Elleria (prime)

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Generated by player of Archsenex using Stable Diffusion - Dreamshaper
Between the stars we sit.
Race Aelotoi
Class Empath
Religion None
Demeanor Quiet. Friendly.
Greatest Weakness Gravity
Soft Spots Cake.
Likes Airships. Mint.
Green Tea. Gin.
Butterflies. Poetry.
Fears Unknown


You see Elleria.
She appears to be an Aelotoi.
She is shorter than average. She appears to be very young. She has large wild iris blue eyes and ivory skin. She has chin length, softly mussed starless black hair subtly suffused in a beryl blue hue. She has a dainty face, a small nose and dimpled cheeks. She has a set of glaes crescent earcuffs trailing dusky lilac iolite starbursts attached to her ears. She has a pair of translucent pale silvery cyan wings.
She has a black butterfly tattoo on her wrist.
She is wearing a high-collared flyrsilk cloak lined in jewel tones, a delicate veniom necklace strung with a silver-strewn duskjewel pendant, an airy slate blue chiffon dress veiled in a fall of arathiel-swept lace with an ebon lace corset visibly boned along the contours of the hips underneath, and a pair of fuliginous soft velvet knee-boots raised on beveled heels.
Generated by player of Archsenex using Stable Diffusion - Dreamshaper
Generated by Elleria's player using artflow.ai

Images on this page conceived of through artflow.ai & Stable Diffusion - Dreamshaper.
There are many non-AI Artists within the community who do beautiful custom work across different mediums & can be sought out for their services.