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The Darkbox is a game of chance that appears occasionally at merchant events.

For 100 silvers, the participant has the chance to reach into the Darkbox and hopefully pull out a prize. Possible winnings include but are not limited to gold bars, gold rings, amulets, small statues, and pearls. There is also a chance that the participant will be poisoned or have his hand injured by a creature inside the Darkbox.

The Darkbox has made an appearance at the Juggernaut and Wehnimer's Landing Frontier Days.

An example of someone winning at the Darkbox:

Person drops some coins into the Darkbox and reaches inside it.
Person removes his hand from the Darkbox and with it a bar of gold!

An example of someone losing at the Darkbox:

!>play darkbox
You count out 100 silvers and drop the coins into a slot in the side of the Darkbox where they vanish without a sound.

Peering into the Darkbox to spot a shiny bauble to grab or a writhing creature to avoid, you see neither. So you plunge your hand into the darkness and hope for the best....

You fish around in the unseen depths of the Darkbox but you find nothing and remove your hand in disappointment.
Roundtime: 10 secs.

Person drops some coins into the Darkbox and reaches inside it. Person removes his hand from the Darkbox looking both relieved and disappointed.

An example of someone being injured by the Darkbox:

>play darkbox
You count out 100 silvers and drop the coins into a slot in the side of the Darkbox where they vanish without a sound.

Peering into the Darkbox to spot a shiny bauble to grab or a writhing creature to avoid, you see neither. So you plunge your hand into the darkness and hope for the best....

You fish around in the unseen depths of the Darkbox but you find nothing and remove your hand in disappointment.

Before your hand is completely free of the Darkbox a hissing creature darts from the depths of the box and bites your hand!

    8 hit points of damage!

Roundtime: 11 secs.

Person drops some coins into the Darkbox and reaches inside it. Person removes his hand from the Darkbox looking both relieved and disappointed.

Before Person's hand is free of the Darkbox a hissing creature darts from the depths of the box and bites his hand!

    1 hit point of damage!