The Black Sands

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The Black Sands is a specialty shop in Mist Harbor. It is located in a small purple-capped wagon with supports of smooth bamboo at the corner of Wisteria Lane and Rose Avenue. Gypsy Newanelle sells divination items relating to the Shakat method of divination.

[The Black Sands]
Midnight blue canvas stretched across the wagon's four walls is supported by slender bamboo reeds to create a domed ceiling that is painted with silver and gold stars. Tiny glass shards, each dangling from a different support, depict the various constellations of the Northern Skies and twinkle lightly in the light of several nearby candles. A narrow cot rests beside a pot-bellied stove at the rear of the wagon, while a rocking chair rests beside a small ebonwood display counter. You also see a sandy pattern of a semi-circle that dissolves into a wavy line and an elderly human gypsy.


Welcome to The Black Sands!

Gypsy Newanelle offers her catalog to browse.
Newanelle exclaims, "Greetings stranger, have a look around!"

  1. a handful of fine black sand       7. a small rune-embossed pouch
  2. a handful of glittery white sand   8. a silver-traced cobalt blue pouch
  3. a handful of coarse black sand     9. a sanguine teardrop-shaped pouch
  4. a handful of powdery white sand    10. a small black drawstring pouch
  5. a handful of fine sanguine sand    11. a rune-stitched white cotton pouch
  6. a handful of cobalt blue sand      12. a buttery soft pale doeskin pouch


In order to give a reading, one must have a pendulum pouch and sand. Each handful of sand has three uses. Make sure the pouch is open and PUT MY SAND IN MY POUCH. After that, PUSH, PROD, or NUDGE the pouch to create patterns.

>push my pou
Removing the slender cap at the end of your pouch, you hold the piece aloft by the long, suede strap and gently it into motion.
Sand begins to trickle from the bottom of the pouch, which starts to sway back and forth as it creates a sandy pattern of a circle with a triangle overlapping its perimeter on the ground.

As the pattern finishes, you quickly put the slender cap back on the end of the pouch.
>push my pou
Removing the slender cap at the end of your pouch, you hold the piece aloft by the long, suede strap and gently it into motion.
Sand begins to trickle from the bottom of the pouch, which starts to sway back and forth as it creates a sandy pattern of a semi-circle capped at the top with a small triangle on the ground.

As the pattern finishes, you quickly put the slender cap back on the end of the pouch.
>push my pou
Removing the slender cap at the end of your pouch, you hold the piece aloft by the long, suede strap and gently it into motion.
Sand begins to trickle from the bottom of the pouch, which starts to sway back and forth as it creates a sandy pattern of a wavy line with four circles beneath it on the ground.

As the pattern finishes, you quickly put the slender cap back on the end of the pouch.
The sands forming a sandy pattern of a circle with a triangle overlapping its perimeter scatters.
The sands forming a sandy pattern of a semi-circle capped at the top with a small triangle scatters.
The sands forming a sandy pattern of a wavy line with four circles beneath it scatters.

It is unclear whether a reading is one symbol or all three symbols.

You analyze your white cotton pouch and sense that it may be altered with either a long or show description.  Based on the design, you realize that changing the noun would be impossible.  While the material it is made out of may be changed, you sense that it would need to be something that can be capped and worn on a necklace.  The cap, strap, and closing toggle may all be altered.  They are currently set to bone toggle, slender cap, and long, suede strap, with a material of leather.

Shakat Symbols

Pattern Symbol Meaning
Two curved lines one on top of the other The Crescent Moon This figure signifies a journey, action and forward movement. There is an element of loneliness connected with this figure as well as a sense of slowness or delay. Change is eminent. However, it signifies being on the right path. This figure is generally unfavorable unless the question is about travel or progress.
Six wavy lines standing side by side The People This figure denotes family, friends, and group involvement and generally indicates that the outcome depends on others. It can also mean messages and news as well as the environment around us. Change within this social sphere is possible, though uncertain.
Four concentric rings interwoven with a fifth The Layered Circle This figure signifies love, friendship, sexual attraction, contracts, agreements and partnerships. It also indicates the recovery of lost objects.
A slender circle with four dots beneath it The Shackle This figure represents confinement, limitations, restrictions, delays, and reversals of fortune. Good for contracts and home ownership. Servitude is indicated, but also the need to accept the situation as it is.
A circle framed by two wavy lines on either side The Eagle This figure represents prosperity, promotion, benefit, gains from business or extension of existing property. Worldly success is indicated. Your difficulties are now behind you.
A triangle resting upon a circle framed by two wavy lines The Hawk This figure signifies loss of money, sometimes loss of love. Things lost or taken away by illness, theft, or financial problems. In general, there are negative outcomes in the near future. However, if you wish to lose something (weight etc.), you will be successful.
A large circle radiating wavy lines The Sun This figure signifies joy, laughter, happiness, good fortune, delight, beauty, good health, harmony, and peace of mind. It represents a favorable outcome for those who have creative endeavors in mind.
Two straight lines resting closely together The Empty Waterskin This figure represents unexpected disappointment, sadness, humiliation, loneliness, or a change for the worse. Loss and destruction of something that has been carefully built up is generally indicated.
A close knit series of dots radiating outward The Spiral This figure represents illumination, wisdom, or good results in business through moderation and careful decisions. Spiritual growth and harmony is also indicated. Patience, thoughtfulness, and the ability to balance all areas of life are granted by this figure.
A malformed circle divided by a wavy line The Broken Circle This figure signifies passion, vice, or temper. This is a warning for caution and a need for retreat. Negativity and upheaval are generally indicated. A need to stop and listen to your inner voice in order to find the correct path to follow is strongly advised.
A semi-circle capped at the top with a small triangle The Scorpion This figure signifies success, good luck, great fortune, celebration, property gains, and wealthy possessions. Honor and respect are also indicated.
Two perfectly identical circles side by side The Twin This figure represents smaller good fortune, assistance from others, and influence, as well as protection from misfortune and harm. You may have to work hard, but it indicates that success is yours.
A wavy line with four circles above it The Girl This figure represents a female, girl or woman. It also can indicate purity, cleanliness, and external appearances. It can be expanded to include superficiality, indecisiveness, and fickleness. It signifies a good relationship with women, or healing and nurturing. Appreciation of music or the arts is generally indicated.
A wavy line with four circles beneath it The Boy This figure signifies a male, young or old. It can also represent a person within your employ. Frequently it speaks of rashness and combativeness. Traditionally good for love and war, but negative for other matters, it indicates that a great energy needs to be harnessed. Initiative and leadership are often required, though impulsive behavior is also indicated.
A semi-circle that dissolves into a wavy line The Stalking Asp This figure represents a place of entry, a beginning. New starts are indicated, such as birth and innocence. Alertness and shrewdness can also come into play when the asp is present.
A circle with a triangle overlapping its perimeter The Cobra Consuming Itself This figure represents an exit, or a way out. Indicative of bad luck, a downward path, death, and the ending of all things, the figure is considered a reminder of evil. The warning that is issued with this is, "You need to walk away and start anew."

Gypsy Newanelle

Stooped with age, the gypsy is shorter than average for a human of her advancing years.  Deep wrinkles line her face, which is surrounded in a wispy halo of pale white hair.  A triangular shawl of dark blue wool is draped across her shoulders, the color perfectly matching the glittering hue of her bright, round eyes.  The angles of her face and the classical slope of her nose suggest of great beauty in her youth, though exposure to the elements and life on the road has decidedly withered any remaining grace.
She appears to be in good health.
She is wearing a rune-embossed pendulum pouch, a fringed cobalt blue shawl, a silver-boned deep purple bodice over an ecru silk blouse with kerchief sleeves, a wide coin-edged sash, some ankle-length blue and purple paneled skirts with ecru silk petticoats underneath, and a pair of boiled leather sandles.

Most of her questions relate to the symbols, which are described above and not included below.

>ask gypsy about translate
After pondering for several moments, the gypsy says, "Yes, I know the various translations for the patterns that the sands create.  They are, informally named of course: asp, boy, broken, circle, cobra, eagle, girl, hawk, moon, people, scorpion, shackle, spiral, sun, twin, and waterskin.  If you wish to know about them, then just ask me by name and I'll tell you what they mean."

>ask gypsy about pouch
Smiling, the gypsy says, "Ah, yes.  These pouches are made by hand and have a cap at the end of them.  The pouch is shaped like a cone and has a flap covering the top, which is set with a small toggle to that keeps the sands in.  A long strap, which you can wear it around your neck if you want, allows you to hold the pouch aloft and away from your body so that it can swing free when you start your scrying."

>ask gypsy about pattern
Quirking her head to the side, the gypsy says, "Well, you uncap the end of the pouch as you NUDGE, or PUSH, or heck, you can even PROD it into motion.  Once it is moving, you let the sand trickle out until it creates a pattern of sand.  Then you translate the sand."

>ask gypsy about rid
Laughing softly, the gypsy says, "How do you get rid of the pattern?  Why, its just sand!  Take a deep breath and blow it away, or if you don't feel like wasting your breath..."  She pauses dramatically and then chuckles at her own humor.  "Then you can RUB it away."