Lock Mastery
Lockmastery is one of six Rogue Guild guild skills that allows a rogue to pick boxes faster, add locks and clasps to certain items, measure a lock size, and a number of other things.
Lockmastery skills are generally skills that relate to traps, locks, and things one can do with traps and locks. Locksmiths use calipers to narrow down the best pick to use while picking boxes. Sorcerers need locked containers to use one aspect of their Phase (704) spell, and commission rogues to add locks to certain items. Some skills, like the PTRICKs, are useful only for show.
Picking Tricks
- There are seven different styles that a lockmastery-skilled rogue can use to add style to his picking attempts.
- With a quick flick of the wrist, you spin your copper tatting spindle around in your palm, stopping it as the tip enters a sturdy iron trunk...
- You give your vaalin lockpick a sharp twist, attempting to straighten it slightly, before settling into the difficult task of picking the lock on a rotting monir strongbox...
- Taking a gentle turn, you choke up on your golvern nail file for a better grip, then devote all your attention to the lock on a badly damaged maoral chest...
- With a casual motion, you twirl your invar lockpick around your index finger, catching it between thumb and forefinger before applying it to the lock of a rotting monir trunk...
- With a quick toss, you send your invar lockpick popping into the air, whirling like a top! As it comes down, you easily snatch it from the air and begin to pick the lock on a sturdy tanik coffer...
- You carefully bend the tip of your copper lockpick slightly, adjusting it for a better angle, before attempting to pick the lock on a plain modwir trunk...
Sensing Room Conditions
- Room conditions can influence the ability of a rogue to pick a lock. A brighter room is better for lockpicking than a darker room. Fog hinders lockpicking as well.
- There are approximately eight seconds between entering the LM SENSE command and having the room conditions reported back.
>lm sense
With a seasoned eye, you begin to examine both yourself and the area in an attempt to ascertain the current conditions for lockpicking...
After a thorough examination, you determine that you are in excellent shape, physically. As far as you can tell, the area around you has pretty average lighting.
Unfortunately, the voices in your head will hinder any attempts at serious locksmithing.
Under the current conditions, you think you could probably handle an intricate trap and a fairly easy lock with any old lockpick.
- Troubleshooting: If seeing the message "You discover that you're not really skilled enough at this to be able to tell much." or a message about pickpocketing, it is possible that you are only using the SENSE verb. Please try again using LM SENSE.
Measuring the Size of a Lock with Calipers
Wedging Open Boxes
Appraising Lockpicks
Repairing Lockpicks
Relocking Boxes
Adding Clasps to Containers
- The rogue can add a clasp to certain containers that do not open and close, making them closeable. If the item is scripted, the item will not be able to be clasped via lockmastery.
- The following nouns can possibly take a clasp:
- backpack, bag, bankbook, book, cape, case, casket, cloak, coat, greatcloak, handbag, haversack, hip-satchel, jacket, kit, knapsack, longcloak, longcoat, manifest, mantle, pack, pouch, prayerbook, purse, quiver, register, reliquary, reticule, robe, robes, rucksack, sack, satchel, shroud, songbook, sporran, tome, toolkit, tube, and vestment.
- To see if an item can take a clasp, the LMASTER CLASP CHECK verb can be used.
- A purple mantle can have a clasp attached to it, but not a lock.
- A purple mantle already has a clasp, and cannot have a lock added.
- That already has a clasp, but it can have a lock added.
- That is not an appropriate type of container to add a clasp or lock to.
- That's not a container.
- The first time that LMASTER CLASP is used on an item, it will punch a hole in the item, readying it for a clasp. This results in 20-30 seconds of roundtime.
- Picking up a punch from the workbench, you carefully put a hole in the mantle where you intend to attach a clasp.
- The second time that LMASTER CLASP is used on an item, you must have a clasp ready in your other hand. Clasps are available in the guild shops. Also, items with the noun "clasp" found in the treasure system can be used to clasp containers. Merchants have sold items without the clasp noun at multiple festivals.
- Selecting a pair of grips from the workbench, you carefully put a fine brass clasp through the hole in your purple mantle and secure it in place.
- The description of the clasped item can have three variations:
- To add to the show description, the verb is LMASTER CLASP SHOWDESC
- To add to the long description, the verb is LMASTER CLASP LONGDESC
- a rose pink thrak hide cloak clasped with an oversized stiffly splayed starched linen bow
- To keep the clasp hidden and keep the item's description the same, the verb is LMASTER CLASP NODESC, or simply LMASTER CLASP
Making and Adding Locks to containers
- The rogue can create a lock to add to certain containers. The lock can be of any difficulty that the rogue can pick open, though a difficult lock is not necessary. The larger the lock size, the more expensive it is to create.
- The rogue can also cut keys and eventually customize said keys. It is advisable to have at least two keys; one key to unlock the container, and another key to store inside the container in case the first key is lost. Lockable containers can also be picked open and relocked via LM RELOCK.
- Having a container that locks has both practical and role playing purposes. Phasing a locked container will cause the items within to become weightless as well as the container itself, making the service desirable for sorcerers.
- The following items can have a lock added to them:
- backpack, bankbook, book, case, casket, handbag, haversack, hip-satchel, kit, knapsack, manifest, pack, prayerbook, purse, register, reliquary, reticule, rucksack, satchel, songbook, sporran, tome, toolkit, and tube.
- Creating a lock
- To create a lock, the rogue must go to a workshop toolbench with enough silvers to create the desired lock.
>lm lock create 500
You call in a workshop attendant and offer him enough to cover the materials for a -500 lock. A workshop attendant accepts your silvers.
The workshop attendant quickly retrieves a small block of steel and hands it to you before returning to his counter.
Materials in hand, you concentrate on the task of molding a -500 lock. After a short time, you find yourself with an average five tumbler lock assembly in your hand. You select a lock housing from the workbench and slide the average lock assembly inside.
Roundtime: 42 sec.
- Unwanted lock assemblies can be sold back to the workshop attendant for roughly 70% of the creation price or used for deeds.
- To attach a lock to a container, one must have a container with one of the nouns listed above and a lock assembly. The container must be able to open and close, and must be open when the lock is added. A workshop is not necessary to install a lock assembly into a container if the rogue has a locksmith's toolkit equipped with a set of narrow metal grips.
>lm lock knapsack
Taking the metal grips from your gold-painted toolbox, you insert your lock assembly into the clasp of your leather knapsack, and attach it securely.
Roundtime: 38 sec.
- To duplicate a lock assembly, use the LM LOCK CREATE DUPLICATE syntax inside a workshop. This will create an identical lock assembly to one held in the rogue's hand. This is useful for people who want multiple items that lock, but want to use only one key.
- Lock assemblies can be removed from containers, but the lock assembly will be destroyed in the process. Locks can only be removed in a workshop. This is useful for those who have lost their keys and would like to regain the ability to lock and unlock the container with a key.
>lm lock remove knapsack
You select a tool from the toolbench and, with a bit of finesse and a lot of brute force, pry the lock out of the leather knapsack. Satisfied with your act of destruction, you toss the mangled lock assembly into a nearby wastebin.
Roundtime: 6 sec.
- Making Keys
- To cut a key, the rogue must purchase a key blank. Steel key blanks are available in the guild workshops. Key blanks made of various metals can occasionally be purchased at special merchant events.
- Keys can be cut to fit specific lock assemblies or to duplicate existing keys. Keys can NOT be cut to fit the lock assembly after the lock assembly is installed in the container. The lock assembly can be removed from the container in case all keys are lost, but the lock assembly will be destroyed in the process. Keys must be cut specifically for each lock assembly; keys made for assemblies even of the same difficulty will not fit. The only exception is if a duplicate has been made of the same lock assembly.
>lm cut
You place a steel key blank into the key-cutting machinery and carefully carve out a pattern that matches a primitive lock assembly.
Roundtime: 33 sec.
Creating Lockpicks
Customizing Lockpicks and Keys
Creating Keyrings
Gaining ranks in all of the Rogue Guild skills requires the completion of numerous tasks.
Master Tasks
- Depending on the rank of the rogue, the Skilled Masters will ask for different tasks.
Parchment Conditions
Picking Tough Boxes
Measuring with Calipers
- Practice the latest PTRICK learned on a box that provides the locksmith decent challenge in front of at least four people. Rogues count as two, Rogue Guild Masters count as three. You can only get one repetition every 30 seconds. Persons that are hidden or invisible do not count as a member of the audience. Those practicing the skill in Zul Logoth, Pinefar or the Rift will find that they require an audience of only two people.
Picking Contests
Wedge Open Boxes
Relock Boxes
Put Clasps on Containers
Create Locks and Keys
Extract Trap Components
Customize Lockpicks
Tsoran's site has an excellent table showing the skills, benefits and tasks required to progress in lock mastery. In addition to the benefits listed the smith will see reductions in RT for caliper use and for trap detection and disarming as they reached the advanced ranks of lockmastery.
The lock duplication skill can only be used to create genuine duplicates of the smith's own locks.
- http://www.tsoran.com
- Rogue Guild, on Play.net
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