Dwarven empath tattoo

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A grumpy dwarf empath tattoo is a wandering tattoo that stores up to 20 doses of a variety of herbs and uses these herbs to heal the wearer's wounds.


You analyze your dwarven empath tattoo and sense that the item cannot be altered in any way.

The creator has also provided the following information:
You carefully check over the dwarven empath tattoo and regretfully come to the conclusion that he doesn't have instructions inked onto him.
However, as you PEER closer, you do notice that his haversack looks stained with herbal concoctions that have DROPPED into it over the years, and that the dwarf is also just the right size for POKING or TAPPING.

You get no sense of whether or not the tattoo may be further lightened.


Verb Style First Third
CLEAN Style The dwarf obligingly turns over his haversack and gives it a vigorous shake, but only a few bits of lint fall out. He tucks it back against himself and smirks at you. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
DROP Style This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! <Character> drops <herb> on the dwarf empath tattoo.
LOOK Style The dwarf shifts uncomfortably and then furrows his bushy brows, folding his arms almost belligerently as he stares back at you. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
PEER Style You squint critically down at the dwarf empath tattoo.

The dwarf empath tattoo obligingly holds out his haversack for you to peer within. You see that his haversack is empty.

This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
POKE Style You give the sleeping tattoo a sharp jab and he flails wildly, clutching at his cap as he scrambles back to his feet. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
POKE Style You reach under your battered Pip-Boy 3000 and give the dwarf empath tattoo a sharp poke! The dwarf empath tattoo grouchily emerges and shuffles off, coming to rest on your neck. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
TAP Style You tap the dwarven empath tattoo and the dwarf stills, becoming simply an art rendering upon your skin. <Character> taps <her/his> dwarf empath tattoo and the dwarf stills, becoming simply an art rendering on <her/his> skin.
TAP Style This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! <Character> taps <her/his> dwarf empath tattoo and the inked art blooms with life, stretching and looking around.

Additional Information


<Character>'s dwarf empath tattoo tiptoes off to slip under <her/his> <item>.

<Character>'s dwarf empath tattoo emerges from beneath <her/his> <item> and tiptoes off to slip under <her/his> <item>.

<Character>'s dwarf empath tattoo emerges from beneath <her/his> <item> and sidles back off to his <body location>.
<Character>'s dwarf empath tattoo emerges from beneath <her/his> <item> and stiffly stumps over to <her/his> <body location> and applies <herb> to it.

<Character>'s dwarf empath tattoo carefully applies <herb> to <Character>'s <body location>.

<Character>'s dwarf empath tattoo deftly administers <her/him> a dose of <herb>.

<Character>'s dwarf empath tattoo forages around <her/his> skin for a moment but doesn't appear to have any luck finding what he was looking for.  With nonchalant shrug, the dwarf empath tattoo gives up.

<Character>'s dwarf empath tattoo slowly trudges up to <her/his> shoulders and makes a few circuits around <her/his> neck, his eyes trained on <her/his> head.  He pulls out <herb> from his haversack and glances between it and <her/his> head before sadly shaking his own head.  With a mournful look, he tucks the remedy away again and walks off.
<Character>'s dwarf empath tattoo draws a mortar and pestle from his haversack.  After placing some bits of acantha in the bowl, he begins to grunt with the rhythm of the grinding.

<Character>'s dwarf empath tattoo scratches his stubby fingers through his full wiry beard, sighing contentedly as he vanquishes a lingering, pesky itch.

<Character>'s dwarf empath tattoo releases a well fermented belch, followed by a sigh of satisfaction.

<Character>'s dwarf empath tattoo's throat reverberates with a juicy belch, and he wipes his mouth on his sleeve.

<Character>'s dwarf empath tattoo raises a thin glass syringe to eye level and squints at the liquid within.  He raps the tip of one finger against the glass once, twice, three times.  Squinting again, he nods in satisfaction and returns it to his haversack.

Unwinding part of a used bandage, <Character>'s dwarf empath tattoo spits on the blood-stained cloth.  He rubs it repeatedly with his thumb, smearing more of it than he removes.

As <Character>'s dwarf empath tattoo gestures, he becomes blurred, and then vanishes!

Glancing about briefly, <Character>'s dwarf empath tattoo eases himself down, lying comfortably on his back.  Dragging his cap over his eyes, he appears to settle himself down for a nap.

The dwarf empath tattoo's chest rises and falls rhythmically in his sleep.

See Also

Dwarven empath tattoo Information
Type Mechanical
Item Classification Accessory
Item(s) Applied to Tattoo
Alterable No
Light/Deep No
Original Release Venue Great Auction of 2016
Original Release Year 2016
Item Verbs