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Type System
Special case
System CHE
Special Case Shop

ENGRAVE is a special case verb that is tied to the Co-operative Houses of Elanthia system. It is used to engrave a house coat of arms onto a shield at the Engraver's Shop found in Wehnimer's Landing. You must be a member of a CHE in order to utilize this service.


Note: These will populate when using ENGRAVE or ENGRAVE HELP.

Not in the Engraver's Shop
If you want something engraved, you better take it to the engraver!
In the Engraver's Shop, Not in a CHE
You must be a member of a House to use this command.
In Engraver's Shop, CHE Member
    ENGRAVE {shield} ASCII - Add your House's coat of arms to {shield} in ASCII art form
    ENGRAVE {shield} TEXT  - Add your House's coat of arms to {shield} in text form
    ENGRAVE {shield} IMAGE - Add your House's coat of arms to {shield} in image form


Engraving a shield can work with or without a show alteration on it.

>engrave aegis ascii
The engraver whispers, "That will be 1000 silvers, please."  You dig deep and fork over the cash.

The engraver takes your aegis over to his workbench and busies himself with his exacting task.  In a matter of moments, the complex coat of arms of Silvergate Inn is inscribed.  With a proud flourish, he presents you with his latest handiwork.
>l aegis
Emblazoned on the aegis is a coat of arms.

                  __/ _/ <<<<<>>                        o
      __         Y:   @-  <<<>>>>                       |____________
     _  \ \      \_;_.    <<< \>>>                      |Silvergate |
      \  \ |      vww\\   <<< />>>>                     |;;;;;;;;;;;;
      _\    \      _m//   <<<<<<>>>>      /|       _ _ _|_ _ _
      \__~   \    (___ /<<<<<>>>>>>>     / |_/|    ]-I-I-I-I-[
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 __\________\___  <<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>      ||  \/       |__   |
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 /  |  |  |  |____/  <<<<<>>>>            \\      I_I__I_I__I_I
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                   \    ~   \         / __\ \\     ]   []   []
                 ___|    ~   -.       \/  \\//     | --      |
                / ~       ~  | \           |/      | []  _[] |
      __       / ~   /--\   ~|\ \         //       |   -    / \
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                     __/   \/\__\                  |.|+||+| /|\
                    / / |\__\                     /\\......//\\\
>engrave aegis text
The engraver whispers, "That will be 1000 silvers, please."  You dig deep and fork over the cash.

The engraver takes your aegis over to his workbench and busies himself with his exacting task.  In a matter of moments, the complex coat of arms of Silvergate Inn is inscribed.  With a proud flourish, he presents you with his latest handiwork.
>look at aegis
The aegis has been engraved with the image of a mighty lion rearing back on its hind legs, its tail trailing after it.  Behind stands the crenellated tower of the Silvergate Inn with its banner fluttering overhead.
>engrave aegis image
The engraver whispers, "That will be 1000 silvers, please."  You dig deep and fork over the cash.

The engraver takes your aegis over to his workbench and busies himself with his exacting task.  In a matter of moments, the complex coat of arms of Silvergate Inn is inscribed.  With a proud flourish, he presents you with his latest handiwork.
>l aegis
Emblazoned on the aegis is a coat of arms.

See Also