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Ebon Gate Festival/teasers 2019

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< Ebon Gate Festival
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Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Ebon Gate Festival
Message #: 16643
Date: 09/26/2019
Subject: I Do Hope That Puppy's For Sale

A chorus of yips and barks erupted from the milling crowd of puppies racing around the backyard, some normal and some decidedly not. Tugaroulu stood among them, using a heavy wooden mallet to drive the post for a sign deep into the soft ground. It took only a few blows to get the job done, though, and she stood back to admire her work, pausing to wipe a hand across her perspiring brow.

Scrawled in bold lettering at the top of the sign were the words: FOR SALE: PUPPIES

Tugaroulu hesitated for a moment, uncertain, before leaning forward to scrawl an additional note in smaller letters next to it, her hand quick and deft: (slightly cursed)

Standing back, Tugaroulu smiled in satisfaction. Hopefully there will be enough responsible people who wouldn't mind caring for such puppies. A high-pitched growling at her feet drew her attention away from her inner thoughts. A tiny puppy, a ball of white fluff, was gnawing enthusiastically on the base of the sign, trying to pull it with all her might.

Giving a sigh of long suffering, Tugaroulu bent down to gently shoo the puppy away before turning to head back into her shack, whistling a faint tune as she walked. A crowd of mismatched puppies followed her, yapping, barking and growling in unison.


Debuting this year at Ebon Gate are, what you may have already guessed, "WerePuppies". These puppies are cursed to change to their true form under the light of a full moon. Tugaroulu will be seeking responsible owners for these puppies in the Backyard of her shop "Snips and Snails". (NOTE: These will likely be distributed through raffle, though an auction may not be out of the question for one of them if there is interest. These are meant to be somewhat rare, so don't expect a huge amount of them to go out this year.)

~General Information~

  • They are ambient pets similar to Dhu kittens and DR rats in that they will follow you around from room to room.
  • They do have ambient interactions, but this has a hard 'off' switch with the verb SNAP. (The puppy will still follow you, but will not fire off ambient messages until you SNAP again.)

Please be courteous to your fellow adventurers and SNAP to heel your werepuppy in noisy situations.

  • They will ambiently interact with: weather/climate, items in the room/on the ground, other players, other puppies, Dhu kittens, DR rats/hedgehogs, fishies (if the person has them worn out in the open), and creatures in general. (It's seriously a lot.)
  • These puppies have a belt-worn cage, which is similar to the sack/pouch for most other pets.
  • The puppy's cage acts as a summoning item, however, so the puppy can be called back if lost with SHAKE.

NOTE: This makes it so the puppy is immune to janitor sweeps and server crashes, technically, as you can call them back with the cage. Please, please do not lose the cage and still REGISTER both puppy and cage.

  • To transfer ownership, the puppy must be in their cage to be handed off. The cage cannot be handed off empty to reduce the likelihood of someone separating puppy from cage.
  • They have two 'phases': 'cute' and 'cursed'.
  • They will turn to their 'cursed' stage if outside and if there is a full moon (any full moon will work - Liabo, Lornon, Tilaok or Makiri.)
  • There are 3 different 'types' of curses and each puppy only has one type they turn into:

- Werewolf/Mutant These puppies become more savage and wolf-like in their cursed form. - Zombie/Undead These puppies are zombie-like/corpse-like in their other form. - Ghost/Spiritual These puppies are ethereal/ghosts in their other form.

  • Messaging, both ambient and otherwise, is different between the cute and cursed stage, as well as between different 'curse types'.
  • There are items to force a change to cursed or keep them cute, despite conditions, that will be sold in the shop Snips and Snails.
  • Powdered moonstone will force them to be cursed, while powdered sunstone will force them to stay cute.
  • These effects are temporary and can be prematurely removed with CLEAN.

~Sneak Peek~ (This is obviously not really an exhaustive clip, because I could probably fill the entire forum with messaging examples ... so just a taste! This particular puppy is one that is potentially available to be won this year.)

You reach into the cage and pull out a short-legged sable and white puppy with a stubby tail, cradling her in the crook of your arm.

Barrel-chested and stout, this puppy looks extremely sturdy despite her short legs. Thick and plush, her fur is a rich sable color with a saddle of dark chestnut running across the top of her head and down her back. Splashes of white tip each paw, her muzzle and the very end of her stubby tail.

Ruffling her thick sable and white fur fondly, you settle your puppy at your feet. Wagging her stubby tail furiously, a short-legged sable and white puppy with a stubby tail starts to excitedly snuffle at the ground.

You snap your fingers and wave your hand in a dismissing gesture. With a high-pitched bark of joy, your short-legged puppy bounds away from her place at your side, ready for play.

You sprinkle a copious amount of the luminous powder from your slender vial on a short-legged sable and white puppy with a stubby tail. As the powdered moonstone sinks into the thick sable and white fur of a short-legged sable and white puppy with a stubby tail, she starts to writhe fitfully on the ground. Thick sable and white fur starts to shed in large clumps as the puppy's whines turn into a howl. Floating a few inches off the ground, a wispy spectral puppy surrounded by a flickering silver mist bounds forward with an echoing bark.

You attempt to ruffle the misty fur of a wispy spectral puppy surrounded by a flickering silver mist, but your fingers merely slide right through her transparent body. The puppy's ears wave slightly in the air before settling back down.

You make high-pitched kissing noises at a wispy spectral puppy surrounded by a flickering silver mist. Leaping into the air in response, the spectral puppy rushes excitedly toward you, paws trotting several inches above the ground. She tries to jump up on your legs, but just ends up tumbling right through them with her insubstantial form.

You brush off any lingering powdered moonstone from a wispy spectral puppy surrounded by a flickering silver mist. As the moonlight recedes from a wispy spectral puppy surrounded by a flickering silver mist, she starts to writhe fitfully on the ground. Color and solidity start to slowly fade back into a wispy spectral puppy surrounded by a flickering silver mist's misty fur as her eerie echoing howls turn to whines, her ethereal glow fading. Leaping to her feet happily, a short-legged sable and white puppy with a stubby tail shakes herself vigorously, her ears flapping noisily.

You scratch vigorously behind one of a short-legged sable and white puppy with a stubby tail's ears. With a huff of contentment, the short-legged puppy leans into the caress, eyes half-closed with pleasure.

Paws crunching over the snow, a short-legged sable and white puppy with a stubby tail playfully gambols around, snapping at passing snowflakes.


Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Ebon Gate Festival
Message #: 16627
Date: 09/24/2019
Subject: ...the one with the skeletal tail?

It had taken weeks of work. Weeks of struggle. Weeks of failure and trials. But Tugaroulu finally believed she had something tangible.

Standing in her tiny backyard, she stared upward at the full face of Liabo shining from the velvety backdrop of the midnight sky. The only light was the pale silver from the moon above, as well as a faint iridescent glow coming from a slim vial of powdered sunstone in the Giantwoman's hand.

A creaky noise, more like a wailing moan than anything, drew her attention away from the sky and to the furry figure sitting in the moonlight at her feet. The puppy there was changed, much like the first one, but in a different way. Patches of fur were missing from parts of his body, leaving exposed sections of bone, while decaying strips of flesh hung limply from his skeletal tail. With stiff movements, the puppy shambled forward a few steps, looking hopeful for some attention.

A brief flash of regret crossed Tugaroulu's face at the puppy's plight. It had certainly not been expected for the next puppies to receive her altered concoction to change into something completely different from the first, but accidents in alchemy seem to be magnified. A further cry from the zombie puppy seemed to make her steel herself.

Crouching down, Tugaroulu sprinkled some of the iridescent sunstone powder from her vial over the puppy's head. For a moment the powder seemed to shimmer a golden color at odds with the pale silver of the moonlight, bright and shining against the dullness of the puppy's decaying fur.

For a few heartbeats, nothing happened. Then, with a dry moaning wail, the puppy collapsed to the ground with the sound of cracking joints. Flesh began to knit back together in slow motion as the puppy's living color started to seep back into his fur. A minute later the puppy, hale and hearty, leapt to his feet, barking once with joy. Intact tail wagging in a blur of motion, he trotted in a circle around the Giantwoman with a playful romp in his step.

Laughing, Tugaroulu ruffled the puppy's fur before straightening up. She gazed critically up at the full moon above her and then back down at the romping puppy at her feet, smiling in satisfaction at the vial of iridescent powder in her hand. At least she found a way to counteract the effects of the moon, though she knew it would only be temporary.

Tugaroulu's mind raced with potential solutions as she headed back toward her shack, the restored puppy jauntily bounding at her heels - things she tried, things she hadn't, things that may work and even things that may not work. With this vial securely in her hand, she now could guard against the change, at least. As she opened the door to her shack, she was greeted by a chorus of many different barks that rose to mingle with the yips of the formerly undead puppy following her inside.

Footsteps carefully maneuvering around various puppies, Tugaroulu sank down onto her stool once again, carefully setting the vial of iridescent sunstone powder next to a bottle of luminous moonstone powder already on the work table. She had concocted the other paler powder just yesterday, though found that it hastened the change of the cursed puppies even in broad daylight, as though the imbued moonlight stored within the granules was enough to overcome the power of the sun. With the sunstone powder now in her grasp, as well, she seemed to be able to pull the puppies in either direction of their change. She eyed both containers critically, her mouth drawn into a contemplative frown. So many weeks; she'd found out how to force the change, and how to prevent it ... but not how or why they became cursed in the first place. Nor could she seem to return them to their original uncursed state.

A sudden eruption of yips and barks from the opposite corner pulled Tugaroulu out of her thoughts. Two puppies, one ghostly transparent and the other fluffy white, were attempting to play but without much success. The original puppy that started everything, now transformed into his glowing-eyed muscular form, was ripping apart his bed in the corner. Various other puppies, most all of them normal in appearance, milled around and barked for seemingly no reason in particular.

Tugaroulu pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. She may have gone a bit overboard in the purchase of more puppies to test her theories, but she never could stop herself when she was on the trail of some new discovery.

What in the world was she going to do with all of these puppies now?


Familiar Things

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Ebon Gate Festival
Message #: 16636
Date: 09/24/2019
Subject: These things look familiar...

By popular demand, Familiar Things returns!

Talismans to summon your favorite little friends. Well, your new favorite little friends as they may have changed a little from last year. Make room in your menagerie!

She's got seventy five golden camels! Purple peacocks she's got fifty tree! When it comes to... okay, enough of that earworm. For those who caught, what can I say except you're welcome?

Annanasi, again.


Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Ebon Gate Festival
Message #: 16635
Date: 09/24/2019
Subject: Royg Biv Returns!

Does a little color put some pep in your step? Does a lot of color make you skip? Do you like for your clothes to have functionality for all occasions? (We still recommend monthly washings. Do your neighbor a favor.)

The Rainbow returns this year with your favorite Rainbowear articles of clothing! Hurrah!

Disclaimer: The pot of gold has already been found. No sharing of gold coins. No artificial flavors. Articles in this ad may be closer than they appear.


Bloodlet It Go

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Ebon Gate Festival
Message #: 16631
Date: 09/24/2019
Subject: Bloodlet It Go - Now with 100% more leeches!

Need to balance your humours? Nurse Deloras will be back with her shop Bloodlet It Go to satisfy all your bloodletting and healer needs. She's expanded her offerings this year to include a new tool of the craft that she's spent an entire year perfecting.


  • Mostly new inventory, including new designs of healer-themed outfits, vasculums and other apparel.
  • Herb tincture bandages are returning - pour on an herb tincture and TEND wounds with it. The bandage actually will show up in the person's inventory, too!
  • New designs of lancets and fleams.

Brand New:

  • Introducing 'Bloodletting Leech Jars', a jar that will produce special bloodletting leeches daily.
  • Leeches can be attached to yourself, or to other players (with permission) in order to draw out blood.
  • Once filled with blood, the leeches will detach on their own and can still be played with a bit (Caution: contents under pressure. May explode.)
  • The jars can be customized fully (color/type of glass, wrapping material and lid).
  • Different leech descriptions can be added to the jars to allow for different choices of the leeches you pull (either Premade or Custom).
  • OTS jars come with 3 randomly selected premade leech descriptions.
  • OTS jars produce 1x leech per day, but they can be increased to a max of 3x leeches per day. (An unlimited jar is a possibility, but this is a rare release!)

Sneak Peek: With a deft hand, you attach your twine-wrapped jar to your belt securely. It sways suspended in a netting of twine, the murky liquid visible behind the rippled pale blue glass sloshing slightly.

Constructed of thick rippled pale blue glass, this jar is well made and sturdy. A lid secures the top, while a webbing of interlaced twine wraps around the sides and bottom to secure it into a belt loop. Murky liquid of an indeterminate color fills the jar, making it difficult to see exact details of what's inside.

Wrapped securely in a latticework of twine, this jar looks apt to be worn on a belt. It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of glass. Swirling around in the murky liquid, you can just make out various types of leeches behind the rippled pale blue glass: 1. a skinny bright pink leech with a flowery rosette pattern (Current) 2. a slender vivid yellow leech covered in warts 3. a glistening dark red leech with an ashy underbelly Type TURN jar TO # to select a specific leech.

Carefully unscrewing the lid of the twine-wrapped jar at your belt, you reach inside slowly, sifting through the murky liquid within. After a moment, you draw out a skinny bright pink leech with a flowery rosette pattern, holding it gingerly between thumb and forefinger.

>point my leech at Avaluka Are you sure you want to attach a skinny bright pink leech with a flowery rosette pattern to yourself? Repeat this command in the next 30 seconds to confirm. >point my leech at Avaluka Reaching forward with the bright pink leech held tightly between thumb and forefinger, you press it against the skin of your own wrist. After a second or two, a skinny bright pink leech with a flowery rosette pattern latches on firmly and you let go, letting the leech hang in place. A shudder passes over a skinny bright pink leech with a flowery rosette pattern as it starts to draw in blood.

... some time later ...

Satiated and bulging with blood, the bright pink leech attached to your wrist detaches and falls into your right hand.

You glance down to see a rotund bright pink leech with a fat rosette-patterned body in your right hand and nothing in your left hand.


Misfit Toys

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Ebon Gate Festival
Message #: 16629
Author: GS4-MERAKI
Date: 09/24/2019
Subject: Sneak Peek - Misfit Toys

Among the different toys in the Misfit Toys wagon, you'll find a special re-released toy this year. This toy's original debut was at Ebon Gate in 2004, so I'm bringing it back for its 15(!) year anniversary. You'll find it in a crate with the word "Caution" marked on the side. The workers who stocked the wagon swear they overheard a low, raspy chuckle come from somewhere nearby but were never quite able to pinpoint the source. Enjoy this "Misfit" toy. :-)

If I decide to release any other toy teasers, I'll add them to this thread so keep your eyes peeled. ;-)

Karuseau Tavern

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Ebon Gate Festival
Message #: 16625
Date: 09/23/2019
Subject: Why's all the Rum...

Oh wait, there it is!

That's right! Rum!

... more? Well, I thought that would be enough, but okay.

Karuseau returns and has built his tavern. At least, he says it's a tavern. It's got rum. Lots of rum. Mixed with all sorts of things! And... drinking contests. Yup

Lady Airisu & Cobbling

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Ebon Gate Festival
Message #: 16618
Author: GS4-ELIDI
Date: 09/23/2019
Subject: Hey cobblers!

You glance down to see a muted gold punch in your right hand and nothing in your left hand.
G>turn punch
You change the plate on your gold punch, adjusting the settings to display no crafting mark or engraving.
G>push punch
Using your punch, you line up the sole of one of your boots with the punch plate and give the handle a good squeeze. Success! Your punch plate settings have been applied to the boots.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
G>wear boots
You slip a pair of pink suede riding boots with silver spurs onto your feet. A perfect fit!
G>lean boots
Turning one of your riding boots to the side, you place a hand on your hip, drop your shoulder, and strike a lackadaisical pose.

Lady Airisu is bringing a new gold punch to Caligos, and it's designed to work on riding boots. There will also be lots of raffles for things, INCLUDING a bolt of elesine!

~*GM Elidi*~

Voln Armor

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Ebon Gate Festival
Message #: 16616
Author: GS4-QUILIC
Date: 09/23/2019
Subject: The Favored Few

Master Metalsmith Feliathes will be bringing his armors back to Ebon Gate, and distributing them through his showroom, The Favored Few. He has a quite limited inventory, and will endeavor to sell off these items in a variety of manners, to allow larger numbers a chance at them. He will also make some time to upgrade the capabilities of these armors, though this service will be similarly quite limited, as he has many demands on his time.

OOC: Voln Armor will be offered in limited quantities at Tier 1 (OTS). The methods of purchase will be determined and advertised closer to the event, though there will be at least one 'doorbuster' instance to distribute a portion of them. Unlocks will also be available by both auction and raffle (with no passing allowed).

More details to come!

-GM Quilic Subscriptions Team Member Premium Team Member Dodger of Shoes

Arkati Prayer Beads

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Ebon Gate Festival
Message #: 16610
Date: 09/22/2019
Subject: Sneak Peak - Arkati Prayer Beads

I meant to have a very creative teaser all prepared for these, however life got in the way. So instead you get a short peek and a wiki link! These Arkati Prayer Beads (I know, I know, not the most creative name - but hey, it's descriptive!) will be making their way into EG in a variety of ways. Some will be in the prize feeders, some will be via wandering merchant (look for Kaelypso!). The ones sold will be T1, some T2's will be unlocked or otherwise released, and a single T3 will go out in some way. Sorry for the vagueness there, but several things are still up in the air there.

G>tap beads
Playing with the obsidian prayer beads around your neck, you feel a power far greater than yours reach out to you, and then quickly recede.
G>pray beads
As you touch the obsidian prayer beads on your obsidian prayer beads with reverence, a manic laugh springs forth from you. Startled, you give the obsidian prayer beads a suspicious glance.
G>pull beads
Lifting the silver crescent moon hanging from your obsidian prayer beads to your lips, you murmur a quiet prayer. The metal radiates alternating waves of searing heat and freezing cold as you pray, and a frisson of power runs down your spine.
G>attend beads
Raising your obsidian prayer beads to the sky, you begin chanting orisons to Zelia. As you chant, hysterical laughter seems to weave in and out of the chanting. Suddenly, alternating waves of silver and black fill the air around you, and the silver crescent moon on your obsidian prayer beads flares with light.

As the light fades, you hang the obsidian prayer beads back around your neck. Only the occasional shimmer of light from the silver crescent moon is left to give any indication that anything at all happened.

P.S. For those who were curious - Both Imaera's Poem and The Master Key will be returning this year.


Ribbonator 2000

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Ebon Gate Festival
Message #: 16608
Date: 09/22/2019
Subject: Teaser 3 - What is this?

>rem box You remove a copper-bound wooden box from around your waist.

>anal my box You analyze your wooden box and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

Welcome to the one, the only, and the never before seen "Ribbonator 2000"!

... to be continued ...

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~ ASGM of Events

If Your Happy And You Know It - Robes

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Ebon Gate Festival
Message #: 16606
Date: 09/22/2019
Subject: Re: If you're happy and you know it ... Teaser 2 v.2

At higher tiers...

>lay robe You pull your hands from the confines of your off-white robe's sleeves, freeing them for use.

Drawing the fabric of your off-white robe beneath your knees as you move, you lower yourself into a kneeling position and then prostrate yourself upon the floor.

>pray robe Laying on your stomach, as you are, would make it incredibly difficult to fold your hands in prayer. Perhaps if you rolled over.

>lay rob Laying in the pooled fabric of your off-white robe, you clutch your hands into fists above your head and breathe a pleading prayer into the floor.

>roll robe You roll to your back, the fabric of your off-white robe unknotting at the ankles as you turn.

(demeanor cold or reserved)

>pray robe Folding your hands in supplication, you turn your eyes to the heavens and murmur a soft prayer to Luukos.

> Third person Folding her hands in supplication, Thandiwe turns her eyes to the heavens and murmurs a soft prayer, but to whom you are unable to determine.

>stand robe Rolling to your stomach and positioning your hands beneath you, you spring to your feet, managing to not step on the hem of your off-white robe, which swirls around your ankles in the wake of sudden movement.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~ ASGM of Events

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Ebon Gate Festival
Message #: 16589
Date: 09/17/2019
Subject: If you're happy and you know it ... Teaser 2

If you’re happy and you know it fold your arms...

>fold robe Folding your arms against your waist, you slip your hands into the opposite sleeve and maintain a contemplative disposition.

If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands...

>clap You pull your hands from the confines of your off-white robe's sleeves, freeing them for use.

You applaud.


If you’re faithful and you know it whistle a hymnal...

>whistle robe Your eyes slip closed as you draw a deep breath in through your nose, then exhale rippling the fabric at the neck of your off-white robe as you whistle the chorus of a local hymnal to the gods.


If your offensive and you know it whistle a hymnal...

You are now in an offensive stance.

>whistle robe Smirking slightly, you whistle an off-key hymnal that seems to mock the gods as you pick lint off your off-white robe.


If your evil and you know and you really don’t want to show it, then you don’t have to blow it... If your evil and you know, whistle a hymnal...

You are now in a defensive stance. You decide to show the world just how cold you can be.

>whistle robe (3rd person) Her eyes slipping closed as she draws a deep breath in through her nose, Thandiwe slowly exhales and sets the fabric at the neck of her off-white robe to rippling. The soft exhale becomes the whistling chorus of a local hymnal but you can't seem to identify its foci.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~ ASGM of Events

On A Wing And Prayer

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Ebon Gate Festival
Message #: 16603
Author: GS4-MERAKI
Date: 09/20/2019
Subject: Sneak Peek - On Wing and Prayer

In the shop On Wing and Prayer, I am bringing back some old items with fresh new looks. There are plenty of designs for those seeking to have their prayers answered, or to help answer someone else's prayer. General Disclaimer: None of these are new scripts and I am not the owner of any of the scripted items, but I have graciously been given permission to use the scripts you'll find in my shop. Item teaser to follow:

You exclaim, "I need some help!"
Meraki nods to you.
Meraki unties the beaded leather strip securing a tawny leather prayer-feather wrap and carefully unfolds the wrap.
Meraki removes an indigo and black cockatoo prayer-feather from in her prayer-feather wrap.
Meraki brings her black cockatoo prayer-feather to her lips, whispering a silent invocation.
Meraki put an indigo and black cockatoo prayer-feather in her prayer-feather wrap.
Meraki carefully folds a tawny leather prayer-feather wrap over itself and ties it closed with a beaded leather strip.
It seems you have died, my friend. Although you cannot do anything, you are keenly aware of what is going on around you...
Meraki furrows her brow.
Meraki removes a cresting wave-stamped flask from her belt.
Meraki forces your mouth open, and pours in a small amount from her wave-stamped flask.
You feel a tingle on your soul, as if a powerful hand is gently cradling it.
(Thy soul is bound to thy body for an extra 10 minutes.)
Meraki attaches a cresting wave-stamped flask to her belt.
Meraki removes some cats-eye moonstone prayerbeads from her neck.
Meraki drapes her moonstone prayerbeads reverently over your cold and motionless corpse, invoking Zelia's recognition of your death.
With a quick twist of her wrist, Meraki gathers her moonstone prayerbeads back into her hand.
Meraki hangs some cats-eye moonstone prayerbeads around her neck.
You say, "Uh, I'm still dead."
Meraki frowns at you.
Meraki prepares herself for spiritual communion as she moves to her knees in the center of the indigo prayer rug.
Meraki closes her eyes, tilts her head back, and raises her hands slightly as she begins a long, silent prayer.
Meraki sways slightly, as if to some inner cadence, as she kneels silently on the rug.
Meraki takes a moment to observe you.
Meraki shrugs at you.

Flesh And Bones

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Ebon Gate Festival
Message #: 16598
Date: 09/18/2019
Subject: Bones are the New Black

For those who can't get enough bones in their wardrobe, there will be a new line of bone-adorned leg coverings debuting at Flesh and Bones this year. Rattle your way around town with every step!

  • Currently these new items are only available in leg-worn options (pants, skirts, etc.)
  • Pants-type items and skirt-type items have slightly different messaging.
  • If you are wearing a Bone Shaman cloak/robe/coat, some of the messaging will mention the cloak. (Double the rattling!)
  • These new Bone Shaman pants/skirts have 2 Tiers - OTS/T0 and T1.

Some examples of messaging!

NOTE: This messaging is a 'pants' type item that is fully unlocked with the person wearing a Bone Shaman cloak. Some messaging may differ without the cloak, as well as with the skirts-type item.

You pull some leather pants with small bones around the cuffs off your legs in one smooth motion, setting the small bones sewn into them rattling.

You shake some leather pants with small bones around the cuffs vigorously in the air, creating a cacophony of rattling noises from the small bones sewn into them!

Shaking them out with a rattle from the small bones sewn into them,you pull some leather pants with small bones around the cuffs over your legs.

Kicking one leg out and then the other, you shake your leather pants in time with your steps. The small bones sewn into them rattle in a staccato rhythm with each sharp movement.

You slightly extend one leg outwards, displaying the small bones adorning your leather pants for all to see.

With deliberately sharp movements, you pace angrily back and forth, stomping your feet with each step. The small bones sewn into your leather pants rattle in time with each stride in a staccato rhythm.

Buckskin cloak swirling behind you, you spin around decisively on one heel, the small bones sewn into your leather pants punctuating the movement with a sharp rattle. With a final clatter of jagged shards of bone, your buckskin cloak settles around you.

Crouching down low, you suddenly leap forward, your buckskin cloak streaming behind you. As you land agilely directly in front of <player/item>, the small bones sewn into your leather pants rattle sharply as your feet hit the ground. With a final clatter of jagged shards of bone, your buckskin cloak settles around you.

Stomping and spinning, you launch into a rapid tribal dance in a circle around <player/item>, your feet moving in a complicated pattern. With each nimble step, the small bones sewn into your leather pants rattle sharply, the noise providing a staccato counterpoint to your fluid movements. Turning into a final spin that causes your buckskin cloak to billow out behind you, you leap forward and land adroitly on the balls of your feet in front of <player/item>, the impact causing one final clatter from the jagged shards of bone on your cloak.

Ulda will be around to unlock and customize these new items in her shop Flesh and Bones. Like the cloaks, you can customize the adornments on these to affect what shows up in the messaging.


Dragonfly Fest Items Returning

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Ebon Gate Festival
Message #: 16584
Date: 09/16/2019
Subject: Ebon Gate Teaser

In the land beyond the Gate, the hands turn back, it's not too late.
Flowers gathered under sky, brought the dance of dragonflies.
Beating hands can make a drum, flapping wings will bring the thrum.
What once was old will now be new, can you guess at my teasing clue?

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~ ASGM of Events