Crush critical table

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Crush critical table:

This article lists all of the possible critical hits caused by the crush damage type.


  • A - Amputation (limb loss)
  • F - Fatal (instant death critical)
  • K - Knockdown
  • R - Injury level (rank 1, 2 or 3)
  • S - Stun w/number of rounds
  • x - Unknown stun round


Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Love tap upside the [target]'s head! none none
1 5 Blow to the head causes the [target's] ears to ring! none R1
2 10 Hearty smack to the head. S1 R1
3 15 You broke the [target's] nose! S4 R2
4 20 Skull cracks in several places. S8 R3
5 25 Solid strike caves the [target's] skull in,resulting in instant death! F R3
6 30 Mighty swing separates head from shoulders. F R3
7 35 Tremendous blow crushes skull like a ripe melon. F R3
8 40 Brain driven into neck by mammoth downswing! F R3
9 50 Incredible blast shatters head into a red spray. F R3


Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 You leave a nice bruise on the [target's] neck! none none
1 2 Whiplash! none R1
2 5 Neck vertebrae snap. S1 R1
3 10 Shot to the neck scrapes away skin. Some nasty bleeding. S3 R2
4 12 Throat nearly crushed. The [target] makes gurgling noises. S6 R3
5 15 Neck broken. The [target] twitches several times before dying. F R3
6 20 You hear several snaps as the [target's] neck is broken in several places. F R3
7 25 Vertebrae in [target's] neck disintegrate from impact! Neck sinks into shoulders. F R3
8 30 Shot to neck sends [target] into shock which leads very quickly to death. F R3
9 40 Neck removed, head falls to the ground. F R3


Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Swing at the [target's] eye catches an eyebrow instead! none none
1 1 Cut over the [target's] right eye. none R1
2 3 Strike to the eye clips the eyebrow. S1 R1
3 5 Smack to the eye bursts blood vessels. S3 R2
4 10 Crack to the head swells eye shut. S6 R2
5 15 Eye crushed by a hard blow to the face! S10 ?R3
6 20 Crushing blow to head closes that eye for good. S12 R3
7 40 Blow to eye impacts the brain. [target] twitches violently, then dies. F R3 eye R3head
8 45 Right eye ripped from head, along with most of brain. F R3 eye R3 head
9 50 Smash to cheek driving bone through the eye and into the brain. F R3 eye R3 head


Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Swing at the [target's] eye catches an eyebrow instead! none none
1 1 Cut over the [target's] left eye. none R1
2 3 Strike to the eye clips the eyebrow. S1 R1
3 5 Smack to the eye bursts blood vessels. S3 R2
4 10 Crack to the head swells eye shut. S6 R2
5 15 Eye crushed by a hard blow to the face! S10 R3
6 20 Crushing blow to head closes that eye for good. S12 R3
7 40 Blow to eye impacts the brain. [target] twitches violently,then dies. F R3 eye R3 head
8 45 Left eye ripped from head, along with most of brain. F R3 eye R3 head
9 50 Smash to cheek driving bone through the eye and into the brain. F R3 eye R3 head


Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Thumped the [target's] chest. none none
1 5 Blow leaves an imprint on the [target's] chest! none R1
2 10 Mighty blow cracks several ribs. none R1
3 15 Blow to chest causes the [target's] heart to skip a beat. S1 R1
4 20 Whoosh! Several ribs driven into lungs. S3 R2
5 25 Whoosh! Several ribs driven into lungs. S5 R2
6 45 Awesome shot collapses a lung! S6 R3
7 60 Blow cracks a rib and punctures a lung. Breathing becomes a challenge. S8 R3
8 65 Massive blow punches a hole through the [target's] chest! S10 R3
9 70 Massive blow smashes through ribs and drives [target's] heart out the back. F R3


Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Hit glances off the [target's] hip. none none
1 5 Stomach shot lands with a hollow *thump*. none R1
2 10 Grazing blow to the stomach. none R1
3 15 Internal organs bruised. S1 R2
4 20 Stomach ripped open by mighty blow! S3 R2
5 25 Knocked back several feet by blow to abdomen. S5 R2
6 30 Blow ruptures the stomach! S6 R3
7 50 Blow to stomach rearranges some organs! S8 R3
8 60 Incredible smash to what used to be a stomach! ? R3
9 75 A mighty hit turns the [target's] insides to outsides! F R3


Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Blow glances off the [target's] shoulder. none none
1 3 Jarring blow to the [target's] back. none R1
2 10 Blow to back cracks several vertebrae. none R1
3 15 Respectable shot to the back. S1 R1
4 20 Flesh ripped from back, muscles exposed. S2 R2
5 25 The [target] is knocked sideways several feet by blow to back. S3 R2
6 30 Spinal cord damaged by smash to the back. S4 R3
7 50 Crushing blow to the spine! The [target] slumps to the ground. Sx R3
8 60 Body pulped to a gooey mass. Watch where you step! F R3
9 75 A mighty blow cleaves a swath through the [target's] back, taking the spine with it. F R3


Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 A feeble blow to the [target's] right arm! none none
1 3 Blow raises a welt on the [target's] right arm. none R1
2 7 Bones in right arm crack. none R1
3 8 Large gash to the right arm, several muscles torn. S1 R2
4 10 Right elbow smashed into a thousand pieces. S2 R2
5 15 Weapon arm mangled horribly. S3 R2
6 20 Hard hit shatters weapon arm. S5 R2
7 25 Right arm ripped from socket at the elbow! S6 A R3
8 35 Lucky shot rips through bone and muscle sending weapon arm flying. S8 A R3
9 40 Weapon arm removed at the shoulder! Sx A R3


Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 A feeble blow to the [target's] left arm! none none
1 3 Blow raises a welt on the [target's] left arm. none R1
2 7 Bones in left arm crack. none R1
3 8 Large gash to the left arm, several muscles torn. S1 R2
4 10 Left elbow smashed into a thousand pieces. S2 R2
5 15 Shield arm mangled horribly. S3 R2
6 20 Hard hit shatters shield arm. S5 R2
7 25 Left arm ripped from socket at the elbow! S6 A R3
8 35 Lucky shot rips through bone and muscle sending shield arm flying. S8 A R3
9 40 Shield arm removed at the shoulder! Sx A R3


Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Blow nicks the [target's] right hand. none none
1 1 Broken finger on the [target's] right hand! none R1
2 3 Flattened the [target's] right hand. none R1
3 5 Finger ripped away from right hand. none R1
4 7 Right hand smashed into a pulpy mass. S1 R2
5 8 Right hand mangled horribly. S2 R2
6 10 Blast to hand reduces it to pulp! S3 R2
7 15 Blast to hand sends fingers flying in several different directions. S4 A R3
8 25 Lucky shot severs right hand and sends it flying. S5 A R3
9 30 Right hand severed at the wrist! Sx A R3


Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Blow nicks the [target's] left hand. none none
1 1 Broken finger on the [target's] left hand! none R1
2 3 Flattened the [target's] left hand. none R1
3 5 Finger ripped away from left hand. none R1
4 7 Left hand smashed into a pulpy mass. S1 R2
5 8 Left hand mangled horribly. S2 R2
6 10 Blast to hand reduces it to pulp! S3 R2
7 15 Blast to hand sends fingers flying in several different directions. S4 A R3
8 25 Lucky shot severs left hand and sends it flying. S5 A R3
9 30 Left hand severed at the wrist! Sx A R3


Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Glancing blow to the [target's] right leg! none none
1 7 Torn muscle in the [target's] right leg! none R1
2 10 Smash to the kneecap. none R1
3 15 You ripped a chunk out of the [target's] right leg with that one. S1 R2
4 17 Right kneecap smashed into pulp. S3 K R2
5 20 Right leg mangled horribly. S5 K R2
6 25 Hard blow breaks the femur! S6 K R2
7 30 Right leg ripped from socket at the knee! S8 K A R3
8 40 Lucky shot rips through bone and muscle sending right leg flying. S10 K A R3
9 45 Right hip pulped, severing the leg. S12 K A R3


Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Glancing blow to the [target's] left leg! none none
1 7 Torn muscle in the [target's] left leg! none R1
2 10 Smash to the kneecap. none R1
3 15 You ripped a chunk out of the [target's] left leg with that one. S1 R2
4 17 Left kneecap smashed into pulp. S3 K R2
5 20 Left leg mangled horribly. S5 K R2
6 25 Hard blow breaks the femur! S6 K R2
7 30 Left leg ripped from socket at the knee! S8 K A R3
8 40 Lucky shot rips through bone and muscle sending left leg flying. S10 K A R3
9 45 Left hip pulped, severing the leg. S12 K A R3