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You take a closer look at a brushed faenor chrismarium inlaid with ivory alyssum.
You analyze the faenor chrismarium and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
This is a chrismarium, a holy relic that stores the oil and balsam from inside a chrism gem, allowing you to stockpile multiple charges inside for later application to a corpse.  While anyone may add chrism oil to it, it may only be used by clerics to apply the chrism effect.

It may be altered but must remain made of metal, and the noun must remain chrismarium.

This chrismarium is at tier 1 out of 5.  A skilled merchant might be able to unlock it further.
It will hold a maximum of 20 charges.
It is currently using the "Standard" messaging style.

You can PUSH the chrismarium with a chrism in your other hand to store it within.  This destroys the chrism and adds one charge to the chrismarium.  The charges within the chrismarium are as effective as the average of all chrism gems absorbed in this fashion.

You can PROD the chrismarium to stop being warned about when chrism's quality would reduce the average of the chrismarium's contents.
These warnings only apply to the 'fullness' of chrisms and none of their other qualities.

You can POUR the chrismarium on a player to grant them its effects, provided you are skilled in using chrisms.  You can also POUR it on the ground, which wastes a charge but may be useful if you want to replace the contents with higher-quality chrisms.

You get no sense of whether or not the chrismarium may be further lightened.

Tier 1

This tier has the verbs PUSH, POUR, LOOK, MEASURE, RUB, and PROD, and allows for 20 chrism charges.
Verb Style First Second (Only if applicable) Third
LOOK The chrismarium is empty. N/A N/A
MEASURE You begin to carefully measure your platinum chrismarium only to find it devoid of contents. N/A N/A
POUR (dead) Empty You lift the lid of your chrismarium to begin the chrism rite, but a quick glance inside reveals you are out of chrism oil. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! XXX lifts the lid of her platinum chrismarium, then shuts it with a discouraged look upon her face.
Standard This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! Tipping her sample chrismarium slightly over YYY, XXX allows a few droplets of cobalt chrism oil to fall on her corpse.
Rude This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! Lifting the lid on her rose gold chrismarium, XXX dips a few fingers in and, with an idle flick of her wrist in YYY's general direction, splatters her with chrism oil.
Reverent This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! XXX kneels briefly beside YYY, tilting her sample chrismarium to pour chrism oil onto her fingertips before anointing each of her eyelids with the aromatic mixture while whispering a quiet prayer to Marlu.
Riant This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! With a sunny smile, XXX raises her sample chrismarium above YYY and pours chrism oil down the length of her body, mumbling something about the fine mess she has gotten herself into.
Rigid This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! With parsimonious movements and an air of precision, XXX angles her sample chrismarium to decant a smidgen of chrism oil onto YYY's corpse.
POUR (alive) Empty You lift the lid of your chrismarium to begin the chrism rite, but a quick glance inside reveals you are out of chrism oil. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! XXX lifts the lid of her platinum chrismarium, then shuts it with a discouraged look upon her face.
Standard This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! Tipping her sample chrismarium slightly over YYY's palm, XXX pours some cobalt chrism oil into her hand, gently massaging it into her skin with her thumb.
Rude This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! Lifting the lid on her rose gold chrismarium, XXX dips a few fingers in and, with an idle flick of her wrist in YYY's general direction, splatters some chrism oil upon YYY, who recoils slightly.
Reverent This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! Moving to YYY's side, XXX tilts her sample chrismarium to pour chrism oil onto her fingertips before anointing each of YYY's cheeks with the aromatic mixture as she murmurs a quiet blessing on behalf of Marlu.
Riant This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! With a sunny smile, XXX raises her sample chrismarium above YYY's cupped hands and pours chrism oil into them, proclaiming cheerfully, "Hope this helps!"
Rigid This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! With parsimonious movements and an air of precision, XXX angles her sample chrismarium to decant a smidgen of chrism oil onto YYY's hands.
PROD [You will now/no longer be prompted before an action that would dilute your chrismarium.] N/A N/A
PUSH Standard This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! N/A XXX opens her sample chrismarium and taps her uncut diamond against its rim, breaking it and emptying it into the reservoir of the chrismarium. The uncut diamond crumbles in her hand, and she shakes off the dust.
Rude This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! N/A XXX wedges an uncut diamond beneath the lid of her rose gold chrismarium, smashing it with the heel of her palm and allowing its contents to drip inside before brushing away the powdery fragments of diamond.
Reverent This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! N/A Gently lifting the lid of her sample chrismarium, XXX breaks open an uncut diamond, allowing the holy liniment inside to empty into its chamber with a solemn benediction in the name of Marlu.
Riant This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! N/A XXX opens her sample chrismarium and cracks an uncut diamond over it like an egg, allowing the amalgam inside to trickle within. The uncut diamond dissolves in her hand, the remains carried off by an errant breeze.
Rigid This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! N/A Grasping an uncut diamond, XXX tucks it beneath the lid of her sample chrismarium, crushing the diamond and liberating its contents before removing her hand and shaking off the remnants.
RUB You vigorously rub at the platinum surface of your chrismarium with your thumb, removing a speck of dried oil marring it and returning it to a nearly reflective sheen. N/A XXX rubs at the platinum surface of her chrismarium vigorously with her thumb.

Tier 2

Verb First Third
PONDER You elevate your rose gold chrismarium to eye level, contemplating the myriad souls now at peace because of your beneficence. XXX elevates her rose gold chrismarium to her eye level, her physiognomy one of deep contemplation.

Tier 3

Verb First Third
TILT You gently tilt your rose gold chrismarium in a swirling motion, the cobalt liquid inside sloshing softly against its interior. XXX tilts her rose gold chrismarium in a gently swirling motion.

Tier 4

Verb First Third
RAISE You raise the lid on your rose gold chrismarium, closing your moss green eyes before releasing a protracted, meditative exhale over the contents within. The camphoraceous scent of balsam pervades the area briefly, evanescing as you nestle the lid atop the chrismarium once more. XXX raises the lid of her rose gold chrismarium, closing her moss green eyes before releasing a protracted exhale over the contents within. The camphoraceous scent of balsam pervades the area briefly, evanescing as XXX nestles the lid atop her chrismarium once more.

Tier 5

Chrismarium Information
Type Mechanical
Item Classification Accessory
Item(s) Applied to
Alterable Yes
Original Release Venue Evermore Hollow
Original Release Year 2022
Tiered Yes
Number of Tiers 5
Item Verbs

Additional Information


Special messaging can be set via certificate and include the options:

Standard, Rude, Reverent, Riant, and Rigid.

Rarely, a custom option can be created. This is a delayed service.