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Type Roleplaying
Wedding Cathedral"Cathedral" is not recognized as a Boolean (true/false) value.
Citizen Ta'Illistim
Culture Illistim

CURTSY is a roleplaying verb with several styles and setting options. A curtsy is traditionally used by women to show respect or deference to another person, or as a formal greeting.


    CURTSY {style}                - Curtsy
    CURTSY {style} {target}       - Curtsy to a target
    CURTSY SET [OPTION]           - Shows or sets the CURTSY verb options available.
    CURTSY JOIN {person}          - Curtsy to a target and join his group
    CURTSY HOLD {person}          - Curtsy to a target and invite him to join your group

Where {style} is one of the following:
You have the following options available to you:

Your current option is:

Please click VERB INFO CURTSY to see details about the available options.

Verb Info

Verb information for verb "CURTSY":

People targets:
CATHEDRAL      - You curtsy demurely to (target), your eyes lowered coquettishly.
WAVEDANCER     - You flirtatiously bat your eyelashes at (target), dropping a deep
                 curtsy in his/her direction.
HALFLING       - Drawing your left leg behind your right, you briefly dip into a
                 respectful curtsy before (target) and bow your head.
ILLISTIM       - Straightening your back, you give a formal, low curtsy to (target).
                 In time with your greater movement, you incline your head as well
                 in a brief nod in his/her direction.
STANDARD       - You curtsy to (target).

Object targets:
ILLISTIM       - You defer to the (target), favoring it with a perfunctory curtsy.
STANDARD       - In a strange gesture, you curtsy to (object).

Creature targets:
  FIRST PERSON - Such a gesture would be beneath you.
  OTHERS       - Becca glances at (target), regarding it with a critical eye.
STANDARD       - You curtsy to (creature).

No target:
HALFLING       - Drawing your left leg behind your right, you briefly dip into a
                 respectful curtsy and bow your head.
ILLISTIM       - Straightening your back, you give a formal, low curtsy.  In time with
                 your greater movement, you incline your head as well in a brief nod.
STANDARD       - You curtsy.

See VERB INFO CURTSY STYLES for messaging for the various style options.

NOTE:  ONLY first person messaging is listed unless it differs substantially from other versions.  Wedding messaging will only work with your spouse, all other targets default to standard messaging.  Messaging without an option shown applies to all options.  Special scripts and areas may override listed messaging.
Verb info curtsy styles
Verb information for verb "CURTSY":

Style options:
AWKWARD    - With one leg awkwardly placed behind the other, you attempt to curtsy
             only to stumble and almost fall.
BOB        - You bob a quick curtsy.
CONTEMPT   - Dropping into a stiff curtsy, your lips curl into a contemptuous sneer.
CURT       - You reluctantly dip into a very brief curtsy.
DANCE      - With a fancy pirouette, you fluidly drop into a curtsy with one foot
             sliding gracefully forward before rising with a grin.
DEEP       - You sink into a deep curtsy.
DEMURE     - Blushing slightly, you glance down as you drop into a demure curtsy,
             not meeting anyone's eyes.
FLIRT      - Lashes lowered in a pretense of modesty, you give a flirtatious smile
             as you sink into a graceful curtsy.
FLUSTER    - Startled, you unsteadily dip into a graceless curtsy with a slow deep
             carmine flush creeping up your cheeks.
FORMAL     - Hands moving gracefully, you sink down in a formal curtsy.
GRACEFUL   - You curtsy gracefully.
GRAND      - You drop into a deep curtsy, moving smoothly as your arms sweep
             grandly to your sides.
HURRIED    - Remembering your manners at the last moment, you dip into a hurried
MOCKING    - A haughty smirk pulls your lips as you dip into a graceful, yet
             mocking curtsy.
PAINFUL    - Gritting your teeth in an attempt to conceal your pain, you carefully
             drop into a practiced curtsy and then rise on shaky legs.  Only the
             sweat forming on your brow tells of your agony.
PLAYFUL    - You playfully drop into a quick curtsy, letting a soft giggle escape
             as your eyes twinkle with merriment.
POLITE     - You curtsy politely.
RESPECT    - You bow your head slightly as you drop into a deep, respectful curtsy.
RUDE       - You dip into an overly dramatic curtsy ending with a rude gesture and
             raspberry! "Thbtbtbt!"
SLIGHT     - You give a slight curtsy, barely worth the name.
STIFF      - After dropping into a perfunctorily correct curtsy, you rise and snap
             rigidly back to attention.
SUBMISSIVE - Crossing your arms behind your back, you fall into a deep and graceful
             curtsy that nearly leaves you on the ground.

All styles may be targeted at a character, object, or creature, but targeted messaging is omitted.

NOTE:  ONLY first person messaging is listed unless it differs substantially from other versions.  Wedding messaging will only work with your spouse, all other targets default to standard messaging.  Messaging without an option shown applies to all options.  Special scripts and areas may override listed messaging.



Style First Third
None You curtsy. Xeraphina curtsies.
Awkward With one leg awkwardly placed behind the other, you attempt to curtsy only to stumble and almost fall. With one leg awkwardly placed behind the other, Vanah attempts to curtsy, only to stumble and almost fall.
Bob You bob a quick curtsy. Vanah bobs down and back up in a quick curtsy.
Contempt Dropping into a stiff curtsy, your lips curl into a contemptuous sneer. Vanah drops into a stiff curtsy as her lips curl with a sneer of contempt.
Curt You reluctantly dip into a very brief curtsy. Vanah reluctantly dips into a very brief curtsy.
Dance With a fancy pirouette, you fluidly drop into a curtsy with one foot sliding gracefully forward before rising with a grin. With a fancy pirouette, Vanah fluidly drops into a curtsy with one foot sliding gracefully forward before rising with a grin.
Deep You sink into a deep curtsy. Vanah sinks into a deep curtsy.
Demure Blushing slightly, you glance down as you drop into a demure curtsy, not meeting anyone's eyes. Blushing slightly, Vanah glances down as she drops into a demure curtsy, not meeting anyone's eyes.
Flirt Lashes lowered in a pretense of modesty, you give a flirtatious smile as you sink into a graceful curtsy. Lashes lowered modestly, Vanah gives a flirtatious smile as she sinks into a graceful curtsy.
Fluster Startled, you unsteadily dip into a graceless curtsy with a slow deep crimson flush creeping up your cheeks. With an unmistakable look of surprise, Vanah unsteadily dips into a graceless curtsy as a slow light pink flush creeps over her cheeks.
Formal Hands moving gracefully, you sink down in a formal curtsy. With a graceful flutter of her hands, Vanah sinks down in a formal curtsy.
Graceful You curtsy gracefully. Vanah curtsies gracefully.
Grand You drop into a deep curtsy, moving smoothly as your arms sweep grandly to your sides. Vanah drops into a deep curtsy, moving smoothly as her arms sweep grandly to her sides.
Hurried Remembering your manners at the last moment, you dip into a hurried curtsy. As if remembering her manners at the last moment, Vanah dips into a hurried curtsy.
Mocking A haughty smirk pulls your lips as you dip into a graceful, yet mocking curtsy. A haughty smirk flits across Vanah's lips as she dips into a graceful, yet mocking curtsy.
Painful Gritting your teeth in an attempt to conceal your pain, you carefully drop into a practiced curtsy and then rise on shaky legs. Only the sweat forming on your brow tells of your agony. A drop of sweat forms on Vanah's brow as she grits her teeth and drops into a practiced curtsy. She rises on shaky legs afterward.
Playful You playfully drop into a quick curtsy, letting a soft giggle escape as your eyes twinkle with merriment. Vanah's eyes twinkle with merriment as she playfully drops into a quick curtsy, letting out a soft giggle as she rises.
Polite You curtsy politely. Vanah curtsies politely.
Respect You bow your head slightly as you drop into a deep, respectful curtsy. Vanah bows her head slightly as she drops into a deep, respectful curtsy.
Rude You dip into an overly dramatic curtsy ending with a rude gesture and raspberry! "Thbtbtbt!" Vanah bends into an overly dramatic curtsy, her vision pointed defiantly forward. Holding her thumb to her nose and lifting her pinky, she emits a loud raspberry! "Thbtbtbt!"
Slight You give a slight curtsy, barely worth the name. Vanah gives a slight curtsy, barely worth the effort.
Stiff After dropping into a perfunctorily correct curtsy, you rise and snap rigidly back to attention. After dropping into a perfunctorily correct curtsy, Vanah rises and snaps rigidly back to attention.
Submissive Crossing your arms behind your back, you fall into a deep and graceful curtsy that nearly leaves you on the floor. Crossing her arms behind her back, Vanah falls into a deep and graceful curtsy that leaves her nearly on the ground.


Style First Second Third
None You curtsy to <Person>. Xeraphina curtsies to you. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Awkward You curtsy awkwardly to <Person>, your ankles wobbling as you try not to fall. With one leg awkwardly placed behind the other, Xeraphina attempts to curtsy before you, only to stumble and almost fall. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Bob You bob a quick curtsy to <Person>. Xeraphina bobs a quick curtsy to you. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Contempt Dropping into a stiff curtsy before <Person>, your lips curl into a contemptuous sneer. Xeraphina drops into a stiff curtsy before you, her lips curling with a sneer of contempt.
Curt You reluctantly dip into a very brief curtsy before <Person>. Xeraphina reluctantly dips into a very brief curtsy before you. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Dance Spinning dramatically away from <Person>, you fluidly drop into a curtsy with one foot sliding gracefully forward before rising to meet Xeraphina's eyes with a grin. Xeraphina dramatically spins away from you and fluidly drops into a curtsy with one foot sliding gracefully forward before rising to meet your eyes with a grin. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Deep You sink down in a deep curtsy before <Person>, your lashes lowered. Xeraphina sinks down in a deep curtsy before you, her lashes lowered. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Demure Blushing slightly, you glance away from <Person> as you drop into a demure curtsy. Blushing slightly, Xeraphina glances away from you as she drops into a demure curtsy. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Flirt Your lashes lowered in a pretense of modesty, you give <Person> a flirtatious smile before sinking into a graceful curtsy. Lashes lowered modestly, Xeraphina gives you a flirtatious smile before sinking into a graceful curtsy. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Fluster With an unmistakable look of surprise, you unsteadily dip into a graceless curtsy before <Person> with a slow pink flush creeping up your cheeks. With an unmistakable look of surprise, Xeraphina unsteadily dips into a graceless curtsy before you as a slow pink flush creeps over her cheeks. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Formal Hands moving gracefully, you lower your head and sink into a formal curtsy before <Person>. With a graceful movement of her hands, Xeraphina lowers her head and sinks into a formal curtsy before you. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Graceful You curtsy gracefully to <Person>. Xeraphina curtsies gracefully to you. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Grand You drop smoothly into a deep curtsy before <Person>, sweeping your arms grandly to your sides. Xeraphina drops smoothly into a deep curtsy before you, sweeping her arms grandly to her sides. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Target's Group is Open
You curtsy to Wyrom and extend your arm for him to take. Vanah curtsies to you and extends her arm for you to take. Vanah curtsies to Wyrom and extends her arm for him to take.
Target's Group is Closed
You curtsy to <Person> and extend your arm to her, but her group status is closed. Xeraphina curtsies to you and extends you her arm for you to take, but your group status is closed. Type: GROUP OPEN to enable her to add you to her group. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Note: CURTSY HOLD (person) does not work in the same way as HOLD and will not automatically group the other person.
Hurried Remembering your manners at the last moment, you dip into a hurried curtsy before <Person>. Xeraphina dips into a hurried curtsy before you. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Target's Group is Open
You curtsy to Wyrom and take his arm, joining his group. Vanah curtsies to you and takes your arm, joining your group. Vanah curtsies to Wyrom and takes his arm.
Target's Group is Closed
You curtsy to <Person> and indicate to her that you would like to take her arm, but <Person> does not let you join her. Xeraphina curtsies to you and moves to take your arm, but your group status is closed. Type: GROUP OPEN to enable her to join your group. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Note: CURTSY JOIN (person) works in the same way as JOIN and allows one to join another's group.
Mocking A haughty smirk pulls your lips as you dip into a graceful curtsy before <Person>, your movements smooth yet mocking. A haughty smirk flits across Xeraphina's lips as she dips into a gracefully mocking curtsy before you. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Painful Gritting your teeth in an attempt to conceal your pain, you carefully drop into a practiced curtsy before <Person> and then rise on shaky legs. Only the sweat forming on your brow tells of your agony. A drop of sweat forms on Xeraphina's brow as she grits her teeth and drops into a practiced curtsy before you. Her stance is shaky as she rises to her feet afterward. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Playful You playfully drop into a quick curtsy before <Person>, letting a soft giggle escape as your eyes twinkle with merriment. Xeraphina's eyes twinkle with merriment as she playfully drops into a quick curtsy before you, letting out a soft giggle as she rises. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Polite You curtsy politely to <Person>. Xeraphina curtsies politely to you. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Respect You bow your head slightly to <Person> as you drop into a deep, respectful curtsy before her. Xeraphina bows her head slightly to you as she drops into a deep, respectful curtsy. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Rude You rudely maintain direct eye contact with <Person> as you dip into an overly dramatic curtsy. You lift your thumb to you nose, raise your pinky, and emit a loud raspberry! "Thbtbtbt!" Xeraphina dips into an overly dramatic curtsy before you, her vision pointed defiantly at you. She then brings her thumb to her nose, lifts her pinky, she emits a loud raspberry! "Thbtbtbt!" This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Slight You give <Person> a slight curtsy, barely more than a quick bob. Xeraphina gives you a slight curtsy, barely more than a quick bob. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Stiff After dropping into a perfunctorily correct curtsy before <Person>, you rise and snap rigidly back to attention. After dropping into a perfunctorily correct curtsy before you, Xeraphina rises and snaps rigidly back to attention. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Submissive Crossing your arms behind your back, you fall into a deep and graceful curtsy at <Person>'s feet that nearly leaves you on the floor. Crossing her arms behind her back, Xeraphina falls into a deep and graceful curtsy, nearly leaving herself on the floor before your feet. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!


Style First Second Third
Cathedral You curtsy demurely to Wyrom, your eyes lowered coquettishly. Vanah curtsies to you demurely, her eyes casting a a coquettish glance in your direction. Vanah curtsies demurely to Wyrom, casting him a coquettish glance.
Wavedancer You flirtatiously bat your eyelashes at Wyrom, dropping a deep curtsy in his direction. Vanah flirtatiously bats her eyelashes at you, dropping a deep curtsy in your direction. Vanah flirtatiously bats her eyelashes at Wyrom, dropping a deep curtsy in his direction.


Target First Second Third
None Drawing your left leg behind your right, you briefly dip into a respectful curtsy and bow your head. N/A This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Targeted Drawing your left leg behind your right, you briefly dip into a respectful curtsy before XXX and bow your head. Drawing her left leg behind her right, XXX briefly dips into a respectful curtsy before you and bows her head. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!

Illistim Elf/Citizen

Target First Second Third
None Straightening your back, you give a formal, low curtsy. In time with your greater movement, you incline your head as well in a brief nod. Straightening her back, Xeraphina gives a formal, low curtsy. She inclines her head as well, giving a brief nod.
Person Straightening your back, you give a formal, low curtsy to <Person>. In time with your greater movement, you incline your head as well in a brief nod in her direction. Straightening her back, Xeraphina gives you a formal, low curtsy. She inclines her head as well, favoring you with a nod. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Object You defer to the mushroom-shaped pillow, favoring it with a perfunctory curtsy. N/A Xeraphina curtsies to the mushroom-shaped pillow in a short, perfunctory gesture.
Creature Such a gesture would be beneath you. N/A Xeraphina glances at a skayl, regarding it with a critical eye.

See Also
