Plumed Hair Do-Hickey

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Revision as of 08:41, 26 October 2017 by NAAMIT (talk | contribs) (added verb traps)
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Plumed Do-Hickey is a hair-altering item originally introduced by Tufeeti at Ebon Gate 2017's Henphelia's Love Shack. The item is some type of feather, such as pennae, semiplume, filoplumes, retrix, remiges, or simply feather. Unlocking certificates from Tier 0 to Tier 1 were in the Tier 3 treasure hopper of Ebon Gate games and Tier 1 to Tier 2 certificates were found in the Tier 4 treasure hopper.


As you contemplate some patinated copper goshawk semiplumes you realize that it is a small item and will never have much weight to it, therefore lightening it seems unnecessary.

You also note that certain parts of the semiplumes translate into the color of beads, haircombs, and headbands.  Currently, that is patinated copper.

This semiplumes is tier 3 of 4 tiers.  You are able to use the following verbs on it:
Wear, remove, weave*, pull**, attend**, pinch*, tickle, nudge*, gaze, turn*, and eat.

Those verbs marked with * mean that they will create a hairstyle, and if it is marked with ** it will either remove the hairstyle or tell you what your current hairstyle looks like.

Even though the noun may be a type of feather, all hairstyles have pre-arranged ways that they will be displayed and your noun may not ever show in the hairstyle.  All feather types are allowed for the noun.

Lastly, the semiplumes does not require you to be wearing a hairstyle for its verbs to work.  It can be worn with other hair items and still manipulated, the same as the hair baubles.

You get no sense of whether or not the semiplumes may be further lightened.

Verb Traps

LOCKED WEAR You gingerly clip the semiplumes into your hair and it quickly gets hidden in your tresses. XXX gingerly clips semiplumes into her hair and it quickly gets hidden in her tresses.
REMOVE Fishing around through the hair at the base of your neck, you gingerly remove the semiplumes that you have hidden amid your glossy black tresses. Fishing around at the base of her neck, XXX gingerly removes the semiplumes hidden amid her glossy black tresses.
WEAVE You nimbly weave your thick locks of long hair into a multitude of thin herringbone braids that hug your skull. XXX nimbly weaves her thick locks of long hair into a multitude of thin herringbone braids that hug her skull.
PULL (styled) With deft twists and flicks of your wrist, you quickly work your way through the braids bound to your scalp and unravel each and every one. XXX quickly works her way through the braids that are bound to her scalp and unravels each and every one.
PULL (unstyled) You give your semiplumes a little tug to assure yourself it is still there. XXX gives her hair a little tug. How odd.
ATTEND (styled) You gingerly touch your hair and remember that you have it separated into a multitude of thin herringbone braids that hug the skull and are woven with thin patinated copper beads and goshawk feathers.
ATTEND (unstyled) You finger-comb your hair in an attempt to to tidy it. XXX finger-combs her hair.
Style generated She has thick locks of long, glossy black hair separated into a multitude of thin herringbone braids that hug the skull and are woven with thin patinated copper beads and goshawk feathers.
ONE PINCH Drawing your bangs back from your face, you carefully weave them into a five-plait braid and then pinch the ends together with a bit of twine and twin goshawk retrices. Drawing her hair back from her face, XXX carefully weaves them into a five-plait braid and then pinch the ends together with a bit of twine and twin goshawk retrices.
TICKLE (styled) You nervously run your hands over the braid at your temple, your eyes everywhere at once. XXX nervously run her hands over the braid at her temple, her eyes everywhere at once.
TICKLE (unstyled) You run your fingers through your hair, frustratedly pushing them from your eyes. XXX runs her fingers through her hair in obvious frustration.
ATTEND You gingerly touch your hair and remember that you have the bangs gathered to the right temple and woven into a single five-plait braid adorned with twin goshawk retrices.
PULL Untying the twine that binds your braid in place, you carefully remove the feathers and work the hair loose. Untying the twine that binds her braid in place, XXX carefully removes the feathers and works her hair loose.
Style generated She has thick locks of long, glossy black hair with her bangs gathered to the right temple and woven into a single five-plait braid adorned with twin goshawk retrices.
TWO NUDGE Using three fingers, you gently rake your hair away from your face and bind it in place with thin patinated copper combs that are decorated with goshawk pennae. Using three fingers, XXX gently rakes her hair away from her face and binds it in place with thin, patinated copper combs that are decorated with goshawk pennae.
GAZE (styled) Toying with the ends of your hair, you gaze distractedly into the distance and let your mind wander. Toying with the ends of her hair, XXX gazes distractedly into the distance.
GAZE (unstyled) Plucking at a strand of hair, you gaze thoughtfully at it for several moments as your mind wanders. Plucking at a strand of hair, XXX gazes thoughtfully at it for several moments.
ATTEND (styled) You gingerly touch your hair and remember that you have it drawn away from the face with several patinated copper combs that are decorated with goshawk pennae.
PULL Tugging the thin patinated copper combs free from the hair at your temple, you allow your tresses to fall into their natural state. XXX tugs the thin patinated copper combs free from the hair at her temple and allows her tresses to fall free.
Style generated She has thick locks of long, glossy black hair drawn away from the face with thin, patinated copper combs that are decorated with goshawk pennae
THREE TURN Starting at your temple and working your way backwards along your scalp, you deftly weave your hair into dozens of incredibly thin braids. Here and there along the various lengths, you add patinated copper beads and goshawk plumules. Starting at her temple and working backwards along her scalp, XXX weaves her hair into dozens of incredibly thin braids. Here and there along the lengths, she adds patinated copper beads and goshawk plumules.
EAT (styled) Feeling playful, you shake your head causing your incredibly thin braids to fly wildly around. Unfortunately, several of them get caught in your mouth and you are forced to tug them free. XXX shakes her head causing her incredibly thin braids to fly wildly about. Several of the lengths get caught in her lips and she is forced to tug them free.
EAT (unstyled) Curling a strand of hair around your finger, you gnaw on its ends distractedly for several moments. Curling a strand of hair around her finger, XXX gnaws distractedly on the ends for several moments.
ATTEND (styled) You gingerly touch your hair and remember that you have it into a riotous mass of incredibly thin braids that are sporadically peppered with patinated copper beads and goshawk plumules.
PULL With patience and care, you gingerly remove the many braids from their bindings and tug free any plumules or beads that are woven into the lengths. With patience and care, XXX gingerly removes the many braids from their bindings and tugs free any plumules or beads that were woven into the lengths.
Style generated She has thick locks of long, glossy black hair woven into a riotous mass of incredibly thin braids that are sporadically peppered with patinated copper beads and goshawk plumules.