Holy Weapon (1625)

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Holy Weapon (1625)
Mnemonic [SANCTIFY]
Duration Immediate
Utility Magic  
Subtype {{{subtype}}} 
Skill Enhancement {{{skill}}} 
Components {{{components}}} 
Availability {{{availability}}} 

Sanctify is a Paladin Base spell that allows a paladin to bond with a given weapon, giving it a few additonal abilities depending on the properties of the weapon bonded.

Sanctify benefits

Bonding to a weapon gives a bonus to maneuvers that utilize the weapon and increase the paladin's AS and DS while using the weapon. Attitionally, the weapon acts as an enhancive item. These benefits increase as the rank of bonding increases with the weapon.

At the first bonding level, the weapon will gain "Guiding Light" flares, but only if the weapon does not already possess flares or weighting.

At the third bonding level, the weapon will be capable of accepting a spell from the paladin to be cast later when the weapon inflicts damage to a creature. The spells that the weapon can accept depend on a variety of factors, including which sphere of magic the spell comes from, if it is a spell the paladin knows, the level of bonding the paladin has with the weapon, and the number of ranks the paladin possesses in Spiritual Lore, Summoning (seed 2 of the summation chart).

At the final bonding level, level 5, the weapon gains the ability to return to the paladin when disarmed or thrown.

1 +2 +1 Grants the bonded weapon Guiding Light flares
2 +4 +2 None
3 +6 +3 Allows a spell to be imbued into the bonded weapon
4 +8 +4 None
5 +10 +5 The weapon will return to the Paladin's hand when disarmed or thrown

Infusing a spell to a bonded weapon

To infuse a spell to a bonded weapon, simply prepare the spell, then use the INFUSE (verb) on the weapon. Spells known by the paladin, or that can be known by the paladin count as the spell level of the spell being placed into the bonded weapon. Spiritual spells that cannot be learned by the paladin (such as from the Major Spiritual spell circle) count as 1.25× the spell's level. Hybrid spells that are semi-spiritual in nature, such as spells from the Sorcerer Base circle, count as 1.5× the spell's level. Spells that are not spiritual in nature count as double their spell level. The infusion process will accept any spell that falls within the level range of the bonded weapon's ability to hold. That maximum level is the following:

(bonding level - 2) × 4 + Lores

Therefore, with bonding level 5 and 5 ranks of Spiritual Lore, Summoning, a paladin could infuse a 14th level spell into the weapon. In order to infuse a spell such as Bind (214), which counts as a level 18 spell, the paladin would need a level 5 bond with his weapon and would need 27 ranks of Spiritual Lore, Summoning, and a scroll to cast the spell from. Pain (711) could be used if the paladin has 20 ranks of Spiritual Lore, Summoning.

See also

External links