Servants of Lumnis

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Servants of Lumnis are Spirits Servants bound to jewelry items that are available as a rare drop during Rings of Lumnis. These were first released in 2022 with five varieties: TBA, TBA, TBA, TBA, and TBA.




Verb First Third

Additional information

Planar Servant

a slender crimson planes-strider

Wavering crimson light gives the ethereal being a fiery countenance that darkens to near black at its core, while (his/her) eyes, ears, lips, and nose are sanguineous in hue. (His/Her) entire body and gear hold the same opaque hue, though hard outlines are given to (his/her) long legs and narrow physique. (His/Her) almond-shaped eyes house an alien light that is made all the more surreal by (his/her) elongated features and vacant gaze.

Elemental Servant

a plump viridian warden of the elements

Diminutive, portly, and barefoot, the warden has a cheery countenance and an ethereal body fashioned of viridian light that pales to the softest of greens at its center. Wide eyes take in the world with wonder and curiosity, while a partially formed smile perpetually dimples (his/her) rounded cheeks. Light airy clothing drifts about (his/her) frame in an unseen wind, and (his/her) hair mimics that movement as wild ringlets stand out from (his/her) head.

Spiritual Servant

an ethereal azure spirit-guardian

Shod in simple sandals, the spirit-guardian is clothed in a voluminous frock of bright blue that is thickly cowled. (His/Her) azure face is framed by a rounded hood that culminates in a liripipe that trails down (his/her) back and brushes the ground. A cincture of alternating white, black, red, green, and blue beads encircles (his/her) waist, the long ends terminating in a gold quintuple symbol. The very air and countenance of the spirit-guardian is one of serenity and peace.

Order Servant

an alabaster (summoner’s race) knight

Stocky and surefooted, the lithe knight is alert and vaguely resembles (player’s race) (man/woman). Tidy and well-groomed are only a few of the characteristics that denote (him/her) as a perfect example of (his/her) race, though (his/her) garb and armaments seem archaic and from a time long forgotten. Wary eyes and a stoic countenance lend (his/her) ethereal, alabaster form a silent seriousness.

Chaos Servant

a smoke and fire chaosrider

Composed of one part light and one part darkness, the chaosrider has a form filled with smoke and flame that is bound together by raw energy to create a lithe form that vaguely resembles a gangly adolescent. Wild hair, constantly moving and undulating in a mane of flame red, haloes (his/her) youthful face, which is filled with mischievous intent. Wide eyes flicker between deepest black and brightest orange at a moment's notice as (he/she) hovers barefoot above the ground.

Servants of Lumnis Information
Type Fluff
Item Classification Accessory
Item(s) Applied to Planar
Alterable No
Light/Deep No
Original Release Venue Rings of Lumnis
Legendary Yes
Spell 218