1
3 10 Downward slash across right thigh! Might not scar. S1 R1
4 17 Deep, bloody slash to the right thigh! S3 K R2
5 20 Quick, powerful slash to the right knee! S5 K R2
6 25 Strong slash to right leg exposes thigh muscles. Not a pretty sight. S6 K R2
7 30 Wild downward slash severs right foot! Bloody stump, anyone? S8 K A R3
8 40 Powerful slash severs right leg at the knee! S10 K A R3
9 45 Powerful slash leaves foe without a right leg! S12 K A R3
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Light, bruising slash to the [target]'s left thigh. none none
1 5 Slash to lower leg hits high! Kinda makes your knees weak, huh? none R1
2 10 Banged the left shin. That'll raise a good welt. none R1
3 10 Downward slash across left thigh strikes bone! S1 R1
4 17 Deft slash to left leg digs deep, chipping bone! S3 K R2
5 20 Quick, powerful slash to the left knee! S5 K R2
6 25 Weak diagonal slash catches left knee, dislocating it. S6 K R2
7 30 Wild downward slash severs left foot! Bloody stump, anyone? S8 K A R3
8 40 Powerful slash severs left leg at the knee! S10 K A R3
9 45 Powerful slash leaves foe without a left leg! S12 K A R3

See Also

Noncorporeal critical table for messaging with slash based attacks against Noncorporeal creatures.

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