Summit Academy/Enhancive services

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We're tentatively going to have a run on Thursday, January 22, 2015 from 7p-11p Eastern. By tentatively, I mean the tickets should show up in the box office soon barring foreseen circumstances.

This is planned to be the last run of Sylinar's Spire for at least a couple months, so please join us!

~GM Liia

Sylinar's Spire is a recurring pay event for enhancives that began in November 2014. A ticket cost $29.99 and additional tickets could be purchased during the event. Each ticket provided three services in any combination and a stylized golden griffin pin.

Official description from GM Liia
Somewhere in the northern Dragonspine, there existed a school for the advanced teaching of alchemy, prestidigitation, and thaumaturgy. Young wizards traveled from across the lands to study and practice with the greatest magical masters. Rare ingredients were shared, incantations were whispered around warm fires, and apprentices, in time, became masters themselves. But over the years, the halls grew silent. The students no longer came. The old masters moved on, or retired to the cold stone towers. Eventually, even the name of the school itself was lost to antiquity…

Except for Sylinar, professor and librarian. Sylinar, whose home has been the tower that bears his name since a time few can recall. The venerable professor and cataloger of the magical annals has descended the spiraling stairs of the Spire, eager to raise funds in the hope of restoring the institution to its former greatness. Sylinar will open his doors to a small number of curious adventurers, offering a glimpse of his home and a taste of his magical skill.

Up to 50 adventurers can sign up for each of Sylinar’s four-hour tours. There is a three service limit for each account. Offered services are adding up to ten (10) charges to recharge an enhancive item, adding ten (10) charges or 10% of maximum charge capacity (whichever is greater) to an enhancive item, making a crumbly enhancive item permanent (will not crumble after last charge is used), or removing a single enhancive property from an item.

There will be a few shops to peruse, including items such as enhancive edibles, basic clothing, climate wear, scrolls, and scroll tubes.

Finally, every visitor will receive a special item free of charge: a stylized golden griffin pin. This item will hide any worn, non-container, non-combat gear, non-scripted enhancive item, as well as being able to indicate if a held item is enhancive.

A fifth service of enhancive swapping was added later.

If one wanted enhancive permanence and removal on a single item, that would count as two services.

Merchant Notice

You have received zero merchant services. The Sylinar's Spire event has a service limit of three account wide. You may choose from:

1. Make an enhancive item that would currently crumble when the last charge is expended not crumble
2. Increase the total charge pool of an enhancive item by 10 charges or 10%, whichever is greater
3. Recharge an enhancive item by 10 charges up to the item's maximum
4. Remove a single enhancive property from an item
5. Enhancive swapping within these categories:

A. Strength to Wisdom (one to another)
B. Constitution, Dexterity, Agility, or Discipline (any one to another)
C. Logic, Intuition, or Influence (any one to another)
D. Any Weapons Skill (Except TWC or Multi-Opponent Combat) (any one to another)
E. Magic Item Use to Arcane Symbols (one to another)
F. Mana Controls - Elemental, Spiritual, Mental (one to another)
G. Lores (any one to another)

Conditions: All restrictions on an item will remain. Enhancives must remain in the same increments, meaning no changing ranks to bonus. Spell-knowledge enhancives, items that can't be recharged, fusion items, edible items, temporary enhancives, and scripted items that are hard-coded enhancives are not eligible for the enhancive-swapping service.

You can have the same service done three times if you desire.

Inventory within the Spire

Spell Scrolls on 1st floor
Climate wear on 2nd floor
Edible Enhancives on 3rd floor with 10 sips/bites each

In the Common language, it reads:
Each item on the tables contains ten drinks or bites. Please choose your ingredients based on the following elucidation:

Smaragdine flask - +5 Stalking/Hiding Bonus, +5 Discipline
Ianthine flask - +5 Dexterity, +5 Spell Aiming Bonus
Mazarine flask - +5 Physical Fitness Bonus, +5 Survival Bonus
Amaranthine flask - +5 Influence, +5 Trading Bonus
Ultramarine flask - +1 Spirit Recovery

Puniceous alembic - +5 Agility, +5 Dodging Bonus
Melichrous alembic - +5 Combat Maneuvers Bonus, +5 Stamina Recovery
Glaucous alembic - +5 Strength, +5 Health Recovery
Brunneous alembic - +5 Armor Use Bonus, +5 Shield Use Bonus

Shriveled berry - +5 Arcane Symbols Bonus, +5 Magic Item Use Bonus
Fleshy berry - +5 Harness Power Bonus, +5 Elemental Mana Control Bonus
Plump berry - +5 Harness Power Bonus, +5 Mental Mana Control Bonus
Bulbous berry - +5 Harness Power Bonus, +5 Spirit Mana Control Bonus Juicy berry - +5 Max Mana, +5 Mana Recovery

Bolete mushroom - +2 each to the Elemental Lore Bonuses: Air, Earth, Fire, and Water
Golden morel mushroom - +3 each to the Spiritual Lore Bonuses: Blessings, Religion, and Summoning
Shaggy mane mushroom - +5 each to the Sorcerous Lore Bonuses: Demonology and Necromancy
Black trumpet mushroom - +2 each to the Mental Lore Bonuses: Divination, Manipulation, Telepathy, Transference, and Transformation

You exclaim, "Ohhh!"

Griffin pins are located on the 4th floor

Enhancive Swapping

Conditions: Spell knowledge enhancives are not allowed in any sort of swapping. All restrictions on an item will remain. Enhancives must remain in the same increments, meaning no changing ranks to bonus. Item's that can't be recharged are not eligible. Fusion items (including orbs) are not eligible. Edible items are not eligible. Temp enhancives are not eligible (like the dachre). No scripted items that are hard coded enhancives (black ora weapons and some of the orbs offered at various Ebon Gate auctions in 2006/2009).

This was originally a saved post, which I placed in the (Saved Post) form from Wyrom and linked