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Implosion (720)
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Creates a black void which destroys all of the air around the target(s), subjecting them to vacuum injuries. Then the air will rush back into the area (shortly afterwards), subjecting its victim(s) to the force of the returning air, and likely the impact of any loose objects striking them and doing additional damage. Because the damage is done by air, Purify Air (207) offers some protection against this spell.
Focused Implosion
- CAST AT <target> to focus a single instantaneous strike at them.
The most commonly used version, though heavily weighted so that its proficiency isn't seen until around level 40. The damage done is based on your level vs. target level, Sorcerer Base ranks, and Spell Aiming ranks.
- Will always stun the target (unless immune to stuns), and may stun additional targets in the room.
The likeliness of stuns and number of additional targets affected is increased by training in Multi Opponent Combat skill. Up to six targets may be stunned with no training, and each rank will yield one additional target stunned.
- Increased training in Elemental Mana Control, Spiritual Mana Control, and Mental Mana Control will reduce the mana cost to a minimum of 14.
Against a like-leveled opponent, 1x combined MC ranks will cause the spell to cost 18 mana. 2x combined MC ranks will net a cost of 16 mana per cast. Hunting targets above one's own level will increase the mana per cast, counteracting this effect. The cost cannot exceed 20 mana.
- Has the possibility to completely vaporize (instantly killing) the target, leaving no body or treasure.
Around 2x Spell Aiming is expected, to produce the instant vaporization crit reliably versus like-leveled targets. Casting this spell on stunned, bound, or prone targets will increase the damage and chance of instantly killing that target. Players which are vaporized will receive a major wound in every possible location and be transported immediately to the 'center' of the nearest town.
Open Implosion
CAST or INCANT this spell to unleash an instant attack which will stun every possible target. It will then linger after the initial implosion effect for four (4) total damage cycles, each doing damage and potentially instantly killing anything in the immediate and adjacent rooms. Each pulse becomes more powerful than the last, making the most devastating results caused by the last two pulses. Upon being cast, the implosion will suck any loose items into the void. It will also automatically suck in any bound, prone, or stunned targets. As items are sucked into the void upon its initial opening, they may strike targets in the room. If stunned from the damage while struck in this way, they will immediately be sucked into the void.
- This version of the spell will always cost 20 mana.
Interacting with Voids
The open version of this spell creates a black void in the room. Any attempt to physically interact with the void will result in instant death (although it also serves as a crude means of teleportation). For obvious reasons, this list is not exhaustive, but includes the verbs: go, get, nudge, touch, tap, poke, lean. Verbs which do not attempt to physically interact with the void (cower, wave, etc) are safe, but a general rule of thumb is don't try to play with voids! In Sorcerer Guild shops, boxes can be found which contain a tiny black sphere; these are also voids, so choose your actions wisely.
However, casting Spirit Dispel (119) or Elemental Dispel (417) at the void will close it. This is a particularly useful hunting tactic, as most creatures that are not prone or stunned will flee the area, making them less likely to be hit by the later, more severe, damage rounds. Because open implosion tends to stun many targets, and stunned targets are most susceptible to instant death, opening a void, closing it, and opening another void, while high in mana cost, is extremely effective. Prematurely closing voids is also useful for safety reasons if you have reason to believe there may be other characters nearby.
Implosion and the Justice System
Casting Implosion within a town's justice limits will automatically garner a warrant for endangering public safety, which can lead to the caster's arrest. Casting the unfocused version within town limits while justice mechanics are operating normally will create a focused version aimed at the caster. This rebound effect doesn't function when the justice system has been suspended, generally the result of invasions in which creatures have breached justice-controlled areas of a city (for example, crashing through the front gate). Neither form of Implosion will net the caster an EPS warrant if justice mechanics are offline.
- Use JUSTICE STATUS to determine whether or not a room is under justice jurisdiction, as well as whether normal justice mechanics are in effect or not.
Implosion and Registered Items
Items that have been registered under the new registration system (implemented with Gemstone IV) will not be sucked into the void, thereby reducing the chances that these items will be accidently lost. This protection does NOT extend to implosions cast by hostile creatures.
Log Clips of Implosion in Use
When a player is vaporized in an implosion, the following usually occurs in a nearby town:
The critical kills of implosion are quite spectacular (however, the result is no corpse to loot):
You gesture at a rolton.
A void rips open in the area, directly above a rolton!
Rather abrupt decompression causes a rolton to explode!
Billions and billions of tiny rolton bits shower everything.
Quite severely dead.
Everything in the room seemed to stay in place. The void disappears without further incident.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Cast demonstrating the effect of Multi-Opponent Combat training (in this case, 10 ranks):
You gesture at a sneering krolvin pillager.
A void rips open in the area, directly above a sneering krolvin pillager!
Rather abrupt decompression causes a sneering krolvin pillager to explode!
Billions and billions of tiny pillager bits shower everything.
Quite severely dead.
A sneering krolvin pillager gasps for air and is stunned!
A sneering krolvin pillager gasps for air and is stunned!
A sneering krolvin pillager gasps for air and is stunned!
A sneering krolvin pillager gasps for air and is stunned!
A one-eyed krolvin pirate gasps for air and is stunned!
A one-eyed krolvin pirate gasps for air and is stunned!
A sneering krolvin pillager gasps for air and is stunned!
A one-eyed krolvin pirate gasps for air and is stunned!
A one-eyed krolvin pirate gasps for air and is stunned!
A one-eyed krolvin pirate gasps for air and is stunned!
A one-eyed krolvin pirate gasps for air and is stunned!
Everything in the room seemed to stay in place. The void disappears without further incident.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
External Links
- Sorcerer Base Spell Circle: Implosion, on