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Arkati Prayer Beads

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Arkati Prayer Beads are specialty prayer beads. They were sold by hand by the merchant Kaelypso at Ebon Gate 2019. The beads are character-attuned, but not in the traditional sense. Once worn, it will take 24 hours for the attunement process to complete. This allows for the transfer of the item to a new owner yet curtails sharing the beads between characters for purposes of the enhancive bonus. It also limits usage of the item per day.

Tier 1

Each verb trap has multiple possible messages with some mild variation by Arkati. A merchant can lock it to a specific message at request.


You analyze your silver prayer beads and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
Ronan Prayer Beads

Your silver prayer beads are currently Tier: 1
Your silver prayer beads are attuned to you.

You get no sense of whether or not the beads may be further lightened.


Verb First Third
PRAY Placing one hand on the silver-edged black sword on your silver prayer beads, you breathe out a silent prayer to Ronan. Suddenly, you hear a cynical laugh and you know your prayer has been heard. Holding the silver-edged black sword on her silver prayer beads with one hand, XXX prays with obvious reverence.
Grasping the silver-edged black sword on your silver prayer beads with both hands, you focus on Ronan's divine will. As you focus, a swirling black and silver fills your vision and you hear a cynical laugh coming from all around you. XXX holds the silver-edged black sword on her silver prayer beads firmly with both hands as she prays.
Running your hand idly across the silver-edged black sword on your silver prayer beads, you mutter a quick prayer under your breath. XXX casually plays with the silver-edged black sword on her silver prayer beads as she mutters something under her breath.
As you touch the silver-edged black sword on your silver prayer beads with reverence, a manic laugh springs forth from you. Startled, you give the silver prayer beads a suspicious glance. XXX reverently touches the silver-edged black sword on her silver prayer beads. As she does, a sudden, manic laugh erupts from her. With wide eyes, she looks at the silver-edged black sword with shock and suspicion.
As you gently twirl the silver-edged black sword on your silver prayer beads around your fingers, a feeling of sardonic amusement descends on you, and you feel overwhelmed with the touch of Ronan. XXX gently twirls the silver-edged black sword on her silver prayer beads. After a moment, her eyes go wide and she gives a low chuckle.
PULL Lifting the silver-edged black sword hanging from your silver prayer beads to your lips, you murmur a quiet prayer. The metal begins to radiate a gentle warmth as you pray, and a frisson of power runs down your spine. XXX lifts the silver-edged black sword hanging from her silver prayer beads, murmuring something under her breath as she presses the silver-edged black sword to her lips.
Lifting the silver-edged black sword on your silver prayer beads to your lips, you murmur an orison to Ronan. As you release the silver-edged black sword, you hear a cynical laugh coming from all around you. XXX lifts the silver-edged black sword hanging from her silver prayer beads, praying softly under her breath as she presses the silver-edged black sword to her lips. Suddenly, she drops the silver-edged black sword and glances around herself with a strange look on her face.
Lifting the silver-edged black sword on your silver prayer beads to your lips, you close your eyes and focus your will on reaching out to Ronan. After a moment, you feel a surge of energy travel through you. XXX lifts the silver-edged black sword hanging from her some silver prayer beads with a silver-edged black sword pendant, pressing the silver-edged black sword to her lips.
Lifting the silver-edged black sword on your silver prayer beads to your lips, you murmur an orison to Ronan. Suddenly, the silver-edged black sword begins to radiate a gentle warmth and startled, you quickly drop it. XXX lifts the silver-edged black sword hanging from her some silver prayer beads with a silver-edged black sword pendant, praying softly under her breath as she presses the silver-edged black sword to her lips. Suddenly, she jumps slightly and drops the silver-edged black sword.
Lifting the silver-edged black sword on your silver prayer beads to your lips, you murmur a quiet prayer. XXX lifts the silver-edged black sword hanging from her silver prayer beads, praying softly under her breath as she presses the silver-edged black sword to her lips.
TAP As you idly tap the silver-edged black sword on your silver prayer beads, a strange, yet familiar voice calls out to you. You turn to answer, but quickly realize that the voice was coming from your own mind. Idly tapping the silver-edged black sword on her silver prayer beads, XXX suddenly turns, looking around expectantly, as if someone had called her name.
You clasp the silver-edged black sword on your silver prayer beads as you focus on Ronan. A frisson of power runs through you as you sense Ronan's attention upon you. XXX clasps the silver-edged black sword on her silver prayer beads, assuming a reverent position. A shiver runs through her body as power seems to come to her call.
Deep in thought you begin to fiddle with the silver-edged black sword on your silver prayer beads. You quickly jerk your hand away as a small jolt of power shoots through you. Gazing into the distance, XXX begins to absently fiddle with the silver-edged black sword on her silver prayer beads. Suddenly, she drops the silver-edged black sword and appears to once more focus on the here and now.
Absentmindedly, you touch the silver prayer beads around your neck, as if seeking solace in Ronan. You feel sardonic amusement wash over you. Gazing into the distance, XXX begins to absently fiddle with the silver-edged black sword on her silver prayer beads.
Playing with the silver prayer beads around your neck, you feel a power far greater than yours reach out to you, and then quickly recede. XXX fiddles with the silver-edged black sword hanging from her silver prayer beads.

Tier 2

At this tier, the wearer is able to convert the prayer beads between necklace and bracelet forms. The beads give the user a 1x per day enhancement of a skill that lasts for 30 minutes, provided the user is attuned. The specific skill is dependent upon the Arkati as listed in the enhancive table. The strength of the buff is randomly determined between 1-10 and can apply to rank or bonus, also randomly selected. There is a chance for failure when activating this buff.


Verb First Third
ATTEND This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Activates T2 skill enhancive buff.
FOLD This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Changes beads between necklace and bracelet forms.
MEASURE This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!

Tier 3

The beads gain a 2x per day statistic enhancive buff that lasts for 60 minutes, provided the user is attuned. There is a three hour cooldown between uses. The specific stat is dependent upon the Arkati as listed in the enhancive table. The strength of the buff is randomly determined between 2-20 and can apply to rank or bonus, also randomly selected. There is no chance for failure for this buff.


Verb First Third
RAISE This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Activates T3 stat enhancive bonus.

Additional Information


Attunement is required to use the enhancive buffs. In order to attune a character to the prayer beads, they must be physically worn for a consecutive 24 hours. Removing the beads will immediately remove attunement and reset the timer, including if the beads are removed to be worked on by a merchant.


Arkati T2 T3
Aeia Elemental Lore: Earth Aura
Andelas Two Weapon Combat Agility
Arachne Ambush Dex
Charl Elemental Lore: Water Discipline
Cholen Mental Lore: Telepathy Influence
Eonak Physical Fitness Constitution
Eorgina Elemental Lore: Fire Aura
Fash'lo'nae Arcane Symbols Logic
Gosaena Perception Wisdom
Imaera Mental Lore: Transformation Wisdom
Ivas Sorc Lore: Demonology Aura
Jastev Spirit Mana Control Intuition
Jaston Elemental Lore: Air Aura
Kai Brawling Strength
Koar Blunt Weapons Strength
Kuon Survival Wisdom
Leya Edged Weapons Dex
Lorminstra Spirit Mana Control Wisdom
Lumnis Harness Power Logic
Luukos Sorcerous Lore: Necromancy Aura
Marlu Sorcerous Lore: Demonology Aura
Mularos Edged Weapons Strength
Niima Elemental Lore: Water Wisdom
Oleani Spiritual Lore: Blessings Wisdom
Onar Ambush Dex
Phoen Physical Fitness Strength
Ronan Dodging Intuition
The Huntress Ranged Dex
Tonis Lock Picking or Disarming Traps Dex
Voln Shield Use Strength
Zelia Random Skill Random Stat


There is a chance that the T2 skill enhancive activation will fail, with severe failures resulting in serious injury or, in rare cases, death. There are multiple factors that can cause the failure to activate. Known factors include, but are not limited to:

In other words, it's not recommended to try to activate a set of Ronan prayer beads as a Sheru-worshipping sorcerer, unless you have a death wish.

See Also

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Arkati Prayer Beads Information
Type Mechanical
Item Classification Accessory
Item(s) Applied to Prayer beads
Alterable Yes
Light/Deep No
Original Release Merchant Kaelypso
Original Release Venue Ebon Gate 2019
Attunement Yes
Attunes to Character
Enhancive Yes
Item Verbs