Gswiki:Style guide

The official GemStone IV encyclopedia.
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This page lays out some of the rough style and layout guidelines we use on this Wiki. The purpose of these isn't to force everyone to look the same, it's to make the information organized and easier for people to discover, so feel free to object to any you feel don't achieve that goal.


Like on Wikipedia, article names should have the first letter capitalized and the remaining words in lowercase (such as SGE protocol saved post) unless the topic is a proper noun, in which case it should be in title case like usual (such as Wehnimer's Landing). The reason for this is so that if you link a title in the middle of a word, the link looks appropriate without any extra massaging.

Similarly, article names should be singular (Rogue instead of Rogues) unless the item being discussed is always plural (such as the Elven Nations).

Verb names

Verb names should be the full name of the verb in capitals followed by (verb), for example the page for the INVENTO verb would be named "INVENTO (verb)". Remember that verbs are truncated to seven (7) characters in length, for example the verb INVENTORY is in fact INVENTO. In cases where the intuitive verb name is longer than the actual verb name (such as with INVENTO), there should be a redirect from the intuitive verb name to the real verb name.

See Help:Style (verbs) for more information on verb entries.

Skill names

Skill names should be the full name of the skill in title case.

See Help:Style (skills) for more information on skill entries.

Spell names

Spell names should be the name of the spell followed by the number of the spell in parentheses (such as Mana Leech (516)). A redirect page should exist for both the spell number (516) and the spell name (Mana Leech). Spells are proper nouns and thus should be in title case.

See Help:Style (spells) for more information on spell entries.

Saved Posts

Saved posts should be on their own page, which should be just the text of the saved post preceeded by the post date and poster's account and followed by [[Category:Saved Posts]] and possibly other categories which apply. Saved posts should be named something like "SGE protocol saved post" (and if there are multiple posts on the same topic, they can be named saved post 1, saved post 2, etc). For pages in which you would like to include a saved post along with other text, put the saved post on its own page and use {{:Topic saved post}} to include it in the main article (see the SGE protocol article for an example). In other cases, a link at the bottom to any related posts will be sufficient.


If you edit an article on Krakiipedia, please refrain from including a signiture (generally using the ~~~~ Wikitext markup) in the article. The history feature of MediaWiki does an exemplary job of keeping track of edits and who last edited a particular article.


Remember that if something is written by someone else, they own the copyright to it, even if there is no copyright notice posted in relation to it. Unless you have permission from the author, you may not use that text directly. Most importantly, this includes the official Simutronics website.

Equally important to remember is that ideas are not copyrighted, only the expression of those ideas. So just because the Simutronics website has a page on a subject doesn't mean there can't be one here as well. It does mean that you can't copy portions of the text from that page over to the page here, though.


When creating new articles, or even updating older ones, please take a moment and check the category list and determine if any existing categories are appropriate for the article being edited.